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Affiliated to CBSE up to 10+2

Annual Examination (2019-20)
Class-XI SET-A
Time Allowed: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 70
General Instruction:
1. Q.1 to Q.6 cary one mark each.
2. Q.7 to Q.13 carry two mark each.
3. Q.14 to Q23 cary three mark each.
4. Q,24 to Q,27 cary five mark each.

1. What are the dimensions of a and b in the relation F= a+bx, Where F is force and x is distance?
Two satelites are at different heights. Which would have greater velocity?
How is angular frequency related to time
4. What is the range of frequency of audible sound?
wave is 15cm. If the speed of the wave
5 The distance between two consecutive nodes in a stationary
be 300ms calculate the frequency.
6 What is the teminal velocity of a body in a freely falling system?
to ground. The water in the river is moving
7. A boat is moving with a velocity (3 i+47 )with respect to
What is the relative velocity of boat with respect
with a velocity-3 i-47 with respect to ground.
in a uniform circular motion and
8. Establish a relation between linear velocity and angular velocity
explain the direction oflinear velocity.,
9 What is meant by inertial frame of reference?
as heavy as the other have equál
kinetic energy. What is the ratio of their
10. Two masses, one n times
moment of inertia.
11. State the theorem of parallel axes of
What is meant by gravitational
field strength? Give its units.
13. Establish equationof continuity of liquid floW.
circular motion.
and angular velocity in a uniform
14. Establish a relation between linear velocity
and 3kg respectively
three bodies shown in fig. are 5kg, 2kg
15. The mass mi, m2 and ms of the the whole system is going upward with an
Ti, T2 and Ts when
Calculate value of
the tension
acceleration of 2ms.

of conservation of energy.
State and establish principal the
with another
speed of 5 m/s collidesWhat
ball ofmass lkg. After
ball before
was the velocity of the lkg
at a
17. A ball of mass 0.5kg mnoving and remain motionless.
balls stick together
collision the
the collision?
and hence moment of
18. Derive an expression for rotational kinetic energy
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19. of masses 0.2kg and 0.8ke are separated by 12cm. At which point from
wo particles O
due to the two partices 1s
aurticle, the gravitational field intensity
20. Derive an expression for total energy of a particle executing SHM.
down its ampliide, angula
21. motion is represented by F= 10sin (20t
+0.5). Write
frequency, Frequency, time period and initial phase. 10sin t (2t-0.0Lx)
alonothe X-axis is given by y=
22. Cuation of a transverse wavetravelima
Caloulate the
(i) amplitude (i) frequency (ii) velocity (iv) waveleng
23 State and explain Torricelli's theorem.
24. Briefly discuss the formation of standing waves in open organ p
25. What is stokes' law? Derive the relation by the method of dimensions.
simple pendulum? Drive an expression for time period of simple
26. What is a
27. What is escape velocity? Derive an expression for it.

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