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12/27/2020 Solving the 15-Puzzle.

The 15-Puzzle is a simple puzzle you’ve… | by Preston Jensen | Medium

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Preston Jensen

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Solving the 15-Puzzle

Preston Jensen Oct 31, 2017 · 7 min read

Solution Animation

The 15-Puzzle is a simple puzzle you’ve likely encountered mixed with other worthless
knick-knacks. It consists of a 4 x 4 grid with tiles numbered 1 through 15, the last tile
omitted (call this the blank tile). The goal of the puzzle is to go from a scrambled
position to the solved position, which is to arrange the numbers in ascending order
from left to right, top to bottom. You can only move tiles adjacent to the blank tile,
and you do this by “swapping” positions with the blank tile. In other words, just move 1/8
12/27/2020 Solving the 15-Puzzle. The 15-Puzzle is a simple puzzle you’ve… | by Preston Jensen | Medium

the tiles around the board until they’re in order (see the gif). After a little time to play
with it, it’s easy for humans — the real fun is trying to get a computer to solve it.

Every state on the board has an optimal solution between 0 and 80 moves (A.
Brüngger et al., 1999). With an average branching factor of 3, this gives ~10³⁸ states
to explore. Only counting unique board states, it’s cut down to about 10¹³. This is still
far too many for an exhaustive search.

Enter the heuristic function

If we could somehow quantify what a good board state looks like, we wouldn’t have to
arduously traverse meaningless paths. This is the idea behind a heuristic function.
We define a domain-specific function to tell us which paths are worth exploring, and
which aren’t.

In order to find a short path to the solved state, we explore the states that have the
lowest estimated number of steps to the solved state (i.e., the states with the lowest
heuristic value). We do this under the guiding principle that the solutions will be near
states with low heuristic values — though, you can get stuck in local optima. This is
why it’s important to use a heuristic function that approximates as closely as possible
the actual number of steps. This algorithm is called greedy best-first search,
or pure heuristic search. Watch this video to see how it works visually.

For the 15-Puzzle, one of the simplest ways of quantifying how bad a state is is to
count the number of tiles that are in the incorrect location. We would travel down the
paths that have fewer tiles in the incorrect position in the hopes of finding a state with
no tiles in the incorrect solution, i.e., a solution. Another good heuristic function is to
sum up the Manhattan distances (absolute horizontal distance + absolute vertical
distance) of every tile to its correct location. Both of these heuristic functions provide
a lower bound on the number of steps required to find a solution, which means they
are admissible heuristics.

Now, let’s look at how well our two heuristics perform when using a pure heuristic
search. To evaluate them, I shuffled the board by taking 10 (mostly) random actions
so that the optimal solution would be no more than 10 moves. I then use the greedy
best-first search algorithm with each heuristic on the same 100 scrambled boards to
find a solution for each board. 2/8
12/27/2020 Solving the 15-Puzzle. The 15-Puzzle is a simple puzzle you’ve… | by Preston Jensen | Medium

As you can see, the Manhattan distance heuristic is much better at finding the best
solution. If we look at the number of states it explores before arriving at a solution,
we can see it is also much more efficient: 3/8
12/27/2020 Solving the 15-Puzzle. The 15-Puzzle is a simple puzzle you’ve… | by Preston Jensen | Medium

The number wrong heuristic had a couple outliers there where it had to search
~17,000 states before it found a solution, and the solutions were about 95 actions
long. It also had a few more that were over 1000. The Manhattan distance heuristic is
a lot more consistent.

Even so, using the pure heuristic search with the Manhattan distance heuristic still
takes a while to compute, and it hardly ever finds the optimal solution when the
length of the optimal solution is past ~20. So let’s see what else we can do here.

A* search
A* search is the same as the pure heuristic search, but with one small, intuitive
alteration that is surprisingly useful. The difference is that instead of using just the
heuristic function, h(s), from some state to estimate the number of steps to a solution,
you count the number of steps to that state, denoted by g(s), and then add it to the
heuristic of that state. So you use f(s) = g(s) + h(s), instead of just h(s). It’s super
simple. I scrambled the puzzle 25 times, the pure heuristic using the Manhattan
distance took on average 13 seconds to find a solution (averaged over 100 iterations),
while the A* search with the same heuristic took on average 7 seconds on the same
boards. That cuts the time in half, and look at these statistics: 4/8
12/27/2020 Solving the 15-Puzzle. The 15-Puzzle is a simple puzzle you’ve… | by Preston Jensen | Medium

Basically the A* search algorithm is way better than the pure heuristic search. It’s
more consistent, more efficient, and finds better solutions. In fact, as long as the
heuristic function is admissible, A* guarantees an optimal solution. However, I still
want to knock a couple orders of magnitude of speed off this thing, because when it
tries to find a solution of length greater than 25, it takes longer than I care to take the
average of.

What can we do? Well, the A* algorithm is a great way to search through possible
solutions. The bottleneck here seems to be the Manhattan distance heuristic, since it
explores many states unnecessarily. If we can find a heuristic function to map the
board state closer to the optimal number of moves, we can minimize the number of
states explored.

Neural heuristic
I don’t really have any ideas myself on how to count more accurately the number of
remaining steps in a given state — but this sounds like the perfect thing for a neural
network to figure out.

To set up my neural net, I first transformed my board from a 4x4 grid to 16 one hot
vectors of length 16, so that each vector signified each of the tiles’ position on the 5/8
12/27/2020 Solving the 15-Puzzle. The 15-Puzzle is a simple puzzle you’ve… | by Preston Jensen | Medium

board. I then passed this through a few hidden layers and had it output a single
neuron. Simple enough. But how do we train this thing? I could collect a bunch of
samples using the Manhattan distance heuristic, and then have the neural network
learn the mapping from each board state in the solution to the number of remaining
steps in that solution. This would actually work just fine, but as I said earlier, it is
quite computationally demanding to find the solution of really scrambled boards
using the Manhattan distance heuristic.

To get around this, I scrambled the board just one move from the solution a bunch of
times, and had the neural network figure out how to solve that. This was easy, since
it’s using the A* search. Then, I scrambled it two moves away from the solution a
bunch of times, used the A* search to find the solution, and then retrained the neural
network on all the board states it had seen thus far, including from the previous
iteration. I kept doing this until the optimal solutions were 35 moves long. I had to
train this using Google Cloud, but that’s fine since it only cost me a few bucks.

To test how well it did, I scrambled 100 boards such that their optimal solution would
be about 25, but no more than 25. Here are the statistics for the neural heuristic
compared to the Manhattan heuristic.

What can be drawn from this set of data? The Manhattan heuristic varies a whole lot
more than the neural heuristic. The Manhattan average time was 7, while the median
was 0.7 — an entire order of magnitude difference. It’s just getting hung up on some
particularly difficult board states. Even then, though, the 50th percentile is still about
6 times greater for the Manhattan heuristic than the neural heuristic, and the neural
heuristic doesn’t get stuck on anything nearly as much as the Manhattan heuristic. 6/8
12/27/2020 Solving the 15-Puzzle. The 15-Puzzle is a simple puzzle you’ve… | by Preston Jensen | Medium

Looking at the number of states explored, we can see that the neural heuristic still
fares much better. It explores on average over an order of magnitude fewer states,
and is much more consistent.

We started out using a pure heuristic search with some hand-crafted heuristics to
slowly find some solution to the 15-puzzle. Then we used the A* search with these
same heuristics to find optimal solutions in about half the speed. Then, using a neural
network, we were able to speed it up on average by another factor of ~40, while
making it much more consistent.

But there’s no reason to believe this is all that can be done. For example, using
a convolutional neural network to better learn the spatial relationship between tiles
could probably increase performance quite a bit. However, this is a project for
another time.

Check out the GitHub repository here.

Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Search Algorithm 15 Puzzle 7/8
12/27/2020 Solving the 15-Puzzle. The 15-Puzzle is a simple puzzle you’ve… | by Preston Jensen | Medium

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