These Two Young

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These two young, petite meerkats are fixing their gaze, with their inquiring, ball-shaped eyes on a

spectacle that you do not see everyday. They are so mesmerized, and it is as if the meerkats are in
some kind of a trance. They are standing straight and upright, like a soldier waiting for his superior.

The sight is of a small girl around the tender age of five. She has the face of an angel. It is one that is
so pure, and it has a shine that fills the park up with life.

Her skin is very light and smooth. There are no wrinkles, no scars and no blemishes present. It is as
soft as a baby’s skin, brand new from birth and right out of its mother’s womb.

She is like a dove coming down from heaven, and changing its physical looks. Nothing on this earth
can be so perfect, in appearance that is.

There is something unknown about her. It is something that cannot be placed. Her eyes are dark
blue, and they are contrasted by a peculiar green that is encircling the blue. The most catching thing
about her eyes, is that there is a tiny spark of crimson red, tucked beneath the prominent blue.

The sun is starting to set over the green hills. The park is filled with a gold brilliance that shines its
light on the autumn leaves, rebounding the rays of the sun.

And then the sun goes down. Everything changes with an extremely drastic force. The colours cease
to exist. The leaves on the floor are hiding away, crouching under their superiors, the trees. The
golden colours of autumn have disappeared; they have drifted away into nothing.

The little girl’s appearance has also changed. You can no longer see her beautiful blonde hair, but
instead long strands of string that have changed to fit in with the dark presence of the night

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