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Preparation of Final DPR for Improvement and Upgradation to 2-lane/2-lane with paved shoulders Appendix-1_Hydraulic Calculations

configuration in Jharkhand for package No. SHAJ/DPR-3/2012/3. Bridge Structure Works

Hydraulic calculation
Khunti - Taimara road

Location - Ch /Km 25+700(Kanchi River)

1 Discharge:-
a) Calculation of Discharge by Emphirical Formula
Dicken's Discharge 'Q' = C x M as per SP-13-2004 Clause 4.2.
Where 'C' = 14 (Clause 4.2 of SP-13 ,C = 11-14 where the
annual rain fall is 60-120 cm.)
Catchment Area at Site'M' = 390 Sq. Km. Refer catchment sheet

Q= C x M3/4
Q = (14X (390)^3/4)
Q = 1228.65 m /sec

b) Calculation of Discharge by Area -Velocity Method

Cross section considered as per SP-13-2004 Clause 3.3(Table -3.1)

Velocity HFL (in Avg flow

Section Q(m3/sec) (m/sec) Meter) depth

At 500 m d/s 1331.962632 2.30 393.1 3.61376087

At Proposed site 1243.22 2.20 393.8 3.47069565

At 500 m u/s 889.208353 1.93 393.6 2.84423913

c.) Calculation of Discharge By Rational Formula

Catchment Area (A) = 39000.000 hectares
Coeficient of Runoff for the Catchment Characteristics (P) = 0.200 Clause 4.7.7, Table 4.1,
Distance from the Critical Point to the Culvert in K.M (L) = 12.40 km SP-13
Fall in Level from critical point to the culvert in M (H) = 148.00 m
tc = Time of concentration in Hr.
3 .385
tc = (0.87 X L / H) = 2.536 hours Clause 4.7, SP 13
Rainfall in cm (F) = 5.79 cm
Time in hr (T) = 1.0 hr
Critical Intensity of Rainfall in cm per hr (Ic)
Ic =F/T*((T+1)/(tc+1)) = 3.275 cm/hr Clause 4.8, SP 13
Q =0.028*P*A*Ic = 715.333 cumecs

Max discharge from area velocity method 1243.22 m3/sec

Max discharge from Dickens formula 1228.65 m3/sec
Max discharge from Rational method 715.33 m3/sec

max discharge - 1243.22 m /sec

Discharge = Q =AV
A = Q/V
Natural Linear water way = Lx D =Q/V
L = Q/(VxD)
2 Linear water way required = 162.60843 M
Provide 07 Span of 21.00 m(T-Beam) c/c of pier (Total length of one span 147m)
Existing High level bridge just near to proposed bridge has span arrangement of 07 span of 21.0m.
Calculation for design velocity -

The length of bridge proposed = 147 M

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Preparation of Final DPR for Improvement and Upgradation to 2-lane/2-lane with paved shoulders Appendix-1_Hydraulic Calculations
configuration in Jharkhand for package No. SHAJ/DPR-3/2012/3. Bridge Structure Works

The average flow depth below H.F.L. = 3.47 M

No of piers proposed = 6 Nos
Thickness of proposed pier = 2.25 M
Width of Abutment in flow area 0.4 M
Thus Clear water way avilable = (147-6X2.25- 2 x0.4)
132.7 M
Thus the design velocity = Q/ A
V= (1243.22)/(132.7X3.47)
V= 2.70 M/Sec

The Design velocity 2.70 m/sec

3 Afflux
The theoritical Afflux at proposed site shall be calculated using Moles worth formula

a= (( V^2 / 17.88) - 0.015 ) X ((A/a)^2 - 1)

Where as
A= Area of cross section at H.F.L.
site as compared to the u/s & d/s areas)
a= Area of clear water way under the proposed bridge in sqm.
V= Velocity in m/sec
A= 564.3643571 Sqm
a= 3.47069565217395X132.7
460.56 Sqm
V= 2.70 m/sec
Afflux = ((2.7^2 / 17.88 ) - 0.015 ) X ((564.36/460.56)^2 -1)
0.196977175 m
I.e. 196.9771752 mm
Consider afflus is 150mm.

4 Scour Depth
For the design of foundation in accordance with the provisions of IRC-78,2000 clause 703.1.1.
above discharge has been further increased by 30% for Calculation of scour depth.

Considering the available linear water way at bridge as = 132.7 M

Thus the discharge per unit width 'Db' = 1.30 X Q design /132.7
Db' = 12.18 m /sec
Thus the theoretical mean scour depth
MSD = 1.34x(Db^2/Ksf)^(1/3)

Where 'Ksf' = 2.4 (as per IRC-78,2000 clause 703.2.2.1)

There fore MSD = 1.34x(12.18^2 /2.4)^(1/3)
5.30 M from HFL.
The scour level for pier = H.F.L. - 2 X M.S.D.(as per IRC-78,2000 clause 703.3.2.)
393.8 -2X5.298
The scour level for pier = 383.204 M

Foundation level for pier = 386.142 as per geo tech report(hard rock)

Foundation level is 2m below scour depth.

The scour level for abutment = H.F.L. - 1.27 X M.S.D.(as per IRC-78,2000 clause 703.3.2.)
= 393.8 -1.27X5.298
The scour level for abutment = 387.072 M
or rock level which ever is higher
Foundation level for abutment = 389.759 as per geo tech report(hard rock)

Formation level calculations -

HFL at Proposed site= 393.8 m

Vertical clearance as per IRC -5 1.2 m

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Preparation of Final DPR for Improvement and Upgradation to 2-lane/2-lane with paved shoulders Appendix-1_Hydraulic Calculations
configuration in Jharkhand for package No. SHAJ/DPR-3/2012/3. Bridge Structure Works

Afflux 0.15 m
Depth of deck 2.2 m
Depth of wearing coat 0.075 m

5 Formation level by HFL Consideration = 397.425 m

6 Existing old bridge formation level = 399.289 m
Final formation level-399.289M (Same as existing bridge top of deck)

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Preparation of Final DPR for Improvement and Upgradation to 2-lane/2-lane with paved shoulders Appendix-1_Hydraulic Calculations
configuration in Jharkhand for package No. SHAJ/DPR-3/2012/3. Bridge Structure Works

Location - Ch /Km 25+700(Kanchi River)

Calculation of Discharge By Area Velocity Method at Proposed Site.

H.F.L 393.800 M

Chainage Bed Level Distance Depth Below H.F.L Vertical Diff(m) Perimeter (m) Area(Sqm)
80.00 393.609 0 0.191 0 0.000
70.00 391.759 10 2.041 1.850 10.170 11.255
63.00 391.159 7 2.641 0.600 7.026 16.417
56.00 390.859 7 2.941 0.300 7.006 19.546
49.00 390.547 7 3.253 0.312 7.007 21.690
42.00 390.422 7 3.378 0.125 7.001 23.210
35.00 390.202 7 3.598 0.220 7.003 24.422
28.00 389.752 7 4.048 0.450 7.014 26.789
21.00 389.602 7 4.198 0.150 7.002 28.864
14.00 389.352 7 4.448 0.250 7.004 30.271
7.00 389.142 7 4.658 0.210 7.003 31.878
0.00 388.142 7 5.658 1.000 7.071 36.289
7.00 388.367 7 5.433 0.225 7.004 38.829
14.00 388.797 7 5.003 0.430 7.013 36.560
21.00 389.132 7 4.668 0.335 7.008 33.868
28.00 389.532 7 4.268 0.400 7.011 31.302
35.00 389.787 7 4.013 0.255 7.005 28.993
42.00 390.187 7 3.613 0.400 7.011 26.713
49.00 390.420 7 3.380 0.233 7.004 24.482
56.00 390.720 7 3.080 0.300 7.006 22.620
63.00 391.045 7 2.755 0.325 7.008 20.433
70.00 391.695 7 2.105 0.650 7.030 17.047
80.00 393.345 10 0.455 1.650 10.135 12.887

avg.Depth = 3.471 160.544 564.364

Discharge Calculation by Area Velocity method

Using Mannings formula

V= (1/n)X( R )^ (2/3)X( s)^ (1/2)

A = 564.364 Sqm Where, R = Hydraulic Radius
P = 160.544 M n = Rugosity Coefficient
Avg. depth
of flow = 3.471 m S= Slope
R= 564.36/160.54
S= 0.00145
n= 0.04
V= 3.52^0.66x0.0014^0.5/0.04
V= 2.202863603 m/sec

Q= 2.2x564.36 Where, A= Area
Q= 1243.218 m /sec V= Velocity

Final Detailed Project Report M/s Lion Engineering Consultants, Bhopal 1 of 1

Preparation of Final DPR for Improvement and Upgradation to 2-lane/2-lane with paved shoulders Appendix-1_Hydraulic Calculations
configuration in Jharkhand for package No. SHAJ/DPR-3/2012/3. Bridge Structure Works

Location - Ch /Km 25+700(Kanchi River)

Calculation of Discharge By Area Velocity Method at 500U/S

H.F.L 393.600 M
Chainage Bed Level Distance Depth Below H.F.L Vertical Diff Perimeter Area
80.00 393.440 0 0.161 0 0.000
70.00 392.230 10 1.370 1.210 10.073 7.683
63.00 391.880 7 1.721 0.350 7.009 10.825
56.00 391.580 7 2.021 0.300 7.006 13.100
49.00 391.330 7 2.271 0.250 7.004 15.023
42.00 390.730 7 2.871 0.600 7.026 18.026
35.00 390.290 7 3.311 0.440 7.014 21.655
28.00 389.940 7 3.661 0.350 7.009 24.414
21.00 389.740 7 3.861 0.200 7.003 26.329
14.00 389.390 7 4.211 0.350 7.009 28.266
7.00 388.940 7 4.661 0.450 7.014 31.081
0.00 388.690 7 4.911 0.250 7.004 33.509
7.00 388.990 7 4.611 0.300 7.006 33.339
14.00 389.415 7 4.186 0.425 7.013 30.814
21.00 389.740 7 3.861 0.325 7.008 28.176
28.00 390.106 7 3.495 0.366 7.010 25.760
35.00 390.561 7 3.040 0.455 7.015 22.893
42.00 390.711 7 2.890 0.150 7.002 20.754
49.00 391.055 7 2.546 0.344 7.008 19.034
56.00 391.489 7 2.112 0.434 7.013 16.315
63.00 391.599 7 2.002 0.110 7.001 14.396
70.00 392.249 7 1.352 0.650 7.030 11.761
80.00 393.299 10 0.302 1.050 10.055 8.288

avg.Depth = 2.844 160.332 461.441

Discharge Calculation by Area Velocity method

Using Mannings formula

V= (1/n)X( R )^ (2/3)X( s)^ (1/2) Where, R = Hydraulic Radius
A = 461.441 Sqm n = Rugosity Coefficient
Avg.P = 160.332 M S= Slope
depth of 2.844 m
R= 461.44/160.33
S= 0.00145
n= 0.04
V= 2.88^0.66x0.0014^0.5/0.04
V= 1.927024337 m/sec

Q=A*V Where, A= Area

Q= 1.93x461.44 V= Velocity
Q= 889.208 m /sec

Final Detailed Project Report M/s Lion Engineering Consultants, Bhopal 1 of 1

Preparation of Final DPR for Improvement and Upgradation to 2-lane/2-lane with paved shoulders Appendix-1_Hydraulic Calculations
configuration in Jharkhand for package No. SHAJ/DPR-3/2012/3. Bridge Structure Works

Location - Ch /Km 25+700(Kanchi River)

Calculation of Discharge By Area Velocity Method at 500D/S

H.F.L 393.100 M 393.440

Chainage Bed Level Distance Depth Below H.F.L Vertical Diff Perimeter Area
77.00 392.575 0 0.526
70.00 391.225 7 1.876 1.350 7.129 8.481
63.00 390.875 7 2.226 0.350 7.009 14.362
56.00 390.220 7 2.881 0.655 7.031 17.910
49.00 389.720 7 3.381 0.500 7.018 21.941
42.00 389.470 7 3.631 0.250 7.004 24.546
35.00 388.820 7 4.281 0.650 7.030 27.748
28.00 388.495 7 4.606 0.325 7.008 31.118
21.00 388.295 7 4.805 0.200 7.003 32.945
14.00 387.840 7 5.260 0.455 7.015 35.268
7.00 387.490 7 5.611 0.350 7.009 38.072
0.00 387.240 7 5.861 0.250 7.004 40.161
7.00 387.490 7 5.611 0.250 7.004 40.161
14.00 387.812 7 5.289 0.322 7.007 38.167
21.00 388.462 7 4.639 0.650 7.030 34.819
28.00 388.917 7 4.184 0.455 7.015 30.910
35.00 389.257 7 3.844 0.340 7.008 28.111
42.00 389.472 7 3.629 0.215 7.003 26.158
49.00 389.702 7 3.399 0.230 7.004 24.601
56.00 390.252 7 2.849 0.550 7.022 21.898
63.00 390.572 7 2.529 0.320 7.007 18.829
70.00 391.172 7 1.929 0.600 7.026 15.628
77.00 392.822 7 0.279 1.650 7.192 7.830

avg.Depth = 3.614 154.578 579.667

Discharge Calculation by Area Velocity method

Using Mannings formula

V= (1/n)X( R )^ (2/3)X( s)^ (1/2) Where, R = Hydraulic Radius
A = 579.667 Sqm n = Rugosity Coefficient
Avg.P = 154.578 M S= Slope
depth of 3.614 m
R= 579.67/154.58
S= 0.00145
n= 0.04
V= 3.75^0.66x0.0014^0.5/0.04
V= 2.297806402 m/sec

Q=A*V Where, A= Area

Q= 2.3x579.67 V= Velocity
Q= 1331.963 m /sec

Final Detailed Project Report M/s Lion Engineering Consultants, Bhopal 1 of 1

Preparation of Final DPR for Improvement and Upgradation to 2-lane/2-lane with paved shoulders Appendix-1_Hydraulic Calculations
configuration in Jharkhand for package No. SHAJ/DPR-3/2012/3. Bridge Structure Works

Location - Ch /Km 25+700(Kanchi River)

L - Section of River/nalla

Chainage ( M ) G .L ( M )
-500.000 388.690
-490.000 388.634
-455.000 388.579
-420.000 388.523
-385.000 388.478
-350.000 388.452
-315.000 388.417
-280.000 388.382
-245.000 388.347
-210.000 388.312
-175.000 388.277
-140.000 388.242
-105.000 388.217
-70.000 388.192
-35.000 388.167
0.000 388.142
35.000 388.098
70.000 388.053
105.000 388.009
140.000 387.964
175.000 387.920
210.000 387.841
245.000 387.762
280.000 387.683
315.000 387.614
350.000 387.545
385.000 387.476
420.000 387.417
455.000 387.358
490.000 387.299
500.000 387.240
Slope = (Max.U/S G.l.- Max.D/S G.l.)/(Difference in Max. Distance)
Slope = (388.6895-387.24)/(500--500)

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