Second Scene: Introduction of The Scene

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Second Scene

Introduction of the Scene

The second scene, which is the scene starting from the 36th minute to 38th minute 45th

second is the scene where the Price Albert started his training in speaking. He finally chose

to treat his stammering after listening the result where he spoke fluently with the help of

Lionel’s “treatment”. This shows that he actually wanted to speak like a normal person. He

gave up at the very beginning just because that he felt that he is not able to succeed.

Topics and Purposes of the Speech

There are no clear explanation about the speech that the Prince Albert was delivering

in that party-like venue except for him stating about “manufacturing district”. So, there are no

clear topic for the speech. But the purpose of the speech, or at least the purpose for the

scene to exist is to represent the result of the whole training session he had done at the

Lionel’s office.


There are 2 settings in this scene. The settings are in the Lionel’s office, and in a

party at the manufacturing district.

The first setting is in Lionel’s office. It also acts like a training centre for those who

seek to speak fluently with the help of the speech therapist, Lionel’s training. The Prince

Albert started his training there in order to overcome his stammering too.

The second setting is in a party at the manufacturing district. There are not much of

elaboration or explanation for that scene. Hence, it is not clear that what the speech is about

and what is that activity. However, with the decorations of the place, and that Prince Albert

stating the “manufacturing district”, it seems to be a party at the manufacturing district.

Even though that the scene is not being explained clearly, but the clips are edited to seem

like it is used to represent the result for the long training that the Price Albert had done.

For the training session of the Prince Albert in the Lionel’s office, the audience is only

himself, his wife, Lionel and sometimes the neighbour, which is when he was shouting out

the vowel at an open window.

For the speech that he was giving at the party-like venue, he was speaking to the

civilians, some of them seems to be worker or tailor while some of them seems to be those

who are working for the royal family.

Channels and Mediums of Communication

Unlike other speech scene in the movie, in this scene, he is speaking purely in verbal

without any aids of electronic equipment. This is because that he was practising to speak

and to give a speech to a small group of people but not to deliver a speech to everyone in

the country. Therefore, he did not require any electronic equipment for both of it.

Impacts and Results of the Speech

After finishing that speech and the training session, the Prince Albert finally able to

confront and overcome his stammer for at least a little. Comparing to the first scene where

he delivered his first speech in front of everyone, he had improved a lot, he can finally

finished his speech, although he still stuttered. He felt more confident after the training and

do not afraid to speak anymore. He also build up his courage to speak in front of others.

Reaction of the Audience

The audience still felt a little bit awkward and did not know what to do when the

Prince Albert stuttered. But comparing to the first scene, they were feeling better in listening

to his speech.


The Prince Albert had done his best in overcoming the problem of stammering. He

did overcome that problem mostly, as he could speak fluently to others, but he was still not
confident enough about himself as a prince. That’s the problem remain that made him


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