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No:5114 P8MBA4EB6

(For candidates admitted from 2008-2015 Batch)

Business Administration
Time:3 hrs Maximum Marks: 75

SECTION A – (5 x 5 = 25 MARKS)

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS, Choosing either (a) or (b)

1. (a) Define Market mix.

(b) Distinguish between goods and services.
2. (a) Why is it important to tangablize a financial services?
(b) How do you evaluate the post purchase behavior of financial services?
3. (a) What are the benefits of customer retention?
(b) Why is service quality so important in financial services?
4. (a) What is meant by fixed income securities? State the characteristics of risk 2 return.
(b) What are the risks that insurance companies face?
5. (a) State the significance of wealth management.
(b) Write a note on benefits of retirement planning.

SECTION B – (5 x 10 = 50)

ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS, Choosing either (a) or (b)

6. (a) What makes the market mix for financial services different from the marketing mix for
physical goods?
(b) Explain the major challenges for financial services provides when developing a
marketing mix for customer acquisition?
7. (a) Write a short note on customer value.
(b) Describe the important strategies to manage the customer expectations.
8. (a) Define service quality. State the different perspectives on quality.
(b) Discuss the gap model of service quality.
9. (a) What determines the relationship between future and forward price before quality of the
(b) What is derivate? Explain the features of derivative.
10. (a) Explain the challenges to wealth management in India.
(b) Discuss the steps for taking change of the financial planning process.


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