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Energy Audit Report

Power Distribution Network of Electricity

department, Daman & Diu

Audited by : Cospower Engineering Pvt. Ltd,

( August 2014 - October 2014)


We are thankful to Mr. M. R. Ingale, Executive Engineer for giving us this opportunity to contribute in their
endeavor of energy efficient management of Distribution network in the jurisdiction of Electricity Department, Diu
& Daman. We are also thankful to Mr. Sarjit Sing, Assistant Engineer for his constant support and the co operation
extended to us during the energy audit exercise. We also wish to place on record our sincere thanks for the co-
operation extended by Mr. Solanki & Mr. Mehul Tandel & technical staff in substations in completing the

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 2

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 3
Page, Description No.
1 Executive Summery 5
2 Introduction 14
3 Energy Audit : Objectives & Methodology 16
4 Identification of Energy streams 19
5 Transmission & Distribution System 24
6 Energy Accounting 27
Daman distribution system
a Magarwada 220 Kv 29
b Magarwada 66 Kv 32
c Ringanwada 66 Kv 35
d Varkund 66 Kv 37
e Dalwada 66 Kv 39
f Bhimapore 41
G Kachigam 66 Kv 43
h Dabhel 66 Kv 51
7 Energy Balance, Daman distribution system 53
8 Energy Balance Diu & Daman distribution system 54
9 Loss Analysis
10 Transmission losses 56
a Sub transmission losses 57
b 11 Kv Bus losses 64
c Conclusion 69
11 Recommended Action Report 70
12 Annexure I- Statements of month wise Energy Purchased 77
13 Annexure II- Statements of month wise Energy Received/ Dispatched 78
14 Annexure III- Statements of month wise Sale 79

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 4

Executive Summery

1. Electricity Department of the Administration of Union Territory of Daman & Diu has been
entrusted the responsibility of procurement, transmission & distribution in the Union territory of
Daman & Diu.

2. The Electricity Department of Daman & Diu (EDDD) does not have any generating station. It
has been allocated share of power generated by central generating stations in western & eastern
region. The % allocation in power generated by central generating stations is decided time to
time by Central Electricity Authority.

4. The power in jurisdiction of EDDD is received from 220/66KV Vapi Substation through
Vapi-Dabhel 66KV Double circuit line of GETCO and through 220KV Ambetti-Magarwada
Double circuit line of power Grid corporation Ltd. in Daman region. In Diu region, the power is
received through 66KV double circuit line emanating from 220 /66 Kv Kansari S/S of GETCO at
Una Substation.

3. At present, the EDDD has only one substation for 220 Kv/ 66 Kv transformations & 7 nos. of
substations for 66 Kv/ 11 Kv transformations in Daman territory & 1 no of substation for 66
Kv/11 Kv transformations in Diu territory. A new S/s Bhimapore has been commissioned in the
year 2012-13 to meet upcoming load development & give load relief to the network of Dalwada

4. The electric supply to consumers in Diu & Daman territory is distributed at 66 Kv, 11 Kv&
430 Volts level. The EDDD has 491 nos. of transformer centers to step down the electric supply
from 11 Kv to 430 Volts for downstream LT consumers.

5. The EDDD has 798 nos. of HT Consumers whose consumption during audit period i.e. April-
13 to March-14 was 1638.23 MU out of total sale of 1950.76 MU. The remaining consumption
of 312.53 MU was consumed by 55030 nos. of LT Consumers. Thus HT/LT consumption ratio
in case of EDDD is 5.24 : 1. Such high HT/LT ratio enables M/s EDDD to keep the distribution
losses in check.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 5

6. In EDDD also enjoys the privilege of having the load factor more than 0.8 to exploit their
distribution assets at optimum capacity.

7. The total allocation of energy from the central generating stations for EDDD during the
period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014 was 1932.65 MU. Due to power purchase arrangement
of one of the consumers thru open access arrangement, energy to the tune of 206.97 MU was
injected by Energy exchange. Thus total injection including the allocation from CGS in the grid
was 2139. 62 MU. However due to shortage of sufficient instantaneous allocation, 85.11 MU
were purchased through UI settlement. Thus the gross purchased energy during the period 1st
April 2013 to 31stMarch 2014 was 2224.73 MU.

Period 1-4-13 to 31-03-14 Units

Allocation From CGS = 1932.65
Injection thru O/A = 206.97
Total Injection = 2139.62
Purchases thru' UI settlement = 85.11
Gross Purchased/Injected energy = 2224.73

The % share of various sources of purchases is brought out in the chart below:

Share of Purchased Energy

9% 4%
Allocation From CGS

Injection thru O/A

Purchases thru' UI settlement

8. Out of purchased energy of 2224.73 MU, the actual energy available at the transmission
periphery was 2160.16 MU leaving behind the pooled losses of 64.57 MU. Out of this
available energy, the actual drawl was only 2143.9 MU leaving behind the surplus of 16.26
MU for sale through UI settlement at transmission periphery. Out of actual drawl of 2143.9

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 6

MU, the actual energy received at state periphery was 2135.91 MU. The energy of 7.99 MU was
lost in transmission to receiving stations in state periphery.

Gross Purchased/Injected Energy = 2224.73

Pooled Losses = 64.57
Available @Transmission periphery = 2160.16
Sale thru' UI = 16.261
Actual drawl @ Transmission periphery = 2143.9
Transmission losses = 7.99
Actual Energy @ State periphery = 2135.91

The energy balance of total purchased energy is as below:

Balancing of Gross purchased/ Injected Energy

3% 0%
Pooled Losses

Sale thru' UI

Transmission losses

Actual Energy @ State periphery

9. Out of 2135.91 MU energy received at the state periphery, the sale of 1950.76 MU was
registered in the jurisdiction of EDDD, during the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014.The
sale of 196.39 was pertaining to sale thru wheeling whereas remaining sales of 1754.37 MU was
in respect of retail consumers. Thus the total T & D losses including wheeling losses in the
jurisdiction of EDDD during the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014 are 185.1 MU which
amounted to 8.32% of the gross energy purchased & 8.67 % of energy received at state

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 7

The energy balance in respect of energy received at state periphery is established in the chart

Balancing of Energy received at the state periphery

9% 9%
Sale thru wheeling

Sale to retail consumers

T& D losses in Diu & Daman


10. Summarizing, the Energy balance of gross purchased/ injected energy in year 2013-14 is
shown in the table below:

Period 1-4-13 to 31-03-14 MU %

Gross Purchased / Injected Energy = 2224.73
Total Sales = 1967.02 88.42
Sale thru UI = 16.26 0.73
Sale thru wheeling = 196.39 8.83
Sale to retail consumers = 1754.37 78.86
Total Losses = 257.71 11.58
Pooled losses = 64.57 2.9
Transmission losses (up to State Periphery) = 7.99 0.36
T& D losses in Diu & Daman = 185.15 8.32

Total sale including sale thru’ UI arrangement, is 1967.02 MU which forms 88.42 % gross
energy purchased. Thus total losses incurred are 257.7 MU (11.58 %) which includes pooled
losses of 64.57 MU (2.9 %). The total loss excluding pooled losses are thus 193.14 MU (8.68%)
which comprises of transmission losses of 7.99 MU (0.36 %) incurred during transmission from
TD interface to receiving stations in state periphery and T& D losses incurred in licensed area of
EDDD of 185.15 MU amounting 8.32 % of gross purchased energy.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 8

Balancing of Gross purchased/ Injected Energy
3% 0% 1% Sale thru UI
8% 9%
Sale thru wheeling

Sale to retail consumers

Pooled losses

Transmission losses (up to State Periphery)

79% T& D losses in Diu & Daman

11. The total energy balance in both Diu & Daman region is given in the table below:

Period 1-4-13 to 31-03-14 MU %

Actual Gross
Drawl Purchases
Actual drawl @ Transmission periphery = 2143.9
Transmission Loss = 7.99 0.37 0.36
Actual Energy @ State periphery = 2135.91 99.63 96.01
Total losses up to 11 Kv bus = 77.48 3.61 3.48
Total losses in down stream network = 107.67 5.02 4.84
Total Losses = 185.15 8.64 8.32
Sales = 1950.76 90.99 87.69

From above table it can be seen that T & D losses in the network of EDDD are 8.68% of total
energy drawn at grid periphery and 8.32% of gross purchased energy. The A T & C losses in the
network of Daman & Diu including transmission losses of 7.99 MU are 9.01 % of drawl of
Energy at grid. Transmission losses up to receiving stations in state are 7.99 MU & are 0.37 %
of Energy Drawl. The losses in distribution network of Electricity department of Diu & Daman
up to 11 Kv bus in substation are 3.61 % of Energy Drawl at grid & that in downstream
network from 11 Kv bus are 5.03 % of of Energy Drawl.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 9

12. The composition of various losses in the jurisdiction of Electricity department of Daman & Diu are
detailed in the table below:

Period 1.04.2013 to 31.3.2014 MU %

Gross Purchase/ Injection = 2224.73
Pooled losses = 64.57 2.9
Sale through UI = 16.26 0.73
Energy at Transmission periphery = 2143.9 96.37
Sale to retail consumers = 1950.76 87.69
Total Sale = 1967.02 88.42
Total Losses = 257.71 11.58
Pooled losses = 64.57 2.9
Transmission losses = 7.99 0.36
T & D Losses In licensed area of EDDD = 185.15 8.32
220 / 66 Kv transformation losses in Daman = 9.3 0.42
66 Kv sub transmission losses in Daman = 14.36 0.65
66/11 Kv transformation losses in Daman = 13.23 0.59
11 Kv Bus losses In Daman = 40.57 1.82
Distribution losses in Daman & Diu = 107.69 4.84

13. The chart showing share each category of losses occurring in distribution network of Daman
& Diu is presented below:

Composition of T & D Losses

220 / 66 Kv transformation losses in

5% 8% Daman
66 Kv sub transmission losses in Daman

58% 22% 66/11 Kv transformation losses in Daman

11 Kv Bus losses In Daman

Distribution losses in Daman & Diu

The above chart brings out that the distribution losses in downstream network of 66/11 Kv
substations in Daman & Diu region are 58 % of total losses. In order to cause reduction in these
losses it is necessary to segregate of distribution losses as commercial & technical. The work of

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 10

segregation of distribution losses will be taken up after completion of the work of installation of
DT meters & consumer indexing. EDDD has already taken up the work of consumer indexing
and in final stages of completion. EDDD also has decided to take up the work of DT metering.

14. The total losses up to 11 Kv bus of substations in Daman territory are 77.46 MU(3.61%)
which are purely technical. The total transmission, 220/66 Kv transformation, bus & sub
transmission losses up to 66 Kv level are 31.65 MU ( 1.48 %). The 66/11 Kv transformation &
11 kv bus losses in 66/11 kv substations are 53.8 MU ( 2.51%).

The substation wise share of losses in substations up to 11 Kv bus ( 53.8MU) in substation is

given in the chart below:

Substation wise 11 Kv losses

7% 5% 3% Magarwada

34% 32% Varkund


17% Kachhigam


The above chart clearly indicates that the combined losses in Varkund & Kachigam substations
comprises of about 66 % of total 11 Kv technical loss.

15. The substation wise energy balance of energy received at each substation in Daman region is
given below:

Substation wise Energy balance

X'mation losses
11 Kv Bus
90% losses

Magarwada Ringanwada Varkund Dalwada Bhimpore Kachhigam Dabhel

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 11

The above chart clearly brings out the major sources of losses. The Varkund S/S & Kachigam
S/S with about 15% & 4 % losses are main sources of Technical loss.

16. The annual saving potential to tune of about 17.09 MU (0.77 %) has been identified in these
technical losses of 3.83 % which is summarized in the table below:

No. Saving Potential MU % Savings
Gross Energy Drawl at
Purchase T<>D interface
1 Reconductoring of Transmission line
Magarwada-Kachigam I 2.03
Kachigam-Dabhel 0.33
Magarwada -Ringanwada Line 1.04
Ringanwada-Varkund Line 0.4
Varkund-Dalwada line 3.26
Dalwada -Bhimpore 1.16
2 Conversion of single circuit to double circuit*
Kachigam-Dabhel 0.36
Magarwada Ringanwada Line 2.04
Magarwada Varkund Line 0.83
Ringanwada Varkund Line 0.58
Dalwada -Bhimpore 1.19
3 Improvement of power factor
Reduction in transmission losses 0.78
Reduction in sub transmission losses 1.39
Reduction in transformation losses 1.03
Reduction of bus resistance 5.67
4 improvement in bus resistance

Total *17.09 0.77 0.8

* with reconductoring

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17. Though the saving potential of about 17.03 Mu (0.77 %) has been identified in preliminary
energy audit, the feasibility & cost benefit analysis will have to be worked out after detailed
study taking into considerations, various constraints for implementation.

18. It has been decided to take the up second phase of Detail Energy Audit covering downstream
network of all substations after completion of work of provision of meters for distribution
transformers & consumer indexing. The main objective of second phase would be to segregate
the distribution losses in technical & commercial parts, to identify the feeders / DT with
maximum technical losses, & to identify HT consumers, DT with max. Commercial losses &
suggest the corrective measures with complete proposal with cost benefit analysis

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 13

2.0 Introduction

Electricity Department of the Administration of Union Territory of Daman & Diu has been entrusted the
responsibility of procurement, transmission & distribution in the Union territory Daman & Diu. The
Electricity Department of Daman & Diu does not have any power generation capacity. However it has
been allocated certain share of power generated by central Generating stations based on the allocation by
Ministry of Power, Government of India.

The Central Government constituted a Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for all Union Territories
except Delhi to be known as “Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Union Territories” as notified
on 2nd May 2005. Later with the joining of the state of Goa, the Commission came to be known as “Joint
Electricity Regulatory Commission for the state of Goa and Union Territories” as notified on 30th May

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Union Territories (JERC) is an autonomous authority
responsible for regulation of the power sector in the state of Goa and Union Territories of Andaman &
Nicobar, Lakshadweep, Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Puducherry. The main
responsibility of JERC is to formulate various regulations relating to generation, transmission,
distribution, trading and use of electricity so as to take the measures conducive to development of
electricity industry, to protect interest of consumers and supply of electricity to all areas, to rationalize the
electricity tariffs of generating companies, transmission & distribution utilities in their jurisdiction.

In accordance with the regulations ‘Conduct of Business Regulations of JERC ’ issued by the JERC the
DDED, being deemed power distribution utility in Union territory of Diu & Daman has to file Tariff
Application every year with the Commission, which includes statements containing calculation of the
expected aggregate revenue from charges under its currently approved tariff and the expected cost of
providing services i.e. Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) during the Previous Year, Current Year
and Ensuing Year & tariff proposals so as to fully cover the gap between the expected aggregate revenue
at the prevalent tariff and the expected cost of services including schemes for reduction in loss levels and
other efficiency gains to be achieved.

Accordingly Electricity Department, DD had filed its petition for determination of Aggregate Revenue
Requirement (ARR) & Retail Tariff for distribution and retail sale of electricity for FY 2014-15 under
section 61, 62 & 64 of the Electricity Act, 2003. ED-DD submitted its ARR and Tariff petition for FY
2014-15 before the Commission on November 1’ 2013. according to the Conduct of Business Regulations

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 14

of JERC. After carrying out the due process of technical validation & arranging hearing the objections of
various stake holders, JERC has issued a order on 1st May, 2014 wherein certain directives were issued to
EDDD in relation with carrying out energy audit which are reproduced as below:

The licensee shall conduct regular energy audit to substantiate its estimation of T&D

losses. The licensee shall also furnish six monthly energy audit reports to the


The energy audit report for the first six months of the year shall be provided by

November end of the same year. Similarly energy audit report for the last six months

of the year shall be provided by May end of the next year.

In the absence of energy audit, the Commission may not accept the claim of the

licensee and may proceed to fix the loss levels on the basis of any other information

available and its own judgment.

In response to the directives of the JERC, EDDD has decided to get the preliminary energy audit done of
the distribution network in Diu & Daman to quantify the losses up to 11 Kv feeders in 66 /11 Kv
substation & to identify the saving potential out of these losses.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 15

3. Energy Audit

Energy Audit is the key to systematic approach to for decision making in the area of energy management.
It is an effective tool to balance the total energy inputs with its outflows in various energy streams.
The energy audit of distribution exercise involves the energy accounting followed by the analysis of
energy flow data for determination of losses at various steps in transmission & distribution. In the power
distribution system, some % of energy is lost invariably during the process of distribution. The
profitability of distribution depends on the minimizing of these losses. Since the ultimate burden of these
losses has to be borne by the honest consumers in terms of higher tariff rates, the reduction in losses
would also be beneficial in the interests of the consumers. Hence in the present era of competition the
distributor having minimum losses has an edge over the competitors due to better profitability &
economical rates.

The distribution losses comprises of technical losses & commercial losses. The technical losses are
inherent features of the distribution business & are losses in various components of power distribution
system up to the point of supply viz; No load & load losses in transformers, losses in conductors of
overhead lines or underground cables, switchgears, fuses , meters, dielectric losses in capacitors, cables
etc. These losses can not be totally eliminated but can be reduced by devising proper technical
specification while procuring transformers, Switchgears, cables, overhead conductors, capacitors, meters
etc, devising & adopting strict testing plans while accepting the material, correct installation & regular

The commercial losses comprises of incorrect billing, errors in meter reading, defective/ stopped meters,
pilferage on account of unmetered unauthorized supply( direct), tampered meters. These losses can be
eliminated by proper & continuous vigil.

The objective of the energy audit exercise is to identify the sources of technical & commercial losses,
quantification of losses, suggest the corrective measures for minimising technical losses, to work out the
cost benefit analysis of corrective measures as suggested for computing the payback period of the
investment involved.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 16

The exercise of energy audit aims to balance the total energy inputs with its outflows in various energy
streams. To achieve this, one has to have energy meters at all incoming & outgoing energy streams i.e
220 KV / 66 KV / 11 KV feeders, 66KV/ 11 KV & 11KV/415 Volts Transformers, & all consumers.
Power distribution system is a dynamic system wherein the energy parameters are changing at every
moment. Hence , in addition to installation of meters at all input & output nodes, the other requirement of
establishing energy balance is to get simultaneous ( Coherent )readings of all these meters in particular
period beginning of the period & at the end of the period. This function is better served if the
SCADA system is installed to acquire the meter reading data continuously at regular interval or historical
data in memory of electronic meters is down loaded using meter reading instrument.

Owing to dynamism of the distribution system, simultaneous meter readings of all meter on incoming and
outgoing nodes is the primary requisite for energy audit exercise. However it is difficult to meet this
condition when computing the energy flow for individual consumers who are spread over entire territory
of sq. Km & are provided with conventional meters. Hence it is necessary to carry out this exercise in
lowest denomination of the distribution system i.e. Distribution transformer wise & integrate it with
supplying feeder.
In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to install meter for each distribution transformer & tag the
consumers with its feeding transformer & supply feeder. With such exercise of consumer indexing &
provision of meters for all distribution transformers, the DTC wise & feeder wise energy audit can be
carried out.
In substations of EDDD, the energy monitoring system has been installed. However due to some localized
hardware/ software problems & unavailability of internet connection the system was not fully operational.
After fully functional status, various reports such as daily import, export energy reports, loss computation,
and maximum-minimum power parameters can be generated.

At present, the meters are provided up to the 11 Kv feeders in 66/11 Kv substations. The distribution
transformers in downstream network of 11 Kv feeders in substations are being provided with the meters.
Moreover the work of tagging the consumer with its feeding distribution transformer & 11 Kv feeders is
also in progress. Hence it has been decided to carry out the energy audit till 11 Kv feeders in first phase of
energy audit for computation of technical losses being incurred till 11 Kv bus in the 66/11 Kv substations
& to take up the second phase of DT wise & feeder wise audit in second phase after completion of work
of DT metering & consumer indexing.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 17

Source Of data
In order to establish the energy balance it is necessary to collect the data of month wise purchase of total
units vis-a-vis month wise data of total sale of units. The energy account maintained by Western region
power grid is the main source to compute the purchased energy. The energy purchased is computed as per
the energy account maintained by western region power grid.
The units as billed as per the energy recorded by meters installed for end consumers of M/S EDDD every
month as per their revenue statement is the source of data of sold energy.
The intermediate balance is established by the energy flow in the particular period i.e.1st April 13 to 31st
March 14 as derived from coherent readings of meters installed at key locations in substations,
pertaining to that period as recorded in the log books maintained at each substation.

The data so collected is analysed for computation of losses at various steps in the distribution systems.
The corrective action measures for reduction of losses are also included in the report.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 18

4. Energy Streams
Electricity Department of the Administration of Union Territory of Daman & Diu is part of Western
region power grid. It does not have set up any generating station but has been allocated the share of power
generated by Central power generating stations in western & eastern region. Since the allocation is based
on energy generated & delivered by respective power plant, the scheduled allocation at periphery is less
owing to losses during its transmission from generating Stations. Moreover the actual drawl at periphery
also differs from scheduled allocation depending on then instantaneous requirement.
The month wise energy allocation along with purchases thru’ UI arrangement corresponding to energy
available at transmission periphery considering respective pooled losses as per regional energy account of
WRPC (Western Region power committee) is given in the table below.

13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total

Allocation of C/ Gen 167.02 183.60 174.11 171.00 159.75 169.36 167.31 144.34 163.71 153.99 130.38 148.08 1932.65

Injection thru O/A 2.24 7.74 13.29 21.19 22.82 21.57 29.22 30.13 27.89 30.90 206.97
Total Injection 167.02 183.60 176.35 178.74 173.03 190.55 190.12 165.91 192.93 184.12 158.27 178.98 2139.62
Pooled Losses 6.39 7.02 6.56 -1.03 5.54 5.21 3.58 5.28 6.70 6.29 4.92 5.31 61.76
Scheduled at periphery 160.63 176.59 169.80 179.77 167.49 185.34 186.54 160.63 186.23 177.83 153.35 173.67 2077.86

UI purchase 23.81 1.54 7.36 6.28 20.40 0.55 11.01 11.34 82.29
Pooled losses 0.91 0.06 0.27 0.22 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.34 0.34 2.82

Total UI Purchases 24.72 1.60 7.63 6.50 21.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 11.35 11.68 85.11
Total Purchases 191.74 185.20 183.98 185.24 194.08 190.55 190.12 165.91 192.93 184.69 169.62 190.66 2224.73

The total allocation of energy from the central generating stations for EDDD during the period 1st April
2013 to 31stMarch 2014 was 1932.65 MU. Due to power purchase arrangement of one of the consumers
thru open access arrangement, energy to the tune of 206.97 MU was injected by Energy exchange. Thus
total injection including the allocation from CGS in the grid was 2139. 62 MU. However due to shortage
of sufficient instantaneous allocation, 85.11 MU were purchased through UI settlement. Thus the gross
purchased energy during the period 1st April 2013 to 31stMarch 2014 was 2224.73 MU.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 19

Period 1-4-13 to 31-03-14 Units
Allocation From CGS = 1932.65
Injection thru O/A = 206.97
Total Injection = 2139.62
Purchases thru' UI settlement = 85.11
Gross Purchased energy = 2224.73

The % share of various sources of purchases is brought out in the chart below:

Share of Purchased Energy

Allocation From CGS Injection thru O/A Purchases thru' UI settlement

9% 4%


The month wise Energy availability & drawl at Transmission periphery after adjusting for pooled losses
& UI sales is furnished in the table below:

Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Total

Total Purchases/inj. 191.74 185.2 183.98 185.24 194.08 190.55 190.12 165.91 192.93 184.69 169.62 190.66 2224.73
Total pooled losses 7.3 7.08 6.83 -0.81 6.19 5.21 3.58 5.28 6.7 6.31 5.26 5.64 64.57
Energy available at 184.44 178.12 177.15 186.05 187.89 185.34 186.54 160.63 186.23 178.38 164.36 185.02 2160.16
x'mission periphery
UI sale -1.52 -3.63 -1.71 -9.39 -16.26
Drawl at periphery 184.45 178.12 177.15 186.05 187.89 183.81 182.91 158.91 176.83 178.38 164.37 185.01 2143. 9

Out of purchased energy of 2224.73 MU, the actual energy available at the transmission periphery
was 2160.16 MU leaving behind the pooled losses of 64.57 MU. Out of this available energy, the actual
drawl was only 2143.9 MU leaving behind the surplus of 16.26 MU for sale through UI settlement at
transmission periphery. Out of actual drawl of 2143.9 MU, the actual energy received at state periphery
was 2135.91 MU. The energy of 7.99 MU was lost in transmission to receiving stations in state periphery.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 20

Gross Purchased Energy = 2224.73
Pooled Losses = 64.57
Available @Transmission periphery = 2160.16
Sale thru' UI = 16.261
Actual drawl @ Transmission
= 2143.9
Transmission losses = 7.99
Actual Energy @ State periphery = 2135.91

The energy balance of total purchased energy is as below:

Balancing of Gross purchased Energy

Pooled Losses Sale thru' UI Transmission losses Actual Energy @ State periphery



Sale of units:

The consumption used in particular month is billed in subsequent months depending on billing cycle.
Hence the billed units in particular month are considered as units sale of previous month. The month wise
sale of energy along with sale through wheeling during the period April 2013 to March 2014 is as below:

13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total

Sale in MU 170.5 160.86 167.79 165.5 160.26 149.25 134.99 127.52 129.69 128.27 131.35 128.38 1754.37
Sale thru Exgh 2.11 7.31 12.586 20.167 21.909 20.435 27.608 28.476 26.448 29.341 196.393
Total Sale 170.5 160.86 169.91 172.81 172.85 169.42 156.9 147.96 157.3 156.75 157.8 157.72 1950.76

Out of actual drawl of 2143.9 MU at T<>D interface, the actual energy received at state
periphery was 2135.91 MU. The energy of 7.99 MU was lost in transmission to receiving

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 21

stations in state periphery., The sale of 1950.76 MU was registered in the jurisdiction of EDDD,
out of 2135.91 MU energy received at the state periphery during the period 1st April 2013 to 31st
March 2014. The sale of 196.39 was pertaining to sale thru wheeling whereas remaining sales of
1754.37 MU was in respect of retail consumers. Thus the total losses in the jurisdiction of
EDDD during the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014 are 185.14 MU. Total T & D losses
including transmission losses of 7.99 MU are 193.13 MU which amounted to 8.32% of the gross
energy purchased & 8.67 % of energy received at state periphery.

Period 1.04.13 to 31.03.14 MU % %

Gross purchased Drawl at Periphery
Energy drawl at periphery = 2143.9 96.37
Transmission loss = 7.99 0.359 0.37
Energy Received at state periphery = 2135.91 96.01 99.63
Sale to retail consumers = 1754.37 78.86 81.83
Sale thru' wheeling = 196.39 8.828 9.16
Total T & D losses = 193.14 8.682 9.01

Transmission losses = 7.99 0.359 0.37

T & D Losses In licensed area of EDDD = 185.15 8.322 8.64

Energy Balance a T<>D Interface

Sale to retail consumers Sale thru' wheeling

Transmission losses T & D Losses In licensed area of EDDD



Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 22

Energy Balance:

The energy balance in respect of Gross energy Purchased is established in the table below:

% Of gross % of Drawl at
Period 1.04.2013 to 31.3.2014 MU purchase T<>D interface
1 Gross Purchased/Injected Energy = 2224.73
2 Pooled Losses = 64.57 2.90
3 Available @Transmission periphery = 2160.16 97.10
4 Sale thru' UI = 16.261 0.73
5 Actual drawl @ Transmission periphery = 2143.9 96.37 100
6 Total sales = 1950.76 87.69 90.99
7 Sale to retail consumers = 1754.37 78.86 81.83
8 Sale thru' wheeling = 196.39 8.83 9.16
9 Total T & D losses = 193.14 8.68 9.01
10 Transmission losses = 7.99 0.36 0.37
11 T & D Losses In licensed area of EDDD = 185.15 8.32 8.64

Pie chart showing the energy balance of total purchased energy till its receipt at state periphery is as

Gross Purchased / Injected Energy Balalance

Pooled Losses Sale thru' UI Sale to retail consumers
Sale thru' wheeling Transmission losses T & D Losses In area of EDDD
0% 3%


From above table it can be seen that total T&D losses incurred in licensed area of M/s EDDD along with
losses in transmission of power from T<>D interface during the period between 1.04.12 To 31.03.13 were
193.14 MU which amounted to 8.68 % of gross energy purchased & 9.01% of Energy drawl at T<>D

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 23

5. The Transmission & Distribution System

The Electricity Department of Daman & Diu receives power from 220/66KV Vapi Substation through
66KV Double circuit line and through 220KV Ambetti-Magarwada Double circuit line of power Grid
corporation Ltd. in Daman territory. In Diu region, the power is received through 66KV double circuit
line emanating from 220 /66 KV. Kansari S/S of GETCO at Una Substation. The Ambetti 220 Kv S/S of
PGCIL & Vapi and Kansari 220 /66 Kv S/S of GETCO are located in Gujarath State & power is required
to be transmitted over a distance of 20 Kms in case of Ambetti (Gujarath ) to Magarwada (Daman) &
Kansari ( Gujarath ) to Diu (Diu) & over 6 Kms in case of Vapi (Gujarath ) To Dabhel (Daman).

The month wise statement of energy received at import nodes in jurisdiction of EDDD vis-a-vis net
energy available at periphery is as below:

Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Total
Drawl at
184.44 178.13 177.15 186.05 187.89 183.81 182.91 158.91 176.83 178.38 164.37 185.01 2143.90
Input at state RSS
Magarwada 118.46 118.84 118.26 123.58 122.58 118.79 120.94 103.05 122.43 139.29 126.97 143.45 1476.65
Dabhel 61.01 54.18 54.79 58.77 60.40 59.94 56.82 51.26 50.21 34.67 32.95 36.08 611.09
Diu 4.17 4.24 3.90 3.47 4.48 4.78 4.84 4.36 3.78 3.27 3.05 3.84 48.17
Total import 183.64 177.26 176.95 185.82 187.46 183.51 182.60 158.67 176.42 177.24 162.97 183.37 2135.91
Trans. Loss 0.81 0.87 0.20 0.23 0.43 0.30 0.31 0.24 0.41 1.14 1.40 1.64 7.99

From above it can be seen that EDDD suffered transmission losses of 7.99 MU in period 1st April 2013 to
31st March 2014, amounting to 0.37% during transmission of power from transmission stations in Gujarat
to their substations in Daman & Diu.

The 220 Kv power supply received through the line between Ambetti and Magarwada 220 Kv Sub-
Station of EDDD , is stepped down to 66 Kv voltage level with the help of 1 no. of 100 MVA 220 Kv/ 66
Kv transformer and 3 Nos. Of 50 MVA, 220 Kv/ 66 Kv transformers from where it is distributed to 66/11
Kv Sub Stations via 66 Kv sub transmission lines network.

The power supply in Daman region is also received at 66 Kv level through the lines between Vapi S/S of
GETCO, and Dabhel S/S of EDDD which is stepped down with the help of 6 nos. of 66/11 Kv
transformers for downstream distribution. In the current year, part power to Dabhel S/s has been supplied
through Magarwada stream through 66 Kv Kachigam Dabhel line since December 2013.

The power supply in Diu region is received at 66 Kv level through the lines between Kansari S/S of
GETCO, and Diu S/S of EDDD which is stepped down using 3 nos. of 66/11 Kv transformers for

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 24

downstream distribution. As stated earlier, though there are three distinct energy streams originating from
Magarwada 220 Kv, Dabhel 66 Kv S/s in Daman region & Una 66 Kv s/s in Diu region, the stream wise
Or substation wise sales data is not available.

Hence the month wise data of import & sales in entire territory of Daman & Diu are tabulated below:
Daman & Diu Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Total

Import 183.64 177.26 176.95 185.82 187.46 183.51 182.6 158.67 176.42 177.24 162.97 183.37 2135.91
Sale in MU 170.5 160.86 167.79 165.5 160.26 149.25 134.99 127.52 129.69 128.27 131.35 128.38 1754.37
Sale thru Wheeling 2.11 7.31 12.586 20.167 21.909 20.435 27.608 28.476 26.448 29.341 196.393
Total Sale 170.5 160.86 169.91 172.81 172.85 169.42 156.9 147.96 157.3 156.75 157.8 157.72 1950.76
T & D losses in
13.14 16.4 7.04 13.01 14.61 14.09 25.7 10.71 19.12 20.49 5.17 25.65 185.15

Single line diagram showing drawl to sales in Jurisdiction of EDDD is as below:

2143.9 MU

X’mission Periphery

7.99 MU
1476.65 MU
Magarwada 220 Kv(State Periphery)

48.17 MU 611.09 MU 75.08 MU

Diu 66 Kv Dabhel Magarwada N/W 66 Kv
(State Periphery (State Periphery

Diu & Daman Sales 1950.76 MU

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 25

The table & chart showing energy balance of energy received at state periphery by EDDD is as below:

Period 1.04.2013 to 31.3.2014 MU % Of gross purchase % Energy at state periphery

Energy Received at state periphery = 2135.91 96.01 100
Sale to retail consumers = 1754.37 78.86 82.14
Sale thru' wheeling = 196.39 8.83 9.19
Total T & D losses = 185.15 8.32 8.67

The energy Balance at State periphery is as below:

Energy Balance at State Periphery

Sale to retail consumers Sale thru' wheeling Total T & D losses



From above, it can be seen that the T & D losses in Daman & Diu territory are 8.32 % of gross energy
purchased & 8.67 % import of energy at state periphery.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 26

6. Energy Accounting:
In order to segregate the losses further in technical & commercial category, it is necessary to have energy
meters at key locations in distribution system in both regions. At present the meters are installed up to 11
Kv feeders outgoing from each substations, & record of readings at definite interval is available in log
books maintained at each substation. Hence it is possible to determine the losses upto feeder level in
66/11 Kv substations.

The consumption recorded by the meters installed for various elements of the distribution system upto all
11 Kv feeders in substations during the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014 is required to be
computed for determination of the losses up to 11 Kv feeders. The manual readings of meters as
recorded in log books of respective substation are used as source for this exercise. The manual reading
system has inherent shortcoming of slight error due to time delay in taking readings from first meter to
last meters. However the error is compensated to reasonable extent as the audit period (12 months) is
sufficiently long as compared to time delay.

66Kv Level

As stated earlier, out of three energy streams in jurisdiction of EDDD, two energy streams have been
identified in distribution system of Daman. In first stream, the energy is received at 220 KV at
Magarwada 220 Kv S/s from Ambetti S/s of PGCIL which is stepped down to 66 Kv & distributed to
Magarwada 66 KV, kachigam, Ringanwada, Varkund, Dalwada & Bhimpore & Partly to Dabhel S/s.

In other stream the part supply is received at Dabhel S/s at 66 Kv level from Vapi S/s of GETCO & is
stepped down to 11 KV for further distribution.

The remaining energy stream is in the region of Diu where the energy received at Una S/s at 66 Kv level
from Kansari S/s is stepped down to 11 Kv for further distribution.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 27

Daman Distribution System

The single line Diagram of 220/ 66 Kv transmission network showing energy meter positions is presented



100 MVA 220/66KV Tr 50 MVA 220/66 Kv Tr (3 Nos)

Vapi Magarwada 66 kv


Consumer Ringanwada






The HT meter having 0.5 / 1 class along with CT & PT of same class have been provided on incoming as
well as outgoing feeders at Magarwada S/s as well as at all substations in jurisdiction of EDDD. The
meters are read regularly at interval of 4 hours i.e. 00.00 hrs, 8.00 hrs, 12.00 hrs, 16.00 hrs & 20.00 hrs
of every day.

The energy meters are also provided at HT side of Transformers & LT side of transformers & 66 Kv /
11Kv feeder lines. The locations of meters provided in 66 kv distribution network are indicated in above
single line diagram.

The month wise import & export at various levels in 66 Kv substations as derived from readings recorded
during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 of all energy meters installed at various substations are
given in annexure.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 28

Magarwada stream

The month wise consumption & transmission losses for sub-transmission network at 66 KV originating
from Magarwada 220 Kv substation during the period between 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 has been
worked out & as given below:

Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Total
220 KV Ambheti- I 59.37 59.53 58.59 61.88 61.43 59.54 60.62 51.66 61.42 70.26 63.44 71.64 739.38
220 KV Ambheti- II 59.08 59.31 59.67 61.70 61.16 59.25 60.33 51.39 61.01 69.04 63.53 71.81 737.27
Total 220 Kv Import 118.46 118.84 118.26 123.58 122.58 118.79 120.94 103.05 122.43 139.29 126.97 143.45 1476.65
66 Kv Export
66 KV Varkund 33.92 34.27 34.27 35.27 34.99 34.32 34.36 29.18 32.64 32.56 29.87 33.70 399.33
66 KV Ringanwada 36.28 36.77 36.87 38.13 37.93 37.11 37.16 31.40 35.31 35.21 33.36 37.23 432.76
66 KV Kachigam I 19.00 18.31 18.36 19.73 19.82 18.46 19.39 16.67 22.48 31.10 27.47 31.22 262.01
66 KV Kachigam II 18.81 18.15 18.18 19.57 19.19 18.34 19.26 16.57 22.36 30.79 27.21 30.79 259.21
66 KV Tr I 10 Mva 2.10 2.45 2.16 2.74 2.70 2.68 2.73 2.38 2.35 2.40 2.28 2.79 29.76
66 KV Tr II 10 Mva 2.35 2.42 2.13 2.71 2.68 2.65 2.72 2.37 2.57 2.51 2.25 2.82 30.18
66 KV Tr III 10 Mva 5.19 5.66 5.52 4.64 4.41 4.44 4.51 3.77 4.06 3.95 3.84 4.11 54.11
Total Export 66 Kv 117.65 118.03 117.50 122.78 121.72 118.00 120.11 102.33 121.78 138.51 126.30 142.65 1467.35
Transformer + Bus losses 0.81 0.81 0.77 0.80 0.86 0.79 0.83 0.72 0.66 0.78 0.67 0.80 9.30
66 Kv Receipts
Kachigam I 18.89 18.25 18.21 19.60 19.71 18.36 19.29 16.58 22.33 31.06 27.26 32.46 261.99
Kachigam II 18.74 18.03 18.15 19.52 19.11 18.26 19.18 16.52 22.23 30.39 27.01 28.98 256.12
Ringanwada 16.23 17.28 17.58 18.87 19.22 18.52 18.56 14.90 17.40 17.40 16.39 18.35 210.69
Varkund 10.21 11.00 10.05 9.96 9.77 9.74 10.24 8.67 9.09 8.44 8.00 10.07 115.24
Dalwada 31.55 31.85 32.34 33.97 33.30 32.23 32.52 28.53 32.08 32.13 29.72 32.94 383.15
Bhimpore 11.22 9.87 10.23 9.60 9.92 10.22 9.44 7.49 8.74 8.80 8.15 8.46 112.13
Total Receipts 106.83 106.29 106.56 111.51 111.03 107.32 109.21 92.69 111.87 128.21 116.53 131.26 1339.32

Sub_Transmsn Losses 1.17 1.20 1.13 1.18 0.89 0.91 0.95 1.13 0.93 1.44 1.39 1.67 13.99

From above it can be seen that in the period of 12 months i.e. between April 13 to March 14,the energy of
1476.65 MU have been received at Magarwada 220 KV bus. After stepping down to 66 Kv, total energy
available for distribution was 1467.35 MU. Out of this 114.04 MU were utilised to distribute at 66 Kv bus
at Magarwada s/s & remaining 1353.31 MU units were exported to various sub stations.

The losses for stepping down the power from 220 Kv to 66 Kv were 9.3 MU (0.66 %). The energy lost
during 66 Kv transmission from Magarwada to 66 Kv bus of downstream network of Kachigam, Varkund

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 29

& Ringanwada feeders is found to be 13.99 MU (0.49%) whereas that in case of downstream network of
Kachigam to Dabhel was observed to be 0.39 MU (0.25%).

The energy flow during period 1st April, 13 to 31st March 14 in Magarwada distribution network up to 66
Kv bus in substations is as below:


1476.65 M units

220 KV Magarwada

Transformation Loss

9.3 M Units 1467.35 M Units

66 Kv Magarwada

Sub Transmission Loss 114.04 MU

13.99 M units 1353.31 M Units

66 Kv Substations

The month wise losses during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 are presented in the chart below:

Magarwada 220 Kv Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Total

Total 220 Kv Import 118.46 118.84 118.26 123.58 122.58 118.79 120.94 103.05 122.43 139.29 126.97 143.45 1476.65
220/66 Kv Transformation /
bus losses
0.81 0.81 0.77 0.8 0.86 0.79 0.83 0.72 0.66 0.78 0.67 0.8 9.3

Total export 117.65 118.03 117.5 122.78 121.72 118 120.11 102.33 121.78 138.51 126.3 142.65 1467.35
Sub Transmission losses 1.17 1.2 1.13 1.18 0.89 0.91 0.95 1.13 0.93 1.44 1.39 1.67 13.99
66 Kv receipts at S/s 116.48 116.82 116.37 121.6 120.83 117.09 119.17 101.21 120.85 137.07 124.9 140.98 1453.36

The chart showing the energy balance of units received during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 at
Magarwada 220 Kv s/s is as below:

Energy Balance at Magarwada 220 Kv S/s

220/66 Kv Transformation / bus losses Sub Transmission losses 66 Kv receipts at S/s
1% 1%


Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 30

66/11 KV Level

The 66 kV supply is received at 7 substations in Daman territory. The supply is distributed to 2

consumers at 66 Kv level. The remaining power is stepped down using 66/11 Kv transformers. At
present 27 transformers having capacity of 357 MVA are installed in these 7 nos. of 66/11 Kv substations
for further distribution. The load is further distributed through 11 Kv feeders to HT consumers at 11 Kv
level & at 415/240 volts level using 335 nos. of 11 Kv /433 volts transformers.

The single line diagram of 66 KV network in Magarwada network is as below:

Magarwada 220 Kv

Magarwada 66 Kv

Kachigam 66 Kv Ringanwada 66 Kv

Varkund 66 Kv

Dabhel 66 Kv Dalwada 66 Kv

Bhimapore 66 Kv

Similarly as in line with the computation of losses at 66 Kv level, the losses at 11 Kv are worked out by
comparing the simultaneous (Coherent) readings installed on incoming end of substation as well on all
outgoing 11 Kv feeders at substation.

The working of losses during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 is worked out for Magarwada 11
Kv substation & given below. The working of losses in case of rest of substation is given in annexure and
tables furnishing month wise losses & energy balance for each substation are given below:

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 31

The single Line Diagram of Magarwada S/S is as below

66 KV/ 11 KV, 66 KV/ 11 KV,

10 MVA Transformer 1 10 MVA Transformer 2


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8

The HT meters are provided at 66 KV side & 11 KV side of transformers. The meters are also provided
on outgoing 11 kv distribution feeders. The locations of meters provided in 66/11 kv distribution network
are indicated in above single line diagram.

The readings of all meter are regular intervals are recorded in the log book. This data of reading during
the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 is used for computation of net energy import / export balance.
The data of month wise readings is given in annexure. The month wise transformation loss & 11 Kv bus
losses up to 11 Kv bus of Magarwada s/s are worked out & given below.

The month wise energy flow on primary & secondary side of transformers & of all 11 Kv feeders is
tabulated below:

13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar

Tr-I 66 KV 2.10 2.45 2.16 2.74 2.70 2.68 2.73 2.38 2.35 2.40 2.28 2.79 29.76

Tr-II 66 KV 2.35 2.42 2.13 2.71 2.68 2.65 2.72 2.37 2.57 2.51 2.25 2.82 30.18

Tr-III 66 KV 5.19 5.66 5.52 4.64 4.41 4.44 4.51 3.77 4.06 3.95 3.84 4.11 54.11
9.64 10.54 9.81 9.79 9.77 9.96 8.52 8.99 8.86 8.38 9.71 114.04
Total 66 Kv 9

Tr-I 11 KV 2.08 2.43 2.14 2.72 2.68 2.66 2.72 2.37 2.33 2.38 2.26 2.77 29.52

Tr-II 11 KV 2.32 2.40 2.11 2.69 2.66 2.64 2.70 2.35 2.55 2.48 2.24 2.80 29.94

Tr-III 11 KV 5.17 5.64 5.50 4.63 4.45 4.43 4.50 3.76 4.08 3.93 3.83 4.11 54.03
9.58 10.47 9.75 9.79 9.72 9.91 8.48 8.96 8.80 8.32 9.68 113.49
Total 11 kv 4

11 Kv Export 9 10.26 9.59 9.88 9.63 9.57 9.71 8.37 8.83 8.67 8.2 9.52 111.23

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 32

The month wise transformation loss (66 Kv/11 Kv) & 11 Kv Bus loss during the period 1st April, 13 to
31st March, 14 are computed from above table & furnished below:

Magarwada 66 Kv 13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total

66 Kv Import 9.64 10.54 9.81 10.09 9.79 9.77 9.96 8.52 8.99 8.86 8.38 9.71 114.04
X mer Losses 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.05 0 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.55

11 Kv Bus Losses 0.57 0.21 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.19 0.1 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.16 2.26
11 Kv Export 9 10.26 9.59 9.88 9.63 9.57 9.71 8.37 8.83 8.67 8.2 9.52 111.23

The graphical representation of month wise % allocation of energy received at Magarwada 66 Kv S/S
during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 is as below losses is as below:

Energy Balance at Magarwada 66 Kv S/s

100% X mer

11 Kv Bus

11 Kv
90% Export
Apr_14 May_13 Jun_13 Jul_13 Aug_13 Sep_13 Oct_13 Nov_13 Dec_13 Jan_14 Feb_14 Mar_14

Thus the total losses of 2.81 MU were incurred in Magarwada 66 Kv substation during the period
between April-13 to march 14. These losses are worked out to be 2.47 % of total energy import of 114.04
MU during this period.

Magarwada 66Kv Magarwada Total Purchase

MU % %
Total import 114.04 5.13
Transformation+ bus loss 0.55 0.49 0.03
Bus loss 2.26 1.98 0.10
11 Kv Export 111.23 97.54 5.00

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 33

The energy balance of Magarwada 66 Kv S/S during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 is as

114.04 M units

Magarwada 66 K/v S/S

Transformation loss

0.55 M units

113.49 M Units 11 Kv bus

11 Kv Bus loss

2.26 M Units

111.23 M Units 11 Kv Feeders

Energy Balance at Magarwada 66 Kv S/s

11 Kv Export 11 Kv Bus Losses X mer Losses

2% 0%


Likewise the 66/11 Kv transformation losses & 11 Kv bus losses have been worked out for all substations
& are given below:

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 34

Ringanwada S/S

13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar

66 Kv Import 16.23 17.28 17.58 18.87 19.22 18.52 18.56 14.90 17.40 17.40 16.39 18.35 210.69
X'mer losses 0.04 0.10 0.07 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.01 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.96
11 Kv bus losses 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.13 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.56
11 Kv Export 16.15 17.16 17.48 18.71 19.08 18.38 18.41 14.79 17.27 17.27 16.26 18.21 209.17

The graph showing trend of month wise % distribution of energy received during the period 1st April, 13
to 31st March, 14 at Ringanwada S/S & losses thereat is as below:

Energy Balance at Ringanwada 66 Kv S/s

100% X'mer
99% 11 Kv bus
99% 11 Kv
Apr_14 May_13 Jun_13 Jul_13 Aug_13 Sep_13 Oct_13 Nov_13 Dec_13 Jan_14 Feb_14 Mar_14

Thus the total losses are 1.52 MU were incurred in Ringanwada 66 Kv substation during the period
between April-13 to March 14. These losses are worked out to be 0.72 % of total energy import of 210.69
MU during this period.

Ringanwada Ringanwada Total Purchase

MU % %
Total import 210.69 9.47
Transformation loss 0.96 0.45 0.04
Bus loss 0.56 0.27 0.03
11 +66 Kv Export 209.17 99.28 9.40

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 35

The energy balance of Ringanwada 66 Kv S/S during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 is as

The single line diagram showing energy balance at Ringanwada S/S is as below

210.69 M units

Ringanwada S/S

Transformation loss

0.96 M units

209.73 M Units 11 Kv Bus

11 Kv Bus loss

0.56 M Units

209.17 M Units 11 Kv Feeders

Energy Balance at Ringanwada 66 Kv S/s

Transformation loss 11 Kv Bus loss 11 +66 Kv Export

1% 0%


Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 36

Varkund S/S

Apr_13 May_13 Jun_13 Jul_13 Aug_13 Sep_13 Oct_13 Nov_13 Dec_13 Jan_14 Feb_14 Mar_14

66 Kv Import 10.21 11 10.05 9.96 9.77 9.74 10.24 8.67 9.09 8.44 8 10.07 115.24
11 Kv bus losses 0.91 1.67 1.48 1.58 1.43 1.46 1.61 1.58 1.18 1.01 0.66 1.24 15.81
X'mer Losses 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.1 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.11 -0.02 1.27
11 Kv Export 9.18 9.2 8.45 8.27 8.21 8.16 8.5 7 7.8 7.31 7.23 8.85 98.16

The graph showing trend of month wise % distribution of energy received during the period 1st April, 13
to 31st March, 14 at Varkund S/S & losses thereat is as below:

Monthwise Energy Balance at Varkund 66 Kv S/s


80% X'mer

11 kv bus

11 Kv

Apr_13 May_13 Jun_13 Jul_13 Aug_13 Sep_13 Oct_13 Nov_13 Dec_13 Jan_14 Feb_14 Mar_14


Thus the total losses of 17.08 MU were incurred in Varkund 66 Kv substation during the period between
April-13 to March 14. These losses are worked out to be 14.82 % of total energy import of 115.24 MU
during this period.

Varkund Varkund Total Purchase

MU % %
Total import 115.24 5.18
Transformation loss 1.27 1.1 0.06
Bus loss 15.81 13.72 0.71
11 Kv Export 98.16 85.18 4.41

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 37

The energy balance of Varkund 66 Kv S/S during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st march, 14 is as below:

The single line diagram showing energy balance at Varkund S/S is as below

115.24 M units

Varkund S/S

Transformation loss

1.27 MU

113.97 MU 11 Kv Bus

11 Kv Bus loss

15.81 M Units

98.16 M Units 11 Kv Feeders

Energy Balance at Varkund 66 Kv S/s

Transformation loss 11 Kv Bus loss 11 Kv Export



Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 38

Dalwada S/S

The month wise losses at Dalwada S/S are tabulated below:

Dalwada s/s 13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total
11 Kv Import 31.55 31.85 32.34 33.97 33.30 32.23 32.52 28.53 32.08 32.13 29.72 32.94 383.15
Transformer Loses 0.26 0.25 0.19 0.01 0.12 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.35 0.23 0.22 0.31 2.01
11 Kv Bus losses 0.52 0.64 0.20 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.32 1.89 1.70 1.94 7.32
66 Kv Export 2.11 2.35 2.76 3.13 3.06 2.66 2.86 2.43 2.66 2.86 2.64 2.68 32.20
11 Kv Export 28.65 28.61 29.19 30.80 30.12 29.54 29.59 26.04 28.76 27.16 25.16 28.01 341.61

The graph showing trend of month wise % distribution of energy received during the period 1st April, 13
to 31st March 14 at Dalwada S/S & losses thereat is as below:

Monthwise Energy Balance at Dalwada S/s

11 Kv Bus
90% losses

85% 66 Kv

80% 11 Kv
Apr_13 May_13 Jun_13 Jul_13 Aug_13 Sep_13 Oct_13 Nov_13 Dec_13 Jan_14 Feb_14 Mar_14

Thus the total losses of 9.33 MU were incurred in Dalwada 66 Kv substation during the period between
April-13 to March 14. These losses are worked out to be 2.43 % of total energy import of 383.15 MU
during this period.

Varkund Varkund Total Purchase

MU % %
Total import 383.15 17.22
X'mation loss 2.01 0.52 0.09
11 Kv Bus loss 7.32 1.91 0.33
66 + 11 Kv Export 373.82 97.56 16.80

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 39

The energy balance Dalwada 66 Kv S/S during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 is as below:

The single line diagram showing energy balance at Dalwada S/S is as below

383.15 M units

Dalwada S/S

Transformation loss 32.2 MU Consumer

2.01 M units

348.93 M Units 11 Kv Bus

11 Kv Bus loss

7.32 M Units

341.61M Units 11 Kv Feeders

Energy Balance at Dalwada 66 Kv S/s

X'mation loss 11 Kv Bus loss 66 + 11 Kv Export

0% 2%


Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 40

Bhimapore S/S

The month wise losses at Bhimapore s/s S/S are tabulated below:

Bhimpore 66 Kv 13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total

66 Kv Import 11.22 9.87 10.23 9.6 9.92 10.22 9.44 7.49 8.74 8.8 8.15 8.46 112.13

X'mer Losses 0.15 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.17 0.22 0.11 0 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.03 1.08

11 Kv bus losses 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.1

11 kv Export 11.06 9.79 10.14 9.47 9.74 9.99 9.32 7.48 8.69 8.75 8.1 8.42 110.95

The graph showing trend of month wise % distribution of energy received during the period 1st April, 13
to 31st March 14 at Bhimpore S/S & losses thereat is as below:

Monthwise Energy Balance at Bhimpore 66 Kv S/s

100% X'mer
99% 11 Kv bus
98% 11 kv
Apr_13 May_13 Jun_13 Jul_13 Aug_13 Sep_13 Oct_13 Nov_13 Dec_13 Jan_14 Feb_14 Mar_14

Thus the total losses of 1.18 MU were incurred in Bhimapore 66 Kv substation during the period April 13
to March 14. These losses are worked out to be 1.05 % of total energy import of 112.13 MU during this

Bhimpore Bhimpore Total Purchase

MU % %
Total import 112.13 5.04
X'mation loss 1.08 0.96 0.05
11 Kv Bus loss 0.1 0.09 0.00
11 Kv Export 110.95 98.95 4.99

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 41

The energy balance Bhimapore 66 Kv S/S during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 is as below:

The single line diagram showing energy balance at Dalwada S/S is as below

112.13 M units

Bhimapore S/S

Transformation loss

1.08 M units

111.05 M Units 11 Kv Bus

11 Kv Bus loss

0.1 M Units

110.95 M Units 11 Kv Feeders

Energy Balance at Bhimpore 66 Kv S/s

X'mation loss 11 Kv Bus loss 11 Kv Export

1% 0%


Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 42

Kachigam S/s

Kachigam 66 Kv 13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total
66 kv Import 37.62 36.28 36.37 39.12 38.82 36.63 38.47 33.1 37.83 36.8 33.61 38.01 442.64
Transformer losses 0.51 0.52 0.49 0.58 0.56 0.56 0.57 0.5 0.24 0.05 0.5 0.5 5.58
11 Kv Bus losses 0.19 0.98 1.67 2 1.64 0.93 1.45 0.9 0.11 1.06 0.79 0.73 12.46
11 Kv Export 36.33 34.37 33.69 36.11 36.24 34.74 35.87 31.12 36.82 34.86 31.67 35.99 417.82
66 Kv Export 0.59 0.41 0.51 0.44 0.38 0.4 0.57 0.58 0.66 0.83 0.65 0.78 6.79

The graph showing trend of month wise % distribution of energy received at kachigam S/S & losses in
kachigam S/s is as below:

Monthwise Energy Balance at Kachigam 66 Kv S/s

11 Kv Bus
96% losses

66 Kv Export


11 Kv Export

Apr_13 May_13 Jun_13 Jul_13 Aug_13 Sep_13 Oct_13 Nov_13 Dec_13 Jan_14 Feb_14 Mar_14

Thus the total losses of 18.04 MU were incurred in Kachigam 66 Kv substation during the period April-
13 to March 14. These losses are worked out to be 4.07 % of total energy import of 442.65 MU during
this period.

Kachigam Kachigam Total Purchase

MU % %
Total import 442.65 19.90
X'mation loss 5.58 1.26 0.25
11 Kv Bus loss 12.46 2.81 0.56
66 + 11 Kv Export 424.61 95.93 19.09

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 43

The energy balance of Kachigam 66 Kv S/S during the period 1st April, 12 to 31st march 13 is as below:

The single line diagram showing energy balance at Kachigam S/S is as below

442.65 M units

Kachigam S/S

Transformation loss EPL 66 KV Consumer

5.58 M Units 6.79 M Units

11 Kv Bus losses

12.46 M Units

417.82 M Units 11 Kv Feeders

Energy Balance at Kachigam 66 Kv S/s

X'mation loss 11 Kv Bus loss 66 + 11 Kv Export

1% 3%


Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 44

Summarizing; the total month wise transformation & 11 Kv bus losses in Magarwada stream during the
period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 are tabulated as below:

Total import At 66 Kv Bus

66 Kv Import 13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total

Magarwada 9.64 10.54 9.81 10.09 9.79 9.77 9.96 8.52 8.99 8.86 8.38 9.71 114.06
Ringanwada 16.23 17.28 17.58 18.87 19.22 18.52 18.56 14.9 17.4 17.4 16.39 18.35 210.69
Varkund 10.21 11 10.05 9.96 9.77 9.74 10.24 8.67 9.09 8.44 8 10.07 115.24
Dalwada 31.55 31.85 32.34 33.97 33.3 32.23 32.52 28.53 32.08 32.13 29.72 32.94 383.15
Bhimpore 11.22 9.87 10.23 9.6 9.92 10.22 9.44 7.49 8.74 8.8 8.15 8.46 112.13
Kachigam 37.62 36.28 36.37 39.12 38.82 36.63 38.47 33.1 37.83 36.8 33.61 38.01 442.66
116.47 116.82 116.38 121.61 120.82 117.11 119.19 101.21 114.13 112.43 104.25 117.54 1377.93
Dabhel 6.7 24.54 20.55 23.31 75.08

The part energy (75.47 MU) at Dabhel S/s was supplied through Magarwada stream via Kachigam -
Dabhel 66 Kv link since Dec 13. Total sub transmission losses were 14.37 MU for transmitting the energy
from Magarwada 220 Kv Ss to its various downstream 66 Kv S/s.

Total transformation losses (66/ 11 Kv)

13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total
X'mer Losses
Magarwada 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.05 0 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.56
Ringanwada 0.04 0.1 0.07 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.01 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.96
Varkund 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.1 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.11 -0.02 1.27
Dalwada 0.26 0.25 0.19 0.01 0.12 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.35 0.23 0.22 0.31 2.01
Bhimpore 0.15 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.17 0.22 0.11 0 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.03 1.08
Kachigam 0.51 0.52 0.49 0.58 0.56 0.56 0.57 0.5 0.24 0.05 0.5 0.5 5.58
Total 1.16 1.14 1.01 0.97 1.05 1.06 0.9 0.75 0.84 0.57 1.02 0.95 11.46

Total Transformation losses in various 66 Kv S/s in Magarwada stream are 11.46 MU.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 45

Total 11 Kv Bus losses

11 Kv bus losses 13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total

Magarwada 0.57 0.21 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.19 0.1 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.16 2.26
Ringanwada 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.13 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.56
Varkund 0.91 1.67 1.48 1.58 1.43 1.46 1.61 1.58 1.18 1.01 0.66 1.24 15.81
Dalwada 0.52 0.64 0.2 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.32 1.89 1.7 1.94 7.32
Bhimpore 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.1
Kachigam 0.19 0.98 1.67 2 1.64 0.93 1.45 0.9 0.11 1.06 0.79 0.73 12.46
Total 2.24 3.54 3.54 3.82 3.31 2.6 3.43 2.62 1.79 4.13 3.31 4.13 38.51

Total 11 Kv Bus losses in various 66 Kv S/s in Magarwada stream are 38.51 MU.

Total Losses

Total Losses 13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total

Magarwada 0.64 0.28 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.19 0.24 0.14 0.15 0.19 0.17 0.19 2.82
Ringanwada 0.08 0.13 0.1 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.15 1.52
Varkund 1.04 1.8 1.6 1.68 1.56 1.58 1.74 1.67 1.29 1.12 0.77 1.22 17.08
Dalwada 0.78 0.89 0.39 0.04 0.13 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.67 2.12 1.92 2.25 9.33
Bhimpore 0.16 0.08 0.09 0.13 0.18 0.23 0.12 0 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04 1.18
Kachigam 0.7 1.5 2.16 2.58 2.2 1.49 2.02 1.4 0.35 1.11 1.29 1.23 18.04
Total 3.4 4.68 4.55 4.79 4.36 3.66 4.33 3.37 2.63 4.7 4.33 5.08 49.97

Total losses in various 66 Kv S/s in Magarwada stream are 49.97 MU.

Summarizing the substation wise energy balance in Magarwada stream during period 1st April 11 to 31st
March 12 is as tabulated below:

The substation wise break up of losses is tabulated below:

11 Kv Bus Total
66 Kv Substation Total Import X'mation losses losses Losses Export % Loss
S/S Gross
Import Purchase
Magarwada 114.04 0.56 2.26 2.82 111.22 2.47 0.13
Ringanwada 210.69 0.96 0.56 1.52 209.17 0.72 0.07
Varkund Bus 115.24 1.27 15.81 17.08 98.16 14.82 0.77
Dalwada 383.15 2.01 7.32 9.33 373.82 2.44 0.42
Bhimpore 112.13 1.08 0.1 1.18 110.95 1.05 0.05
Kachhigam 442.64 5.58 12.46 18.04 424.6 4.08 0.81
1377.89 11.46 38.51 49.97 1327.92 3.63 2.25

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 46

From above it can be seen that total losses comprising of transformation & 11 Bus losses up to 11 Kv bus
in substation in Magarwada stream during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March 14 are 49.97 MU. The
substation wise share in total losses is represented in chart below.

Substationwise Share of Total Losses

Magarwada Ringanwada Varkund Bus Dalwada Bhimpore Kachhigam






The above chart clearly identifies Kachigam & Varkund S/S as major sources of losses which are
required to be targeted on priority basis for corrective action as losses in these s/s collectively
contribute to about 70 % of total losses at 11Kv level in Magarwada stream.

The Month wise particulars of total import at 66 kv level & total export at 11 Kv level during the period
1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 are tabulated as below:

13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total

66 Kv Import 116.47 116.82 116.38 121.61 120.82 117.11 119.19 101.21 114.13 112.43 104.3 117.54 1377.93
X'mation losses 1.16 1.14 1.01 0.97 1.05 1.06 0.9 0.75 0.84 0.57 1.02 0.95 11.46
11 Kv bus losses 2.24 3.54 3.54 3.82 3.31 2.6 3.43 2.62 1.79 4.13 3.31 4.13 38.51
Total Losses 3.4 4.68 4.55 4.79 4.36 3.66 4.33 3.37 2.63 4.7 4.33 5.08 49.97
Total export 113.07 112.14 111.83 116.82 116.46 113.45 114.86 97.84 111.5 107.73 99.97 112.46 1327.96

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 47

Monthwise energy balance : Magarwada stream
99% X'mation
98% losses
97% 11 Kv
96% bus losses
95% Total
94% export
Apr_13 May_13 Jun_13 Jul_13 Aug_13 Sep_13 Oct_13 Nov_13 Dec_13 Jan_14 Feb_14 Mar_14

The energy balance between 66 Kv bus in substation to 11 Kv bus in substation is as below:

Magarwada 1467.35 M Units

Transmission loss 13.99 M units

1453.36 M units

66 Kv Bus in S/s 1377.93 M Units 66 Kv Bus in

Transformation loss Dabhel 75.43 M Units

11.46 M units

11 Kv Bus

11 Kv Bus loss

38.51 M Units

1327.96 M Units 11 Kv+ 66 Feeders

In order to have comprehensive picture of losses from main 220 Kv incoming feeders to all out going
11 Kv feeders, it is necessary to combine the losses as worked out earlier upto 66 Kv with those worked
out from 66 Kv level to 11 Kv level.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 48

If we combine the loss scenario up to 66 Kv bus in substation with that upto 11 Kv bus in substation, the
combined scenario during the period 1st April, 12 to 31st march, 13 is given in the table below:

Magarwada sream 12-Apr 12-May 12-Jun 12-Jul 12-Aug 12-Sep 12-Oct 12-Nov 12-Dec 13-Jan 13-Feb 13-Mar Total

Total 220 Kv Import 118.46 118.84 118.26 123.58 122.58 118.79 120.94 103.05 122.43 139.29 126.97 143.45 1476.65
66 Kv Transformation
0.81 0.81 0.77 0.8 0.86 0.79 0.83 0.72 0.66 0.78 0.67 0.8 9.3

Sub Transmission losses 1.17 1.2 1.13 1.18 0.89 0.91 0.95 1.13 0.93 1.44 1.39 1.67 13.99
66/11 kvX'mation losses 1.16 1.14 1.01 0.97 1.05 1.06 0.9 0.75 0.84 0.57 1.02 0.95 11.46
11 Kv bus losses 2.24 3.54 3.54 3.82 3.31 2.6 3.43 2.62 1.79 4.13 3.31 4.13 38.51
Total Losses 3.4 4.68 4.55 4.79 4.36 3.66 4.33 3.37 2.63 4.7 4.33 5.08 49.97
66/11 Kv Export 113.07 112.14 111.83 116.82 116.46 113.43 114.83 97.83 111.48 107.71 99.92 112.46 1327.98
Dabhel 6.73 24.65 20.66 23.43 75.47
Total export 113.07 112.14 111.83 116.82 116.46 113.43 114.83 97.83 118.21 132.37 120.58 135.89 1403.46

Ambetti 1476.65 M units

220 KV Magarwada

Transformation Loss 220/66 Kv

9.3 M Units 1467.35 M Units

66 Kv Magarwada

Sub Transmission Loss

13.99 M units

1377.93 MU

66 Kv Bus in S/S

Transformation loss 66 /11 Kv Dabhel 75.46 M units

11.46 M units

1366.47 M Units 11 Kv Bus

11 Kv Bus loss

38.51 M Units

1327.96 M Units 11 Kv Feeders

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 49

st st
The % loss of various categories in Magarwada S/S network during the period 1 April, 13 to 31 march, 14 is
tabulated below:

Year 2013-14 % loss

MU Magarwada Import Total Purchase
Total Import 1476.65 66.37
Transformation loss 66 Kv 9.3 0.63 0.42
Sub Transmission loss 66 Kv 13.99 0.95 0.63
Transformation loss 11Kv 11.42 0.77 0.51
11 Kv Bus loss 38.46 2.6 1.73
Total Export 1403.6 95.05 63.09
Total Losses 73.1 4.95 3.29

From above it can be seen that total losses up to 11 Kv bus level in substations in Magarwada network
during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March 14 are 4.95 % of total import in Magarwada network & 3.29
% of total purchased energy in year 2013-14. The graphical representation of losses is as below:

Losses in Magarwada Energy Stream


13.99 11.42
220/66 Kv X'mation losses Sub Transmission losses 66/11 kv X'mation losses 11 Kv bus losses

Energy Balance in Magarwada Energy Stream

Transformation loss 66 Kv Sub Transmission loss 66 Kv Transformation loss 11Kv
11 Kv Bus loss Total Export 1%
1% 2%


Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 50

Dabhel S/S

The other energy stream in Daman distribution network is from Dabhel S/s. The electric supply is
received at 66 Kv level at Dabhel S/s from Vapi S/s of GETCO through double circuit feeder. Since
December 13 part of energy (75.46 MU) at Dabhel S/s is being supplied from Magarwada 220 Kv S/s via
Kachigam – Dabhel link. Losses incurred during the such transmission from Kachigam S/s are 0.39 MU.
The power is then stepped down to 11 kv level through 6 nos. of transformers for downstream

The consumption at various levels in Dabhel S/S is as given below:

Dabhel 66 Kv S/s 13-Apr 13-May 13-Jun 13-Jul 13-Aug 13-Sep 13-Oct 13-Nov 13-Dec 14-Jan 14-Feb 14-Mar Total

66 Kv Import 61.01 54.18 54.79 58.77 60.4 59.94 56.82 51.26 56.9 59.21 53.5 59.39 686.2
66 Kv Consumer 28.82 25.7 27.18 30.01 30.01 29.86 27.04 26.28 28.91 30.94 29.59 32.38 346.7
66 Kv Bus 32.19 28.48 27.61 28.76 30.39 30.08 29.77 24.98 27.99 28.26 23.91 27.01 339.5
11 Kv Export 32.07 28.35 27.07 28.03 30.01 29.51 29.28 24.53 27.68 28.24 23.9 26.94 335.6

The month wise the total of 66/11 Kv transformation & 11 Kv bus losses are tabulated below:

13- 13- 13- 13- 13- 13- 13- 13- 13- 14- 14- 14-
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total
X'mer losses 0.08 0.1 0.28 0.34 0.15 0.32 0.23 0.19 0.06 0.02 0 0.01 1.77
11 Kv bus Losses 0.05 0.03 0.26 0.4 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.01 0 0.05 2.06
11 Kv Export 32.07 28.35 27.07 28.03 30.01 29.51 29.28 24.53 27.68 28.24 23.9 26.94 335.6
66 Kv Consumer 28.82 25.7 27.18 30.01 30.01 29.86 27.04 26.28 28.91 30.94 29.59 32.38 346.7

The graphical representation of losses is as below:

Monthwise Energy Balanceat Dabhel S/s

11 Kv bus
98% Losses
97% 11 Kv
97% Export
Apr_13 May_13 Jun_13 Jul_13 Aug_13 Sep_13 Oct_13 Nov_13 Dec_13 Jan_14 Feb_14 Mar_14

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 51

The energy balance in Dabhel network is as below:

Dabhel 66 Kv S/s Dabhel Total Purchase

MU % %
Total import 686.17 30.84
X'mer losses 1.77 0.26 0.08
11 Kv bus Losses 2.06 0.3 0.09
11 +66 Kv Export 682.34 99.44 30.67

Thus the total losses of 3.83 MU were incurred in Dabhel 66 Kv substation during the period between
April-13 to March14. These losses are worked out to be 0.56 % of total energy import of 686.17 MU
during this period. The energy balance of Dabhel 66 Kv S/S is as below:

The single line diagram showing energy balance at Dalwada S/S is as below

686.17 M Units

66 Kv Bus in S/S

Transformation loss 66 /11 Kv 66 Kv consumer

1.77 M Units 346.7 M Units

11 Kv Bus

11 Kv Bus loss

2.06 M Units

335.6 M Units 11 Kv Feeders

Energy Balance at Dabhel S/s

X'mer losses 11 Kv bus Losses 11 +66 Kv Export
0% 0%


Thus it can be seen that % loss upto 11 Kv feeders in case of Dabhel S/S about 0.56 % of Energy received
at Dabhel S/s.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 52

Energy balance: Daman Distribution system

The total substation wise classification of losses in entire Daman territory upto 11 kv feeders in substation
is compiled in the table below:

Total Import X'mation losses 11 Kv Bus losses Total Losses Export % Loss

Import at S/s Gross Purchases

Magarwada 114.04 0.56 2.26 2.82 111.22 2.47 0.13
Ringanwada 210.69 0.96 0.56 1.52 209.17 0.72 0.07
Varkund Bus 115.24 1.27 15.81 17.08 98.16 14.82 0.77
Dalwada 383.15 2.01 7.32 9.33 373.82 2.44 0.42
Bhimpore 112.13 1.08 0.1 1.18 110.95 1.05 0.05
Kachhigam 442.64 5.58 12.46 18.04 424.6 4.08 0.81
Dabhel 686.17 1.77 2.06 3.83 682.34 0.56 0.17
Total 2064.06 13.23 40.57 53.8 2010.26 2.61 2.42

Substation wise Energy balance

11 Kv Bus
95% losses


80% Export

Magarwada Ringanwada Varkund Bus Dalwada Bhimpore Kachhigam Dabhel

The above chart indicates that the losses in Varkund S/s & Kachigam S/s are 15 % & 4 % of energy
imports respectively . In remaining substations in Daman territory the losses are about 2- 3 % of energy
imports which are within limits.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 53

Energy balance: Daman & Diu Distribution system

The energy balance of Daman & Diu distribution system can be arrived at, if energy balance in Dabhel
stream is combined with that of Diu stream.

The energy balance of Daman distribution system as emerged is given below:

Daman & Diu Territory (Period 1-4-13 to 31-03-14) Units (MU) %

Daman Import Gross Purchases/Inj

Total Import = 2135.91 93.84

Transformation loss 66 Kv = 9.3 0.45 0.42
Transmission loss 66 Kv = 14.36 0.69 0.65
Transformation loss 11Kv = 13.23 0.63 0.59
11 Kv Bus loss = 40.57 1.94 1.82
Total losses up to 11 Kv bus = 77.46 3.71 3.48
Total export = 2058.45 96.29 90.36
Distribution Losses in Daman & Diu = 107.69 5.16 4.84
Sales = 1950.76 93.44 87.69

Energy Balance in Daman & Diu Teritory

Transformation loss 66 Kv Transmission loss 66 Kv Transformation loss 11Kv
11 Kv Bus loss Distribution Losses Sales

0% 1% 2% 1%


Thus the losses in Daman & Diu distribution network are 9 % out of which 3.5 % losses are incurred up
to 11 Kv bus in substations. These losses are purely technical losses. The distribution losses in Daman &
Diu in downstream network from 66/11 Kv substations are 5.16 % & comprises of both technical as well
as commercial losses. The chart showing share each category of losses occurring in distribution network
of Daman is presented below:

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 54

Composition of losses in Daman & Diu
Transformation loss 66 Kv Transmission loss 66 Kv Transformation loss 11Kv
11 Kv Bus loss Distribution Losses


58% 22%

The above chart brings out that distribution losses in down stream network of 66/11 Kv substations are
58 % of total losses being incurred in Daman& Diu distribution network. In order to cause reduction in
these losses it is necessary to segregate of distribution losses. The work of segregation of distribution
losses will be taken up in second phase. EDDD has already taken up the work of consumer indexing and
in final stages of completion. EDDD also has decided to take up the work of DT metering.

The distribution losses in downstream network from 66/11 Kv substations which amount to about 5.16 %
of total purchased energy comprise of technical & commercial losses. The technical losses are losses in
various components of distribution system such as transformers, switchgears, overhead feeder lines,
underground cables, meters, capacitors etc. & commercial losses are incurred due to errors in meter
reading, error in billing, defect in meters, tampering in meters & un-metered unauthorized supply (
theft of electricity). The commercial losses can be eliminated by proper control over metering & billing
system backed by effective vigilance team capable of detecting the tampering in metering system & theft
of electricity.

However in order to achieve reduction in losses it is necessary to segregate the distribution losses in
technical & commercial losses. It has been proposed to take up this work in second phase of energy audit
after completion the work of consumer indexing & DT metering. The work of rectification of errors in
energy meters in Diu S/s is also proposed to be completed. The segregation of loses would help to
identify the major source of losses so as to focus on specific feeder, Distribution transformer centre or HT

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 55

Analysis of Losses:

220/66 Kv losses

Transmission losses

The EDDD receives the supply from the western grid from 220 KV S/S Ambetti S/S, Vapi S/S &
Kansari S/S. The feeding points outgoing to Magarwada, Dabhel & Diu respectively are the input nodes
of supply for EDDD & it has to bear all the losses beyond these points. The power is transmitted through
220 double circuit lines from Ambetti to Magarwada whereas it is transmitted through 66 Kv double
circuit lines in case of Vapi to Dabhel & Kansari to Diu.

The details of transmission network, energy wheeled, transmission losses during the period 1st April, 13 to
31st March, 14 is given in the table below:

Conducto No. of Lengt wheele Transmission
Sr. No Transmission line r circuits h d Losses % Loss
From To Kms MU MU
1 Ambetti Magarwada Zebra Double 25.71
2 Magarwada Kachigam Panther Double 2.8 521.2 3.1 0.59
3 Kachigam Dabhel Panther Single 3.5 75.49 0.39 0.51
4 Magarwada Ringanwada Panther Single 3.8 432.76 3.04 0.7
5 Magarwada Varkund Panther Single 3.65 399.32 1.36 0.34
6 Ringanwada Varkund Panther Single 2.64 219.03 0.76 0.35
7 Varkund Dalwada Panther Double 3.4 500.99 4.48 0.89
8 Dalwada Bhimapore 1.8 113.36 1.23 1.09

9 Vapi Dabhel Panther Single 5.9

10 Vapi Dabhel Panther Single 5.9 611.08

11 Vapi Kachigam Panther Single 5.6

12 Dabhel Dalwada Panther Single 5.2
13 Kachigam Dalwada Panther Single 7.4

14 kansari Diu Double 22 48.17

The drawl during the period 1st April, 13 to 31st March, 14 was 2043.49 MU & the transmission losses at
this drawl are found to be 7.99 MU .

The transmission losses are basically ohmic heat losses due to flow of current in feeder conductors.
Normally these losses are proportional to square of current in the feeder & conductor resistance. The

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 56

resistance in turn is proportional to length of conductor & resistivity & inversely proportional to cross
section of conductor. Also the current in transmission line is inversely proportional to transmission
voltage. The transmission losses were found to 0.36 % of total drawl & 0.37 % of gross energy

Sub Transmission losses

In case of Daman distribution network the supply is received at 220 Kv at Magarwada S/s which is then
stepped down to 66 Kv level & transmitted further to Ringanwada S/s, Kachigam S/s, Varkund S/s,
Dalwada S/s & Bhimpore S/s, Hence only in Magarwada energy flow stream the 220 /66 Kv
transformation & 66 Kv sub transmission losses occur. In other streams the supply is received directly
at 66 Kv at Dabhel S/s in Daman region & at Una S/s in Diu region. In current year, part of energy 75.49
MU was supplied through Magarwada stream via Kachigam to Dabhel link.

The transmission losses in various 66 Kv feeders going to various substations in during period April 13
to March 14 are as below:

66 Kv Feeder Energy (1-4-13 to 31-03-14) Transmission loss

From To exported Received (Kwh) %
Magarwada Kachigam I 263.36 261.99 1.37 0.52
Magarwada Kachigam II 257.86 256.13 1.73 0.67
Kachigam Dabhel 75.47 75.08 0.39 0.52
Magarwada Ringanwada 432.76 429.72 3.04 0.70
Magarwada Varkund 399.32 397.96 1.36 0.34
Ringanwada Varkund 219.03 218.27 0.76 0.35
Varkund Dalwada 500.99 496.51 4.48 0.89
Dalwada Bhimapore 113.36 112.13 1.23 1.09
Total 2262.15 2247.79 14.36 0.63

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 57

Feeder wise Sub Transmission Losses


1.37 1.36 1.23

66 Kv feeders originating from Magarwada S/s to Ringanwada & Varkund S/s are required to wheel the
combined load of Ringanwada, Varkund , Dalwada & Bhimapore S/s. Hence the transmission losses for
wheeling the energy to Dalwada are distributed over remaining 66 Kv feeders. Similarly The 66 Kv
feeder to Kachigam S/s is feeding combined load of Kachigam & part load of Dabhel S/s. Hence the
transmission losses in these feeders are allocated to each substation in proportion of the energy distributed
by respective substation. The substation wise allocation of sub transmission loss is as below:

Sr.No. 66 Kv S/s Energy Wheeled Sub Transmission losses % loss

1 Kachigam 442.64 3.03 0.68

2 Dabhel 75.08 0.47 0.63
3 Ringanwada 210.69 1.46 0.69
4 Varkund 115.24 0.18 0.16
5 Dalwada 383.15 7.34 1.92
6 Bhimpore 112.13 1.89 1.69

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 58

The chart showing the substation wise allocation of sub transmission losses is as below:

Substation wise Sub Transmission Losses

Kachigam Dabhel Ringanwada Varkund Dalwada Bhimpore

13% 21%





From above it can be seen that the 90 % of sub transmission losses are contributed by feeders supplying
energy to Dalwada & Bhimapore S/s.

The share of above referred substations in energy exported from Magarwada S/S is shown in the chart

Share of Energy Wheeled

Kachigam Dabhel Ringanwada Varkund Dalwada Bhimpore





From above two charts it can be seen that though the energy exported to combined load of Dalwada &
Bhimapore s/s is about 37 % of total energy exported from Magarwada, the transmission losses for these
substations forms about 64% of total transmission losses due to longer distance from feeding point.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 59

Reconductoring of Transmisssion line

The conductors of transmission lines in Diu & Daman 66 Kv transmission network are panther ACSR conductors
having conductor area of 212 The total area of the conductor including that of steel conductor is 261.5 sq.
mm. The weight of conductor per Km is 974 Kg/ Km.

Now a days all aluminum alloy conductors made up of Aluminium-magnesium silicon alloy are available containing
magnesium (0.6—0.9 %) & silicon (0.5—0.9 %) to give it better mechanical properties. AAAC conductor has
better corrosion resistance& better strength to weight ratio. The AAAC conductor has better conductivity than
ACSR conductor on equal diameter basis.

In view of availability of alternate conductor configuration having improved resistance, it is proposed to replace the
existing panther ACSR conductor by Panther Up conductor .The comparison of panther ACSR conductor with that
of various AAAC conductors is as below:

Conductor Resistance
area Diameter weight at 20 0 C
Sq. mm mm Kg/km ohm/km
Panther ACSR 212 21 974 0.139
wolf AAAC 173 17 474 0.197
Panther Up I AAAC 288 22.05 794 0.118
Panther Up II AAAC 346 24.15 953 0.098

The transmission lines between Magarwada to Kachigam & Varkund to Dalwada are double circuit feeders. The
estimated transmission losses in these transmission lines under various options of conductor are as below:

66 Kv Feeder Sub Transmission losses ( Kwh)

From To Panther Twin wolf Panther Up I Panther Up II
Existing losses ACSR AAAC AAAC AAAC
Magarwada Kachigam I 1.37 0.77 0.55 0.65 0.54
Magarwada Kachigam II 1.73 0.74 0.52 0.63 0.52
Varkund Dalwada I 2.24 0.86 0.61 0.73 0.61
Varkund Dalwada II 2.24 0.86 0.61 0.73 0.61
Total 7.58 3.23 2.29 2.74 2.28

From above table it can be seen that there is potential of annual savings to tune of about 4.35 to 5.29 MU in
transmission losses in case of double circuit feeders between Magarwada to Kachigam S/s and Varkund S/s to
Dalwada S/s. The selection of appropriate conductor can be done after consideration of other technical parameters
like ground clearances, sag, weight, other clearances etc.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 60

Conversion of single circuit feeders to Double circuit feeders

At present there is no direct feeder between Magarwada to Dalwada S/s. The energy has to be transmitted
through 66 Kv lines between Magarwada to Ringanwada & Varkund and Ringanwada to Varkund in
addition to line between Varkund S/s to Dalwada S/s. Out of these lines, 66 Kv lines between Magarwada
to Ringanwada & Varkund and Ringanwada to Varkund are single circuit feeders. The line conductors are
of panther ACSR type. The line between Magarwada to Ringanwada is carrying the load of about 470
ampere & has reached its maximum capacity.

The saving potential pertaining to transmission losses in period 1st April 13 to 31st March 14 by changing
existing ACSR conductor by AAAC conductor in single as well as double circuit configuration is worked
out in the table below:

66 Kv Feeder Transmission losses ( Kwh)

From To Single Circuit Double Circuit

losses Panther Twin wolf Panther Up I Panther Up II Panther Twin wolf Panther Up I Panther Up II


Kachigam Dabhel 0.39 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.035 0.03

Magarwada Ringanwada 3.04 2.82 2 2.39 1.99 1.41 1 1.195 0.995

Magarwada Varkund 1.36 1.76 1.67 1.76 1.66 0.88 0.835 0.88 0.83

Ringanwada Varkund 0.76 0.51 0.36 0.43 0.36 0.255 0.18 0.215 0.18

Dalwada Bhimpore 1.23 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.045 0.035 0.04 0.035

Total 6.78 5.26 4.16 4.73 4.14 2.63 2.08 2.365 2.07

From the above table it is clear that there is annual saving potential of 1.52 MU to 2.62 MU in case only existing
panther ACSR conductors are replaced by suitable AAAC .

However if the existing single circuit is converted into double circuit using suitable AAAC conductors, the annual
saving potential is to tune of 4.15 MU to 4.7 MU .

The feasibility study will have to be carried out considering the tower design, right of way, clearances, sag etc,

Thus the total annual saving potential by conversion of single circuit feeders to double circuit feeders & change over
to AAAC conductors is almost 4.7 MU out of existing annual sub transmission losses of 6.78 MU. These remaining
transmission losses can be further reduced to 25 % if existing transmission voltage is increased to 132 Kv by
installing 220 /1110 Kv transformers at 220 Kv substation & 132 Kv/11 Kv transformers at existing 66 Kv
substations. Moreover the suitability of tower height for requisite clearances, sag, arm length, wind pressure, span,
right of way as well as capital expenditure & its viability has to be studied further in detail.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 61

Improvement of Power factor

The transmission lines have to wheel active as well as reactive power. The reactive current causes
additional distribution losses in transmission lines & transformers. Due to drawl of reactive power causes
decrease in the power factor. The power factor of various transformers in substations is as below:

Dabhel Magarwada Varkund Ringanwada

Trans. 15 Mva 15 Mva 20 Mva 15 Mva 15 Mva 10 Mva 10 Mva 10 Mva 10 Mva 15 Mva 15 Mva 10 Mva 10 Mva 10 Mva

PF 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.97 0.96 0.98 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.97

Dalwada Kachigam Bhimapore

Trans. 15 Mva 15 Mva 20 Mva 15 Mva 15 Mva 15 Mva 20 Mva 15 Mva 20 Mva 10 Mva 10 Mva 10 mva
PF 0.94 0.96 0.98 0.95 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.98 0.96 0.96

The power factor in case of all transformers in substations is found to be in range of 0.94 to 0.98. Due to
low power factor the distribution / transmission system has to carry the load of reactive power. If the
reactive power is compensated locally at sub stations by installing capacitors of requisite ratings, the
upstream network will be relieved by reactive current.

The instantaneous values of active, reactive & apparent power at 66 Kv for various feeders is as below:

Substation MW MVAR MVA PF

Magarwada 66 Tr 1 3.68 1.21 3.87 0.95
Magarwada 66 Tr 2 3.64 1.2 3.83 0.95
Magarwada 66 Tr 3 6.24 1.82 6.5 0.96
Kachigam I 26.51 8.71 27.91 0.95
Kachigam II 26.31 9.55 27.99 0.94
Varkund 47.4 15.58 49.89 0.95
Ringanwada 51.25 14.95 53.39 0.96
Dabhel 78.99 28.67 84.03 0.94
244.02 81.69 257.41 0.95

By improving the power factor, the apparent power & current can be reduced by 5 % which can bring
upon reduction in transmission losses & transformer load losses to extent of 9.75 %. The improvement in
PF can cause the reduction in demand by about 5 %.

At present the total sub transmission losses & 66/11 Kv transformation losses at 66 Kv during the period
1st April 13 to 31st March 14 are 27.59 MU. The 220 Kv transmission losses during the period 1st April 13 to

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 62

31st March 14 are 7.99 MU. The total 220 Kv & 66 Kv transmission losses are estimated to about 22.35
Mu per annum. The reduction in current to tune of 5 % due to improvement in power factor can bring
down the transmission losses by about 2.18 MU (9.75%)

The 66/11 transformation losses during the period 1st April 13 to 31st March 14 are worked out to be 13.23
MU. As the no load losses particulars of transformer are not available, the exact reduction in transformer
load losses cannot be computed. However, if we assume the no load losses to be 20 % on conservative
basis, the load losses would approximately be about 10.6 M units. Thus with improvement in power
factor to unity, the reduction of 1.03 M units can be achieved in transformer load losses. Moreover due to
improvement in power factor the secondary voltage will increase causing proportionate reduction in
current in secondary side which will also lead to reduction in distribution losses & voltage drop. At
present the voltage was observed to be in the range of 63 to 64 Kv. With the reactive power
compensation, the voltage will be improved by about 5 % to 66 Kv.

The improvement in power factor would also result in reduction in instantaneous demand relieving the
load on upstream transmission grid as well as generating system causing surplus energy out of predefined
allocation. The reduction in demand will result in reduction in demand charges.

Thus there is saving potential of 3.21 MU per annum by way of improvement of power factor by
installing capacitors of about 82 MVAR in the system at various stages. The detailed proposal of
cost benefit analysis will be furnished in second phase of Energy audit.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 63

Losses at 11 Kv level

The share of total losses in Diu & Daman distribution system is shown in chart below:

Composition of losses in Daman & Diu

220/66 Kv Transmission loss Transformation loss 66 Kv 66 kv Sub Transmission loss 66 Kv
Transformation loss 11Kv 11 Kv Bus loss Distribution Losses in Daman & Diu



The distribution losses contribute almost 56 % of total losses, being incurred in distribution system in
entire territory of EDDD. Out of total losses of 193.14 MU, the major chunk of losses is contributed by
distribution losses. These losses are required to be segregated in commercial & technical losses so as to
take maximum efforts for minimizing commercial losses. Since the segregation of these losses is
proposed to be taken up in second phase of energy audit, the saving opportunities will be presented after
its segregation.

The second largest chunk of above pie is that of 11 Kv bus losses which form 21 % of losses.

In view of high % of 11 kv bus losses, it is necessary to find out substation wise share of 11 Kv bus
losses. The bus losses as computed at each substation during the period 1st April 13 to 31st March 14 are as

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 64

The bus losses as compared to energy exported is presented the chart below:

Export 11 Kv bus losses % of Export

Magarwada 111.22 2.26 2
Ringanwada 209.17 0.56 0.3
Varkund Bus 98.16 15.81 16.1
Dalwada 373.82 7.32 2
Bhimpore 110.95 0.1 0.1
Kachhigam 424.6 12.46 2.9
Dabhel 682.34 2.06 0.3

The % share of each substation in total 11 Kv bus losses is given in the chart below:

Substation wise Share of Bus losses.

Magarwada Ringanwada Varkund Bus Dalwada Bhimpore Kachhigam Dabhel
5% 6%




The chart showing bus losses as % of energy exported from respective substation is given in the chart below:

Bus Losses as % of Energy Exported


95% 11 Kv bus losses



Magarwada Ringanwada Varkund Bus Dalwada Bhimpore Kachhigam Dabhel

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 65

From above charts it can be seen that bus losses in Varkund S/s & Kachigam S/s are maximum. The bus losses in
these two substations collectively form about 70 % of total 11 Kv bus losses. However % bus losses in Varkund
substation as compared to energy exported from that substation are 15% & needs to be tacked on priority basis.
Moreover % bus losses in Kachigam, Dalwada, & Magarwada S/s are more than 2% of the energy exported from
respective substations & also needs to attended for reduction in bus losses.

The bus losses are proportional to square of current flowing in bus & effective resistance of bus. The bus
resistance depends on its cross section area & resistivity as well as contact resistance at various tapings of

In Daman system there are 26 nos. of 11 Kv bus. The values of average bus resistances at various sub
stations are worked out and comparison of bus resistance is given in the chart below:

Average Bus resistance at Substation


0.25 0.33
0.04 0.02 0.03

Magarwada Ringanwada Varkund Dalwada Bhimpore Kachhigam Dabhel

From above it can be seen that average bus resistance at Dabhel S/s & Ringanwada s/s are least. As seen
earlier, the bus losses at Varkund, Kachigam, Dalwada, & Magarwada S/s are more than 2% of energy
exported from that substation. However the high bus loses in case of Dalwada S/s is due to high amount
of energy handled by the Dalwada S/s whereas the bus losses in case of Magarwada S/s is due to high bus
resistance The bus losses in case Dalwada & Kachigam S/s are high due to high current on 11 Kv side as
losses in bus are proportional to square of current in bus. The management of EDDD should take effective
steps in reducing current as well as the effective bus resistance. There is good potential of saving of at
least 15 % of bus losses in case of Varkund, Kachigam, Dalwada, & Magarwada S/S.

The bus resistance can be reduced by replacing the bus by that of material having better conductivity like
copper , or by bus having higher cross section area & providing bimetallic stripe between aluminum lug
& copper bus, cleaning the contact surface between bus & feeder termination.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 66

The contact resistance normally increases due to corrosion or oxidation. Many times the bus & feeders
lugs are of different material. Since the coefficient of thermal expansion are different for different
material. Owing to uneven expansion & contraction of surfaces of different metals, the gap is created
between contact surfaces. Due to air gap in contact, the oxidation may occur causing increase in contact
resistance. Use of bimetallic stripe between aluminum lug & copper bus can help to reduce the resistance.
Cleaning of contacts, increasing the contact surface area will also help to reduce the bus losses.

The resistance is proportional to the temperature & changes with the temperature. Hence the knowledge
of temperature at various tapings, joints of bus will give fair picture about resistance. Now a days good
quality of thermal imagers are available which can give complete picture of thermal profile of bus &
transmission lines so that corrective action as regards to reduction in contact resistance can be taken up.

The bus losses during the period between 1st April 13 to 31st March 14 were computed to be 40.5 MU out of
which 37.85 MU are being incurred at Varkund, Kachigam, Dalwada, & Magarwada S/s. There is saving
potential of 5.67 MU in bus losses by taking measures to reduce bus & contact resistance at these four substations.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 67

Summarising, the total energy saving potential of 17.09 MU in losses up to the 11 Kv bus in substations
in Daman distribution network pertaining to period 1st April 13 to 31st March 14 has been identified, as
tabulated below:

No. Saving Potential MU % Savings
Gross Energy Drawl at
Purchase T<>D interface
1 Reconductoring of Transmission line
Magarwada-Kachigam I 2.03
Kachigam-Dabhel 0.33
Magarwada -Ringanwada Line 1.04
Ringanwada-Varkund Line 0.4
Varkund-Dalwada line 3.26
Dalwada -Bhimpore 1.16
2 Conversion of single circuit to double circuit*
Kachigam-Dabhel 0.36
Magarwada Ringanwada Line 2.04
Magarwada Varkund Line 0.83
Ringanwada Varkund Line 0.58
Dalwada -Bhimpore 1.19
3 Improvement of power factor
Reduction in transmission losses 0.78
Reduction in sub transmission losses 1.39
Reduction in transformation losses 1.03
4 improvement in bus resistance
Reduction of bus resistance 5.67

Total *17.09 0.77 0.8

* with reconductoring

Taking into consideration the various constraints for implementation of measures, suggested at Sr.No.1 to
2, the further detailed study is required to explore the feasibility & viability of opportunities. The next
maximum potential is in reduction in bus losses which is not capital intensive. Hence the m/s EDDD
should take corrective action in case of excessive bus losses at Varkund, Kachigam, Dalwada, &
Magarwada S/s & improvement of power factor.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 68


The total T & D losses in distribution network of Electricity Department, Diu & Daman are 193.14 MU
which are 8.68 % of gross purchased energy & 9.01 % of energy drawl at transmission periphery. Out of
this, 3.98 % losses are being incurred during transmission & distribution of power from grid substations
up to 11 Kv bus in 66 / 11 Kv substations. Out of these3.98 % losses, T& D losses up to 66 Kv bus of the
system are 31.65 MU which are 1.48 % of Energy Drawl.

Remaining 5.03 % losses are being incurred in downstream network from 11 Kv bus of 66/11 Kv
substations. The losses in bulk power transmission ( 31.65 MU) at high voltage (220 Kv/66 Kv)are about
20 % as compared to losses in retail power transmission & distribution (161.49 MU) at medium & low
voltage (11 KV/ 430 Volts).

The potential of reduction in losses to tune of 0.8 % out of technical losses of 3.98 % has been

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 69

Recommendations for actions:

Magarwada S/s 66 Kv

Total Actual Transmission Total

Substation Import receipts losses X'mation losses 11 Kv Bus losses Total Losses Export
MU MU Units % MU % MU % MU % MU
Magarwada 114.04 114.04 - - 0.55 0.49 2.26 1.98 2.81 2.47 100.19

Actions suggested:

Reduction of Transformation losses:

1. Improvement of Power factor

2. Thermography of primary/ secondary cable/ bus terminations
3. Reduction of contact resistance of terminations

Reduction of Bus losses

The bus losses are at Magarwada 66 Kv S/s were found to be around 1.98 % of energy imported. The bus
losses are high, due to high effective resistance. In order to reduce the bus losses , it is imperative to
reduce the reduce the effective bus resistance.

1. Visual inspection of bus for detection any loose connections or oxidation

2. Thermography of bus section for thermal imaging to detect any hot spots/ joints
3. Reduction in contact resistance by proper termination after cleaning & tightening of contacts
4. Replacement of bus by that of higher cross section or by material of higher conductivity ( copper
in place of Aluminium) if necessary.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 70

Varkund S/s

Total Actual Transmission Total

Substation Import receipts losses X'mation losses 11 Kv Bus losses Total Losses Export
MU MU Units % MU % MU % MU % MU
Varkund 115.42 115.24 0.18 0.16 1.27 1.1 15.81 13.7 17.26 14.98 98.16

Transmission losses:

1. Re conductoring of transmission line

Transformation & Bus losses:

2. Improvement of die electric strength of transformer oil

3. Improvement of Power factor
4. Thermography of primary/ secondary cable/ bus terminations
5. Reduction of contact resistance of terminations
6. Visual inspection of bus for detection any loose connections or oxidation

The bus losses are at Varkund 66 Kv S/s were found to be around 13.7 % of energy imported. The bus
losses are high, due to high effective resistance. In order to reduce the bus losses, it is imperative to
reduce the reduce the effective bus resistance. It is also recommended to calibrate all meters at Varkund

1. Visual inspection of bus for detection any loose connections or oxidation

2. Thermography of bus section for thermal imaging to detect any hot spots/ joints
3. Reduction in contact resistance by proper termination after cleaning & tightening of contacts
4. Replacement of bus by that of higher cross section or by material of higher conductivity ( copper
in place of Aluminium) if necessary.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 71

Ringanwada S/s

Total 66 Actual Transmission 11 Kv Bus Total

Substation Kv export receipts losses X'mation losses losses Total Losses Export
MU MU MU % MU % MU % MU % Units
Ringanwada 212.15 210.69 1.46 0.69 0.96 0.45 0.56 0.27 2.98 1.4 209.17

Transmission losses:

1. Re conductoring of transmission line

Transformation losses:

1. Improvement of die electric strength of transformer oil

2. Improvement of Power factor
3. Thermography of primary/ secondary cable/ bus terminations
4. Reduction of contact resistance of terminations

11 Kv Bus losses

1. Visual inspection of bus for detection any loose connections or oxidation

2. Thermography of bus section for thermal imaging to detect any hot spots/ joints
3. Reduction in contact resistance by proper termination after cleaning & tightening of contacts
4. Replacement of bus by that of higher cross section or by material of higher conductivity( copper
in place of Aluminium) if necessary.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 72

Dalwada S/ s

Total Actual Transmission 11 Kv Bus Total

Substation Import receipts losses X'mation losses losses Total Losses Export
MU MU MU % MU % MU % MU % MU
Dalwada 390.49 383.15 7.34 1.92 2.01 0.52 7.32 1.91 16.67 4.26 373.82

Reduction in Transmission losses:

1. Improvement in power factor

2. Re conductoring of transmission line
3. Conversion of single circuit to double circuit Magarwada to Varkund, Ringanwada .

Reduction of Transformation losses:

1. Improvement of die electric strength of transformer oil

2. Improvement of Power factor
3. Thermography of primary/ secondary cable/ bus terminations
4. Reduction of contact resistance of terminations

Reduction of Bus losses

1. Visual inspection of bus for detection any loose connections or oxidation

2. Thermography of bus section for thermal imaging to detect any hot spots/ joints
3. Reduction in contact resistance by proper termination after cleaning & tightening of contacts
4. Replacement of bus by that of higher cross section & of material of higher conductivity ( copper
in place of Aluminium) if necessary.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 73

Bhimapore S/ s

Total Actual Transmission 11 Kv Bus Total

Substation Import receipts losses X'mation losses losses Total Losses Export
MU MU MU % MU % MU % MU % MU
Dalwada 114.07 112.13 1.89 1.69 1.08 0.96 0.1 0.09 3.07 2.69 110.95

Reduction in Transmission losses:

1. Improvement in power factor

2. Re conductoring of transmission line
3. Conversion of single circuit to double circuit

Reduction of Transformation losses:

4. Improvement of die electric strength of transformer oil

5. Improvement of Power factor
6. Thermography of primary/ secondary cable/ bus terminations
7. Reduction of contact resistance of terminations

Reduction of Bus losses

8. Visual inspection of bus for detection any loose connections or oxidation

9. Thermography of bus section for thermal imaging to detect any hot spots/ joints
10. Reduction in contact resistance by proper termination after cleaning & tightening of contacts
11. Replacement of bus by that of higher cross section & of material of higher conductivity ( copper
in place of Aluminium) if necessary.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 74

Kachhigam S/ s

Total Actual Transmission 11 Kv Bus Total

Substation Import receipts losses X'mation losses losses Total Losses Export
MU MU MU % MU % MU % MU % MU
Kachhigam 445.68 442.65 3.03 0.68 5.58 1.26 12.46 2.81 21.07 4.73 424.61

Reduction in Transmission losses:

1. Improvement in power factor

2. Re conductoring of transmission line
3. Conversion of single circuit to double circuit Magarwada to Varkund, Ringanwada .

Reduction of Transformation losses:

4. Improvement of die electric strength of transformer oil

5. Improvement of Power factor
6. Thermography of primary/ secondary cable/ bus terminations
7. Reduction of contact resistance of terminations
8. Reduction of load by commissioning new substation

Reduction of Bus losses

1. Visual inspection of bus for detection any loose connections or oxidation

2. Thermography of bus section for thermal imaging to detect any hot spots/ joints
3. Reduction in contact resistance by proper termination after cleaning & tightening of contacts
4. Replacement of bus by that of higher cross section & of material of higher conductivity ( copper
in place of Aluminium) if necessary

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 75

Dabhel S/S

Total Actual Transmission 11 Kv Bus Total

Substation Import receipts losses X'mation losses losses Total Losses Export
MU MU Units % MU % MU % MU % MU
Dabhel 686.56 686.17 0.39 0.05 1.77 0.26 2.06 0.3 4.22 0.61 682.34

Transformation losses:

1. Improvement in power factor

Reduction of Bus losses

2. Visual inspection of bus for detection any loose connections or oxidation

3. Thermography of bus section for thermal imaging to detect any hot spots/ joints
4. Reduction in contact resistance by proper termination after cleaning & tightening of contacts
5. Replacement of bus by that of higher cross section if necessary.

Electricity Department, Daman & Diu Page 76

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