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MiBo Shortlisted Agency – Final Presentation Guidelines

MiBo Goals
Our growth goal =1000 units sold at Launch. We encourage you to invalidate this goal as being too high or too
low and provide your reasoning behind the same and your proposal. You could also suggest a different
timeline than what we are proposing and provide your reasoning for the same.

Our next goal is to launch the entire React product line in 2021 but we want to leverage consumer and
competitor data and real market insights to make an informed decision and pivot as needed. Please
summarize your thoughts on how we should take an informed decision around when to launch, how to launch,
pricing and packaging, or other relevant dimensions. What we are seeking here is an understanding of how
broadly and deeply do you/can you think.

Sustainable goals – Brand value, Higher Retention, Organic Growth, Increasing CLTV, Higher CSAT

Our Expectations – messaging, campaigns, and prioritization of customer problem to solve based on current
industry/market conditions, market share available to grab, opportunities created by the pandemic.

Your Agency Core Competencies

To be included at the beginning of your presentation
• Brand Identity, Guidelines, Personas
• Traditional Marketing
• Growth Strategy
• Others – Please mention

MiBo Creative Assets, Website

What is your /proposal for the MiBo website – content, look and feel, branding decisions, alignment with the
product roadmap, and launch strategy?

Mibo Know The Customer

1. Know who is the customer for each of our products in the MiBo React family. Create buyer personas
for each and specifically the first product that we would like to launch – The React Mat. Provide us a
high-level understanding of who is our customer, the buyer personas, and the initial buyer
persona/personas to focus on for the initial launch.
2. What problems do you recommend we solve initially to ensure a prominent launch for MiBo? What will
you use to prioritize what problems we should focus on?

MiBo App, Pre- Launch & Launch Strategy and other Considerations
Our high-level launch strategy - > Brand awareness, Product Awareness -> Create Buzz through Content,
App, PR -> Soft launch -> Market validation for product -> Pivot as needed -> Launch additional targeted
campaigns -> Pre-order -> TBD

We have a mobile app that is provided free and will be used for capturing data from all our fitness tech
products and is integrated with standard Fitness tech apps. The mobile app could be our first soft launch. The
app will come bundled with many video-based exercises. We could launch a Youtube channel for MiBo as well
to start with. Since the app is free, we could add some exercises therein that use some of MiBo's products and
include in-App incentives to purchase MiBo products. The people who will download the app will be the target
customers to use our products. and we could retarget these people again through other channels to convert

Leads, Conversion, and Growth Strategy

Please focus on our Mobile app, Facebook, Youtube, and any channel you believe our competitors are
using effectively to come up with your proposal that includes:
1. Owned Media strategy – SEO Generic, SEO Long Tail, FB Organic Reach, Website Organic Reach,
Instagram, Blog/Youtube Channel/App marketing, UGC
MiBo Shortlisted Agency – Final Presentation Guidelines

2. Awareness campaign/s launch strategy in alignment with our product line roadmap. Should our
awareness campaigns focus on the entire product family or just the React Mat? What is your proposed
strategy for helping customers and prospects build a connection with the MiBo brand?
3. Strategy to find qualified leads (TAM, SAM, customer segments, channels, and targeted volume)
4. Paid Media Strategy – Google Ads Generic, Google Ads Remarketing, Facebook Custom, Facebook
Promoted Posts, Influencer Marketing. What will be your approach towards Targeting with Paid media
through the Customer lifecycle?
5. Nurturing and conversions (focused customer segment/s, events, activities, promotions, retargeting,
and volume)
6. # of units that will be purchased at launch or pre-ordered at launch (customer segment/s, units pre-
7. What will be the approximate customer acquisition cost?
8. Quarter 2- repeat the above steps and provide new projections, pivots, adoption goals
9. Earned Media Strategy – Integrated Content Campaigns, Influencer PR, Media related PR, Product
Hunt and similar options for Fitness products and marketplaces
10. Quarter 3 - rinse and repeat above + something new (customer loyalty programs, referrals, new
product launch, new bundles)
11. Quarter 4 - rinse and repeat above + something new (customer loyalty programs, referrals. new
product launch, new bundles)

Strategic Partnerships, Viral Loops, Influencer Marketing

1. Include a strategy for DMPs/strategic partnerships (what type, targeted userbase that we could have
access to), Who? What? How? When? Conversions/Impact?
2. Include a strategy for Influencer marketing and brand ambassadors, who, when, what? Qualification,
Selection, UGC and Coversions, Impact Measurement process.
3. What is your experience with Viral Loops? walk us some case studies and conversions

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