Integrative Reflection Paper in Understanding The Self PDF

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Name: Daguplo, Cyril E.

Subject/Section: ZGE_1108/ BME1A

Student Number: 20181146678 Date Submitted: 12/08/2020


“An unexamined life is not worth living”, this is the keyword of Socrates idea about
self. He states that the soul is immortal and even if a human died, it’s not its end. There
is what we call the world after death. In his concept he introduced physical and ideal
realm. The body belongs to physical realm, while the soul belongs to ideal realm. So, in
order to have a good life, one must live a good life. That’s what brought happiness even
after life because we did the real purpose of life, to become good.

Another concept from Plato, “The soul is immortal”. According to him the self
consists of reason, spirit or passion, and physical appetite. Reason means think deeply
about something, Spirit includes basic emotion, and physical appetite includes our basic
biological needs. These three have relation with each other. In short, to live a happy life,
humans must consistently make sure that their reason is in control of their spirit and

Another concept from Aristotle which stated that, “The soul is the essence of the
self”. For him, the body and soul are not two separate elements but is one thing. The soul
is the essence of the self but it can’t exist without the body. In addition, he stated that we
are a rational animal or through reason we became human. So basically, we are defined
base on our reason that gives us distinct characteristics. Moving on to St. Augustine
concept, “I am doubting therefore I am”. He integrated the idea of Plato and Christianity.
Furthermore, he stated that the physical body is different from and inferior to its inhabitant,
the immortal soul. He also explained that human is created through image and likeness
of God and we are created as a good individual.

Next is Rene Descartes with his keystone, “I think therefore I am”. As explained by
him, the act of being self-conscious- is in itself proof that there is self. In line with this, the
essence of self- a thinking entity that doubts, understand, analyzes, questions, and
reasons. In accord there is a soul and a body which are not independent of one another
and each can exist and function without the other. For John Locke, another philosopher
stated that “The self is consciousness”. He explained that at birth our minds is at blank
state and self-identity is being developed primarily from sense experiences. More so, self-
consciousness is important to have coherent personal identity or having the same identity
in different situations.

Lastly, to understand and achieve accurate conclusions about self, we should use
the power of reason and introspection. Next is David Hume’s concept, “There is no self”.
Hume suggested that if people carefully examine their sense experience through the
process of introspection, they will discover that there is no self. Thus, the idea of personal
identity is a resulting imagination. Next is “the self-multilayered” by Sigmund Freud. Based
on him, the self consists of conscious, unconscious, and preconscious. The conscious
self is governed by the reality principle. The unconscious contains the basic instinctual
drives and governed by the pleasure principle. The preconscious is between conscious
and unconscious part of the self that is not threatening and is easily brought to mind.

Moving on to Gilbert Ryle, “The self is the way people behave”. The self is basically
our behavior. This concept provided the philosophical principle, “I act therefore I am”. In
short, the self is the same as bodily behavior. “The self is the brain”, another concept by
Paul Churchland. He stated that the self and brain I one. Basically, if there is no brain,
there would be no self. In short, the concept means the self is the brain. Another concept
by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, “The self is embodied Subjectivity”. This concept explained
that all the knowledge of ourselves and our world is based on subjective experiences. It
is more on how we view and give perceptions. The self can never be truly objectified.

From these concepts of philosophers, I mostly agree to the philosophical

perspective of St. Augustine because I believed in God who created all of us in His own
image and likeness and goodness in our hearts. Without Him, there are no us. If I will not
let God enter my life, I think everything will be doomed. Only God can give the life that is
best for us. God will give me the best that will help me find the real happiness in my own
self. I also agreed to the concept of Gilbert Ryle about “The self is the way people
behave”, because for me that’s how I define the self of people, based on their behavior.

The second lesson the I learned in the book of understanding the self is the
“Sociological Perspective: The Self as a Product of Society” in this topic, I learned that
nowadays, self-identity is important for an individual to understand the self within him/her.
The basic idea about self-development is that, “The self is not present at birth, rather, it
develops while growing through social experiences”. There are theories and concepts
describing how self develops for us to understand the self and others. According to the
theory of Mead and Cooley, the self is not dependent on biological predisposition rather,
it is a product of social interaction. It means that relating to the basic idea, self is not
present at birth or it doesn’t come from our parents or ancestor’s trait. But it is a product
of social interaction.

Base on my experience, my mother has short tempered sometimes as well as my

sister, but I, I can manage my temper and stay calm. I think I developed this trait through
interaction with people with good temper like my friends around me. Another idea from
Cooley, about the looking glass. For example, based on my experience, I’m always with
my parents and I have viewed myself as a mirror of them. Like being good, being wise,
and determined to live a life are some traits I like the most that they have.

Another concept according to Gerry Lanuza about our modern society that we
have freedom in choosing our self-identity. While in the postmodern societies, our self-
identity continuously changes due to the demands of multitude of social context, new
information technologies, and globalization. It means that we can freely choose what
identity we want to have for self-cultivation but there are some problems that may arise.
For instance, the limitation of close interaction if we choose not to socialize because that’s
the identity we developed. Another concept from a sociologist Jean Baudrillard, individual
achieve self-identity through prestige symbols and we consume goods that will give us a
feeling of goodness instead of choosing our needs. It’s one of the major problems about
self-identity in our postmodern society because we tend to compare the social class, we
have from other people just to feel good. We keep on finding more because we can never
be satisfied in life. In my opinion, this is the reason why many people are doing crime just
to afford something they want. Also, I’ve noticed that in today’s world, most of the dreams
of many people are to have prestige car, house, million dollar or in short to become rich.
But we definitely forgot what’s the real reason of our life. Unfortunately, most of us forgot
who really, we are as a human being because they were blinded by golds. Searching for
self-identity is indeed challenging, we maybe have a choice but can we really choose the
right one?

The next lesson I learned in Understanding the Self is all about Anthropological
conceptualization of self. Anthropology is the science of human beings. It is more on
understanding the human being in relation on cultural and biological processes to
construct the self. In addition, it considered the human experiences as an interplay of
nature referring to genetic inheritance which sets the individual’s potentials and “nurture”
with regards to socio-cultural environment. Moreover, biological and cultural factors have
significant influence in shaping the self.

Egocentric and sociocentric are two concepts of self that is viewed by different
societies. The egocentric is concerned with the individual rather than society. While the
sociocentric is concerned with one’s own social group or dependent on social situation. If
I possess a sociocentric view of the self, it means that whoever I am with, that defines my
boundaries of myself because I’m dependent on my social group. The example of
egocentric view is the Americans who believe that they should be assertive and
independent holding their distinct individual with inherent characteristics. Through
similarities and difference of self, we construct our social identities that maybe attained
by kinship, family membership, gender, age and etc.

Kinship, gender, and age are almost universally used to differentiate people. Some
characteristics are not always used in every society but family membership could me the
most significant feature. Language is another essential for the maintenance of a group
identity. Another one is religious affiliation in some societies like Mindanao where being
a Christian or Muslim is possibly the most important defining feature of social identity.
Name is another practice that individualize person. If identity is not inborn, it is what
individual develops while growing.

Change is a factor that usually prepares individuals for new roles from one stage
to another of his life. Changes in one’s status and identity are marked by three-phased
rite of passage: separation, Liminality or transition, and incorporation. In separation
phase, people separate from their former identity to another. One example is when a
person has to separate from his family to form another family. In liminality phase, a
person's transition from one identity to another. For example, is life status, from being
single to married. Lastly, incorporation phase, the changes in one’s status is officially
incorporated. For example, the celebration of the wedding ceremony marks the official
recognition of being married.

In the Psychological Perspective of the Self, I learned that the self has 2 divisions,
the “ME- SELF" and the” I-SELF”. I agree that the “I-self” is the thinking self because this
“self” is what I know that I describe myself to others. For example, my teacher in senior
high school in entrepreneur asked me why I can be an entrepreneur? I answered her that
“being an entrepreneur you have to be a risk taker and I myself know that I am a risk taker
because i believe it’s better to try than to lose the chance I have.” From there I describe
myself for what I know who I am that others may/can see. On the other hand, the “Me-
self” is what I develop as I meet people in my life or some situations develop me that
make myself who I am today. For instance, before I have low confidence. But as I grew
older and high school life is my turning point where my confidence boosts up as I become
more confident on what I do. My confidence develops through time and through the
situations I encounter.

I believe that myself won’t be possible without the real and ideal self. I need to
balance the true me and the person I want to be to be able to be happy because if not
this may cause loneliness, depression or anxiety. Example, I am a person who is happy
go lucky and a jolly person but at the same time I want to have a high grade or to be an
academic scholar. Being an academic scholar, I need to have a grade not lower than 1.75
in the semester grade. I need to study hard to be able to achieve that goal. I would be
happy if I’ll be making it but, in the process, if I know I am not who I am like I am not that
happy because I put too much pressure and if I didn’t make it, it may cause loneliness or
so. Then, my parents told me that even though I won’t make it it’s fine as long as I pass
my course.

Every person possesses different personalities to different people. This personality

may or may not cause one’s struggle to unify oneself. This can also be described to the
false self and true self. I, myself have a false self where I hide my true self to other people
unless I became close to them. For instance, at first, I may be quiet and if we become
close, I may be outgoing and friendly. Also, at first, I may tell stories (a lot) but when I
become close to you, I will not tell stories but rather from the deep conversations the
people who are close to me will know a part who is truly and the real Cyril.

The western conceptualization of the self is divided into three periods of historical
development the Pre- Christian times until 1850, 1850-1940, and the 1940- present. In
these periods, it represents that western self is as analytic, as monotheistic, as
individualistic, and as materialistic and rationalistic. While the eastern concept of self I
learned that there is different perspective of self. They represent it in different religions
such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism that are also the
representatives of Eastern thought. In Hinduism Vedanta expounded the Hindu concept
of self.

Vedanta characterizes human suffering as the result of failure to realize the

distinction between the true self and the non-true self. While in Buddhism, Siddharta
Gautama known as the Buddha and also the founder of Buddhism. The root word of
Buddhism is “budh” meaning “awake” it means opening the eyes would lead the
understanding more about the self and the world. The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism
are the basic principles. Life suffering, suffering is caused by attachment to desires,
suffering can be eliminated, and elimination of suffering is through the practice of the
Eightfold Path. I learned that the Confucian doctrines are found in the Analects or they
called Conversation of Confucius. And also, the core of Confucian thought is the Golden
Rule or principle of reciprocity. Thus, the basic virtue is knowing how to act in relation to

Lastly, the Taoism I learned that Taoism is a Chinese counterculture. To them, the
self is an extension of the cosmos, not of social relationships. They describe also the self
that it is one of the limitless forms of the Tao. The Tao is not a bounded by time and space
also it is commonly regarded as Nature that is the foundation of all that exists. The ideal
is to identify the Tao.

Another lesson in Understanding the Self is Unpacking the Self, it is a gradual

unfolding, a growth process, in which the aspects that surround the self and identity
develop in an integrated and healthy way. The self includes the following six aspects:
physical, sexual, material, spiritual, political, and digital. The Physical Self requires us an
analysis of the life span and the physical development that happens in each stage. I know
that the physical self refers to the body but also there are things that I don’t know about
physical self. I learned that both physical extremities and internal organs work together
for the body to perform many of its function such as breathing, walking, eating, and
sleeping. There is also called the life span, it refers to the development from the
conception to death. The life span has stages and this is from Elizabeth B. Hurlock. The
prenatal, infancy, babyhood, early childhood, late childhood, puberty, adolescence, early
adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood or senescence.

The second aspects of the self are about The Sexual Self. I learned in this topic
that the reproductive system is a system of sex organs designed for reproduction and
sexual function. It also affects not only how individuals view themselves but also their
sexuality and sexual relationships. Another thing is during adolescence, most young
people become involve in dating and courtship through it, sexual behaviors start to
develop. Risk factors such as early pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections in an
early age. In this topic it also reflects the importance of contraception and Reproductive
Health Law.

The third aspects of self is Material Self, In the present society, materialism
participates in each individual’s life, regardless of what social class they are. Being
materialistic can be viewed as shameless, however there is a fine line among ethical
quality and individual interests. It is protected to state that everyone is materialistic to a
specific degree, regardless of whether it be from purchasing a similar brand of pants since
they fit pleasant, to acquiring a wide assortment of dragsters. Clearly the last of the two
is the one which can be considered to go too far. Getting some pleasant garments all over
is typical for individuals and everyone does it now and again. While then again,
purchasing 5 or 6 sports autos can be considered to some degree pompous.

There are numerous components that go into a man being unethical dependent on
the materials that they have. Insatiability and inordinate extravagances are what can
decide the unethical behavior of a man. What is satisfaction? It’s something we as a whole
need, yet what number of us realize how to accomplish it? Material riches aren’t the
appropriate response. We live in a materialistic culture, yet truly, an abundance of
material merchandise does not bring the kind of long-haul happiness, that real sentiment
of fulfillment and harmony, that is the establishment for an upbeat life. For rich and poor
alike, the craving to have progressively, more up to date, better, fancier stuff is by all
accounts a reality of human instinct. So, it is vital to know and comprehend that the
constant quest for material merchandise can wreck one’s feeling of satisfaction. Riches
isn’t having tremendous wealth; it is satisfaction has more to do with demeanor than
place. Cash can’t get it, and neediness doesn’t give it. Satisfaction originates from being
fulfilled and appreciative for your identity and where you wind up throughout everyday life.
Trusting that inward harmony is more important than all the world’s wealth is an
extraordinary begun.

The fourth is The Spiritual Self, I learned that Having a solid otherworldly
standpoint may enable us to discover significance in life’s troublesome conditions. The
profound routine with regards to perceiving the interconnectedness of all life can likewise
help cushion the torment that accompanies troublesome experiences. “if we can
sympathetically help ourselves in minutes to remember tumbling down that
disappointment is a piece of the mutual human experience, at that point that minute ends
up one of fellowship as opposed to detachment. At the point when our grieved, difficult
encounters are confined by the acknowledgment that incalculable others have
experienced comparable hardships, the blow is diminished.” Adhering to a specific
otherworldly convention may bring an aberrant medical advantage on the grounds that
numerous customs have leads about treating the body with generosity and keeping away
from undesirable practices.

Individuals who practice a religion or confidence custom are less inclined to smoke
or drink, carry out a wrongdoing, or end up associated with brutal movement, and they
are bound to take part in precaution propensities like wearing safety belts and taking
vitamins. There is a positive connection among religious and profound practices and
better well-being outcomes. Letting go of fault and negative emotions after a frightful
episode is a training that is reflected by various otherworldly conventions, including
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism. Present day science demonstrates the
medical advantages of pardoning are various: better safe capacity, longer life expectancy,
brought down circulatory strain, enhanced cardiovascular wellbeing, and less sentiments
of displeasure or hurt.

The fifth aspects of self is the Political Self, I learned in Political Self is that the
political choices individuals make will influence numerous lives. Numerous individuals
consider legislative issues to be the legislature and the laws being made, and that is valid,
yet it is far more entangled than that. Each law that is had will affect many. Now and again
the choices will influence individuals badly. Each vote that you influence will to either
break individuals or make individuals. One reason you should think about legislative
issues is on the grounds that you ought to dependably comprehend what is happening
around you. For instance, if another law will be made in your general vicinity, you should
need to ensure that you and the general population around you realize that another law
has been made so nobody violates the law without knowing it. Likewise, if something
perilous is going on around you or somebody you know, you need to know whether
somebody is violating the law. It is vital to realize what is occurring around you. It means
that political self exemplifies the ideals and aspirations of the people, embodies the rules
and principles of the state, and determines the status and power of the people. That’s
why we must develop a good political self in our own self.

And lastly the sixth aspects of self is the Digital Self, I learned that in utilizing web
we should be cautious since web is an expansive region where dangerous individuals
can exploit other. I think in utilizing web we use the web dependably and regard others
protection – don’t sign in as another person to peruse their messages or disturb their
online profiles. Utilize the web to stay in touch with loved ones. Look into data on the web
as a component of school work and for relaxation. Tell somebody on the off chance that
you are being harassed on the web. Also, make a point to incorporate images and
numbers when making a secret word with the goal that it will be harder to split. Be watchful
while downloading programs from the web in case they convey infections, dependably
filter the program first.

Utilize a pseudonym as your client name in the event that you utilize visit room
locales Utilize chat room locales that are open and are child friendly. Utilize hostile to
infection programming and make a point to reestablish frequently. Track every single
online exchange made and check your financial balance frequently. In opposite, the
don’ts is: don’t give out close to home data on the web. Don’t’ organize to meet individuals
you’ve met online without anyone else’s input, educate a grown-up or a friend and never
meet only them. Don’t give your secret phrase to anybody and never utilize a similar
secret phrase constantly. Don’t duplicate data from the web and endeavor to redistribute
it. On the off chance that you do duplicate a book, or music documents you should get
consent for the writer or arranger first. Try not to open or down load any connections from
an obscure source as they may contain infections. Round out any overviews online that
request your own subtleties or bank subtleties. Try not to let internet browsers recollect
your username and secret key as this could abandon you open to being hacked. We
should all know about all conceivable outcomes in utilizing web, internet-based life and
even cell phones in light of the fact that there is a major hazard when we utilized in

In the Topic of Learning to be a Better Student I learned how our brain works and
how we student respond? Once sensory information enters the brain, it’s routed to one of
two areas: (1) The prefrontal cortex, what we might call the thinking brain, which can
consciously process and reflect on information; or (2) the lower, automatic brain, what we
might call the reactive brain, which reacts to information instinctively rather than through
thinking. The prefrontal cortex is actually only 17 percent of your brain; the rest makes up
the reactive brain. Despite the fact that brain is an astounding organ, it’s not prepared to
process the billions of bits of data that besiege it consistently. Channels in your mind
shield it from getting to be over-burden. These channels control the data stream with the
goal that just around 2,000 bits of data for each second enter the brain. When you are
not worried by negative feelings, you can control what data makes it into your mind. By
quieting your cerebrum, you can control which tactile information from your condition your
mind lets in or keeps out—and impact which data gets admitted to your prefrontal cortex.

At the point when your feelings of anxiety are down and your advantage is high,
the most significant data will in general go into your reasoning cerebrum. When you are
restless, miserable, baffled, or exhausted, mind channels direct tangible data from your
general surroundings into your receptive cerebrum. These receptive mind frameworks
complete one of three things with the data: overlook it, battle against it as a negative affair
(sending signals that may make you act improperly); or maintain a strategic distance from
it (making you stare off into space). On the off chance that data gets directed to this
responsive mind, it’s improbable your cerebrum will genuinely process the data or recall
it. As a human, learning is significant for us to survive in this world. I think improving our
learning skills will help us more in adopting and living in our world. As a student I always
vary my learning routines, locations and material. Having a good night sleep, having
space for studying, use self-testing/ exploring, take notes in class, forget about distraction
and focus on studying, having learning sessions to improve my brain capacity. For me
becoming a better student is one way on reaching my goals, and becoming best version
of myself in the future.

The chapter 13 of Understanding the Self is Setting Goals for Success, I learned
that Defining objectives for yourself is an approach to fuel your aspiration. Objective
setting isn’t just about making an arrangement for your life and considering yourself
responsible. It’s likewise about giving us the motivation important to go for things we never
thought conceivable. Change starts with any expectation of what’s conceivable in your
life. Expectation prompts a feeling of anticipation. Consolidate expectation and
anticipation with defining objectives and the possibility of you being more joyful and more
effective is enhanced. There are two kinds of goals, the short-term and long-term goals.
A short-term is the littlest advance required for you to achieve a greater objective revolved
around accomplishing something you energetically desire. The estimation of transient
objectives is to keep you on track on making a course for accomplishing our long-term
goals. It makes action. While a long-term goal is something you need to do later on. Long-
term goals are critical for an effective profession. A long-term goal is something you need
to achieve later on. Long-term goal require time and arranging. They are not something
you can do this week or even this year. And remember, whether they are long-term goals
or short-term goals, your goals should fit the SMART goal criteria. They must be specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

All lessons in the book of Understanding the Self are interesting to me and also
there are few things that new to me. The lessons help me to be matured and help me
realized the things that I'm doing. It helps me to be more objective and to be able to do
new things such as putting the assignments in the calendar so that I won't forget to do
homework's. Each chapter I learned and grow at the same time it makes me think widely
and on how our self can affect other people. For me, this book and the lessons can help
the people to determine what they really want and also the students who really have a
hard time in some point, it can help them to think what is wrong and what do they want
for their future.

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