A Way To Enter in Pechtree: By:Attiq UR Rehman Mc09128

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A way to enter in pechtree

By:Attiq UR Rehman



Maintain menu:

1.Maintain Customers/Prospects

General Tab:

Select this tab to set up customer contact information including "bill to" and "ship to"
addresses, sales tax information, customer type, and telephone numbers.


If you select the Prospect check box, this company or person is not included on any customer
reports. Prospects are primarily used when generating quotes. If you enter an invoice for the
prospect or clear the Prospect check box, the prospect becomes a regular customer and is
included on customer reports.


If you plan to purge this customer during year-end processing, select this check box. Once a
customer record is inactive, a warning appears if you try to make a sale to the customer. You
can update the customer record with address and telephone information.

Important: After closing the fiscal year, all customers that have no outstanding transactions and
are tagged as inactive can be purged.

Customer ID

This identifies the customer in lookup lists, transactions, and reports. Enter up to 20
alphanumeric characters for a new customer's ID. For existing customers, click the lookup
button (or press ? in the Customer ID field) to select a customer from the drop-down
list.Customer IDs are case sensitive; codes A1 and a1 are seen as two different customer IDs.
Numbers sort before letters, and capital letters sort before non-capital letters. You cannot use
*, ?, or + in the code.


This identifies the customer's name on all accounts receivable windows, forms, and reports.
Customer names can be entered as a person or company. Enter up to 30 alphanumeric
characters for a new customer's name.


Enter the name of the person you most often deal with for this customer.

Customer Type:

You can use this to group like customers together. For example, if you have customers in
regions, you can enter "NORTH" here to identify these customers as being from the north. The
Customer Type field can also be used to filter some Accounts Receivable reports. You can enter
up to eight characters.

Note: This field is case sensitive. If you enter "North" when filtering customer types in reports,
customers that are identified as "north" or "NORTH" will not be included.

Bill to Address/Ship to Address

Choose among ten addresses--one billing address and nine shipping addresses--for the
customer. The billing name and address are used as the default when entering sales
transactions. They print on the invoice and are also used for customer mailing labels. To enter
different addresses, open the address drop-down list, and choose which address to enter.

Beginning Balances

Select the arrow button to enter customer beginning balances. The beginning balance consists
of existing, outstanding invoices due at the time you began using Peachtree Accounting. You
can enter the numbers of the actual invoices you sent to the customer. You can enter a
beginning balance for any customer at any time. These beginning balance amounts are not
transferred to your A/R account in General Ledger. If a payment has been made against a
beginning balance invoice, it will appear gray and be disabled.

Sales Defaults:

Select this tab to enter the default sales rep, the default G/L sales account, preferred shipping
method, resale number, and pricing level. You can also customize terms for this customer.
Default Sales Representative

From the drop-down list, enter or select a primary sales representative that has contact with
the customer. To enter sales representatives, from the Maintain menu select Employees/Sales
Reps, and choose the Sales Rep option for a new or existing employee record.

Note: This is a default setting. You can change the sales representative at any time when
invoicing a customer.

Default G/L Sales Account

Enter or select the default general ledger sales account for this customer. This is normally an
income account. When you are selling inventory items, the general ledger default accounts set
up in the Inventory Items option of the Maintain menu override this default account.

To display a list of existing accounts, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a
new account, type + or double-click the field.

Open P.O. #

This is the standing purchase order number you can use for this customer. This defaults on the
Quotes, Sales Orders, and Sales/Invoicing windows.

Ship Via

You can select the default shipping carrier you want to use to ship items to this customer.
Whatever you select here will default for sales transactions you enter for this customer. You
enter the shipping carriers from which to choose in the Inventory Item Defaults window. (From
the Maintain menu select Default Information, then Inventory Items.)

Resale #

If this customer purchases items for resale, enter the resale number here. Resale numbers are
required by most states for businesses that sell taxable goods. It enables the business to sell
goods to other businesses for resale without charging a tax or to buy goods from other
businesses for resale without paying a tax. If a customer intends to resell your goods, enter the
customer's resale number (also called seller's permit) here.

Pricing Level

Select the pricing level that you want to be used as the default when entering sales transactions
for this customer. You can choose from five pricing levels that are set up in the Maintain
Inventory Items window. You can have multiple sales price levels for stock, non-stock,
description only, assembly, service, and labor items.

Customer Payment Terms

The default payment terms that appear are set up as part of the customer default information.
If these standard payment terms are what you want to use for this customer, then make no
changes. Otherwise, select the Terms button to change this customer's payment terms.

Custom Fields:

Select this tab to enter data for custom fields set up in the Customer Defaults window.

Customer Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Customer Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields here.
You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to customer reports.

Customer Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Customer Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields here.
You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to customer reports.

Customer Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Customer Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields here.
You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to customer reports.

Customer Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Customer Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields here.
You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to customer reports.


Select this tab to display customer history including most recent invoice and payment dates and

Customer Since

This is the date when you first made a sale to the customer.

Last Invoice Date

This is the date of the last invoice you sent to the customer.

Last Invoice Amount

This is the amount of the customer's last invoice.

Last Payment Date

This is the date of the last payment you received from the customer.

Last Statement Date

This is the date of the last statement you sent to the customer.

Customer History

Use this to view historical information about this customer. When entering a new customer,
you may enter information on this tab; once you select Save, this tab becomes view-only.

Customer History

Use this to view historical information about this customer. When entering a new customer,
you may enter information on this tab; once you select Save, this tab becomes view-only.

Customer History

Use this to view historical information about this customer. When entering a new customer,
you may enter information on this tab; once you select Save, this tab becomes view-only.


2.Maintain Vendors

General Tab: Select this tab to set up vendor contact information including address, vendor
type, and telephone numbers.

If you plan to purge this vendor record during year-end processing, select this check box. Once
a vendor record is inactive, a warning appears if you try to make a purchase or payment to the
vendor. You can update the vendor record with address and telephone information.

Important: After closing the fiscal year, all vendors that have no outstanding transactions and
are tagged as inactive can be purged.


This identifies the vendor's name on all accounts payable windows, forms, and reports. Vendor
names can be entered as a person or company. Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for a
new vendor's name.


Enter the name of the person you deal with most for this vendor.

Account #

This is the code the vendor uses to identify your account with them. Many vendors request you
place this account number on your checks when you send payments.


Enter the street address, PO box, or suite number of your vendor. You can enter the address in
two lines that can contain up to 30 characters each.

Vendor Type

You can use this to group like vendors together. For example, if you have some vendors for
services and some vendors for products, you can enter "Services" and "Products" to identify
what each vendor sells. The Vendor Type field can also be used to filter some Accounts Payable
reports. You can enter up to eight characters.

Note: This field is case sensitive. If you enter "Services" when filtering vendor types in reports,
vendors that are identified as "services" or "SERVICES" will not be included.

1099 Type
This specifies if the vendor qualifies as 1099 contract labor. Choose the 1099 type from the
drop-down list.

Independent Contractor: Select this 1099 option if you pay more than $600 annually to the
individual for contract work. You must submit a 1099-Miscellaneous form for each independent
contractor to the Internal Revenue Service.

Interest: Select this 1099 option if you have paid at least $10 in interest to a vendor as a loan.
You must submit the 1099-Interest form for each of these contractors to the Internal Revenue

None: Select this option if your vendors do not meet either independent contractor criteria or
interest criteria.

Purchase Defaults: Select this tab to enter the default G/L expense account, preferred shipping
method, and tax ID. You can also customize payment terms for this vendor.

Default G/L Purchase Account

Enter or select the default general ledger purchase account for this customer. This is normally
an expense account. When you sell inventory items, the general ledger default accounts set up
in the Inventory Items option of the Maintain menu override this default account.

Tax ID #

Enter the vendor's tax ID number. This is only necessary if you send this vendor a 1099 form.

Ship Via

Select the shipping carrier that this vendor uses for items. Whatever you select here will default
for purchase transactions you enter for this vendor. You enter the shipping carriers from which
to choose in the Inventory Item Defaults window. (From the Maintain menu select Default
Information, then Inventory Items.)

Vendor Payment Terms

The default payment terms that appear are set up as part of the vendor default information. If
these standard payment terms are used by this vendor, then make no changes. Otherwise,
select the Terms button to change this

vendor's payment terms.

To display a list of existing accounts, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a
new account, type + or double-click the field.

CustomVendor Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Vendor Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields here.
You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You canVendor Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Vendor Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields here.
You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to vendor reports.

add these customized fields to vendor reports.

Vendor Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Vendor Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields here.
You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to vendor reports.

Fields: Select this tab to enter data for custom fields set up in the Vendor Defaults window.


Select this tab to display vendor history including most recent invoice and payment dates and

Last Invoice Date

Enter the date of the last invoice you received from the vendor.

Vendor History
Use this to view historical information about this vendor. When entering a new vendor, you
may enter information on this tab; once you select Save, this tab becomes view-only.

Vendor History

Use this to view historical information about this vendor. When entering a new vendor, you
may enter information on this tab; once you Vendor History

Use this to view historical information about this vendor. When entering a new vendor, you
may enter information on this tab; once you select Save, this tab becomes view-only.

select Save, this tab becomes view-only.


3. Maintain Inventory Items

General Tab: Select this tab to set up item descriptions, item types, sales price levels, default
G/L accounts, and costing methods.

Item Description

This identifies the inventory item in lookup lists and reports; it is also known as the "short"
description. You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for the item description.

Item Class

This identifies the type of inventory item. Select an item type from the drop-down list. Choose
between non-stock, stock, description only, assembly, service, labor, activity, or charge. Select
Help for a description of each item type.


If you plan to purge this item during year-end processing, select this check box. Once an
inventory item record is inactive, a warning appears when you try to sell the item. You can
update the inventory item description.

Important: After closing the fiscal year, all inventory items that are not associated with existing
transactions and are tagged as inactive will be purged.
Description Type

This specifies which description type is displayed in the window. Select the description type
from the drop-down list; then enter the description in the text field to the right.

Select for Sales to enter a description that will be used in quotes, sales orders, sales/invoicing,
and receipts.

Select for Purchases to enter a description that will be used in purchase orders,
purchases/receive inventory, and payments. It could reference the vendor's catalog number for
the item.

Sales/Purchase Description

This identifies the text that will appear for this inventory item in the Description field in
transaction windows and on forms. Select either type of description from the drop-down list to
the left. Enter up to 160 alphanumeric characters.

Sales Price Levels

Enter the default sales price amount to display on quotes, sales orders, and invoices for this
item. You can set up five pricing levels for each item. Click the arrow button to set up multiple
price levels.

Tip: You can specify a default pricing level for customers in the Maintain Customers/Prospects
window or select from the five levels while invoicing your customers. Sales pricing levels
correspond with the ones you set for your customers, so make sure that you enter the pricing
levels in a consistent order (for example, from lowest to highest or highest to lowest).


This defines one unit of measure for the item. For example, a unit of measure can be each,
units, case, barrel, and so on. The item's unit/measure prints on Physical Inventory List, Item
Price List, Inventory Stock Status, and Inventory Valuation reports.

Item Type
You can use this to group like inventory items together. For example, if you have a large
warehouse, you may want to enter Electric for electrical items and Plumbing for plumbing
supplies. You can use the Item Type field to filter most inventory reports. You can enter up to
eight characters.

Note: This field is case sensitive. If you enter "Electric" when filtering item types in reports,
inventory items that are identified as "electric" or "ELECTRIC" will not be included.


You can enter up to 10 characters to describe the location (Aisle1, Aisle2, Bin4, etc.). This
appears on inventory reports and lists.

G/L Sales Account

Enter or select the income type account you'll credit when you sell the item. All classes of
inventory except for Description require a sales account. To display a list of existing accounts,
type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a new account, type + or double-click
the field..

G/L Inventory Account

For stock items only, enter the account (typically an inventory type account) that the inventory
for this item is charged to. This account is used as the default account for entering purchases.
Generally, the account gets debited when you purchase more of the item and credited when
you sell the item.

To display a list of existing accounts, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a
new account, type + or double-click the field.

G/L Cost of Sales Account

For stock items and assembly items, enter or select the account that gets debited for the item
when sold. Peachtree Accounting allows you to use FIFO, LIFO, or weighted-average methods of
costing; costing occurs as of the transaction date for the sale. Non-stock items use this account
as the default expense account when entering purchases.

To display a list of existing accounts, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a
new account, type + or double-click the field.

Quantity on Hand

This identifies the number of items you currently have in stock; this is a view-only field used
only for stock and assembly items. It keeps track of the quantities sold through Sales/Invoicing
and Receipts, quantities purchased through Purchases and Payments, and Adjustments made
through Inventory Adjustments.

Minimum Stock

Enter the number at which you will typically reorder the item. This is used only for stock and
assembly items. For example, when you run the Inventory Reorder Worksheet, you can use this
number to filter the report by those items that are below minimum quantity in the Net
Quantity field. This helps determine how much of which items you need to reorder.

Reorder Quantity

This is the amount of the item that you normally order. It is used only for stock and assembly
items and appears on the Inventory Stock Status Report and the Inventory Reorder Worksheet.

Beginning Balances

Select the arrow button to enter item beginning balances. The beginning balance for inventory
items includes the quantity, unit cost, and total cost of the inventory. You only use this when
you first enter beginning balances. However, if you enter an incorrect unit cost for a beginning
balance, this is the only place where you can change it.
The total amount of your inventory beginning balances entered here needs to be the same
amount you entered in your Chart of Accounts Beginning Balance for Inventory. If you don't do
this, your General Ledger and Financial reports will not match your Inventory reports.

Subject to Commission

This identifies whether the item, when sold through Sales/Invoicing, should be included in the
Accounts Receivable Sales Rep report. Select the check box to indicate that the item is subject
to commission.

Note: Commission amounts must be calculated manually through payroll.

Cost Method

This identifies how the cost of the stock item will be calculated when you purchase and sell it.
Select one of the three inventory costing methods from the drop-down list: Average Cost, LIFO
(last in, first out), and FIFO (first in, first out). Generally, all inventory items need to use the
same costing method. Check with your accountant about the implications of doing this before
you make any changes.

Last Unit Cost

This represents the latest unit cost amount associated with this item. Once a purchase,
payment, or adjustment (including beginning balances) is made for an item, the last unit cost is

For Stock Items: You can enter a cost amount for new stock items. However, once a purchase,
payment, or adjustment is made for the item, the last unit cost is updated by Peachtree
Accounting. The cost amount shown is the last purchase price or adjustment cost of the item.

For non-stock, service, and labor items: You can enter an estimated cost or change the
displayed unit here. When you sell one of these item types, a cost entry is generated based on
the cost you enter. This may be very handy if you are trying to generate a direct labor cost
based on service or labor that is performed. If direct labor is not important, then set this at
For Assembly Items: This field is not available. Only the cost of each assembly component is

Item Tax Type Custom Fields allow to you set up and store data unique to your business.

If you have set up labels for custom fields in Inventory Item Defaults, you can enter the
information for the fields here. You can enter up to 40

alphanumeric characters.

can add these customized fields to inventory reports.

Custom Fields allow to you set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Inventory Item Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields
here. You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

You can add these customized fields to inventory reports.

: Select this tab to enter data for custom fields set up in the Inventory Item Defaults window.

Inventory Item Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow to you set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Inventory Item Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields
here. You can enter up to 40

For Assembly Items: This field is not available. Only the cost of each assembly component is

Item Tax Type

These are the inventory item tax types you may have set up in the Inventory Item Defaults.
They define whether or not the stock item is taxable. To see a list of your choices, enter a ? or
select the Lookup button.

These are the inventory item tax types you may have set up in the Inventory Item Defaults.
They define whether or not the stock item is taxable. To see a list of your choices, enter a ? or
select the Lookup button.
Custom Fields: Select this tab to enter data for custom fields set up in the Inventory Item
Defaults window.

Inventory Item Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow to you set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Inventory Item Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields
here. You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to inventory reports.

Inventory Item Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow to you set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Inventory Item Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields
here. You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to inventory reports.

Inventory Item Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow to you set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Inventory Item Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields
here. You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to inventory reports.

Inventory Item Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow to you set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Inventory Item Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields
here. You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to inventory reports.

Inventory Item Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow to you set up and store data unique to your business. If you have set up
labels for custom fields in Inventory Item Defaults, you can enter the information for the fields
here. You can enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

Tip: You can add these customized fields to inventory reports.

History: Select this tab to display item history, including number of items sold, sales totals, and
cost totals.

Period History

This is a summary of inventory transactions for stock and assembly items for past periods. You
cannot edit any of these fields.

Period History: This shows you the last 12 periods.

# Units Sold: This is the total number of units sold for the period.

Sales ($): this is the total sales amount for the period.

# Units Received: This is the total number of units purchased for the period.

Costs ($): This is the total purchase amount for the period.

Bill of Materials: Select this tab to display or add components to an assembly item. This tab is
only available if an assembly item is selected.


Task menu

Quotes&sales order:


Customer ID
Enter or select a customer ID to associate with this invoice. Once an ID is selected, the
customer's default information--including billing and shipping addresses, sales account, ship
method, payment terms, and sales tax code--appears. To display a list of existing customers,
type ?

in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a new customer, type + or double-click the

Customer Name

This identifies the customer name set up in the customer record. The customer name cannot be
edited here, but it can be edited in the Customers/Prospects window.

Customer Billing Address

This identifies the customer bill-to information set up in the customer record. The customer's
billing address cannot be changed here, but it can be modified in the Maintain
Customers/Prospects window.

Quote #

Do not enter a quote number if you plan to print the quote. When you are ready to print, you
will be asked for a beginning Quote # after you select Print. Enter a quote or other reference
number only if the quote is being entered after it was created elsewhere (after the fact). If you
are entering new quotes and you enter a number in this field, Peachtree will automatically add
one to the quote number for the next quote.


Enter or select the date of the transaction, if different from the current date. The first day of
the accounting period appears if you are not in the current period. To choose a date, click the
calendar button to the immediate right of the Date field.
Note: You can only enter dates for new transactions in the current or future accounting

Good Thru

This tells the customer when the quote expires. If you work in an industry where the price of
whatever you are selling fluctuates, this tells your customer how long you can hold the price
steady. The default is 30 days from the day the quote is entered.

Ship To Address

This identifies the shipping address for this invoice. You can use the Ship to field to edit the
shipping address. Just select the arrow button next to the field. Use the scroll box to get to the
top of the list and select the address to change.

Customer Billing Address

This identifies the customer bill-to information set up in the customer record. The customer's
billing address cannot be changed here, but it can be modified in the Maintain
Customers/Prospects window.

Customer PO

You can enter the customer's purchase order number or any other piece of information that
will identify the sale to the customer. This information appears on customer statements and
prints on the sales order and invoice.

Ship Via

You can select the method by which the items are to be delivered to the customer. The
methods are set up in the Inventory Item Defaults window. You can also enter a different
method, if it is not on the list.

Displayed Terms

The terms associated with the selected customer appear automatically in this field. If you need
to change the terms, you can edit them here. However, this field appears for informational
purposes only and does not calculate discounts. Changes you make in this field do not affect the
calculation of an invoice once you convert the quote or sales order to an invoice.

Sales Rep ID

You can optionally enter a sales representative so that you can identify sales by individual
representatives. Type a ? to list sales representatives, or press + or double-click in this field to
add a new sales representative in Maintain Employees/Sales Reps.

Quote Line Items

Quantity: Enter the quantity sold of this item. Once the quantity is entered, it is multiplied by
the unit price to determine the amount. This appears for only the Product invoice template.

Item: Enter or select the item ID for each line item. This appears for only the Product invoice
template. To display a list of existing items, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To
add a new item, type + or double-click the field. This appears for only the Product invoice

Description: Enter up to 160 characters for the description. Selecting the button displays the
full-length description if it is longer than the first line.

G/L Account: Enter or select the General Ledger income account number to use when recording
this sale. If you enter an item number, the sales account you entered for the item in Maintain
Inventory Items will be the default. If you do not select an inventory item, the customer's
default G/L sales account will be used. Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts
global option activated, the G/L account field will not appear. You must select the Journal
button to display or change the account ID.

Unit Price: You can either accept the number that defaults here when you entered an inventory
item, or enter a new number.

Tax: This identifies the item's sales tax type. Enter a ? to display a list of different tax types.

Amount: Peachtree Accounting calculates the amount by multiplying the quantity by the unit

Job: If you are tracking job cost, enter or select a customer job ID to associate with this

Select this button to convert a quote to an invoice or sales order. Once you convert a quote, it is
no longer displayed as a quote or accessible when selecting the Edit (Records) button.

Sales order

Close Sales Order

Select this check box when everything on the sales order has been shipped or you want to close
the sales order because the remaining items will not be arriving.

Peachtree will automatically close a sales order when all items on it have been invoiced.

Sales Order #

Peachtree Accounting automatically enters the next sales order number in the SO # field. If you
have not yet entered a sales order, this field is blank. Once you enter a sales order number for
the first time, Peachtree Accounting increases this number by one for the next sales order. This
is a required field, and no duplicate sales order numbers are allowed.



This allows you to enter all checks, cash, and credit card slips you receive and deposit them in
your checking account.

Apply to Invoices: Select this tab if you sent an invoice to a customer and want to apply a
receipt to the invoice.

Apply to Revenues: Select this tab if you made a direct sale that didn't require an invoice.

Apply to Vendor Account: Select this tab if you received payment from a vendor (for example,
a purchase refund). This tab is only present if you selected Vendor ID below the Deposit Ticket
ID field.

Prepayment: Select this check box if a customer has sent a payment for an invoice that has not
been entered into the system yet. This choice is not available for non-customers.

Payment Method

From the list, select the method of payment this customer is using. The payment methods are
entered on the Pay Methods tab of the Maintain Customer Defaults window. A few examples
are: Cash, Check, AutoDeposit, AMEX, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA.

Cash Account

Enter or select the General Ledger account ID to which you want to apply the deposit. This
would generally be a cash (checking) account.

If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, the Cash Account lookup
list displays only names of cash accounts currently set up in the chart of accounts. Select the
cash account name to apply to this deposit. If you want to apply an alternate G/L account (an
account that uses an account type other than Cash) for this transaction, you must select the
Journal button.


If you are using real-time posting, this displays the amount in the selected G/L account based
on the transaction date.

If you are using batch posting, this displays the unposted transactions you entered for invoices,
receipts, payments, or the general journal.

If the word "Uncalculated" appears in this field, select the Recalculate button to update the
cash balance displayed. This button is not available if you selected the Recalculate Cash Balance
in Receipts and Payments global option.

Enter the number from the customer's or vendor's check or the method of payment here. You
can enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters.

Note: If you are entering cash receipts, avoid using the reference "CASH" each time. It is
generally a good idea to always use a unique reference number for each receipt transaction.
This way you can easily identify and manage the receipt in reports and account reconciliation.

Deposit Ticket ID

Enter the ID number (up to eight characters) from your deposit ticket. This code is used for
bank reconciliation. The current date defaults in the field. If you make a daily deposit, then
today's date is an acceptable way to categorize receipts. This ID ties receipts to the deposit
total. This allows you to clear all the receipts for an entire deposit ticket when reconciling.

Customer ID/Vendor ID

You can enter receipts from customers or refunds issued by vendors. Select either Customer ID
or Vendor ID as the type of receipt you want to enter.


Purchase Order Line Items

Quantity: Enter the number of items being purchased. You must enter a quantity if you
entered a stock-type inventory item.

Received: This identifies how many of the item you received.

Item: Enter or select the item ID for each item you are purchasing, if applicable. To display a list
of existing items, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a new item, type + or
double-click the field.

Description: Enter up to 160 characters for the description. Selecting the button displays the
full-length description if it is longer than the first line.
G/L Account: Enter or select the General Ledger income account to use when recording this
purchase. If you enter an item ID, the inventory account you entered for the item in Maintain
Inventory Items will be the default. If you do not select an inventory item, the vendor's default
G/L purchase account will be used. Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global
option activated, the G/L account field will not appear. You must select the Journal button to
display or change the account ID.

Unit Price: You can either accept the number that defaults here when you entered an inventory
item, or enter a new number.

Amount: Peachtree Accounting calculates the amount by multiplying the Quantity by the Unit

Job: Enter or select a customer job ID to associate with this transaction, if you are tracking job

Ship Via

You can select the type of method by which the items will be delivered from the vendor. The
methods are set up in Inventory Item Defaults window. You can also enter a different method,
if it is not on the list.

Discount Amount

This identifies the discount that you will you receive if you pay by a certain date. The discount
amount is calculated based on the invoice payment terms. You can change the discount amount
if some special terms apply.

Displayed Terms

The terms associated with the selected vendor appear automatically in this field. If you need to
change the terms, you can edit them here. However, this field appears for informational
purposes only and does not calculate discounts. Changes you make in this field do not affect the
calculation of an invoice once you convert the purchase order to an invoice.

A/P Account

Enter or select a valid General Ledger account to use when recording money owed for this
purchase. This only applies if your company uses the accrual method of accounting. If your
company uses the cash-basis method, then you can't enter an A/P account. The default for the
field will be the last account entered. If no account has been entered, this field will be blank.
If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, the A/P Account field will
not appear in this window. To modify the A/P account used for this transaction, you must select
the Journal button.

Note: The A/P account will not be affected until you receive and post the invoice from the

Close Purchase Order

Select this check box to close this purchase order. You will want to do this if you know you
won't receive all of the items. If you have items left on a PO, they will appear on the PO tab of
Purchases/Receive Inventory until you close the PO. Once a PO is closed, it no longer shows up
on open PO reports. Also, once you close a PO, it is eligible for purging.

Purchase Order #

This identifies an order requested by your company to purchase goods or services from a
specific vendor. Do not enter a PO# if you plan to print the purchase order. Peachtree
Accounting assigns a number at print time.

Note: A vendor cannot have two purchase orders with the same purchase order number.

Remit To

This identifies the vendor's address listed in the vendor record. The vendor address cannot be
changed here, but it can be modified in the Maintain Vendors window.


Purchase Invoice Line items

Quantity: Enter the number of items being purchased. You must enter a quantity if you
entered a stock-type inventory item.

Item: Enter or select the item ID for each item you are purchasing, if applicable. To display a list
of existing items, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a new item, type + or
double-click the field.

Description: Enter up to 160 characters for the description. Selecting the button displays the
full-length description if it is longer than the first line.

G/L Account: Enter or select the General Ledger income account to use when recording this
purchase. If you enter an item ID, the inventory account you entered for the item in Maintain
Inventory Items will be the default. If you do not select an inventory item, the vendor's default
G/L purchase account will be used. Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global
option activated, the G/L account field will not appear. You must select the Journal button to
display or change the account ID.

Unit Price: You can either accept the number that defaults here when you entered an inventory
item or enter a new number.

Amount: Peachtree Accounting calculates the amount by multiplying the Quantity by the Unit

Job: If you are tracking job cost, enter or select a customer job ID to associate with this

Apply to Purchase Order Tab

If open purchase orders exist for this vendor, you can choose to apply purchase order items to
this invoice.

Apply to Purchases Tab

Select this tab to add new or modify existing transaction lines to the invoice.

Waiting on Bill from Vendor

Select the Waiting on Bill from Vendor check box if you do not have an invoice yet. This lets you
update your inventory with the items you have received, but since you don't have a bill from
the vendor yet, you can't send a payment.


Expense Line items

Quantity: Enter the number of items being purchased. You must enter a quantity if you
entered a stock type inventory item.

Item: Enter or select the item ID for each line purchases, if applicable. To display a list of
existing items, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a new item, type + or
double-click the field.

Description: Enter up to 160 characters for the description. Selecting the button displays the
full-length description if it is longer than the first line.
G/L Account: Enter or select the General Ledger income account to use when recording this
purchase. If you enter an item ID, the inventory account you entered for the item in Maintain
Inventory Items will be the default. If you do not select an inventory item, the vendor's default
G/L purchase account will be used. Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global
option activated, the G/L account field will not appear. You must select the Journal button to
display or change the account ID.

Unit Price: You can either accept the number that defaults here when you entered an inventory
item, or enter a new number.

Amount: Peachtree Accounting calculates the amount by multiplying the Quantity by the Unit

Job: Enter or select a customer job ID to associate with this transaction, if you are tracking job

Expense Line items

Quantity: Enter the number of items being purchased. You must enter a quantity if you
entered a stock type inventory item.

Item: Enter or select the item ID for each line purchases, if applicable. To display a list of
existing items, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button. To add a new item, type + or
double-click the field.

Description: Enter up to 160 characters for the description. Selecting the button displays the
full-length description if it is longer than the first line.

G/L Account: Enter or select the General Ledger income account to use when recording this
purchase. If you enter an item ID, the inventory account you entered for the item in Maintain
Inventory Items will be the default. If you do not select an inventory item, the vendor's default
G/L purchase account will be used. Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global
option activated, the G/L account field will not appear. You must select the Journal button to
display or change the account ID.

Unit Price: You can either accept the number that defaults here when you entered an inventory
item, or enter a new number.
Amount: Peachtree Accounting calculates the amount by multiplying the Quantity by the Unit

Job: Enter or select a customer job ID to associate with this transaction, if you are tracking job

Check Number

Leave the check number blank if you want to print a check.

Enter a number only if the check has already been written. This will ensure that a second check
is not written to the vendor because Peachtree Accounting will print the word "DUPLICATE" on
the check. You can enter any number, using up to 20 alphanumeric characters.

Cash Account

Enter or select the General Ledger account ID to which you want to apply the payment. This
would generally be a cash (checking) account.If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts
global option activated, the Cash Account look-up list displays only names of cash accounts
currently set up in the chart of accounts. Select the cash account name to apply to this
payment. Note: If you want to apply an alternate G/L account (an account that uses an account
type other than Cash) for this transaction, you must select the Journal button.

Pay to the Order of

Use this to enter the name of a vendor you don't want to store in the vendor list. If the vendor
is entered, this field appears automatically. You can change it for this payment by selecting the
arrow button and making your changes.

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