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XII (All Stream)

1. Revise the syllabus covered
2. Cut and paste at least 5 advertisements of each type of advertisements
covered in class
3. Write the articles on the topics:
a) The impact of Covid 19 on Student Life
b) Underage Driving - A Road to Disaster.
C) Education beyond Classroom
d) Importance of Hard Work and Punctuality
e) Cleanliness is the responsibility of all

List of Projects to be made:
1: Ashoo : DNA Finger printing (121)
2: Aditya. : Recombinant DNA technology. (197)
3: Anshita. : Double Fertilisation (34)
4: Arshpreet : Application of Biotechnology. (207)
5: Ashmeet : Apomixis & Polyembryony (38)
6: Ayush. : Pedigree Analysis. (88)
7: Gagandeep : Assisted Reproductive Technologies ). (64)
8: Gurkirat. : Cancer ( 156)
9: Isha. : Drugs. ( 158)
10 Jaspreet. : AIDS (154)
11 Kavika. : Plant Breeding ( 170)
12 Keerti : Microbes in Sewage Treatment (183)
13 Keshav : Biodiversity conservation ( 265)
14 Khushi. : Pollination. ( 27)
15 Manmeen : Mendel's work on inheritance (70)
16 Mokshi : Origin & Evolution of Life ( 140)
17 Prince : Antibiotics. ( 182)
18: Ramandeep : Animal Breeding ( 167)
19: Sadiya : Microbes on Household Production ( 181)
20: Sahib : Green house effect & Global warming ( 280)
21: Shivanshu : Population Interaction (232)
22: Simarjot : Ecological Succession ( 250)
23: Sneha : Tissue Culture ( 177)
24: Zeehan : Population Growth Models ( 229)
 Each student has to prepare the project given against his/her name.
 Refer to NCERT book for page no. given in brackets.
 About 15 pages lined (Hand written) With either diagrams drawn or pics.
From Net taken on plain paper, to be prepared.
 Projects must be well decorated.
 Get your project bound only after getting it checked.
1. How does the force between two point charges change if the dielectric
constant of the medium in which they are kept increase?
2. A charged rod P attracts rod R whereas P repels another charged rod Q. What
type of force is developed between Q and R?
3. Which physical quantity has its S.I unit (1) Cm (2) N/C
4. Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an
external electric field?
5. What is the work done in moving a 2 C point change from corner A to
corner B of a square ABCD when a 10 C charge exist at the center of the square?
6. Force of attraction between two point electric charges placed at a distance d
in a medium is F. What distance apart should these be kept in the same medium, so
that force between them becomes F/3?
7. The distance of the field point on the equatorial plane of a small electric
dipole is halved. By what factor will the electric filed due to the dipole change?
8. The Plates of a charged capacitor are connected by a voltmeter. If the plates
of the capacitor are moved further apart. What will be the effect on the reading of the
9. What happens to the capacitance of a capacitor when a dielectric slab is
placed between its plates?
10. Show mathematically that the potential at a point on the equatorial line of
an electric dipole is Zero?
11.Draw one equipotential surfaces (1) Due to uniform electric field (2) For a
point charge (q < o)?
12. If the amount of electric flux entering and leaving a closed surface are
and respectively. What is the electric charge inside the surface?
13. The distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is d. A metal

plate of thickness is placed between the plates. What will be the effect on the
14. Describe schematically the equipotential surfaces corresponding to
1. a constant electric field in the z-direction,
2. a field that uniformly increases in magnitude but remains in a constant (say, z)
3. a single positive charge at the origin, and
4. a uniform grid consisting of long equally spaced parallel charged wires in a
15. Two point charges +q and +9q are separated by a distance of 10 a. Find the
point on the line joining the two changes where electric field is zero?
16. Define the term dipole moment of an electric dipole indicating its
direction. Write its S.I unit. An electric dipole is placed in a uniform electric field .
Deduce the expression for the Torque acting on it.
17. Electric charge is uniformly distributed on the surface of a spherical balloon.
Show how electric intensity and electric potential vary (a) on the surface (b) inside and
(c) outside.
18. Consider a uniform electric field . (a) What is the flux of
this field through a square of 10 cm on a side whose plane is parallel to the yz plane?
(b) What is the flux through the same square if the normal to its plane makes an
angle with the x-axis?

19. Prove that the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor is given by
20. State Gauss’s Theorem in electrostatics? Using this theorem define an
expression for the field intensity due to an infinite plane sheet of change of charge
density ?
1. To determine the resistivity of two or three wires by plotting a graph of potential
difference versus current.
2. To verify the laws of series combination of resistances using a metre bridge.
3. To determine the internal resistance of given primary cell using potentiometer.
4. To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half – deflection method and to find
its figure of merit

Summer Activities Physics June 2021Class XII

Activity 1: Connect three capacitors in series as well as parallel. Charge them with a
battery. Glow a bulb with both of them. Write your observation.

1. Six capacitors
2. Torch bulb
3. Battery of 5V
4. Some wires
Procedure:Connect three capacitors in series and another three in parallel. Now
charge these combinations by touching with the terminals of battery. Remove the
battery and connect torch bulb in place of it. We observe that Bulb glows dim in series
combination because in series
Activity 2: To see the effect of length and area on resistance of a conductor
1. Four pencil refills
2. Two 9V batteries
3. Two torch bulbs
4. Some wires
First join the two pencil refills in series and then in parallel. We will notice that in
series combination, bulb will glow dim and in parallel combination, bulb will glow
bright. It shows that the resistance of a conductor increases with increase in length of
conductor and decreases with increase in area of the conductor.

Activity 3: Diffraction pattern from a bulb filament

1. Blade piece
2. 100W bulb
Procedure:Hold two half blade pieces in hand and see the filament of a 100 W lighted
bulb from the small gap in between two sharp edges of the blades. Bright and dark
patterns will be seen. If uou are not able to see the pattern, then change the gap and
try again.
The pattern will be seen only when the gap between sharp edges is very small.
The size of gap should be of the same order of wavelength of light.

Conceptual and knowledge based Questions:
1. Explain the following terms with suitable examples:
a. Schottky defect
b. Frenkel defect
c. Interstitial defects
d. F- centres
2. Explain why does the conductivity of germanium crystal increases on doping
with gallium.
3. Why Glass is considered as super cooled liquid?
4. Why Frenkel defect is not observed in Pure alkali metal halides?
5. What is meant by coordination number? What is coordination number of atoms
in CCP packing and BCC
6. Calcium Chloride will introduce Schottky defect when added to silver chloride
crystal. Explain.
7. Will the elevation in boiling point will be same if 0.1 mole of sodium chloride or
0.1 mole of sugar is
dissolved in 1 L of water?
8. Why is great care taken in intravenous injection to have comparable
concentration of solutions to be
injected to that of blood plasma?
9. Sodium chloride solution freezes at lower temperature than water but boils at
higher temperature than
water, Explain.
10. What are antifreeze solutions? Why common salt is used to clear snow from roads?
11. Can we store copper sulphate in an iron vessel or not? Explain
12. Define electrode potential and cell potential.
13. Arrange the following metals in order in which they displace each other from the solution of
their salts.
Al,Mg,Fe,Cu and Zn
14. Write the Nernst equation for cell reaction in Daniel cell. How will the Ecell be affected when
concentration of Zn2+ ions is increased.
15. Is it safe to stir 1 M AgNO3 Solution with a copper spoon? Given E0 Ag+|Ag=0.80V,E0
Cu2+|Cu+ 0.34.

Application based-Numerical Problems:

1. Consider a cell given below
Write the reaction occur at Anode and Cathode.
2. Write the half cell reaction and the overall cell reaction for the electrochemical cell:
Calculate the Standard EMF of the cell if standard electrode potential for lead and zinc electrodes
are -0.126V and -0.763V resp.
3. Zinc rode is dipped in 0.1M soln of ZnSO4. The salt is 95% dissociated at this dilution at 298K.
Calculate the electrode potential given that reduction potential is =-0.76V
4. A voltaic cell is set up at 250 C with the following Half cell
Al3+(0.001M) and Ni2+(0.50M)
Write an equation for the reaction when the cell generates an electric current and determine the
cell potential. Given standard reduction potential of Ni and Al as -0.25V,and -1.66 V respectively
5. Calculate the osmotic pressure in pascals exerted by a solution prepared by dissolving 1.0 g of
polymer of molar mass 185000 in 450 ml of water at 37 degree Celsius.
6. Boiling point of water at 750 mm Hg is 99 degree Celsius. How much sugar is to be added to
500gm of water such that it boils at 100 degree celsius.
7. Vapour pressure of pure water at 298K is 23.8mm of Hg. 50g of urea is dissolved in 850g of
Water. Calculate the vapour pressure of water for this solution and its relative lowering.
8. Gold (atomic radius 0.114nm) crystallizes in a fcc unit cell. What is the length of the side of the
9. Silver metal crystallizes with a fcc lattice. The length of the unit cell is found to be 4.077x10 -8 cm.
Calculate radius and density of silver.
10. If three elements x y z crystallize in a cubic solid with X atoms at the corner , Y atoms at the
cube centre and Z atom at faces of the cube. Then write the formula of the compound.
Applied Arts
1. Complete 8 Sheets on topics:
i) Cosmetic ii) Food
Illustrations -3
i) Nature ii) Family & Friends iii) Picnic Scenes
i) Save Water ii) Save Environment iii) Women Empowerment
2. Learn chapters:
 Mughal School of Art origin and development and characteristics
 Paintings of Mughal school
i) Krishna lifting Mount Goverdhana
ii) Falcon Bird Rest
iii) Marriage Procession of Dara Sikhon
iv) Kabir and Raidas
1. निम्िलऱखित की पररभाषा लऱिें
अऱंकार,वर्ण, कर्,िटका, मुकी, मीड,गमक
2. संगीत रत्िाकर ग्रंथ का वर्णि करे ।
3. रूपक ताऱ को एकगर्ु , दोगर्
ु , तीिगर्
ु और चारगर्
ु में लऱिें।
4. राग भैरव का पररचय (Description)लऱिें।
5. राग भैरव का बड़ा ियाऱ, छोटा ियाऱ और तरािा लऱपप बद्ध (notation)करें ।
Note: The home task should be handwritten. It should be done on A4 sheets and
presented in neatly bound simple folder. (Without incurring too much expenditure)
1. Do revision of question paper in the May Unit Test 2021 and the assignments
given to you as PDF file.
2. Revise the syllabus covered.
3. Revise High Order Questions, Value based Questions, Very short questions and
Reason based questions, Multi-disciplinary and Evaluation.
4. Do revision of NCERT Questions (Important)
(i) Write Economic Package announced by the Govt. of India.
(ii)Economic Package consists a series of Five Steps announced by Finance Minister
(ii)Write the interest rates of Banks. Interest Rates of all types of deposits in saving
bank accounts.
At least five Nationalised Banks and Five Private Banks.
(iii) Compare the rates of US dollar and Indian Rupee of 10 days. Observe the
difference then write its impact on Export and Import on behalf of India.
(iii)Write the rates of Gold, Silver for ten days.
6. Write at least five good and bad Impacts of COVID-19 on Indian Economy.
Political Science
Project work
1. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following
United Nations and its Organizations
Planning and Development
Features :
A. Every student has to undertake project work on any one topic mentioned
B. The projects and models prepared should be made from eco- friendly
products without incurring too much expenditure.
C. The project report should be handwritten by the students themselves.
D. Students can use A4 Size sheets.
E. Project must be between 15 to 20 pages.
2. Make 10 Question/Answers, Fill ups, True/False from the following Chapters :
A. Cold War Era and Non- aligned Movement
B. The End of Bipolarity
C. New Centers of Power
D. South Asia and the its Organizations
E. Challenges of Nation- Building
1) ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਦੇ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ pRis`D ਕਵੀ ਦਾ ਜੀਵਨ iਬਰਤWਤ ਕiਵਤਾ ਸiਹਤ ਇੱਕ ਸੰਦਰ ਫਾਇਲ iਤਆਰ ਕਰੋ।
2) ਜੰਕ ਫੂਡ iਸਹਤ ਲਈ ਹਾਨੀਕਾਰਕ iਕਵੇN? ਇੱs ivSy ਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਸੰਦਰ ਫਾਇਲ ਤਸਵੀਰਾ ਸiਹਤ iਤਆr

Physical education
Make a detailed project on Yoga – Benefits in regards to various diseases.

Business Study
A.Revise the entire syllabus completed during the online class.
B.Prepare a chart on any one of the following topics on A3 sheets :-
i) Types of plans
ii) Functional Foremanship
C. Solve the following assignment on A4 size sheets neatly in your own handwriting. The
assignment file must be properly decorated and well presentable. It will be evaluated for Midterm
Q1. "Zero Defect Zero Effect" (ZED) is a slogan coined by the Prime Minister of India,
Narendra Modi with reference to the Make in India initiative launched by the
government. The slogan reflects the efficiency of production processes, i.e. the
products have no defects and the process through which the product is made has zero
adverse environmental and ecological effects. The Zed model aims to make India the
manufacturing hub of the world and prevent the products developed in India from
being rejected by the global market. Moreover, before the initiative was launched, the
limits of foreign direct investment in various sectors had been relaxed. The application
for licenses was made available online and the validity of licenses was increased to
three years. Various other norms and procedures were also relaxed by the
a) In the light of the above paragraph, identify and explain the major components
of New Economic Policy
of 1991 that are being referred to by quoting lines from the paragraph.
Q2. Over the years, e-business in our country has witnessed tremendous growth due
to several reasons. There is significant improvement in the Information Technology
infrastructure over the last decade as the Government has taken important steps in
high-speed Internet connectivity. As a result, the broadband networks have not only
become better but also more affordable. Additionally, Government is trying to make
rural India connected through broadband a great possibility for e-business to expand
the retail market by reaching out to the most remote rural customer. Another catalyst
strengthening the e-business segment is the country's favourable demography. It has
more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 and more than 65% below the
age of 35. In the year 2020, the average age of an Indian was 29 years, compared to 37
for China and 48 for Japan, this promises for phenomenal increase in e-business.
Moreover, the penetration of the Smartphone in a large section of the population has
aptly addressed the problem of compute illiteracy. Notwithstanding the fact that
consumers also prefer e-business due to multiple factors like convenience, time etc.
identify and explain the various dimensions of business environment being referred to
in the above
Q3. It is interesting to know that the menu items of the multinational food chains are
customized to suit the general palates of the local people in the region. When
McDonald's started its business in India in the year 1996, the company went through a
complete localization strategy. McDonald's changed its product menu to
accommodate the vegetable burger given the large vegetarian population. It also
altered its store design and even reduced the product price by close to fifteen percent.
Also, the "McAloo Tikki burger" is not available anywhere but in the Indian outlets of
McDonalds. ldentify the relevant feature of business environment being discussed
Q4. Eco-friendly products are gaining power as the consumers' awareness about
environmental issues has increased over the years and they are conscious about
choosing products that do not have adverse effects on the environment. They are now
more conscious about the carbon emission and climate change effects, and want such
a scenario, it has become a challenge for the companies as they have to not only meet
the needs of the consumers but also ensure that their products are safe and
environment friendly. As a result, there is growing need for better and advanced
technologies to works as a catalyst in this regard.
1. Identify the relevant feature of business environment being discussed above.
2. Describe briefly any three points which highlight the importance of business
Q5.Ultra Paint Co. which is manufacturing paints has been enjoying a prominent
market position as it manufactured best quality paints, made timely payment of taxes
to government. It assembled various inputs like finance, machines, raw materials, etc.
from its environment. But since last year it has been dumping its untreated poisonous
waste on the river bank which has created many health problems for the people. As a
result, the court passed an order to seal the manufacturing unit of the company.
a). State the importance of business environment highlighted quoting the line from the
above case.

Q6. Philips, a company manufacturing light bulbs incurred heavy expenditure on

scientific Research and Development and discovered a technology that made it
possible to produce an energy efficient light bulb that lasts at least twenty times as
long as a standard bulb. It resulted in growth and profitability of the company.
1. Identify and state the dimension of business environment mentioned above.
2. State the importance of business environment mentioned above by quoting the
Q7. Disco Ltd. manufactures fashionable and designer clothes. Recently it finds that
the demand for its products has been declining. After market research it was
discovered that fashion and tastes of the consumers is changing at a fast pace.
Customers' demand is increasing. New competitors have entered the market with new
designs. It is very difficult for the company to predict future happenings. Also, it is
difficult to know the extent of the relative impact of the social, economic, political,
technological or legal factors on decrease in demand of its products in the market. A
meeting was held in which managers from different functional levels heading
Production, Marketing, Finance, etc., for example, Chief Operating Officer, Chief
Finance Officer, Vice President (Marketing) were present to discuss how to deal with
the situation. After a long discussion, it was decided that they would study and analyze
the market first to identify customer tastes and fashion and then manufacture
garments accordingly. It was also decided to increase expenditure on advertising,
after-sales services, etc.
1. Identify any two features of business environment by quoting the lines from the
above case.
2. At which level of management the meeting of managers of Disco Ltd. was held?
3. Identify any two impacts of government policy changes on business, quoting lines
from the above case.
4. State the importance of understanding of environment by business managers in the
light of the above para. Q8. After completing his education, Arun joins his father in
their family business of manufacturing cookware. As a businessman, his father is rigid
in his approach and has fixed ideas about various issues. He tends to maintain a
distance from the factory workers. However, Arun is more receptive to the needs of
the workers and doesn't seem to believe in any class-differences. He believes that the
prosperity of their business greatly depends upon the prosperity of their workers and
vice versa. At the same time, he has a good understanding of the business
environment. Therefore, he introduces a new range of green pans that provide a
healthy cooking surface, as they are manufactured with all ceramic or silicon coating
and are considered safer than the traditional petroleum based nonstick surfaces which
may contain toxic substances. Although, the new cookware range is highly priced, he
expects a ready market for it as both the purchasing power of people and their
preference for better quality products have increased over the years. In context of the
above case:
1. Identify the nature of management which is being reflected in the different styles of
management in practice adopted by Arun and his father.
2. Name and explain the related principle of scientific management.
3. State the related dimensions of business environment.
Q9. India's retail sector has been undergoing structural changes for the last two
decades. On one hand, the 'mall culture' has gradually become a way of life, especially
in the metros and mini-metros. On the other hand, there is accelerated growth in e-
business as customers also prefer to buy products and services via the Interest,
telephone and television. However, operating in either of the segments is marked by
the presence of strong competitors. Identify the components of specific forces and
general forces being discussed in the above paragraph.

Q10. To mark the celebrations of International Family Day on 16" may 2016, Kurkure
flagged off India's first family food train - Kurkure Family Express at New Delhi. The
train took forty families on fun culinary experience of a lifetime through an eight-day
journey across fourteen states in India. A whole lot of fun activities were hosted on the
train by the travel and food anchors Rocky and mayor. The families were selected
through an online campaign, 'Chatpata family photos'. The contest attracted
approximately 1,000 entries, of which 40 entries that gelled with the brand's image
were selected. The core idea of the campaign was to bring families from across India
together over a journey like this. As in today's time, everyone is busy with their life the
family members may feel disconnected with each other. ldentify and explain the
various dimensions of business environment being referred to the in the above case by
quoting lines from the paragraph.
Q11. In the year 2016, the State Government of Kerala had made it mandatory for
anganwadis hostels and canteens in educational institutions to secure the Food Safety
and standards Authority of India |(FSSAI) license to ensure food safety. As the
educational institutions also get categorized as food business operators in the event of
the annual turnover of the hostels, they run exceeding Rs. 12 lakh per annum. In
context of the above case:
1. ldentify and explain the various dimensions of business environment being referred
to here.
Q12. Nutan Tiffin Box service was started in Mumbai by Mumbai dabbawalas. The
Dabbawalas who are the soul of entire Mumbai aim to provide prompt and efficient
services by providing tasty homemade tiffin to all office goers at right time and place.
The service is uninterrupted even on the days of bad weather, political unrest and
social disturbances. Recently they have started online booking system through their
website' mydabbawals.com. Owing to their tremendous popularity amongst the happy
and satisfied customers and members, the dabbawalas were invited as guest lecturers
by top business schools. The Dabbawalas operate in a group of 25-30 people along
with a group pleader. Each group teams up with other groups in order to deliver the
tiffin on time not transferred on frequent basis as they have to remember the
addresses of their customers. They follow certain rules while doing trade-No alcohol
during working hours; No leave without permission; Wearing of white cap &carrying ID
cards during business hours. They are Recently on the suggestion of a few self-
motivated fellow men, the dabbawalas thought out and executed a plan of providing
food left in tiffins by customers to slum children. They have instructed their customers
to place red sticker if food is left in the tiffin, to be fed to poor children later.
1. State the principles of management given by Fayol & the characteristics of
management mentioned in the above case.

Q13. Hritik is desirous of setting up a small factory to manufacture different kinds of

eco-friendly packaging materials. He proposes to adoptto logical approach to his
business rather than hit and trial method as he knows that this can result in
tremendous saving of human energy as well as wastage of time and materials. He
plans to adopt paternalistic style of management in practice in order to avoid any kind
of class-conflict that may emerge between him and the workers. Moreover, he plans
to seek the opinion of his workers before taking any important decisions and also
offers incentives to them for providing valuable suggestions for the business. In
context of the above case:
1. Identify and explain the various principle of scientific management that Hritik plans
to apply in his business.
Q14. Gaurika has been appointed as the chief organizer of a weeklong Cultural event.
Being a staunch follower of scientific management, she decides to execute her work by
putting into practice the various techniques of scientific management. On the basis of
several observations, she is able to determine that the standard time taken by the
security officer at the gat to check the credentials of each visitor is 30 seconds. So she
decides to employ two persons on this job for every function along with the other
necessary support staff. She considers the fact that every day, the functions will take
place in three shifts of four hours each, therefore it is important to give breaks to the
support staff even in a single shift to take her/his lunch etc. moreover, on
introspection, she determines that the best way to distribute refreshment boxes to the
visitors will be to hand it over to them at the exit gate as it would help to save time
and eliminate any kind of confusion. In the context of the above case:
1. Identify and explain the various techniques of work study which have been put into
practice by Gaurika.
Q15. In the staff meeting the principal of the school raised objection that teachers
start teaching after 5 to 10 minutes in third floor classes. He warned them as students
are complaining about this. The teachers explained to the principal that when we
climb steps from ground to third floor. We get some tiredness and need 5 to 10
minutes rest before starting the lecture. The principal planned to install a lift in school
so that teachers do not waste their energy on wasteful activity of climbing steps.
1. State and explain techniques of scientific management used by principal. Also state
and explain any other technique of scientific management.
Q16. In a factory the toolbox was kept under the table of every worker, whenever
worker needs tools he had to bend tape out tool from tool box and keep it back after
use. The newly appointed supervisor observed it and suggested to keep a stool near
every worker's chain where toolbox can he placed so that workers do not waste their
energy in bending again and again.
1. Which technique of scientific management is used by New Supervisor? Explain it
2. State the objective of motion study.
Q17.Vikas was the Chief Operating Officer of 'Yalet Ltd.', a company providing
advanced software solutions to Indian Defence Services. They had been carrying on
business successfully for the last twelve years and earning enough profits. But from
the last one year, they realised that though the business is getting big orders which are
being fulfilled in time, even then the revenues kept on decreasing. Vikas was not able
to find out where the problem was. He started keeping a close check on the progress
of activities as he could sense that something was wrong. He wanted to take some
action before any major damage could be done to the business. Vikas appointed a
cyber security expert who monitored the Company's processes and found out that the
computer operator was deleting the entries from the computers and pocketing the
revenues. He was caught and handed over to the police. This created an atmosphere
of order and discipline in the organisation and helped in minimising dishonest
behaviour on the part of the employees.
a)The function of management highlighted in the above paragraph is……………….
b) Explain it
Q18.Read the following text and answer the following questions on the basis of the
Sana is the branch manager of ABC Handicrafts Pvt. Ltd. The company's objective is to
promote the sales of Indian handloom and handicraft products. It sells fabrics,
furnishings, ready-mades and household items are made out of traditional Indian
fabrics. Sana decides quantities, variety, colour and texture of all the above items and
then allocates resources for their purchase form different suppliers. She appoints a
team of designers and crafts people in the company, who developed some prints for
bed covers in bright colour on silk. Although the products looked very attractive and
impressive, they were relatively expensive on the front of affordability for an average
customer. Sana suggested that they should keep the silk bed covers for special festive|
occasions and offer the cotton bed covers on a regular basis to keep costs under
control. She appoints a team of designers and crafts people in the company, who
developed some prints for bed covers in bright colour on silk.
Q. Which function of management is highlighted in this context?
(A)Controlling (B) Staffing (C) Planning (D) Directing
Q2. In the above case *company's objective is to promote the sales of Indian
handloom and handicraft products."
The above line focus on which feature of management?
(A)Management is an intangible force (B) Management is a goal oriented process
(C) Management is pervasive in nature (D)Management is a continuous process
Q3. With reference to the above case, at which level of management Sana is working?
(A)Lower level (B) Top level (C) Middle level (D) Shop floor
Q4."Sana suggested that they should keep the silk bed covers for special festive
occasions and offer the cotton bed covers on a regular basis to keep costs under
control. Which function of management is highlighted in this context?
(A)Controlling (B) Staffing (C)Organising (D)Planning
1. Revise and practice the syllabus covered during the online classes.
PROBLEMS given in book of chapter 1 and 2.
3. SOLVE the assignment given on fair notebook.
4. Prepare charts on A3 size sheet:
(a) Methods of partners’ capital accounts.
(b) Methods of calculation of interest on drawings.

True/ False:-
Q1. Receipt and Payment Account is equivalent to profit and loss account.
Q2.Roshni and Gloriya join hands to construct a charitable hospital to help the underprivileged
of society. They are said to be partnership.
Q3. Interest on money advanced by a partner to the firm beyond the amount of his capital for the
purpose of business is paid @ 6% p.a.
Fill in the blanks:-
Q4. Interest on Partner's Loan is debited to_________and credited to_______
Q5. The funds raised by not-for-profit organisations through various sources are credited
Q6. Income and Expenditure Account includes only_______ items relating to the_______ period
Q7.When the partner capitals are fixed, the drawings made by a partner will be recorded in_______
Choose the correct alternative
Q8. Which of the following is not included in the major sources of income of not-for-profit
(a) Government grants (b) Legacies
(c) Income from investments (d) None of these.
Q9.Which of the following transactions is always recorded in the partner's capital account
irrespective of whether the partner's capitals are fixed or fluctuating?
(a) Interest on partner's loan (b) Additional capital introduced
(c) Permanent withdrawal of capital (d) Both (b) and (c)
Q10. Which of the following cannot be a content of the partnership deed?
(a) Rules regarding operation of Bank Accounts
(b) The rights, duties and liabilities of each partner
(c) Method of settlement of disputes among the partners
(d) None of the above
Q11. State any three characteristics of not-for-profit organisations.
Q12.State any three salient features of Income and Expenditure A/C of NPO.
Q13. Distinguish between fixed capital and fluctuating capital on the basis of
(i) Adjustments (ii) Fixed Balance (iii) Credit Balance.
Q14.Explain the following features of partnership: (a) Liability of Partnership (b) Mutual Agency (c)
Q15.On the basis of the information given below calculate the amount of Stationery to be debited to
the 'Income and Expenditure Account' of Good Health Sports Club for the year ended 31st March
Particulars 1.4.2020(Rs.) 31.3.2021(Rs.)
Stock of stationery 8,000 8,000
Crs.for stationery 9,000 9,000
Stationery purchased for the year ended 31.3.2021 was Rs.47,000.
Q16.On March 31st, 2020, the balances in the capital accounts of Ekta, Ankit and Chahat after making
adjustments for profits and drawings were Rs.1,50,000; Rs.2,10,000 and Rs.2,70,000 respectively.
Subsequently it was discovered that the interest on capital and drawings had been omitted. The
profit for the year ended 31st March, 2020 was Rs.1,20,000. During the year Ekta withdrew
Rs.24,000 and Ankit and Chahat each withdrew a sum of Rs.24,000 in equal instalments in the middle
of each quarter. The interest on drawings is to be charged @ 5% p.a. and interest on capital is to be
allowed @ 10% p.a. The profit sharing ratio among the partners was 1 : 2 : 3. Showing your
working notes clearly, pass the necessary rectifying entry.
Q17.A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits in 3 : 2. On 31.3.2020, Balance Sheet of the firm
was as follows:

Liabilities Amount Rs.


Sundry Assets 80,000

Capitals: A 60,000
B 20,000
80,000 80,000
The profit of for the year ended 31.3.2020 was divided between the partners without allowing
interest on capital @ 12% per annum and a salary to A at Rs.1,000 per month. During the year A
withdrew Rs.10,000 and B Rs.20,000. Pass a single journal entry to rectify the error.
Q18. Kavita and Pradeep are partners, sharing profits in the ratio of 3 : 2. They employed Chandan as
their manager, to whom they paid a salary of Rs.750 p.m. Chandan deposited Rs.20,000 on which
interest is payable @9% p.a. At the end of 2020 (after the division of profit), it was decided that
Chandan should be treated as partner w.e.f. Jan. 1, 2017 with 1/6th share in profits. His deposit
being considered as capital carrying interest @ 6% p.a. like capital of other partners. Firm's profits
after allowing interest on capital were as follows: 2017 – Profit Rs.59,000; 2018 - Profit Rs.62,ooo;
2019 - Loss Rs.4,OOO; 2020 - Profit Rs.78,000. Record the necessary journal entry to give effect to
the above.
Q19. A, B and C are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3:1:1. Their capitals as on 1.4.2019
were Rs.4,00,000 and Rs.1,60,000 and Rs.1,20,000respectively. Their partnership deed provides for:
(a) Interest on capitals @2.5% p.a., (b) Salary to A Rs.18,000 p.a. (c) Commission to B @10% of
divisible profit after charging such commission. On 1 October 2018 C had advanced Rs.1,00,000to the
firm beyond the amount of his capital for the purpose of business. Net Profit for the year 2019-20
from the business of the firm was Rs.80,000 after charging interest on C's loan. Before the accounts
were closed, it was discovered that C was carrying on a business of the same nature with that of the
firm and earned a profit of Rs.10,000 from that business. So, he was held liable as per the provisions
of the Partnership Act, 1932. Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c for the year ended 31 March,
Q.20 X and Y are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:1. Their fixed capitals
are Rs.5,00,000 and Rs.3,00,000 respectively. Interest in capital is allowed @ 9% p.a. while interest
on drawings is charged @12% p.a. X is allowed a salary of Rs.4,000 per month. Interest on Y's loan of
Rs.2,00,000 is to be provided @ 6% p.a. During the year ended 31 march, 2020, X's drawings were
Rs.60,000 and Y's drawings were Rs.72,000. 5% of the net profit is to be transferred to general
reserve. Incomplete Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March, 2020
prepared by the firm is given below:
Incomplete Profit & Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March 2020
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Interest on capital By Profit $ Loss A/C
X’s Current A/C By Interest on drawings
Y’s Current A/C X’s Current A/C
To Salary (X) Y,sCurrent A/C
To General Reserve 15,000
To Profit trd.to;
X’s Current A/C
Y’s Current A/c
Complete the Profit and Loss Appropriation A/C for the year ended 31 st March,2020.


Do the maths lab manual activities listed below:

1. To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R= {(l, m) : l II m} is an
equivalence relation.
2. To draw the graph of sin −1 x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of mirror reflection
(about the line y = x).
3. To explore the principal value of the function sin −1 x using a unit circle.
4. To understand the concepts of decreasing and increasing functions.
5. To understand the concepts of local maxima, local minima and point of inflection.
6. To verify that amongst all the rectangles of the same perimeter, the square has the maximum area.
7. To demonstrate the equation of a plane in normal form.
8. To measure the shortest distance between two skew lines and verify it analytically.
9. To explain the computation of conditional probability of a given event A, When event B has already
occurred, through an example of throwing a pair of dice.

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