Mid Term Taufiq Asri Intermediate Structure

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Taufiqurrahman Asri 205190020 4C TBI

Exercise 7

2. Right now I’m in class. I am sitting at my desk. I usually sit at the same desk in class every

3. Ali speaks arabic. Arabic is his native languange, but right now he is speaking english

4. A = It is raining a lot in southern Spain?

B= No, the weather Is usually warm and sunny

5.A = Look out the window, It is raining?

B= It is starting to sprinkle

6. A= Look. It’s Yumiko.

B = Where?

A= Over there. She Is walking out of the cafe.

7. A = Oscar usually walks to work. Do you Walk to work every day too?

B= Yes.

A= Does Oscar walking with you?

B= Sometimes

Exercise 10

1.In one soccer game, a player run seven miles on average

2.In one soccer game, players Run seven miles on average

3.Right-handed people Lived 10 years longer than left-handed people

4. Mountains Cover 3 of Africa and 25% of Europe.

5.The Eiffel Tower Has 3,000 steps

6.Honey Spoiled after one year.

7.The letter “e” is the most common letter in English

8.It takes about seven seconds for food to get from our mouths to our stomachs
Taufiqurrahman Asri 205190020 4C TBI

9.A man’s heart is beating faster than a woman’s heart.

10.About 145,000 people in the world die every 24 hours

Exercise 23

3.A boat floatS on water -> (Change)

4.Rivers flow toward the sea -> No change

5.My mother worry about me. -> (Change)

6.A student buyS a lot of books at the beginning of each term -> (Change)

7.Airplanes fly all around the world. -> No change

8.The teacher ask us a lot of questions in class every day. -> (Change)

9.Mr. Cook watch game shows on TV every evening. – No change

10.Water freeze at 32oF (00C) and boil at 212oF(100oC) -> No change

11.Mrs. Taylor Never Cross the street in the middle of a block. She always walkS to the corner
and useS the crosswalk. -> (Change)

Exercise 30

2. A : Do you need some help. Mrs. Bernini?

Do you want me to carry that box for you?

B: Yes Thank you. That’s very nice of you.

3. A : Who is that man? I Think that I Know him, but I Forget his name.

B :That’s Mr.Martinez

A : That’s right! I Remember him now.

4. A : Do you believe In Ghost?

B: No. In my opinion, ghost Exist only in people’s imaginations.

Taufiqurrahman Asri 205190020 4C TBI

5. Right tnow the children Are at the beach.They are having a good time. They have
Shovels,and they building a sandcastle. They like to build big sandcastle. Their
parentes are on the beach and listening to music. They Do’nt listen to their childrens
conversations. But they hear them anyway


Part 1

Right now Toshi and oscar are Sitting(1) in the library. Toshi Doing his homework, but Oscar
Does Not Study. He is Staring out the window. Toshi Wants to know waht oscar is looking at.

Toshi : Oscar, what are you looking at?

Oscar : I am watching the skateborder.Look at that guy in the orange shirt. He turns a
around in circles on his back wheels. He’s amazing

Toshi : It is easier than it Looks. I can teach you some skateboarding basics if you like

Oscar : Great ! Thanks!

Part II

Yesterday Toshi and Oscar were sitting(12) in the libray. Toshi Did his homework, but
Oscar Didn’t study. He Stared out the window. Toshi Wanted to know what oscar Was
looking at. Oscar Pointed to the skateboarder. He Said that he was amazing. Toshi Offered to
teach him some skate boarding basics

Exercise 38

2. I Bought small gift before I went to the hospital yesterday to visit my friend.

3. Yesterday afternoon I went to visit the Lopez family. When I got there, Mrs. Lopaz was in
the yard.She was planting flowers.Mr. Lopez was in the garage. He was changing
the oil in his car. The kids were playing in the frony yard. In other words, while
Mr.Lopez Changed the oil in the car, the kids were throwing a ball in the yard

4. I hit my thumb while I was using the hammer, Ouch that Hurt.

5.As soon as we Heard about the hurricane,We began to get ready for the storm.

6. It was a long walk home. Mr/Chu Got tired and Stopped after an hour. He was resting
until he felt strong enough to continue

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