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Republic of the Philippines


Lucinda Campus, Brgy. Ungot, Tarlac City Philippines (045) 493-1865 Fax: (045) 982-0110 website:
Awarded Level 3-Phase II Status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines Inc (AACCUP)

Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in Asia and the Pacific.

Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and programs in higher and advanced education
ensuring equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.
Towards this end, TSU shall:
1. Provide high quality instruction trough qualified, competent and adequately trained faculty members and support staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and sciences and strengthening
collaboration with local and international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with public and private organizations and individuals.

The goal of the college is on the development of the whole person in the service of man for the greater glory of God, through creating a quality educational
experience and environment that promotes values, professional competence, leadership and social responsibility.

To prepare graduates for the practice of nursing in various settings by providing the broadest basic education, skills and competencies for future leadership
positions in nursing.

To develop among the students the spirit of compassionate caring, quality of service, social insight, and commitment in health care of the nation.

To continue to strengthen and facilitate health research initiatives and maintain active outreach programs with the community through coordination and
collaboration of undertakings.

NCM 112 - Communicable Disease

Sexually Transmitted Infection

• A Sexually Transmitted Disease (also known as a sexually transmitted infection) is a disease

acquired through sexual contact with an Infected person.

Genital Herpes:HSV 2 Other name:

Herpes Genitalis

Incubation Period:
Usually 2-12 days

• Herpetic lesions on the external genitalia and
occasionally on the vagina and cervix.
• Itching and pain in the infected area,
Influenza-like symptoms, Inguinal
Lymphadenopathy, Hyperthermia, Malaise,
Headache, Myalgia and Dysuria
-a common sexually transmitted infection
caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Management:
-Active infection at the end of pregnancy Nursing intervention and action:
-Caesarean birth may be indicated • Relive Pain
-Virus may be lethal to the neonate Page 1 of 5
• Prevent Infection and spread Incubation Period:
• Relieve anxiety. 2-3 months
• Increase knowledge about disease and
treatment. Manifestations:
Usually self-limiting and without symptoms but
Medical Management: warts would be seen.
• No cure
• Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. Management:
Diagnostic Exam: Nursing intervention and action:
• Prevent Infection and spread
• Viral culture. This test involves taking a • Relieve anxiety.
tissue sample or scraping of the sores for • Increase knowledge about disease and
examination in the laboratory. treatment.
• Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. PCR is
used to copy your DNA from a sample of Medical Management:
your blood, tissue from a sore or spinal fluid. Treatment of external genital warts includes
The DNA can then be tested to establish the topical application of trichloroacetic acid,
presence of HSV and determine which type podophyllin, and chemotherapeutic agents.
of HSV you have.
• Blood test. This test analyzes a sample of Electrocautery and laser therapy maybe
your blood for the presence indicated for patients.
of HSV antibodies to detect a past herpes
Diagnostic Exam:
For male, No HPV test known unless genital
Drug of Choice: warts are present.
Acyclovir/Zovirax/Famvir reduces severity and
For females, HPV and Pap smear can be used
where DNA of HPV will be checked.

Human Papillomavirus Drug of Choice:

topical application of trichloroacetic acid,
podophyllin, and chemotherapeutic agents.

Chlamydia Trachomatis
- is a common sexually transmitted infection
(STI) caused by bacteria.

Other name:

Incubation Period:
• 7 to 14 days for genital infection
• 5 to 12 days for infant conjunctivitis
• 6 to 19 days for adult conjunctivitis.
Women: frequently do not cause symptoms in
-is a viral infection that commonly causes skin women. Mucopurulent Cervicitis with exudates
or mucous membrane growths (warts). in the endocervical canal is most frequent
findings. Page 2 of 5
Men: Can be asymptomatic. But they can Other name:
experience burning during urination and penile colloquially known as the clap
Incubation Period:
Management: 2-7 days
Nursing intervention and action:
• Identify sexual contacts for tracing.
Men: Painful Urination, Pus-like discharge from
• Relive Pain
the tip of the penis, urethritis and epidymitis
• Prevent Infection and spread
may occur. Women: Increased vagina discharge,
• Relieve anxiety.
Painful urination.
• Increase knowledge about disease and
(50% of women with gonorrhea have no
symptoms, but without treatment, 40% may
Medical Management: develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.)
-CDC recommends dual therapy even if only Management:
gonorrhea has been laboratory proven because Nursing intervention and action:
patients are often co-infected with both • Identify sexual contacts for tracing.
chlamydia and gonorrhea.
• Relive Pain
Diagnostic Exam: • Prevent Infection and spread
Urine test/ Swab test • Relieve anxiety.
• Increase knowledge about disease and
Drug of Choice: treatment.
Treatment for chlamydia (Doxycycline or
azithromycin) + Treatment for Gonorrhea Medical Management:
(Ceftriaxone or Cefixime or Ciprofloxacin) Adults with gonorrhea are treated with
antibiotics. Due to emerging strains of drug-
Gonorrhea resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention recommends
that uncomplicated gonorrhea be treated with
the antibiotic ceftriaxone — given as an
injection — with oral azithromycin (Zithromax).
oral gemifloxacin (Factive) or injectable
gentamicin and oral azithromycin will be given if
with cephalosporin allergy.
Diagnostic Exam:
Gram Staining
Oxidase reaction
Drug of Choice:
Ceftriaxone or Cefixime or Ciprofloxacin
-is an infection caused by a sexually transmitted
bacterium (Neisseria Gonorrhoeae) that infects
both males and females. Gonorrhea most often
affects the urethra, rectum, or throat. In
females, gonorrhea can also infect the cervix. Page 3 of 5
Syphilis Diagnostic Exam:
Nontreponemal or reagin test: Venereal Disease
Research Laboratory (VDRL) or the Rapid
Plasma Reagin Circle Card Test (RPR-CT) are use
to screen and diagnose.

Treponemal Test, such as the fluorescent

treponemal antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS)
and the microhemagglutination test (MHA-TP)
are use to that the screening test did not
present a false-positive result.

Drug of Choice:
-is an acute and chronic infectious disease Penicillin G
caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum.
Incubation Period: - is a virus that attacks cells that help the body
10 days to 10 weeks fight infection, making a person more
Manifestations: vulnerable to other infections and diseases.
Primary: Painless lesion at the site of infection - Gradual and progressive destruction of the
called Chancre. immune system
Incubation Period:
Secondary: The rash extends and involves the Median of 10 years
truck and extremities. With general size of
infections (lymphadenopathy, arthritis, Manifestations:
meningitis, hair loss, fever, malaise and weight Flu-like illness
loss. • Window Phase
• Primary HIV Infection
Tertiary: Final stage in the natural history of
• Asymptomatic Phase
disease. It presents as a slowly progressive
• Symptomatic phase
inflammatory disease with the potential to
affect multiple organs.
Management: Nursing intervention and action:
Nursing intervention and action: • Identify sexual contacts for tracing.
• Identify sexual contacts for tracing. • Relive Pain
• Relive Pain • Prevent Infection and spread
• Prevent Infection and spread • Relieve anxiety.
• Relieve anxiety. • Increase knowledge about disease and
• Increase knowledge about disease and treatment.
Diagnostic Exam:
Medical Management: Elisa
Treatment of all stages is administration of Western blot
penicillin G and usually administered IM at PCT
single session. Patients with allergy to penicillin Viral load
are treated with doxycycline. Drug of Choice
Anti-Retroviral Drugs Page 4 of 5
Prepared by:
Dale Nievera Tuazon, RN, MSN
Clinical Instructor Page 5 of 5

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