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PREVIEW CONCEPT OF NORMAL – Mini Lecture 17 Sept 2020

 Defining Health  Setiap orang punya definisinya masing-masing, dipengaruhi oleh

experiences, current health, social/individual perspective, beliefs, values, morals, dan
life time expectations
- Menurut Perkins (1938): Health is a state of relative equilibrium of body form and
function which results from its successful dynamic adjustment to forces tending to
disturb it. Merupakan active response of body forces working toward readjustment.
- Menurut Sigerist (1941): Health merupakan something positive, a joyful attitude
toward life, and a cheerful acceptance of the responsibilities that life puts upon the
- Menurut WHO (1948): state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
- Menurut Stokes et al (1982): state characterized by anatomic integrity, ability to
perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with
physical, biologic, and social stress; a feeling of well-being; and freedom from the
risk of disease and untimely death.
- Last (1987): a state of equilibrium between humans and the physical, biologic, and
social environment, compatible with full functional activity.
- Act No. 23 (1992) ttg kesehatan: keadaan sejahtera dari badan, jiwa, dan social yang
memungkinkan setiap orang hidup produktif secara social dan ekonomis.
- Act No. 36 (2009) ttg kesehatan: keadaan sehat baik secara fisik, mental, spiritual,
maupun social yang emmungkinkan setiap orang untuk hidup produktif secara social
dan ekonomis.
- Perhatian saat ini sudah bergeser kepada pencegahan penyakit dibandingkan
dengan promosi dari positive dimensions
- Negative dimension of health merupakan ill-health (poor physical or mental condition)
seperti disease, injury, illness, disability, handicap (kecacatan). Mereka bisa sendiri
bisa juga muncul bersamaan.
 Disease and illness as disorders
- Being ill  objective, temporary, physical
- Feeling ill  subjective, persistent, mental
 Disease and illness as unwanted states
- Tidak mengakomodasi pain dan other subjective symptom misalnya nausea
- Bisa aja ada pain tp gaada organic causenya
- Orang yg merasakan sakit meskipun gaada apparent cause  dianggap ill atau not
- 2 hal yang menyebabkan ill-health  kegagalan mekanik dan discomfort
 Disease and illness as abnormal states
- Beberapa kondisi itu bukan illnesses tp lebih kearah weakness dan kehilangan
kemampuan yg diiringi penuaan  kondisi normal/natural
- Contoh kasus: minor skin disease gabikin orang ill or gabikin discomfort, tp itu
diseases karena itu bikin abnormal conditions pada skinnya.
 Disability, deformities, and unwanted states
- Dokter dan yg lainnya juga concerned untuk menghentikan normal changes kalo
emang itu ga diinginkan
- Misalnya stiff joints itu bisa terjadi di young dan elderly, nah disini berarti ada 2
situasi yg berbeda dan penanganannya juga pasti berbeda
- Misalnya lagi kita pengen ngurangin efek penuaan dengan cara diet yg baik dan
exercise or hormone therapy
- Misalnya lagi kita pengen ngurangin rasa sakit saat melahirkan
 Disease and illness as law like (gangerti)
- Deformity itu contohnya adanya holes di heart yang bikin mechanical failures dan
bikin si orangnya tuh dibilangnya poor health
- Misal ada anak yg terlahir tuli  dibilang unhealthy, terus kalo udah ditreatment
jadi ngga dianggap unhealthy lagi
- Misal ada juga nih deformed person tuh ngga dianggap unhealthy
 Injury (gangerti)
- Deformity ~ injury
- People yg badly injured are described as ill incapacity  weakness, faintness,
- Injury tp lebih mirip illness daripada deformity karena ia dapat berprogress dan
dapat healed juga
 Mental and social ill-health [abnormality]
- Anyone yg punya abnormal state of minds is mentally ill  sick desires, minority
desires, and immoral or illegal desires
 Mental and social ill-health [unwanted state]
- Penderitanya “puas” dengan kondisinya, misalnya psikopat tuh dia ngga terganggu
dengan kondisinya dan ngga ada keinginan untuk berobat
 Mental and social ill-health [loss of capacity]
- People cannot do what they are normally able to do in mental sphere
 Positive dimension of health
- Feeling of well-being  subjective or hedonistic
- Preople’s subjective estimation of mood or level of happiness on a given situation
- They themselves the only authority on the well being
 Subjective well being
- Spurious (palsu)
- Bisa muncul dari satu hal yg mungkin merugikan individuals functioning and/or to
- Penting buat pay attention to the origin of feelings of well being
 True well being
- Much more structured daripada subjective
- Has a social and political sense
- Most people have a much more lasting and deeper level of well being kalo  punya
temen, punya confidence that their materials akan memuaskan, not going in prison.
 Hedonistic well being
- Can exist with or without true well being
- Important for health promotion and for health care
- Contoh: single parent konsultasi ke GP bahwa dia merasa depresi, lalu dia berharap
dikasih anxiolytic drug  nantinya well beingnya depends on continuing use of this
drug (GP can induce a state of subjective well being)
 Fitness
- Merupakan physical attribute
- Element of positive health
- 4S (strength, stamina, suppleness, skills)
 Positive health
- Involves high level of true well being and fitness
- An appropriate balance of the physical, mental, and social ingredients and over
concentration on one may be to detriment of either or both of the others

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