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Complete First 2nd edition Wordlist

UNIT HEADWORD Part of speech DEFINITION Example Translation

UNIT 1 aggressive adjective person aggressive behavio agresivo
bad-tempered adjective and annoyed easily She's very bad-tempmalhumorado
bring up phrasal verb particular beliefs They brought us up criar, educar
business centre noun financial activity Singapore rivals Ho centro empresarial
compromise noun want It is hoped that a c compromiso
concerned adjective worried I'm a bit concerned preocupado
counter-argument noun feeling
idea or energetic
suggestion He put forward severefutación
interest in a particular
critical adjective or wrongor activity and
subject He is very critical o crítico
desperate adjective If you are impatient,
something verytomuch By two o'clock I wasdesesperado
you eagerness
get angry withbe
enthusiastic adjective involved in it The teacher was verentusiasta
people who make
hard-working adjective and
mistakes aorlot
with of effort
you hate She's a very hard-waplicado
impatient adjective waiting for things. I get very impatient impaciente
impolite adjective rude
usually because it is I found his question maleducado
special, important, or
impressive adjective very large. an impressive colle impresionante
industrial adjective industry an industrial city industrial
intentionally adverb planned or intended I didn't ignore her in a propósito
mature adjective adult She seems very matmaduro
organised adjective keep things tidy An office manager norganizado
prioritise verb them first You must learn to prpriorizar
reasonable adjective good judgment It's not reasonable razonable
residential adjective offices or factories. This is a residential residencial
respect verb that you admire them I really respect my respetar
feeling sure about
responsible adjective on your own She'll be fine on he responsable
yourself and your
self-confident adjective abilities You need to be self seguro de sí mismo
sensitive adjective upset them I like him because hsensible
survey verb opinions or behaviour Over 75% of the peoencuestar
understanding adjective way they behave Fortunately, my girl comprensivo
unreliable adjective or depended on The trains were noispoco fidedigno
urge verb something Financial experts ar instar
Unit 2
alleyway noun a narrow road or path The thieves escape callejón
astonishing adjective very surprising What an astonishingasombroso
beg verb to make a very strong I begged my father tsuplicar
clamber verb to climb somewhere witThe baby clamberedtrepar
competitive adjective wanting to win or be beShe's very competit competitivo
contribute to phrasal verb to help to cause an eveHis poor diet contribcontribuir a
delightful adjective very pleasant or attrac We had a delightful encantador
demanding adjective needing a lot of your ti a very demanding j exigente
depressing adjective making you feel sad anThe news is very dedeprimente
distract verb to make someone stopThe g music distracts distraer
dreadful adjective very bad The journey was dreespantoso
drive someone to desperat phrase to make someone feel Her constant demand desesperar a alguien
drop someone a line phrase to write someone a shor I hope you'll drop m escribir unas líneas
economical adjective not costing much mon It's a very economiceconómico
elated adjective extremely happy and eHe was elated at th eufórico
entertaining adjective interesting and enjoya an entertaining and ameno
heap noun an untidy pile of thingsa heap of rubbish pila
heartbroken adjective very sad because some I was heartbroken desconsolado
irrelevant adjective not important in a parti irrelevant informati irrelevante
irritating adjective making you feel anno an irritating habit irritante
make sense phrase to have a meaning or Suddenly my whole tener sentido
passion noun an extreme interest in He has a passion forpasión
red-faced adjective having red cheeks becauseA red-faced
of embarrassment
boy sto ruborizado
superb adjective excellent a superb restaurant soberbio
swap verb to give something to I often swap recipesintercambiar
time-consuming adjective needing a lot of time The legal process que requiere mucho tiempo
tremendous adjective very large, great, strona tremendous amoutremendo

appreciate verb to recognise how goodMy trip taught me toapreciar

cope verb to manage to do somethi She has a lot of w sobrellevar
daily routine phrase the things that you do My daily routine usurutina cotidiana
drag verb to make someone go wiOur parents draggedarrastrar
dump verb to get rid of someone, We dumped my littledeshacerse de
fed up adjective bored, annoyed or disaThey were fed up wiharto
forthcoming adjective going to happen soon the forthcoming elecpróximo
homeward adjective towards home the homeward journde vuelta a casa
outward adjective going to wards a partican outward journey de ida
overland adverb across the land rather They travelled over por tierra
party to the small hours phrase to enjoy yourself at a pWe were out every niestar de fiesta hasta la madrugada
round trip noun a journey from one pla The round trip takesviaje de ida y vuelta
teamwork noun when a group of peopleTeamwork is vital totrabajo en equipo
thrill noun a strong feeling of ex It was a big thrill m emoción
tough adjective difficult to do or deal wLife in such a cold duro

Unit 4 airy noun open to fresh air airy rooms aireado

attractive adjective causing interest or pl We need to make the atractivo
balanced adjective types of food. Chocolate and chipsequilibrado
cheerful adjective describes a place or t The room was paintealegre
convenience food noun food that can be prepaWe eat a lot of con comida de preparación rápida
edible adjective safe to eat edible berries comestible
elaborate adjective complicated or with a loan elaborate designintrincado
elegant adjective stylish and attractive an elegant dining r elegante
exceptional adjective very good and better t an exceptional stud excepcional
exclusive adjective expensive and only foran exclusive privateexclusivo
filling adjective Food that is filling ma a filling meal que llena mucho
genetically modified adjective describes a plant or a genetically modifiedmodificado genéticamente
heavy meal phrase a large, rich meal that You shouldn't swim comida pesada
informative adjective giving a lot of useful f a very informative instructivo
isolated adjective not near to other placeLiving on the island aislado
light meal phrase a small meal that doesWe had a light mealcomida ligera
nutrition noun the food that you eat a Good nutrition is es nutrición
organic adjective not using chemicals whorganic vegetables orgánico
protein noun one of many substances Most of our protein proteína
rushed adjective having to do things verThe staff were very apurado
satisfactory adjective good enough We hope to find a sasatisfactorio
satisfying adjective making you feel pleas Clearing out the cupreconfortante
shortage noun when there is not eno food shortages escasez
source noun where something comeOranges are a good fuente
stem cell noun a cell, especially one Stem cells are very célula madre
supply noun an amount of something a supply of water suministro
welcoming adjective friendly or making you a welcoming smile cordial
well-balanced adjective A well-balanced meal co a well-balanced me bien equilibrado

Unit 5 adjustment noun the ability to become f Moving to a new cit adaptación
admission noun when someone is givenShe's applied for adadmisión
approval noun official permission The project has nowaprobación
assessment noun when you make a judgme That's a fair assess valoración
chaotic adjective in a state of chaos a chaotic situation caótico
confusion noun when people do not unThere seems to be sconfusión
could do with phrase If you could do with so I could do with somevenir bien
expectation noun what you expect to hapMy expectations were expectativa
have it in for phrase to be determined to haHe really has it in tenerla tomada con alguien
host family noun a family with whom a sI'm living with a ho familia anfitriona
impression noun an idea or opinion of I had the impressio impresión
investigation noun when officials try to d to carry out an inve investigación
involvement noun when someone or someth She had no involveme implicación
job prospects noun your chance of getting aThis
or getting
a better
job de trabajo
make it phrase to manage to go to or aI'm afraid I can't ma poder ir
pass noun a successful mark in I'm hoping for a pa aprobar
preference noun when you like somethi We have white and preferencia
unprepared adjective not made ready or pre I was unprepared forno estar preparado

Unit 6 badly-paid adjective If a job is badly-paid, It was a badly-paid mal pagado

brighten up phrasal verb to make something more Some yellow paint wialegrar
climax noun the most important or exHis act was the cli punto culminante
cool adjective calm and not emotionaShe seemed cool ansereno
duty roster noun a list of people's nam She pinned the dutylista de turnos
fascinating adjective extremely interesting a fascinating personfascinante
forbidding adjective unfriendly He had a forbidding adusto
grab verb to take hold of somet A mugger grabbed hagarrar
improvise verb to invent or make someI hadn't prepared a improvisar
live up to expectations phrase if something lives up t The hotel certainly estar a la altura de las expectativas
lose your temper phrase to become angry very She lost her temper perder los estribos
make full use of phrase to use something as mWe made full use ofsacart el máximo provecho
manual adjective involving physical wor unskilled manual la manual
more than you bargained fophrase more than you were exp The job was more thno esperarse algo así
over the rate phrase If someone is paid overShe pays me over the por encima de la tarifa normal
potential noun someone's or something She showed great po aptitud
shift noun a period of time when I'm on the night shif turno
skilled adjective having the abilities ne a highly skilled pho hábil, experto
stare verb to look at someone or Don't stare at peoplequedarse mirando
take pleasure in phrase to find something enjo He takes pleasure i disfrutar
uncompromising adjective If people or their bel an uncompromising intransigente
wander verb to walk somewhere with We all wandered bacpasear
well-paid adjective If a job is well-paid, t She can afford expebien pagado
under pressure phrase If you do something und He doesn't work welbajo presión
worthwhile adjective useful and enjoyable, dShe considers teachque vale la pena

athletic adjective strong, healthy and go She looks very athleatlético

be around phrasal verb If something has been T ahis technology hasexistir
blister noun a painful, raised area I've got a blister on ampolla
civilised adjective polite and behaving in The meeting was vercivilizado
come across phrasal verb to find something or I came across the boencontrarse
cushion verb to make the effect or f My thick coat cushi amortiguar
drop out phrasal verb to stop doing somethinHe dropped out of unabandonar
endurance noun the ability to keep doina race to test athle resistencia
eternity noun a very long time The wait seemed like eternidad
extreme adjective the most unusual or th extreme weather conextremo
furious adjective extremely angry I was late and he w furioso
guarantee verb to make certain that s You will be guarantegarantizar
hallucination noun an experience in whichShe began to experialucinación
hazardous adjective dangerous These roads are hazpeligroso
heighten verb to increase or make soHis words heighteneagudizar
hop verb (informal) to go somewWe hopped on the bbrincar
keep up phrasal verb If you keep up with so They walked so fast,seguir el ritmo
learning curve noun the rate of someone's pIt's a steep learnin curva de aprendizaje
little in the way of phrase If someone or something The town has little ofrece poco
made up of phrase consisting of a team made up of formado con
methodical adjective done in a careful, wel a methodical appro metódico
opponent noun someone who you compe Her opponent hurt hirival
pace noun the speed at which s a slow/fast pace ritmo
rough adjective dangerous or violent a rough part of townpeligroso
run into trouble phrase to start to experience diWe ran into trouble meterse en problemas
safety-conscious adjective very careful to be safe The race organisersconcienciado sobre los aspectos de la seguridad
set verb If you set yourself a g He set himself a tar fijarse
spectator noun someone who watchesThey a won 4-0 in fronespectador
trophy noun a prize, such as a silv He's an excellent s rival
turn out phrasal verb to have a final, often s The truth turned out resultar

Unit 8 abandon verb to stop doing an activi The match was aband suspender
adore verb to like something or I adore horses. adorar
a step ahead of phrase slightly better prepar The filmmaker manag un paso por delante de
aware adjective having knowledge of She needed to makeconsciente
brutal adjective cruel and not consider Her criticism was br brutal
cause verb to make something ha Her actions caused causar
chance of a lifetime phrase a great opportunity thaThis competition is oportunidad única
compulsory adjective If something is compulSwimming was compu obligatorio
contestant noun someone who competes In tonight's quiz, o concursante
disturb verb to interrupt someone i Their loud music di perturbar
fulfil verb to do something that i I know I will fulfil cumplir
gain experience phrase to get knowledge or skI took a summer jobganar experiencia
geek noun a person, especially a He's such a geek. bicho raro
get your first taste of phrase to experience something She got her first ta probar por primera vez
hooked adjective enjoying something so I'm hooked on spy enganchar
intense adjective extreme and forceful orintense cold/heat/h intenso
intimidated adjective frightened or nervous I was intimidated byintimidado
invaluable adjective extremely useful Her help was invalu invalorable
launch verb to make something be to launch a career lanzar
media noun the internet, newspapeThe media are covermedios de comunicación
nerve-wracking adjective causingaaface
having lot of worry I find giving talks que destroza los nervios
photogenic adjective looks attractive in She's very photogenfotogénico
privacy noun photographs
someone's right to keeThe new law is desi intimidad
pursue verb If you pursue a plan, acHe decided to pursue ejercer
realise an ambition phrase to do something that He realised his ambcumplir una ambición
release verb If a film is released, it His new movie is duestrenarse
scandal noun (an action or event th a financial/political escándalo
sensation noun someone or somethingThe book was a sensensación
someone's … days are behphrase used to say that someoMy travelling days dejar atrás la época de…
strip away phrasal verb to remove or peel som She stripped away harrancarse
stuck in traffic phrase unable to drive at the I'm sorry I'm late - I en un atasco de tráfico
tabloid noun a type of popular newsI read all the gossip periódico sensacionalista
turn down phrasal verb to refuse to accept so She turned down therechazar
voluntary adjective done, made or given wilThe extra homeworkvoluntario

Unit 9 appropriate adjective suitable or right for a appropriate to your apropiado

a variety of factors phrase many different things t A variety of factors una variedad de factores
breathless adjective not able to breathe easWe were breathless sin after
the steep climb.
complement verb to make something else Strawberries and cr complementar
consistent adjective in agreement with otheWhat the witness saiconsecuente
count verb to have value or impor I've always believe contar
devote your life to phrase to spend all your life She devoted her lifededicar la vida a
dominating adjective A dominating person likHe tends to be rath dominante
give and take phrase willingness to accept All marriages rely onconcesiones mutuas
go to extremes phrase to do something in the Just do a little bit ser extremista
have little to do with phrase to hardly be connecte Our problems had littener poco que ver con
have something in commo phrase to share interests, exp We don't have muc tener algo en común
immeasurably adverb in a way that is so gre The damage from thinconmensurable
irrational adjective not using reason or cleIt's totally irrationa irracional
irritable adjective becoming annoyed verShe was irritable witquisquilloso
now you come to mention i phrase used when something sNow you come to men ahora que se menciona
opening gambit noun the first thing you say I tried to think of a táctica para entablar conversación
outgoing adjective (of a person) friendly Sales reps need to extrovertido
overall adverb considering everythingOverall, I think the general
pager noun a small device that yo I always have my pabuscapersonas
point out phrasal verb to tell someone somethI pointed out that T señalar
put up with phrasal verb to accept or continue I can't put up with aguantar
recurring adjective experienced repeatedl a recurring dream recurrente
row noun a noisy argument I heard my neighbouriña

statistically adverb using information baseStatistically, youn estadísticamente

stimulate verb to make someone excitThe film was intend estimular
take for granted phrase If you take someone forMy husband is starting to take
tomar me for granted.
por descontado
threatening adjective expressing a threat of The situation soon amenazador
time well spent phrase a period of time in wh The time it took to tiempo bien invertido
tremble verb to shake slightly, usua She trembled as shetemblar

Unit 10 bargain noun something on sale at aThis coat was half-pganga

awkward silence phrase an uncomfortable pausWhen I asked if he silencio incómodo
bitter adjective describes a person who I feel very bitter a resentido
brand noun a type of product madeThis isn't my usual marca
check out phrasal verb to have the cost addedI put a load of food pagar en la caja
competitive adjective Competitive prices, serThe store has very competitivo
consumer noun a person who buys good The new telephone rconsumidor
counter noun a long flat narrow surf There was nobody be mostrador
debit card noun a small rectangular pi I don't have any castarjeta de débito
do excellent/good, etc. bus phrase If a company does excel We do excellent bushacer negocios excelentes, buenos, etc.
errand noun a short journey either I'll meet you at six, recados
gap-toothed adjective having a noticeable s a gap-toothed kid mellado
grocery list noun a shopping list I lost my grocery listlista de la compra
head out phrasal verb to begin a journey He headed out to medirigirse a
hit the gym phrase (informal) to go to the After work, I usually ir al gimnasio
in stock phrase available to be bought There are no more blen existencias
kick up a fuss phrase (informal) to show a lo Mum kicked up a fusmontar el número
masses plural noun (informal) a large num There were masses montones
mismatched adjective If things are mismatcheThe furniture was o dispar
mold verb to change or influenc to mold the charactemoldear
out of stock phrase If goods are out of st stock in this item. agotado
outskirts noun the outer area of a cit They live in the out afueras
oversimplify verb to describe or explain Her article oversimplsimplificar excesivamente
purchase noun something that you ha I took my purchase compra
purchase verb to buy She purchased her fadquirir
redesign verb to design something soThey have redesignerediseñar
sidewalk noun a path with a hard surf Keep to the sidewalkacera
spill out phrasal verb to flow or fall out of a Her long hair was spidesbordarse
sweat verb to have salty liquid co We were all sweatinsudar
tanned adjective Tanned skin is brown fShe stretched out h bronceado
unavailable adjective If something is unavailaThis information wasno disponible
wrinkled adjective wrinkled skin has smallhis wrinkled face arrugado

Unit 11 anatomy noun the scientific study of An understanding ofanatomía

cell biology noun the scientific study of a book about cell bi biología celular
check-up noun a medical examination She t goes to her docrevisión
clinical adjective connected with medicalclinical tests/trainin clínico
dermatology noun the scientific study of He specialises in d dermatológico
disability noun an illness, injury, or c a physical/learning ddiscapacidad
functioning adjective If something is functionThe country does noque funciona
get over phrasal verb to get better after an il It took me weeks to recuperarse de
high point noun The high point of an evHis performance waspunto culminante
inability noun lack of ability to do s Inability to use a c incapacidad
informal adjective not formal or official The two groups agreinformal
inspire verb to make someone feel H t is confident leaderinspirar
investigate verb to examine a problem, The doctor investig investigar
misdiagnose verb to be wrong about the tHer cancer was mis diagnosticar incorrectamente
module noun one of the units that We do a module on módulo
neurology noun the study of the struct She works in the neneurología
neuroscience noun the study of the struct He wants to study nneurociencia
occasional adjective not happening or done I enjoy the occasionde vez en cuando
on duty phrase at work, doing your jobHe was suspended fr de servicio
operating theatre noun a room in which surgic They took him downquirófano
overlook verb to fail to notice or co I think there is one pasar por alto
persist verb If an unpleasant feelingIf the pain persists, persistir
practising adjective actively involved in a j She's a practising l en funciones
put on weight phrase If someone puts on weI've put on a lot of engordar
supplementary adjective extra The website includ complementario
surgery noun the treatment of injur The patient had/undcirugía
time-intensive adjective using or needing a lot Learning a languageque requiere tiempo
treatment noun the use of drugs, exercfree dental treatmentratamiento
unaware adjective not understanding or r He was unaware thatno ser consciente de algo
uptight adjective worried or nervous andShe's a bit uptight tenso
ward noun one of the parts or lar a geriatric/maternit sala

Unit 12 at the top of your voice phrase very loudly He was shouting at ta voz en cuello
ban verb to refuse to allow somet Cycling is banned i prohibir
bark verb (of a dog) to make a l The dog kept barkinladrar
brief verb to give someone instruWe had already been informar
cactus noun a desert plant, usually cactus leaves cactus
commitment noun something that you mus family/work commit compromiso
dare verb to be brave enough to I didn't dare (to) cro atreverse a
deny verb to not allow someone Nobody should be dnegar
eyesight noun the ability to see good/bad/poor eyesvisión
fade verb to lose colour, brightn The light was fadingperder intensidad
fragile adjective easily damaged, brokeBe careful with that vfrágil
gross adjective (informal) extremely u Your feet are gross! asqueroso
habitat noun the natural environmentthe natural habitat ohábitat
intruder noun someone who is in a plI feel like an intrud intruso
keep an eye out phrase to watch for somethin Keep an eye out for estar pendiente de
mark verb to show where somethiThe route is clearly marcar
melt verb When ice melts, it turn The snow usually me derretir
numb adjective If a part of your body i I had been lying a dormido, entumecido
orphan verb if a person or animal i She was orphaned at huérfano
penultimate adjective next to the last the penultimate sce penúltimo
pick out phrasal verb to recognise, find, or They hope to pick o escoger
prick noun a small hole made by I felt a little prick. pinchazo
rule out phrasal verb to decide or say that s possibility of error descartar
run for your life phrase to run away to save you The captain told us tcorrer para ponerse a salvo
serve a purpose phrase to be useful in some wI suppose this kno servir para algo
species noun a set of animals or pl Mountain gorillas a especie
spine noun a long, sharp point lik a cactus spine espina, púa
tangle verb to form a twisted massMy shoelaces were enredar
to the untrained eye phrase to someone without theTo the untrained eyepara el ojo inexperto
trample verb to step heavily on so Somebody trampledpisotear
trunk noun the long, tube-shaped Elephants use their trompa
wild animal noun an animal that lives in We saw lots of wild animal salvaje

Unit 13 breathe down someone’s nphrase to stay close to someoI don't want my par agobiar a alguien
calm down phrasal verb to stop feeling upset, He calmed down a bcalmarse
cellar noun a room under the ground We keep our gardenin sótano
chatter noun conversation about thi I can't concentrate cháchara
close to nature phrase in a situation in whic When you go camping cerca de la naturaleza
customary adjective traditional In my village, it is costumbre
drop in phrasal verb to visit a person or a p I'll drop in on my w pasarse por
fetch verb to be sold for a parti The horse fetched £5 sacar por
gibber verb to speak quickly in a Stop gibbering, and farfullar
handrail noun a long narrow bar of w Make sure you hold barandilla
haunted adjective describes a place whe a haunted castle encantado
hi-tech adjective using the most advan This weapons system de alta tecnología
holler verb (informal) to shout lou He was hollering so chillar
invasion noun when an army or countrThey were planning invasión
jumbled adjective mixed in an untidy an a jumbled mass of t revoltijo
make up phrasal verb to form a particular t This book is made up compuesto de
oak noun a large tree that is co a mighty oak roble
pale adjective describes someone's faI go pale at the sigh pálido
pop in phrasal verb (informal) to go to a pl My friend popped in pasarse por
regard verb to consider or have a They regarded her as considerar
renew verb to increase the life of Every year I renew renovar
shutter noun a wooden cover on theWe closed the shutte postigo
steep adjective (informal) (of a price) Those prices are tooexcesivo
storey noun a level of a building a three-storey hous piso
supernatural phenomena phrase things that cannot be She does not belie fenómeno sobrenatural
tell off phrasal verb to speak angrily to s It was about time th regañar
ups and downs phrase the mixture of good an Like most married c altibajos
warehouse noun a large building for st The goods have been almacén
well noun a deep hole in the gro We went to the well pozo

Unit 14 catch your breath phrase to stop or rest until y I stopped at the top recuperar el aliento
commemorate verb to remember officially We gathered to comm conmemorar
disguise noun something that someonShe was wearing a disfraz
dizziness noun the feeling that everyt The ear infection camareo
dress up phrasal verb to wear your best clot up for the parade. ponerse elegante
drizzle noun rain in very small light Tomorrow will be clollovizna
finalise verb to make a final and cerWe'll finalise the da concretar
gather verb to come together in a Let's gather round threunirse
harvest noun crops which are cut anThere was a good hacosecha
hold verb to make something such Could we hold a mee mantener
juggle verb to throw several objectHe was juggling wit hacer malabarismos
let off phrasal verb to make something sucThey were letting offtirar, hacer estallar
let your hair down phrase to allow yourself to b Why don't you let y desmelenarse
living noun the money that you earWhat do you do for aganarse la vida
make a fool of phrase to trick someone or to She only asked me tdejar en ridículo
makeshift adjective temporary and of low qThousands of refugeimprovisado, provisional
make your way phrase 0 We made our way toencaminarse
mist noun small drops of water in The mountains wereneblina
myth noun an ancient story or set ancient myths mito
overlook verb to provide a view of, Our hotel room overdar a
palpable adjective so obvious that it can Her joy was palpabl palpable
parade noun a large number of peopla victory parade desfile
stunt noun an exciting action tha an acrobatic stunt acrobacia peligrosa
symbolise verb to represent somethin The key symobolisesimbolizar
unwind verb to relax and allow yourYoga helps me to unrelajarse
vantage point noun a place, especially a We could see the ridmirador
wave noun a sudden strong feelinga wave of panic oleada
wide-brimmed adjective A wide-brimmed hat has She wore a wide-bri de ala ancha
wind your way phrase to go somewhere by a Theyro wound their waseguir un camino sinuoso

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