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Energy Resources and Utilization

Date: 24 /06 /2021

Title: Assignment No 2

Submitted By: Muhammad Waleed

Semester: 6th
Section: A-1
Supervisor: Sir, Aamir Ali

Department of Mechanical Engineering

NFC Institute of Engineering & Fertilizer research
Effect of HHO on 4-strkoe petrol engine
Fossil fuels currently constitute 82% of the global total primary energy sources and oil makes 31.5 %
of this. Of the global oil production, 62.2% is consumed by the transport sector. Thus, the automotive
industry is the largest consumer of fossil oil. Studies have also shown that the demand for oil and gas is
rising exponentially and indications are that fossil fuels will not outlast the century if current habits are
not curtailed. Hydrogen gas is an example of a renewable energy source that can be used to partially
supplement diesel or petrol fuel by enriching supply air. Advantages of introducing hydrogen gas
include higher net heating value and diffusivity of hydrogen in air when compared to fossil fuels.

What is HHO?
Oxyhydrogen is a mixture of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gases. This gaseous mixture is used for
torches to process refractory materials and was the first gaseous mixture used for welding.
Theoretically, a ratio of 2:1 hydrogen: oxygen is enough to achieve maximum efficiency; in practice a
ratio 4:1 or 5:1 is needed to avoid an oxidizing flame.

 1807: A Swiss inventor named Francois Issac de Rivaz invented the first internal combustion
engine that burned hydrogen from water.
 1860: Etienne Lenoir created one of France’s greatest inventions, the ICE car. It turned water
into combustible hydrogen fuel through electrolysis in a one stroke 2 cylinder engine.
 1918: Charles H. Frazer Was First To US Patent A "Hydrogen Booster." The system was
designed for internal combustion engines, to increase efficiency. The engine will stay cleaner
and lower grade fuel can be used with equal performance.
 1930: There have been Over 240 Patents for engines that 100-250 miles per gallon.
 1933: A Norway Company Norsk Hydro Modifies Company Trucks to run on hydrogen gas.
1941: A Russian Converts 200 military Trucks to Run on Hydrogen Gas.
 1977: NASA Put out a Document on Hydrogen, stating that hydrogen helps gasoline powered
internal combustion engines increase mileage and lower emissions.

 Oxyhydrogen will combust when brought to its auto ignition temperature. For the
stoichiometric mixture, 2:1 hydrogen: oxygen, at normal atmospheric pressure, auto ignition
occurs at about 570 °C (1065 °F).
 The minimum energy required to ignite such a mixture with a spark is about 20 micro joules. At
standard temperature and pressure, oxyhydrogen can burn when it is between about 4% and
95% hydrogen by volume.
 When ignited, the gas mixture converts to water vapor and releases energy, which sustains the
reaction: 241.8 kJ of energy (LHV) for every mole of H2 burned. The amount of heat energy
released is independent of the mode of combustion, but the temperature of the flame varies.

1. Dry (fuel cell)
2. Wet (Oxyhydrogen generator)

A pure stoichiometric mixture may be obtained by water electrolysis, which uses an electric current to
dissociate the water molecules:

Electrolysis: 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2
Combustion: 2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O

William Nicholson was the first to decompose water in this manner in 1800. In theory, the input energy
of a closed system will always equal the output energy, as the first law of thermodynamics states.
However, in practice no systems are perfectly closed, and the energy required to generate the
oxyhydrogen will always exceed the energy released by combusting it, even at maximum practical
efficiency, as the second law of thermodynamics implies.
Experiment Design:
The schematic of the overall design of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 1. The main
difference between this design and those reported in the literature is the implementation of the control
system shown in dotted lines.

This Gas is then piped into your engine through the air intake (diesel engine) and the vacuum lines
(on a petrol engine), it then mixes with the fuel vapors in the engine increasing the octane rating
of the fuel.
 When the HHO Gas mixes with your fuel it increases the Octane rating and the amount of
compression required before the fuel ignites. The piston must then compress the fuel
completely before it ignites, and the added Hydrogen and Oxygen allows the fuel to burn more
completely reducing the amount of waste (emissions).
 So because there is less fuel being wasted as exhaust fumes you use less fuel. This also adds
more power to the engine, which increases its efficiency and improves your Kilometer per Liter
giving you better mileage.


 Available and renewable

 Non-toxic
 Very Powerful
 Doesn’t contribute to climate change
 cheap maintenance


 Fossil fuels are still needed

 Costly to produce Flammable
 Much work to be done
 Cells can’t hold much
 Energy generator, not converter
 Lighting
 Oxyhydrogen Blowtorch
 Oxyhydrogen Torch
 Decontaminate radioactive waste
 Welding
 Makes automobiles more environmentally friendly

Effect of HHO on 4-strkoe petrol engine:

The purpose of this research work is to determine if the partial inclusion of hydrogen gas (HHO) in a
petrol fuelled spark ignition (SI) internal combustion (IC) engine would improve engine performance.
If this is possible, old SI technology can be modified to reduce GHG emissions and improve utilization
of fossil fuels which are expected to dominate the transport energy source for at least the next half
century. An HHO generator was designed, constructed and mounted in the engine compartment of a
1989 Ford Laser vehicle. This system allowed partial inclusion of HHO gas on demand into the
combustion process through the air supply stream. Detailed and comprehensive experimental
investigations were conducted for engine speeds ranging from 1000 to 3500 rpm while parameters such
as the power output, exhaust gas emissions and fuel consumption were monitored. Results obtained
indicated a decrease in hydrocarbon emissions and an increase in power output with an increase in the
HHO gas for certain engine operating conditions. However, performance improvement cannot be
claimed for all operating conditions, especially under higher loads where the engine ran with a rich fuel
mixture. Hence, further work is required, through HHO generator refinement alongside better engine
management, to improve the experimental performance and hence further understanding of this

KleanGas is a company, which uses PEAS (Personal Energy Alternative Source), which cuts the cost
of electrolysis Able to decontaminate radioactive waste



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