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Places and Landscape

Asia Reviewer
 Over the years due to erosion, it
 Asia is the world largest lowered the mountains
continent in the world. significantly.
 The most populous continent
 The most diverse continent Plateaus
 Asia has highest and lowest
point in the earth  Asian is the home of many
 Has the longest coastline plateaus.
among all the continent  The highest mountain peak is
 The worlds widest climatic Damavand
extremes, produce varied forms  The Deccan Plateau makes up
of vegetation and animal life on most of the southern India.
earth.  It is bordered by three mountain
 Peoples of Asia establish ranges:
variety of human adaptation.
o Satpura Range in the
 Asia is divided into five major
physical regions: north
o Mountain systems o Easter and Western
o Plateaus Ghats on either side.
o Plains, steppes, and  Plateau and its waterways are
desert Godavari and Krishna rivers
o Freshwater environments gently slope towards the
o Saltwater environments. eastern Ghast and the Bay of
Mountain System  The Tibetan Plateau is usually
 Himalaya mountains separates considered the largest and the
the Indian subcontinent from the highest areas ever to exist in
rest of Asia. the history of earth.
 The Himalayas are so vast that  This is known as the “Rooftop
they are composed of three of the World”
different mountain belts.
 The Tibetan Plateau is
 The northernmost belt, is known
extremely important to the
as the “the great Himalayas”
which has the highest mountain world’s water cycle because of
belt. its tremendous number of
 The belt contains the nine of the glaciers. These glaciers contain
highest peaks in the world. the largest volume of ice
 This belt includes the highest outside the poles. The ice and
mountain summit in the world, snow from these glaciers feed
Mount Everest. Asia’s largest rivers.
Plains, Steppes, and Deserts
 Tien Shan Mountain system
means “celestial mountains” In  The West Siberian Plain
Chinese. located in central Russia is
considered the worlds largest
 Ural Mountains are some of
areas of continuous flatland.
the world’s oldest mountains.
 Central is dominated by steppe two rivers, known as
landscape, large area of Mesopotamia, was the center of
flatland, and unforested the earliest civilizations,
grassland. including Sumer and the
 Mongolia can be divided into Akkadian Empire.
different steppe zones:
o Mountain forest steppe
o Arid steppe  The Persian Gulf
o Desert steppe o The gulf is subject to
 These zones were transitions high rates of
from the country’s mountainous evaporation, making it
region in the north Gobi Desert shallow and
 The Rub’ al Khali desert, extremely salty.
considered the world’s largest o The seabed beneath
sand sea. the Persian Gulf
 The desert is well-known as the contains an estimated
Empty Quarter because it is 50 percent of the
virtually inhospitable to humans world’s oil reserves.
except for Bedouin tribes that o The countries that
live on its edges. border the gulf have
engaged in a number
Freshwater of disputes over this
 Lake Baikal located in southern rich resource.
Russia, is the deepest lake in  Sea of Okhotsk the sea is
the world. largely frozen between
o The lake contains 20 October and March. Large
percent of the world’s ice floes make winter
unfrozen freshwater, navigation almost
making it the largest impossible.
reservoir on Earth. It is  Bay of Bengal the largest
also the world’s oldest bay in the world.
lake. o Many large rivers,
 The Yangtze is the longest including the Ganges
river in Asia and the third and Brahmaputra,
longest in the world. empty into the bay.
o The Yangtze is o The briny wetlands
considered the lifeblood formed by the
of China. It drains one- Ganges-Brahmaputra
fifth of the country’s land on the Bay of Bengal
area, is home to one- is the largest delta in
third of its population, the world.
and contributes greatly to Terrestrial Flora and Fauna
China’s economy.
 The Tigris and Euphrates  Botanists nickname China the
Rivers- the land between the “Mother of Gardens.” It has
more flowering plant species
than North and South America  The lake is known as the
combined. “Galápagos of Russia” because
 China has such diverse of its importance to the study of
landscapes, from the arid Gobi evolutionary science. It has
Desert to the tropical rain 1,340 species of animals and
forests of Yunnan Province, 570 species of plants.
many flowers can adapt to
climates all over the world.  Hundreds of Lake Baikal’s
 From roses to peonies, many species are endemic, meaning
familiar flowers most likely they are found nowhere else on
originated in northern China. Earth.
China is the likely origin of such  The Baikal seal, for instance, is
fruit trees as peaches and one of the few freshwater seal
oranges. species in the world.
 China is also home to the dawn  The Baikal seal feeds primarily
redwood, the only redwood tree on the Baikal oil fish and the
found outside North America. omul. Both fishes are similar to
 Asia’s diverse physical and salmon, and provide fisheries
cultural landscape has dictated for the communities on the lake.
the way animals have been
domesticated.  The Bay of Bengal, on the
 In Himalayas-communities use Indian Ocean, is one of the
yaks as beasts of burden. world’s largest tropical marine
 Yaks are large animals related ecosystems.
to cattle, but with a thick fiber  The bay is home to dozens of
coat and the ability to survive in marine mammals, including the
the oxygen-poor high altitude of bottlenose dolphin, spinner
the mountains. dolphin, spotted dolphin, and
 Yaks are not only used for Bryde’s whale.
transportation and for pulling  The bay also supports healthy
plows, but their coats are tuna, jack, and marlin fisheries.
sources of warm, hardy fiber.
Yak milk is used for butter and  Some of the bay’s most diverse
cheese. array of organisms exist along
its coasts and wetlands. Many
Aquatic Fauna and Flora
wildlife reserves in and around
The freshwater and marine habitats of the bay aim to protect its
Asia offer incredible biodiversity. biological diversity.
 Lake Baikal’s age and isolation
make it a unique biological site.
 The Sundarbans is a wetland
 Aquatic life has been able to area that forms at the delta of
evolve for millions of years the Ganges and Brahamaputra
relatively undisturbed, rivers.
producing a rich variety of flora
 The Sundarbans is a huge
and fauna.
mangrove forest. Mangroves
are hardy trees that are able to The picture shows the physiographic
withstand the powerful, salty features of Asia. In the legend above it
tides of the Bay of Bengal as shows that Asia is divided into four
well as the freshwater flows physical features: the mountains,
from the Ganges and plateaus, basins and depressions,
Brahamaputra. In addition to plains and lowlands. However, it is
mangroves, the Sundarbans is mostly surrounded by mountains such
forested by palm trees and as Himalayas Mountain Ranges, Ural
swamp grasses. mountain, and various mountains.
Plateaus such as Plateau of Tibet,
 The swampy jungle of the Deccan Plateau and Siberian Plateau.
Sundarbans supports a rich Plains and lowlands include Indo-
animal community. gangetic plains, Mesopotamia, and
 Hundreds of species of fish, west Siberian Plain. Lastly, basins and
shrimp, crabs, and snails live in depressions such as tarim basin.
the exposed root system of the
mangrove trees.
 The Sundarbans supports more
than 200 species of aquatic and
wading birds.
 These small animals are part of
a food web that includes wild
boar, macaque monkeys,
monitor lizards, and a healthy
population of Bengal tigers.

Maps and Picture Interpretation

The picture above shows the major

climate in the regions of Asia. Asia
receives varied types of climate such
as, tropical, subtropical, temperate,
polar, and highland climates among all
of the continent. Countries belongs
near in the equator has tropical
climate, northern parts experience
polar climate, Eastern Asia experience
temperate climate and interior part of it
experience subtropical climate.
However, highland parts will receive antiques, vegetable products, metals,
climate that varies with altitude. chemical products.
The picture above shows the
distribution of soil in the countries of
Asia. This were classified by FAO or
the Food and Soil Organization. The
various type of soil in Asia as shown in
the legend above were factors of
climate that affects the soil formation,
also Asia is the continent that receives
various types of climate because of the
widespread area of the continent.

The map above shows economic

The picture above is an economic map resources of the countries in Middle
of Asia, that shows the Asian countries East and Central Asia. Most of the
export products to USA. Largely part of countries in these regions produce oil
it are the minerals such as crude such as petroleum, chemicals, energy,
petroleum, refined petroleum from the crude products. Next to it are apparels
central and western Asian countries. and foodstuffs, Opium, Metals and
Countries in eastern Asia are menials such as aluminum, precious
producing machines such as metals and minerals like gold,
computers in China and cars in Japan electronics and machinery for
and South Korea, as well as some transportation.
countries in southeast Asia. In the
southern Asia they export diamonds
and precious stones/metals. Some CULTURE
countries produce textiles, arts and
Fossil evidence indicates that
Asia has been under occupation by
human species for at least one million
years and most likely longer. The first
humans in Asia may have descended
from groups of the extinct species
Homo erectus that migrated to the
continent from Africa. There is much
debate as to whether modern Asian
peoples evolved from those early
humans or represent the descendants
of anatomically modern peoples who
migrated out of Africa beginning about
100,000 years ago.

Bahasa Indonesia. And various

languages, as Asia is the most diverse
continent among others.

The map above shows the

demography of Asia. This show that
countries like China and India has
The map above shows the various reach over billion or billions of
ethnic groups in Asia. The Han is the populations. Countries like Philippines,
largest ethnic group in Asia that Japan, Russia, Indonesia, Bangladesh
occupies most of the country of China. Pakistan has reached over 100 million
Followed by the Arab in the western of population. Some countries in
Asia, Bengali, Japanese, Punjabi, Southeast Asia, Western Asia, Central
Vietnamese, Korean, Marathi, Telugu, Asia and countries like Taiwan and
Tamil, Turkish, Gujarati, Thai, and North and South Korea has a total
Persian Ethnic groups. population between 10 million to 100
million. And some countries like Oman,

The map above shows the various

spoken languages in the continent of
Asia. Arabic was largely spoken in the
region of western Asia. Chinese
however there are various native
languages of Chinese. Filipino in the
Philippines, Bahasa Malaysia and
Mongolia Turkmenistan population
were below 10 million.

The map above shows the realms of

political influence in Asia. The legend
tells us that counties belong to the
shade of green were communist
influence by Chinese. Those that
belong to the blue shade were
influence by the Common Law by
English and Muslims. Countries belong
to the shade of red were influence of
the Civil Law of Dutch, French, and
Russian. Lastly, countries belong to
the shade of violet were core

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