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Issue 79 l MArCH 2017


New year and a Three good reasons you

new look for the should attend the BASA
AGM this year
BASA Bulletin A high turnout is expected for this year’s
We start 2017 with a new look for AGM and Industry Lunch, which packs
the BASA Bulletin, but we have three events into one!
stayed true to the publication’s Not only is it our AGM, but Grand
ethos – to keep you up to date National winning jockey Bob
with what’s happening in the Champion, right, will be the guest
world of adhesives and sealants. speaker at the Industry Lunch, and
the whole thing takes place at Leices-
Although the look is different, the ter Racecourse against the backdrop of
information and informed the season’s final National Hunt meeting.
comment is still here, but Lunch will be a three-course affair,
presented in a way that’s easier before an afternoon’s racing. Reserve
your place at:
on the eye – and of course it will
Book in now! Picture: Antonia Doyle Photography
be a companion for the soon-to-
be-ready new look website.
Synchronise your diaries for the

Which spec is right

year with our back page version,
and stand by to make bookings at
the events we have planned.


Facing 2017 for your product?

together The 4Ward Testing team is expanding its
repertoire of testing specifications to meet the
Page 2 demands of national and international
manufacturers and suppliers of sealants and
The company is frequently asked to test sealants to

CLP: Does size BS EN 15651 1-4:2012, BS 5212-3:1990, BS EN 14188-

2, BS EN 14187-9:2006, as well as the Federal

matter? Specification SS-S-200E, and for adhesives to the BS

EN 12004:2007 +A1 2012 series of tests.
As a Notified Body (2538) and UKAS Laboratory (0307)
Page 4 it’s able to test to all the specifications, but there is
often a discussion as to which spec should be used,
and any possible conflicts between these documents.
“We are fortunate enough to sit with the BASA
Sealants Working Group, which is trying to support
Working group and inform companies of the most up to date
specifications and discuss any anomalies that exist,

updates iron out any

ambiguities in the

Page 8 test methods, and

ensure the speed of 0.010 ± 0.002 mm/min which is not
interpretation of achievable (to our knowledge) by any laboratory in
results are clear,” said 4Ward’s Paula Fountain. Europe?
“There are also many BSI mirror committees which we 2. Why is the BS 5212-3:1990 being considered for
Stuck up in link into, that would welcome more industry
members and which allows us access to UK experts
withdrawal - as we are commonly asked to test to this

Ramsgate and resolve any confusion that can arise as standards

are not always standard!” Commonly asked questions
3. The use of NPD, for annex ZA required
characteristics in the BS EN 15651 1-4:2012 allows for
Page 14 include:
1. Why does the 14187-9:2006 contain a deformation
the continued use of existing products on the market.
Continued on page 3
In my first Bulletin article of 2017, I would Chairman: and talking to members at this year's AGM at
like to wish all BASA members a successful
2017. Mark Leicester racecourse on 10th March, so I hope
that as many of you as possible can make it on

We face uncertain times following last year's

Louch the day. The AGM is free to members, so I
would urge you to attend and ask questions,
‘surprise’ Brexit referendum result, the particularly if you have ever questioned the
‘unexpected’ US election result in November value of your subscriptions. After the AGM we
2016 and a number of key European elections have the Industry Lunch and, as this bulletin is
scheduled for 2017 so business will continue to published, we still have tickets left for pur-
face big challenges. chase. We are looking forward to hearing the

Our secretary Lorna is working with the

From the after lunch speaker Bob Champion MBE and
the full race programme of National Hunt Races
Alliance of Chemical Associations (ACA) where
she holds the position of Secretary, to ensure
that we can try to influence the U.K. policy in
Chairman after lunch is included in the ticket price.

Finally I would urge all members to support

the in the upcoming negotiations. I would like the various BASA events through the year, not
to thank the nine members who responded to benefits of membership and to ensure that for our benefit, but because the additional
our recent Brexit Impact Survey and appreciate members take advantage of the programmes networking is really beneficial for your
that they have taken the time to give us the in- we already have and to look at what else we business, the information obtained at the
formation needed. We are likely to have more could offer. technical events is incredibly informative and
surveys in 2017, so I hope that this support will the benefits of actually being present to
continue. As the subscriptions renewal comes round in discuss with technical colleagues shouldn’t be
April, it is important that all members feel they underestimated and finally the events are
BASA’s focus in 2017 will be to promote the get value for money. I will be looking at this always really enjoyable.

Challenging year in turbulent times Secretary: with regulators. Help us to maximise the ben-
2017 promises to be a challenging year for
business, and I wish all BASA members Lorna efits of your membership.

success in the turbulent times we find

ourselves in. Political challenges from the
Williams New website
By the time you read this, our new website
new US president with his protectionist will be almost complete, and MA Business
stance, fallout from the Brexit vote and its have made many improvements. Members
effect on Sterling and the likely withdrawal will be able to post content to the working
from the single European market are all pages to expand the dialogue with their
having an impact. BASA members will have to
look at the implictions for their business, but
there are several ‘technical’ challenges too. I
From the peers.

We will be presenting a live demonstration of

would encourage all of you (yes, even those
who regard themselves as non-technical) to
cast an eye over the technical section in the
Secretary the site at the AGM, so if the National Hunt
races, guest speaker Bob Champion and a
presentation about R&D tax credits aren’t
middle of this publication. Email: enough to whet your appetite, then the new
website demo and the opportunity to tell us
Many of these ‘technical’ issues will have a Data collection efforts what you want from BASA in 2017 should
huge impact on your business in future years. We will be improving our data collection clinch it!
Di-isocyanate restrictions, the impacts for process in place in 2017 with the use of
epoxy-based adhesives and coatings with Survey Monkey, but in order to protect your Bulletin circulation
BPA’s possible or probable classification as an interests BASA needs each member to Any member of BASA who wishes to receive
SVHC (substance of very high concern), D4 respond to the surveys. their own copy of the Bulletin is invited to
and D5 in silicones, MIT/biocide contact me (email address above) to have
reduction levels and the impacts on water They will be structured as simply as possible, their name added to the circulation list.
based products, titanium dioxide and and the first question will be to opt out if you
possible classification as a carcinogen are have no interest, but I am aiming high – I Diary dates
some of the topics gaining momentum and would like to see 100% responses from Finally, don’t forget to support not just the
promising to cause BASA members a lot of members! AGM and Industry lunch this year, but also
headaches in 2017. consider the BASA Sports Day with a free-for-
We will therefore be sending each survey to members Open Industry Forum the day after,
Through BASA’s membership of the Alliance only a single representative from each and our Dinner Dance at the Chester
of Chemical Associations, we are joining member company, and we would urge Grosvenor Hotel, which promises to be a
forces with other UK Associations to make a members to be proactive and respond to spectacular night.
larger impact with UK regulators, and each survey to confirm this, or to ask for the
through our FEICA membership we try to survey to be re-directed to someone else. Turn to the back page and make a note of the
influence European thinking, but we come up dates in your diary now, and don’t forget to
against the lack of supplied members data to Good quality data (including recording no bookmark the events website
support our efforts. interest or no relevance from a member) is to make all your
key to our ability to advocate more effectively bookings.

2 | BASA BULLETIN Issue 79

What spec for which product? Joint seminar
from previous page marking requirements, and we would be
pleased to hear from you on any of these topics, will go ‘beyond
4. Will a change to unglazed (from glazed) tiles which will allow us to feed back to industry
alter the testing to BS EN 12004:2007?
5. Why is there not a UK supplier of concrete
groups and working parties that influence the
testing of your products. Contact me at this
the basics’
blocks made to EN 196-1:1994 for BS EN email address: .”
12004:2007 +A1 2012 – should we all be BASA and the Society of Adhesion and
shipping concrete across Europe at vast 4Ward has laboratory facilities for the physical Adhesives will work together to present a
expense? and environmental testing of most construction one-day seminar on 23rd March. Taking
“We would be delighted to discuss any testing materials including rubbers, flooring, pipeline place at the Society
specifications, product developments, and CE coatings and membranes to name a few. of Chemical
Industry in London,
it will be called:
Adhesion, Adhesives

Window and door show and Sealants: beyond

the basics, a training
seminar for those
working in the field,

could be a perfect fit and will present an

intermediate level review of the subject.

for members of BASA

The meeting will cover adhesion science,
the design, formulation and performance of
structural and non-structural adhesives and
sealants and pressure sensitive adhesives.
Anyone not directly involved with the customers at trade level.
There will also be consideration of surface
window, door, conservatory and related
Adhesives and sealants are used extensively at and interface engineering, testing and
glazing industries could be forgiven for
every point in the supply chain: hot melts in the durability and life prediction, along with a
thinking the ‘FIT Show’ would have little to
production of the insulated glass units that are review of the developing subject of
do with adhesives and sealants.
crucial not just to the fundamental construction adhesion in nature and synthetic biology
But behind the acronym – Fabricator Installer of windows and doors, but also to their approaches to adhesion. Lunch and
Trade - is a key market for the products of BASA performance; adhesives in some elements of refreshment breaks are included which will
members pretty much at every link in the frame manufacture; and of course, sealants are a give ample time for discussions.
industry supply chain, say the show’s organisers. crucial part of the installation of every window
Full details of the event and how to book
With 15 exhibitors so far listing adhesives and and door installed, if sometimes used a little
can be found here:
sealants as art of their offer signed up at the overzealously.
time of writing and the FIT Show taking place in
Many of the exhibitors showing adhesives and
May 2017, there are plenty of suppliers put
sealants will be specialist distributors for BASA
there for whom this sector is very productive.
members products, with others through white BASA co-signs letter
Essentially the FIT Show represents the
residential glazing sector including home
labelling. But crucially this key sector for the
adhesives and sealants industry is relatively
to Chemical Unit boss
improvements for private and social housing, stable and, perhaps in fits and starts in this post- BASA has co-signed a letter to Mr Robin
refurbished and new house building. The home Brexit era, it is growing. Brits love their homes Foster, Head of International Chemicals Unit,
improvement market has always seen itself as and continue to spend an extraordinary amount with the British Coatings Federation (BCF)
quite apart from the building industry with the of their disposable incomes – and sometimes and the UK Cleaning Products Industry
effect that the companies that manufacture and money they don’t have – on keeping up the Association (UKCPI) about the significant
install the windows and doors see themselves as appearance if not the performance of their consequences to setting a Specific
part of the same industry, generally working far ‘castles’, the latter largely determined by the Concentration Limit of 15ppm for MIT.
closer together than other building related Building Regulations. As an exhibitor or visitor,
industries. Few other industries will see such a there are opportunities for BASA members at The Commission’s approval of the proposed
close relationship between suppliers and the 2017 FIT Show. SCL, and subsequent restriction by the
authorities on the use of MIT, will result in
major uncertainty for European producers
Adshead ratcliffe is Does the future of adhesives of water-based mixtures such as paints,
detergents and sealants and adhesives, with
acquired by US firm
lie with Synthetic Biology? respect to bacterial attack. More details are
on the Health & Safety area of the our
The US group CARLISLE® has taken website.
over 100% of shares in Adshead Have you ever though about creating adhesive materials
Ratcliffe, a subsidiary of Arbo that combine the tenacity of barnacles and the resistance of
Holdings Limited. Martin Blunden bacteria that live in sub-sea volcanoes at extremes of CSA Flexible relaunched
of Adshead Ratcliffe & Co Ltd said: temperature and pressure? Granfix’s flexible adhesive for calcium
“We are pleased and proud to be BASA attended a recent two-day showcase event organised sulphate floors and plaster walls, CSA
part of the CARLISLE® CM Europe, by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) Flexible has been re-launched with an
and ready to embrace new of the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) on Synthetic Biology improved formulation and is now rapid
commercial opportunities that for Armour and Materials at Birmingham University. setting. Granfix, an Instarmac brand, offers
joining the European EPDM market Synthetic Biology is a platform technology that seeks to premium tile adhesives, grouts and
leader brings. Together we can offer create new industrial processes capable of producing and ancillaries to professional tile fixers,
the best sealing solutions to our using a wider range of bio-based feed-stocks. This can contractors, retailers, specifiers and
customers.” generate a greater diversity of materials and products and architects.
innovative solutions exploiting the resilience and diversity
present in the natural. BASA BULLETIN Issue 79 | 3

CLP Update...
By Gill Pagliuca of Denehurst Chemical Safety Ltd, first published for Croner on January 5th 2017

Identifying relevant ingredients for mixture c

When classifying mixtures which ingredients
need to be taken into account? Do all Gill has over 20 years experience of working in the area of chemical hazards and
ingredients need to be considered? What if regulatory information. She advises clients on UK and EU regulations covering the supply
they are present in only very small amounts? and transport of chemicals, including REACH, CLP, DSD/DPD, ADR, etc. This includes
How small is too small to bother with? These providing public and in-house training, preparation of required documents, including
questions are commonly asked by those safety data sheets, product labels and IUCLID dossiers. She has also been involved in
classifying mixtures. In this article, Gill the development of several guidance documents for REACH and CLP implementation,
Pagliuca of Denehurst Chemical Safety Ltd and contributes regularly to a number of publications in this area.
explains the rules for what ingredients need
to be considered when classifying a mixture.
When considering the classification of for determining if the substance or the respectively”. In other words, the
mixtures, using the ingredients to derive the mixture, respectively, shall be classified”. In concentration limit is the concentration at
classification, there are two important other words, if an ingredient or impurity is which an ingredient or impurity will actually
concepts that need to be grasped. present below the cut-off value for a result in the mixture being classified for that
1. Cut-off values particular hazard, it can be ignored for the particular hazard.
2. Concentration limits purposes of determining the classification of Table 1.1 of CLP Annex I, Part 1 contains a
the mixture for that particular hazard. table of generic cut-off values to be used for
Cut-off values are defined in the CLP Concentration limits are defined in the CLP determining which ingredients need to be
Regulation as “… a threshold of any classified Regulation as “… a threshold of any classified considered for certain health hazards, such as:
impurity, additive or individual constituent in impurity, additive or individual constituent in • acute toxicity
a substance or in a mixture, above which a substance or in a mixture that may trigger • skin corrosion/irritation
threshold these shall be taken into account classification of the substance or the mixture, • eye damage/irritation
• hazards to the aquatic environment
Table 1 Hazard Classes and Generic Cut-off Values for Additive Effects For all other health and environmental
hazards, the cut-off values to be used are the
Hazard class and category Generic cut-off Remarks generic concentration limits for classification
value given in the relevant chapter in Parts 3, 4 and
5 of Annex I.
Acute toxicity, Category 1, 2 and 3 ≥ 0.1 These different approaches reflect that the
types of hazard covered by Table 1.1 are those
Acute toxicity, Category 4 ≥1 that are generally considered to be additive
and several substances in a mixture with the
Skin corrosion/irritation, Category 1, ≥1 Or < 1% where relevant, see same type of hazard will act together to exert
This reference states that the “relevant a cumulative effect for that hazard. For the
Subcategories 1A, 1B, 1C and
ingredients” of a mixture are those which hazards where the cut-off value to be used is
Category 2
the same as the concentration limit, this
are present in concentrations of 1% or
reflects that these hazards are generally not
greater, unless there is a presumption that
additive but are substance specific, and each
an ingredient present at a concentration
substance with a particular hazard has to be
of less than 1% can still be relevant for
considered on its own merits and not added
classifying the mixture for skin
together with other substances also classified
for the same effect. For example, if there are
two substances in a mixture classified for
Serious damage to eyes/eye ≥1 Or < 1% where relevant, see long-term chronic toxicity (STOT RE), where
irritation, Category 1 and 2 This reference states that the “relevant one causes liver damage and the second
ingredients” of a mixture are those which causes lung damage, these two substances
are present in concentrations of 1% or must be considered independently and not
greater, unless there is a presumption that added together.
an ingredient present at a concentration of Table 1, left, shows a list of the generic cut-off
less than 1% can still be relevant for values while Table 2, facing page, shows the
classifying the mixture for skin generic concentration limits to be used. For
irritation/corrosion substances to which an SCL has been applied,
either in Annex VI (a harmonised
Hazardous to the aquatic environ- ≥ 0.1 Or < 0.1% where relevant, see For classification) or in the Classification and
ment — Acute, Category 1 and substances classified as Aquatic Acute 1 or Labelling Inventory (set by industry, either as
Chronic Category 1 Aquatic Chronic 1, and which have been part of a registration dossier or in an
assigned an M factor, the cut-off value is to individual notification) the cut-off value is the
be divided by the M factor (0.1/M) lowest of either the SCL of the generic cut-off
value for those hazards that are listed in Table
Hazardous to the aquatic ≥1 1.1 (additive hazards). For substances with an
environment — Chronic Category 2, SCL that applies to non-additive hazards, the
3 and 4 SCL is also the cut-off value. However, for
sensitisers, the SCL needs to be divided by 10
Hazardous for the ozone layer ≥ 0.1 to derive the elicitation threshold for the

4 | BASA BULLETIN Issue 79


e classification Table 2 Hazard Classes and Generic Concentration Limits for Non-additive Hazards

Hazard class and category Generic conc. Remarks

application of EUH208.
No cut-off values apply to physical hazards, as
Respiratory/skin sensitisation, ≥ 0.1 A lower threshold applies for the elicita-
these types of hazard are not normally derived
Category 1A tion of allergic reactions in people already
by reviewing the ingredients, but need to be
determined by testing. sensitised to the substance, triggering the
Respiratory/skin sensitisation, ≥1 use of the special labelling phrase EUH208.
When using software to classify mixtures, it is
Category 1/1B The elicitation threshold is 1/10th of the
important to realise that many software
programmes will automatically apply cut-off classification threshold, giving a generic
values to the classification process, unless value of 0.01% for Category 1A and 0.1%
instructed otherwise. This can sometimes lead for Category 1/1B. Ingredients must also
to classifications that are different to those be listed on the safety data sheet (SDS) at
calculated by hand if not aware that some this lower elicitation threshold
ingredients may have been ignored by the
Germ cell mutagenicity, Category ≥ 0.1
For substances that have corrosive and irritant
1A and 1B
effects, there is often a need to apply so-called
“expert judgment” when dealing with mixtures
Germ cell mutagenicity, Category 2 ≥1
that may contain several ingredients with
similar effects below the cut-off value, but that
Carcinogenicity, Category 1A, 1B ≥ 0.1
when added together may exceed classification
thresholds. For example, a mixture that contains
Carcinogenicity, Category 2 ≥1 In some jurisdictions, a lower limit of 0.1%
several corrosive ingredients at a concentration
of between 0.5% and 1% may have a total applies for classification and labelling. In
Reproductive toxicity, Category 1A, ≥ 0.3 the EU, although the higher values applies
concentration of such ingredients of 1% or
1B and effects on or through to classification and labelling, these
more. If one of the ingredients was present at
lactation ingredients must be declared on SDSs at
this concentration, the mixture would be
classified as irritant, however, because all the lower concentration
ingredients are below 1%, they could be
Reproductive toxicity, Category 2 ≥3
ignored as they are below the cut-off value. In
some cases, companies deliberately formulate
Specific target organ toxicity ≥1
in this way, keeping concentrations below cut-
(STOT) — single exposure,
off values to avoid unwelcome hazard labels,
Category 1
and this can be a legitimate strategy to use.
However, consideration also needs to be given In some jurisdictions, a lower limit of 0.1%
STOT — single exposure, ≥ 10
to the note applied to the cut-off value, that applies for classification and labelling. In
Category 2
says where substances can be presumed to have the EU, although the higher values applies
an effect even at lower concentrations, the cut- to classification and labelling, these
off value may not be appropriate. If several ingredients must be declared on SDSs at
similar substances are included in a mixture at the lower concentration
low concentrations then consideration should
be given as to whether the cumulative effect of A pragmatic default GCL of 20% is
STOT — single exposure, ≥ 20
these substances may actually mean that the suggested in, although a lower or
Category 3
mixture is more hazardous than might be higher specific concentration limit (SCL)
presumed otherwise and a classification of at may be used where it can be justified
STOT — repeated exposure, ≥1
least irritant may be appropriate.
Category 1
In exceptional cases, the possibility of additive
effects may also need to be considered for In some jurisdictions, a lower
STOT — repeated exposure, ≥ 10
effects generally considered non-additive if concentration limit of 1% applies for
Category 2
there are two or more substances in a mixture classification and labelling. In the EU,
that act by very similar mechanisms. In such although the higher values apply to
cases, expert judgment may again be required. classification and labelling, these
ingredients must be declared on SDSs at
Conclusion the lower concentration
Not all hazardous ingredients in a mixture need
to be considered if they are present at low In addition to checking the concentration
Aspiration hazard ≥ 10
concentrations. In general, simple rules can be of aspiration toxic components, the
applied to identify the relevant ingredients that viscosity of the mixture has also to be
need to be used to determine the classification determined
of a mixture. Care should be taken, however,
when there are several ingredients in a mixture
that act in a similar way and could together
exert an effect greater than expected when
considering each ingredients individually. BASA BULLETIN Issue 79 | 5

Why BASA members
Feica launches new logo should attend this
and plans Sardinia event conference in 2017
The 2016 FEICA European Adhesive &
FEICA, the Association of the European Adhesive Sealant Conference and EXPO in Austria
and Sealant Industry, has updated its logo, right, last September was a great success, and
marking the most significant change in the drew a record number of sealants
Association’s visual identity in twenty years. professionals.

The Association’s European Executive Board FEICA President Steve Kenny of H.B.
approved the logo towards the end of last year, Fuller opened his first FEICA Conference
satisfied that it preserves FEICA’s heritage and illustrates that FEICA is a forward-looking as President by welcoming the new
projects the image of an engaged and active association built on the solid foundation of Secretary General Philip Bruce, and said:
association. strong and responsible European regulatory work “The pace of change in the industry
since the early 1970s.” continues to accelerate, generating
FEICA’s President, Steve Kenny of H.B. Fuller, said:
“We have opted for a modern feel for our new FEICA Secretary General Philip Bruce added: “We both challenges and opportunities for
logo which perfectly reflects the association’s are very proud of our updated identity, which will us all”. Mr Bruce said: “The FEICA Confer-
past, present and future. FEICA strongly believes be evident in all communications with immediate ence and EXPO is the perfect platform
in innovation, sustainability and new effect. It is the right image for the direction we for the Association to showcase what it
technologies, and this streamlined image are heading in.” focuses on, working hard to deliver a
beneficial economic and legislative en-
vironment for our industry in Europe,
and to inform and educate our mem-
2017 Sardinia, Italy bers and other key stakeholders.”

BASA’s FEICA membership continues to

FEICA European Adhesive & Sealant provide great value for money for our
members, and allows is to maintain our
Conference and EXPO 2017 effectiveness with a minimised resource

13-15 September 2017 Poison centres take

Forte Village, Sardinia
centre stage at OTF
BASA’s Open Technical Forum held at
Driving Innovation The adhesive and sealant Croner House in October 2016 was a
industry’s essential event great success, thanks to the availability
Year-on-year, FEICA attracts a record number of of an excellent venue, accomplished
industry leaders to discuss market drivers and 13, 14 & 15 September 2017 speakers and relevant topics.
trends, innovation, sustainability and technological
advancements. • Network with other professionals in the adhesive Members commented on the quality of
and sealant value chain.
the speakers and topics as they were
The FEICA Conference and EXPO is firmly • Understand market dynamics, market trends
and emerging economic developments that informed about the latest position
established as the premier event for Europe’s
adhesive and sealant industry, providing could impact your business. regarding Poisons Centres legislation by
essential insights into the key issues affecting • Tap into your end-users’ needs and learn what NCEC. This was followed by two great
the industry and great networking opportunities downstream users expect from you. presentations by Croner on the services
for formulators, raw materials suppliers and • Expand your knowledge of the advances in key available to members via BASA’s Croner
customers. technologies and applications from research and
development professionals at the cutting edge of
innovation. The use of Croner House for BASA’s
• Take the pulse of the most relevant industry
Open Forums is a new idea and
trends, covering the full range of adhesive and
sealant technologies, applications and markets. members commented after the event
• Learn about raw material supply chain trends that the venue allowed for excellent
and what your equipment suppliers have in store networking opportunities, with the
for you. usual areas for posters presented by
• Get informed about regulatory changes that BASA’s working group Chairs informing
are coming your way and their impact on your
members of the current hot topics and
work programmes. Croner’s
presentations on the Croner-i Portal in
EXPO the morning and Legislation in the
afternoon gave members a taste of the
13, 14 & 15 September 2017
services provided by Croner to BASA
The Table Top Exhibition opens on Wednesday members, and has increased member
13 September at 15:00 and runs until Friday participation with Croner. This was a
15 September at 14:30.
very successful day, and we will ask
Croner to host future events for us.
l More information about poison centres is available in the Health and
Safety section of our website, as well as
that of ECHA, which can be found here:

6 | BASA BULLETIN Issue 79
One stop shop for BASA members
If you have been following our series of technology to create better products,
articles in the Bulletin you will have seen by Dr David processes, services, materials or devices. We
Chemical Search International (CSI) has been Barkel, FRSC are hoping that this will appeal to BASA
working alongside BASA to supply members, many of whom are engaged in this
recruitment and training services to Principal Consultant, activity. Over recent years RandDTax have
members. As far as recruitment is concerned Chemical Search helped around 750 UK companies with over
we offer a full range of professional options International 3,000 successful claims to HMRC resulting in
depending on the position you are looking to more than £50 million in Corporation Tax
fill. Being specialists in the chemicals sector chemicals, materials, natural resource and relief or cash credits. They are justly proud of a
we have unrivalled knowledge, experience bioscience professionals. ChemExec® differs 100% success rate in claims submitted. The
and contacts to find the very best people. from established professional networks in funds obtained can be used for any purpose.
being faster, simpler and more direct, not to
With training we offer cost effective personal mention being exclusive to our sector. The RandDTax can help BASA members in these
development workshops, and were delighted network starts life with close to 40,000 situations:
to have run the first of these, Building existing contacts and we hope you will find it • Members who have not yet claimed, to
Effective Working Relationships, in November valuable. recognise, scope and claim for qualifying R&D
last year to a group of BASA members. This is activities;
a lively and interactive one-day workshop Become an Executive Member and you get • Examining and rectifying previous claims
and participants came away with a clear plan unlimited access to our entire membership made to identify the many situations where
on how to be more effective in developing network where you can advertise events, jobs members may have under claimed;
relationships both within the organisation and communicate with like-minded • Giving members an alternative consultancy
and with other key stakeholders such as professionals. This will be hosted on our new service where they feel their existing R&D
customers and suppliers. website which will be launched in 2017. We Consultancy is either charging too much, or
will also be using ChemExec® as our branding they are unhappy with the service levels;
Further workshops for BASA members are of recruitment and training services supplied • Helping where previous claims have become
planned in this series including Effective to BASA. embroiled in HMRC enquiries.
Customer Communication and Leading Your
Team through Change. Secondly we are very pleased to announce As we move into 2017 we are delighted that
that CSI has teamed up with RandDTax, CSI is a one-stop shop for support in
For 2017 there are two further exciting specialists in supporting companies to obtain recruitment, training, quality professional
developments planned which CSI would like UK R&D Tax Credits. These are available for networking and funding for R&D. Contact
to announce. Firstly the formation of any company that invests in attempting to David Barkel with
ChemExec®, a global executive network for advance the capability of science or any queries.

Carroll sings Scigrip agrees Scigrip

Instarmac’s distributon deal acquires
Glue Boss
praises with Euroresins
A community project headed SCIGRIP has agreed a distribution Scigrip has acquired
by mosaic artist Tracey partnership with Euroresins UK Ltd, a Glue Boss Inc, the
Cartledge has been completed distributor of products to the Indiana-based
using Instarmac adhesive and composites resins industry, which manufacturer of
grout. maintains a strong sales presence StoneBond and
across Europe. other high
Chorlton Central Church
commissioned the striking The arrangement is effective
external focal point to be surfacing adhesives.
immediately and will offer UK
designed by Tracey, who holds customers rapid and easy access to the
weekly mosaic classes at the Headquartered in
most advanced methyl methacrylate
church. Manchester-based tiler Elkhart, Indiana,
(MMA) adhesive technologies than
and Instarmac advocate Andy ever before. SCIGRIP’s range of MMA Glue Boss is an
Carroll was asked to support products offer a combination of established name in
the mosaic installation with his strength, toughness, ease of use and the manufacture and
expertise and product are already successful in numerous supply of surfacing
knowledge. challenging applications. adhesives with its
SeamPro, SeamBoss
Extended set tile adhesive, UltraTile This product is available in a choice of “The composites market demands and StoneBond
ProFlex SP+ES was used to fix the 9 colours including Tracey's selected prompt, reliable and efficient brands, known for
mosaic tiles creating a piece which Grey. It boasts mould and water solutions. We view our partnership high strength and
was inspired by a Bible passage resistant properties, and can be used with Euroresins as a positive and reliable bonding of
centered upon the themes of peace with underfloor heating. MAXIGROUT progressive move toward the quartz, granite,
and harmony. This adhesive is a firm XTRA is fast setting and suitable for increased use of MMA technologies marble, sintered
favourite of Andy's, boasting a 2 hour wall or floor joints up to 20mm. throughout UK manufacturing”, stone, porcelain and
pot life, an application thickness of remarks Tim Johnson, SCIGRIP’s acrylic surfaces.
For further product information
3mm to 20mm and a S1 classification European Sales and Marketing
including the datasheet please visit
making it ideal for use on timber Manager. or to place an order
call 01827 871871.
Flexible grout Granfix MAXIGROUT
XTRA was used to finish the piece off. BASA BULLETIN Issue 79 | 7

Technical Working Groups – 1
The Environmental Working Group has Chairman:
BASA Technical updated its name and remit to include
Officer: sustainability as a key topic for the association.
The group will continues to monitor, review
Jim and inform members of environmental Barnett
Palmer changes, legislative updates and implications
of new regulations/guidance for members, in
addition to communicating future
considerations and best practice tools.


TSC overview Waste and Waste Management

WM3 continues to be reviewed and the EC Environment &
waste guidance is currently being discussed by
At the beginning of another year let me
start by thanking all the chairs and working the commission. We are currently waiting to
see if there are likely to be any changes. The
group members for their continued
support, commitment and enthusiasm on Environment and Sustainability Group will
continue to monitor. ENvIRoNMENT
behalf of the wider BASA membership. It is
solely due to their hard work in the
Also, just a reminder that from the 1st April Environmental Permits
regulation, standardisation and many other
2016, two processes changed which may As of the 1st February 2016 you may be
technical areas that we are able to influence
affect members waste management systems: required to complete a risk assessment if you
the direction of developments for our
1) A premises is no longer required to register do not currently hold an environmental
industry, without their input we would be
with the Environment Agency including those permit. For further information see:
more than inadequately represented.
who produce or store more than 500kg of
hazardous waste per year assessments-for-your-environmental-permit
At the last TSC meeting in December we
2) As premises registration is no longer
discussed plans for the coming year,
required, the format of consignment note Aerosol F-Gases
including a change to the format for the
codes has been changed so that the first six As you will be aware, HFCs with global
Open Technical Fora to widen their appeal
characters (normally the premises registration warming potentials higher than 150 have been
to those working in the industry beyond the banned in ‘novelty’ aerosols or signal horns
number) must be replaced by the first six
technical community. So, as an experiment, since 2009. The EA define novelty aerosols as
letters or numbers of the business name. It is
the next one is planned to sit alongside the aerosols sold for entertainment or decorative
the responsibility of the waste producer to
annual sports day in June instead of the purposes e.g. ‘silly string’.
ensure consistent use of the organisation
more usual spring date. 2018 changes - From 2018 HFCs with a global
name on all consignment notes with all waste
contractors used. The EXEMPT code cannot be warming potential above 150 will be banned
Another major interface between BASA and in technical aerosols. Technical aerosols are
it’s membership is the website and plans are generally used in industrial and manufacturing
Further information and examples are
nearing completion to overhaul its processes.
available on the EA website.
appearance, accessibility and functionality The ban won’t apply if HFCs are required to
and the new website should be launched Energy meet national safety standards or the aerosol
early in the year. The first deadline for ESOS (Energy Savings is used for medical applications.
Opportunity Scheme) was 5th December 2015 More information can be found on the EA
The coming year will present many and companies that qualify must carry out website:
challenges, not least influenced by the these assessments every 4 years. If you qualify gas-in-new-equipment
changing political landscape but, whatever for ESOS and your organisation is fully covered
Brexit eventually looks like, we will by ISO 50001, you don’t need to carry out an CoMAH Flood Defence
undoubtedly be trading with Europe and ESOS assessment. You just need to notify the The Environment Agency has released a
the rest of the world, so the BASA technical Environment Agency that you are compliant guidance document to aid sites regulated
community continues to be active in with ESOS. For further information about under OMAH and EPR to prepare for flooding
providing UK industry views and positions whether you qualify for ESOS and the and ensure that flood defence plans are in
on a wide range of issues to UK Government assessment required, please go to place. For further information see:
and, through FEICA, to the European
Commission. In the reports below, opportunity-scheme-esos oads/attachment_data/file/439863/LIT_7176
elsewhere in this Bulletin and on the BASA .pdf
website you can learn more about the more 14001 Standard
significant issues affecting our industry. Deadline for transition to the new BS EN Environmental Working Group Members
ISO14001:2015 standard is 15th September If you are interested in joining the
I hope you will agree that we are well 2018. Environment and Sustainability Working
positioned for the year ahead and continue Group, please get in touch with either me or
to be sufficiently ‘fleet of foot’ to deal with Environmental Product Declarations Lorna Williams. The committee meets twice
any necessary changes in the This edition of the bulletin contains and article per year on average and combine our meeting
representation of our industry. on Model EPD’s and the advantages when day with the Health and Safety Working Group
compared to the other types of EPD available. as we have many topics that cross over
If you would like to know more about how between the two groups. The next meeting is
you can become involved and what levels of The Environment and Sustainability Working scheduled for April 2017.
commitment are required please do not Group has this as a key work item and is If you have any particular topics that you
hesitate to contact the BASA secretary or currently preparing a position statement in would like us to review, then please get in
me. support of the FEICA Model EPD’s. touch and we can add to our meeting agenda.

8 | BASA BULLETIN Issue 79
ECHA updates Chairman: companies managing large numbers of
Uncertainty still remains over what exactly the formulations and that need to create many
chemicals regulatory sector might look like in
the wake of Brexit. From recent published
James identifiers.
We can already now get the developer's
news we know DEFRA expects continued Follows manual from ECHA’s Poison Centres’ website
compliance with EU chemicals legislation, and start planning how to make the generator
including: REACH, CLP and the BPR. DEFRA has part of your own system.
explicitly stated that the REACH registration Importers and downstream users submit a
deadline, 31 May 2018, should be complied notification on hazardous chemical mixtures to
with. poison centres in the harmonised format with
In order to retain consistency, ECHA appointed all the required information including:
Andreas Herdina to lead on matters relating to 1) The chemical composition of the hazardous
the referendum. His task will be to ensure that mixtures;
Echa takes a “single consolidated position” 2) The UFI;
towards British companies and staff and that 3) Identity and concentration ranges of
he acts as a reference point on Brexit matters.
Regarding Brexit and what this means to UK
Health & Safety ingredients;
4) The product category according to the
industry and future legislation BASA will harmonised European product categorisation
continue to monitor the situation and will Poison centres system.
advise accordingly as the negotiations In autumn last year EU countries voted in Phased deadlines for the submission of
progress. favour of a Commission proposal which will information applied from 1 January in a
improve the availability of information on stepwise manner, depending on the intended
SvHC updates chemicals, needed in case of poisoning. This use of the mixture:
The Member State Committee unanimously harmonisation will lead to better health
agreed on the identification of four substances protection for users of our products and at the Timescale for compliance:
of very high concern (SVHCs): bisphenol A, same time save producers and importers of Consumer uses: 2020
PFDA, PTAP and 4-HPbl. The majority of the chemical mixtures approximately €550 million Professional uses: 2021
MSC’s members also supported the annually. Industrial uses: 2024.
identification of an environmental endocrine The Implementing Regulation is expected to
disruptor PTBP and a respiratory sensitiser TMA The two main elements introduced by the come into force in 2017. ECHA have produced a
as SVHCs. Implementing Regulation described are: website which will help check with the relevant
Meting at Helsinki just before Christmas the 1) Harmonised format for submitting Member States what our current legal
Committee unanimously agreed on the SVHC information to appointed bodies. A common obligations are.
identification of: EU format will gradually replace the current More information including online tools can be
• 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol (bisphenol A) (EC national information requirements. Information found following this link:
201-245-8; CAS 80-05-7), proposed by France, to be provided relates to the chemical
due to its toxic for reproduction properties; composition of hazardous mixtures, identity
• nonadecafluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) and its and concentration ranges of ingredients, and update on Current Icocyanate
sodium and ammonium salts (EC 206-400-3; the product category according to a Restriction Intentions
CAS 335-76-2), proposed by Sweden, due to harmonised European Product Categorisation The German restriction proposal for
their toxic for reproduction and persistent, System (PCS). isocyanates did not pass its conformity check
bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) properties; 2) Unique formula identifier (UFI). The UFI is a mainly because there was insufficient
• 4-heptylphenol, branched and linear (4-HPbl) unique code to be printed on the label of the information about the intended training
(EC -; CAS -), proposed by Austria, due to their product. It will create an unambiguous link schemes. The earliest the revised dossier would
endocrine-disrupting properties for the between a mixture placed on the market and be revisited by RAC is at its 40th meeting which
environment, and the information on that specific mixture is provisionally scheduled for 6-17th March
• 4-tert-pentylphenol (PTAP) (EC 201-280-9; CAS submitted to poison centres, so that the 2017. This means that the public consultation
80-46-6), proposed by Germany, due to its chemical formulation of the product can be will not start until mid-March at the earliest if it
endocrine-disrupting properties for the precisely and rapidly identified. A precise proceeds.
environment. identification is necessary to provide
ECHA included these substances in the appropriate curative measures in the case of an Want to be involved?
Candidate List in January 2017. emergency call. Remember to visit for
Unique formula identifiers are needed for updates, or if Health and Safety is a subject that
REACH updates hazardous mixtures intended for consumer interests you and you want to be at the
ECHA has published the draft of the use, and for professional and industrial uses, forefront of legislation, then why not join the
Community rolling action plan (CoRAP) for respectively. Companies do not need to working group?
2017-2019. Member States are planning to generate the codes yet, but it is a good idea to
evaluate 117 substances between this year and start preparing, because there is quite some Please see the last minutes for the Health and
2019. The 22 new incorporations to the list involvement in populating data on the system safety working group on the BASA website –
include potential endocrine disruptors, and you need to make sure that the identifier members’ area for other topics the group is
carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic (CMR) will fit on the label of your mixture. working on. Contact the secretary for more
and persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) There are two ways to generate the UFI. ECHA’s details.
substances. ECHA encourages registrants of the website hosts the UFI generator, a web-based
listed substances to start coordinating their tool, which will allow you to insert your HSW group
actions and to contact the evaluating Member company’s VAT number and a formulation code current hot topics
States. The final plan will be adopted in March. that you have given to your formulation. The REACH ED and Sensitising Chemicals
Link to draft CoRAP: tool will then create the identifier for us. Poison Centre Requirements Alternatively, we can integrate the UFI REACH – SVHC updates
p_list_2017-2019_en.pdf/c2ea7854-606f-448f- generator directly into our own IT-system. This Biocidal Products Regulations
9072-42ce2437dcd7 could be particularly useful and efficient for BASA BULLETIN Issue 79 | 9

Technical Working Groups – 2

Proposed REACH restriction dossier reflects Chairman: Member Company name) to
industry’s commitment to safe use of Please also copy
On 7 October 2016, German REACH competent
Anthony with your request so we have a record of the
applications. Your login will come from FEICA.
authorities submitted a restriction dossier to
the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
Thresh CEN and ISo standards
proposing risk management measures to The European Commission has issued a new
ensure safe handling of diisocyanates at the standardisation request to CEN to cover
workplace. The dossier calls for a mandatory national regulations which have become
training scheme for the industrial and pertinent following the change from Essential
professional use of diisocyanates but also Requirements 3 of the CPD to Basic Works
allows applying for exemptions from this Requirement 3 of the CPR dealing with
restriction. hygiene, health and the environment. This
ISOPA and its partner organisations, necessitates a revision to all existing hENs
representing industrial and professional users developed on the basis of mandate M/124.
of diisocyanates at European and national
levels, are committed to the safety of workers
Sealants In the annex of those harmonised standards to
handling diisocyanates. be revised are Standards for Joint Applied
NEXT STEPS: Going forward in the legislative digital description of every aspect of the built Sealants and Fillers (Hot Applied, Cold Applied
process, a public consultation of six months asset and is starting to transform product and Preformed), EN 14188 parts 1 to 3, which
will be launched by ECHA which allows for demand within the construction and supply will be reviewed by CEN TC 227 WG3 (mirrored
comments to the proposal. The whole decision- industries. Many national house builders are by B 510/3 at BSI). Some members have issues
making process under REACH will take now mandating BIM compliance. with these, and specifically BS EN 14188-2
approximately 1.5 - 2 years, after which the relating to specification for Cold Applied
regulation is expected to be adopted by the Providing well-structured digital information Sealants and their threshold values, but we are
European Union. For the implementation of the on your products in this format will become trying to address these via B/510/3 and via
regulation a transition period is expected to be more important. There are several direct contact with TC227 WG3 to make sure
fixed to adequately allow introduction of the organisations looking at providing proprietary UK Sealant Manufacturers are represented.
measures throughout the whole supply chain. software aimed at translating technical product
details into BIM components. BASA is SWG – next meeting
Titanium Dioxide – A recap considering inviting one of these to present on The next Sealant Working Group meeting is
The French Agency for Food, Environmental BIM at a future OTF (Industry forum). scheduled for Wednesday, 26th April 2017 at a
and Occupational health & Safety (ANSES), has venue to be confirmed.
submitted a proposal to the European Eu-Model EPDs - Templates available for
Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to classify TiO2 as a 'authorisation of use' and 'manufacturer's
category 1B carcinogen with Hazard Statement compliance'
H350i: May cause cancer by inhalation. FEICA has published Model Environmental Different Legal opinions on the need of the
Product Declarations for the products of its Ü Mark for flooring and parquet adhesives
The rationale behind the ANSES is based on members used in the construction sector. The
‘lung overload’ studies of rats that were FEICA Model EPDs will lead to significant cost Whilst we eagerly await the final drafts
originally raised in the review conducted by and time savings for members. The FEICA covering indoor air requirements for
the International Agency for research on Model EPDs may only be used by FEICA direct harmonised standards under the CPR BWR3,
Cancer (IARC) in 2006. and National Association members (and the German DIBt has dropped the need to
therefore BASA members). In this regard, you assign the Ü Mark for all harmonsied
In a position paper the TDMA (Titanium may be asked by third parties to provide proof standards. However, flooring adhesives
Dioxide Manufacturers Association) & CEFIC that you are authorised to use the FEICA Model covered under the standards EN 14259 –
state, that in their opinion, guideline studies on EPDs and, your customers may ask for a Adhesives for floor covering, essential
well characterised TiO2 show no results that declaration of compliance of your products. characteristics and EN 14293 – Adhesives for
would provide evidence for classification. Many bonding parquet to subfloor, essential
epidemiological studies, covering approx. FEICA has developed two templates to characteristics; are currently in the process of
24,000 workers over many years in different accommodate such requests which can be becoming harmonised.
working sites, have shown no evidence of accessed via the FEICA website together with
adverse health impacts upon humans. No the guidelines to use the FEICA Model EPDs. This has raised the debate whether these still
classification for TiO2 can be justified. However, it has become apparent that a require approval by the DIBt. The German
number of large distributor organisations are association for adhesives (IVK) has requested a
In addition to the above, BASA are to lend their taking the view that model/generic EPDs may legal study into this and has also put forward a
support (Name & Logo) to a Position Paper be inappropriate or misleading, allowing further counter argument that adhesives
prepared by the Alliance of Chemical products with inferior environmental covered by the Emicode licence should still be
Associations (ACA) regarding the ‘Economic performance to hide behind those with better exempt…unfortunately, until CE marking is
Impact of French proposal to reclassify performance, and are therefore pushing for applied to these adhesives, there still remains a
Titanium Dioxide as a carcinogenic substance’. product specific EPDs. This may cause issues for need to apply to the DIBt for the Ü Mark for
The paper lists the role and importance of TiO2 many SMEs as the process of producing these adhesives.
to various industry sectors. Information on its product specific EPDs can be very time
importance to the Sealants & Adhesives consuming and expensive. BASA are exploring Wood adhesives
industry has been submitted for inclusion. avenues to address these views and may The last meeting of CEN/TC193/SC1/WG12 was
include this as a topic at a future OTF. held last September in Milan. The following
BIM key points being raised:
BIM is a process for creating and managing all If you do not have FEICA website access, then
of the information on a project – before, during you will need to get it. To get access to the • Classification of wood adhesives for non-
and after construction. The output of this FEICA Extranet send an email with your contact structural timber products for external use.
process is the Building Information Model, the details (name, email address and BASA A new standard is being developed for wood

10 | BASA BULLETIN Issue 79

PWG Membership Chairman: advocacy with distributors such as Carrefour
We would like to formally welcome Andrew and Leclerc. These will be made publicly
Walker to the Group and thank Simone
Wubbe for taking on the role of Deputy Chair.
Andy available on the BASA website in due course.

Active participation of our members helps

strengthen BASAs impact on the Adhesive
Steward We would like to draw members attention to
a conference entitled NIAS and MINERAL OILS
Industry and its relationship with FEICA. in FOOD CONTACT MATERIALS in Munich
Anyone that would like to join the Packaging 29th-31st March 2017
working group is asked to please get in touch
with Lorna Williams. Borates
Last bulletin we reported on the addition of
Mineral oils the boric acid and borates to the 6th list of
A study on “Accumulation of mineral oil substances on the candidate list that was
saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) in female
Fisher 3444 rats: Comparisons with human
Packaging intended for prioritisation for authorisation in
July 2015. The EA have since reported that the
data and consequences of risk assessment”
was published October 1st 2016 in Science of
Adhesives commission have postponed any decision on
boric acid and borates regarding
the Total Environment. The study being authorisation (REACH Annex XIV) for the time
authored by members of the Official Food Recommendation (EU) 2017/84 on being due to their current work load. This
Control Authority of the Canton of Zurich, monitoring of mineral oil hydrocarbons in means that any predications for a sunset date
Switzerland, Toxalim INRA France and the food and in materials and articles intended to are null and void and that the dead line for
Norwegian Institute of Public Health with two come into contact with food” was published members to make an authorization
of the co-authors being members of the on 17th January in the official Journal, and application will be far beyond 2019.
European Food Safety Authorities expert does precisely what the title suggests.
panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, other
Flavorings and Processing Aids (CEF). Their As a result of the ongoing pressures on The packaging group continues to monitor
conclusions were that tissue concentrations Mineral oils in the food supply chain FEICA migration, NIAS (non-intentionally added
are under- estimated and call for more have drafted a guidance on Mineral Oil in substances) and recycling, and will keep you
attention to be paid to the composition of the adhesives. They have also drafted a brief updated with any changes that arise.
hydrocarbons, warranting a re-evaluation of position paper on Mineral oil which responds
the current acceptable daily intake. directly to the demands from the French PWG next meeting
market and is supposed to help the French The next packaging working group meeting
In addition the “Commission national association (AFICAM) with their is on 23rd March at Croner, Hinckley.

Chairman: wooden articles. Development is currently a There was also a proposal to reduce the test
pre-work item with the emphasis firstly on tile size from 50mm to 30mm in facial area.
Neil creating definitions.
Any proposed changes to the test tile should
require an extensive evaluation before
Sanders The final draft of the revised EN 13813 is
currently out for review.

BS EN 13888: Parts 1&2 – Grouts for tiles

Ceramic Tile Adhesives In line with the Vienna agreement, the
The last meeting of CEN/TC67 3 was held in Committee decided to include a fast setting
Finland during last September. The following category for Grouts for Tiles (as outlined in
points were raised during that meeting: ISO 13007-3).

voC’s and CTA’s Currently the requirement under 13007-3 is

Building Adhesives The working group are maintaining their
stance given to the CCMC (CEN CENLEC
for a compression strength of ≥15 N/mm2
(under standard conditions) after 24 hours.
& Construction Management Centre) that VOC’s for tile
adhesives are not relevant since the
The compressive strength of a rapid setting
grout after 24 hours would therefore be the
adhesives are located underneath the tile. An same as the 28-day compressive strength
adhesives which are intended for bonding interesting point, which could be valid for all required for a standard setting grout.
items used in exterior applications. Round covered adhesives, and it will be interesting
robin testing is on-going to find a to see what response is given to this BASA members surveyed before the TC67
conditioning cycle which will distinguish argument. meeting questioned the 15 N/mm2
adhesives suitable for exterior conditions requirement. A request for RRT has been
from those which are unsuitable. A survey will BS EN 12004-1 revision issued.
be conducted in members’ countries to At the meeting, changes were proposed by
determine what adhesives are currently used the Spanish delegate with respect to Other matters at the meeting included a
in this area and for what applications. changing testing from glazed porous bodied proposal by the Portuguese to introduce a
tiles to un-glazed porous tiles (ie. an unglazed new category of grout for external facades,
• Introduction of a test standard for wood BIII dust pressed tile). which was rejected, and a proposal by the
adhesives bonding using compressive It was previously reported that BASA carried Turkish mirror group to indicate the chemical
loading. A new European standard being out RRT around 8 years ago, and found that, resistance of reaction grouts.
developed by combining ISO 6238 and ASTM when using porous tiles without a glazed
D 905. The creation of this standard will surface, a reduction in performance was The minutes covering all these points may be
provide a method for determining the observed for some dispersion-based found on the website.
minimum pressing time needed for bonding adhesives. BASA BULLETIN Issue 79 | 11

The case for model EPDs
With the broad range of materials, products and technologies within component for the EPD class is scored and therefore the highest scoring
the adhesives and sealants industry each with a variety of end users (worst case) product per class is calculated. The data is then used to
and applications, there is generally no single product for a given develop the class Model EPD. For an individual manufacturer’s product,
requirement, writes Jenny Barnett, Chair of BASA’s Environment & the appropriate EPD is selected by the basic chemistry of the product.
Sustainability Working Group. A check is completed to ensure that the application area is covered by
one of the modules of the selected EPD. The product score is then
Couple this with the selection of Environmental Products Declaration
calculated using the guidelines and calculator. A check is then made to
types available and there is little in the way of consistency and
ensure that the product score is below the maximum score for the
standardisation. So where does this leave the adhesives and sealants
selected EPD. If this is fine, then the Model EPD can be applied/used.
So as can been deduced from the above, Product specific EPD’s are not
Let’s begin by looking at the types of EPD that can be completed:
always feasible for SME’s and/or the Adhesives and Sealants industry
Product Specific EPD: In this scenario, the individual product that due to the variation in products, the majority of manufacturers having a
requires an EPD is chosen by the manufacturer. An expert (in-house or broad portfolio of products and frequent formulation changes. Cost
external consultant) will be required to calculate the overall product and resources to produce these are high. For average EPD’s worst case
environmental impact taking into account the impacts of each is not applied so they may not be accepted and validity is dependent
component. This EPD will then require third party verification to upon initial participation and does not lend itself to innovation. This
validate the calculations. The resulting EPD is then only valid for that makes the case for Model EPD’s as most relevant as the system is
specific product with that specific formulation and therefore will need appropriate to the needs and structure of the industry and a set of 17
to be updated (and re-validated) following any formulation or supplier EPD’s have already been developed and published for the following
change and/or at least every 5 years. classes:
Average EPD: This EPD is based upon product formulation and process • Reactive resins based on epoxy (unfilled/solvent free,
data for defined applications. Product data is collected and average aqueous/unfilled, filled and/or aqueous and unfilled/solvent free)
environmental impact calculated usually by trade associations. The • Reactive resins based on polyurethane (or silane modified polymers,
resulting data is reported as an industry average life cycle analysis. To filled or aqueous, solvent free and containing solvent)
ensure that this is reflective of the industry 70% of the market data is • Mortar based products (modified mineral mortars group 1,2 and 3)
required which is difficult to achieve and due to the broad range of • Dispersions (dispersion based products – solvent free, classes A and B)
formulations for similar applications this gives a broad range of • Silicone based construction sealants
environmental data. As worst case is not applied to this, it can be
Further information:
misleading and EPD’s may not be accepted. In addition, the EPD is only
FEICA website:
valid for products which have contributed and therefore is not valid for
ECO website:
new products or new participants.
IBU Website:
Model EPDs: Typical formulations are clustered by their chemical
composition. EPDs for each type (Class) are then developed and third
party verified in accordance with EN 15804 (EPD standard). The life As the BASA Bulletin went to Consultant
cycle assessment for each EPD takes worst case scenario. Each print we were about to hold a
meeting of Feica’s Sustainable
Development Committee,
which I shall review in the
next edition.
URANCE The Sustainable Development
O THE page on the public access
pages on the Feica website
ADHESIVES & includes the Sustainability Sustainability
INDUSTRY Agenda and Concept
describing Feica’s key objectives and projects, as well as the first of the
Our insur aree designed ffor
ance solutions ar businesses
or busines ses in promised Benefit Stories. I recommend you take a look at these
the manuf supply,, impor
acture, blending, supply import,
t, wholesale and examples and consider whether your company has such a benefit story
distribution of chemicals: that could help promote sustainable development in our industry.
roduct rrecall
ecall sustainable-development.aspx
CClean own
lean up of o wn land
Professional indemnity
indemnity up toto £50,000
Access to
to OHES Environmental
24/7 emergency
Environmental Consultancy
emergency spillage
spillage response
UK-made product used to install
Australian cancer centre floor
Mapei has expanded its range of
T: 0 1372 86
01372 9762
869762 UK-produced flooring adhesives
E: with the introduction of Ultrabond
OOAMPS trading
AMPS is a tr ading name of PPen Limited,
en Underwriting Limit egulated b
ed, which is authorised and rregulated byy the Eco V4SP to its Eco range – which
FFinancial Conduct
inancial Conduct AAuthority (FCA
uthority (F 314493).
CA number 3144 Registered
93). R Office:
egistered Offic The
e: The Walbr
Walbrook Building,
25 Walbr
W albrook, LLondon
Walbrook, ondon E C4N 8AW
EC4N 8A W. R
8AW. egistered in England and W
Registered ales. C
Wales. ompany Number: 5
Company 172311
5172311 was chosen to lay 60,000m² of vinyl flooring at the Victorian
Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) in Melbourne, Australia.
Ultrabond Eco V4SP is a multi-purpose high-performance professional
adhesive for the installation of resilient floor and wall coverings. It is a
low VOC product and can be used in residential and commercial
environments such as hospitals, shopping centres and airports. Mapei
UK’s Resilient Product Manager John Monaghan said: “Ultrabond Eco
V4SP gives a good initial tack and provides a very high peel strength,
couple this with the product’s extended open time, it is found to be
extremely easy to apply.”

12 | BASA BULLETIN Issue 79
An economic view...
Roger Martin-Fagg • Behavioural Economist •

My predictions: Right or wrong?

Here in italics are the forecasts I made a year nine months, and price increases within two expected. Thus share prices will either stabilise
ago, and in keeping with tradition, the years. I expect the Bank of England to argue in and wait for profits to rise to justify the price or
Headmaster’s report. April that they are increasing base rate because will fall to match the current level of profits.
liquidity growth (ie money held in current and Given the return on bonds is so low it is likely
Although earnings growth slowed in November deposit accounts plus national savings) will that share prices will pause rather than crash.
I expect earnings ( ie wage growth plus overtime drive spending. They will also state that the The FT 100 is down 5% for the year 2015, but
and bonuses) to be between 3% and 4%. This is weakness of sterling particularly against the this is almost all due to oil and mining stocks
because there are now two vacancies for every dollar represents monetary loosening, and which have crashed.
unemployed person. Employers will want to that an increase of 0.25% will strengthen WRoNG
keep good staff and raise salaries to do so. sterling sufficiently to offset this. And as the
WRoNG: Earnings growth has averaged economy moves towards full capacity prices will The oil price will stay below $40 unless there is
around 2.2%. Please note that if CPI inflation increase.  an unforeseen collapse in supply from the
stays below 1%, then earnings growth at 2.5% WRoNG: base rate fell to 0.25% as the Bank of middle east due to Sunni v Sharia v Isis or some
or more will increase real wages at least in England responded to the Brexit result. other peculiar unknown! Some commentators
line with long run trend. Real wages grew on are using the oil price as evidence of a sharp
average 1.8% in 2016, this is below the long Sterling will be $1.40 up until March, then $1.48 drop in demand due to faltering growth. They
run average of 2.5%. before reaching $1.50 by year end. are wrong. Oil consumption in the USA rose 6%
Sterling will be €1.30 up until March then €1.36 in 2015. The price drop is due to excess supply
I expect CPI inflation to be +1.5% by the end of before reaching €1.38 by year end. which is in turn due to Saudi Arabia determined
the year (domestically produced goods and (assuming ECB continues its programme of QE) to keep its market share. Eventually the Saudis
services rising by +2.5%, but Chinese origin Please note the above assumes the Government will see their plan is a mistake.
goods falling by 5% due to a further is able to show the nation that the future Broadly correct. The Saudis have seen the
devaluation of the Rnb. of the UK is best served within a reformed EU. If error of their ways and have agreed to cut
Likely to be WRoNG: No data yet, but expect it fails in this and there is a media frenzy production, pushing the price to $50.
1.3% year on year. Correct on China. for Brexit, we should expect a sterling crisis.
Over the next six months, if the UK press and Headmaster’s Report
I expect real GDP to be +2.2%. However if there media report that an exit is a growing We are disappointed with this year’s
is an early referendum in July with a vote to stay likelihood, then we must expect a sterling crisis. performance. Martin-Fagg was beginning to
in, then I expect 2.6% as post vote investment This would take sterling to $1.20 or below and show some promise in 2015 which has
spending will pick up again. €1.10 or less. I do not usually recommend evaporated. We are forever hopeful but
CoRRECT on GDP buying currency forward, but if you are exposed, maybe it is time to consider a different
do it now. approach. We regret this boy is showing little
I expect nominal spending to grow by +3.7%; BRoADLy CoRRECT or no interest in horticulture.
within this consumer spending will be +4.5%,
investment spending will slow sharply by big House prices; Nationwide average +5%, London Forecasts for 2017
corporates because FD’s, after an unusual sub £3m +7%, but top end speculative property uK GDP: 2.1%
surge in optimism, are now reverting to type prices I expect to fall by another 10%. The uK inflation: 3% by year end, earnings
and have become more cautious. bubble has been pricked by changed growth, 2.5%
expectations from Russia, China and Hong Base rate: 0.25%, but long run interest rate
WRoNG: nominal spending has averaged Kong. and mortgage rates up 1% due to inflationary
2.7%, consumer spending has averaged 3.2% CoRRECT (at last got one right!) expectations and Trump.
but correct on investment spending. uK Balance of Payments deficit falls to 5% of
Government revenues should rise by £30bn and GDP
The external trading account (the balance of its spending by £20bn, thus the deficit FT 100: up 5% to 7,300
payments) will be continue to be a drain in will fall by £10bn but the Government will still FT 250: no change on year
our flow of spending. And the uncertainty over be spending £50bn more than it is earning. uK house prices: up 3.5%
Brexit weighs on funding and investment This is still an expansionary fiscal stance, in no Consumer spending: up 3.5% (credit card
choices. way can it be described as austere. debt outstanding up 10%)
CoRRECT CoRRECT Exchange rates:
£-$: 1.20; £: Euro: 1.25
I expect base rate to rise in April by 0.25% and Over the past six years monetary expansion unemployment: 5%
again in October by 0.25%. The reason is through quantitative easing in the USA, UK, oil: $50
this: assuming the velocity of money is EU and China has driven share prices above
reasonably stable (ie consumer confidence earnings growth (the evidence is higher l More of Roger’s thoughts about Trump,
doesn’t collapse) then the rate of growth in than long run average P/E multiples). Apart technology, and the EU are available on the
liquidity today will drive nominal GDP within from China and the EU, no further QE is BASA website. BASA BULLETIN Issue 79 | 13

rakem MD awarded
royal Society Fellowship
Rakem MD Kevin Rafferty has become a Fellow
of The Royal Society of Chemistry. Kevin said: “I
am very proud to achieve this status, Rakem is
committed to supporting these essential asso-
ciations. They provide a forum to discuss the
pressing issues of
the day such as
material availability
and quality. More
importantly, they
offer the chance to
educate and
inspire the next
generation to
become interested
in the science vital for our future economic
success.” Fellows have made an outstanding
contribution to the advancement of the
chemical sciences; or to the advancement of
the chemical sciences as a profession; or have
Bond It ensures the writing’s on the
been distinguished in the management of a
chemical sciences organisation.
wall for Ramsgate
Kevin is pictured receiving his Fellowship from Bond It’s GB PRo advanced hybrid sealant
Peter Stanton, President Elect of the Oil and and adhesive has been used in an historic
Colour Chemist Association. public art project.
Perfugium Miseris celebrates the maritime
BASA members can heritage of Ramsgate harbour in Kent, and
has been created by Mooch – a creative
tap into cost-effective practice specialising in public realm art and including those of almost 2,200 sailors who
design. perished at nearby Goodwin Sands.
Bond It’s GB PRO was chosen to fix the letters
training courses A Latin phrase meaning ‘refuge for those in

Ramsgate’s Georgian lighthouse which has

‘Building Effective Working Relationships’, need’ Perfugium Miseris is carved into in place because it is high strength,
the first BASA training workshop initiated waterproof and available in a transparent
under the Business Steering Committee and stood on the harbour’s west arm since 1842. formula which minimises its visibility. GB PRO
run at Croner House, was such a success that is also highly versatile and can be used for
Mooch has taken the same motto and turned
it was repeated last month. almost any sealing and bonding application.
it into a 1.2m high by 23m long lettering at
the high tide mark on the east harbour arm The GB PRO used was supplied free to Mooch
The second workshop in a series of three, facing out to sea. This lettering is clad in by Bowman BMC. This Ramsgate-based
called ‘Effective Customer Communications’ photoluminsecent vinyl that makes the supplier of maritime paint and maintenance
will be run on April 3rd at Croner House, and letters shine brilliantly in full sunlight before consumables is a regular supporter of charity
the third, ‘Leading Your Team Through giving them a soft glow as daylight fades. initiatives that benefit the area.
Change’, is scheduled for July 12th. BASA
members should make sure that HR and Twice a day, with the changing tides, the Bond It Marketing Manager Kirstie Cooper
Training contacts within their companies letters also disappear below the surface of said: “GB PRO is part of a growing range of
receive this information, and the workshop the waves paying an evocative tribute to the hybrid sealants and adhesives from Bond It
details will be posted on the website shortly. countless lives lost at sea beyond the safety based on advanced polymer technology. Its
Run at a member’s cost of only £300 for the of the harbour walls, including the many use for Perfugium Miseris provides an
day, these courses are a great benefit for our victims of the Great Storm of 1703 – the only unusual but highly effective demonstration
members. true hurricane to have hit British shores at full of its versatility and performance, even under
force, this storm cost thousands of lives the most extreme and unusual conditions.”

Instarmac has earned silver accreditation under the Fleet

Instarmac fleet Operator Recogniton Scheme for safety and efficiency
improvements made to its fleet of 37 delivery vehicles.
wins praise FORS is a voluntary national accreditation scheme
designed to help fleet operators improve performance
and enhance safety. The scheme encompasses all aspects
of safety and efficient operations.
Logistics Manager Andy Ryan said: “We are extremely
proud of our FORS Silver award. At Instarmac we strive to
provide the most up-to-date logistics technology and
efficiency procedures. The FORS Silver standard required
modifications to our vehicles such as side under run
protection and close proximity sensors to notify the
driver of vulnerable road users. We also monitor CO2
emissions to reduce environmental impact and
developing driving efficiencies.”

14 | BASA BULLETIN Issue 79
The 2016
dinner dance
in pictures
Were you there?
Are you here? BASA BULLETIN Issue 79 | 15

Planning ahead
1st March 2017 30th March 2017 BASA event: 14th June 2017
CIA & Eversheds Employment Seminar DSEAR – Practical Application, Hilton Leeds BASA Open Forum Meeting, Macdonald
Manchester City Hotel Register: Hill Valley Hotel & Spa, Shropshire
Half-day seminar on employment, immigration BASA’s spring OTF has been replaced by an
and IR law for the chemical and pharmaceutical BASA event: 3rd April 2017 open forum the day after this year’s Sports
sector. BASA Training Workshop Day. Free-to-attend event will inform
Register: “Effective Customer Communications” members about relevant technical and
Croner House, Hinckley business issues. Book now alongside the
14th March 2017 Sports Day. Why not be at both?
Responsible Energy Conference (Part of the 4th-6th April 2017
SPICE3 Programme) European Coatings Show, Nuremburg, BASA event: 12 July
Hilton Leeds City Hotel Germany BASA Training Workshop:
Register: The European Coatings Show plus Adhesives, “Leading Your Team Through Change”
Sealants, Construction Chemicals. Croner House, Hinckley
BASA event: 10th March 2017 Leading exhibition for the coating and paint
BASA AGM & Industry Lunch, Leicester industry. 13th-15th September 2017
Racecourse Register: FEICA European Adhesive & Sealant
Register at: Conference and EXPO Sardinia, Italy
25th-26th April 2017 Registration will open early 2017 at: www.feica-
9th-10th March 2017 Chemical Watch Expo, Berlin
REACH 2018 SME workshop, Vienna Dedicated exhibition and three tailored
Register: workshop streams focusing on preparation for 10th-12th October 2017
the fast-approaching REACH 2018 registration UK Construction Week, NEC Birmingham
15th March 2017 deadline. FREE to attend for trade visitors. Nine shows:
Competence Management Course, Hilton Register: Timber Expo, Build Show, Civils Expo, Plant &
Newcastle, Gateshead Machinery Live, Energy, Smart Buildings ,
Course for middle / senior managers with active 15th-19th May 2017 Surface & Materials Show and HVAC
responsibility for competency management. REACH 2018 intensive week, 5-day online Register at:
Register: training programme
Help with pre-31/5/18 deadline registration. BASA event 25th November 2017
20th – 22nd March 2017 BASA Dinner Dance, Chester Grosvenor
Pro2Pac Exhibition, London ExCeL 23rd-25th May 2017 Booking details to follow via the special
Meet new and existing firms in the Food & Drink FIT Show, NEC Birmingham events website: (This year’s
Industry Register: Meet over 250 influential and knowledgeable event in pictures below and P15)
manufacturers in glass and glazing Register:
BASA event: 23rd March 2017 BASA event: 7th December 2017
SAA/BASA Spring Seminar: Adhesion, SAA Winter Seminar
Adhesives & Sealants: Beyond the Basics, Adhesives and Sealants in Manufacturing.
Society of Chemical Industry, London BASA event: Tuesday 13th June 2017
BASA Sports Day, Macdonald Hill Valley Society for Chemistry & Industry, Belgrave
Covering adhesion science, the design, Square, London. Submissions for papers are
formulation and performance of structural Hotel & Spa; West Midlands Shooting
Ground A day’s golf or shooting, then welcome. Submit title & abstract (up to 250
and non-structural adhesives & sealants and words) to
pressure sensitive adhesives. Register: croquet & presentation dinner. Register at: before 14th April. Details for registering will be available once the programme is set.

The BASA Bulletin

is published by
The British Adhesives and
Sealants Association,
24 Laurel Close
Mepal, Ely
Cambridgeshire, CB6 2BN
Tel: 03302 233290

Future Bulletin submission


13th April 2017

(for the May 2017 Issue)
31st August 2017
(for the October 2017 Issue)

Members of: FEICA • Trade Association Forum • Alliance of Chemical Associations

Society of Adhesion & Adhesives • BSI • UK Food Paper Packaging Chain • The Construction Products Association

16 | BASA BULLETIN Issue 79

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