Notice HC 3.7.21

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3'd July, 2021
{ )(c)-Hc t2o21l { 3986

of corona virus in the state
High court reviewed the present situation
took note of the lock-down restrictions contained in the latest
ano a
July, 2021. considering the situation the
Govern resolution dated Znd
has decided as under:
Court partial modification of the present arrangement

For th High Gourt:

virtual mode of hearing
High court shall continue to function through
bject to following changes :

cases till 3'00 pm on all working days;
well as non-
i) The High court shall take up hearing of all urgent as
as well as
urgent cases of Part-l as well as Part-II i'e. Admission
final hearing of the cases notified on a given day' Such
however shall not go beYond 3'00 Pm;

The Registry shall notify all cases of Part-I and Part-II for
according to the turn;

iv) The Registry shall function till 5'00 pm'

For t District Gourts (including Family Gourts):

(i) All the ludicial officers shall attend the court every day;

( ii) The District Courts (lncluding Family courts) shall take up hearing
of all urgent as well as non-urgent cases except those CaSeS where
witnesses are required to be examined or where presence of
parties in large number is necessary. such hearing however shall
not go beyond 3'00 Pm;

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case is taken up for
In the court room only those lawyers whose
social distance' In
rooms but by wearing masks and maintaining
and other common Places;
parties and litigants to
) The lawyers are requested not to call the
the court un|ess their presence is absolute|y necessary;

of the staff as is
Districts shall at their discretion summon so much
necessary for operationalising this system;

Courts) shall
i) The Registry of the District Courts (including FamilY
function till 5.00 Pm'
arrangement shall come into effect from 5'7 '2O21
e till {"t August, 2o21 unless modified or recalled

By order,
(D. M.Jamatia)
Registrar General
3'd JulY, 2021
No.F { )(c)-Hc t2o21t 139s-7-14053
01. The secretary General, Hon'ble supreme court of India, New Delhi;
02. The Registrar Generals of all High Courts in India;
03. The secretary, Govt, of India, Ministry of Law & Justice, New Delhi;
04. The Principal Secretary to Hon'ble the Chief Justice, High Court of
Tripura, Agartala;
The Secretary to Hon'ble Mr. Justice S, Talapatra, Judge, High Court
of Tripura, Agartala;
The secretary to Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arindam Lodh, Judge, High court
of Tripura, Agartala;

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The secretary to Hon'ble Mr. lustice
s' G' Chattopadhyay' Judge' High
Court of TriPura, Agartala;
08. The Advocate General, Tripura, Agartala;
of Tripura' Agartala;
09. The Sr, Govt' Advocate, High Court
10. The Chairman, Bar Council of Tripura'
11 The Govt. Advocate, High Court of Tripura,
12. The Secretary, High Court Bar Association'
13. The Secretary, Tripura Bar Association'
Govt, of India, Agartala;
t4. The Assistant soricitor General of India,
Tripura, Agartala;
If,. The Public Prosecutor, High court of
ro. The LR & Secretary, Law, Govt' of Tripura'
77. TheDistrict&SessionsJudge,GomatiDistrict,Udaipur/Khowai
Dharmanagar/Dhalai District'
District, Khowai/Nlorth triputu bistrict,
District' Belonia
Agartala/Unakoti District, Kaiiashahar/South
the same amongst all
for information. They are requestecJ to circulate judgeships for
the presiding officers under their respective the order to all!h9irthe
information. They are also requested to
Bar Associations under their respective

TheJudge,Fami|yCourt,Udaipur,GomatiDjstrict/Khowai,Khowai Nofh
District/Agartala, west Tripura District/Dharmanagar,District
Tripura/Kailashahar, Unakoti District/sonamura,
all the ludicial officers
are requested to circulate the same amongst
19. The Registrar (Vigilance), High Court of Tripura'
20. The Registrar (Judicial), High Court of Tripura'
27. TheRegistrar(Admn',P&M),HighCourtofTripura'Agartala;
22 The Member Secretary, Tripura State Legal Services Authority'
High coutt
The secretary to the High court Legal Services committee,
of TriPura, Agartala;
The Joint Registrar, High Court of Tripura, Agartala;
25 The Deputy Registrar(s), High Court of Tripura' Agartala;
26 The Chief Librarian, High Court of Tripura, Agartala;
2 The Assistant Registrar(s), High Court of Tripura' Agartala;
The System Ana|yst, Computer Section, High Court of Tripura,
Agartala, He is directed to take necessary steps regardingr
uploading of this order in the official website of the the

court of Tripura as well as in the official websites of

District Courts of TriPura;
All the Superintendents, High Court of Tripura, Agartala;

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paper Book Section, High court of
30. The sr. Grade Translator-cum-I/c.
Tripura, Agartala;
The Court Master(s), High Court of
Tripura' Agaftala;
37, The Bench Clerk(s), High Court of Tripura'
33. Notice Board of the Court-house; and
34. Order File.
g.,-P ArL,
Registrar General

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