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Examination Answer Booklet

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e.g. BBA,BPH,BIRDS,LLB,BIT:…BIT……………………………….
YEAR OF STUDY………3…………………………………………
MODULE CODE………BIT323…………………………………………..
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CUU Answer booklet

a) Define human-computer interaction (HCI) and discuss its components.
  human-computer interaction( HCI) is the study of how people interact with
computers and to what extent computers are or are not developed for successful
interaction with human beings.Or Human-computer interaction (HCI) concerned
with the design evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for
human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them.
Components of human computer interaction
User by "user", we may mean an individual user, a group of users working together. An
appreciation of the way people's sensory systems (sight, hearing, touch) relay information is
vital. Also, different users form different conceptions or mental models about their interactions
and have different ways of learning and keeping knowledge and. In addition, cultural and
national differences play a part.
Computer When we talk about the computer, we're referring to any technology ranging from
desktop computers, to large scale computer systems. For example, if we were discussing the
design of a Website, then the Website itself would be referred to as "the computer". Devices such
as mobile phones or VCRs can also be considered to be “computers”.
Interaction There are obvious differences between humans and machines. In spite of these, HCI
attempts to ensure that they both get on with each other and interact successfully. In order to
achieve a usable system, you need to apply what you know about humans and computers, and
consult with likely users throughout the design process. In real systems, the schedule and the
budget are important, and it is vital to find a balance between what would be ideal for the users
and what is feasible in reality.

b) Explain what skills are involved in Human computer interaction

 Computer Science
technology, software design, development & maintenance, User Interface Management
Systems (UIMS) & User Interface Development Environments (UIDE), prototyping tools,
 Cognitive Psychology
information processing, capabilities, limitations, cooperative working, performance
 Social Psychology
social & organizational structures
 Ergonomics/Human Factors
hardware design, display readability
 Linguistics
natural language interfaces
 Artificial Intelligence
intelligent software
 Philosophy, Sociology & Anthropology
Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW)
 Engineering & Design
graphic design, engineering principles

CUU Answer booklet

c) Discuss the goals of HCI. (5marks)

 understand the factors that determine how people use technology

 develop tools and techniques to enable building suitable systems
 achieve efficient, effective, and safe interaction
 put people first

d) Explain what is meant by Usability and discuss the features of a usable system.Usability

Usability is one of the key concepts in HCI. It is concerned with making systems easy to

learn and use.

The features of a usable system:

 easy to learn
 easy to remember how to use
 effective to use
 efficient to use
 safe to use
 enjoyable to use

e) Briefly explain the factors which should be considered in the analysis and design of a
system using HCI principles. (5marks)
 Organisation Factors :Training, job design, politics, roles, workorganisation
 Environmental Factors :Noise, heating, lighting, ventilation Health and Safety
 The User: Cognitive processes and capabilities Motivation, enjoyment, satisfaction,
personality, experience
 Comfort Factors:Seating, equipment, layout. Input devices, output devices,
dialogue structures, use of colour, icons, commands, navigation, graphics, natural
language, user support, multimedia
 Task Factors:Easy, complex, novel, task allocation, monitoring, skills
 Constraints : Cost, timescales, budgets, staff, equipment, buildings
System Functionality : Hardware, software, application
 Productivity Factors :Increase output, increase quality, decrease costs, decrease
errors, increase innovation

f) In Human-Centered Design, explain the stages of the design process at which the
customer or representative users should be involved.

CUU Answer booklet

1. Observation
 Making assumptions and hypotheses

 User research (Who are our users? What are their pain points? etc.)

 Empathy

 Understanding “context of use” (behavioral: where and how, and by

whom would the product be used?)
2. Ideation
 Asking the right questions

 Personas

 Empathy maps

 Customer journey maps

 Sketching and ideating

3. Rapid Prototyping - designing and testing solutions

4. User Feedback - User Testing
 User testing and validation (does the product solve a problem?)

 Usability testing (is the product actually usable by people?)

5. Iteration
6. Implementation

CUU Answer booklet


a) Define a prototype
Prototyping is an experimental process where design teams implement ideas into tangible
forms from paper to digital. Teams build prototypes of varying degrees of fidelity to
capture design concepts and test on users. With prototypes, you can refine and validate
your designs so your brand can release the right products
Briefly why user interface designers use prototypes
 Evaluation and feedback are central to interaction design
 Stakeholders can see, hold, and interact with a prototype more easily than a document or a
 Team members can communicate effectively
 You can test out ideas for yourself It encourages reflection: very important aspect of design
 Prototypes answer questions, and support designers in choosing between alternatives

b) Explain what user interface designers’ prototype.

 Technical issues
 Work flow, task design
 Screen layouts and information display
 Difficult, controversial, critical areas

c) What are the differences between mock-ups and prototypes

Mockups are static yet realistic renderings of what a product or feature will look like and how it will
be used.

Prototypes are high-fidelity representations that demonstrate how a user will interact with the new
product or feature.

d) Discuss the advantages of rapid prototyping.

Advantages of rapid prototyping
 Reduced design & development time.
 Reduced overall product development cost.
 Elimination or reduction of risk.
 Allows functionality testing.
 Improved and increased user involvement.
 Ability to evaluate human factors and ergonomics.

e) Briefly explain the difference between Conceptual design and Physical design

- Conceptual designs attempts to identify the highest level of relationships

between entities. Conceptual designs include only important entities.

CUU Answer booklet

- Physical design helps in converting the logical design into the physical form.
f) Discuss the characteristics of Graphical user Interfaces (GUIs).

Characteristi Description

Windows Multiple windows allow different information to be displayed simultaneously

on the user's screen.

Icons Usually icons represent files (including folders and applications), but they
may also stand for processes (e.g., printer drivers).

Menus Menus bundle and organize commands (eliminating the need for a command

Pointing A pointing device such as a mouse is used for command choices from a
menu or indicating items of interest in a window.

Graphical Graphical elements can be commands on the same display.

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