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Dr.T.Murali Krishna B.Tech, M.E., Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
R.M.K.Engineering College
It is a study of Fluids which are at static conditions (at rest).

Hydrostatic Force (Total Pressure):

The normal force exerted by the stationary fluid on any surface is known as
Hydrostatic Force
• Hydrostatic Equation:

From the figure,

Pressure intensity at point ‘A’ can be written as P A=  hA
Pressure intensity at point ‘B’ can be written as P B=  hB
• In general pressure intensity at any point can be written as P =  h
• The above equation states that the pressure ‘P’ at point ‘A’ whose depth is
‘h’ from the surface is equal to the product of ‘ ’ and ‘h’.
• Here ‘P’ varies linearly with the depth ‘h’.
This equation is popularly known as the Hydrostatic Equation.

• From the above equation it is clear that pressure intensity varies linearly
with depth. (As depth increases intensity of pressure increases).
• Also Pressure intensity is constant on a horizontal plane.

Consider a very small triangular shaped

element “ABC” of a liquid as shown in figure.

px=Intensity of horizontal pressure on
the element of liquid
py=Intensity of vertical pressure on the element of liquid
pz=Intensity of pressure on the diagonal side
θ = Angle of the element of liquid

Px=Total pressure on the vertical side ‘AB’

Py=Total pressure on the horizontal side ‘BC’
Pz=Total pressure on the diagonal side ‘AC’
Let w=Self weight of the fluid element. sinθ = x/Pz
x = Pz sinθ
cosθ= y/Pz
y = Pz cosθ
Now, Px = px AB; Py = py BC; Pz = pz AC
As the liquid element is at rest the sum of horizontal and vertical component of
liquid pressure must be zero.
Resolving the force horizontally.
Px= Pz sinθ From, ∆‫؞‬ABC→sinθ=AB/AC AB=AC sinθ

px . AB = pz .AC sinθ
px = pz ------(1)
Resolving the forces vertically
Py = Pz cosθ+w.
As the liquid element is very small we can neglect the self weight (w).
py.BC= pz.AC cosθ From, ∆‫؞‬ABC→cosθ=BC/AC ‫؞‬BC=AC cosθ
py = pz -------(2)
From equation (1)&(2) we can write
px = py = pz -------(3)

Equation(3) is called Pascal’s law.

• Pascal’s law state that “The intensity of pressure at any point in liquid at rest
is the same in all directions”
Measurement of pressure:
Pressure of a fluid is measured in two different system
(i) Absolute zero pressure (or) Vaccum pressure
(ii) Atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric Pressure(Patm):
It is the pressure exerted by air (or) atmosphere on all surfaces
Patm=760mm of mercury (Hg) (or) 10.34m of water (or) 1.01325bar (or) 1 atmosphere
(“bar” is the unit for measuring pressure, 1bar=100kpa=105 N/m2)

Absolute pressure(Pabs):
It is defined as the pressure which is measured with reference to absolute zero

Gauge pressure(Pguage):
The pressure which is measured with the help of pressure measuring instrument
in which atmospheric pressure is taken as base(Datum).

Vaccum pressure(Pvac):
A pressure is below atmospheric pressure is called as vaccum pressure.
• Measurement of pressure:

Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure ∓ Gauge pressure

• Pabs = Patm ∓ Pgauge

• Pvac = Patm - Pabs

SI unit of pressure is →N/m2 (or) PASCAL

• Pressure measuring Devices:

Manometer and pressure gauges are used for measurement for pressure.
If the pressure range is high (>1 bar) then pressure gauges are used.
If the pressure range is low (≤1bar) then monometers are used.
• It is the simplest form of manometer used to measure gauge pressure.
• One end of manometer is connected to the point where pressure is to be
measured and other end is open to the atmosphere.
• The rise of liquid give the pressure head.

Pressure head, hA=PA/ 

Pressure at point A, PA =  hA
• It consist of a glass tube bent in ‘U’shape.
• One end of it is connected to a point at which pressure is to be measured
and the other end remain open to the atmosphere.
• The tube generally contain mercury (or) any other liquid having specific
gravity greater than specific gravity of liquid for which pressure is to be
(i) For Guage Pressure:
• From figure let ‘B’ is point at which pressure is to measured.
(ie) pressure head at point ‘B’ is ‘hB’.
Let ‘A-A’ is the datum line.
Let ‘h1’ is the height of lighter liquid above datum line,
‘h2’ height of heavy liquid above datum line.
s1 is specific gravity of lighter liquid, s 2 is specific gravity of heavy liquid.
As the pressure is same for horizontal plane
Pressure head above ‘A-A’ in left column = hB + h1s1 -------(1)
Pressure head above ‘A-A’ right column = h2s2 -------(2)
Equation(1) = Equation(2)
hB+ h1s1 = h2s2
Pressure head at point B, hB= h2s2 - h1s1

pressure at the point B, PB= hB

(ii) For Vaccum Pressure:

Pressure head above ‘A-A’ in the left column = hB+h1s1+h2s2 ------(1)

Pressure head above ‘A-A’ in right column = 0 -----(2)
Equation (1) = Equation (2)
hB= - (h1s1+h2s2 )

• Pressure at point B, PB=  hB

Problem 1:
The right limb of a simple u-tube manometer containing mercury is open to the
atmosphere while the left limb is connected to a pipe in which liquid of specific
gravity 0.9 is flowing the center of the pipe is 12cm below the level of mercury
in right limb .Find the pressure of fluid in pipe, if the difference of mercury level
between two limbs is 20cm.
Given data:
Specific gravity of liquid in the pipe, s 1 =0.9
Specific gravity of mercury s2=13.6
Difference of mercury level h2=20cm = 0.2 m
Height of liquid above ‘A-A’ in the left limb,
let ‘hB’ is the pressure head at point ‘B’

Equating the pressure head above ‘A-A’ → hB+h1s1= h2s2

hB + 0.08 x 0.9 = 0.2 x 13.6

Pressure at point ‘B’ PB=  hB

PB = 9810 x 2.648
= 25976 N/m2 (or) 2.5976 N/cm2
Problem 2:
A simple u-tube manometer containing mercury is connected to a pipe in which
a fluid of specific gravity 0.8 and having vaccum pressure is flowing, the other
end of manometer is open to atmosphere. Find the vaccum pressure at the
pipe if the difference of mercury level between two limbs is 40cm and height of
fluid in left limb from the center of pipe is15cm below.

Given data,
Specific gravity of fluid s1=0.8
Specific gravity of mercury s2=13.6
Difference of mercury level h2=40cm =0.4m
Height of liquid in left limb h 1=15cm =0.15m
Equating the pressure head above datum line ‘A-A’,
hB + 0.15 x 0.8 + 0.8 x 13.6=0

Pressure at point PB =  hB
PB = 9810 x -5.56
= -54543.6 N/m2 (or) -5.453 N/cm2.
Vertical single column manometer:
Let h1=height of center of pipe above x-x
h2 =rise of heavy liquid in the right limb
hB=pressure head at point B.
s1=specific gravity liquid in the pipe.
s2=specific gravity of heavy liquid in the Reservoir and the right limb.
∆h= fall of heavy liquid in the reservoir.
∆h =a/A x h2
where a =cross section area of the tube
A=area of cross section of reservoir
Pressure head or equating the pressure, hB+h1s1=∆h(s2-s1)+h2s2

when the area ‘A’ is very large compare to ‘a’ then the ratio ‘a/A’ become very
small and can be neglected.
Pressure head at point B = hB=h2s2-h1s1

Pressure at point B→ PB =  hB
• Vertical single column manometer
• Inclined single column monometer:
Let L= length of heavy liquid moved in right limb above ‘X-X’
𝜃=inclination of right limb with horizontal
Pressure head at point B,
From figure sin𝜃=h2/L
h2=L sin𝜃
Pressure head at point B, hB = (L sin𝜃 )s2 - h1s1
Pressure at point B PB =  hB
Differential manometer:
• Differential manometer is a devise used for measuring the difference of
pressure between two points of a pipe (or) between two different pipes.
• It consist of U-tube containing heavy fluid.
• The two ends are connected to the point where difference of pressure is to
be measured.
(i) U-tube differential manometer
(a) When two pipes are at different levels:
From figure let,
h=difference of mercury level in the tube
y=Distance of center of ‘B’ from
mercury level in the right limb.
x=Distance of center of ‘A’ from the
mercury level in the right limb
s1 =specific gravity of liquid in pipe ’A’
s2=specific gravity of liquid in pipe ‘B’
sg=specific gravity of heavy liquid (mercury)
Take ‘X-X’ as Datum line
• Pressure head above ‘X-X’ in the left limb = hA+xs1+hs1 -----(1)
• Pressure head above ‘X-X’ in the right limb = hB+ys2+hsg -----(2)
Equation(1) = Equation(2)
hA + xs1 + hs1 = hB +ys2+hsg
Difference of pressure head, (hA - hB) = h(sg-s1 )+ys2-xs1
(b) when two pipes are at same level and contain liquid of some specific gravity

By taking ‘x-x’ as datum line,

Pressure head above ‘X-X’ in left limb = hA+xs1+hs1
= hA+(x+h)s1 ------(1)
Pressure head above ‘X-X’ in the right limb = hB+xs1+hsg ------(2)
Inverted u-tube contains liquid which is lighter than the liquid flowing in the pipe
h1= height of liquid in the left limb below the line ‘x-x’
h2=height of liquid in the right limb
h= difference of lighter liquid
s1=specific gravity of liquid at point ‘A’
s2=specific gravity of liquid at point ‘B’
s=specific gravity of lighter liquid
hA=pressure head at point A
hB=pressure head at point B
Taking ‘x-x’ as datum line :
Pressure head in left limb below ‘x-x’
=hA-h1s1 -----(1)
Pressure head in right limb below ‘x-x’
=hB-h2s2-hs -----(2)
Problem 3:
A differential manometer is connected at two point ‘A’ and ‘B’ of two pipes as
shown in figure. The pipe ‘A’ contains a liquid of specific gravity 1.5 and pipe ‘B’
contain a liquid of specific gravity 0.9. The pressure at A and B are 1kg(f)/cm 2
and 1.8 kg(f)/cm2. Find difference of mercury level in the differential
Given data:
Specific gravity of liquid at A , SA=1.5
Specific gravity of liquid at B , SB=0.9

Pressure at point A, PA=1 kg(f)/cm2

=1x104 kg(f)/m2
Pressure at point B, PB=1.8kg(f)/cm2
• Pressure head at A, hA=PA/  A
Here SA =specific gravity of point A
SA = A/  water
SA =  A /1000kg(f)/m3
1.5 =  A /1000
 A =1500kg(f)/m3
→ hA = PA /  A
• hA =1x104/1500
hA =6.67m
→ hB= PB / B
SB=  B /1000kg(f)m3
0.9x1000=  B
 B =900kg(f)/m3
hB =1.8x104/900
hB =20m
Pressure head above ‘x-x’ in left limb = hA+(3+2)sA+h sg
=14.17+13.6h ------(1)
Pressure head above ‘x-x’ in right limb =hB+(2+h)sB
= 21.8+0.9h ----(2)
Thank you

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