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Brand book 1

01 Logotype
Bitcoin Vault logotype
This is the basic Bitcoin Vault
logotype. Using of it and it’s
variations is restricted to rules
that can be found on following
pages. Please always refer to
this brand book while designing
any of promotional materials.

Logotype variations
These are all variations of the
logotype that you can use in
your materials. Please, use only
files provided by us. They are
prepared both for web (RGB)
and printing (CMYK) purposes.
Logotypes with white text is
meant to be used on black, very
dark or our gradient background
as described in “Colors” section.
01 Logotype
Safe area
Safe area is a visually defined space
around a logotype. The space is
set as a transparent bounding
box in each file. You must neither
place any elements nor text in this
area. It must stay clear and free
of any other design elements.
Keep clear!

01 Logotype
Please, use only files provided by us
and follow the rules containeed in this
brand book.

Don’t change colors of the logotype. Don’t

Please don’t make any of listed or any
other mistakes.

Don’t place the logotype on non-uniform background. Avoid background color similar to
signet colors. White text on a light background and black text on a dark one are forbidden.

Don’t put any text or contrasting elements into the logotype. Don’t change the scale of
the logotype and its elements and/or their position.


02 Colors
gradient gradient
end color start color Digital
#c89c65 #ffd663 #000000 Bitcoin Vault uses a specific colors of
R  200 R  255 R  0 gradient for its logos. Please use the
G  156 G  214 G  0
proper file depending on its purpose.
B  101 B  99 B  0
RGB for web and presentations, and
CMYK for offset printing. Colors are
exact and you must not change or
convert them on your own. Logotype
with white letters is meant to be used
on very dark backgrounds like black
or our gradient. This elegant gradient
described here is the same as on our
gradient gradient
website so we recommend to use it to
end color start color
keep the communication consistent.
#1f001f #a6053b #000000
The gradient must be set vertically.
R  31 R  166 R  0
G  0 G  5 G  0
B  31 B  59 B  0

02 Colors
gradient gradient
end color start color Print
or Bitcoin Vault uses a specific colors of
C  10 C  0 C  0   40 gradient for its logos. Please use the
M  35 M  15 M  0   30
proper file depending on its purpose.
Y  60 Y  70 Y  0   20
K  15 K  0 K   
100 100 RGB for web and presentations, and
CMYK for offset printing. Colors
are exact and you must not change
or convert them on your own. For
large printing forms, use rich black
(40/30/20/100), and for smaller printing
forms use 100% black. Logotype with
white letters is meant to be used on
gradient gradient
very dark backgrounds like black or
end color start color
our gradient. This elegant gradient
described here is the same as on our
C  75 C  0 C  0   40
website so we recommend to use it to
M  100 M  100 M  0   30
Y  35 Y  45 Y  0   20 keep the communication consistent.
K  90 K  30 K  100
  100 The gradient must be set vertically.

100% black Rich black

C  0 C  40
M  0 M  30
Y  0 Y  20
K  100 K  100
02 Colors
Usage examples
A higher standard
Examples of internet banners. Using
A higher in security
of golden icons is suggested for
in security stronger communication.

A higher standard
A higher in security
standard Bitcoin Vault is developed to provide

in security an extra level of security based on

a three-private-key security structure.

Bitcoin Vault is now listed on Coineal & Liquid

Bitcoin Vault is now listed

on Coineal & Liquid
03 Typography
How to start? Ubuntu Bold (headline) Typeface for Bitcoin Vault is Ubuntu.
Light for paragraph text and Bold
Ubuntu Light for headlines. For emphesizing use

Bitcoin Vault is developed to provide an extra (paragraph text) Bold, but do not change a color and
font size. Using Ubuntu Light for the
level of security based on a three-private-key
Ubuntu Bold headline is allowed, when there is no
security structure. It features all the convenience
(for emphasizing) following paragraph text, but Bold
of Bitcoin while adding important features must be used for emphasizing most
allowing user transparency and freedom. important part of communication. Set
the Line height for 150% of a font size
for paragraph and 110% for headline.
Text color is black or white depend
Ubuntu Bold (headline) on background. While preparing
A higher standard
in security printing materials please set the
Bitcoin Vault is developed to provide right kerning for digits. Figure Style
an extra level of security based on Ubuntu Light (paragraph text)
a three-private-key security structure. should be set for Proportional Lining
and it can be found in OpenType
Features (Adobe software). For
non-latin (asian) letters use Noto
Sans Light and Bold respectively.
Mixed Ubuntu Bold and Light (Bold for emphasizing)

Bitcoin Vault is now listed

on Coineal & Liquid
Version 1.01/2020

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