Hebrew - Phrase Dictionary and Study Guide

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Es EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LANGUAGE /30 SPEAKING A YG Phrase Dictionary and Study Guide A FEW WORDS FROM CHARLES BERLITZ WORLD FAMQUS LINGUIST Let me introduce you to the cassette course you have chosen to study. In it you will find the basic phrases needed for communication in this lan- guage. There are two important things to remem- ber about learning a new language: Be interested in the people, their country and language. Want to leam the language. Practice it as often as you can. Nothing is more effective in creating a friendly atmo- sphere and nothing flatters people more than when a foreigner tries to speak their language. The voice on these cassettes will say a phrase in English. Then you will hear the translation of the phrase repeated twice. During the pause after the second repetition, repeat the phrase aloud. Try to imitate the pronunciation as nearly as you can. Read the words as they are spoken on the cas- sette and use the guide to help you remember the words and pronounce them during the pauses, Remember, knowing the language Is the best way of knowing the country and enjoying it more. Charles Berlitz Phrase Dictionary and Study Guide | Hebrew yay ISBN 0-910542-80-5 LANGUAGE/30 Educational Services Washington, D.C. Hebrow Editor Ruth Raphaeli, Ed.D. Produced and edited by ‘Wendy Montanari Kilpatrick, M.A. Brian Wright Recorded by Evan Haning, Mali Cohen, and Moshe Cohen Published by Educational Services Corporation 1725 K Street, N.W., Suite 408 ‘Washington, D.C. 20008 (©1995 Educational Services Corporation, Washington, 0. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be raprodiloet in any form without permission from the publisher All LANGUAGEI30 components produced in the U8 # 7 CONTENTS ee INTROBUGTION.. « ccutciswsscvunseevaaeses i PRONUNCIATION HINTS: THE HEBREW ALPHABET .. SOUNDS OF THE HEBREW LANGUAGE ............ 0 ¥ GENERAL EXPRESSIONS Salutations : Everyday Expressions Introductions é Getting Acquainted... Inquiries on the Street... PLACES OF INTEREST (Sid22) .ccceeeeee 12 NUMBERS, TIME, COLORS Numbers ‘ Time v2... Days of the Wack Months of the Year ‘The Weather ......... eae Colors sees. : ane PERSONAL NEEDS Atthe Hotel... ose. reovce cats otaatoy EB Money... Food and Drink’ (Sie 9 ‘Atthe Restaurant . Shopping ........ Leisure... COMMUNICATIONS The Post Office 2... Al the Office (Side-4) 2.2.2 The Telephone ....... TRANSPORTATION Travel. In the Car 7 At the Airport... ‘At Customs EMERGENCY & MEDICAL SITUATIONS vee Ml INTRODUCTION SOCIAL CUSTOMS & POLITE EXPRESSIONS ....... 44 Hebrew is one of the world’s most ancient languages and the original language of most of the text in the Bible. It BASIC HEBREW GRAMMAR (not recorded) . a7 developed some three thousand years ago in ancient Israel, a and in modern times it has been undergoing a unique process IMPORTANT SIGNS (not recorded) of revival. Hebrew is the official language of over four milion VOCABULARY INDEX leasitcenpi yen 54 people in Israel. Outside Israel it is taught in schools and programs in Jewish communities as well as in colleges and universities worldwide Hebrew was spoken for some 1300 years in ancient times, from the settlement of Canaan by the Israelites in about 1200 8.c., until after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 4.0. When the Jews became dispersed, Hebrew ceased to be used as a spoken language for some 1700 years. Nevertheless, the written Hebrew continued to grow and expand, serving as the liturgical, scholarly and literary language, as well as the language of documents and correspondence of the Jewish people. During this time a vasi literature was written in Hebrew, covering such diverse areas as biblical commentary, law, philosophy, science, history, travel, religious and secular poetry, drama and entertainment. In addition, numerous books were translated inlo the language. Hebrew newspapers began lo appear in ‘the 18th century, and secular Hebrew novels in the 18th century. Each product of this intensive intellectual activity contributed to the growth of the language. The renaissance of Hebrew as a spoken language was linked to the awakening of Jewish nationalism, Zionism, and pioneering, which began toward the end of the 19th century. Eliezer Ben Yehudah, who left Poland to live in Jerusalem in 1881, was instrumental in presenting and propagating the idea of using Hebrew again for daily communication. Adjusting the traditional written language to the needs of everyday life in modern times was not easy, but it was carried out with great enthusiasm. When the slate of Israel was proclaimed in 1948, Hebrew was already a functioning modern language, fully established as the living language of the Jewish community in the country. Throughout the ages, some aspects of the language remained stable while others changed greatly. Each period inherited the vocabulary and grammar of earlier times, yet it also expanded its vocabulary and developed new syntactical patterns and meanings. Thus, a different, distinct form of Hebrew was created. The student who focuses on one period in the history of the language will be able to transfer his or her studies to the Hebrew of other periods. In the span of one hundred years since the first days of its revival, thousands of new words have been created in the language. This is possible thanks to the structural character istics of Hebrew which enable davalopment from its own roots. Vocabulary creation and other language-planning is- sues are supervised by the Academy of the Hebrew lan- guage. Modern Hebrew has also developed several levels, each of ‘which is used in a different context. Thus, there are levels for formal daily communication, for formal or legal situations, for technical and scientific purposes and for the growing volume of literary expression, There is also a lively, rapidly changing Hebrew slang much favored by the youth Encompassing all areas of life and gaining ever greater flexibility, contemporary Hebrew has succeeded in becoming the dynamic, vibrant language of modem Israel. PRONUNCIATION HINTS The Jewish population of Israel consists of Sabras (those bor and raised in Israel) and immigrants. The immigrant population is of extremely diverse origin. The Hebrew of immigrants bears an equally diverse variety of accents from Russian to Yemenite and from Romanian to Ethiopian. De~ spite this, two principal tracitions of pronunciation may be discemed: the Sephardic and the Ashkenazi. The Sepharci¢ tradition is essentially Viddle Eastern and North African, where pronunciation of many of the original Semitic conso= rants of biblical Hebrew was preserved. These people still pronounce the pharyngeal consonants het and ‘ayin in the manner common to Semitic languages. ‘The Ashkenazi Jews, living in the non-Semitic, European Janguage milieu, long ago underwent a pronunciation change. ‘They pronounce the het like a khaf (as ch in Bach), and the ‘ayin like an ‘alef. The Jewish population in Israel today is approximately one half Ashkenazi and one half Sephardic. However, the younger generation, including the children of ‘Sephardic families, tend to adopt the Ashkenazi pattern of Hebrew pronunciation. In this course, both patterns are demonstrated in the section on Hebrew sounds, and Ashkenazi pronunciation is used throughout the remaining sections. Vowels in the Hebrew script are indicated by lines and dots placed below and above consonants. The letters vav and yod (see the pronunciation guide) are the only ones which may serve both as vowels and consonants in Hebrew. A Hebrew text which contains all the vowel markings is called a vocalized or “pointed” text. Today, in Israel, such lexis are used in only limited areas: the Bible, prayer books and other religious texts, and in books and literature for young chil dren, new immigrants and other language learners. All other texts are written and printed without the vowel markings. In order to illustrate how the reader of Hebrew decodes an unvocalized text such as a newspaper, we may take the simple English word caf which, with the vowels removed, appears as ct. In order to read this correctly, the reader has to know that the word is not cof or cut, but that itis cal. This may be properly decoded only by a reader who is familiar with the word and the context. The fact that this method is practiced universally in Israeli Hebrew means that it serves without difficulty for those who are fluent in the language. It is also clear that unvocalized Hebrew may pose problems for those who have not achieved a high level of fluency. For this reason, unvocalized texis are usually written with addi- tional vavs and yods, the two letters which can serve as vowels. A vooalized text has been used in this course. In the pronunciation column, boldface letters mark the slressed syllables, and hyphens indicate syllable breaks. This guide is to help you to pronounce the written Hebrew, but the best way to improve your pronunciation is to imitate the speakers on the cassettes. Throughout the text phrases specific to a male speaker are marked (ms) and those specific to a female speaker (fs). Adjectives for gender-specific (masculine, feminine, neuter) nouns are marked (m), (8), or (n). When you start the cassette player, you will hear the Hebrew alphabet followed by the sounds of the Hebrew vowels and consonants. You will then hear English phrases immediately translated into Hebrew. Each Hebrew phrase is repeated, then followed by a pause. During the pause, say the Hebrew phrase aloud. Tests show that a word spoken ten to twenty times is remembered more readily than a word seen fifty to one hundred times, so say the phrases aloud as often as possible, When you hear words spoken by Hebrew-speaking people in conversation and on television or radio, say them to yourself. Try to pronounce words you see on signs and in books, magazines, and newspapers, Please note that, unlike English, the Hebrew language is written and read from right to left. Now siart the cassette on Side 1. Side 1 THE HEBREW ALPHABET nowrpyavoinotemsing: SOUNDS OF THE HEBREW LANGUAGE 2 $ £ oh bebe od 528 g $2 fee & 2F 23 ag VOWELS or as in car, without a ‘ Ge the r sound Ror por —asinget e 8 “ior between the ee 2 in meet and the iin bit jor asoinmore, 0 518 shalom 4 without the r fed lo sound lor Se hieiie yO pusrim sometimes as in let; sometimes silent 5 5 5 5 —! § § 2 ae & § Bi OEE Oy # fi PEP aed Reis F af pGF ff. af § i! fe. ge #2 § & iz s gs s 2 GS 5 SHosns ss. és 2d € aes & 28 & DIPHTHONGS: 7 (hel) no equivalontfor haa] hanuckah ay ae the Sept ayeu Ashkenazi het oh 37s haenurkah as in prey sounds like the German ch in y asin boy Bach sina to eul vy nasty ip AMON tl ZONSONANTS Se Navid Beene OM. X(alef) the glotial stop: a8 1S INADA Ih RSS sounds like the re D(khaf)asGerman chin kh 7t772._brackha vowel which Ros Bach follows it; silent Tt 1 (khaf o 2 i am J (kha as German ch in at the end of De sofit**) Bach words 8a 2 ee a(bet) as b inboy b 73 elamedhy ep Wale 5 (mem) a(vet) as vinvan v ery a : pis 4 B(mem as minman 2(gimel) as g inget 9g iz ga-dol sofit) (dalet) a 2 3(nun)— asninno (he) ashinhere, h < silent at the end ne Sa-rah Meant Solas nine, of words (samekh)as s in see v(vav) asin van v a1 Da-vid p(ayin) no equivalent for * oD Yee agen Sephardic ‘ayi a9 ‘teayin) _aszinzoo z ID mazal dehiosaal atte 6c Se sounds like ‘alef oyiy * Combination of two vowel sounds in one syllable, vi s(pe)aspinpat —p 723 fit refers to the form of the latter when itis used at the end of the word. vii > § eSe 5 & 3 f55 fs ga ae #3 .E3G 5 (fe sofit) as finfish 8 (tsadi) as is in cat Y(tsadi sts in cats ts sofit) P (kof) ask inkit Kk Tap s(resh) Sephardic r Pa ‘sounds like tolled Italian ©; Ashkenazi r rae rosh sounds like German or Yiddish pronounced in the back of the throat show sh —sshanah_ W (shin) as sh (sin) ass insoe s 78 Sarah two vill ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION my GENERAL EXPRESSIONS SALUTATIONS nba Hello! sha-lom. ciy ‘or Goodbye." Welcome! (toa ba-rukh ha-bal male) or(to atemale) —-bru-Khahha-ba“ahl =| mh Good moming. _bo-ker tov. Good evening Good night. See you! or fo ay ipisanTe vib EVERYDAY EXPRESSIONS Yes No. OK. Really? be-e-met? Please. be-varka-shah, cenror oma Thank you. to-dah. Thank you very to-dah ra-bah. much, You're welcome. ‘al lo da- +” Shatom's also used to mean Good afternoon and Good day. Literally, it means peace, well-being, welfare. ® An apostrophe indicates that the expression has been shortened. ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION may ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION oa Tdon't know. “een lo yo-de-a" 2 8 Come with mel bo ‘Hil Dag SE (ms) (io a male) or (fs) lo yo-da-‘at. DOT? RW or(toatemale) — bo-" ‘-ti! 1m Ria bib mt wes serach What is this? or mah zeh? 2m [think so. (ms) fho-shev. Soi ‘What is that? or(ts) ; - Ws beauliul, ze ya-feh me“od TARE mt an hahevel SS delicious ta-tim me-'od see Be I don't think so. ‘ani lo ho-shev “ain 838 wonderful nila Ron (ms) interesting me-an-yen or (is) ‘anil maith 8b as exciting me-ra-gesh ho;she ok What is the mah ha-‘in-yan? ? What do you mah ‘etah ag TS 7 matter? think? (fo a male) ho-shev? 5; eS or(to.atemale) mah ‘at 1 ngafin AS 7p Emegid el OR ho-she-vet? Tm hot ham ii Son Why not? Vm hungry. (ms) ‘acai 2A a or fs) "anni reve-vah. 28 2 ; ee irae thirsty (ms) tsa-me Noy orto a female) orite} Emenah Tyee aus tired (ms) ‘ayet a8 Its fine. ors) ‘acye-fah mpiy eee happy (ins) se-me-ah nop GOB cu ors) ‘sme-hah ame Maybe. sad (ms) ‘atsuv ep a ors) ‘artsu-vah mua Cheelleeriansiee: fine be-se-der ait! 2 eR paseele Please donot nao le-hat- DTD 8D Ry Itdoesn't matter. _zeh to ha-shuv Sey am disturb me. Be carefull ze-hi-rutl Lara Where isthe “ey-foh > EYRE BWW ee ? Aneeidtim? et (AFA bathroom hha-she-ructim’ (toa male) or{lo.a female) tir ron Listen to this! tish-ma‘! 1 agi (loa male) orito.a female) _tish-me-l ora ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION INTRODUCTIONS My name is David. shmi da-vid. mah si What is your name? (to a male) ar(to a female) his name her name shmekh. shmo shma ‘Are you Daniel Galili? ‘Are you Rachel Levi? Let me introduce you. Let me introduce my friend. (male). or (female) hachan she-li. my colleague — he-ha-ver she-li min (male) ha-'a-vo-dah or(female) —_—harha-ve-rah she-li min ha-‘a-vo-dah Wis very nice to na-im me-'od. meet you. How are you? mah shlom-kha? (to. a male) or(to a female) mah shlo-mekh? ® Literally: Please meet each other. “ey n720 aa ATpayy jae mam ayawn po 1 ype me 2 yeh m0 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION mp Pm fine, thanks, —shlo-mi tov, to-dah, Tin Sis whe and you? (toa —_ve-'actah? 2 TRS) male) shlo-mitov, to-dah, —T7in sin “pibey or(toafemaley ——_veat? 2S) Where are you me-'a-yin 'a-tah? 2 TMS TSA from? (to a male) or (to a female) TAR TSA Vm from the USA. BT PASTA Great Britain Canada mi-ka-na-dah Australia me-ost-ral-yah Where do you live? ‘ey-foh 1 gar (to a male) or (to a female) TAB DS TTS ‘ey-foh “at ga-rah? Hive in New York. ‘acni gar be-nu-york. Parse of (ms) or (fs) ‘aeni ga-rah pa Tw be-nu-york. How do you say it oR TS in Hebrew? ee) Do you speak “tah me-darber. 7 7:28 "TD TES English? (toa ang-lit? male) ‘or(toatemale) ‘atme-da-be-ret. 2 MOURN PADD PN ‘ang-lit? ‘Yes, a little. ken, ke-tsat. Idon't speak — i 10 me-da-ber Hebrew viel ‘iverit hey-tev. Could you please “ef sharle-da-ber = “7? 7377 way speak more yo-ter le'at? 7 oad slowly? 5 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION map Do you ‘atah me-vin? Are you married? ‘a-tah na-suy? 20 TES understand? (toa male) (to. amale) or(toa ’atne-su“ah?- 2 TD or(to atemale) ‘at me-vi-nah? a) female) I don’t understand. ‘a-ni lo me-vin, 733 My best wishes to dri-shat sha-lom By m7 (ms) your family. la-mish-pa-hah. or (fs) 23a RO or dash amp Eases oA la-mish-pa-hah, i awe h ane oe oa wile leish-te-kha Pataca husband le-va-'a-lekh Could you please 737) TBS mother lei-ma repeat it? 7 ope Ty father le“a-ba Excuse me, ao SaUGTEE eae a son ta-ben GETTING sister la'a-hot ACQUAINTED brother la-ah aunt la-do-dah 7 Where are you ‘ey-foh ‘atah lan? uncle lacdod aH . MICE ei. Ae SOMO * INERT eee Is David at home? de-vid ba-ba-yit? Sa or(to atemale) —_‘ey-foh ‘at lana? He's not in. hu lo ba-ba-yit maa 8 877 Jam staying al the ‘a-ni lan be-ma-lon She's notin hilo bacbayit. a3 87 are bes" When willhe ma-tayhuya-shuv? 9.3 8 ors) "ern le-nah i aun, icc FT fae be-ma-lon dan. When willshe -matay hi ta-shuv? Have you been to kvarha-ytapa‘am G8D A" a> Israel before?! ba-a-rets? 27382 (oamale) —_kvar ha-yit pa-'am eg 17] 739 ‘or (to a female) ba-'a-rets? psa This is my first. ur “apa visit to Israel, ha-rishon she-li Sea 8 be-yis-ra-’el. © Literally: Have you been inthe land before? return? ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION my Would you like to ‘acta ro-tseh la-vo Nia TSI TEN come to my ‘e-lay be: 2 nowa “oe house on Saturday? (toa male) or(toafemals) "at ro-tsah la-vo win? 7 ve-lay be-sha-bat? 7 awa “ON for lunch la“a-ru-hat Orgy HTN? Iso-ho-ra-yim dinner le-'aru-hat zwar ‘exev coffee le-ka-feh Please come in. be-va-ka-shah le-hi-ka-nes. Please sit down. be-va-ka-shah la-she-vet, Make yourself al tar-gish kmo home. (toa ba-bayil male) or(loatemale) — tar-gi-shi kmo ba-ba-yit Would you like something to eat? (to a male) or(loatemale) — toktrli ma-she-hu? to drink (toa lish-teh male) or (lo a female) Do you smoke? (to a male) or (to a female) Do you have a light? (to a male) or(toafemale) yesh lakh‘esh? oe ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ney Tdon'tsmoke. _“eeni lo me-'arshen. y802 BO (ms) or (is) ‘ent raion oN lo me-‘a-she-net. Do you mindif| —ikh-pat le-kha ‘in 7D FEDS smoke? (to a ‘ani’e‘a-shen? =? WER IE CN male) or(toatemale) —_ikh-pat lakh ‘im a-ni 7 TESS ‘a'a-shen? JER ON OB Would you mind ‘ef-shar lo le-'a- yeu NO TwES not smoking, shen, be-va-ke- ogee] please?® shah? Thanks for a to-dah ‘al ha-kol. S30 by aA wondertul time. Come again soon, ta-vo le-va-ker shuv. ait) "p2? Ni2p (to a male) or(toafemale) ta-vorilevarker aw Tipo NOD What are you 2 rpiv TS 7D doing? (to a male) or(toafemale) mah ‘at ‘o-sah? 2 rip ms me Where are you lean ‘a-tah going?(to a ho-lekh? male) or(toafemale) — le-'an’atho-le-khet? 7 2417 FN 8? 2 fein ms te? I'm going to work. ‘acni ho-lekh (ms) lac'avo-dah. or (fs) ho-le-khet la-'a-vo-dah. shopping likni-yot © Literally: is # possible not to smoke, please? ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION fun) Could! go with —“u-khal lale-khet 2 HS TS SS8 you? (to a male} -kha? khal la-le-khet 2 pS rth Soe or (to a female) -takh? Thave tobe back ‘e-ni tserikhla-shuy wip T7y °R by seven o'clock. be-she-va’. S203 (ms) or (fs) ‘arni tsri-khah la- DW? APT shuv be-she-vé 3303 We're leaving right ‘a-nab-nu yots"im isp Das? ITN now. ‘akh-shav. Are you ready? —_‘a-tah mu-khan? 27po TDS (to amale) or{to.a female) ‘at mu-kha-nah? 1 TA RS Please wait for —ha-kehli, be-va-ka- 1 7yP39 “9 77: me! (toa male) shah! or(to a female) —_harki fi, be-va-ka- tmgpan 9 o0 INQUIRIES ON ‘THE STREET aig nia Could you tell me sl-hah, ‘eykh ma-ge OI TS, APTS the way to the ‘im le-shageri-rut US.Embassy, ‘ar-tsotha-brit? 7 TN please? to the main le-re-hov sorgy an street ha-ra-shi Where isthe _‘ey-foh beyt DOB] a PR synagogue? _ha-kne-set? the church mopt the park es What is the name mah shem ofthis street? ha-re-hov ha-zeh? 10 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION my Which way is ‘ey-foh ha-tsa-fon? 7 BST TER north? south Bing east nse 27987 Where are we on “ey-foh ‘a-nal-nu this map? ba-ma-pah ha-zot? Could you please “ef-shar le-har"ot II? 7° mi87i show me? Could you please _‘ef-shar likh-tov write it down? Sing) THER amigas mt ns Turn right. (to a male) or (to a female) ti Turn left. (toa male) or(to atemale) _tif-ni smo-lah. TNbY AR Go straight ahead. lekh ya-shar. “oP (lo. amale) or (to a female) Go back that way. tah-zor ‘a- (to a male) or(to atemale) _tab-ze-rl ‘a-ho-rah, le-khi ya-shar. 9 rah. azing Aye apy INE, © Literally: 15 it possible to show me? * Literally: ts possible to write it down? "1 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION sma ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION rma Side 2 the Bahai le-mik-dash Temple hha-ba-ha-yimn PLACES OF INTEREST the Maritime la-mu-ze-on Museum’? ha-ya-mi How farisitto the mah ha-mer-hak mi Knesset?" poh la-kne-set? NUMBERS, TIME, COLORS How do I get to the ’ekh ma-giim le-har oo 78 Mount of Olives? he-zey-tim? one NUMBERS the Westen le-ko-tel OF penal wall? ha-sma~a-ra-vi one: the Dome of le-mis-gad‘o-mar — 7g1y 73509 two the Rock three orthe Mosque fou of Omar five the Church likh-ne-styat roy ain of the Holy ha-ke-ver winps 7apr ler Sepulcher ha-ka-dosh eight the Damascus —le-sha“‘arshkhem = coy 790 nine Gate _ Mount Scopus —_le-har hal-tso-fim Dee wn? ten the Advashem —_le-yad va-shem oy 1, eleven Memorial twelve : B the Israel le-mu-ze-on Spntr phoma thirleen shlosh ‘es-reh ep Museum vyisstevel fourteen 'ar-ba' ‘es-reh ame SN the Promenade” le:ta-ye-let fifteen hha-mesh ‘es-reh Ane we the Diaspora ——_le-mu-ze-on sixteen ‘ehgal carey Museum hat-u-tsot seventeen shva' ‘es-reh the Mann le-hey-khal mane bon} eighteen shmo-neh ‘es-reh 9 Tae ‘Au nineteen te-sha' ‘es-reh moby von rium" The Knesset is the Israeli Parliament, located in Jerusalem, ® also known as the Walling Wall 2 The above places of interest are located in Jerusalem, + The Diaspora Museum and the Mann Aucitorium are located in Tol Aviv 12 "The Bahai Temple and the Mariime Museum are located in Haifa. 13 ENGLISH ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION remap PRONUNCIATION ‘twenty oy TIME twenty-one Fas DDD twenty-two orgs op What time isit? mah ha-sha-‘ah? nag ‘twenty-three oho omy t's one o'clock, ‘a-hat. ie Soe ene cued Hs four o'clock. ‘ar-ba oN forty ‘ar-ba-‘im Dye ee , fifty ha-mi-shim Deron I's ten to eight. ‘e-ser da-kot myog? rip ey sixty __ shi-shim Dee li-shmo-neh. seventy ‘im on eae > ae eighty ahmocnim oa Re past te-sha’ va-re-va' 227) SO ninety tish-‘im Rin 2 aeMiel ean ra It's half past one. ST] Pm two hundred ma-ta-yim a It's early. ype Ww three hundred —_shlosh me-‘ot we ror Rar eae She, Inetaea HPs althree inthe be-sha-losh spas wa first (mm)? Tien moming ba-bo-ker ort) tesho-nah mich seedy Gir Ke Sam Re ST second (m) —_she-n w ne ; or(f) shni-yah “0 eed a third (m) shli-shi why Shall we meet in or(f) shli-shit the afternoon? —_ha-tso-ho-ra-yim? fourth (m) revit tomorrow at fen or(f) re-vi-‘it this evening cortonight oe ‘i inten minutes —_be-‘od ‘e-ser pa-'a-ma-yim gro ten percent ‘a-sa-rah in two hours be-'od ogy vg How old are you? ben ka-mah ‘a-tah? es balsa act (to @ male) at noon bi-shtem ‘es-reh Tey ora or(to afemale) bal ka-mah ‘at? ba-tso-ho-ra-yim Osa [am 34, (ms) "acni ben shlo-shim at midnight ba-ha-tsot ve-'ar-ba' = or ts} Yecnibat shlo-shim ruby m2“ Rsepere! MN at ve-'ar-ba’, vIT8) aminule da-kah 8 See Grammar section for explanation of adjective forms in the an hour sha-‘ah masculine and feminine. 14 15 ENGLISH. PRONUNCIATION noe DAYS OF THE WEEK raga nin ‘Sunday"* yorn ri-shon yak oF Monday yom she-ni Tuesday yom shli-shi Wednesday yorn re-vi-'l Thursday yom ha-mi-st Friday yom shi-shi Saturday ay leave today. cot peta as (ms) or (fs) OPT MSN “8 tomorrow ai) the day after on tomorrow next week 37 DOWD arrived yesterday. hi-ga'-ti’et-mol. Sans Feet the day before shil-shom oooe yesterday last week ba-sha-vu-a’ wae yng she-‘a-var MONTHS OF THE YEAR January ya-nu-ar February feb-ru-ar March merts April ap-ril May may June yu-ni July yu-li August o-gust Literally: fst day. 16 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION map September sep-tem-ber TERRES October ok-to-ber aBiup Ss November no-vem-ber December de-tsem-ber month What is today's date? Itis May sixth. —-ha-yomha-shi-shah “N92 71987 57 be-may. ha-sha-vu-a’ this month, ha-ho-desh year sha-nah ha-sha-nah last year ba-sha-nah she“av-rah next year ba-sha-nah ha-ba-’ah Itis spring. ‘akh-shav 'a-viv. summer ka-yils fall stav winter ho-ref THE WEATHER TR TG How's the weather mah me-zeg, shat ma 72 today? ha-'a-vir ha-yom? Tory Its raining. It’s snowing. yom ya-feh ham yesh she-mesh yesh ru-ah yo-red ge-shem. yo-red she-leg, 7 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION mye How will he mah yil-yeh me-zeg Doyouhavea yeshlakhemhe-der 02 7n 559 ot weather be ha~a-vir ma-har? room with a ‘im/am-batyah —? To7e aap tomorrow? private bath? ——_practit? a shower mik-la-hat ee twin beds mitot nif-ra-dot nig mien ‘feat air conditioning maz-gan WD ae aten me-av-rer 782 What isthe rate mah ha-me-hir patel perriphtt.s 1" Weaniall itis black Is breakfast zehkolel‘aruhat ANTS S51 Mh blue included? bo-ker? a) meen ibe staying for “a-ni ‘e-sha-'er FANGS se two nights, shney ley-lot nt pink Is there abetter yesh la-khem he-der a 03? purple room? yorter tov? 23 shh red cheaper zol on white larger ga-dal oy yellow smaller ka-tan We like this color. ha-tse-va'hazeh Jn 8¥in TIT ayo SUT Ci latlscka a mo-tse hen 093 May|havea ——_‘ef-shar le-ha-‘ir oe be-‘e-nay. wake-up call at ‘o-ti be-shesh tia. 8AM. please? _ba-bo-ker, p33 PERSONAL NEEDS be-va-ka-shah? 2 TES Could |have my — ‘ef-sharle-ka-bel ‘et mis Yap WEN SRG EROTES: Tea key, please? ha-maf-te-ah she. "Se haat Vdlike to reserve = ’a-niro-tseh pan? AyD li, be-va-ka-shah? sole aroom.(ms) _le-haz-min he-der. ee ‘Gralikioorie’™” batanen inal Te Ah or'(fs) ‘arnt ro-teah yom ayia my'room? hache-der shell? 2 -by le-haz-min he-der. ay ee ene Sas Take the elevator. ta-a-leh Ihave reserved my ee (to a male) aan vatoomn. or(toafemale) —_ ta-‘arli ba-ma-‘aclit, Doyouhavea yesh la-khem 2 wala 390 Oy? a Where isthe - double room? ——he-der le-zug? single le-yarhid amo 18 elevator? 19 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION Go up the stairs. taa-leh How do | get to the ‘eykh ma-gi (io a male) ba-mad-re-got. laundromat? Ta-mikh: or (to a female) ti hairdresser lecmis-pa-rah ba-mad-re-got le-na-shim down (loamale) te-red barber shop la-mis-pa-rah or(toatemale) — ter-di There is no hot ‘eyn ma-yim May | have the bill, ’ef-shar le-ka-bel water. ha-mim, please? et ha-hesh-bon, DoT ms The air conditioner ha-maz-gan lo | Dee Nea eae not working. —_po-‘el. Twish to speak to. ‘ani ro-tseh 7h os a ea the manager. le-dacber‘im = Sosy py “a1 please. ke-tsat ke-rah, (ms) feeme;ne:hel fees or (fs) rotsah ayn oa another blanket ‘od smi-khah San eae? adrinking glass kos ha-me:ne:hel, aneleciric fan me-'av-rer Could you please an iron mag-hets call a taxi for apillow kacrit me? some shampoo some soap MONEY ones some tollst paper open 73 - atone i Where is the bank? ‘ey-foh ha-bank? 2 pa eS When can we eal ma-tay ‘e-shar breakfast? Isit possible to have these clothes washed? dry-cleaned ironed When willl the clothes be ha-bga-dim ha- “eleh la-kvi-sah? 2 ope ma-ge-vet naa gas mp le“e-khol rn SDN ‘acru-hat bo-ker? 27p8 eS oan eer foreign currency mah-le-ket ny vaeo pene exchange mat-be-a‘ zar What is today's mah sha-‘ar spr ee TD dollar exchange —_-ha-do-lar ha-yom? oy rate? Could you please ‘ef-shar le-ha-mir ‘et ae change this hacke-sefha-zeh = 747 37 nis money into li-shka-lim? rope Israeli shekels? small bills l-shte-rotkte-nim Supp nites) coins le-mal-be-‘ot nivappy 24 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ae Do you cash “ef shar le-ha-mir —— traveler's: ham-ha-'ot TINT checks? osm mon lim-zu-ma-ni rome Do you acoept this “a-tem me-kab-lim ny GSP GFN creditcard? et kar-tisha’ash- “89M DTD ray ha-zeh? 2TH Side 9 FOOD AND DRINK pees Th Where is the "ey-foh ha-shuk? "pian TES market place? the supermarket ha-su-per-mar-kel BP 727B1O7 the bakery ha-ma-'e-fi-yah the grocery store _ha-ma-ka-let Where can buy ‘ey-foh ‘et-shar fruit? lik-not pe-rat? apples ta-pu-him apricots mish-mesh bananas bacna-not dates ma-rim figs te“e-nim grapes ‘acna-vim lemons {-mo-nim melon me-ion oranges ta-pu-zim Peaches ‘aefar-se-kim pears pineapples plums raisins pps strawberries me mA watermelon ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION my | would like some vegetables. (ms) or (fs) beans broccoli cabbage carrots cauliflower cucumbers eggplant garlic lettuce mushrooms olives onions peas potatoes string beans tomatoes. I would like some meat. (ms) beefsteak chicken cold cuts lamb sausages 'acni ro-tseb lik-not ye-ra-kot. o-tsab li-not ye-ra-kot. she-'o-'it bro-ko-li kruv ge-zer kruevit me-la-fe-fo- nim hactsi-lim shum ‘acni ro-tsah ba-sar. be-sar ba-kar steyk ba-kar ‘of ba-sar kar pa-rus ke-ves nak-nik 23 TRY SS oy mpd aghoe ney mond ‘pha 373 2 mane cviagta eid apys TREN aT Pepin aba 7g Tyg nytt as APB eR WIP aD ong 7p eR ep PR ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION mo Tike seafood. (ms) ‘ani’ ma SSR ATE TR ‘Kha-ley yam. or({s) he-vel ma 78 ‘arkha-ley yam, my 80 fish, da-gim tuna fish Ineed to buy nipy Toe 8 | bread, (ms) ono \ or('s) nipb assem | one butter acake ip candy nago cheese ata chocolate epad cookies noodles nuts peanuts rice a sandwich send-vitsh vinegar ho-mets Fike adozen “ani ro-tseh trey-sar eggs. (ms) bey-tsim. or (ts) ‘ani ro-tsah trey-sar bey-tsim. half a dozen ha-tsi trey-sar 24 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION may AT THE RESTAURANT ad Could you "ey-foh yesh WTS TS recommend an mis-‘a-dah lo 7 ie inexper ye-ka-rah? restaurant? atypical Israeli _yis-re-’e-Iit moan iroatat restaurant ti-pu-sit a kosher kshe-rah me restaurant '® Iprefer to sit in maa Ave “I the non-smoking —la-she-vet opaa area. (ms) om shoo .cutiuD NOE or (fs) nag? Aen Us la-she-vet soo cipn2 be-ma-kom she-lo Dw me~ash-nim. by the window ‘al yad ha-ha-lon qtr 1 Oe over there sham May I see the ‘el-shar |ir-‘ot ‘et menu, please? wine list Could you send Tot WES my waiter over —_le-poh ‘et ayaa ng 72? please? ha-mel-tsar she-li, 2 7ypaa “oo -ka- shah? waitress ha-mel-tsa-rit I'm on a low-fat diet. le-to shu-man. salt-Iree diet le-to me-lah "© Kosher refers to dietary laws maintained by many Jewish people. 25 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ma Tma vegetarian. ani tsim-ho-nt TTS ON (ms) or(fs) ‘acni tsim-t Enjoy your meal! _be-te~a-von! oe Could please ef-sharle-ka-bel 7 p30 bap) THEN have a knife? sa-kin? a fork maz-leg amp a spoon kat 7D teaspoon ka-pit aplate tse-la-hat acup se-fel abowl ke-‘a-rah kta-nah aglass of water kos ma-yim awine glass kos le-ya-) anapkin ma-pit the salt me-lah the pepper pil-pel the mustard har-dal the ketchup ke-tshup Could | have some ‘ef- shar le-ka-bel soda water, dah 2 TepIA OTe please? be-va-ka-shah? bottled water ma-yim mi-bak-buk mineral water ma-yim mi-ne-ra-li-yim May | have “ef-shar le-ka-bel Oar? WE hottea, please? —tey ham, omyjp33 OO.oA be-ve-ke-shah? iced tea tey kar black coffee ka-feh sha-hor Could | have some ‘ef-shar le-ka-bel Sap WEe milk for my haclaviakafeh? = mpP? abn coffee? sugar su-kar 73D 26 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION Would you like ‘a-tah ro-tseh lemonade? liemo-na-dah? (toa male) See or(to.a female) ‘at ro-tsah li-mo-na-dah? fruit juice mits pe-rot a soft drink mash-keh kal asoda mash-keh to-ses red wine yeryin ‘a-dom white wine ya-yin la-van Acarafe ofthis kan-kan min mn 7 pap wine, please. ha-ya-yinha-zeh, = TPIS AT be-va-ka-shah. Vdlikeabeer, a-nirotseh birah, Tra Ts WS please. (ms) be-va-ka-shah. or (fs) ‘ani ro-tsah bi-rah, be-va-ka- shah. Iwould ike to “a-niro-tseh order an le-haz- appetizer. nah ri-sho-nah. (ms) or (1s) ‘arnt ro-tsah le-haz-min ma- nah fi-sho-nah. atossed salad —sa-lat ha-sah the soup ma-rak ‘the main course ma-nah ‘i-kacrit How would you ‘eykh ‘a-tah ro-tseh like your steak? ‘ot ha-steyk? (to a male) or(to.afemale) —_‘eykh ‘at ro-tsah ‘et ha-steyk? 27 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION od Vdilike my steak — tsa-luy me~‘at iawn abs rare, please."* ‘od, “STUPID be-va-ka-shah. medium bey-no-ni awa well done tsa-luy hey-tev apa by For dessert, "id ke-ma-nah mings my like fruit. (ms) ah-ro-nah ’a-ni DINg TST a ro-tseh pe-rot. or (f3) ke-ma-nah oy TTS nD ah-ro-nah ‘a-ni nine agin ro-tsah pe-rot. ice cream gliedah Maylhavethe —_‘ef-shar le-ka-bel Sapo TS cheok, please?” ‘etha-hesh-bon? {77 ns ‘SHOPPING np How may lhelp mah bish-vil-kha? 2 ape you?" (toa male) or (toa female) mah bish-vi-lekh? 2 azada mp Where can | buy ‘ey-foh ‘ef-shar lik WEN TEN souvenirs? ‘camera film le-mats-le-mah video cassette _karle-tet vi-de-o suntan lotion ——_—krem shi-zuf magazines ‘ilo-nim an English ‘ton be~'eng-lit, newspaper a book se-fer * Literally: Rare, please. 19 op psa cS arn mae sa Oop ove ro Te 7B Very offen, the tip is already included in the check. Ifnot, itis customary to leave 15%. Literally: What for you? 28 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION 730 dike buy @nirotsehlicnot apa Ts local | mu-tsa-rey nove sD handicrafts. (ms) “eT, or (fs) ‘aenl to-tsah lik-not mu-tsa-rey me-le-khet yad mi-yis-ra-ell woven goods pottery ke-lim mi-ke-ra-mi-kah_ lam going tothe ‘a-ni ho-lekh florist. (ms) lacha-nut pra-him, or (is) ‘ani ho-le-khet la-ha-nut pra-him. bookstore lacha-nut sfa-rim liquor store la-ha-nut le-mash- ka-'ot hacri-fim slationery store la-ha-nut le-makh- shi-rey kti-vah department store le-kol bo pharmacy How much does it ka-mah zeh ‘o-leh? cost? This costs two hundred shekels. Vd like to buy a jacket. (ms) me-‘il ka-tsar. or (fs) ‘ani ro-tsah lik-not mel ke-tsar, ahat ko-vat sunglasses mish-ke-fey she-mesh 29 le-veyt mer-ka-hat ate myth a reson 2 “bea 7 aprg 0 rpieype o> Ba 72m os nent robin os ams oreo mea mina? man? PTD ODN Ay 7 a) Tape ASA NS sp Sun nip mg ap ma ting Spb ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION mr ‘pair ofpants_-mik-na-sa-yim Could youtake a ‘ef-shar letsa-lem Bou) “WER ablouse or huktsah photo of us, ‘o-ta-nu, a ngpaR UT a shirt please? be-varke-shah? : Ean one me We'd like to see a “a-nah-nu ro-tsim lire miNqb OST OTN aoe e a traditional dance. ‘ot ri-ku-dey-‘am. woe festival fes-ti-val 90 avenge ae typical kibbutz — ki-buts ti-pu-si “Be POE wee eed. pe aan ‘typical village mo-shav trpurst ob 20D an umbrella —_mitri-yah mea Ilike to go to the ‘a-ni ro-teeh lark AR theater. (ms) khet le-le“'at-ron, -jskerb nso LEISURE we ; Where canwe _ey-foh ‘el-shar TeE8 ER ortts) a eae i nite swim? lis-hot? 2mm e TT ta arr "3 eacae the movies le-se-ret on? play golf le-sa-hek golf Abo prad al a e play tennis le-sa-hek te-nis op pray Soc uares tale ee | SDT pobal sail la-shut nroje ow? muaeanis prelicpan sig be-mit-ra-si-yot eee wind suri lig-losh on be bi the'oner, Hepat "al ma-yim Where can | "ey-foh nit-sha-mim scuba dive lts-lol Soyb arrange to take le-si-yur? _— 2 Would you like to. “a-tah ro-tseh FNS? SS FOS ae I'd like to go to the pool. (ms) or (fs) the beach the mountains the sea the country "arni ro-tseh ladte- het la-bre-khah. khet la-bre-khah, le-hof le-ha-rim_ layam ‘el juts la 30 se pina Se the play begin? —_ha-ha-tsa-gah? ‘ey-zeh sra-tim What films are playing tonight? ‘ef-shar-lr-'ot ha-‘e-rev? ‘ey-foh ‘ef-shar lik-not kay Where can | buy ickets? SWS OT ATR Pagwy ringe Tipy wae AD regen ° A kibbutz is a farming or an industrial community where property, work, income, expenses and services are equally shared by all members. 31 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION rey I'd like two tickets ‘a-niro-tseh shney Sw ay for the movies. ne? DoD (ms) or (is) way 0792 DONT lacse-ret. concert lackon-tsert wast? ballet lacba-let woe How much are —_ka-mah ‘o-lim op ne the tickets? aoow DT Itis sold oul. DOWIE FWD RD Isthere anight yesh ba-svievah mo- club nearby? ‘a-donlay-lah? discotheque dis-ko-tek COMMUNICATIONS THE POST OFFICE wo Te How much is itt ka-mah ‘o-leh Tig piv pS sendaletterto —_lish-lo-ah mikh-tav ISN? 2720 the USA? le-ar-tsot ha-brit? ma How much is the _ ka-mah ‘o-leh og nbiy m2 postage for this? _lish-lo-ah ‘et zeh? am me Can |have money ‘ef-sharle-ha-‘a-vir “> asT 70! wired to me lile-pohke-sef viainn =p n85" here? hesh-bon 2 PIN? TS be-huts | rets? I'd like to wire ‘a-ni ro-tseh money. (ms) le-ha-‘a-vir ke-sef. ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION rm May Ihave some _ ‘ef-shar le-ka-bel ap EER stamps, please? bu-lim, Trep ot be-va-ka-shah? anaerogram —_—_-ge-ret'a vir THR Poe a post card glu-yah my an envelope ma-'a-ta-fah mBpED I'd like six airmail ‘a-ni ro-tseh ae stamps, please. _shi-shah bu-lim ow Wot (ms) sheldo-ar‘a-vir, 1022 78 be-va-ka-shah. ors) ‘ani ro-tsah Tee ayia shi-shah butim ows Ont ove sheldo-'ar’a-vir, 7733.7 be-va-ka-shah, I'd like to sénd this. ‘a-ni ro-tseh aN by air mail. (ms) —_lish-lo-ah 'etzeh mh me noe be-do-'ar 'a-vir. 8873 or (fs) ‘ani ro-tsah “agin 8 lish-lo-ah ‘et zeh ne roe be-do-'ar ‘a-vir. parcel post be-do-ar ha-vi-lot first class be-do-'ar ra-q Idlike to senda ‘ani ro-tseh telegram. (ms) lish-lo-ah miv-rak Pye Tove or (fs) ‘arni ro-tsah ay Ie lish-lo-ah miv-rak, = .praa Tee When will the mail re arrive? Tis the mailman pee Where ean Ifind a ‘ey-foh yesh te-vat nan ch abs mail box? mikh-ta-vim? 20RD This contains zeh me-Khil 738 printed matter. —_div-rey dfus. BT 37 fragile material — ha-fa-tsim ate. shvi-rim oa o ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION fe) ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION — Side 4 the ha-'a-gat “maT ABD administrative ha-min-ha-ti AT THE OFFICE 7783 section the ha-o-zer Saab py Where can | make ‘ey-foh 'ef-shar “ape Ts administrative la-me-na-hel? photocopies? Ie-shakh-pel?- baa assistant? Maylusethe 'e-shar cant? “eae | need sor “acni tsarrikh ne-yar computer, le-hish-ta-mesh 7 ryjp3a 307 office stationery. mis-ra-di. please? ba-meh-shev, plain letter paper ne-yar be-varka-shah? le-mikh-ta-vim a typewriter bim-kho- nat a Hebrew- mi-lon ‘vei 'ang-ti * kti-vah English atape recorder bi-re-sharn-kol dictionary the fax machine ba-faks Toyouaaad aan How much do _ka-mah zeh ‘o-leh : anything else? ma-she-hu? you charge le‘a-mud‘ehad? =? ax sane (toa male) per page? or(to afemale) ‘at teri-kha ‘od per job le-khol aytauy 539 eee es Here is my is Could! senda —_‘ef-shar lish Togs “oe business card. —_ha-bi-kur she-Ii leks mi-poh? 2 map Dp ea yesh li pgk-shah “im Ta Ooh THE TELEEHONE. appointment gve-ret yar-de-ni. rp op May luse the ‘ef-shar le-tal-fen jab? TWaN with Ms. Yardeni. telephone, mi-poh, a mypaa nea le ME Raniolte: please? be-va-ka-shah? here, please? nim-tsa? Where is the ‘ey-foh se-fer a Where is your "ey-foh ha-mis-rad phone directory? _ha-te-le-fon? __? 8787789 office? (to a shel How do lmake a ‘eykh me-tal ole Ts male) ‘ey-foh ha-mis-rad call to the United mi-poh le~ar-tsot_ nis 78 75D or(toatemale) —_she-lakh? States? ha-brit? ERT the supervisor's ha-mis-rad shel office ha-me-na-hel Mr. Cohen's ha-mis-rad shel office mar ko-hen eR the legal section ha-'a-gaf “BOR FIND ha-mish-pa-ti 34 35 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION mag I'd like to make "ani ro-tseh ah Tyo Ash ow acollect call. le-go-vay-na. BOT (ms) orlts) ape AN le-go-vay-na, aRpahe? aninternational —_beyn le-'u-mit Pros? 73 call long-distance —_beyn ‘i-o-nit mires call Whatis the area mah ha-ki-do-met NOT code for Tel shel tel 'a-viv? a rayn by Aviv? The line is busy, _ha-kav ta-fus. OBR pT Hello. oT This is Moshe. me-da-ber mo-sheh. Tgp 3270 Thisis Sarah. me-darbe-ret sa-rah. 732 79370 Whois speaking, mi me-da-be 7 WPA BOD please? be-va-ka-shah? May | speak io ‘el-shar le-da-ber ‘i Esther, please? np 37) “Was 2 TAPIA TAOS She's not here. He's not here. Could please ‘el-sharle-hash-'ir_ leave a ho-da-‘ah? message? TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL nitroy Have a good trip! _ne-si-‘ah to-vah! Vig APO) ® Used when answering the phone. ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION m9 Where can |rent — ‘ey-foh ‘ef-shar lis- WEN TES acar? kor me-kho-nit? 7 puis hb a bicycle ‘o-fa-na-yim pik a motoreycle fa-no-a’ pois Where do | board ‘ey-foh ‘o-lim the boat? the tour bus, Where is the ne 758 train station? Pres bus stop ta-ha-nat ha-'o-to-bus airport sdeh ha-te-u-fah Ineed a porter, ni tsa-rikh sa-bal, please. (ms) be-va-ka-shah. or (fs) "acni tsri-kha se-bal, be-va-ka-shah. 4 May Ihave a schedule, please? a ticket kar-ti How much isa _ka-mah ‘o-leh kar-tis ‘one-way ticket? —_le-khi-vun 'e-had? round-trip ha-lokh va-shov second class mah-la-kah shni-yah first class mah-la-kah ri-sho-nah Is there a student yesh ha-na-hah ana a discount? li-stu-den-tim? eer) senior citizen \i-kshi-shim farted discount Smoking or non lim-‘ash-nim ‘o le-lo ‘smoking? ash-nim? 37 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION may Smoking, please. lim-ash-nim How do | get tothe ‘eykh ma-gi‘im mi- Bp OI TS be-va-ka-shah. bridge, please? —_poh la-ge-sher, 4 Non-smoking, please Could you tell me when we reach my stop? Is there a dining car? What time does the train leave for Haita? What time does the train get to Tel Aviv? Isit on time? Does this train ma-tay yo-tset ha- le-lo me-'ash-nim, be-va-ka-shah. ape aR ‘ef-shar le-ha-gid ii Tan WwaN ma-tay laredet? mt tn yesh miz-non ba-ra-ke-vet? esi a9 racke-vet le-hey- 7 EY77 Ma fah? martay ha-ta-ke-vet ma-gi-‘ah le-tel ‘aviv? mp3 mB hima-gi-‘ah ba-zman? ha-ra-ke-vet ha-zot make a stop in ‘o-tse-ret Netaniah? bi-ne-tan-yah? How long do we — le-kha-mah zman slop hare? ’acnabe-nu ‘ots-rim poh? IN THE CAR ying. Doesthis oad sha-kvishhazeh 3a nin waar lead to Rosh = mo-ville-rosh_ =? T7PIT RTD. Hanikrah? harnik-rah? How many ka-mah Kilo-met-rim — o™aeib" TED kilometers is it to inneret? mi-poh ‘ad ha-ke 7 797 Ww nea ne-tet? be-va-ka- shah? the highway leckvish ha-ra-shi-WNID W239 a gas station leta-ha-natde-lek = p95 rare Isit far? zeh ra-hok? api AL Could you please _‘ef-shar le-tsa-yer draw mea map? li ma-pah, be-va-kar shah? I'd like six liters of “a-ni ro-tseh shi-sha age gasoline, please, _li-ter de-lek, be- aw he (ms) va-ka-shah amp p53 or (fs) ‘acni ro-tsah shi-sha ae) er de-lek, be- : va-kashah. ts 82 TUp33 past Please fill up the _ te-ma-le et ha-tank, tank. be-va-ka-shah, Where can I{ind a ’ey-foh yesh mu- service station? i thoes This doesn't work. ‘el-shar le-ta-ken “et ha-tsa-mig, be-ve-ka-shah? the headlight —_ha-!or ha-kid-mi "apa 787 Inead to have my tsa-rikh lig-ror ‘ot re car towed, ha-me-kho-nit cog mrrioniy she Please add oil. _to-sif she-men, be-ve-ka-shah. How long will it —_ka-mah zman zeh take? yirkah? How much will it ka-mah zeh cost? leh? 39 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION rege ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION mae Do you have yesh ‘al mah mp by a ‘AT THE AIREORT eae anything to le-hats-hir? 2a Where do|go for ‘ey-foh ha- nod nas declare? domestic lights? be-tokh Thevencthing:. epee ae ‘ to declare. international moet sist Had flights Pine pat Ihave some chia pup *> oh arrivals moe perfume, sem departures ies some cigarettes _si-gar-yol nae = agift ma-ta-nah TRO Whit gate. do AL? my personal ha-tactsim CPUS DSET !go to? sacrikh ame? TS belongings hi-yim la-le-khet? fa S oe lease open be-va-ka-shah hee AwPpaa How long will the le-kha-mah zman WUE oa {Ikeo-ahi'et hake oe ee flight to Eylat —_yih-yeh ha-‘-kuv ose isa be delayed? bacti-sah le-'ey-lat? 7 EMERGENCY & MEDICAL SITUATIONS What time does martayyo-tseha- O17 8S Pes See ae the plane for actos le-ga-lil = 9 shan > ibe Volzaess pate f oo e! Galilee leave? _ha-el-yon’? eee Seana nee ee Would you please ’ef-shar lik-ro Nazo weN the police mish-ta-rah moan call a flight le-da-ye-let, a rmipaa roe the fire me-kha-bey ‘esh is "250 attendant? be-va-ka-shah? department AT CUSTOMS oes peel Help! ‘YT I'm on vacation. @ e na on business mpoy nro This is an zeh mik-reh da-hufl 1 517 79p2 71 ee 1 Is this duty free? 7 Opa TR MT Sete E om Can you please —_‘ef-shar lim-tso ssno WEN - get me an mi-she-hu 2 oer RAD This is my interpreter? she-ye-tar-gem? luggage. =—_—— — suitcase There has been TARE TT briefcase or an accident, hancbag, Where is the odin ra ree hospital? 40 4

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