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RE: The Compassionate Use Campaign

Dear Supporter of Compassionate Use,

Each year approximately 43,000 New Jerseyans are diagnosed with cancer. Hundreds more are diagnosed with
multiple sclerosis. Some 2,500 New Jerseyans are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS each year and another 32,000 New
Jerseyans are living with HIV/AIDS. The symptoms and suffering caused by these illnesses can be devastating.

Fortunately doctors have an array of medicines and treatments to help ease this suffering and improve quality
of life. But for some patients, currently available medicines do not offer relief. For these patients, medical
marijuana may offer hope for relief from terrible symptoms such as pain, nausea, muscle spasms, loss of
appetite and wasting. Numerous medical and scientific organizations, including the New Jersey Academy of Family
Physicians, the New Jersey Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, the New Jersey State Nurses Association, the
American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Nurses Association, the American Public Health Association,
the Lymphoma Foundation of America, and the New England Journal of Medicine support allowing access to medical
marijuana. Compassion and common sense dictate that doctors be allowed to recommend, and patients
be allowed to access, the medicine best able to relieve suffering and improve quality of life.

Thirteen states now allow seriously ill patients access to medical marijuana. It is time for New Jersey to join this
list of leaders on the issue of compassionate use of medical marijuana. Senate Bill No.119 and Assembly Bill
No. 804 would allow seriously ill patients access to medical marijuana with a doctor’s recommendation.
Patients would register with the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services and receive registration
cards indicating that they are legally allowed to use medical marijuana.

The Compassionate Use Campaign has been created to advocate for access to medical marijuana in New Jersey.
The Campaign supports Senate Bill No. 119 and Assembly Bill No. 804. These bills would allow patients access
to a medicine which might be their best hope for relief of suffering and improved quality of life. To learn more about
the Campaign please go to or call 609-396-8613.

Please join the Compassionate Use Campaign by returning our Campaign Response Form by mail or fax to
the address below. Together we can make a difference in the lives of sick and dying New Jersey residents.


Roseanne Scotti
Director, Drug Policy Alliance New Jersey

Sponsored by Drug Policy Alliance New Jersey • 1 6 W e s t F r o n t S t r e e t , S u i t e 1 0 1 A , Tr e n t o n , N e w J e r s e y 0 8 6 0 8

Phone: 609-396-8613 • Fax: 609-396-9478 • E m a i l : n j @ d r u g p o l i c y. o r g

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