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Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Department


Pressure Vessels of Chemical Engineering

Supervised By :

Dr. Abdualnaser Almagrbi, Dr. Asma Mustafa, Dr. Mohamed Edali

Submitted by : Fatema Mohammed Saleem ID : 3114106

Submitted by : Abdel Moez Husain Al-Dubbouss ID : 3214115

Spring ( 2019 – 2018 )

Problem statement

It is required to design 30 m3 a storage tank to store

mixture ( I-Butane 30% , n-Butane 70%) under 4.8
bar And 48.5 °C.

CHAPTERS Contents Page

1.Introdaction: 11
1.1:- Objective: 13
1.2:- The Pressure vessel: 13
1.2.1:- Classification of Pressure Vessels 13 to the dimensions 13 to the end construction. 13
1.2.2:-Types of The Pressure Vessels. 14 Pressure Vessel. 14 Vertical Pressure Vessel. 14
1.3:- The Carbon Steel. 15
1.3.1:- The Difference Between Carbon Steels. 16
1.3.2:- Types of Carbon-Steel. 17 Low carbon steel. 17 Medium carbon steel. 17 High carbon steel. 18
Chapter 1.4:- Isobutene (2-Methylpropane):. 19
1.4.1:- Uses of isobutene (2-Methylpropane). 19
One 1.5:- Normal butane ( Butane ). 20
1.5.1:-Uses of Normal butane ( Butane ):-. 20
1.6:- Insulation by glass wool fibers. 2
1.6.1:- Glass wool fibers. 2
1.6.2:- Thermal insulation. 2
2.1 Calculation of vessel dimensions:- 2
Two 2.1.1:- Calculation of vessel inside dimeters Di 2
2.1.2:- Calculation of vessel long L 2
2.1.3:- Calculation of vessel thickness tv 2
2.1.4:- Calculation of vessel outside dimeters D0 2
2.1.5:- Calculation of vessel Mean dimeters Dm. 2
2.1.6:- Calculation of vessel weight Wv. 2
Chapte 3.a:- physical properties of carbon steel. 3
r 3.b:- physical properties of insulation. 3
Three 3.c:- physical properties of air. 3
3.d:-physical properties of mixture. 3
CHAPTER Content Page

S s r

4. Mechanical Design. 34
4.1. Head thickness. 34
4.1.1-For section Head thickness (Torispherical) 35
4.2. Thickness of Insulation. 37
4.2.1. Heat without Insulation . 37
4.2.2. Heat with Insulation 43
4.3. Weight loads 45
4.3.1. Weight of ladders. 45
4.4.2. Weight of insulation. 45
4.3.3. Weight of head 46
4.3.4. Weight of vessel 47
4.3.5. Dead Weight. 47
4.3.6. Life Weight. 47
4.3.7. Total Weight. 48
4.4. The calculation wind 48
4.4.1. Wind Loads. 48
Chapte 4.4.2. Bending Moment. 49
4.3.3. Analysis of stress. 49
r 4.4.4. Dead weight stress. 50
4.4.5. Bending stress. 50
Four 4.4.6. The Resultant of longitudinal stresses. 51
4.4.7. The Maximum Operating stresses. 51
4.4.8. Elastic Stability. 52
4.5. Vessel Support(Skirt Support). 53
4.6. Skirt Thickness. 54
4.6.1.Bending Stress in the Skirt 54
4.6.2.Dead Weight Stress in the Skirt 55
4.6.3.The Resultant Stress on the Skirt: 56

4.7. The Optimum Pipes Diameter and Flange Design for 57

Carbon steel.

Chapter 5.Cost Calculation 61

5.1. Storag Tank Cost Estimation. 61
Five 5.2. Insulation Cost Estimation. 62
5.3. Total cost. 62
References 65

CHAPTERS Table of Figures
4.1. Domed heads (a) Hemispherical (b) Ellipsoidal (c)
4.2. Horizontal cylindrical vessel on saddle supports. 53
4.3. Typical skirt-support designs. (a) Straight skirt. 53
(b) Conical skirt.
Four 4.4. Bracket supports. (a) Supported on legs. 54
(b) Supported from steelwork.
4.5. Flange types. (a) Welding-neck. (b) Slip-on. (c) Lap- 58
(d) Screwed.
4.6 Typical standard flange design (All dimensions mm) 59

Chapter 5.1.Horizontal pressure vessel Time base mid-2004

CHAPTERS List of Equations
2.1.1 Calculation of vessel inside diameter Di 24
2.1.2 Calculation of vessel long L 25

Chapter 2.1.3 Calculation of vessel thickness tv 25

2.1.4 Calculation of vessel outside diameter Do 27

2.1.5 Calculation of vessel mean diameter Dm 27

2.1.6 Calculation of vessel weight Wv 28

4.1.. Head thickness (Torispherical) 35

4. 2. stress concentration factor for torispherical Cs 35
4.3. The general equation the heat flow 37
4.4. Total resistance of heat transfer 37
4.5. Heat without Insulation 37
4.6. Boundary layer equation of air 38
4.7. Temperature wall equation 38
4.8. Temperature film of air 38
4.9. heat transfer coefficient of Air ho 39
4.10. Nusselt number for forced convection of horizontal 39
4.11. Reynold number equation 39
4.12. Temperature film equation of mixture 40
4.13. thermal expansion coefficient for mixture 40
Four 4.14. Grashof number equation 40
4.15. Prandtl number equation. 40
4.16. Nusselt number for free convection of horizontal 42
CHAPTERS List of Equations
4.17. heat transfer coefficient of mixture hi 42
4.18. Heat with Insulation 43
4.19. Weight of ladders 45
4.20. Length of ladders 45
4.21. Contour equation 45
4.22. Weight of insulation 45
4.23. Weight of head 46
4.24. Dead weight 47
4.25. Life weight 47
4.26. Total Weight 48
4.27. Pressure loading 48
4.28. Wind pressure 48
4.29. Bending Moment 49
4.30. Longitudinal stress. 49
4.31. Circumferential stress 49
Four 4.31. Dead weight stress 50
4.32. Bending stress 50
4.33. Bending Stress in the Skirt 50

CHAPTER List of Equations
S er
4.34. Second moment of area of the vessel about plant of 50

Chapter 4.35. Total longitudinal stress. 51

Four 4.36. Maximum Operating stresses 51

4.37. Elastic Stability 52

4.38. Bending Stress in the Skirt 54

4.39. Bending Stress in the Skirt 54
4.40. Dead Weight Stress in the Skirt (test) 55
4.41. Dead Weight Stress in the Skirt (operation) 56
4.42. The Resultant Stress on the Skirt.(tensile) 56
4.43. The Resultant Stress on the Skirt.(Compressive) 56
4.44. The Optimum Pipes Diameter and Flange Design for 57
Carbon steel
5.1. Purchase cost. 62
5.2. cost of insulation. 62
r 5.3. Total cost. 62

5.4. Total cost (2017) 62

1.1. Objective :

High pressure rise is developed in the pressure vessel and pressure vessel has to withstand
severe forces. So the selection of pressure vessel is most critical. That’s why we can say
that pressure vessel is the heart for storage of fluid. Pressure vessel must pass series of
Hydrostatic tests. These tests examine the ability of the structure to withstand various
pressures to see if protective zone around the operator station remains intact in an overturn.
The structure is to be designed, fabricated, fitted and checked as per ASME 1 standard.
Plant safety and integrity are of fundamental concern in pressure vessel design and these of
course depend on the adequacy of design codes. The performance of a pressure vessel
under pressure can be determined by conducting a series of tests to the relevant ASME 1
standard. Efforts are made in this paper to design the pressure vessel using ASME 1 codes
and standards to legalize the design.

Vessels, tanks, and pipelines that carry, store, or receive fluids are called pressure
vessels. A pressure vessel is defined as a container with a pressure differential
between inside and outside. The inside pressure is usually higher than the outside,
except for some isolated situations. The fluid inside the vessel may undergo a change
in state as in the case of steam boilers, or may combine with other reagents as in the case
of a chemical reactor. Pressure vessels often have a combination of high pressures
together with high temperatures, and in some cases flammable fluids or highly
radioactive materials. Because of such hazards it is imperative that the design be such
that no leakage can occur. In addition these vessels have to be designed carefully
to cope with the operating temperature and pressure. It should be borne in mind that
the rupture of a pressure vessel has a potential to cause extensive physical injury and
property damage. Plant safety and integrity are of fundamental concern in pressure
vessel design and these of course depend on the adequacy of design codes. When
discussing pressure vessels we must also consider tanks. Pressure vessels and tanks
ASME : The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
are significantly different in both design and construction: tanks, unlike
pressure vessels, are limited to atmospheric pressure; and pressure vessels often have
internals while most tanks do not (and those that do are limited to heating coils or

Pressure vessels are used in a number of industries; for example, the power generation
industry for fossil and nuclear power, the petrochemical industry for storing and
processing crude petroleum oil in tank farms as well as storing gasoline in service
stations, and the chemical industry (in chemical reactors) to name but a few. Their
use has expanded throughout the world. Pressure vessels and tanks are, in fact
,essential to the chemical, petroleum, petrochemical and nuclear industries. It is in this
class of equipment that the reactions, separations, and storage of raw materials occur.
Generally speaking, pressurized equipment is required for a wide range of industria
l plant for storage and manufacturing purposes. The size and geometric form of
pressure vessels vary greatly from the large cylindrical vessels used for high-pressure
gas storage to the small size used as hydraulic units for aircraft. Some are buried
in the ground or deep in the ocean, but most are positioned on ground or supported in
platforms. (1)

1.2. The Pressure vessel:-

A pressure vessel is a container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially

different from the ambient pressure.

The pressure vessels (i.e. cylinders or tanks) are used to store fluids under pressure. The
fluid being stored may undergo a change of state inside the pressure vessel as in case of
steam boilers or it may combine with other reagents as in a chemical plant. The material of
pressure vessels may be brittle such as cast iron, or ductile such as mild steel.

1.2.1. Classification of Pressure Vessels :

The pressure vessels may be classified as follows: According to the dimensions.

The pressure vessels, according to their dimensions, may be classified as thin shell or thick
shell. If the wall thickness of the shell (t) is less than 1/10 of the diameter of the shell (d),
then it is called a thin shell.
On the other hand, if the wall thickness of the shell is greater than 1/10 of the diameter of
the shell, then it is said to be a thick shell.
Thin shells are used in boilers, tanks and pipes, whereas thick shells are used in high
pressure cylinders, tanks, gun barrels etc. According to the end construction.

The pressure vessels, according to the end construction, may be classified as open end or
closed end.
A simple cylinder with a piston, such as cylinder of a press is an example of an open end
vessel, whereas a tank is an example of a closed end vessel. In case of vessels having open
ends, the circumferential or hoop stresses are induced by the fluid pressure, whereas in case
of closed ends, longitudinal stresses in addition to circumferential stresses are induced. (2)

1.2.2. Types of The Pressure Vessels:
The pressure vessels may be classified as follows: Horizontal Pressure Vessel.

Horizontal vessels are commonly used as settling drums, surge tanks, reactors and distillate
drums. A settling drum is used for phase separation between two immiscible liquids. The
L/D ratio of a settling drum is normally four. A surge tank or surge drum is used to
maintain a constant flowrate of liquid to a downstream piece of equipment when the
flowrate of liquid from the upstream piece of equipment is fluctuating. The fluctuations in
flow rate are absorbed by the surge drum by allowing the liquid level in this drum to rise
and fall. Horizontal drums are frequently filled with catalyst and used as reactors. Placing
catalyst in horizontal vessels allows shallow bed depths and large cross-sectional areas. A
typical example of horizontal vessels being used as reactors is the Claus reactor. A
distillate or reflux drum provides space for overhead condensable from a distillation
column to separate from vapors. Surge drums and distillate drums are normally vertical. If
there is settleable water in the feed to these vessels, however, the vessel is erected with a
water pot.

The horizontal vessel is a pressure vessel fabricated according to the rules of the specified
code (i.e., Section VIII Division 1 of the ASME Code) and erected in the horizontal
position. Although the horizontal vessel may be supported by lugs in an open steel
structure, the more usual arrangement is for the vessel to be erected at grade and supported
by a pair of saddles.

Cylindrical, pressure/vacuum, code design and construction, includes heads, single wall
(base material, clad/lined), saddles/ lugs, nozzles and manholes. Vertical Pressure Vessel.

Vertical process vessels are typically used as either surge drums or knock out drums. When

used as surge drums, they act like shock absorbers, maintaining a constant flowrate of
liquid out of the vessel regardless of the flowrate into it. If liquid flows in faster than the
constant rate it flows out, the vessel fills with liquid. If liquid flows in slower than the
constant rate it is removed, then the liquid level drops. The liquid level is constantly
fluctuating in order to absorb these variations in flow and maintain a constant flowrate out.
When a vertical process vessel is used as a knock out drum, a mixture of gas and liquid
flows into the vessel and this mixture is separated into its gas and liquid components
within the vessel. The gas then flows out the top of the vessel and the liquid flows out the

Vertical process vessels, as their name indicates, are erected in the vertical position. They
are cylindrical in shape with each end capped by a domed cover called a head. The length
to diameter ratio of a vertical vessel is typically 3:1.

Typically, vertical process vessels hold less than 5000 GALLONS.

Vertical tanks include: process, storage applications liquid, gas, solid processing and
storage; pressure/vacuum code design for process and certain storage vessel types; includes
heads, single wall, saddles, lugs, nozzles, manholes, legs or skirt, base ring, davits where
applicable. (3)

1.3 The Carbon Steel:-

It is important to clarify the meaning of carbon steel in the generic sense

The term steel is usually taken to mean an iron-based alloy containing carbon in amounts
less than about 2%. Carbon steels (sometimes also termed plain carbon steels, ordinary
steels, or straight carbon steels) can be defined as steels that contain only residual
amounts of elements other than carbon, except those (such as silicon and
aluminum) added for deoxidation and those (such as manganese and cerium) added
to counteract certain deleterious effects of residual sulfur. However, silicon and
manganese can be added in amounts greater than those required strictly to meet
these criteria so that arbitrary upper limits for these elements have to be set; usually,
0.60% for silicon and 1.65% for manganese are accepted as the limits for carbon steel.

In some cases, requirements established by codes and standards must be implemented

to achieve adequate results when working with carbon steels. It is important for the
utility engineer to have access to metallurgical and properties information to aid in making
decisions for projects involving carbon steels.

1.3.1. The Difference Between Carbon Steels.

The world of carbon steels can be challenging to wrap your head around. There are
many different options to choose from, and each type of steel has different benefits.
The main differentiating factor is the amount of carbon that is The world of
carbon steels can be challenging to wrap your head around. There are many different
options to choose from, and each type of steel has different benefits. The main
differentiating factor is the amount of carbon that is mixed with iron during
production. Other materials, mainly metals, can be added to change the physical
properties. Notably, chromium is added to form stainless steel, while other additives
can change tensile strength, ductility, and toughness.

Table.1:- Distinctions between carbon steels: low, medium, and high.

1.3.2. Types of Carbon Steel : Low carbon steel

Low carbon steels grades of stainless are typically used in applications which
require high degrees of corrosion resistance but do not require a hardened
surface. The carbon content of these steels typically range between 0.03-0.08%,
and consumers typically use these grades of stainless (often without thinking
about it) in kitchen equipment, silverware or almost any grade of un-plated steel
used in food preparation. It’s great because it can survive the dishwasher
without rusting, but it cannot be case hardened due to the very low carbon
content. Medium carbon steel

Medium carbon steels include grades with carbon contents ranging from 0.25% to
0.60% of the steel mass. Medium carbon grades are typically employed in conjunction
with alloys such as chromium, nickel and molybdenum to produce high strength,
wear resistance and toughness. Products using medium grades of carbon steel
include gears, axles, studs and other machine components that require optimal
combinations of strength and toughness.

Medium carbon steels have good machining characteristics, and one of the more popular
grades used in machined steel product is AISI 1045.

AISI 1045 can also be hardened by heating the material too approximately 820- 850C
(1508 -1562 F) and held until the material reaches a uniform temperature. It should
be soaked for one hour per 25 mm section of material and subsequently cooled in still

17 High carbon steel.

High carbon steels are those with carbon contents between 0.60% and 1.4% of the
overall weight. The alloys in this particular category constitute the strongest and
hardest within the three groups, but they are also the least ductile. These steels are
used in a range of different mechanical, cutting and bearing applications as it can
be hardened through heat treating and tempering. Additional alloys can be added
to this steel category in order to generate different characteristics. Chromium and
Manganese, for example, are used in the composition of 52100 steel and aid in the
hardening process while enhancing the steel’s resistance to corrosion. Science 52100
is one of the steel grades frequently used to manufacture linear shafting, precise
control of the case depth can be critical to generate a shaft with both a hardened
surface (for loaded ball contact) and an un-hardened inner core which prevents the shaft
from becoming brittle. (4)

1.4 Isobutene (2-Methylpropane):

Isobutane (Butane) is a butane isomer means it contains the same chemical formula as
Butane C4H10 but has a different arrangement of its atoms Isobutane vapor (gas) heavier
than air and classified as LPG, together with propane, butane and a group of these gases.
Isobutane is converted from butane (n-butane) into a process called isomers this process
rearranges the atoms in a different molecular configuration. This symmetry occurs in
something called a butter unit and includes the use of platinum or another metal catalyst.

In this process, only some butane is converted to isobutane, after the butter process, the
output mixture passes through a broken or deodorant tower separating the un-converted
butane from the isobutane

1.4.1-Uses of isobutene (2-Methylpropane) :

The main use is in refineries, as benzene - gasoline - additive, where it is processed

through the alkyl unit to make alkylates.

It is used to make octane, a high octane gasoline component, which increases the octane
rate and anti-knockout properties of gasoline.

They were rated 100 points on the octane rating scale.

In addition to being used as fuel, isobutane is commonly used as a coolant and propellant.

It can be used as an alternative to R-12, R-22, R-134a and other refrigerants for CFCs or
HFCs in conventional refrigeration systems.Whilst it is flammable, there have been few
problems in the millions of refrigeration units worldwide.

Isobutane has very low global warming potential and insignificant ozone depletion
An important use of isobutane is as a feed stock for plastics.

It is used to manufacture propylene oxide for use in making polyurethane plastics.

Another use of isobutane is as a solvent

1.5 Normal butane ( Butane ):-

N-Butane [C4H10] is a colorless gas with a faint oil-like smell. The main sources of butane
are crude oil refinery and natural gas processing. It is commonly blended in gasoline in
cars to increase fuel volatility and make starting the engine easier. Butane contains a
mixture of methane, ethane, propane, isobutane and nautane, a colorless aliphatic
hydrocarbon with a gasoline-like odor. Butane is a component of liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) and is thus used in a wide range of fuel applications for recreational use, including
heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, cooking and lighters.

Exposure to high levels of butane fumes can lead to suffocation. Symptoms of botanism
include, but are not limited to, respiratory rate, rapid pulse, headaches, dizziness, visual
disturbances, mental confusion, inconsistencies, mood alteration, muscle weakness,
tremors, and numbness, numbness and numbness, resulting in loss of consciousness.
Central nervous system injury.

1.5.1-Uses of Normal butane ( Butane ):-

Normal butane can be used for gasoline blending, as a fuel gas, fragrance extraction
solvent, either alone or in a mixture with propane, and as a feedstock for the manufacture
of ethylene and butadiene, a key ingredient of synthetic rubber.

Isobutane is primarily used by refineries to enhance (increase) the octane number of motor

When blended with propane and other hydrocarbons, it may be referred to commercially as
LPG, for liquefied petroleum gas. It is used as a petrol component, as a feedstock for the
production of base petrochemicals in steam cracking, as fuel for cigarette lighters and as a
propellant in aerosol sprays such as deodorants

Very pure forms of butane, especially isobutane, can be used as refrigerants and have
largely replaced the ozone-layer-depleting halomethanes, for instance in household
refrigerators and freezers.(5)

1.6 Insulation by glass wool fibers:-

1.6.1 Glass wool fibers :

Glass wool fibers are synthetic or man-made, very small finely spun fibers of
glass that form a mass resembling wool. There is considerable variation in the
properties of individual fibers within this class, depending on the manufacturing
process and end use. They are commonly used for insulation or filtration.

There are generally two categories of glass wool fibers that consumers might use:

low-cost general-purpose fibers and premium special-purpose fibers. Most home and
building insulation projects use general-purpose glass wool. Special-purpose glass
fibers are used for applications, such as separating the negative and positive
plates in a battery, and in high-efficiency air filters and aircraft, pace craft, and
acoustical insulation. In general, insulation fibers are less durable and less bio
persistent than special-purpose fibers, and may be less likely to cause cancer than the
more durable, more persistent special-purpose fibers. (6)

1.6.2 Thermal insulation.

Glass wool is an insulating material made from fibres of glass arranged using a
binder into a texture similar to wool. The process traps many small pockets of air
between the glass, and these small air pockets result in high thermal insulation

Glass wool is a thermal insulation that consists of intertwined and flexible glass fibers,
which causes it to "package" air, resulting in a low density that can be varied
through compression and binder content ( these air cells are the actual insulator). Glass
wool can be a loose fill material, blown into attics, or, together with an active
binder sprayed on the underside of structures, sheets and panels that can be used
to insulate flat surfaces such as cavity wall insulation, ceiling tiles, curtain walls as well
as ducting. It is also used to insulate piping and for soundproofing.(7)



2.1 Calculation of vessel dimensions:-

2.1.1 Calculation of vessel inside diameter Di :

Di= 3
√ L
( Eq :2.1.1)

Where :

T : Opertating Tempreture = 48.5 °C

P : Operating Pressure = 5.5 bar ( 0.48 N/mm2 )

V : Volume operating = 30 m3

Di: inside dimeter (m)

D: Vessel diameter (m)

L: Length of vessel (m)

VD : Volume design = 1.1 * V (m3 )

TD : Temperature design = 1.1 * T (°C )

PD : Pressure design = 1.1 * P (N/mm2 )

L/D = (2.5- 5)

By substitution :

TD : Temperature design = 1.1 * 48.5 = 53.35 °C

PD : Pressure design = 1.1 * 0.48 = 0.528 N/mm2

VD = 1.1 * 30 = 33 m3 or 8718.6 gal

The vessel will be horizontal (Because : volume design (VD) > 5000 gal)


Di= 3
( 2.5 )∗(3.14)
= 2.5619 m or 2561.9 mm

2.1.2 Calculation of vessel long L :

L=L ⁄ D∗Di( Eq :2.1 .2)

By substitution :

L= 2.5*2.5619 = 6.4048 m or 6404.8 mm

2.1.3 Calculation of vessel thickness tv :

P D∗Di
t v= +C (Eq :2.1.3)
2∗J∗f −PD

Where :

f: Design stress from (Table 2.2) (N/mm²)

J: Welding joint efficiency from (Table 2.3) = 0.85

C: corrosion allowance = 2 ( mm )

Table 2.2. Typical design stresses for plate

Table 2.3. Maximum allowable joint efficiency

By substitution :
P D=0.528 ¿ 2).
f =125 ¿2) for carbon steel at TD = 53.35 °C
C= 2mm
Di= 2561.9 mm

t v= + 2 = 8381.5 m or 8.3815 mm

2.1.4 Calculation of vessel outside diameter Do :

Do=Di+ 2∗( tv∗10−3 ) ( Eq :2.1.3 )

By substitution :
Do = 2.5619+2 ( 8.3815∗10−3 ) = 2.5787 m or 2578.7 mm

2.1.5 Calculation of vessel mean diameter Dm :

Dm=(Di+ Do)/2 ( Eq :2.1 .5 )

By substitution :
Dm = (2.5778+2.5787) /2 = 2.5703m or 2570.3mm

2.1.6 Calculation of vessel weight Wv.

W v =C w∗π∗ρ m ¿ D m∗g∗( H v +0.8∗D m )∗t v∗10−3) ( Eq :2.1.6 )

Where :

Hv = Di : for horizontal vessel (m)

Wv: Total weight of the vessel (N)

Cw: Factor to accoumt for the nozzles = 1.08

ρm: density of carbon steel=7833 ( kg/m³ )

By substitution :

W v =1.08∗π∗7833∗2.5703∗9.81∗( 2.5619+0.8∗2.5703 )∗¿ 8381.5 *10-3

W v =¿10086.5923N

Table 2.5 Calculation of vessel dimensions

L/D Di =Hv L tv Do Dm Wv
  m M mm m m N
2.5 2.561935 6.404837 8.381511 2.578698 2.570316 10086.59
3 2.410873 7.232619 8.005232 2.426884 2.418878 9065.917
3.5 2.290123 8.015429 7.704455 2.305532 2.297827 8288.436
4 2.190424 8.761694 7.456115 2.205336 2.19788 7672.206
4.5 2.106092 9.477412 7.246053 2.120584 2.113338 7169.112
5 2.033409 10.16705 7.065009 2.047539 2.040474 6748.863

From the table , the less wight when the ratio L/D = 5

Diameter of vessel is 2.033409 m
Length of vessel is 10.16705 m
Weight of vessel is 6748.863 N

Minimum practical wall thickness from table (2.4) = 9 mm

Table 2.4. Minimum practical wall thickness



a. physical properties of carbon steel :

physical properties of carbon steel at T=30°C

Table.3.1. physical properietes of carbon steel

physical properties of carbon steel

density ρ(kg/m³) 7833

heat capacity(KJ/Kg.C°) 0.465

Thermal conductivity K(W/m.C°) 54

Thermal Diffusivity(m²/sec) 1.474*10-05

b. physical properties of Insulation :

Table.3.2. physical properties of glass wool fibers

physical properties of glass wool fibers

density ρ(kg/m³) 24

Thermal conductivity K(W/m.C°) 0.03


c. physical properties of air:-

Physical properties of air at Tfilm = 36°C (309K) .

By interpolation between temperature (300 K and 350 K).

Table.3.3. physical properties of air
physical properties of air at T = 309K

kinematic viscosity ʋ (m2/sec) 0.00001660

Thermal conductivity ka (W/m.K°) 0.02692

Prandtl's Number- Pr 0.68982

d. physical properties of Mixture:-

Table.3.4. physical proprieties of mixture

physical properties of mixture at T=53.35 °C

density ρ(kg/m³) 536

heat capacity(KJ/Kg.C°) 2.6380621

Thermal conductivity K(W/m.C°) 0.091

Dynamic viscosity μ (Pa.sec) 0.0001289

2 2.40485*10 -7
Kinematic viscosity m / s



4.1 Head thickness:-

Heads are formed steel plates for pressure vessels and heat exchangers. The
heads are usually found at the ends of an equipment, top or bottom for vertical
vessels and left right for horizontal vessels. There are only a few shapes used for
the heads that have proven to be useful. If the head is cut in half over the diameter
of the head, the shapes follow more or less an ellipse, see also the figure 4.1. (8)

Figure 4.1. Domed heads (a) Hemispherical (b) Ellipsoidal (c) Torispherical

4.1.1-For section Head thickness (Torispherical) :

Because the Design pressure is less then 15 bar. The thickness of the upper and lower head
is given :

t h= +C (Eq.4.1)
2∗f∗J + PD (Cs−0.2)


Cs: stress concentration factor for torispherical :-

C s= * (3+ 2 Rc )
4 √

Rc :Crow radius=Di ( m ) .
Rk : Knuckle radius=0.06∗Rc (m).

By substitution:

Rc = 2.0334 m

Rk = 0.06 * 2.0334 = 1.220045451 m

1 2.0334
4 √
C s= * (3+ 2

Cs = 1.072748612

t h= +2
2∗0.85∗125+0.528∗( 1.073−0.2 )

th = 7.408252391 mm

4.2 Thickness of Insulation :

4.2.1 Heat without Insulation .

We use (glass wool) for the following reasons:
. Low cost.
. Low density.
. Low thermal conductivity. (9)

In general the heat flow is given by:

q= (Eq.4.3)

q: Amount of heat transfer (W).
∑ R :Total resistance of heat transfer (K/W).
∆ T : Temperatuer difference between the fluid and surrounding (°K).
The thermal resistance is:

∑ R=Rm + R¿ + Rf + ¿ R a ¿ (Eq.4.4)

Rm : Thermal resistance of the vessel material (K/W).

R f : Thermal resistance of the fluid ( mixture) (K/W).
Ri : Thermal resistance of the insulation (K/W).
Ra : Thermal resistance of the air (K/W)

T f −T w
q without Insulation=
ln ⁡( ) (Eq.4.5)
1 r1
hi Ai 2 π∗km∗L

Calculate of h0 heat transfer coefficient of Air :

T max : above stage temperature 55°C .
T min: below stage temperature 5°C .
T m ax +T min 55+ 5
T air = = =30°C
2 2

TD −Tair
boundary layer= (Eq .4 .6)


boundary layer = 11.7 °C

Tw=TD + Boundary layer ( Eq .4 .7)

¿ 53.35+11.7
Tw=41.7 ° C

Tw +Tair
Tfilm= (Eq.4.8)


Tfilm = 36°C or 309 K at properties of air from (Table.3.3).

h0 = ( Eq .4 .9)

1 1
2 3
0.62 R e p r ( Eq .4 .10)

102 < ℜ<10 7∧¿pr > 0.2

(Table:6-8: J.P. Holman)

ka :is the thermal conductivity of the Air from (Table.3.3).
l :effctive of length =Do of horizontal vessel=2.047539 m.
Re: Reynolds number.
Pr: Prandtl number from (Table.3.3).

ℜ= 102 < ℜ<10 7(Eq.4.11)


Assume: Velocity of air (120km/hr) and (33.333m/sec).

v : kinematic viscosity of air from (Table.3.3)

By substitution :

ℜ= −5
=4.110781∗106 Ra<107

1 1
6 2
0.62 ( 4.110781∗10 ) 0.68982 3
Nu=0.3+ ¿¿


9345.588774∗0.02692 W
h0 = =122.9 2
2.047539 m .K

Calculate of hi heat transfer coefficient of mixture :

Tw +TD
Tfilm= ( Eq .4 .12)

β= (Eq .4 .13)

β = thermal expansion coefficient for mixture

g∗β∗ (TD −Tw )∗D i 3

Gr= (Eq .4 .14)

Gr = Grashof number

Pr ¿ ( Eq .4 .15)


g = Acceleration of gravity = 9.81, m/s²

Cp = Heat capacity of the mixture from (Table:3.4).

K = Thermal conductivity of the mixture from (Table:3.4).

μ = Dynamic viscosity of the mixture from (Table:3.4).

Tfilm = Temperature of film for mixture
Tw = Temperature of wall = 41.7 °C
TD = Temperature design = 53.35 °C
Di = Diameter of vessel = 2.0334 m

By substitution :

( 41.7+273.15)+(53.35+273.15)
Tfilm= =320.6625 K

β= =¿0.003118544 K-1

9.81∗0.003118544∗( 53.25−41.7 )∗2.0334 3

Gr= 2
( 2.40485∗10−7 )

Gr=¿ 5.19249*10 13

Pr ¿

Pr ¿3.73677148

Gr * Pr = 1.94032*10 14
Gr Pr = Grashof-Prandtl number

Nu=C ¿

c=0.17 , m=0.25 For2*1013 < Gr * Pr < 1016

(Table:7-5: J.P. Holman)

hi = ( Eq .4 .17)

By substitution :

Nu=0.17 ( 1.94032∗1014 )

Nu =634.479

hi =
m2 . K

D0 2 .0475
r2 = = =1.0238 m , A0 = 3.14*Do*l
2 2

A0 = 3.14*2.0475*10.1670 =65.3667 m2

Di 2 .0334
r1 = = =1.0168 m , Ai = 3.14*Di*l
2 2

Ai = 3.14*2.0334*10.1670 = 64.9156 m2

T f −T w
q without Insulation=
ln ⁡( )
1 r1
hiAi 2 π∗km∗L

Tf = Temperature of the mixture ( temperature design) = 53.35°C
Tw = Temperature of wall = 41.7°C
Km = Thermal conductivity of the carbon steel from (Table:3.1).

By substitution :
q with out Insu .=
ln ⁡()
1 1.0168
28.39446077∗64.9156 2 π∗54∗10.1670

q with out Insu .=¿ 21440.49729 W

4.2.2 Heat with Insulation :

T f −T air
q with Insu .= ( Eq.4 .18)
r2 r3
ln ⁡(
) ln ⁡( )
1 r1 r2 1
+ + +
hiAi 2 π∗km∗L 2 π∗kin∗L hoAo

Tf = Temperature of the mixture ( temperature design)= 53.35°C

Tair = Temperature of air = 30°C
Kin = Thermal conductivity of the insulation from (Table:3.2).

By substitution :

The maximum heat loss should be not exceed 10% then :

q with Insu .=qwith out Insu .∗0.1

q with Insu .=21440.49729∗0.1

q with Insu .=¿ 2144.49729 W

1.0238 r3
ln ⁡( ) ln ⁡( )
1 1.0168 r2 1
+ + +
28.39446077∗64.9156 2 π∗54∗10.1670 2 π∗0.038∗10.1670 122.9∗65.3667

ln ( rr 32 )=0.004212884
= 1.004221771

r3 = 1.028091672 m

Thickness insulation = r3 – r2

Thickness insulation = 1.02809 - 1.023770

Thickness insulation = 0.004322 m or 4.322 mm

4.3. Weight of loads :

4.3.1. Weight of ladders (Wi):

Wl=150∗L( Eq .4 .19)

l=( 0.25∗contour ) +V ( Eq .4 .20)

contour=2∗3.14∗( )( Eq .4 .21)

V =Hight support of vessel=1.28 m

¿ ( Figure :13.26 Vol .6 Chemical Engineering Design 4 th Edition )

By substitution :

contour=2∗3.14∗ ( 2.0475
2 )
=1.6073 m

l=( 0.25∗1.6073 ) +1.28=2.8873 m

Wl=150∗2.8873=433.0977 N

4.3.2. Weight of insulation (Win):

𝑊𝑖𝑛 = (𝑉𝑖𝑛 + 𝜌𝑖𝑛 + 𝑔) ( Eq .4 .22)

𝑉𝑖𝑛 : surface area of insulation of length m³

𝜌𝑖𝑛 : density of insulation from (Table:3.2)
By substitution :

𝑉𝑖𝑛 = 𝜋* (𝑟3 − 𝑟1)2 ∗ 𝐿

= 𝜋(1.0238 − 1.0167)2 ∗ 10.1670
= 0.001594 𝑚3

W𝑖𝑛 = (0.001594 + 24 + 9.81) = 0.37517 𝑁

4.3.3. Weight of head ( WH ) :

W H =ρm ¿ ( Eq .4 .23)

ρm :density of metal (488.037 Ib/ft3) .
D0=¿ 80.612 in
t h : head thickness (0.2917 in ).
a = 1.2
weight o f upper ∧lower=2∗W H

By substitution :
W H =488.037 ¿

W H = 787.8804488 N

4.3.4. Weight of vessel ( Wv ) :

W v = 6748.863 N¿ table(2.5)

4.3.5. Dead weight ( WD ):

𝑊𝐷 = 𝑊 𝑣 + 2 ∗ 𝑊𝐻 + 𝑊𝑙 + 𝑊𝑖𝑛 ( Eq .4 .24)

By substitution :

𝑊𝐷 = 6748.863 + 2 *787.8804488 + 433.0977 + 0.37517

𝑊𝐷 = 8758.0969N

4.3.6. Life weight ( Wf ) :

W f = ρf ∗V f ∗g (Eq .4 .25)

ρ f : density of mixture ( 536 Kg/m3 ) .
π π
V f : ∗Di2∗l = ∗( 2.0334 )2∗10.1670=33 m3
4 4

By substitution :
W f =536∗33∗9.81=173519.28 N

4.3.7. Total Weight ( WT ) :

W T =W f +W D ( Eq .4 .26)

By substitution :
W T =173519.28+8758.0969

W T =182277.3769 N

4.4. The calculation of wind :

4.4.1. Wind of Loads :

F w =Pw∗D m ( Eq .4 .27)

Pw =0.05∗u w 2 ( Eq .4 .28 )

F w: Pressure loading per length (N/m).
Pw : Wind pressure (N/m²).
Dm: Mean diameter ( 2.04 m )
uw :Velocity of wind (33.33 )

By substitution :

Pw =0.05∗33.332= 55.56 N/m2

F w =55.56∗2.04 = 113.36 N/m

4.4.2. Bending Moment (Mx) :

F w∗X 2
M x= ( Eq .4 .29 )

X : Distance measured from the free end.(x=L= 10.1670 m)

By substitution :

M x= = 5858.927343 N.m

4.4.3. Analysis of stress:

σ h: Longitudinal stress (N/mm²) :

P D Di
σ h= ( Eq .4 .30 )
2t v

σ l :Circumferential stress (N/mm²) :

P D∗Di
σl= ( Eq .4 .31 )

By substitution :

σ h= = 75.9829 N/mm2

σl= = 37.9915 N/mm2

4.4.4. Dead weight stress :

σ w = ¿ ¿D ( Eq .4 .32 )

By substitution :

8758.10 0.19 N /mm ²

σ w=

4.4.5. Bending stress:-

M x Di
σ b=± ( +t ) ( Eq .4 .33 )
Iv 2 v

I v= ( D 40 + D i4 ) ( Eq .4 .34 )

I v :Second moment of area of the vessel about plant of bending.

By substitution :

I v= ( 2.04754 +2.0334 4 ) = 23558672577.8 mm4

5858.93 2.0334
σ b=± ( + 7.0650)
23558672577.8 2

σ b=± 0.25460651 N/mm2

4.4.6. The Resultant of longitudinal stresses:-

σ z=σ l−σ w ± σ b ( Eq .4 .35 )

σ z:Total longitudinal stress.

By substitution :

At the up wind ( + σ b ) .

σ z=37.9915−0.19+0.25460651=−37.54337 N /mm ²

At the down wind (−σ b ) .

σ z=37.9915−0.19−0.25460651=37.543 N /mm ²

4.4.7. The Maximum Operating stresses:-

The greatest difference between the principle stresses will be down wind side so:

σ max=σ h−σ z ( Eq .4 .36 )

σ max : MaximumOperating stresses .

By substitution :

σ max=75.9829−(−37.54337)=113.526297 N /mm ²


The ( σ max < f ) , (113.526297< 125¿ .

The thickness of vessel is satisfactory where f is the stress.

4.4.8. Elastic Stability :

2∗104∗t v
σ c= ( Eq .4 .37 )

σ c :Elastic Stability.

For check must be ( σ b +σ w < σ c ) .

By substitution :

2∗104∗7.0650 2
σ c= =69.0098 N /mm


( 0.25460651+0.19<69.0098 ) .

( 0.44460651<69.0098 ) , Thenthat isit acceptable .

4.5. Vessel Support (Skirt Support) :

Figure 4.2. Horizontal

vessel on saddle
Figure 4.3 : Typical skirt-support designs. (a) Straight skirt. (b) Conical skirt.

Figure 4.4: Bracket supports. (a) Supported on legs. (b) Supported from steelwork. (8)

4.6. Shirt thickness :

4.6.1. Bending Stress in the Skirt (σbs) :

σbs= ( Eq .4 .38 )
π∗( Ds+ ts)∗ts∗Ds

Mxs= ∗( L+ Ls )2 ( Eq .4 .39 )

Where :
Ls : Skirt Lenght (2.8873 m)

Assume: ts=tv(7.0650 mm)

Assume: Ds=Di(2033.4 mm)

By substitution :

Mxs= ∗ ( 10.1670+ 2.8873 )2= 9659174.132N.m or 9659174.132

σbs= =0.419760725 N/mm2

4.6.2. Dead Weight Stress in the Skirt (𝜎ws) :

σws( test)= ( Eq.4 .40 )
π∗( Ds+ts)∗ts

By substitution :

σws( test)= =¿ 0.193480107 N/mm2
π∗(2033.4 +7.0650)∗7.0650

σws( operation)= ( Eq.4 .41 )

By substitution :

σws( operation)= =¿ 3.833313252 N/mm2
π∗(2033.4 +7.0650)∗7.0650

4.6.3. The Resultant Stress on the Skirt:

σs ( tensile )=σbs−σws∗(operationg) ( Eq .4 .42 )

For tensile must be 𝜎𝑠(𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒) ≤ 𝐽 ∗ 𝑓 ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃

By substitution :

σs ( tensile )=0.419760725−3.833313252=¿-3.4136 N/mm2

𝐽 ∗ 𝑓 ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = 0.85 ∗ 125 ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛90 = 94.9871 𝑁/𝑚𝑚²

-3.4135 < 94.9871 , Then that is it acceptable

𝜎𝑠(𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒) = (𝜎𝑏𝑠 − 𝜎𝑤𝑠) ∗ (𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡) ( Eq .4 .43 )

For Compressive must be :
𝜎𝑠 (𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒) ≤ 0.125 ∗𝐸 ∗ (𝑡𝑠/ 𝐷𝑖) ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃

E : Young's Modulus of Elasticity for Carbon steel at 30°C

From the Young Modulus of Elasticity for Metals and Alloys from ( Engineering²

By substitution :

𝜎𝑠(𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒) = (0.419760725 − 2.417049046 ) = 4.253073977 𝑁/𝑚𝑚²

0.125 ∗ 𝐸 ∗ (𝑡𝑠/ 𝐷𝑖) ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃

= 0.125 ∗ 201956.4∗ ( 7.0650 /2033.4 ) ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛90

= 78.41361301 N/mm2

4.253073977 < 78.41361301 , Then that is it acceptable.

4.7. The Optimum Pipes Diameter and Flange Design for Carbon steel:-

𝑑𝑜𝑝𝑡 = 293 ∗ 𝐺0.53 ∗ 𝜌𝑚−0.37 ( Eq .4 .44 )

Assume : 𝐺 = 0.5 kg/sec
𝜌𝑚 : density of mixture from table (3.4) = 536 kg/m3

By substitution :

𝑑𝑜𝑝𝑡 = 293 ∗ 0.50.53 ∗ 536−0.37 = 19.84 mm

Figure 4.5. Flange types. (a) Welding-neck. (b) Slip-on. (c) Lap-
joint. (d) Screwed.


Nominal pressure 6 bar

Figure 4.6 Typical standard flange design (All dimensions mm). (8)



5.1. Storage Tank Cost Estimation :-

Barecost ¿( Figure 5.1)=21920.69 $

" Time based
mid 2004 "

Purchase cost = (base cost from figure) * Material factor *Pressure factor ( Eq .5.1 )

se co
" Time based
mid 2004 "

5.2. Ins
lenght 0 f Vessel=10.1670 Figure
m 5.1 Horizontal pressure vessels. Time base mid-2004 (10)
Diameter Of vessel=2.0334 m cost = (base cost from figure) * Material factor *Pressure factor on
Pressure Design=5.28 ¯¿ Co
Presser factor=1.1 ¿( Figure 5.1) st
Mater ial factor for Carbon steel=1.0

Assume the cost of insulation is 10% 0f the cost vessel.

cost of insulation= cost of vessel*0.1 ( Eq .5.2 )

cost of insulation = 24112.76*0.1=2411.28 $

" Time based mid 2004 "

5.3. Total Cost Estimation:-

Total cost= cost of vessel +cost of insulation ( Eq .5.3 )

Total cost = 24112.76 +2411.28 =26524.04 $

" Time based mid 2004 "

IndexValue (2017)
Total cost (2017) = Total cost (2004) * ( Eq .5.4 )
Index Value (2004)

Inventory Index Factors for 2017
Index Code: A , Average For All (11)
Index Value ( 2017 ) =1593.7
Index Value ( 2004 )=1133.2

Total cost ( 2017 ) = 26524.04 *

Total cost ( 2017 ) = 37302.64 $


- References :

1) International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies

2) Dr. Mohammed Ramidh - Engineering Materials Design – Lecture.3 –Pressure vessel

– page ( 1, 2 )

3) ICARUS Corporation, 1998 ,Third Edition Vessel design

4) Leonard E. Samuels - Light Microscopy of Carbon Steels

5) W.J. stupin , F.C. Silvey – Properties of isobutane and normal butane system

6) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences NIH-HHS – Certain Glass Wool

Fiber (Inhalable)

7) US Patent Number 2133235: Method & Apparatus for Making Glass Wool First Slayter
glass wool patent, 1933.

8) Coulson Richardson's Chemical Engineering Vol.6 Chemical Engineering Design 4th


9) Material Engineering Department/ College of Engineering/Al-Mustansiriya

University/Baghdad , Aseel Kais Rasheed Ministry of science and technology /
Renewable Energy Directorate - Mechanical and Physical Properties of Glass
Wool-Rigid Polyurethane Foam Composites

10) Estimation of Purchased Equipment Costs Chemical Engineering Projects -

11) Index values as published by Marshall & Swift Valuation Service 01/2017


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