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Ra no.

165- patent law

Ra 166- protection of trademarks, name and service marks

1972- PD49. Decree on intellectual property governing copyright.

Ra 8293- intellectual property code of the phillipines.

It created the IPO- intellectual property office.

2001 RA950 law protects layout design of integrated circuits

RA10372- was enacted to amend the certain provisions ofWIPO internet treaties. feb 28 2003

Basis of protection of intellectual property rights?

ARTICLE XIV of section 13. State sha;; [rptect and secure the exclusive rights of scientist, investors, artist,
and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and their creations, particularly when beneficial to
the people, for such period as may be provided by law.

rationale of intellectual property code.

State policies. Section 2 of RA 8293.

1. The state recognizes that an effective intellectual property system is; a. vital to the development
of deomestic and creative activity; b. facilitates transfer of technology; c. attracts foreign
investments; d. insures access for our products.
2. The state likewise recognizes that use of intellectual property bears social function…


product of creative mind.

-intangible property

8 Resultant product is only a manifestation of one’s creative mind.

PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY BASED ON John locke theory of labor. An individual has a
right or claim to the product of his labor. If the individual exerted effort to think or conceptualize, it is
only proper to afford ownership over such product.

-it encourages creativity and innovation. By giving protection to inventors, authors and others.

What is intellectual property- a legal concept, a set of legal rights.

Legal concept- it is a set of legal rights.

Intellectual property- product of one’s creativity

Enumerations of intellectual property

Concept of intellectual property.

-is a property. art 712 of civil code. Intellectual creation is one of the mode of acquiring ownership
under civil code.

Article 428. rights of owner.

Right to enjoy and dispose.

Right of action.

Intellectual property and resultant product may be subjected to different ownership.


The product of creative mind does not necessary include the intellectual property.

Why intellectual property is a right? It is always a right because it is an statutory right.

Attribute of intellectual property

1. Property
2. It is a right
3. Non-rivalry-

Non-rivalry- you cannot exclude one from consuming the same intellectual property

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