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Daily Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter

June 12 ,2021 Vol 6 Issue 13

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Daily Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter

Editorial Board Rice News Headlines…

 Pakistani, Indian exporters agree to share Basmati rice ownership
Chief Editor
 Government Collaborates With Private Sector To Introduce Hybrid
 Hamlik
Rice Seeds
 Gazette notification issued to prevent hoarding of essential items
Managing Editor
 Efforts on to improve literacy rate, says minister
 Abdul Sattar Shah
 Rain threat during procurement worry farmers in Odisha
 Rahmat Ullah
 Stakeholders urge Nigerian government to tackle onions supply to the
 Rozeen Shaukat
 “Units of higher capacity should be set up in the state for paddy
English Editor
milling”- Madhya Pradesh CM
 Maryam Editor
 China, Philippines remain world’s top rice importers
 Legal Advisor
 GIEWS Country Brief: Haiti 10-June-2021
 Advocate Zaheer Minhas
 Crop Damage From Record Rainfall in the South Still Being Calculated
 Colombia Leaves Daily Rice Recommended Serving Unchanged,
Editorial Associates
Consumers Still Outpace It
 Admiral (R) Hamid Khalid
 Fort Collins Indian restaurant owner opens new grocery store
 Javed Islam Agha
 Jollof rice is a popular food at parties, ceremonies and weddings
 Zahid Baig(Business Recorder)
across West Africa
 Dr.Akhtar Hussain
 Soaring rice prices add to consumers' woes
 Dr.Fayyaz Ahmad Siddiqui
 Agriculture: Tripura farmers face highest problem to sell foundation
 Dr.Abdul Rasheed (UAF)
seeds of paddy
 Islam Akhtar Khan
 Egypt cultivates dry rice in New Valley to counter water shortage
 Agriculture sector achieves growth target
Editorial Advisory Board
 Russia gives go-ahead to rice import from Pakistan
 Dr.Malik Mohammad Hashim
 Russia lifts ban on import of Pakistani rice, helps to fetch addition
Assistant Professor, Gomal
$300m: Fakhar
University DIK
 Rice Harvesting in Sumedang, Anies Ensures Mutually Beneficial
 Dr.Hasina Gul
Interregional Cooperation
Assistant Director, Agriculture KPK
 DA-PhilRice urges farmers to conserve water
 Dr.Hidayat Ullah
Assistant Professor, University  Palay output up, prices down during Q1 period
of Swabi  May 14% increase in rice prices-Chosun Ilbo: Hankook Ilbo
 Dr.Abdul Basir  Arkansas Farm Bureau estimates more than $310M in crop losses
Assistant Professor, University of following heavy rains
Swabi  Delta crops reeling from the rain
 Zahid Mehmood  Healthier rice provides complementary nutrition source
PSO,NIFA Peshawar  Conserve Water To Manage Crisis, Farmers Told
 Falak Naz Shah  Rohwer records 19.22 inches of rain in two-day period
Head Food Science & Technology  Russian Lifts ban on import of rice from Pakistan
ART, Peshawar

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Daily Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter

Pakistani, Indian exporters agree to share Basmati rice

2 countries at loggerheads over issue since 2006 although EU under its special rules recognizes
Basmati as common product
News Service14:22 June 11, 2021AA
Although longtime rivals India and Pakistan are already locked in a slew of land and sea
disputes, exporters from both sides have agreed to share ownership of the region's prized
Basmati rice, the best solution to the issue to reach the EU markets.
India has filed a claim in the EU seeking a geographical indication tag for Basmati rice, a move
opposed by neighboring Pakistan, which has filed its own request for protected geographical
A geographical indication is a label applied to products with a specific geographical origin that
has qualities or reputation essentially based on the natural and human factors of their origin.
Pakistani and Indian exporters, however, believe that joint ownership of Basmati is the only
viable solution to the dispute.
"There has to be joint ownership, which is a logical solution to the dispute," Faizan Ali Ghouri, a
Karachi-based rice exporter, told Anadolu Agency.
New Delhi and Islamabad have long been claiming to be the origins of Basmati rice, which is
largely produced in both countries. The larger Punjab province, which was divided into East
Punjab (India) and West Punjab (Pakistan) in 1947, is the origin of Basmati rice.
"There is no logic in both countries' claim for the sole exclusivity. Although its origin is
Pakistani Punjab, it is grown in both sides of the border," Ghouri said, adding: "Therefore, a joint
ownership is the only viable solution to the long-standing dispute."
The EU buyers, he contended, also prefer the joint ownership of the rice as they want to keep
both New Delhi and Islamabad on board in terms of commodity exports.
"A joint ownership is in their (EU buyers) own interests for two reasons. First, demand for
Basmati has been increasing over the past three years, and second, they want an alternative in
case one country's production is reduced," he added.
Endorsing Ghouri’s views, Ashok Sethi, director of Punjab Rice Millers Export Association in
India, said the two neighbors should jointly protect the Basmati heritage.
"India and Pakistan are the only two countries, which produce Basmati in the world. Both
countries should jointly work together to save heritage and protect the geographical indication
regime of the rice," he told Anadolu Agency.
"Hundreds of thousands of farmers (on both sides) are associated with the production of Basmati.
We need to protect their businesses," he maintained.

- No objection
In 2006, the EU under its special rules recognized Basmati as a joint product of the two
Pakistan exports 500,000-700,000 tons of Basmati rice to different parts of the world, with
200,000 to 250,000 tons shipped to EU countries, according to data by the Pakistani Commerce
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Pakistan annually earns $2.2 billion compared to India's $6.8 billion from Basmati exports.
Vijay Setia, a New Delhi-based exporter, said India has a "healthy" competition with Pakistan
vis-a-vis Basmati exports, and has no objection to Islamabad getting its own geographical
indication tag.
"Both countries export Basmati rice. India, in its application to the EU, has never stated that it is
the only Basmati producer in the world," he asserted while talking to Anadolu Agency.
"We have always said it is a joint heritage of property of India and Pakistan," he said. However,
Pakistan feels it is lagging behind India, and it will capture the market if Delhi gets approval
sooner, he went on to argue.
Muzzamil Chappal, another Karachi-based exporter, said that India did not produce Basmati
until 1966.
Basmati seeds, he claimed, had been taken to Indian Punjab from Pakistan somewhere around
It was 2016-17 when India first time tried to obtain ownership of 1121-type Basmati in the EU,
according to Chappal.
However, he added, the move was countered after Pakistan filed a similar claim. The second
Indian move in 2020 was again foiled by Islamabad's counter-claim, he added.
"The row is leading to joint ownership, in my opinion," he maintained.

- Origin history
Nathi Ram Gupta, president of the All India Rice Exporters Association, opined that Pakistan
should not have raised any objection to India's geographical indication claim.
"We would have had the geographical indication tag by now if Pakistan had not objected," he
According to Ghouri, the Pakistani exporter, the Basmati seed 370 was first registered during the
British colonial rule in 1933, which acknowledged Kala Shah Kaku town of Pakistan's
northeastern Punjab province as its origin.
Waris Shah, a Punjabi Sufi (mystic) poet from Jhang district, also mentioned Basmati in his
famous poem Heer-Ranjha based on the traditional folk tale of Heer and her lover Ranjha.
"Waris Shah was the first to use the word Basmati in written form," Ghouri asserted.
Pakistani, Indian exporters agree to share Basmati rice ownership

Government Collaborates With Private Sector To Introduce

Hybrid Rice Seeds
KNA June 11, 2021
The Government in collaboration with private sector is set to introduce hybrid rice seeds for
commercial production next season.

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Daily Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter
African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) announced that farmers in the country
could start planting hybrid rice seeds from the next season which will raise production and lower
import bills.

AATF Project Manager, Dr. Sanni Kayode, said after years of research locally, the country is
now ready to introduce the method to increase rice production for commercial purposes.
Speaking during a field mission at the Hola breeding Station in Tana River County on Thursday,
Dr. Kayode, said the Government and private sector players have embarked on sensitization
campaign to educate rice farmers and millers on the hybrid seeds developed in the area ahead of
planting after approval by Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (Kephis).
―The hybrid seeds would raise rice yields from 20 bags to 50 bags per acre and hence raise
incomes for farmers,‖ said AATF official.
He says the hybrid matures in 100 days instead of the 120 to 150 days for the varieties currently
in the market.
Dr. Kayode said the usage of hybrid rice seed production was also aimed at lowering Kenya’s
rice import bill, create employment and encourage youth to venture into rice farming as
Saying that they were working closely with the government, seed companies and millers in the
breeding project, Dr. Kayole explained that the idea was to ensure farmers produce quality and
uniform grain that is good for millers.
He said AATF initiated the development of hybrid seeds with the Hybrid East Africa breeders at
the Hola station, adding that breeders have used the two-line hybrid rice technology to produce
the hybrid seeds.
He noted that the two-line system was reliant on temperature and that hybrid rice germplasm was
suitable with weather conditions in Africa.
A researcher with Hybrid East Africa and Afritec Services John Mann said they have made a
breakthrough following research and come up with several hybrids that would benefit farmers in
the country.
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―We have made progress after developing superior quality seeds that farmers can now plant,‖
said Mr Mann who has been in rice research for more than 33 years in the United States and
Speaking at the same function, Head of the rice promotion programme at the Ministry of
Agriculture, Dr. Mary Mutembei, said the government was encouraging increased production of
rice to reduce the annual import bills which is currently at Sh25 billion per year.
She said the country was importing 90 per cent of its annual consumption despite having good
climate, soils and adequate water for growing the crop.
―We have good soil and water. We are working with the private sector increase rice production.
Our challenge is to reduce the high rice import bill that stands at Sh25 billon a year,‖ she said.
Rice consumption in the country has been growing rapidly and is expected to reach 1,292,000
tons by 203

Gazette notification issued to prevent hoarding of

essential items
Sat, Jun 12, 2021, 11:24 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
June 12, Colombo: The Ministry of Trade has issued a special gazette notification to prevent the
concealment of stocks of essential commodities including paddy, rice, sugar, milk powder and
maize effective from midnight yesterday (11).

The gazette notification issued Friday by the Consumer Affairs Authority orders those who
maintain stocks of essential commodities including paddy, rice, sugar, milk powder, and maize
to register with the Authority providing the accurate and factual information on all their
inventory within a week, effective from yesterday In accordance with Section 10 of the
Consumer Affairs Authority Act.
―Acting under the powers vested in it by Section 10( 1 )(b)(ii) of the
Consumer Affairs Authority Act No. 09 of 2003, the Consumer Affairs
Authority directs that no rice producer, rice miller, paddy and/or rice
collector, store owner, distributor or paddy and/or rice whole seller, who has
in his possession, custody or under his control any paddy and/or rice in any
warehouses, silos, stores, containers and any other place unless such
warehouse, silo, store, container and any other place is registered with the
Consumer Affairs Authority,‖ the Extraordinary Gazette Notification for rice said.
―Further, the Consumer Affairs Authority directs that no rice producer, rice miller, paddy and/or
rice collector, store owner, distributor or paddy and/or rice whole seller shall keep paddy and/or
rice under his possession without being registered with the Consumer Affairs Authority and shall
forthwith furnish information on demand to the Consumer Affairs Authority on the stock of
paddy and/or rice in bulk or in any other form in such warehouse, silo, store, container and any
other place.‖
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The Consumer Affairs Authority directs all existing rice producers, rice millers, paddy and/or
rice collectors, store owners, distributors or paddy and/or rice whole sellers shall register within
07 days of this Direction and shall furnish information forthwith on the stock of paddy and/or
rice in their possession in bulk or any other form.
Similar gazette notifications have been issued for Sugar (Brown sugar and White sugar), Milk
Powder (Full cream, Low fat, Nonfat and Infant) and maize.
After the issuance of the gazette notification, it will not be possible to maintain wholesale stores
without registration with the Consumer Affairs Authority and if such stores are maintained, the
Consumer Affairs Authority will take action against them, the Trade Minister Dr. Bandula
Gunawardena said at a media briefing held at the Ministry yesterday (11).
Accordingly, the traders are informed that the facility has been provided to download the
application for registration from the website of the Consumer Affairs Authority and forward it to
the Consumer Affairs Authority by email, said Mr. Gunawardena. In particular, he said it was
essential to submit the application to the Consumer Affairs Authority within seven days from
The Minister said that the government has taken steps to keep the price of a kilo of rice below
Rs. 100 by taking positive steps banning the importation of rice, providing water and fertilizer
free of charge and increasing the guaranteed price for paddy from Rs. 30 to Rs. 50 per kilo.

Efforts on to improve literacy rate, says minister

June 11, 2021
LAHORE:Punjab Minister for Literacy Raja Rashid Hafeez has said that the government has
launched a number of projects to improve literacy rate in the province.
He was addressing a ceremony organised by a non-governmental organisation (NGO) for
distribution of school kits among children of rice growers on Thursday. The government
officials, rice millers, development sector organisations and children were also present. The
minister applauded the efforts made for the development of marginalised segments of society. He
said the government was committed to 100 per cent literacy rate in Pakistan, adding that the
private sector role was important in that regard. He said that the government would sign a
memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the private sector to make collective efforts to enroll
all out-of-school children to schools/literacy centres for raising literacy rate.

Rain threat during procurement worry farmers in

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Even as the administration is trying to finish the procurement on time, flouting of COVID norms
is delaying the process.

Published: 12th June 2021 08:09 AM | Last Updated: 12th June 2021 08:09 AM

Paddy covered with tarpaulin to prevent damage from rains in Kalahandi. (Photo | EPS)
By Express News Service
BHAWANIPATNA: Monsoons in the midst of rabi paddy procurement has left farmers in the
district worried. Apprehensive about rains causing damage to the harvest lying at their yards and
mandis for sale, many farmers have started selling the produce to middlemen at less prices.
Forced to keep the produce under tarpaulin, most farmers allege they were not supplied enough
gunny bags and adding to their woes are the millers who continue to dominate pricing at the
Even as the administration is trying to finish the procurement on time, flouting of Covid norms is
delaying the process.
Moreover, since the validity of the tokens issued to farmers is for 12 days, many farmers have
reportedly disposed of their stock to middlemen at decreased prices after not being able to sell at
mandis within the stipulated dates.

During the current rabi procurement season in two phases, the district has a target to procure 21
lakh quintal as against the tentative assessment of about 30 lakh quintal.
As of Thursday, 14.5 lakh quintal paddy has been procured, 31,434 farmers registered to sell and
62 PACS and 30 women SHGs have been involved in the procurement with 61 rice mills tagged
to lift the procured stocks from the 128 paddy purchasing centres.
Kalahandi Collector Parag Harshad Gavali has instructed the centres to be on alert given the
weather conditions and directed to expedite lifting of paddy from the purchasing centers by the
custom millers for the convenience of the farmers. He added that all stocks of the registered
farmers will be procured.

Single-dose vaccine may be enough for people who have recovered from COVID, says study

Stakeholders urge Nigerian government to tackle onions

supply to the south
Agricultural stakeholders have appealed to the Nigerian government to look into the plan by the
Onions Farmers Association to block supply of onions to the southern parts of the country. The
National President of Onion Producers, Aliyu Umar, said on May 30 that the blockade was to
avert the violence meted out on some of its members trucks carrying onions to the south.

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However, some of the stakeholders have said that the decision was not in the best interest of both
the producers and buyers. President of the Rice Millers Association of Nigeria (RIMAN), Peter
Dama, said that the situation was worrisome. He appealed to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and
Investment as well as Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to intervene in order to
save the situation, as the decision would affect both the farmers and the consumers because of
the perishable nature of onions.
The Founder of Women Farmers Advancement Network (WOFAN), Salamatu Garba, said that
the issue needed to be quickly attended to by the government to avoid unpleasant outcome for
the economy. She condemned the hijack of the trucks in the south and appealed to Nigerians not
to allow a few misguided elements to create problems for the majority.

―Units of higher capacity should be set up in the state for paddy

milling‖- Madhya Pradesh CM
June 10, 2021

Bhopal: Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that there is a need to increase the capacity
of paddy milling in the state. For this large milling units will be set up. Farmers will also be trained to
plant profitable varieties of paddy and reduce breakage in paddy. Apart from paddy, farmers will also be
motivated to grow other profitable crops. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan was addressing the meeting of
the Cabinet Sub-Committee on paddy milling in Kharif Marketing Year 2020-21 today. Chief Minister
Shri Chouhan said that for the state government, the interest of farmers is paramount. The final decision
regarding paddy milling rates will be taken by the Cabinet. Minister of Finance and Commerce Tax Shri
Jagdish Deora, Minister of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Shri Bisahu Lal Singh,
Minister of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development Shri Kamal Patel, Minister of State for
AYUSH Shri Ram Kishore Kanvre was present in the meeting held in Mantralaya. Chief Secretary Shri
Iqbal Singh Bains and Principal Secretary Food, Civil Supplies Shri Faiz Ahmed Kidwai also took part
in the meeting.

It was informed in the meeting that the production of paddy is increasing every year in the state. A total
of 37.26 lakh metric tonnes of paddy was procured in the year 2020-21 whereas in the year 2017-18 this
quantity was only 16.60 MT. Out of a total of 804 millers in the state, 396 mills have a milling capacity
of 4 metric tons per hour and 392 millers have a milling capacity of 4 to 8 metric tons per hour. Only 16
units have a milling capacity of more than 8 MT per hour. The present milling capacity of the state is
35,000 metric tonnes per day. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan directed that necessary action should be
taken to set up rice mills with more capacity in the state.

Various alternatives were presented by the Cabinet Committee for milling of paddy. Discussions were
also held on the proposals for rice delivery submitted by the miller unions, the policy and procedure for

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milling of other paddy producing states. Options were presented by the Cabinet sub-committee regarding
the proposed ratio of rice delivery, incentive amount for milling and amount of upgradation

China, Philippines remain world’s top rice importers

JUN 11, 2021 5:58 PM PHT

The Philippines is seen to import 2.1 million metric tons of rice from the initial forecast of 2
China and the Philippines remained the world's top rice importers this year, according to data
from the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service.
In its latest report on world rice production, China is still the world's top rice importer, with the
USDA expecting the nation to import 3.2 million metric tons MT.
The Philippines, meanwhile, is seen to import 2.1 million MT of rice.
Both countries were initially expected to have lower import requirements for the year at 2.9
million MT and 2 million MT, respectively.
The adjusted figures were due to strong demand.
For the Philippines, USDA also attributed the increased import figures to the reduced Most
Favored Nation (MFN) tariff rate. In May, President Rodrigo Duterte issued Executive Order
(EO) No. 135, which lowered the MFN tariff to 35% on imported rice.

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Daily Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter
"The Philippines is expected to be the second-largest importer in 2021, and recently announced a
change to its import tariffs that have the potential to shift its suppliers,‖ USDA said.
―Traditionally, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) members Vietnam and
Thailand have been the most prominent exporters [to the Philippines] given the proximity,
established trade relationships, and ability of these countries to provide government-to-
government agreements during the period of quantitative restrictions," USDA said.
"However, since 2019, Vietnam has become the primary rice supplier to the Philippines due to
its lower prices,‖ it added.
Rice imports from Vietnam are seen to be lower at 6.3 million MT, due to increased competition
with other countries such as India.
"Non-ASEAN countries, including India and Pakistan, have more competitive prices and the
reduced tariffs would result in lower landed prices," USDA said.
But USDA also noted that non-ASEAN Asian countries must work on consumer awareness and
build business relationships in the Philippines to get a significant share of the market.
On Monday, June 7, the Department of Finance said in a statement that the EO would enable the
Philippines to diversify rice sources while maintaining stable supply at affordable prices.
―I think there will be a shift in the imports of Thai and Vietnamese rice, and Burmese (Myanmar)
rice, to rice from other countries where the value is much lower. Just keep an eye on that,‖
Dominguez told Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero.
Dominguez, a former agriculture chief, cited India as a possible source of affordable rice
imports. –

GIEWS Country Brief: Haiti 10-June-2021

News and Press Release




10 Jun 2021

Originally published

10 Jun 2021


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 Harvest of 2021 main season maize and paddy crops ongoing
 Cereal production in 2020 estimated at below-average level
 Cereal import requirements anticipated at above-average levels in 2020/21
 Prices of staple food on rising during first four months of 2021
 Low food availability and access affect about 4.4 million people
Harvest of 2021 main season maize and paddy crops ongoing
The harvest of the 2021 main printemps season maize and paddy crops has recently started in
June. Current crop conditions are generally favourable (NDVI anomaly map) as abundant
seasonal rains in March and April favoured crop emergence and development. However,
precipitation amounts in May were below average, especially in the minor producing southern
and northern areas. Despite favourable weather conditions at planting time, the extent of the area
sown was constrained by costly and scarce agricultural inputs. With the aim to increase farmers’
access to inputs, the government introduced price ceilings on fertilizers in November 2020 amid
the increasing inflation rate. Other efforts to increase crop yields include the inauguration of a
hydro-electric dam in the North-East Department in May 2021 and the cleaning of some
irrigation canals.
In the July-September period, the weather forecast indicates a high likelihood of above-average
precipitation amounts, reducing soil moisture deficit and providing conducive conditions for the
2021 minor automne season crops.
Cereal production in 2020 estimated at below-average level
Although official data is not yet available, the 2020 cereal output is estimated at 370 000 tonnes,
nearly 10 percent below the previous five-year average. The low level of production mainly
reflects limited precipitation amounts from April to July 2020, which affected the main season
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Daily Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter
maize and paddy crops, and the limited access to seeds and other agricultural inputs due to
economic constraints.
Cereal import requirements anticipated at above-average levels in 2020/21
The cereal import requirements for the 2020/21 marketing year (July/June), mostly wheat and
rice, are anticipated at a slightly above-average level of 830 000 tonnes. The large import
requirements mainly reflect the reduced rice production in 2020 and the strong domestic demand
for wheat products that are not produced locally.
Prices of staple food rising during first four months of 2021
Prices of mostly imported rice have generally increased from January to April 2021, mainly
reflecting the weakening of the currency. After a significant appreciation in October 2020,
following interventions by the Central Bank, the Haitian gourde has been depreciating steadily.
As of May 2021, the currency lost about 37 percent of its value compared to November 2020.
Prices of locally produced maize meal also increased during the four first months of 2021 in line
with seasonal trends. By contrast, prices of black beans were generally stable due to abundant
supplies from large imports between July 2020 and March 2021.
Low food availability and access affect about 4.4 million people
According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis, about 4.4
million people (46 percent of the population analyzed), are forecast to be severely food insecure
from March to June 2021. The worst situations are reported in the departments of Nord-Ouest
and Sud-Est, which are classified under IPC Phase 4: ―Emergency.‖ The high levels of food
insecurity reflect the worsening households’ access to food, which was constrained by the
negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, primarily through income and job losses. The low
availability of locally produced staple crops and high prices of food items exacerbated the
situation. The ongoing socio-political unrest has disrupted market activities, especially in urban
areas. Furthermore, the reduced mobility due to road blockage and increasing insecurity has
further affected the access to food.
In the Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan 2020-2023, the government aims at lowering
the share of the severely food insecure population to 25 percent by 2023. In order to achieve this
target, the Plan has several actions to boost food production, including the establishment of new
irrigation systems, the modernization of farm equipment and the provision of free and/or
subsidized agricultural inputs and extension services.
Primary country
 Haiti
 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
 News and Press Release
 Agriculture
 Food and Nutrition
Disaster type
 Epidemic
 English

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Crop Damage From Record Rainfall in the South Still Being Calculated
By Josh Hankins

DESHA and ARKANSAS COUNTIES, ARKANSAS – Phew! The Sun is finally out this Friday
morning after a very difficult week for many in the mid-South – one so wet Arkansas Governor
Asa Hutchinson declared an emergency in the region hardest hit.

That's an 80" tall water sensor

on Robb Dedman's route

According to the National Weather Service, rainfall recorded on Tuesday this week in
Desha County, just west of the Mississippi River, made for the wettest June day in the
state of Arkansas since 1974.

The storm brought more than 15 inches of rain to some areas, and with nowhere for that
water to go due to the already saturated areas, causing flash flooding, road closures, power
outages, home and business evacuations, and early crops completely submerged with

―In the worst affected areas, flooding has resulted in washed or breached levees and loss of
our flood depth management,‖ said Dr. Jarrod Hardke, Rice Extension Agronomist,
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. ―This will have less direct, but lasting
effects on our crop management. In some extreme instances, rice fields are completely
underwater. Rice tolerates a shallow flood but does not like to be submerged. Fields that
are older will start to die after seven days of submergence. However, young rice can
survive for weeks if floodwater conditions are right.‖

Robb Dedman, an independent crop consultant with Ultimate Ag Consulting, manages

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thousands of acres in the areas hit the hardest. ―I don’t think we are going to know the
magnitude of the damage until the water recedes,‖ he said. ―Thousands of acres of
cropland are still underwater in our area. I just walked out of a bean field with 3 feet of
standing water, which will be a total loss.‖

―I’ve never seen anything like this in all my years,‖ said Keith Glover, CEO of Producers
Rice Mill in Stuttgart. ―I’m particularly struck by how unlucky it all seems – here we have
too much water and our friends in California don’t have nearly enough. But that’s

―Our Arkansas rice producers are resilient and accustomed to dealing with unforeseen
adversity,‖ said Arkansas Rice Executive Director Kelly Robbins. ―The upcoming week
looks mostly dry, we are hopeful this will help expedite the drainage of the floodwaters,
keep crop damage to a minimum, and allow our members to get back to business as

Governor Hutchinson will be visiting the affected areas today to assess the damage and
needs of the affected communities.
USA Rice daily

Colombia Leaves Daily Rice Recommended

Serving Unchanged, Consumers Still Outpace It

By Sarah Moran
They can have as much rice as
BOGOTA, COLOMBIA – Earlier this year, they want
Colombia’s Ministry of Health and Social Protection Photo ©WM 2014 / Flickr
published a draft resolution to amend Colombia’s
nutritional guidelines including a proposal to reduce
the recommended rice serving by 40 percent, from 50
grams of uncooked rice to 30 grams. As this
document was open for international public
consultation, USA Rice submitted comments in April
highlighting the nutritional profile of rice and that it
is a healthy, cholesterol-free, sodium-free, sugar-free,
non-processed food that is part of a healthy,
nutritious diet.

―In the absence of any science-based justification for endorsing a reduction in rice

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consumption, we advised that the recommended portion of rice remain unchanged at 50

grams, as defined in Resolution 333 from 2011,‖ said USA Rice President & CEO Betsy
Ward in the letter.

According to Colombia’s Quality of Life Survey of the National Administrative

Department of Statistics (DANE), annual per capita rice consumption in Colombia is about
95 pounds of uncooked rice, which is approximately one quarter pound of uncooked rice
per person per day, or 117 grams. These rates are typically higher in rural areas and on the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts, but the proposed daily consumption reduction to 30 grams
would be almost one quarter of the amount consumed by the average Colombian.

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection recently agreed to keep the recommended
portion of rice consumption at 50 grams in uncooked form.

Colombia typically produces about 90 percent of the rice they consume, importing 100,000
– 250,000 tons per year. The U.S. has a trade agreement with Colombia which allows
117,402 tons of U.S. rice to enter Colombia duty-free in 2021.
USA Rice daily

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Fort Collins Indian restaurant owner opens new

grocery store
Pat Ferrier

Five years and one pandemic later, the owner of Bawarchi Biryani Point, 1611 S. College Ave.
No. 100, has opened an Indian grocery store adjacent to the restaurant.
On June 3, Saiprasad Palusa turned Bawarchi's banquet room that wasn't getting used during the
COVID-19 pandemic, into Swagath, a 2,000-square-foot store stocked with fresh Indian
vegetables, spices, snacks, lentils, flours, teas, coffees, basmati rice, frozen foods, naan and items
for pooja worship rituals.
Palusa said customers of the southern Indian eatery often asked where they could purchase
Indian ingredients in Fort Collins. "Some items you couldn't get outside Denver," he said.
Palusa's daughter, Siri, a student at Fort Collins High School, is running the grocery store for the
summer. The store has "sparked an interest for learning" more about Indian cooking, she said.
'It's been a struggle':25 Fort Collins bars, restaurants have opened during COVID-19

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Her father opened Bawarchi Biryani Point, a small group of restaurants, in 2016 during a leave
of absence from Colorado State University where he worked as a special assistant professor in
the biology department. He resigned from CSU last year to concentrate on the business.
Even through the pandemic, business has remained steady, he said. Like all restaurants,
Bawarchi transitioned from dine-in to primarily a takeout and delivery business.
Seventy percent of his customers are repeat customers and that helped him survive and thrive, he
said. "I'm very thankful for the Fort Collins community."
Swagath Indian Grocery is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily; the same hours as the restaurant.
Totally moving:Totally 80's Pizza to take over shuttered Fort Collins Pizza Hut
Pat Ferrier is a senior reporter covering business, health care and growth issues in Northern
Colorado. Contact her at Please support her work and that of other
Coloradoan journalists by purchasing a subscription today.
Jollof rice is a popular food at parties, ceremonies and
weddings across West Africa
(Credit: Credit: Patti Sloley)
t Africa's iconic rice dish best?
Every West African country has at least one variation of
Jollof rice, and it both divides and unites the region.
 By Patti Sloley
8 June 2021
With its seductive aroma, deep-red colour and spicy flavour, Jollof rice is the
undisputed queen of West African kitchens. It's our beloved culinary treasure and
a dish from our very heart and soul. But just whisper the word "Jollof" in West
Africa and you could easily start a fiery feud of passion. That's because
determining which West African nation makes Jollof best is an ongoing matter of
local pride and contention.
Jollof rice is to West Africa what paella is to Spain, risotto to Italy, biriyani to
India and fried rice to China. As a child growing up in Ghana, I gobbled Jollof
down at family gatherings, birthdays, coming-of-age ceremonies, engagement
parties and weddings. Enjoyed as a main meal, this rich, mouth-watering dish
consists of rice cooked in a flavourful sauce of tomatoes, onions and aromatic
spices. These base ingredients are often layered with ginger, garlic, thyme, grains
of selim (a West African spice), tomato puree, curry powder and Scotch bonnet
chillies, though the exact components and preparation differ from country to
country; even from house to house.
While each plate of Jollof may vary, every one brings exciting flavours. The
savoury sweetness of onions is very important. Seasoning is crucial. And the
choice of meat – mutton, beef, chicken, goat, lamb or even fish – delivers a
different deliciousness every time. The meat is spiced and delicately braised in
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stock until tender, before being fried and returned to the stock. Then the rice is
added to the meat, stock and spicy sauce and simmered until it absorbs all the
flavoursome liquid, leaving every grain aromatic, delectable and a luscious
orangey-red hue.
The origins of Jollof rice can be traced to the 1300s in the ancient Wolof Empire
(also called the Jolof Empire), which spanned parts of today's Senegal, The
Gambia and Mauritania. Rice farming flourished in this region, and Jollof began
life as a dish called thieboudienne, prepared with rice, fish, shellfish and
vegetables. As the empire grew, the Wolof people dispersed across the region and
settled in different parts of West Africa, taking their sumptuous rice dish with
Despite its ubiquity across the region, few foods have caused as much of a stir as
Jollof rice. Today, every West African country has at least one variation of Jollof,
which both divides and unites the region. Each nation and family add their own
twist and interpretation, which perhaps is the root of the fierce competition taking
place across social media, parties and street-side chats. Black Foodie website,
which explores food and culture through a black lens, described it as "one of the
most interesting and heated food debates amongst the diaspora… it's the most epic
food beefs of all time."
The main protagonists in a steam over who makes the best Jollof rice are Ghana,
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cameroon. The Gambia and Senegal are quite
laid-back and rarely enter the Jollof controversy; after all, they gave it to the
world. Myriad variations fuel the ongoing competition with as many similarities as
there are differences; and with oral traditions of passing down recipes, what else
could be expected?
For instance, my Ghanaian mother would stew the rice with the sauce and meat in
a one-pot dish, which is, of course, my favoured preparation. Nigerians and
Liberians sometimes use palm oil instead of vegetable oil to give a richer depth of
flavour, especially when cooking with smoked and dried fish. In Nigeria and
Cameroon, red peppers are often blended with the base ingredients of onions,
tomatoes and chilli to add vibrancy and a subtle sweetness. These two nations also
like to add smoked paprika to give Jollof a smoky flavour, similar to cooking over
an open wood fire. A Gambian friend boasts of adding smoked snails to her Jollof,
a traditional ingredient in The Gambia and Senegal.
Nigerian food writer Jiji Majiri Ugboma believes that "the Jollof feud between
Ghana and Nigeria is arguably the most heated food debate amongst any
diaspora". As a Ghanaian with many Nigerian friends, I couldn't agree more.
These two passionate nations seem to love to hate each other, and both feel theirs
is the best Jollof rice. One main difference is the type of rice used. Ghanaians use
aromatic basmati rice, which gives it extra flavour, while Nigerians use long grain
rice, believing that it is best for absorbing flavour. Both countries enjoy this gentle
teasing, seeing it as a battle of wits where each tries to wear the other down with

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"Ironically, the feud actually brings Nigerians and Ghanaians together," Ugboma
said. "It is a love language between both countries and is similar to the dynamic of
siblings teasing each other."
The Jollof feud between Ghana and Nigeria is arguably the most heated food debate amongst any
Musicians have joined in the banter too, with Akon claiming Liberian Jollof is
the best, even though he's from Senegal. Ghanaian musician Sister Deborah
released an anthem in 2016 called Ghana Jollof with lyrics including "Ghana
Jollof, yummy; Nigerian Jollof, it is funny".
Senegalese chef Pierre Thiam, who owns Teranga restaurant in New York City,
believes that this banter is both "playful and really serious".
"I wish all wars were fought like the Jollof war. No killings! No blood," he said. "I
also believe that there will never be a winner. Everyone thinks that their mother
makes the best. I enjoy both the Nigerian and the Ghanaian and even the Sierra
Leonian Jollof dishes, but in my humble opinion, nothing compares to the original
one: Senegal Jollof."
As much as West Africans enjoy these good-natured differences of opinion, there's
no doubt our love for the dish can bring us together. It's easy to understand why all
hell broke loose when celebrity chef Jamie Oliver cooked Jollof rice and shared
his recipe on his website in 2014. West Africans forgot that they had a Jollof war
going on. Outraged, their collective response was to drop everything, hold hands
and charge for Oliver's website. They may have been arguing over whose Jollof
was best in West Africa, but they were not going to allow anyone to mess with
their culinary treasure. Hashtags like #jollofgate were unleashed on Twitter. With
ingredients including lemon, coriander and parsley, Oliver's Jollof was for many a
twist too far, even though he stressed that his recipe was his own take on
Jollof. Africans were concerned that if this went unchallenged, cultural
misappropriation could quite easily make Oliver's version the official Jollof rice.
Yet, by and large, the Jollof debate has been positive and has increased awareness
of and interest in West African food. The top 10 fastest-growing food trends for
2020 predicted by Whole Foods included food from West Africa: peanuts,
lemongrass and ginger; grains like teff, sorghum, fonio and millet; and the
superfood moringa were all mentioned as traditional West African flavours that
"are popping up everywhere in food and in beverage".
And, as if an awakening in the diaspora, Jollof is suddenly everywhere too. Jollof
food festivals have been held in Washington, DC, and Toronto, and Jollof
competitions in Nigeria. World Jollof Day has been celebrated every year, on 22
August, since 2015, with photographs and videos unleashed on social media.
As African restaurants around the world become ever more mainstream, they are
adding even more variations and interpretations to their Jollof offerings.
London's Ikoyi dishes up smoked Jollof rice with crab custard; while Teranga's
Jollof rice finds new form in an "Ancient Vegan Bowl", topped with a sweet
potato and black-eyed peas stew, a kale and organic red palm fruit oil stew, and
spicy plantains.

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With the increase in Jollof's global popularity, Thiam believes that "We will see a
growing interest for the dish and for African foods in general. Watch out for Jollof
rice in your supermarket aisle."
As excited as we are about the world embracing Jollof rice, for West Africans, it is
more than a colourful and tasty rice dish we enjoy arguing over: it connects to our
rich heritage and is a dish that will forever remain in our hearts. Even as we draw
closer together, the fire in the Jollof kitchen rages on.
Food Wars is a series from BBC Travel that invites you to feel the heat when
passions flare around beloved dishes that shape a culture’s identity.
Join more than three million BBC Travel fans by liking us on Facebook, or follow
us on Twitter and Instagram.
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"The Essential List". A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture,
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Soaring rice prices add to consumers' woes

FE REPORT | Published: June 11, 2021 11:58:11 | Updated: June 11, 2021

Focus Bangla file photo

After remaining static for a month, rice prices witnessed a hike in the city retail
markets last week, adding to the woes of consumers already hit hard by a surge in
the prices of essentials.
Though onion prices showed a slight downward trend amid easing import hurdle s by
the government, pulses, eggs and ginger showed a hike during the period.
After the surge in the wholesales, rice prices increased in the Dhaka retail markets
last week by Tk 2.0-3.0 a kg.
Coarse varieties were sold at Tk 48 -52 a kg, medium quality BRR I dhan 28 at Tk
55-58 and finer Miniket, Zira, Najirshail and Katari (parboiled) at Tk 65 -80 a kg.
The Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) recorded a 3.0 per cent hike in rice
prices in a week, while the current prices of coarse and medium varieties ar e nearly
13 per cent higher than those in a year ago.
Johirul Islam, a grocer at Dhanmondi -15, told the FE that prices of rice might rise
further amid a rocketing trend in the wholesales.
He said prices of BRRI dhan 28, Miniket and Zira had increased by Tk 200 per 50
kg sack in the last one and a half weeks at the Mohammadpur Agricultural Market.
Prices of the medium variety will be Tk 58 -60 a kg and finer Miniket Tk 65-72 a
kg, depending on quality, within a week, he said.

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Amzad Hossain, a rice trader at Badamtoli in the city, said both rice and paddy
prices started increasing from the last week of May in the milling hubs as big
millers had started buying paddy in large volume.
He said rice prices had increased by Tk 150 -250 a sack in Kushtia, Pabna,
Jaypurhat, Naogaon, Dinajpur, Rangpur and Nilphamari in the last two weeks.
According to Bangladesh Auto Major Husking Mill Owners Association, hybrid
paddy price increased to maximum Tk 850 a maund, medium variety BRRI dhan -28
to Tk 950 and finer quality Zira/Miniket to Tk 1,100 a maund in the rice -growing
hubs - a hike of Tk 120-200 per maund in the last two weeks.
Hybrid rice is now selling at Tk 38 -39, BRRI dhan-28 rice at Tk 47-48, Zira or
Miniket at Tk 50-54 a kg at Naogaon, Nilphamari, Kushtia, and Dinajpu r mills - a
Tk 3.0-4.0 hike during the period, said the husking mill owners association.
The association's Secretary KM Layek Ali recently told the FE that millers had
started buying paddy in large volume for their market operation for the next two
months, resulting in a price rise to some extent.
He said both the millers and the government were now procuring paddy, leading to
the price hike.
As per their prediction, Mr Ali said rice production might drop slightly in many
places during this Boro season.
However, the government has declared that it will buy 1.9 million tonnes of paddy,
rice and wheat during this Boro crop purchase period between April and August.

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Public procurement is going on in full swing as over 30 per cent of the target has
been achieved in one and a half months until June 8, according to the Directorate
General of Food.
It said 0.57 million tonnes of grain including 0.5 million tonnes of rice, 0.153
million tonnes of paddy and 0.073 million tonnes of wheat had been purchased so
The directorate raised the asking prices for both paddy and rice in this Boro season.
It failed to achieve the target during the last Aman season due to higher prices of
rice and paddy in the market than the government -fixed rates.
However, local procurement, as well as imports, has helped the government
increase its food stock nearly to 1.1 million tonnes until June 08 which declined to
a decade low of 0.4 million tonnes in April last.
However, experts said public warehouses must have a stock of at least 1.5 mi llion
tonnes of food grain to deal with any odd situation.
The agriculture ministry is expecting an all -time high of 20.5 million tonnes of rice
production this Boro season from 4.87 million hectares of land.
Ninety-nine per cent of Boro harvest has been c ompleted so far, according to the
Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE).
Meanwhile, prices of coarse and medium quality lentils increased by Tk 10 -15 a kg;
coarse lentil was sold at Tk 80-85 a kg and medium Tk 90-105 a kg.
On the other hand, onion prices showed a Tk 5.0-6.0 a kg decline last week as both
local and imported Indian onions were sold at Tk 48 -55 a kg on Thursday.
Traders said the price showed a decline as the government had started giving import
permission (IP) from last week.
Prices of ginger increased by Tk 20-Tk 30 a kg as imported varieties were sold at
Tk 120-140 a kg.
Egg prices rose further to Tk 105 -110 per dozen from Tk 100-105 a dozen a week
back, while it was Tk 90-95 two weeks back.

Agriculture: Tripura farmers face highest problem to sell

foundation seeds of paddy

Udaipur, Jun 11 (UNI) Foundation seeds of paddy, produced 30,000 kg by BAPCL with the help
of 50 farmers at South Bagma and West Khupilong village area, recorded the highest loss in the
year 2020-21 due to problem of marketing.

In course of conversation with farmers today, the farmers said the price of foundation seed Rs 35
for one-kilogram paddy according to government rate, where the Food Corporation of India
(FCI) has offered Rs 18 for one-kilogram paddy to farmers.

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The farmer's interest to produce foundation seeds of paddy to get good return in view to the
Central government goal 'Farmers Income Doubling'.

The farmers of Tripura's South Bagma and West Khupilong villages reported the highest loss
because the Agriculture Department of Tripura Government and the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) Tripura don't procure foundation paddy seeds.

Sharing this information on his discussion with UNI today, paddy grower Chandan Das under
South Bagma area said the farmers informed their problem by an organization to ICAR and the
Agriculture Department, Government of Tripura that a total of 30,000 kg paddy for foundation
seeds are available to sell. The Scientists of ICAR and Agriculture Department refused to
procure foundation seeds of paddy from farmers.

The state Tripura recorded in the financial year 2019, rice production across the north-eastern
state in India amount to about 793 thousand metric ton and non-tribal Bengolies of Tripura live
on rice. The tribals are marginally depend on rice to live.

The sources in Bagma Agri Producer Company Limited (BAPCL) said demand for rice
increasing according to the increasing rate of population in the north-eastern state Tripura.

Gomati District has the biggest opportunity to produce foundation seeds of paddy to increase
paddy production using locally established paddy verities like Tripura Chikan, Tripura Nirogi,
Gomati, Ranjit and other verities.

The last year 2020 in June, the DGM of the NABARD Tripura Regional office had visited the
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seed village project sponsored by NABARD to BAPCL at Bagma and held a meeting with
experts, farmers including Sanjib Dey, Project Coordinator under seed village project and the
NABARD high officials directed to BAPCL for the success of the project.

Aimed the develop foundation paddy seed growers, Chirantan Chakraborty, CEO of BAPCL is
also monitoring the developmental activities according to the instructions of resource persons
under the agricultural sector.

On Friday, Sudip Majumder, Chairman of BAPCL, which falls under the Udaipur Subdivision of
Tripura's Gomati District, reported that the farmers capable to produce foundation seeds of
paddy but the government must come forward to help farmers to sell one-kilogram foundation
seeds of paddy at the amount of government price Rs 35.

The organization ICAR and Agriculture Department could purchase foundation seeds for farmers
of the state Tripura instead of purchasing paddy seeds from other sources outside Tripura.

Referring to the advice of ICAR scientists and high officials of the Agriculture Department for
Government of Tripura, the government officers follow the instructions given by the government
or the higher authority, making success in all the cases of agriculture as well as the development
of farmers in the state Tripura.

Egypt cultivates dry rice in New Valley to counter water

Egypt IndependentJune 11, 2021

The Directorate of Agriculture in Egypt’s New Valley Governorate announced its success in a
pilot project to grow dry rice, an alternative to regular rice, for the first time at the governorate
On Friday, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture in the New Valley Governorate Maged
al-Morsy confirmed that 15 acres of dry rice were planted in the city of Moot, near Dakhla, in
order to introduce the crop as an alternative to regular rice, which requires much more water.
The project educated farmers on how to grow the crop, with teachings including proper
cultivation, irrigation, and fertilization methods.
Egypt’s Ministry of Agriculture provided farmers with high-quality seeds of the varieties best-
suited for cultivation in dry areas, Morsy said.
Morsy added that the directorate organized a series of seminars on dry rice in the presence of
irrigation officials, engineers and agricultural supervisors to present the methods and benefits of
cultivating dry rice.
The seminars tackled appropriate cultivation methods, fertilizer treatments, irrigation treatments
and planting dates for New Valley.

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The governorate’s Agriculture Directorate has introduced new varieties of dry rice to conserve
the water while maintaining supplies.

Morsy added the dry rice pilot project showed that it took just 3,500 cubic meters of water per
feddan to grow dry rice, as compared to regular rice’s 7,000 cubic meters per feddan. The study
also found that the average yield of dry rice per feddan reached 3.2 tons, which is worth

Agriculture sector achieves growth target

Performance remained encouraging in 2020-21 as sector grew by 2.77%

Usman Hanif June 11, 2021

In its budget proposals, the board suggested that the agriculture credit should be increased to $25
billion. PHOTO: AFP

The agriculture sector – the backbone of national economy and a major source of
employment – recorded a significant growth of 2.77% during the outgoing fiscal year,
which was in line with the target of 2.8% set by the government during the pandemic.
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At the announcement of Economic Survey 2020-21, Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin revealed
plans to empower small farmers by taking relevant measures.

The agriculture sector’s performance during 2020-21 remained encouraging as it grew by 2.77%
against the target of 2.8%. Growth of important crops – wheat, rice, sugarcane, maize and cotton
– during the year came in at 4.65%, according to the survey report.
Tarin highlighted that all major crops grew except for cotton.
Production of major Kharif crops, such as sugarcane, maize and rice showed a significant
improvement compared to last year and hence surpassed the production targets.
Production of sugarcane increased by 22% to 81.009 million tons from 66.380 million tons last
year, rice production grew by 13.6% to 8.419 million tons compared to 7.414 million tons and
maize by 7.4% to 8.465 million tons from 7.883 million tons.
However, cotton crop suffered due to a decline in the area sown, heavy monsoon rains and pest
attacks. Total cotton production was estimated at 7.064 million bales, down 22.8% compared to
output of 9.148 million bales last year.
Wheat, the most important crop of the Rabi season, posted a growth of 8.1% and reached a
record high production of 27.293 million tons compared to 25.248 million tons recorded last
Wheat cultivation area increased to 9.178 million hectares, prompted by record domestic prices
and official programmes introduced to promote production of the staple crop.

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―Agriculture is the backbone of the economy, which is undoubtedly the main source of raw
material, however, the major concern is high rate of food inflation despite bumper crops,‖ said
Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (Unisame) President Zulfikar Thaver while talking
to The Express Tribune.

―This is due to profiteering, speculation, hoarding, smuggling and black marketing, which is
giving rise to inflation and resulting in imports,‖ he elaborated.
The crop contributes around 0.6% to the gross domestic product (GDP). It faces multiple
challenges and competes with other crops, especially sugarcane.
Being an export-oriented raw material for textile industries, maintaining prices at levels
competitive with the international market while ensuring due profitability for growers has been a
great challenge for policymakers.
During 2020-21, the crop was cultivated over 2,079 thousand hectares, reflecting a contraction of
17.4% as compared to last year’s sown area of 2,517 thousand hectares.
Production declined by 22.8% to 7.064 million bales against the output of 9.148 million bales
last year. The declining cultivated area has pushed down production as the crop lost its
competitiveness relative to other major crops, in particular sugarcane.
During 2020-21, the crop was cultivated over 1,165 thousand hectares, an increase of 12%
compared to last year’s sown area of 1,040 thousand hectares.
Production increased by 22% to 81.009 million tons against 66.38 million tons recorded last
year. The crop experienced a significant increase in the area under cultivation and yield.
It was mainly due to favourable weather conditions, better management, timely availability of
quality inputs and higher economic returns.
During 2020-21, the second main staple food crop was cultivated over 3,335 thousand hectares,
reflecting an increase of 9.9% as compared to last year’s sown area of 3,034 thousand hectares.
The current year witnessed a record production growth of 13.6% to 8.419 million tons against
7.414 million tons recorded last year. This was primarily due to rising unit prices and higher
demand for Pakistani rice in export markets.
In the outgoing fiscal year, the area under cultivation increased by 4.2% to 9,178 thousand
hectares over last year’s sown area of 8,805 thousand hectares for the main staple crop of
Pakistan, wheat.
Wheat crop production touched the historic high of 27.293 million tons, showing an increase of
8.1% compared to production of 25.248 million tons last year.
This was primarily due to an increase in the cultivated area, along with a shift of policies to
support the wheat crop through an increase in the minimum support price (MSP). MSP in 2020-
21 was increased from Rs1,400 to Rs1,800 per 40 kg, a 29% hike.
Read more: Agriculture sector: challenges and way forward
During 2020-21, the third important cereal crop of Pakistan was cultivated over an area of 1,418
thousand hectares, reflecting an increase of 1% compared to last year’s 1,404 thousand hectares.

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Its production increased by 7.4% to 8.465 million tons compared to last year’s production of
7.883 million tons. The production increase was largely due to an increase in the cultivated area,
availability of improved variety of seed and better economic returns.
Speaking on the occasion, Federal Minister for Industries and Production Khusro Bakhtiar said
the Ministry of National Food Security and Research had presented an action plan to the prime
minister for the transformation of agriculture sector.
Under this plan, provinces will work on re-tweaking the machinery given under the National
Agriculture Emergency Projects (NAEP) for wheat, rice, sugarcane and oilseeds for maximum
distribution of implements among the farming community.
Talking to The Express Tribune, Sindh Abadgar Board Vice President Mehmood Nawaz Shah
criticised the Economic Survey, saying it projected more about the future instead of giving the
masses an account of outgoing years.
―The survey did not highlight the potential growth the sector could not achieve due to hurdles
such as Covid-19 and massive rainfall in seven districts of Sindh,‖ he highlighted.
Endorsing his views, Agriculture Republic Co-founder Aamir Hayat Bhandara said, ―In the
survey, the government did not mention the post-harvest loss, which is estimated at $1 billion
due to absence of storage facilities, cold storages, efficient supply chain, etc.‖
Published in The Express Tribune, June 11h, 2021.
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Russia gives go-ahead to rice import from Pakistan

The Newspaper's Staff Reporter

Published June 11, 2021 -

Workers dry grains of rice before a refining process at Al-Barkat Rice Mills on the outskirts of
Lahore. — AFP
ISLAMABAD: Russia has lifted a ban on import of rice from Pakistan.
Based on the guidelines, Russia has allowed import of rice from four Pakistani enterprises from
Friday (today).
The decision was based on implementation of phytosanitary measures proposed by the Ministry
of Food Security Department of Plant Protection (DPP) of Quarantine Division.
Russia had carried out inspection in February last year.
Trade Minister Pakistan Embassy Russia Nasir Hameed took up the issue with the host country
and pursued the matter with the Russian authorities.
A statement issued by the Ministry of Food Security said that Deputy Director Technical
Quarantine of DPP Sohail Shahzad had been negotiating with Russia for the past year for lifting
of ban on import of rice from Pakistan.

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The department also provided Russia all requisite technical information, assurances on Pakistan
Plant Quarantine system, pest surveillance and control programme in rice-growing areas and rice

Initially, four rice establishments — two from Karachi, one from Lahore and one from Chiniot
— have been approved by NPPO Russia for import of rice from Pakistan.
The permission to other rice units shall be subject to virtual verification by the plant quarantine
division of DPP.
Published in Dawn, June 11th, 2021

Russia lifts ban on import of Pakistani rice, helps to fetch

addition $300m: Fakhar
JUNE 12, 2021
Minister for National Food Security and Research Syed Fakhar Imam Friday said that Russia has
lifted a ban on the import of rice from Pakistan that would help in significant increase of local
rice exports to Russian markets as well as penetrating in other high end markets.
Addressing a press conference, he said that the Russian authorities had imposed a ban on
Pakistani rice two years back after intersecting khapra beetle insect in some consignments
reached to its markets. After the imposition of ban, the local authorities initiated negotiation with
Russian authorities and several delegations from Moscow visited Pakistan in order to examine

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and observe the standard operating procedures and measures for fulfilling the phytosanitary
standards, he added.
The Minister said that the Department of Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine Division,
Ministry of Commerce in close coordination with the Trade Minister of the Embassy of Pakistan
in Moscow, played a vital role for the resumption of local rice exports to Russian markets that
was commendable.
Initially, four local companies were allowed to export rice to Russia, however a delegation was
scheduled to visit Moscow to explore more opportunities for the companies meeting the set
standards to enhance exports of rice to Russia, he added.
Fakhar Imam said that Pakistan has harvested bumper rice crops of over 8.4 million tons, adding
that the resumption of rice exports to Russian markets would help in fetching additional $200 to
$ 300 million each year, which he said would benefit the local growers.
He said that the Prime Minister was keen in enhancing local exports of agricultural products by
promoting value addition of these products through mechanization, innovation and making
progress in research and development to meet international standards.
In order to promote the local agriculture sector, he said that the government was determined to
bring the agro-economy in main esteem, which would equally benefit the growers and general
public, adding that agriculture was the backbone of the national economy and major source of
industrial raw material and absorbed huge chunks of labor.
He said that the government was working with international development partners to control
pests and to meet the set standards for enhancing exports to high end markets, adding that a
comprehensive campaign was launched against locusts.
The agriculture growth was directly linked with over 8.94 million farm families, he said and
added that the government had introduced measures to protect them through Kissan Card and
others to ensure development and prosperity of farming communities.
The government was focusing on vertical development of the agriculture sector, which included
technology development, research for bringing the local produce at par with international
standards to present them in those markets, he remarked.

Rice Harvesting in Sumedang, Anies Ensures Mutually

Beneficial Interregional Cooperation

Reporter : Yudha Peta Ogara | Editor : Maria Inggita | June 11th, 2021 08:28 PM 20:28 WIB |
Dibaca 40 kali

(Foto : Yudha Peta Ogara /

Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan along with Sumedang Regent, Dony Ahmad Munir; PT. Tjipinang
Food Station President Director, Pamrihadi Wiraryo; and Perumda Pasar Jaya President Director, Arief
Nasrudin, held a joint harvest in Mekarwangi Village rice field, Tomo Sub-district, Sumedang Regency,
West Java on Friday (6/11).
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"This is our way as urban community to return the favor to the farmers "
In this activity, Jakarta Government officials also reviewed one of rice-producing locations that will
supply foods for Jakarta residents through PT. Tjipinang Food Station as supplier and Perumda Pasar Jaya
as distributor.
Anies assessed, harvesting is a form of Jakarta Government's seriousness in improving cooperation
between regions, especially in food sector. Thus economy among farmers, especially in Sumedang, can
grow and be directly proportional to the availability of rice stock needed by Jakarta residents.
"We just had a big harvest. This is our joint effort thus on one hand, farmers get higher selling price for
grain, while Jakarta residents get an affordable price for rice. Thus every family or household in Jakarta
can be at ease because if food price is stable, it means food supply is safe," he said as quoted from Jakarta
PPID Press Release.
According to him, Jakarta has a very large debt of gratitude to other regions, especially Sumedang
Regency which contributed to fulfill rice supply for Jakarta residents. Thus cooperation between two
regions that had just been agreed through PT. Tjipinang Food Station and PT. Kampung Makmur
(Sumedang Regency's BUMD) is expected to be mutually beneficial.
"This is our way as urban community to return the favor to the farmers. Because they are the ones who
have been working quitely and unseen, but we feel the benefits. Hopefully with current cooperation,
farmers will be prosperous and we are in the capital can get affordable and stable prices. Thank you, Mr.
Regent and farmers," he conveyed.
During joint harvest, together with Regent Dony Ahmad Munir, Anies took the time to greet residents and
farmers' families who live in rice field area. At the same time, he was also seen taking the time to talk to
some farmers on the location to encourage them in helping community to meet their needs of food.

DA-PhilRice urges farmers to conserve water

By Marilyn Galang June 11, 2021, 1:17 pm

CONSERVE WATER. Experts from the Department of Agriculture - Philippine Rice Research
Institute have advised farmers to avoid excessive water use. DA-PhilRice senior science
research specialist, Kristine S. Pascual, said on Thursday (June 10, 2021) based on studies, 15
million to 20 million hectares of irrigated rice fields in the world would experience water
shortage by 2025. (File photo courtesy of DA-PhilRice)
SCIENCE CITY OF MUÑOZ, Nueva Ecija – Experts from the Department of Agriculture -
Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice) have advised farmers to avoid excessive water
Kristine S. Pascual, DA-PhilRice’s senior science research specialist, said Thursday based on
studies, it is estimated that 15 million to 20 million hectares of irrigated rice fields in the world
would experience water shortage by 2025.
Pascual noted that 1,400 liters or seven drums of water could be conserved in the production of 1
kg. of rice if water supply in the fields is well-managed.

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―We need 4,000 liters or 20 drums of water to produce 1 kg. of rice. With proper water use, only
2,600 liters or 13 drums will be needed to produce the same amount of rice,‖ she said in an
official social media post.
To conserve water, farmers are encouraged to use controlled irrigation.
―During crop growth, farmers should practice alternate wetting and drying aided by observation
well if water is insufficient,‖ Pascual said.
She said water scarcity is evident if the rice field has deep soil cracks for more than three days.
Meanwhile, water is excessive if the field is submerged in 5 cm. of water for seven days or
She explained that insufficient water during the vegetative stage causes leaf rolling, leaf-tip
drying, and stunted growth in rice crops.
During panicle initiation to the grain-filling stage, she said leaf rolling and leaf-tip drying, many
unfilled spikelets, and reduced panicle exertion could be observed.
Excessive water, on the other hand, causes reduced tillering (less than 10 tillers per hill), small
leaf area, and dark-colored roots instead of reddish-brown or lighter.
Pascual said farmers should discontinue some of their current practices to conserve water.
She said unhelpful routines include rice paddies remaining open during rest period until the first
irrigation time, lack of definite schedules or guidelines of irrigation, paddy-to-paddy irrigation
and lack of ditches, and continuous flooding of fields throughout the cropping season.
―If the right amount of water is used in rice fields, high yield, high grain quality, increased input
efficiency, and minimal damage to the environment will be achieved,‖ Pascual said. (PNA)

Palay output up, prices down during Q1 period

June 11, 2021, 12:30 PM
by Madelaine B. Miraflor
The country’s palay output inched up during the first quarter of the year, amid the
Philippine government’s decision to allow more imported rice into the country at lower
tariffs, pulling down prices of the seasonally adjusted farmgate price.
Latest data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) showed that the seasonally
adjusted palay production in the first quarter of 2021 was up by 0.5 percent, from 4.89
million metric tons (MT) in the fourth quarter.
The country recorded higher palay output during the first three months of the year, while
rice stocks inventory from warehouses to households are also up significantly.
The seasonally adjusted farmgate price of palay for the first quarter of 2021 also went down
by 7.5 percent to P17.10 per kilogram (/kg) from P18.49/kg from its level during the fourth
quarter of 2020.
It increased by 4.4 percent compared with its previous year’s same period farmgate price of
P16.38 per kilogram of 2020.
Meanwhile, the country’s rice stocks inventory reached 2.44 million MT as of April 1. This
represents an annual increment of 3.2 percent from its level of 2.38 million MT in the same
period of the preceding year.

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Month-on-month, rice stocks inventory also increased by 17.5 percent from its previous
month’s level of 2.08 million MT.
Year-on-year, rice stocks from households rose by 17.9 percent and commercial
warehouses/wholesalers/retailers by 4.0 percent.
However, rice stocks in National Food Authority (NFA) depositories decreased by -41.9
percent, which indicates either lower procurement from local farmers or higher distribution
of rice that were purchased earlier.
The PSA data came out days after the Federation of Free Farmers (FFF) expressed extreme
disappointment with Congress’ failure to tackle urgent resolutions questioning the need for
Executive Order No. (EO) 135, which lowered tariff rates on rice imports from outside
FFF argued that with the positive forecast on the Philippines’ rice production, there is really
no need to boost the importation of rice.
It was in the latter part of May when President Rodrigo Duterte issued EO 135, reducing the
out-quota tariffs on rice imports from 50 percent to 35 percent and the in-quota or minimum
access volume (MAV) tariffs from 40 percent to 35 percent for a period of one ye ar.
In effect, the tariff rate for all imports, whether from ASEAN or outside, will be at a
uniform 35 percent.
The purpose of the EO is to diversify the country’s sources of rice, augment local stocks,
maintain affordable prices, and ease pressures on inflation.
The FFF, in a formal letter filed before the Senate and House on Representatives on May 17,
questioned the basis for the EO and called for hearings on the issues involved.
―Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary Dar has repeatedly issued public s tatements that
we have ample stocks. He has not made any statement alluding to any imminent or projected
shortage in rice supplies,‖ FFF National Manager Raul Montemayor said in an earlier
The other day, Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III directed the Bureau of Customs
(BOC) to keep a tighter watch on incoming rice shipments to ensure the proper collection of
taxes following the issuance of EO 135.
May 14% increase in rice prices-Chosun Ilbo: Hankook Ilbo
Rice prices soared in South Korea last month, which also makes products made from rice more
expensive, such as certain alcoholic beverages.
According to the National Statistical Office, rice prices rose 14% year-on-year, the largest
increase in more than two years. The price of makgeolli, a traditional Korean liquor, rose by
about 15%, rice cakes by 4.7%, and ready-to-eat rice by 3.2%.
Prices are rising mainly due to the long monsoon season last year and the series of typhoons that
affected the harvest.
 Copyright © Chosun Ilbo & May 14%
increase in rice prices-Chosun Ilbo: Hankook Ilbo

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Arkansas Farm Bureau estimates more than

$310M in crop losses following heavy rains
by: Hunter Hoagland

Posted: Jun 10, 2021 / 10:09 PM CDT / Updated: Jun 10, 2021 / 10:09 PM CDT
ARKANSAS COUNTY, Ark.—The Arkansas Farm Bureau is reporting widespread devastation
in Southeastern Arkansas counties.
The AFB says an early survey of the damage shows more than $300,000,000 in crop losses after
heavy rains flooded farms in the region.
―It seems like these 100 year events occur every two years now,‖ said Jay Coker, a farmer in
Arkansas Co.
Flooding continues in many parts of Arkansas already saturated by multi-day rains
Coker farms rice, corn, and soybeans on thousands of acres in the county. He says most of his
hard work now sits underneath water.
―A field that is under for 48 hours is probably not going to survive,‖ said Coker.
Arkansas County Judge, Eddie Best, says they believe more than 15,000 acres of crops are
According to Coker, 2500 of those, belong to him.
―When you have an event like this, and you lose the potential for the income off these acres, then
you impact the entire state of Arkansas,‖ said Coker.
Coker says he hopes to still produce rice when it’s time to harvest, however believes the soybean
fields are a total loss.
―Just like a human with oxygen, the soy beans need to be able to respire and breathe and it can’t
do that in these conditions,‖ said Coker.
Coker says this event is unprecedented and late into the season, which makes it hard to replant.
―To have to start over and not end up with anything, that’s probably what’s on a lot of people’s
minds,‖ said Coker.
Coker believes it will take another 7 days for all of the water to drain from his crops.

Delta crops reeling from the rain

by Ryan McGeeney Special to The Commercial | Today at 2:54 a.m.
The roads and fields surrounding the Rice Research and Extension Center at Stuttgart were
covered in water Wednesday morning. Days of intense rainfall flooded many areas of Arkansas.
(Special to The Commercial/Dustin North, University of Arkansas System Division of

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Desha County, along with most of the Delta region and more than two-thirds of the counties in
Arkansas, received extraordinary amounts of rain over the weekend and well into this week.
"A week ago, we were needing the rain," said John Farabough, Desha County agricultural
extension agent. "We went from powder-dry dust to four inches of standing water, minimum,
Tuesday morning, the National Weather Service issued a flash flood warning for the southern
half of Arkansas, as well as adjacent portions of Louisiana and Texas. By Tuesday afternoon, the
service issued a significant weather advisory for portions of Bradley and Clark counties,
predicting heavy rain, half-inch hail and winds in excess of 40 mph.
By Wednesday morning, more than 13 inches of rain had fallen in Desha County and some
adjacent counties in Arkansas and Mississippi. Between one and five inches of rain had fallen
over most counties in the central and southern thirds of the state.
"I've seen soybeans, corn, and rice in floods where you can't even see the levees out in the rice
field," Farabough said. "In Dumas, they're shutting a lot of businesses, just because so much of
the flooding has backed up."
Kurt Beaty, Jefferson County agricultural extension agent, toured his county throughout
Tuesday, photographing fields both flooded and full of lodged corn and wheat.
"We've got definite flood damage in Altheimer," Beaty said. "In Cornerstone, they got about
eight inches of rain."

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Spring rains are, of course, nothing new to Arkansas. But the intensity of the past week's rain
comes at a time when most of the state's row crops are not only planted but emerged, according
to a June 7 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics
Jason Kelley, wheat and feed grains agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division
of Agriculture, said much of the state's wheat crop is mature and nearly ready for harvest,
making it particularly vulnerable to saturating rains.
"Any rain after maturity is never a good thing," Kelley said. "And we've had a lot of rain all
through the season. We've had trouble getting the fertilizer out -- wet fields can reduce yield just
because of poor drainage, and we've had some of that as well, but the real kicker is what's
happening right now."
Wheat purchase prices, approaching $7 a bushel, are higher than they've been in about a decade,
Kelley said. But kernels damaged by rainy conditions could mean substantial docks from buyers,
or even wholesale rejection of the grain.
"We're still waiting to see what the total impact of this rain will be, but lower test weight is the
big concern," Kelley said. "Farmers get docked for low test weight wheat. And the dockage can
get pretty steep. If the price gets really low, it might not even sell."
Kelley said the heavy rains will likely affect proper fertilization for some of the state's corn crop.
"A lot of corn growers would normally be trying to irrigate right now," Kelley said. "In that
sense, the rain is good. The bad part is that we've still got some people still trying to get fertilizer
out, or they may be doing some late spraying for weeds, so that's a problem.
"If you've got a lot of saturated soil like that, even if you've already got your nitrogen fertilizer
out, well, when it goes underwater like that, you may lose some of that nitrogen," he said.
"The bigger issue I've seen so far, however, is wind damage," Kelley said. "We've got some
fields that are blown over or leaning -- that's going to have an impact on yield."
Kelley said some fields have many corn plants that have experienced "green snap," in which the
corn stalks themselves snap and break.
"The corn is at a stage where it's rapidly growing, without the root system to really anchor it," he
said. "Some may stand back up, that remains to be seen."
Most of the state's approximately 1.4 million acres of rice is grown in flood conditions, making a
rain event like the one Arkansas is experiencing this week less impactful for the crop.
Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said the primary
concern is the reliability of the levees that contain the crop's controlled flood state.
"In fields where we have already fertilized and flooded we'll lose the flood and both nitrogen
efficiency and weed control," Hardke said. "Many fields we haven't flooded and need to, we'll be
forced to get it dry enough to repair levees before we can fertilize and flood."
If water from the storms doesn't drain off within a week, growers may face stagnant water
conditions which can affect the crop's survival, Hardke said, although rice can usually survive
such a scenario for 10 days.
"Cooler, moving water generally keeps submerged rice alive even for extended periods of time,"
he said.
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Bill Robertson, extension cotton agronomist for the Division of Agriculture, said prolonged
exposure to standing water can affect cotton plants.

"Excessive rainfall amounts like some we have experienced is never a good thing," Robertson
said. "Sometimes even a quick four-inch rain can present issues with standing water in fields and
prolonged wet field conditions. Some have experienced three to four times this amount."
Robertson said some aspects of the cotton growing season had "just gotten back up to speed this
week," although many growers are still struggling to control Palmer amaranth, commonly known
as pigweed, and other pests, including thrips.
"At this point of the season, almost everything on the farm revolves around pigweed control," he
said. "Pigweed control has not gone as planned this year, and the current weather situation is
making things worse.
"While we take the rain when we can get it, we are anxious for some bright and sunny days to
enable our crop to try and make up some ground lost during the cold weather experienced during
Memorial Day weekend," Robertson said.

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The longer-term forecast from the National Weather Service at Little Rock shows something of a
reprieve from the waterworks, with the chance for rain in its warning area decreasing to 20-30
percent starting Thursday night through Sunday.
To learn more about extension programs in Arkansas, contact a local Cooperative Extension
Service agent or visit Follow the agency on Twitter at @AR_Extension.
The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension and Research
programs to all eligible persons without discrimination.
Ryan McGeeney is with the Communication Services of the University of Arkansas System
Division of Agriculture.

A Pine Bluff field experienced flooding like many others in the Delta region. Counties received
heavy amounts of rainfall between Sunday and Wednesday. (Special to The Commercial/Kurt
Beaty, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture)

Much of this field in Altheimer is flooded. Many Arkansas counties, particularly those in the
Delta region, received heavy amounts of rainfall between Sunday and Wednesday. (Special to
The Commercial/Kurt Beaty, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture)


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Healthier rice provides complementary nutrition


Healthier rice including Golden Rice are good complementary sources of nutrition.

Dr Marissa Romero, food scientist based in the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice

Research Institute (DA-PhilRice), said rice comprises almost 40% of the Filipino daily diet.

With the prominence of rice in the Filipino diet, its potential role in improving nutrition and
health is a dynamic area of research at DA-PhilRice as part of its mandate to develop safe and
nutritious rice for all Filipinos. Under the Healthier Rice Project, DA-PhilRice is developing rice
varieties including Golden Rice to provide better access to good nutrition.

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Golden Rice is a new type of rice that contains beta-carotene, a source of vitamin A. It can
provide 30-50% of the estimated average requirement for Vitamin A among young children and
pregnant or lactating mothers, contributing to the nutritional needs of the first 1000 days of life.

―The first 1000 days are viewed as the building blocks of a healthy and productive life. Not
getting enough nutrition at this stage will have lasting effects on future productivity and quality
of life,‖ Romero said.

According to the National Nutrition Council (NNC), ―the first 1000 Days is said to be the
―golden window of opportunity‖ for a comprehensive package of nutrition and related
interventions to achieve significant reduction in under and overnutrition while contributing to
optimal child development.‖ Recognizing the importance of nutrition at this critical stage, NNC
has elected to focus its advocacy efforts for this year’s National Nutrition Month on the
theme, ―Malnutrisyon patuloy na labanan, First 1000 days tutukan!‖

In the Philippines, studies show that the nutritional status of children under 5 has improved over
the years, but at a pace too slow to meet development goals at the national and international
level. Data from the 2019 expanded national nutrition survey of the DOST-FNRI show that 3 out
of 10 children are stunted or too small for their age, while 2 out of 10 are underweight. One out
of 10 also suffers from anemia.

Data further show that micronutrient deficiencies are higher among children diagnosed with
Vitamin A deficiency, mostly belonging in poor households.

Eating diverse and properly portioned meals like the recommended Pinggang Pinoy can provide
the energy and nutrients needed to maintain a strong and healthy body.

However, Romero noted that the cost of a nutritious meal may be too expensive for many
Filipino households. In 2019, 6 out of 10 households reported experiencing food insecurity, and
numbers are expected to rise following the COVID-19 pandemic.

―Most Filipino households spend almost a third of daily food cost on rice, and rely on this staple
as a major source of energy requirements. Because rice is widely grown and eaten, improving its
nutrient content can be an effective means of delivering much needed nutrients,‖ the food
scientist stressed.

With its potential to provide a significant amount of vitamin A in the diet, Golden Rice can be an
effective complementary approach to improve the nutrition of the demographic groups at risk of
vitamin A deficiency, mostly children aged 6 months to 5 years, as well as pregnant and lactating

Already assessed to be as safe as ordinary rice, with the added benefit of beta-carotene in its
grains by regulators in five countries, including the Philippines, Golden Rice is just awaiting the
result of the biosafety permit application for its commercial propagation.

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Once all biosafety regulatory requirements have been completed, DA-PhilRice in partnership
with appropriate agencies will be deploying Golden Rice through market-based and
programmatic approaches (e.g., feeding program) in areas with high rates of malnutrition,
especially vitamin A deficiency.

Golden rice is only one of the products under the Healthier Rice Project of DA-PhilRice. Other
products in the pipeline include high iron and high zinc rice. Also in the works is a 3-in-1 rice
that contains essential micronutrients, such as vitamin A, zinc, and iron.

To know more information or updates about Golden Rice, please like and follow Golden Rice
Facebook ( ).

Phile Rice News

Conserve Water To Manage Crisis, Farmers Told

ByFeaturesdesk (MD)

June 11, 2021

Amidst looming crisis, experts from the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research
Institute (DA-PhilRice) advise farmers to avoid excessive water use.

―Studies show that by 2025, it is estimated that 15-20M ha of irrigated rice fields in the world
will experience water shortage,‖ Kristine S. Pascual, DA-PhilRice’s senior science research
specialist, said.

She shared that 1,400L or 7 drums of water can be conserved in the production of 1kg of rice if
water supply in the fields are well-managed.

―We need 4,000L or 20 drums of water to produce 1kg of rice. With proper water use, only
2,600L or 13 drums will be needed to produce the same amount of rice,‖ she said.

To conserve water, farmers are encouraged to use controlled irrigation.

―During crop growth, farmers should practice alternate wetting and drying (AWD) aided by
observation well if water is insufficient,‖ Pascual said.

She said that water scarcity is evident if the rice field has deep soil cracks for more than three
days. Meanwhile, water is excessive if the field is submerged in 5cm of water for seven days or

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She explained that insufficient water during vegetative stage causes leaf-rolling, leaf tip-drying,
and stunted growth in rice crops. During panicle initiation to grain-filling stage; leaf rolling and
leaf tip drying, many unfilled spikelets, and reduced panicle exertion can be observed.

Excessive water, on the other hand, causes reduced tillering (less than 10 tillers per hill), small
leaf area, and dark-colored roots instead of reddish brown or lighter.

The engineer added that farmers should discontinue some of their current practices to conserve
water. These unhelpful routines include rice paddies remaining open during rest period until the
first irrigation time, lack of definite schedules or guidelines of irrigation, paddy to paddy
irrigation and lack of ditches, and continuous flooding of fields throughout the cropping season.

―If the right amount of water is used in rice fields, high yield, high grain quality, increased input
efficiency, and minimal damage to the environment will be achieved,‖ she said.

Browse to watch discussion of

this topic or contact the PhilRice Text Center (0917-111-7423) for more information.

Henry Schumer 1950- 2021

Henry Schumer. Grand Rapids, MN. April 21, 2021 - May 1950.

―Thanks to all my friends and supporters and to those that weren’t, see you on the other side.‖

Henry passed away peacefully and surrounded by his children, at the hospital ICU from throat
and head cancer on April 21st 2021.

Born in 1950 in Bird Island, MN to John and Cecilia (Schmoll) Schumer, Henry grew up on a
farm. He attended St. Mary’s Catholic School. He married and served in the Vietnam War in the
US Army 101st Airborne Division. Henry Graduated from the University of Minnesota with a
B.S. in Agronomy. He was hired by the U of M Wild Rice Research Department. He had three

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children; JoyGenea, Nicholas and Nathaniel. In his free time he enjoyed tinkering with things,
fishing, and watching TV, especially watching John Wayne movies. Henry volunteered in a
variety of US Service Veterans organizations. In the 2000’s Henry divorced and embraced his
new bachelor life and enjoyed being a grandfather. After 42 years of working for the U of M he
was retired. Henry was responsible, loving, supportive, and a kind and private person.

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Funeral 7-12-2021 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Grand Rapids, MN: Visitation 10:30am,
Service 11:00am, lunch to follow. Burial 7-13-2021 at Camp Ripley Cemetery

U of A pursues Pine Tree land sale, despite laws in

place, lawmakers’ opposition
By Katie Woodall

Published: Jun. 12, 2021 at 9:28 AM GMT+5|Updated:

ST. FRANCIS COUNTY, Ark. (KAIT) - The University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture is
continuing to pursue the Pine Tree Research Station land sale, despite laws passed in the legislative
session to the contrary.

After laws were passed during the General Assembly to prohibit the sale, the university began working on
a short-term agreement with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to manage the land through 2021.

Sen. Ron Caldwell (R-Wynne), the sponsor for the bills, said the issue arose when Lobo Farms, LLC was
listed on the contract between AGFC and the U of A just before Memorial Day.

Lobo Farms is the private entity the university has been trying to sell the land to since last summer.

―Although the contract [between Lobo Farms and the U of A] was mentioned on those working papers,
Lobo Farms was not going to be a signing agent on that,‖ said Caldwell. ―Every indication we have was
that they were going to try to go ahead and proceed with the contract and we just want them to stop.‖

In a state legislative committee meeting on Tuesday, Caldwell and several other lawmakers discussed the
contract with representatives for the university.

The discussion during the meeting became heated several times, with Caldwell saying the university has
―poked their finger in the eye of the legislature.‖

―All along, our goal has been to fund rice research and to keep the land open to the public and there is a
way to do that without selling it to a private company,‖ said Caldwell.

Caldwell said AGFC, the Department of Agriculture, and the Arkansas Forestry Commission have all
been instructed not to sign any contract that has Lobo Farms’ name on it.

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St. Francis and Cross County residents are disappointed in the university’s continued pursuit of the

Charles Gaines is one of several local hunters that testified against the sale during the session this spring.
You can watch his testimony here.

―I just think it’s bad business what they’re doing and I think it makes them look just kind of arrogant,‖
said Gaines. ―It seems like the university is just thumbing their nose at the legislature as well as the
people of eastern Arkansas.‖

Locals have been fighting the sale since finding out about it last year, saying the land has a lot of tradition
and benefits the people in the area.

―The Delta region has very few places we can go and hunt. Everything around here is private and the
university don’t care,‖ said Gaines.

The sale to Lobo Farms, or any private entity, would still need a waiver on the congressional level
because the deed for the land says it must stay open to the public.

Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.) released the following statement to KAIT regarding the proposed sale:

“I share the concerns of outdoor enthusiasts about the loss of public lands for recreational usage so I will
not support a waiver for the sale of the research station.” – Senator John Boozman.

Sen. Boozman is the Ranking Member on the Senate Agriculture Committee and the waiver for
congressional approval would have to come before the committee and pass before being considered by
the full Senate.

Sen. Caldwell told Region 8 News legislators are doing everything they can to stop the sale between the
U of A and Lobo Farms.

―Our ability is to control their budget and we can do that, there’s a lot of money coming down the pipe
that would be parked elsewhere or not sent to the University if this deed is executed,‖ said Caldwell.

Caldwell said the Attorney General’s office has been contacted to look into the next steps if the
University does not drop the contract.

Region 8 News reached out to the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture for comment but did
not receive one.

Rohwer records 19.22 inches of rain in two-day

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 Mary Hightower, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture

Water rises around a tractor Thursday in Chicot County.

ROHWER — The Rohwer Research Station in Desha County is known for hosting row crop
variety trials as well as pest management and soil fertility experiments. This week it earned fame
in another field: weather.

The 19.22 inches of rain recorded at the Rohwer Research Station in Desha County on Tuesday
morning represented the second-highest rain total ever recorded in Arkansas during a 48-hour
period, according to the National Weather Service. The deluge came during a week of persistent
storms that prompted flood and tornado warnings across Arkansas. The one 48-hour rain total
ahead of Rohwer’s is the 21.45 inches of rain that fell over two days ending Dec. 4, 1982.

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The Rohwer Research Station is one of thousands of locations across the United States that are
part of the National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Program. Formed in 1890, the
program’s mission is to provide weather data including the daily maximum and minimum
temperatures and 24-hour precipitation totals.

―All of this goes into the climate records we keep across Arkansas,‖ said Sean Clarke,
observation program leader for the National Weather Service at Little Rock. ―This is how we
determine the normals for each state. It’s valuable data for us to have climate data across many
years and keep track of it.

―The day-to-day observations are also useful for determining river flooding (levels) and the
issuing of river flood warnings as well,‖ he said. ―This also goes into the drought monitor. The
data is used to determine what the levels of drought are by the rainfall amounts.‖

Rohwer is part of a collection of facilities around Arkansas that perform the land grant research
function within the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

Clarke said his office has been working with the experiment stations for decades. In addition to
Rohwer, the weather service gets daily measurements from the Fruit Research Station in
Clarksville, the Rice Research and Extension Center in Stuttgart and the Livestock and Forestry
Research Station at Batesville. Clarke also said the campus police department at the University
of Arkansas at Monticello is also part of the Cooperative Observer Program.

The Division of Agriculture’s Southwest Research and Extension Center in Hope has been an
observer for the National Weather Service in Shreveport for more than 75 years. Hope is within
the Shreveport office’s warning area.Clarke said stations such as Rohwer use equipment
provided by the National Weather Service.

―It’s low tech, compared to what is available now,‖ he said. Without electronic inputs or other
connections, Clarke said ―It’s more reliable. There’s nothing to break. We measure the rain with
a cylinder that’s 8 inches in diameter and put a measuring stick in it every day.‖

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Larry Earnest, director of the Rohwer station for the Division of Agriculture, said several people
share the job of measuring and reporting the findings. He said the rain gauge has been at the
station since 1958 or 1959.

―It was old when I got here,‖ he joked.

Earnest said that when he and program associate Scott Hayes emptied the gauge on Monday, it
read 9.25 inches. On Tuesday, they noted 9.97 inches, adding up to their almost-record total.
Randy Spurlock also shares in the reporting duties and has since 1995.

Earnest said the effects of the heavy rain and flooding on the research plots was ―disheartening.‖
However, on Wednesday afternoon, he said water levels in the field had ―already fallen by 6-8
inches. Tonight, we hope most of the water will come off the cotton and hope the soybeans will
be OK.

―I may be a little more optimistic than I need to be,‖ Earnest said.

Rohwer is important as a data point for the National Weather Service.

―We don’t have a lot of observers in southeastern Arkansas,‖ Clarke said, adding that the
weather service is always looking for volunteers around Dumas and McGehee to help record and
report weather information.

Water rises around a tractor Thursday in Chicot County.

Russian Lifts ban on import of rice from Pakistan

A vendor scoops a measure of rice from a bag at a market in the district of Faisalabad
in Punjab, Pakistan. Image Credit: Agency

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Islamabad: Russia has lifted its ban on the import of rice from Pakistan after two years – a move
that would help Pakistani rice growers boost their earnings. Pakistan exported approximately
35,000 tonnes of rice and other grains worth $40-50 million each year to Russia until 2019.

―Russia has lifted the ban on import of rice from Pakistan from 11 June 2021‖ based on
implementation of phytosanitary measures proposed by the Ministry of Food Security
Department of Plant Protection (DPP) of Quarantine Division, the official statement said.

Initially, Russian National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) has approved the import from
four rice enterprises – two from Karachi, one from Lahore and one from Chiniot. The permission
to other rice units shall be subject to virtual verification by DPP.

Deputy Director Technical Quarantine of DPP Sohail Shahzad had been negotiating with Russia
for the past year for the removal of the ban on rice from Pakistan, according to a statement issued
by the Ministry of Food Security. He provided Russia all required technical information,
assurances on Pakistan Plant Quarantine system, pest surveillance and control programme in the
rice-growing area and rice establishments. Trade Minister Pakistan Embassy Russia Nasir
Hameed took up the issue and pursued the matter with the Russian authorities.

Russia banned the import of Pakistani rice in May 2019 after the detection of the Khapra beetle
in a rice consignment shipped from Pakistan.

Increase rice exports

Pakistan is one of the top five exporting countries of rice in the world. Pakistan produces around
7.4m tonnes of rice annually of which nearly 4m tonnes are exported.

Minister for National Food Security and Research Syed Fakhar Imam said on Friday that the
move can lead to a ―significant increase in rice exports to Russian markets as well as other high-
end markets.‖ He commended the efforts of DPP, Ministry of Commerce that remained in close
coordination with the Pakistan embassy in Moscow and ―played a vital role for the resumption of
local rice exports to Russian markets.‖

Move to help fetch up to $300m

Minister Fakhar hoped that the resumption of rice exports to Russian markets would help in
fetching an additional $200 to $300 million each year, which would essentially benefit the local
growers. The agriculture growth was directly linked with the prosperity of over 8.94 million
farming families in Pakistan, he said, adding that the government has introduced measures and
incentives to protect them and ensure support to farming communities.

Pakistan and Russia trade

Bilateral trade between Pakistan and Russia witnessed an increase reaching an all-time high of
$790 million last year. The two countries agreed to diversify and increase bilateral ties in the

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fields of energy, industrial modernisation, railways and aviation during Russian Foreign Minister
Sergey Lavrov visit to Islamabad in April 2021. Last month, Islamabad and Moscow signed the
amended agreement to build the 1,100-km-long Pakistan Stream gas pipeline described as a
―flagship strategic venture‖ to strengthen bilateral cooperation.

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