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Actions Persons Events

Monk Peace
Score VP’s in End Nothing Happens
Game Scoring.
(Buddhas x floors)

Taxes Tax Collector Tribute

Collect 2 Yuan (+1 for Gains +3 Yuan in Pay 4 Yuan; lose 1
each Coin on Tax Action Phase Person for each Coin
Collectors) less

Healer Contagion
Stops a loss of life Lose 3 Persons;
during Contagion 1 Person less per
Per Mortar symbol Mortar symbol on
Fireworks Display Pyrotechnist Festival
Collect 1 Firework Gains +1 Firework in 6 points for player/s
(+1 for each Firework Action Phase with most Fireworks;
on Pyrotechnists) Per Firework symbol 3 points for player/s
with second most
Harvest Farmer Drought
Collect 1 Rice (+1 for Gains +1 Rice in Lose 1 Rice or 1
each Rice sack on Action Phase Person per Palace.
Farmers) Per Rice symbol (can’t voluntarily lose
Military Parade Warrior Mongols
Move +1 space on +1 on Person Track in Score Victory Points
Person Track (+1 for Action Phase. (+1 VP for each Helmet;
each Helmet on during Mongol Event) fewest Helmets must
Warriors) Per Helmet symbol kill 1 Person
Build Builder
Collect 1 Palace floor Gains +1 Palace floor
(+1 for each Hammer in Action Phase
on Builders)

Privilege Court Lady

Pay 2 or 7 Yuan to Earns +1 VP in
obtain a Small (1pt) Scoring Phase
or Large (2pt)
Research Scholar
Move +1 on the Gains +1 VP in Action
Score Track (+1 for Phase
each Book symbol on Per Book symbol
Player Aid
Preparation: * Remove 2 Person tiles of each type for each missing player (1 young and 1 old where necessary).
* Each player takes 4 Palace floors and builds two Palaces, with two stories each.
* Each player takes 6 Yuan (3 silver and 1 gold).

Before Play: Starting with the oldest player, each player must take 2 different Person tiles from the second row
(the younger persons). In clockwise order, the other players then choose their first 2 Persons,
following the same restrictions. Additionally, no player may take the exact same combination of 2
Persons as any other player before him.

* A Palace can only contain 1 Person per floor and only be a maximum of 3 stories high.
* Players must move their Person Marker forward the amount numbered on their new tiles.

1st Phase: Action - * Shuffle the 7 action cards and divide them (as evenly as possible) in as many groups as players.
* The player furthest on the Person Track chooses first and instantly takes 1 Action, and so on.
* Ties are broken by top marker.
* To choose an Action in a group that has already been taken, pay 3 Yuan.
* A player may pass and replenish his coins to a total of 3 Yuan (not necessarily take 3 Yuan).
* You aren’t required to use the Action you select (for example buying the Privilege).
* You aren’t permitted to rearrange Persons or Palaces.

2nd Phase: Person - * In Person Track order, each player must play a Person card and take that Person.
* If Palaces are full they may replace a Person, putting the replaced Person out of the game.
* A player may release the Person just acquired but won’t receive the Person Track points.
* Players must move their Person Marker forward the amount numbered on the tile taken.
* In 12th round skip this phase as no Person cards are left.

3rd Phase: Event - *Dismissals occur in the player order shown on the Person Track.

Peace: Nothing Happens

Imperial Tribute: Must pay 4 Yuan. Must kill one Person for each missing Yuan. No voluntary sacrifices.
Drought: Must use 1 Rice per Palace in which there are Persons. If unable, lose one Person per unfed Palace.
Dragon Festival: Player/s with most Fireworks get 6 pts, second most 3 pts. Scoring players return half rounded up.
Mongol Invasion: Each player scores as many points as owned Helmets. Player/s with the least must kill a Person.
Contagion: Each player must kill 3 Persons. For each Mortar on their Healers they may kill one less Person.

Decay After an event takes place, each uninhabited Palace must lose 1 floor.

4th Phase: Scoring - Each player receives - 1 Point per Palace

- 1 Point per Court Lady
- 1 Point per Dragon on Privileges

End Game Scoring: * After the scoring of the 12th round, End Game Scoring takes place.

* Each Person in a players Palace is worth 2 Victory Points

* To score each Monk, multiply the number of his Buddhas by the floors in the Palace he inhabits.
* Sell Fireworks and Rice back to supply for 2 Yuan each, then players earn 1 point per 3 Yuan.

* The Player with the most Victory Points wins. Ties are broken by the Person Track.

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