Instrumentation and Control: Hapter Nstrumentation AND Ontrol

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Instrumentation and Control 7
gases, and monitoring of the
Overview performance of the plant.

The ABWR instrumentation and control (I&C) design Design goals of the I&C System
features system redundancy, fault tolerant operation, include:
and self-diagnostics while the system is in operation.
This is made possible by the extensive use of advanced • Minimize reactor trips/system
digital technologies. The ABWR I&C System unavailability due to human errors
represents the largest system change from previous or single active component
BWR designs. failures.
• Design any systems necessary for
Previous BWRs used hard wired point-to-point control power generation (except the
room to field monitoring and control systems; electrical system) to be single-
essentially there was one wire per function or failure proof for both control and
~30-50,000 wires coming from the field to the cable trips.
spreading room and then control room. The ABWR,
instead, is designed with a three-layer I&C system • Achieve a one-in-fifty-year or less
that uses extensive multiplexing and fiber optics. The failure rate for I&C.
three layers are: • Computerize operator aids and
normal/emergency procedures to
• Remote Multiplexer Units (RMUs) in the field. reduce “manual” data processing
This equipment generally handles 300-400 signals and centralize human engineered
per RMU and interfaces the I&C system with the operator interface to minimize
normal field signals and actuators. operator burden.
• A computer/controller layer. This layer has all of • Provide for most I&C equipment
the dual and triple redundant controllers that communication and display
operate the plant and a networked computer protocols to follow internationally
system - there is no single process computer. recognized standards.
• A display, control and alarm/annunciator layer. • Use standardized modular
This layer is basically all the screens, peripherals equipment and extensive self-
and alarms in the control room and forms the I&C diagnostics/fault identification to
interface to the operator. minimize operation and
maintenance costs and reduce the
The instrumentation of the ABWR is generally associated
burden on the maintenance staff.
with the control of the reactor, control of the balance of
plant (BOP), an extensive alarm system, prevention of • Achieve a high degree of plant
the operation of the plant under unsafe and potentially automation.
unsafe conditions, monitoring of process fluids and


• Provide automatic load-following • High speed parallel data bus for communication
capability over the 50-100% power between the functional microcomputer and other
range. modules.
• Trip and analog outputs driving external relays,
Digital Measurement and actuators, logic circuits, meters, and recorders.
• Redundant power supplies for the electronics.
A standardized set of microprocessor-
based instrument modules is used to • Fiber optic and other interfaces, allowing the DMC
implement most ABWR monitoring and MMI units to communicate directly with plant
and control functions. The multiplexing networks.
standardized Digital Measurement • Menu-driven front panel for operator/technician
Controllers (DMCs) and Remote interface.
Multiplexer Units (RMU) exploit the
many advantages of digital Multiplexing
technology, including self-test,
The Multiplexing System provides redundant and
automatic calibration, user interactive
front panels, standardization of the distributed control and instrumentation data
communications networks to support the monitoring
man-machine interface and, where
and control of interfacing plant systems. The system
possible, use of common circuit cards.
These features reduce calibration, contains an Essential Multiplexing System (EMS) and
adjustment, diagnostic and repair time a Non-Essential Multiplexing System (NEMS) for
safety and non-safety/BOP systems, respectively. The
and reduce spare circuit card inventory
system provides all electrical devices and circuitry
requirements, as well as reduce control
(such as multiplexing units, bus controllers, formatters
room instrument volume. As a result,
and data buses) between sensors, display devices,
system availability is improved due to
controllers and actuators which are defined and
the enhanced reliability and reduced
provided by other plant systems. The multiplexing
mean time to repair.
system also includes the associated data acquisition
The DMC chassis, RMU chassis and and communication software required to support its
Man-Machine Interface (MMI) function of plant-wide data and control distribution.
chassis are standard for all similar As shown on Figure 7-1, digital technology and
ABWR applications; only modular, multiplexed fiber optic signal transmission technology
plug-in interchangeable, circuit boards have been combined in the ABWR design to integrate
differ between systems. Functional control and data acquisition for both the Reactor and
features provided in the I&C design Turbine Buildings.
Signals from various plant process sensors provide
• Sensor signal processing. input to RMUs located near the sensors. The RMUs
digitize input signals and multiplex the signals via fiber
• Redundant sensor power supplies optic cables to the control room. There the signals are
to meet the requirements of all sent to the various computers, controllers and display
sensors. devices as needed. The process is bidirectional in that
• Functional microcomputers signals from the operator or plant controllers are put
implementing data transfers, self- on the network and directed to the various actuators
test functions and communications. for control action.












Figure 7-1. ABWR Integrated Multiplexing System Architecture

The EMS has four control data networks (each of

which is redundant), one per division with the NEMS Digital Protection
being a control data network with dual redundancy.
Whether EMS or NEMS, redundancy is such that a
single cable can be lost or any RMU fail without
affecting the operation of the remainder of the system.
Finally, each RMU is itself single-failure proof down Advanced Safety Systems
to a small number of signals; all single failures are Design
self-diagnosed. The RMUs are located throughout the The Reactor Protection System (RPS),
plant in 1E and non-1E areas to keep plant wiring as Neutron Monitoring System (NMS)
short as possible. and Leak Detection and Isolation
System (LDI) are four-channel, while


the ECCS are three-mechanical • Reactor Building Service Water/Ultimate Heat

divisions actuated by two-out-of-four Sink.
logic from four-channel sensor input. • Reactor Building Cooling Water.
NMS is described in Chapter 6.
Standby Liquid Control System (SLCS) and Standby
Safety System Logic and Gas Treatment System (SGTS) logic are separate from
Control SSLC.
Safety System Logic and Control Reactor Protection System
(SSLC) and the associated EMS
equipment is divided into four The Reactor Protection System (RPS) is the overall
divisions. Each division is physically complex of instrument channels, trip logic, trip
and electrically separated from the actuators and scram logic circuitry that initiate rapid
other divisions. Communications insertion of control rods (scram) to shut down the
between divisions, as with reactor if monitored system variables exceed
communications with the NEMS, preestablished limits. This action avoids fuel damage,
process computer, and control room limits system pressure and thus restricts the release of
instruments, is via fiber optic cable radioactive material. The RPS also establishes reactor
which provides complete electrical operating modes and provides status and control
isolation and prevents spreading of signals to other systems and annunciators. To
electrical faults between safety system accomplish its overall function, the RPS interfaces with
divisions and between safety and non- the Essential Multiplexing System, Neutron
safety-related equipment. Monitoring System, Process Radiation Monitoring
Communication between safety System, Control Rod Drive System, Rod Control and
divisions and nonessential equipment Information System, Reactor Recirculation Control
is through “Data Gateways” which System, Process Computer System, Leak Detection
allow information to flow in only one and Isolation System, Nuclear Boiler System and
direction. associated plant systems and equipment.

Some control signals bypass the EMS The RPS overrides all operator actions and process
when the signal design requirements controls and is based on a fail-safe design philosophy
are such that processing the signal that allows appropriate protective action by providing
through the EMS would cause the reliable single-failure-proof capability to automatically
established design requirements or manually initiate a reactor scram while maintaining
(signal processing speed) to be protection against unnecessary scrams resulting from
exceeded. single failures. This is accomplished through the
combination of fail-safe equipment design and
The SSLC also controls the automatic redundant two-out-of-four logic arrangement that
actuation and operation of the automatically reconfigures to a two-out-of-three logic
following systems during emergency if a channel fails or is bypassed. Manual RPS actions
operation: (scrams) are hard wired and always available to the
• High Pressure Core Flooder.
• Reactor Core Isolation Cooling. Leak Detection and Isolation System
• Residual Heat Removal. The Leak Detection and Isolation System (LDI) is a
• Automatic Depressurization. four-channel system consisting of temperature,
• Emergency Diesel Generators. pressure, flow and fission-product sensors with


associated instrumentation, alarm, and isolation identical processing channels, which

functions. This system detects and annunciates leakage receive all the redundant process
and provides signals to close containment isolation sensors inputs and perform the system
valves, as required, in the following systems: control calculations in parallel.

• Main Steamlines. For triple redundant process control,

• Reactor Water Cleanup System. all FTDCs are active simultaneously
• Residual Heat Removal System. and each provides an output to the
• Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System. NEMS network to the RMUs where
• Feedwater System. the outputs are two-out-of-three voted
• Emergency Core Cooling Systems. (mid-value voting on continuous
• Other miscellaneous systems. output signals (e.g., valve position
demand) and two-out-of-three voting
Small leaks are generally detected by monitoring the on discrete outputs (e.g., pump trip).
air cooler condensate flow, radiation levels, equipment Thus, the FTDC design eliminates
space temperature, and drain sump fill-up and pump- plant trips due to single failures of
out rates. Large leaks are also detected by changes in control system components.
reactor water level, drywell pressure, and changes in
flow rates in process lines. For dual redundant process control,
one FTDC is active and the other is in
Manual isolation control switches are provided to “hot standby”; only one processor at a
permit the operator to manually initiate (at the system time provides an output to the NEMS
level) isolation from the control room. In addition, network and to the RMUs but the other
each MSIV is provided with a separate manual control FTDC is “live” and can automatically
switch in the control room which is independent of and bumplessly assume command if
the automatic and manual leak detection isolation the primary FTDC fails.
All important control signals are
typically measured with three
Fault-Tolerant Process independent transducers (and
occasionally measured with two);
Control Systems these input signals are delivered to all
controllers by the NEMS and validated
before control action is taken. This
The entire ABWR control system necessary for power scheme and the controller redundancy
generation is made up of a network of triple redundant eliminates plant trips due to single
and dual redundant Fault Tolerant Digital Controllers failures of control system components.
(FTDCs). Single controllers are used where the
function is not important to power generation. In The FTDC hardware for all two or
general, the key ABWR boiler control systems such three process control systems is
as the feedwater control, recirculation flow control, identical. Only the imbedded
turbine control, automatic power regulator and reactor application firmware and the quantity
pressure regulator systems are based on the triplicated, and types of input and output modules
microprocessor-based FTDC. The remaining deviate between the systems. The
important BOP control systems are based on dual FTDC architecture includes:
redundant FTDCs. Each FTDC includes two or three


• Two or three identical processing appropriate commands to change rod positions, or the
channels, each of which contains change reactor recirculation flow. Either thermal
the hardware and firmware power or gross generator electrical power can be
necessary to control the system. controlled/demanded by the operator. Alternatively,
• Dual multiplexing interface units the operator can engage a pre-programmed daily load-
per controller for communication following schedule. The APR System always follows
to the redundant Non-Essential a predefined “trajectory” on the power/flow map for
Multiplexing System. any mode of power operation.

• Interprocessor communication The APR System also has the ability to pull the reactor
links between processing channels critical and heat it to rated temperature and pressure
to exchange data in order to from either a cold or hot standby condition. The APR
prevent divergence of outputs and System can also bring the reactor down to cold
to monitor processor failures. shutdown conditions. For either heatups or cooldowns,
the reactor temperature rate is controlled to within Tech
• Redundant power supplies.
Spec limits by the APR commands to the Steam
• Signal processing techniques Bypass and Pressure Control System (SBPC) and
applied to validate the redundant RCIS.
input signals for use in control
computations. The APR System consists of triply redundant process
controllers; these receive information from the various
• A portable Technician Interface
plant sensors and issue commands to the RCIS to
Unit (TIU) to provide a menu-
position control rods, to the RFC System to change
driven system which allows the
reactor coolant recirculation flow, and to the SBPC
technician to inject test signals,
System to set pressure.
perform troubleshooting and
calibrate process parameters. The APR System generally controls the nuclear control
systems and works in parallel (but not synchronously)
The fault-tolerant architecture of the
with the Power Generation Control System function
FTDC design provides assurance that
of the plant Process Computer System; the latter
no single active component failure
system controls most other automation functions. The
within the sensing, control, or
normal mode of operation of the APR System is
communication equipment can result
automatic but if any abnormal plant condition is
in loss of system function or plant
detected or if the downstream controllers receiving the
power generation. The dual and
APR commands fail or are switched to manual, the
triplicated design also provides on-line
APR will automatically cease control operations,
repair capability to allow repair and/
switch all downstream controllers to manual, and
or replacement of a faulty component
alarms will be activated to alert the operator. A failure
without disrupting any important plant
of the APR System will not prevent manual controls
of reactor power, nor will it prevent safe shutdown of
Automatic Power Regulator the reactor.
System Feedwater Control System
The primary objective of the The Feedwater Control System (FWC) automatically
Automatic Power Regulator System controls the flow of feedwater into the reactor pressure
(APR) is to control reactor power vessel to maintain the water within the vessel at normal
during normal power generation by


and predetermined levels for all modes of reactor control valves - the pressure control
operation, including heatup and shutdown. The signal “passes through” the SBPC
operator can control reactor level between the System to the turbine control system.
requirements of the steam separators (this includes During modes of operation where the
limiting carryover, which affects turbine performance, turbine is off-line, flow limited, tripped
and carryunder, which affects RIP operation). or under control of its speed/
acceleration control system during
A fault-tolerant triplicated, digital controller using a turbine roll or coastdown, reactor
conventional three-element control scheme, provides pressure is controlled by the bypass
control signals to adjustable speed drives (ASDs) for valves which pass steam directly to the
the feedwater pump motors, to accomplish the control main condenser under the control of
function. the pressure regulator. Steam is also
automatically bypassed to the
The FWC System may operate in either single- or condenser whenever the reactor
three-element control modes. At feedwater and steam steaming rate exceeds the flow
flow rates below 25% of rated when the steam flow permitted to pass to the turbine
measurement is outside of the required accuracy or generator. With a full bypass design
below scale, the FWC System utilizes only water level option, the turbine bypass system has
measurement in the single-element control mode. the capability to shed up to 100% of
the turbine-generator rated load
When steam flow is negligible, as during heatup and
without reactor trip or operation of
cooldown, the FWC System automatically controls
SRVs. For all these modes of
both the Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) System
operation, the pressure regulation
dump valve and the feedwater low flow control valve
system provides main turbine control
to control reactor level in the single element mode in
valve and bypass valve flow demands
order to counter the effects of density changes during
so as to maintain a nearly constant
heatup and purge flows into the reactor. At higher flow
reactor pressure; it also indirectly
rates, the FWC System in three-element control mode (through the APR) provides demands
uses water level, main steamline flow, main feedwater
to the recirculation system to
line flow, and feedpump suction flow measurements optionally aid in maintenance of grid
for water level control.
Steam Bypass and Pressure Control System Recirculation Flow Control
The Steam Bypass and Pressure Control System System
(SBPC) is a triply redundant process control system:
The Recirculation Flow Control (RFC)
in Manual, the operator can adjust bypass valve
System is a triply redundant process
position and provide reactor pressure setpoint
control system: in Manual, the operator
demands; in Automatic, these functions are provided
can adjust individual or gang RIP
by the APR. Only the operator can switch the SBPC
speeds or demand a specific core flow;
System to Automatic, but either the operator or the
in Automatic, these functions are
APR can switch the SBPC System to Manual.
provided by the APR. Only the
Unlike previous BWRs, reactor pressure and not operator can switch the RFC System
turbine inlet pressure is controlled by the SBPC to Automatic, but either the operator
System. In normal power generation, reactor pressure or the APR can switch the RFC System
is controlled by automatically positioning the turbine to Manual.


The RFC System consists of three function is provided by the APR. Only the operator
redundant process controllers, can switch the turbine controller to Automatic, but
adjustable speed drives (ASDs), either the operator or the APR can switch the turbine
switches, sensors, and alarm devices controller to Manual.
provided for operational manipulation
of the ten RIPs and the surveillance of The turbine generator uses a digital monitoring and
associated equipment. The solid-state control system which, in coordination with the turbine
ASDs provide variable voltage, SBPC System, controls the turbine speed, load, and
variable frequency electrical power to flow for startup and normal operations. The control
the RIP induction motors. In response system operates the turbine stop valves, control valves,
to either the plant operator or the APR and combined intermediate valves. The turbine control
or, optionally, grid frequency system also provides automation functions like
demands, the RFC System adjusts the sequencing the appropriate turbine support systems
ASD power supply output to vary RIP and controlling turbine roll, synchronization of the
speed, core flow and reactor power. main generator and initial loading.
Extremely rapid reactor power
changes can be achieved either by Non-redundant turbine-generator supervisory
manual operation or by automatic instrumentation is provided for operational analysis
operation from ~65-100% reactor and malfunction diagnosis. Automatic control
power. functions are programmed to protect the turbine-
generator from overspeed and to trip it; the trip logic
The objective of the RFC System is to for all but bearing vibration is at least two-out-of-three
control reactor power level, over a logic.
limited range, by controlling the flow
rate of the coolant flow through the Other Control Functions
reactor. To change the coolant flow The following control functions are dual redundant.
rate through the core, the speed of the The software functions are deliberately spread through
RIPs is adjusted, either together in the many controllers to facilitate verification and
gang mode or individually by validation (V&V), quality assurance and initial
commands from the RFC System to construction setup.
the ASDs controllers of the individual
RIPs. The RIPs can be driven to Power Generation Control System: The Power
operate anywhere between 30 to 100% Generation Control System (PGCS) is a subset of the
of rated speed with the variable process computer function implemented as a dual
voltage, variable frequency power redundant controller. The APR System provides
source supplied by the ASDs. Due to automation of the reactor control functions and the
the low rotating inertia of the RIPs, PGCS provides other Nuclear Island and BOP
which are coupled with the solid-state automation functions by providing the setpoints of
ASDs, the RIP can respond quickly to lower level controllers and commands to various BOP
load transients and operator demands. equipment for normal plant startup, shutdown, and
power range operations.
Turbine Control System
The PGCS works in parallel but is not synchronous
The Turbine Control System is a
with the APR System; one of the design features of
redundant process control system: in
the PGCS is that it contains no control algorithms but
Manual, the operator can adjust the
turbine load set; in Automatic, this instead issues only supervisorial commands to the BOP


controllers and systems which otherwise remain movement mode, one gang of control
responsible for their own availability and operation. rods can be manipulated at a time. The
PGCS contains the algorithms for the automated system includes the logic that restricts
control sequences associated with plant startup, control rod movement (rod block)
shutdown, and power range operations. under certain conditions as a backup
to procedural controls.
The plant operator interfaces with the PGCS through
a series of breakpoint controls to initiate automated The RCIS contains as a subsystem, the
sequences from the operator control console. In ATLM (automatic thermal limit
general, plant automation is broken down into logical monitor), which provides an on-line
steps and sequences like heatup or turbine roll which measurement of plant thermal limits
the operator can initiate and which then proceed to from the LPRMs and periodic process
completion and halt until the operator initiates the next computer updates. The ATLM will
sequence. For selected operations that are not automatically block rod motion if it
automated or that are contained within 1E systems, detects operation near Tech Spec
the system prompts the operator to perform such thermal limits.
operations. A semiautomatic mode is also provided
where the PGCS provides only guidance messages to Another RCIS subsystem is the Rod
the operator but does not actually operate plant Worth Minimizer (RWM) Subsystem,
equipment. which forces compliance to the defined
control rod sequencing rules by
Rod Control and Information System: The Rod independently issuing rod blocks
Control and Information System (RCIS) is a dual should a high worth rod pattern
redundant process control system: in Manual, the develop.
operator can select and position the control rods
manually, either one at a time or in a gang mode. If The RCIS and the scram timing panel
the RCIS is in Semi-Automatic mode, the operator also support automatic measurement
needs to only give permission to start and stop control of control rod Tech Spec scram speeds
rod motion and the RCIS will insert or withdraw the for either planned or unplanned
control rods following a predefined control rod scrams.
sequence. If the RCIS is in Automatic mode, it
responds to commands for rod insertion or withdrawal Process Radiation Monitoring
from the APR; this will also follow a predefined System: The Process Radiation
control rod sequence. Only the operator can switch Monitoring System (PRM) monitors
the RCIS controllers to Automatic, but either the and controls radioactivity in process
operator or the APR can switch the RCIS to Manual. and effluent streams and activates
appropriate alarms, isolations, and
The RCIS provides the means by which control rods controls. The PRM System indicates
are positioned from the control room for power and records radiation levels associated
control. The RCIS controls changes in the core with selected plant liquid and gaseous
reactivity, power, and power shape via the FMCRD process streams and effluent paths
mechanisms which move the neutron absorbing leading to the environment. All
control rods within the core. For normal power effluents from the plant, which are
generation, the control rods are moved by their electric potentially radioactive, are monitored
motors in relatively fine steps; for reactor scrams, the both locally and in the control room.
control rods are inserted both hydraulically and These include the following:
electrically. For operation in the normal gang


• Main steamline tunnel area. Containment Atmospheric Monitoring System: The

• Reactor Building ventilation Containment Atmospheric Monitoring (CAM) System
exhaust (including fuel handling measures alarms and records radiation levels and the
area). hydrogen and oxygen concentration in the primary
• Control Building air intake supply. containment under post-accident conditions. It is
• Drywell sumps liquid discharge. automatically put in service upon detection of LOCA
• Radwaste liquid discharge. conditions.
• Offgas discharge (pretreated and
post-treated). The CAM System provides normal plant shutdown
• Gland steam condenser offgas and post-accident monitoring for gross gamma
discharge. radiation and hydrogen/oxygen concentration levels
• Plant stack discharge. in both drywell and suppression chamber. The CAM
• Turbine Building vent exhaust. System consists of two divisions which are redundantly
• Radwaste Building ventilation designed so that failure of any single element will not
exhaust. interfere with the system operation. Electrical
separation is maintained between the redundant
Area Radiation Monitoring System: divisions. All components used for safety-related
The Area Radiation Monitoring functions are qualified for the environment in which
(ARM) System provides operating they are located. The system can be actuated manually
personnel with a record and indication, by the operator, or automatically initiated by a LOCA
in the main control room, of gamma signal (high drywell pressure or low reactor water
radiation levels at selected locations level). The CAM System does not actuate nor interface
within the various plant buildings and with any other safety-related systems.
gives warning of excessive gamma
radiation levels in areas where nuclear Process Computer: On-line networked computers are
fuel is stored or handled. provided to monitor and log process variables and
make certain analytical computations. The process
The ARM System consists of gamma- computer cabinets are really several redundant
sensitive detectors, digital radiation computer functions that may, in fact, be several
monitors, auxiliary units, and local physical computers. These functions include:
audible warning devices. System
recording, like all process functions, • Most non-1E display support.
is done by the process computer. The • Core three-dimensional power monitoring (3D
detector signals are digitized and Monicore).
multiplexed for transmission to the • Balance-of-plant (BOP) performance calculations.
radiation monitors and to the main • Sequence of events.
control room. Each local monitor has • Manual and automatic logging.
two adjustable trip circuits for alarm
initiation. Auxiliary units are provided Remote Shutdown System: In the event that the
in local areas for radiation indication control room becomes inaccessible, the reactor can
and for initiating the sonic alarms on be brought from power range operation to cold
abnormal levels. Radiation detectors shutdown conditions by use of controls and equipment
are located in various areas of the plant that are available outside the control room. Manual
to provide early detection and warning transfer devices are provided which override control
for personnel protection. outputs from the main control room and transfer
controls to remote shutdown control. Control signals


(but not process signals, since they interface with field display panel, which presents an
RMUs and not the control room) are interrupted by overview of the plant status that is
the transfer switches. All necessary power supply clearly visible to the entire operating
circuits are also transferred to other sources. Operation crew. Each of the units incorporates
of the transfer switches causes an alarm in the main advanced man-machine interface
control room; outside the main control room, access technologies to achieve enhanced
to the remote shutdown control panels is operability and improved reliability.
administratively and procedurally controlled. The Human factors engineering principles
Remote Shutdown System (RSS) functions ahead of have been incorporated into the design
the plant multiplexing system: all controls and of the MCR panels and into the overall
indications are hard wired and will function regardless MCR arrangement.
of the status of the multiplexing system.
Total plant control is achieved from the
Instrumentation and controls on the remote shutdown Main Control Console (MCC) for all
panels include the following: phases of operation. The console
design incorporates touch-screen
• Controls and indications for operation of one cathode ray tubes (CRTs), flat panel
HPCF loop to control reactor water level. display devices, and a limited number
• Controls and indications for operation of two RHR of hard switches as the primary
loops to support shutdown cooling once reactor operator interface devices. The CRTs
pressure has been reduced, and suppression pool and flat panel displays are driven by
cooling to control suppression pool temperature the Plant Computer System (PCS). The
which may rise due to SRV operation. main control console has a low profile
so that the operators can perform their
• Controls to operate three SRVs for maintaining duties from a seated position.
and reducing reactor pressure.
• Indications of reactor vessel water level and The Wide Display Panel (WDP)
pressure, and suppression pool temperature and provides summary information on
level. plant status parameters and key alarms
to the operators, supervisors and other
• Controls and indications for operation of the technical support personnel in the
RBCW and RBSW Systems. MCR. The WDP is located
• Controls and indications for electrical power immediately in front of the operators
distribution. when they are at their normal work
station seated at the main control
• Controls for manually starting and stopping two console. This WDP includes a fixed
of the emergency diesel generators. mimic display, an approximately
100-inch large variable display, top-
level plant alarms, detailed system
level alarms, and touch-control flat
Main Control Room panel displays. The WDP incorporates
the Safety Parameter Display System
The key elements of the ABWR main control room (SPDS) as part of the plant status
(MCR) design (Figure 7-2) are (1) the compact main summary information.
control console (MCC) for primary operator control
and monitoring functions, and (2) the integrated wide


Alarm Wide display Fixed mimic Variable

indicator panels display display

Flat CRT Hard switch Main control Flat

display panels console display

Figure 7-2. ABWR Main Control Room

The MCR also includes a supervisors’ used in conjunction with the information provided on
console which has CRTs for the vertical surface of the Wide Display Panel.
monitoring plant status. The
supervisors’ console is set back The MCC comprises the work stations for the two
directly behind the operators in a control room plant operators, and is configured such
position which ensures that a clear that the operators are provided with controls and
view of all operating activities is monitoring information necessary to perform assigned
available to the supervisors. tasks and allows the operators to view all of the WDP
from their seated position at the MCC. The console is
Main Control Console configured in a truncated “V” shape. The normal plant
The Main Control Console (MCC) control and monitoring functions are performed in the
provides the displays and controls central area of the console, while the safety-related
necessary to maintain and operate the Nuclear Steam Supply (NSS) functions are located on
plant during normal, abnormal, and the left-hand side and the balance-of-plant (BOP)
emergency conditions. This console is functions are located on the right-hand side.


A primary means for operator control and monitoring The flat panel display devices are used
is provided by the color-graphic, touch-screen CRTs to support both safety and nonsafety
mounted on the MCC. The CRT displays are driven system monitoring and control
by the Process Computer. There are many types of functions. The flat panel displays
display formats which can be shown on the CRTs, which are used as safety-system
including summary plant status displays, trend plots, interfaces are fully qualified to Class
system status formats, alarm summaries, plant 1E standards. The safety-related flat
operating procedure guidance displays, and plant displays are located on the left side of
automation guidance displays. Although each CRT is the MCC. For control and monitoring
assigned a default display for a given operating of the three redundant and independent
condition, the operators have the flexibility to select divisions of the Emergency Core
any display on each of the seven touch-screen CRTs. Cooling System (ECCS) and reactor
This multi-redundant display capability ensures primary containment heat removal,
continued normal plant operation in the event of a two flat panel display devices are
failure of one or more of the CRTs. provided in each of those divisions.
One flat panel display is typically used
The system status displays provide information on for monitoring and the other is used
individual plant systems. The touch screens on the for control. Flat panel displays for
CRTs provide direct control for nonsafety-related monitoring and control of major
systems at the system component level. The nonsafety systems are also located on
application of this touch screen capability for control the MCC.
of nonsafety systems, along with the incorporation of
automated plant operation features, was a major factor In addition to the touch-screen CRTs
in reducing the size of the MCC to its present compact and flat panel display devices
dimensions. described above, the MCC is equipped
with dedicated, “hard” switches
The alarm summary displays on the MCC CRTs located on the horizontal desk surfaces
support the operators’ decision-making process. The of the console. Some of these hard
presentation of alarms employs optimization switches are the sequence master
techniques designed to prioritize alarms and filter or control push-button switches used for
suppress nuisance alarms which require no specific initiating automation sequences for
operator action. An example of this alarm processing normal plant operations and for
would be the suppression of the audible alarms changing system operating modes.
associated with the Reactor Protection System during Other hard switches are hard-wired
the period of a reactor scram. directly to the actuated equipment (for
absolute assurance of function) and
The ABWR MCC also provides flat panel displays provide backup capability for initiating
(e.g., electroluminescent, plasma, or liquid crystal safety system functions and key plant
displays) for extended monitoring and control protection features, such as manual
capability. These touch-control flat panel displays are scram, SLCS initiation and turbine trip
driven by microprocessor-based controllers which are functions.
completely diverse from the controllers. This diversity
of displays and controls in the console design enables A limited number of dedicated
continued plant operation even in the unlikely event operator interfaces are provided in the
of a total loss of all CRTs. center of the MCC for key systems
such as the Rod Control and


Information System. These dedicated cooling systems, reactor pressure vessel and core
interfaces contain hard switches and parameters, containment and radiation parameters, and
indicators to provide quick and the status of safety-related equipment. The information
convenient access to key system displayed completely satisfies the requirement for
interfaces under all plant conditions. safety parameter and post-accident monitoring without
the need for any other display equipment. The right
Wide Display Panel panel of the fixed mimic display contains information
The Wide Display Panel (WDP) is a on the BOP power generation cycle, such as the
large vertical board which provides condensate and feedwater system, turbine/generator,
information on overall plant status and power transmission systems.
with real-time data during all phases
of plant operation. The information Also, within the area of the fixed mimic display,
presented on the WDP is clearly dedicated alarm windows are provided for important,
visible from the Main Control plant-level alarms that affect plant availability or safety.
Console, the supervisors’ console, and Examples of the plant-level alarms include high reactor
other positions in the control room pressure, low reactor water level and high suppression
where support personnel may be pool temperature.
stationed. The WDP provides a fixed
The large variable display is located on the right
mimic display, a large (~100-inch
upright panel of the Wide Display Panel. The basic
diagonal) variable display. Spatially
purpose of the large variable display is to provide
dedicated alarm windows for critical,
information on important plant process parameters
plant-level alarms are also provided on
which supplements the overview information on the
the left-hand side WDP. Spatially-
fixed mimic display. The information presented on the
dedicated detailed system level alarms
large variable display can be changed, depending on
are located above their respective
the plant operating conditions and the needs of the
systems on the fixed-mimic display. At
operating crew. Any display format available on the
the base of the WDP, there are multiple
MCC CRTs can also be displayed on the large variable
flat display devices for individual
display. Examples of the full color graphic displays
system surveillance, monitoring and
that can be shown on the variable display are the
various CRT display formats which would be selected
The fixed mimic display is arranged under plant emergency conditions.
on two, adjacent, upright panels which
Closed circuit TVs are provided which allow remote
comprise the center and right-hand
observation of equipment and operations in areas that
sections of the WDP. The two panels
are not normally accessible and of other critical
are driven by independent
activities such as fuel handling and maintenance tasks.
microprocessor-based controllers. The
Communication between the control room crew and
center panel is seismically qualified
other areas of the plant is enhanced with this visual
and is driven by safety-related, Class
feedback capability. These closed circuit TVs have
1E microprocessors. Information on
high definition with color capability.
this panel includes the critical plant
parameters required for a safety The touch-control flat displays located at the base of
parameter display system and Type A the WDP provide the capability for surveillance of
post-accident monitoring indications. systems and equipment during normal plant operation.
Specific information displayed on this In addition, these devices can be used for control and
panel includes the status of the core


monitoring of plant systems during maintenance and or prompts are provided. The operator
refueling outages and during periods when a portion can completely stop an automatic
of the MCC may be taken out of service for operation at any time by selecting the
maintenance. These flat displays are driven by Manual mode of operation.
microprocessor-based controllers which are separate
from the plant Process Computer System.

Plant Automation The ABWR control room design
provides the capability for a single
The ABWR design incorporates extensive automation operator to perform all required control
of the operator actions which are required during a and monitoring functions during
normal plant startup, shutdown and power range normal plant operations as well as
maneuvers. The automation features adopted for the under emergency plant conditions.
ABWR provide for enhanced operability and One-man operation is possible due to
improved capacity factor relative to conventional implementation of several key design
BWR designs. However, the extent of automation features: (1) the Wide Display Panel
implemented in the ABWR has been carefully selected for overall plant monitoring; (2) plant-
to ensure that the primary control of plant operations level automation; (3) system-level
remains with the operators. The operators remain fully automation; (4) the compact MCC
cognizant of the plant status and can intervene in the design; and (5) implementation of
operation at any time, if necessary. operator guidance functions which
display appropriate operating
The ABWR automation design provides for three sequences on the main control panel
distinct automation modes: Automatic, Semi- CRTs. The role of the operator will
Automatic, and Manual. In the Automatic mode, the primarily be one of monitoring the
operator initiates automated sequences of operation status of individual systems and the
from the MCC. Periodic breakpoints are inserted in overall plant and the progress of
the automated sequence which require operator automation sequences, rather than the
verification of plant status and manual actuation of a traditional role of monitoring and
breakpoint control push-button to allow the automated controlling individual system
sequence to continue. When a change in the status of equipment. However, to foster a team
a safety system is required, automatic prompts are approach in plant operation and to
provided to the operator and the automation is maintain operator vigilance, the
suspended until the operator manually completes the operating staff organization for the
necessary safety system status change. reference ABWR control room design
is based upon having two operators
In the Semi-Automatic mode of operation, the normally stationed at the control
progression of normal plant operations is monitored console.
and automated prompts and guidance are provided to
the operator; however, all actual control actions must During emergency plant operations,
be performed manually by the operator. In the Manual plant-level automation is automatically
mode of operation, no automated operator guidance suspended, but system level
automation is available. One operator


would be responsible for the NSS for simplified execution of both the safety and
systems and the other for the BOP nonsafety system operations. In lieu of system-level
systems, with the supervisors automation, direct manual control of individual system
providing direction and guidance. equipment is available on the touch-screen CRTs and
Again, system-level automation allows flat displays.

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