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Water Desalination able to salt ions (posmotic  25 bar).2

City-scale SWRO plants are operational
with Energy Storage in several countries, delivering on the
Electrode Materials order of 106 m3 of treated water per
day (<0.1% of the total global daily
Matthew E. Suss1,*
water consumption). However, as the
and Volker Presser2,3,*
need for water purification increases
and the requirements for each locality
becomes more diverse, SWRO plants
alone cannot meet the growing de-
mand for a technological solution. Bar-
riers toward increased penetration of
SWRO include the enormous invest-
Volker Presser obtained his PhD in
ment required to develop such plants,
Applied Mineralogy in 2006 from the
poor downscalability of the technology,
Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen,
the geographical limitation to coastal
Germany. As a Humboldt Research
areas and near urban environments,
Fellow and Research Assistant Profes-
and high energy requirements (typically
sor, he worked between 2010 and
about 4 kWh/m3).2
2012 at the A.J. Drexel Nanotech-
nology Institute in the team of Yury
Electrochemical systems are mainly
Gogotsi at Drexel University, Philadel-
associated with energy storage, with
phia, USA. Since 2015, he has been
well-known examples including batte-
Full Professor for Energy Materials
ries and supercapacitors. However,
at Saarland University and Program
other electrochemical systems, such as
Division Leader at the INM – Leibniz
Matthew Suss obtained his PhD in electrodialysis (ED) and capacitive
Institute for New Materials in Saar-
Mechanical Engineering in 2013 from deionization (CDI), have long been
brücken, Germany. His research activ-
Stanford University and was a Postdoc- identified as promising solutions for
ities encompass nanocarbon and
toral Associate in the Department of energy- and infrastructure-efficient
hybrid nanomaterials for electrochemi-
Chemical Engineering at MIT from brackish water desalination (0.5–
cal energy storage, harvesting, and
2013 to 2014. Matthew was also a Law- 30 g/L total dissolved solids [TDS]).
water desalination.
rence Scholar at Lawrence Livermore Such systems desalt feedwaters by
National Laboratory in Livermore, Cali- applying electric fields to the feed
fornia, from 2010 to 2013. Since 2014, As population demands for freshwater channel, and so removing salt ions by
Matthew has been an Assistant Profes- increase, existing natural freshwater processes such as electromigration
sor at Technion – Israel Institute of resources face significant strains. and electrosorption. Thus, electro-
Technology where he also holds an Currently, over 2.5 billion people live chemical systems can desalinate at
Alon Fellowship. At Technion, Matthew in localities that are subject to severe sub-osmotic pressures, and as a result
leads the Energy & Environmental In- water scarcity at least 1 month of can be highly scalable with no high-
novations Laboratory, which focuses the year.1 Scarcity affects all types of pressure pumps required. ED relies on
on development of next-generation localities, such as urban, rural, coastal often-expensive ion-exchange mem-
electrochemical systems for energy areas, landlocked areas, and off-grid lo- branes to desalt feedstreams and is
storage and water desalination appli- cations. Increasingly, active water puri- today considered a mature technol-
cations. fication technologies are being used ogy.3 By contrast, CDI has traditionally
to boost and secure freshwater sup- relied on inexpensive nanoporous
plies. A widely used desalination tech- carbon electrodes to desalt (such as
nology is seawater reverse osmosis activated carbons), and the CDI
(SWRO), in which pumps pressurize research field is rapidly growing and
the feedwater to well above its osmotic evolving.4 A conventional CDI cell con-
pressure to pump water molecules sists of two nanoporous carbon elec-
through a membrane largely imperme- trodes with a separator between them,

10 Joule 2, 10–15, January 17, 2018 ª 2017 Elsevier Inc.

ergy while desalinating and release it
during electrode regeneration (dis-
charging). Over the past decade, the
field of CDI has been buoyed by the
parallel development of nanoporous
carbons for supercapacitors,21 which
has contributed to the order of magni-
tude improvement in CDI cell desalina-
tion performance and energy efficiency
over that time period.4 However, the
performance of CDI systems employing
nanoporous carbon electrodes has in
the past couple of years largely pla-
teaued (Figure 1), and the challenges
facing this technology are becoming
clearer. While CDI is a highly efficient
technology for desalting feeds on the
dilute end of the brackish water regime
(0.6–3 g/L TDS), it struggles with feed-
water of higher salinity due to a limited
capacity for ion storage and excessive
co-ion expulsion.4 Another challenge
is a limited cycle life due to corrosion
of the positively charged carbon elec-
trode during cell charging, especially
Figure 1. Concept and Performance Values of CDI Cells with Capacitive and Faradaic Electrodes when cells are operated at voltages
A historical evolution of the salt storage capacity of desalination cells achieved with either well above 1 V. CDI cells typically
nanoporous carbon electrodes (black circles), Faradaic electrodes (blue triangles), or hybrid cells achieve less than 1,000 charge/
with one nanoporous carbon electrode and one Faradaic electrode (red diamonds), with all values discharge cycles,22 with cycle life de-
reported per mass of both electrodes. 4–20 Despite their recent introduction, cells with Faradaic
pending on the type and composition
electrodes have achieved significantly higher gravimetric salt storage capacities compared with
cells with nanoporous carbon electrodes. Schematics contrast the salt storage mechanism of CDI of the feedwater stream, the electrode
cells leveraging nanoporous carbon (capacitive) electrodes and cells with Faradaic electrodes, material, cell design, and other opera-
such as layered intercalation electrodes or conversion electrodes. tional parameters.23

where the separator also serves as the charged, it must be discharged to allow To develop next-generation electro-
feed flow channel. During CDI cell ions to be released from the EDLs and chemical systems for water desalina-
charging, a voltage of around 1 V is enter the feed, leading to a brine cell tion, it is convenient to take inspiration
applied to the cell, resulting in salt effluent. from the highly developed energy stor-
ions being removed from the feed and age field. As demonstrated by CDI
stored capacitively within electric dou- CDI cells share many similarities with cells, energy storage electrodes can
ble layers (EDLs) in the nanopores of aqueous electric double-layer capaci- be successfully applied as efficient
the oppositely charged electrode (Fig- tors (EDLCs), a type of supercapacitor water desalination electrodes (while
ure 1). During charging, along with stor- that is commonly used for energy maintaining their energy storage func-
age of oppositely charged ions (coun- storage. Both technologies use nano- tionality). A large and promising
terions), salt ions with similar charge to porous carbon electrode materials, category for exploration are the mate-
the electrode (co-ions) are expelled operate within a limited voltage win- rials that store ions via processes other
from the nanopores and into the feed- dow bounded by the voltage for water than capacitively in charging EDLs,
water. Co-ion expulsion is a parasitic splitting (ca. 1.2 V cell voltage; depen- which we will call Faradaic electrodes.
loss, resulting in the ratio of moles of dent on local pH and electrode mate- An example of such a process is
salt removed from the feed to moles rial), store ions in nanopore EDLs, and ion intercalation, the reversible inser-
of charge stored by the cell to be lower undergo charge/discharge cycling.4 tion of cations or anions into sites
than unity, and so this effect must be Furthermore, due to their similarity within the solid electrode material.
minimized in CDI.4 Once the cell is fully with aqueous EDLCs, CDI cells store en- In batteries and supercapacitors,

Joule 2, 10–15, January 17, 2018 11

ion intercalation materials are often nanoporous carbon and anion exchange tion to the insoluble metal oxychloride
used as high-capacity electrodes. The membrane assembly, introducing the BiOCl. As shown through equilibrium
most prominent examples are the elec- concept of ‘‘hybrid CDI’’ as a cell that calculations by Nam et al.,25 BiOCl is
trodes used in commercial lithium-ion uses one EDLC electrode and one Fara- stable and insoluble over a wide poten-
batteries, including lithium-ion interca- daic electrode. The authors demon- tial window for a pH range of 0–10.5
lating graphite anodes, and cathodes strated that such a cell can store up to and inhibits parasitic water oxidation
such as lithium manganese oxide. 31.2 mg of salt per gram of electrode during charging. The calculated capac-
Other examples include the intercala- material during cell charging, about ity of the electrode tested experimen-
tion cathodes used in sodium ion batte- 50% higher than the salt storage tally by Nam et al.,25 in grams of chlo-
ries, such as sodium manganese oxide achieved by classical CDI cells using ride ions stored per gram of bismuth,
(NMO).24 To understand why Faradaic solely nanoporous carbon electrodes was over four times the capacity for
electrodes are highly attractive for wa- (Figure 1). Subsequent hybrid CDI sys- chloride ion storage calculated per
ter desalination, it is important to tems have paired positively charged gram of carbon electrode in a typical
contrast how ions are stored in such nanoporous carbon electrodes with CDI cell. In a separate direction toward
electrodes to storage in nanoporous Faradaic cathodes such as sodium iron mitigating the issue of anion storage,
carbons (Figure 1). While in nanoporous phosphate or two-dimensional layered several groups have recently devel-
carbons, salt ions are stored capaci- titanium disulfide.7,20 In 2016, Srimuk oped desalination cells using sodium
tively in EDLs along surfaces or in nano- et al.8 developed a cell with two-dimen- intercalation materials for both elec-
pore volumes, in intercalation elec- sional MXene intercalation electrodes trodes and separating the electrodes
trodes, ions are stored within the as anode and cathode and demon- with an anion exchange mem-
electrode material in crystallographic strated the first desalination cell relying brane.11–13 Relying just on cation inter-
sites or between atomic planes. This entirely on the mechanism of ion interca- calation, such a cell avoids anion inter-
brings two important features. First, ac- lation. MXene is a material consisting of calation altogether and had been
cessing storage within the electrode layered 2D transition metal carbide previously postulated and described
material can enable higher salt storage planes, with ions inserting between theoretically by Smith and Dmello.27 In
capacity than achieved with storage in planes during charging. As such, they the flow compartment adjacent to the
EDLs, analogous to the higher energy are promising for desalination applica- intercalating electrode, sodium ions
density achieved by Faradaic elec- tions as they can store other types of were removed from the feed by the
trodes compared with EDLC electrodes ions beyond solely sodium and possess electrode and chloride ions electromi-
in energy storage systems. Second, un- high electric conductivity. MXene grated through the membrane, result-
like nanoporous carbon electrodes, demonstrated significantly less capacity ing in desalination of this flow. The
Faradaic electrodes typically do not suf- for anion storage compared with cation opposite compartment accepted so-
fer from significant co-ion expulsion and storage, and the measured overall cell dium ions from the de-intercalating
so may allow for effective desalination salt storage capacity obtained was electrode and chloride ions passing
even at seawater levels of feed salinity. 13 mg/g when using a 5 mM NaCl through the membrane, thus forming a
feed and charging to 1.2 V.8 Another brine solution. Proof-of-concept cells
Faradaic electrodes have only recently two-dimensional intercalating nanoma- leveraging symmetric Prussian blue an-
begun to be explored toward water terial, now consisting of MoS2 layers, alogs for sodium intercalation, such as
desalination. In pioneering work in was applied to water desalination by nickel hexacyanoferrate (HCF) or cop-
2012, Pasta et al.5 presented the concept both Xing et al. and Srimuk et al. in per HCF, achieved a salt storage capac-
of a ‘‘desalination battery’’ using two 2017.9,10 The stable use of MoS2 in a ity of about 35 mg/g (for cells without
Faradaic electrodes for feedstream desa- symmetric cell is limited to a charging membrane stacking),11,12 and nearly
lination, including sodium-ion intercala- voltage of 0.8 V due to the catalytic na- 60 mg/g for an asymmetric system
tion into a charging NMO cathode and ture of MoS2 in evolving hydrogen, and with one nickel HCF and one iron HCF
chloride ion removal via oxidation of a sil- the cell of Srimuk et al. demonstrated a electrode when calculated over the
ver metal electrode (a reversible conver- salt storage capacity of 10 mg/g for entire charge-discharge cycle.13 The
sion reaction, Ag/AgCl). This cell was 5 mM NaCl feedwater. latter value for salt storage capacity is
highly innovative but impractical, as an roughly three times higher than that
electrode consisting of silver metal is A novel direction for improved anion achieved by CDI cells with nanoporous
cost prohibitive for large-scale applica- storage was proposed by both Nam carbon electrodes.
tions. The concept was further devel- et al.25 and Chen et al.26 in 2017, which
oped in 2014, by Lee et al.,6 who re- was to use a bismuth conversion elec- While only about a dozen Faradaic mate-
placed the silver electrode with a trode to store chloride ions via oxida- rials have been tested as electrodes in

12 Joule 2, 10–15, January 17, 2018

desalination cells, and many of these ma- broadly classified into materials that 100 mA/cm2) applied currents,11,13 in
terials were proposed only in the past are highly tuned toward a specific ion, contrast to CDI cells with nano-
calendar year, these electrodes have to the exclusion of other similarly porous carbons, which typically desalt
regularly achieved gravimetric salt stor- charged ions, and materials that can with applied currents greater than
age capacities far exceeding that of potentially simultaneously store a 1 mA/cm2.4 In the future, a careful com-
nanoporous carbon electrodes (Figure 1). multitude of ion types. Examples of parison of salt removal kinetics is
In addition to improved storage, another ion-specific materials are those per- required between cells with Faradaic
feature of desalination cells using Fara- forming conversion reactions, such as electrodes and classical CDI cells under
daic electrodes is the low energy require- conversion of Bi to BiOCl, or those similar experimental conditions, such as
ments of the first proof-of-concept cells. with properly tuned tunnel structures. feedwater and effluent salt concentra-
For example, Kim et al.12 demonstrated For example, Kim et al.28 showed that tion, to draw rigorous conclusions.
an energy requirement of roughly their NMO electrode selectively Many strategies developed in the energy
0.02 kWh per 1 m3 of treated water for removed Na+ at a factor of 13 over K+ storage field to improve the power den-
the desalination of 25 mM NaCl feed- when treating waters containing both sity of intercalation electrodes will be
water, roughly an order of magnitude these ions at equal initial concentration. pertinent for desalination electrodes.
lower than the reported energy require- Developing highly selective desalina- For example, the development of 3D
ments of a cell with nanoporous carbon tion systems, which target specifically materials with open foam structure or
electrodes for the same feed and key pollutants or scalants in feedwaters, with small, accessible particles of interca-
effluent. The basis for the attainment of such as Ca2+, is an important research lation materials will help maximize rate
such low energy requirements may be direction in the larger desalination capability.25 We must stress that we do
that Faradaic electrodes can achieve field.29 Projecting into the future, novel not expect Faradaic electrodes to sup-
exceptionally high salt adsorption capac- selective electrodes can potentially plant nanoporous carbons in desalina-
ities while operated at lower cell voltages be developed based on the needs of tion systems. Just as Faradaic electrodes
compared with CDI cells, often well un- the water treatment community, for and EDLCs exist side by side as impor-
der 1 V.8,12,27 Initial results are also prom- example, selectively storing water pollut- tant energy storage technologies, also
ising toward desalting high salinity ants such as lead ions or boron. Less-spe- for desalination both electrode classes
streams, such as seawater, a regime cific electrodes have the potential to have unique advantages and disadvan-
where CDI with nanoporous carbons is store a multitude of ions, and some tages. For example, nanoporous carbons
largely ineffective. For example, with a even allowing cation and anion intercala- may remain the best option for applica-
‘‘rocking chair’’-type cell, Lee et al.13 tion. For example, 2D layered MXene tions where fast desalination is required,
demonstrated removal of 40% of ions electrodes have been shown to remove while intercalation materials will be
from a small (0.6 mL) 500 mM NaCl effectively a wide variety of cations such required for desalination of higher
feed volume consuming energy of as Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+.30 Materials salinity streams. Both nanoporous car-
0.34 kWh/m3. Using layered MoS2 elec- that are not tuned to a single ion may bons and intercalation electrodes can
trodes, Srimuk et al.9 showed that the be more suitable for desalination of be highly selective, but both rely on
per ion energy requirement for a complex feedstreams containing many different selectivity mechanisms and
500 mM feed was 24 kT per ion ion types requiring removal, such as thus may have relative advantages
removed, in stark contrast to the energy most brackish and seawater sources. and disadvantages toward selectively
required to desalinate the same feed Although the effective removal of several removing key species from feedwaters.
with standard nanoporous carbon elec- cations simultaneously has yet to be Nanoporous carbons, especially com-
trodes, which was >10,000 kT per ion. demonstrated with MXenes, this material mercial activated carbons, can be very
The latter value is tremendously large is promising toward desalination of com- inexpensive, and thus classical CDI
because nanoporous carbons cannot plex feedwaters. systems may remain highly attractive
effectively desalinate high salinity when considering desalination perfor-
streams due to the parasitic effect of One issue with Faradaic electrodes may mance metrics normalized by electrode
co-ion current.4 However, first results be slower salt removal relative to nano- cost.
with intercalation electrodes suggest porous carbons, in close analogy to
that these cells do not suffer from exces- the energy storage field where inter- What is perhaps most exciting is that
sive co-ion currents even for very high calation electrodes typically exhibit the exploration of Faradaic materials
salinity feeds. lower power density relative to nanopo- as desalination electrodes has just
rous carbon electrodes. Initial studies begun, largely in the past calendar
The Faradaic electrodes investigated with desalinating intercalation elec- year (Figure 1). Over the past decades,
thus far toward desalination can be trodes are often limited to low (order the energy storage field has developed

Joule 2, 10–15, January 17, 2018 13

hundreds of potential candidate mate- 2. Elimelech, M., and Phillip, W.A. (2011). The improved capacitive deionization. J. Mater.
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