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By : Desy Wulansari,S.


This Module is Designed for XI Grade of
Vocational High School

Praise our gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace and
guidance on us so that we can complete this module on Teaching Material
Procedure text.

We also do not forget to thank all those who have contributed to the preparation of
this module. Of course, this module will not work optimally if it does not get support
from various parties.

As compilers, we realize that there are still deficiencies in terms of both the
arrangement and the grammar of delivery in this module. Therefore, we humbly
welcome suggestions and criticism from readers so that we can improve this module.
We hope that this module that we have compiled will provide benefits and also
inspiration for readers.

Cianjur, Juni 2021

Desy Wulansari, S.Pd

Teaching Material Procedure Text

KD pada KI Pengetahuan :

3.18. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait manual
penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan
bidang keahlian dan konteks penggunaannya.

KD pada KI Keterampilan :
4.18. Menyusun teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk manual terkait
penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

1. Short Description

In this chapter we are going to learn about Procedure text. We will focused
on Procedure text in form of Manual. Students will be asked to observe an example
of Procedure text (Manual) that shown in the video for asking students knowledge
or as a stimulus. After that, the students will be introduced to the concept of social
function, generic structure, and also language features of Procedure text (Manual) .
Then teacher give some examples text, then the students will be asked to observe

Teaching Material Procedure Text

the examples text. In the last activity, the student have to create their own procedure
text according to their situation.

2. Relevance

This material can help your comprehension on the procedure text. You can
understand, apply, and compare the social function, generic structure and language
features of procedure text. You can improve your comprehension, competence and
your english skill through this modul. This material relate to the Procedure text
material in Syllabus of Vocational High School.

3. Learning Guide
Students will be asked to observe an example of Procedure text (Manual)
that shown in the video for asking students knowledge or as a pretest. After that, the
teacher gives the material about the Procedure text. Then teacher give some
jumbled examples text, then the students asked to arrange that, and identify the
social function, generic structure, and also language features of Procedure text
(Manual). In the end, asked the student to create their own procedure text, they
practice it and record it into a video format. Then, the student can upload their own
product to the Youtube Channel.

1. Learning Outcomes
After learning this material, students will be able to comprehend :
a. Attitude
To internalize, uphold, and put into action religious, moral, and ethical values,
integrity, accountability, independence, tolerance, care, mutual respect,
peace, collaboration, and nationalism.
b. Knowledge
 Understand the social function, generic structures, and language features
of a procedure text.
 Analyzing the Social function, generic structures and language features of
procedure text.
c. Skill
Teaching Material Procedure Text
 To re-arrange the procedure text into a correct order.
 To create their own procedure text in a good structures and grammar.
 To make a video about the procedure text that they have made.
 Present their product in front of the clasess.

2. Sub-Learning Outcomes

a. Student could identify and grab the message by the video shown.
b. Student could find the detailed information through the slides given.
c. Student could be able to make their own procedure text.

3. Learning Material and Learning Activities



After learning about the material of procedure text in form of manual in the last
meeting, now is your turn to analyze the text and present your own procedure text
that you have made in the previous meeting.

a. Definition

Teaching Material Procedure Text

Procedure text is a kind of text that shows a series of orders of making
something, doing something or getting somewhere. Procedure text divided into two
kinds. That is procedure text recipe and procedure text manual. To know more about
procedure text manual, please see the slides.

What is Manual?

Manual alternatively referred to as documentation or end-user documentation,

a manual is a book or pamphlet that contains information about a program or piece
of hardware. For example, a computer case may come with documentation
explaining what sizes of motherboard it can hold. Or, a video game may come
with a manual explaining how to play it. Today, most manufacturers and developers
no longer include printed manuals with their products. They instead rely
on electronic documentation and online documentation, which are usually
included as a PDF or available for download on the manufacturer's website.

1. Social function of manual as a type of procedure text

The purpose of procedure texts is to provide a series of precise, sequenced

steps or directions that explain to the readers how to do something while also
allowing the readers to reach the outcome successfully. Procedure texts can
take several forms, including, but not limited to, recipes, instructions for how to do,
use, or make something, science experiments, directions for a map, manuals, etc.

The followings are the social function of procedure text:

 It is used to describe how something is done in sequenced steps.

 It provides a series of steps in sequence that explain the readers
how to do something while allowing them to reach the
outcome successfully.
 The communicative purpose of the text is to tell the steps of making or
doing something.

2. Generic Structure of manual

Teaching Material Procedure Text

As a type of Procedure text, manual is made up of three elements. The
followings are the generic structure of procedure texts:

 Goal/aim
This part of the text describes the purpose of doing or operating
 Materials/equipments
This part describes the materials or equipments needed in the process of
doing or operating something. It is important to note that some of procedure
texts do not provide materials section.
 Steps/methods
This part describes the set of instructions in order to achieve the goal.

3. Language features

There are several language features are commonly used in constructing a

procedure text :

 Generally using simple present tense mostly

 Using adverbial of sequence or using temporal adjective. For example: First,
Second, the last, etc.
 Using imperative sentences or command. For example: Pass the salt, move
out of my way!, shut the front door, Find my leather jacket, Be there at five.
 Using action verbs. For example: Turn, Put, Out, ect.
 Using conjunctions to link a process to another process. For example: then,
after that.
 Using adverb of time to express details of time to express details of time. For
example: For five minutes, in two hours, etc.

1. Simple Present Tense

Teaching Material Procedure Text

The Simple Present Tense is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the
simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens
regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it's sometimes called present indefinite).

Generally simple present tense is used to indicate an action which happens –

always, regularly, every day, daily, normally, generally, usually, occasionally,
sometimes, often, rarely, frequently, nowadays, naturally, seldom, constantly, never,
every a week, every year, once a year, on a week, at times, at present, now and
then, or all the time.

a. The use of Simple Present Tense :

Teaching Material Procedure Text

b. Formula of Simple Present Tense

2. Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences are used to issue a command or instruction, make a

request, or offer advice. Imperative sentences usually end with a period but can
occasionally end with an exclamation point. These sentences are sometimes
referred to as directives because they provide direction to whoever is being

Examples of Imperative Sentences :

Teaching Material Procedure Text

Source :

3. Connective / Conjunction

A conjunction (also called a connective) is a word (such as and, because, but,

for, if, or, and when) that are used to connect phrases, clauses, and sentences.

Examples of Connective / Conjunction

1. First of all…. (pertama-tama)

2. Firstly …… (yang pertama)
3. Then ….. (kemudian)
4. Later ….(berikutnya)
5. And then …. (dan berikutnya)
6. Finally ….. (akhiranya)
7. The final … (akhirnya)
8. Dan lain sebagainya

4. Action Verb

An action verb is a verb that describes an action, like run, jump, kick, eat,
break, cry, smile, or think.

Teaching Material Procedure Text


No Name. 2017. How to use an ATM in English | Easy Instructions! - Mad English
TV. Accessed on April
20,2021 at 09.05 a.m.

No Name. 2020. BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas 11 - Procedure Text | GIA Academy - GIA
Academy. Accessed on April
20,2021 at 09.25 a.m.

No Name. 2018. Contoh Procedure Text How to Use an ATM dan Artinya.
atm.html Accessed on April 20,2021at 09.30 a.m.

No Name. 2016. How to Withdraw Money from ATM Machine?.
Accessed on April 20,2021 at 10.05 a.m.

Teaching Material Procedure Text

No Name. 2015. 3 Contoh Procedure Text How to make dan Terjemah.
terjemah.html Accessed on April 20,2021 at 11.10 a.m.

No Name. 2019. SOAL PROCEDURE TEXT. Accessed
on April 21, at 07.30 a.m.

No Name. 2017. 10 Contoh Soal Procedure Text Dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru.
Accessed on April 21, at 08.15 a.m.

Saefurrohman Ph.D. (2019). English for Practical Use. Jakarta: Kementrian

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Sugeng, Bambang., Sputri, Fatyana and Trisnasih, Anindyka. (2019). Contextual

English. 2nd ed. Solo: Penerbit Tiga Serangkai.

Sugeng, Bambang., Sputri, Fatyana and Trisnasih, Anindyka. (2019). Contextual

English. 3rd ed. Solo: Penerbit Tiga Serangkai.

Teaching Material Procedure Text

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