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Clinical-Pathological Case Study

Section Editors: Neil R. Miller, MD

Janet Rucker, MD

Sudden Bilateral Ptosis in a 61-Year-Old Woman

Gerard Hershewe, DO, Alyssa Eckert, BS, Timothy Koci, MD, Griffith Harsh, MD,
Donald Born, MD, Micaela Koci, BA/BS

Dr. Hershewe: the upper eyelid immediately on eye opening after a period of
forced eyelid closure).
A 61-year-old woman reported a 2-month history of sud- There was mild percussion myotonia involving both
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den severe bilateral ptosis that had worsened slightly thumbs (i.e., a localized myotonic prolonged contraction of
since onset. The patient tilted her head backward “to see.” the muscles in response to percussion, such as tapping the
The ptosis was worse in the morning and with fatigue, but muscles on the palm at the base of the thumb with the
not worse in the evening. There was no associated diplopia, examiner’s finger or a reflex hammer, followed by delayed
dysphagia, or neck or proximal muscle weakness. relaxation).
The patient’s medical history included hearing loss and The differential diagnosis included ocular MG, myo-
fibrocystic breast disease for which she had undergone 2 tonic dystrophy, and central ptosis secondary to a midbrain
previous lumpectomies that were negative for malignancy. lesion. An ice test and acetylcholine receptor antibody panel
There was no history of heart disease or stroke. She did not were negative. Additional normal or negative laboratory
smoke and had 2–3 alcoholic beverages weekly. Family studies included a complete blood count, Westergren
history included colon cancer in her mother and lung cancer sedimentation rate, magnesium, C-reactive protein, TP
in her father. There was no family history of myasthenia antibody, free T4, thyroid stimulating hormone, vitamin
gravis (MG) or ptosis. B12, folate, anticardiolipin antibodies, and antinuclear
Neuro-ophthalmologic examination revealed visual acu- antibody assay. MRI of the brain was performed.
ity of 20/20 in both eyes with intact color vision. Pupils
measured 3.0 mm in each eye, and were briskly reactive to
light without evidence of light-near dissociation or a relative Dr. Koci:
afferent pupillary defect. Eye movements were full with a 3- MRI without contrast shows a T1-hypointense (Fig. 2A)
prism diopter comitant exotropia at distance and near. and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery image–
There was no evidence of convergence-retraction nystag- hyperintensive (Fig. 2B) midbrain mass. The midbrain
mus. Ophthalmoscopy was unremarkable. lesion enhances (Fig. 3A) after intravenous contrast and is
The patient maintained a chin-up position. There was surrounded by T2 hyperintensity (Fig. 3B). This could
marked bilateral ptosis (Fig. 1). She was unable to open the represent an infiltrating tumor, vasogenic edema, or both.
eyes voluntarily, although there was normal eyelid elevation
on upgaze. The palpebral fissures measured 4.5 mm on both
sides, and levator function was 15 mm on both sides. There Dr. Hershewe:
was 1–2 mm of fatigable ptosis after sustained upgaze. There A lumbar puncture was performed. The cerebrospinal fluid
was also a Cogan lid twitch (i.e., as the patient made a sac- showed 2 white blood cells and normal glucose and protein
cade from downward gaze to primary position, the ptotic lid concentrations. Cytology was negative. Flow cytometry was
overshot briefly before resuming its previous ptotic position). normal with no evidence of lymphoma. Computed tomog-
There was minimal lid hopping (i.e., an upward twitch of the raphy of the chest revealed no lesions. Brain biopsy was
lid on glancing quickly to the side from primary position performed.
[during refixation]). Bienfang sign was negative (i.e., an
excessive upward excursion followed by downward drift of
Dr. Harsh:
A biopsy of the midbrain lesion was performed using an
University of Nevada Reno School of Medicine (GH, AE, MK), Reno,
Nevada; Section of Neuroradiology (TK), Department of Radiology, entry point in the left frontal area near the coronal suture
Renown Medical Center, Reno, Nevada; Department of Neurosur- and a trajectory that was centered in the mass but avoided
gery, Stanford Hospital (GH), Palo Alto, California; and Department the superficial vessels medial to the Sylvian fissure and
of Neuropathology, Stanford Hospital (DB), Palo Alto, California.
lateral to the frontal horn of the left lateral ventricle. A
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
special biopsy needle with a 5-mm fenestration was chosen.
Address correspondence to Gerard Hershewe, DO, Clinical Faculty,
University of Nevada Reno School of Medicine, 75 Pringle Way, Suite A total length of 218 mm was calculated, with an additional
605, Reno, NV 89502; E-mail: 3 mm to place the fenestration within the center of the

Hershewe et al: J Neuro-Ophthalmol 2018; 38: 375-378 375

Copyright © North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Clinical-Pathological Case Study

neurological examination remained stable. Posttreatment

brain MRI at 2 months and 6 months showed a slight
reduction in tumor size.

Final Diagnosis
WHO Grade II astrocytoma in the dorsal midbrain
produced isolated bilateral ptosis due to impaired supra-
nuclear input to the central caudal oculomotor nucleus.

FIG. 1. Marked bilateral ptosis is present with contraction

Dr. Hershewe, Ms. Eckert, and Ms. Koci:
of the frontalis muscle to partially elevate the eyelids. Our patient had a rare presentation of sudden, bilateral,
complete ptosis unassociated with pupillary light-near
target. The needle was passed slowly into the brain and dissociation or ocular motility disturbance. She had some
stopped at the target point. Two tiny samples were ob- clinical features suggestive of ocular MG, including fatigable
tained. There was no significant bleeding. ptosis and a Cogan lid twitch. The normal ice test and
negative acetylcholine binding antibodies failed to support
Dr. Born: a diagnosis of ocular MG; however, sensitivity of the ice test
for myasthenic ptosis is between 79% and 97% (1,2), and is
Routine histologic sections reveal brainstem tissue with even lower in the setting of complete ptosis (3). Further-
infiltration by atypical, enlarged, hyperchromatic astrocytic more, the reported sensitivity of acetylcholine receptor anti-
cells (Fig. 4A). Immunohistochemistry for Ki67 shows that body testing in isolated ocular MG is much lower than in
a portion of the enlarged nuclei are positive, and there is an generalized MG, variably reported in ocular MG to be
overall increased Ki-67 labeling index (8% of neoplastic between 38% and 71% (4). To the best of our knowledge,
nuclei) (Fig. 4B). Additional immunohistochemistry shows there has been one other case in which a midbrain glioma
very low p53 nuclear labeling and retention of nuclear produced features suggestive of myasthenia (5). However, in
ATRX. IDH1 (R132H) and H3K27M are both negative that patient, the clinical signs differed from those of our
(wild-type). The pathology is consistent with a WHO patient, and included upgaze paresis, hypometric saccades,
Grade II astrocytoma. and absent vertical optokinetic responses. In addition,
although the patient had bilateral ptosis secondary to third
nerve nuclear involvement, she also had previous ptosis on
Dr. Hershewe: the left secondary to a partial unilateral third nerve palsy
Treatment included radiation with a total dose of 58 Gy in with pupillary involvement.
29 fractions and adjuvant temozolomide. The patient It is clear that muscle fatigability can be caused by upper
received 250 mg/m2 temozolomide for the first 2 months motor neuron lesions. Direct stimulation of the tibialis
followed by 350 mg/m2 temozolomide for 10 months, for anterior muscle through its motor nerve in patients with
a total of 12 months of treatment. After treatment, she spastic paraparesis resulting from spinal trauma or MS leads
developed a large exotropia, a mild vertical gaze palsy with to increased muscle fatigue and slow relaxation of the
slight improvement in her left ptosis. The remainder of the muscle (6). Thus, a central mechanism with a disordered

FIG. 2. Sagittal MRI. A. Precontrast T1 image shows a hypointese midbrain mass (B). Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
image reveals the mass to be hyperintense with signal tracking into the superior cerebellar peduncle (arrow).

376 Hershewe et al: J Neuro-Ophthalmol 2018; 38: 375-378

Copyright © North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Clinical-Pathological Case Study

FIG. 3. Axial MRI. A. Postcontrast T1 scan reveals enhancement of the midbrain lesion. B. T2 image shows hyperintense
signal beyond the enhancing component.

motor unit control may be a likely cause of fatigability in nucleus (7,8). Upward saccades typically are accompanied
our patient. by upward lid movements. In primates, it has been shown
It is noteworthy that although our patient had bilateral that a burst of neuronal discharge occurs in the levator
ptosis and was unable to open her eyes voluntarily, she had palpebrae superioris motoneurons located in the central
normal eyelid elevation on upgaze. This dissociated caudal nucleus that is similar to the discharge rate of supe-
response indicates impaired supranuclear or premotor eyelid rior rectus motoneurons (9,10). The anatomical basis for
control, rather than direct dysfunction of the central caudal this coordination of upward eye and lid movements is
incompletely understood. The central caudal nucleus may
receive direct signals from superior rectus motoneurons or,
alternatively, both sets of neurons may receive premotor
signals from structures responsible for vertical gaze, such
as the rostral interstitial medial longitudinal fasciculus or
the interstitial nucleus of Cajal. We hypothesize that in
our patient, supranuclear input to the central caudal nucleus
was impaired by the infiltrating tumor for voluntary lid
elevation, but that there was preserved supranuclear input
to the central caudal nucleus and superior rectus subnucleus
for coordinated lid and eye movements with eye elevation.
Our case shows that patients who present with apoplec-
tic onset of bilateral complete ptosis should not only be
evaluated for MG but also for a structural lesion affecting
the dorsal midbrain such as a tumor or stroke. The
differential diagnosis for the neuroimaging findings in our
patient included primary glioma, solitary metastasis, and
lymphoma. The workup for lymphoma and metastatic
disease was unrevealing, necessitating a biopsy of the lesion,
which revealed a glioma.
Empiric treatment of adult brainstem lesions is not
FIG. 4. Biopsy specimen. A. Brainstem tissue is infiltrated prudent because there is a wide spectrum of diverse causes.
with atypical, enlarged, hyperchromatic astrocytic cells with The diagnosis of adult brainstem tumors by neuroimaging
irregular nuclear contours consistent with a diffuse astro- can be challenging, with diagnostic accuracy of brainstem
cytoma (hematoxylin & eosin, ·100). B. Immunohisto-
chemistry for Ki-67 shows that a portion of the enlarged tumors being incorrect in up to 40% of cases. Rachinger
nuclei are positive and there is an overall increased pro- et al (11) found that MRI had a sensitivity and specificity
liferative index of 8% (Ki-67, ·100). of 62.5% and 46.6%, respectively, for the diagnosis of

Hershewe et al: J Neuro-Ophthalmol 2018; 38: 375-378 377

Copyright © North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Clinical-Pathological Case Study

low-grade gliomas. Thus, once an evaluation for metastatic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

disease and lymphoma was unrevealing, we elected to pro-
ceed with a stereotactic biopsy. This is a well-established The authors thank Josh Gratwohl for his assistance in the
diagnostic method to guide the clinical management of technical preparation of the manuscript.
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378 Hershewe et al: J Neuro-Ophthalmol 2018; 38: 375-378

Copyright © North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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