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Harry Potter Spells : The Complete List

Updated on February 16, 2019

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K. S. Lane is a certified Potter Head and trivia nerd. Ask her about any spell and she'll tell you what it

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From the original book series to the movie franchise and the spin-off video games, the world of Harry
Potter has captured the minds of millions of fans across the globe. Indeed, Harry Potter has been
imprinted into our modern-day culture, with many of the magical spells and charms used in the book
now known around the world. Finding someone under the age of thirty who doesn't know what
Expelliarmus or Expecto Patronum means is a real challenge.

While some of the most dedicated 'Potter-heads' can rattle off 50 spells, along with the required wand
movement and during which books they were first introduced, for others remembering the spells is
harder. This article lists every spell ever mentioned in the Harry Potter series and what they do, with the
exception of a few that are exclusive to the video games and app (do those really count?).

Whether you're a seasoned Potter Head looking to test your knowledge or a newbie trying to cram as
many spells into your memory as possible, this list has the answers for you.

This article lists all of the spells used throughout the Harry Potter franchise

This article lists all of the spells used throughout the Harry Potter franchise

The Most Recognisable Spells and Charms

This section lists some of the most used, most well-known and most popular spells used in the Harry
Potter franchise:

Accio: Also known as the summoning charm, Accio summons any object to the user within a certain
distance. In the Goblet of Fire Harry uses Accio to summon his broomstick during the first Triwizard
Alohomora: Also known as the unlocking charm, Alohomora enables its user to open any lock. The
charm is first used in the Philosopher's Stone and after this regularly makes an appearance in the later

Expecto Patronum: Also known as the Patronus charm, Expecto Patronum conjures a Patronus; an
animal-shaped mass of energy that repels dementors. Harry first learns the Patronus charm during the
Prisoner of Azkaban, which is considered impressive given his young age and the difficulty of the charm.

Expelliarmus: Also known as the disarming charm, Expelliarmus is arguably the most recognisable of any
Harry Potter spell. The spell, which causes the victim's wand to fly out of their hand, becomes almost a
trademark for Harry and is the charm that he uses to kill Voldemort.

Horcrux Curse: The incantation is never specified, but it's known that the Horcrux Curse splits the user's
soul and allows them to trap a piece in an object. This allows them to live even if their mortal body is
destroyed, effectively rendering them immortal unless the Horcruxes are destroyed. Voldemort's
immortality is due to his use of the Horcrux Curse to make seven Horcruxes.

Lumos: Lights the tip of the user's wand.

Petrificus Totalus: Also known as the full-body-bind spell, Petrificus Totalus renders its victim totally
paralysed. Hermione Granger uses this spell on Neville Longbottom during the Philosopher's Stone.

Protego: Casts a magical forcefield around the user, repelling spells cast at it. Protego is one of the most
commonly used defensive spells.

Stupefy: Stuns an opponent, rendering them unconscious. This is one of the most popular duelling spells
and is used frequently throughout the series. In the Half-Blood Prince, Professor McGonagall is hit by
four stunners and must recover in St. Mungos Hospital.

Wingardium Leviosa: Causes an object to fly. This is one of the first spell taught to the first-year students
at Hogwarts. In the words of Hermione Granger; "It's leviOsa, not levioSA."

The Unforgivable Curses

The Unforgivable Curses are a trifecta of spells that are outlawed in the wizarding world due to their
dangerous, gruesome nature. They are as follows:

The Cruciatus Curse (Crucio): Puts the victim in immeasurable pain. This is the spell that was used by
Voldemort's followers to torture Frank and Alice Longbottom to insanity.

The Imperius Curse (Imperio): Puts a person under another's control. Voldemort's followers used this
curse to turn witches and wizards to their side.

The Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra): As the name suggests, this spell kills its victim immediately and
irreversibly. Only one person is known to ever have survived the killing curse; Harry Potter.
Lord Voldemort tried to kill Harry Potter using 'Avada Kedavra' but failed, turning Harry into a living

Lord Voldemort tried to kill Harry Potter using 'Avada Kedavra' but failed, turning Harry into a living
legend. | Source

Dueling Spells

These spells are designed to be used in Wizarding duels and fights. Some are offensive in nature, while
others are defensive.

Confringo: Causes fireballs to shoot from the user's wand.

Confundo: Causes confusion and disorientation. In the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione uses this spell on
Quidditch hopeful Cormac McLaggen to ensure that Ron beats him in the Quidditch tryouts.

Densaugeo: Causes the victim's teeth to enlarge dramatically. Draco Malfoy uses this spell of Hermione,
causing her great distress.

Depulso: Pushes an object away with a powerful blast.

Diffindo: Slices through objects such as rope.

Duro: Turns objects or people into stone.

Expulso: Makes an object violently explode.

Fiendfyre: The incantation for this curse isn't known, but the effect certainly is. Fiendfyre is cursed
wildlife that east through anything it touches. The flames take the form of wild animals, such as serpents
and dragons, which have a solid form and are able to target specific objects or people. In the Deathly
Hallows, Crabbe unleashes Fiendfyre in the Room of Requirement, killing himself and almost Harry, Ron,
Hermione, Draco, and Goyle along with him.

Finite: A general-counter spell that can reverse some minor damage.

Furnunculus: Causes painful boils to appear on the victim's skin.

Immobulus: Freezes an object or person.

Impedimenta: Slows an advancing object for a brief amount of time.

Incarcerous: Binds the victim head-to-foot in thick ropes.

Jelly-Legs Jinx: Causes the victim's legs to wobble like jelly, preventing them from walking.

Levicorpus: Dangles the victim in their air by their foot. This jinx was invented by Severus Snape and was
subsequently used against him by James Potter, as shown in a flashback during the Half-Blood Prince.

Liberacorpus: The counter-jinx to Levicorpus; returns the victim to the ground.

Diagon Alley
Diagon Alley

Locomotor Mortis: Paralyses an opponent's legs. Locomotor Mortis is the weaker version of Petrificus
Totalus, the full-body-bind curse.

Oppugno: When used in conjunction with Avis, this causes the victim to be attacked by a flock of birds.
It's used by Hermione Granger during the Order of the Phoenix to attack Ron Weasely.

Piertotum Locomotor: Animates suits of armour and statues, causing them to fight for the caster. This
spell is used by Professor McGonagall during the battle for Hogwarts.

Protego Horribilis: A variation of Protego that protects against dark magic. This spell is cast by the
Hogwarts teachers during the battle for Hogwarts.

Protego Maxima: Another variation of Protego that protects even more strongly against dark magic. This
spell is cast by the Hogwarts teachers during the battle for Hogwarts.

Protego Totalum: Another variation of Protego that shields a particular area rather than a person.

Reducto: Blasts solid objects to the side. In the Order of the Phoenix, it's revealed that Ginny Weasley
can cast Reducto so powerfully that it disintegrates objects.

Rictusempra: Also known as the tickling charm, Rictusempra causes the victim to buckle over laughing.
Harry Potter uses this charm on Draco Malfoy during their duel in the Chamber of Secrets.

Ridikkulus: Banishes boggarts; magical creatures that take the appearance of whatever the viewer is the
most afraid of.

Salvio Hexia: Repels hexes.

Sectumsempra: Slashes the victim. This spell was invented by Severus Snape and used by Harry Potter
on Draco Malfoy during the Half-Blood Prince.

Serpensortia: Conjures a snake that attacks the victim. Draco Malfoy uses this spell on Harry Potter
during their duel in the Chamber of Secrets.

Slugulus Eructo: Also known as the slug-vomiting curse, Slugulus Eructo causes the victim to
uncontrollably vomit slugs. Ron Weasely attempts to use this curse on Draco Malfoy during the Chamber
of Secrets but ends up accidentally cursing himself due to his broken wand.

Stinging Jinx: Causes the victim to swell up to the point of being unrecognizable. In the Deathly Hallows,
Hermione Granger uses this jinx on Harry to disguise his identity from the Death Eaters.

Tarantallegra: Causes the victim's legs to dance uncontrollably.

Waddiwasi: Unsticks objects. In the Prisoner of Azkaban, Remus Lupin uses this spell to unstick chewing
gum from a lock.

When fighting dragons, duelling spells certainly come in handy.

When fighting dragons, duelling spells certainly come in handy.

Miscellaneous Spells
This is a list of spells that don't quite fit into any other category, but are fantastic all the same:

Aguamenti: Conjures a stream of water from the user's wand.

Anapneo: Un-chokes a person, allowing them to breathe again by removing whatever's obstructing their

Arresto Momentum: Presumably slows or stops a persons fall. In the Prisoner of Azkaban film,
Dumbledore uses this spell to stop Harry from falling to his death after he passes out on his broom.

Ascendio: Moves an object upwards.

Avis: Conjures a flock of small birds.

Bombarda: Causes a violent explosion.

Bubble-Head Charm: Creates a bubble of air around the user's head, allowing them to breathe
underwater. It was used by Cedric and Fleur during the second Triwizard challenge to enable them to
swim t the bottom of the Great Lake.

Caterwauling Charm: Imposes a magical curfew on a restricted area; if anyone breaks the charm by
emerging from their house, apparating or disapparating it sets off a loud wailing. In the Deathly Hallows
Harry, Ron, and Hermione trigger a Caterwauling Charm when they apparate into Hogsmeade.

Collorportus: Used to lock doors. In the Order of the Phoenix Hermione uses the charm in an attempt to
lock out the Death Eaters that chase them through the Ministry of Magic.

Cushioning Charm: Cushions a fall.

Deletrius: The counter charm to Priori Incantatum, Deletrius disperses the smoke that represents the
user's last spell.

Deprimo: Blasts a hole in the floor of wherever the user is standing. In the Deathly Hallows, Hermione
uses this charm to escape the Lovegood's house.

Descendo: Moves an object downwards.

Disillusionment Charm: The disillusionment charm renders the user invisible by camouflaging them into
their surroundings perfectly. In Order of the Phoenix Alistair Moody casts this charm on Harry to make
him invisible.

Dissendium: Opens a specific secret passageway in Hogwarts, which is designed in the hump of a statue.

Engorgio: Causes an object or person to swell to a greater size.

Episkey: Episkey allows the user to heal bones.

Erecto: Erects a tent automatically.

Evanesco: Makes things vanish.

Ferula: Conjures bandages and binds them around an injury. In the Prisoner of Azkaban, this spell is used
to bandage Ron Weasley's broken leg.

Fidelius Charm: A complex charm that involves hiding a secret inside someone. The secret is kept unless
the subject willingly reveals it. Peter Pettigrew's betrayal of James and Lilly Potter centred around this

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Flagrate: Burns writing or shapes onto objects. In the Order of the Phoenix Hermione Granger uses this
charm to mark doors.

Flying Charm: The Flying Charm is what allows broomsticks to levitate.

Gemino: Casting Gemino on an object causes it to multiply rapidly. In the Deathly Hallows Harry, Ron,
and Hermione are almost crushed to death by rapidly multiplying treasure in Bellatrix Lestrange's
Gringotts vault.

Glisseo: Causes stairs to flatten, turning them into a slide or chute.

Homenum Revelio: Alerts the user to nearby human presence.

Hot Air Charm: Shoots a jet of hot air from the caster's wand.

Hover Charm: Causes an object to hover. In the Chamber of Secrets Harry is almost expelled from
Hogwarts when he is mistakenly thought to have cast this charm in the presence of his Aunt and Uncle.

Hurling Hex: Hurls a flier from their broom. In the Philosopher's Stone, Professor Quirrell likely casts this
spell to try and unseat Harry from his broom during his first Quidditch match,

Impervius: Creates a kind of forcefield around objects upon which it is cast. For example, Hermione casts
Impervius on Harry's glasses to make them repel rain.

Incendio: Conjures fire from the user's wand.

Intruder Charm: Alerts the user to when an intruder has entered a house or a specific location.

Langlock: Glues the user's tongue to the roof of their mouth. This spell was invented by Severus Snape
during his days at Hogwarts
Legilimens: Allows the user to see into another's mind, provided that they're not adept at Occlumency
(protecting their mind from invasion).

Locomotor: Moves objects.

Lumos Maxima: Throws a ball of light from the user's lit wand.

Meteolojinx Recanto: Reverses weather-related spells. In the Deathly Hallows, Hermione recommends
that Ron try this spell to stop a Ministry employee's office from raining.

Mimblewimble: Tongue ties its victim, causing them to be unable to say a certain thing.

Mobiliarbus: Similar to locomotor in that it moves objects.

Mobilicorpus: Moves a person or body.

Morsmorde: Conjures the Dark Mark; the symbol of Voldemort and his followers.

Muffliato: Fills the air around the user with a buzzing noise, preventing anyone from eavesdropping.

Nox: The counter-charm to Lumos; extinguishes the user's lit wand.

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Obliviate: Wipes the victim's memory. In the Chamber of Secrets Gilderoy Lockhart loses his memory
after this charm backfires on him.

Obscuro: Conjures a blindfold that obscures the recipient's vision.

Orchideous: Summons a bunch of orchids to the user's wand-tip.

Periculum: Conjures red sparks from the tip of the owner's wand.

Permanent Sticking Charm: Sticks posters, paintings and other items to walls for an indefinite amount of
time. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows it's revealed that Sirius Black stuck posters to his bedroom
wall with a permanent sticking charm, to avoid his mother taking them down.

Point Me: Makes the user's wand spin in their hand to point north. In the Goblet of Fire Harry uses this
spell in the last triwizard challenge to help navigate the maze.

Portus: Turns an item into a Portkey; a magically enchanted object that teleports the user from one
place to another.

Priori Incantatem: Reveals the last spell that a wand cast.

Quietus: The counter-charm to Sonorous; causes the caster's voice to quieten after being magically

Reducio: The counter-charm to Engorigo; reduces an object's size.

Relashio: Forces something gripping the user to release. In the Goblet of Fire Harry uses this spell to
force Grindylows in the Great Lake to release his feet.

Rennervate: Causes a person to return to consciousness after being stunned or otherwise knocked out.

Reparo: Repairs a broken item. In the Philosopher's Stone, Hermione fixes Harry's glasses on the
Hogwarts Express using Reparo, making it one of the first spells to be identified and used in the series.

Repello Muggletum: Repells muggles from a specific location. This is used by Harry, Ron, and Hermione
when camping in the muggle world during the Deathly Hallows. Presumably, it's also the spell that was
cast on Hogwarts to deter muggles from finding its location.

Revelio: Reveals hidden objects, messages, or writing.

Scourgify: Cleans an item. In the Order of the Phoenix, Tonks uses this spell to clean Hedwig's cage.

Silencio: Renders an animal or person unable to make a sound.

Sonorous: Amplifies the user's voice. In the Goblet of Fire, Ludo Bagman uses this spell while
commentating the Quidditch World Cup.

Teleportation Spell: Teleports items from one place to another. Although it's never revealed what the
incantation is, this spell is used by Dumbledore to transport Harry's trunk and owl to the Burrow.

Tergeo: Cleans items.

Trip Jinx: Causes the victim to trip.

Unbreakable Vow: Kills the participant or participants if they break a promise. In the Half-Blood Prince,
Severus Snape swears an Unbreakable Vow to assist Draco Malfoy in killing Dumbledore.

Undetectable Extension Charm: Causes an object to expand on the inside while remaining the same size
on the outside. Arthur Weasley performs this charm on his car in order to fit his entire family in it as
they drive to Kings Cross station.

Vulnera Sanentur: Returns a person's blood to their body after it's spilled. This is used by Severus Snape
to heal Draco Malfoy after Harry attacks him in the Half-Blood Prince.
Latin dictionary abutor : to make full use of, acquiro : to acquire, gain,
to abuse. get, obtain.
Main entry
abutor : to use abusive acsi : as if, (Herimann p. 283,
language / use a word 293).
adamo : to fall in love with,
ac : (atque) : and find pleasure in.
abbas abbatis : father /
accedo : to approach, come adaugeo : to make greater,
near / (things) to be added. add, increase.
abbatia : abbey, monastery.
accendo : to kindle, addo : to give, bring, place, /
abduco : to lead, or take illuminate, inflame. inspire, cause, / add, join.
away / detach, withdraw.
acceptus : welcome, adduco : to lead, induce,
abeo : to go away, retire / pleasant, agreeable. persuade.
depart from life, die.
accipio : to consider oneself ademptio: a taking away.
abeo : to digress / change / indebted, receive, learn,
adeo : to such a point, such
vanish, disappear. take.
an extent, so far, so long.
abscido : to cut off, to accommodo : to adjust,
adeo : to approach, visit,
separate, take away. adapt, accommodate
come to, undertake.
absconditus : hidden,
adeptio : attainment,
concealed. accusator : accusor, plaintiff.
absens, absentis : (adj.) accuso : to accuse, blame,
adepto : to obtain, get,
absent, missing, away, gone. find fault with.
absorbeo : to swallow, gulp acer : sharp, keen, eager,
adfectus affectus : (fr.
down, carry away, engross. severe, fierce.
adficio) : influenced, worked
absque : (+ abl.) without. acerbitas : harshness, upon.
abstergo : to wipe off, clean adfero affero : to cause,
away. acerbus : bitter, gloomy, bring about, contribute.
absum : to be absent, be adfero affero : to bring news,
away, be missing. acervus : a heap, mass. report / apply, bring to bear.

abundans : abundant, acidus : sharp, sour. adficio : to affect, afflict,

overflowing, abounding in. weaken, sap, exhaust, drain.
acies : keenness, edge,
abundantia : abundance, sharpness, battle-line, adflicto affligo : to injure,
bounty, plenty battlefield. weaken, discourage,
damage, break.
adhaero : to hang to, stick to, adstringo : to tight, aegre egre : (adv.) hardly,
adhere. compress, compact / scarcely, with difficulty,
adhuc : till then, till now, still, adstringo : to draw together,
even now, besides, also, yet. tighten, bind. aegresco egresco : to fall ill,
become troubled, grow
adicio : to direct, address, adsuesco assuesco : to grow
apply / to throw to. accustomed to, used to,
make familiar. aegresco : to become ill,
adimpleo : to fulfill, perform.
grow worse, be ill.
adsum : to assist, be present,
adinventitias : (?) Herimann,
be near, be in attendance, aegretudo egretudo :
cap 2.
sickness, mental illness.
adsumo (assumo) : to take to
adipiscor : to come up to,
oneself, claim, appropriate, aegrotatio egrotatio :
overtake, obtain.
call. sickness, illness.
adiuvo : to help, aid, assist.
adulatio : fawning, flattery, aegrus : ill, diseased, unwell.
administratio : giving of help, sycophancy, buttering up.
aeneus eneus : made of
administration, government.
adulescens : young man, copper or bronze, brazen.
admiratio : wonder, youth, lad.
aequitas equitas : justice,
astonishment, surprise,
adulescentia : youth fairness, equity.
adultus : (adj.) grown up, aequus, equus : level, even,
admiror : to wonder at,
mature, adult, of age. calm, equal, favorable, just.
admire, marvel at.
aduro (adustum) : to set fire aer, aeris : air, atmosphere,
admitto : to admit, receive.
to, burn, singe, kindle, light. ether, weather.
admoneo : admonish, advise.
advenio : to come, arrive, aestas estas : summer.
admonitio : warning, reach.
aestivus estivus : pertaining
reminder (insult - Herimann,
adversus : (prep. + acc.) to summer.
p. 282).
toward, against, facing
aestus estus : heat, tide.
admoveo : to move to, bring
adversus : (adj.) facing,
up, apply. aetas : an age, stage, period
opposite, opposing.
of life, time, era.
adnuo : to nod assent.
adverto : to turn towards,
aeternus eternus : eternal,
adopto : to wish for oneself, direct one's attention to,
everlasting, without end.
adopt, select, pick out. attract.
adsidue assidue : advoco : to summon, call /
Haffligeniensis : Afflighem.
continuously, without call in an advisor.
remission. ager (agri) : farm, field, acre.
aedificium edificium :
adstringo : (persons) bind, building, structure. aggero : to make a mound,
oblige, (+ refl.) commit heap up, increase.
aeger eger : sick, ill.
oneself to
aggredior : to go to, aliquantus : (adj.) of some ambulo : to walk.
approach, address, attack. size, moderate.
amicitia : friendship
agnitio : recognition, aliqui : some.
amiculum : cloak, cape.
aliquid : someone,
amicus : friend, comrade.
agnosco : to know again, somebody, something.
recognize, report, amissio / amissus : loss.
aliquis : someone, anyone,
understand, admit.
anything, (adv.) in any amita : father's sister,
agnosco : acknowledge. respect. paternal aunt.
agnosco : to recognize, aliquo : (adv.) in some amitto : to dismiss, send
understand, perceive. direction. away, lose, let slip away.
ago (egi actum ) : to spend aliquot : some, several. amitto : to send away, let go,
time, live / manage, drive, let slip, lose.
aliquotiens : some times.
amo : to love, like, be fond
alius alia aliud : other,
ait : he says. of, cherish.
another, someone else,
aiunt: they say. something else. amor : love, affection,
infatuation, passion.
Aldenard : Audenarde. allatus (=adfero) : having
been brought. amoveo : to move away,
alienus : somebody else's,
remove, take out, shift.
foreign, alien, strange, alo (alui altum) : nourish,
different. cherish, support, sustain, amplexus : an embracing,
maintain, keep. surrounding, loving embrace,
alii ... alii : some ... others.
[euphemism] amplio : to
Alos : alquod: some.
alioqui : (adv.) otherwise. enlarge, increase, improve.
alter : (adv.) otherwise.
alioquin : (adv.) otherwise, in amplitudo : size, breadth,
some respects / in general. alter altera alterum : the dignity, grandeur, greatness.
second, the other one.
aliqua : some. amplus : large, spacious,
alter ... alter : the one ... the ample / great important,
aliquando : at any time,
other. honorable.
sometimes, occasionally, at
last. altus : high, deep. an : (adv.) or "Are you going
OR are you staying?"
aliquanta : (adj.) moderate, alveus : hollow, basket, bed
or some size. (of a river). ancilla : maidservant, also
used by nuns to describe
aliquanto : somewhat, amaritudo : bitterness.
Ambianis : Amiens.
Andegavense : Anjou.
aliquantum : (noun) a good
ambitus : border, edge,
deal. angelus : angel.
extent / going around,
circuit. angulus : corner, niche.
angustus : narrow, limited, appello : to call, name, arceo : to shut up, enclose.
strait, tight, constricted. summon.
arcesso, accerso : to bring,
animadverto : to turn the appono : to appoint a fetch, summon, call for.
mind to, take notice of, see, person, to add something.
arcus : bow (BOW and
appono : to place near, put arrows), arch, bend, arc.
animi : at heart. to, serve, put on the table.
argentum : silver, money.
animus : courage, vivacity, appositus : placed near,
argumentum : proof,
bravery, will, spirit, soul. approaching, appropriate,
animus : character, intellect,
arguo : to show, make clear,
memory, consciousness, approbo : to approve.
attempt to show.
often mind.
appropinquo : (+ dat.) to
arma : arms, weapons.
annus : year. near, drawn near, come
close, approach. armarium : cupboard, chest,
anser : goose.
safe (for food, clothing,
apto : to fit, adapt, adjust,
ante : (prep. + acc.) before / money).
make ready, or fit.
in front of / (adv.) before,
armo : to provide arms, arm,
previously. aptus : fitted, connected,
equip, fit out.
fastened / prepared, fitted
antea : (adv.) before,
out. aro : to plow.
previously, formerly.
aptus : suitable, appropriate, ars, artis : skill method,
antepono : (+ dat.) put
fitting. technique, conduct,
before, prefer, favor,
promote. apud : (prep. + acc.) among,
in the presence of, at, at the articulus : (of time) a
antiquus : ancient, old,
house of. moment, crisis.
aqua : water. artificiose : skillfully.
aperio : to uncover, lay bare,
reveal, make clear. ara : altar artificiosus : skillful,
accomplished, skillfuly made.
aperte : openly, frankly. aranea : spider's web.
arto : to press together,
apostolus : (legal) notice sent arbitro arbitror : to witness,
reduce, abridged.
to a higher tribunal / ecc. bear witness / judge,
Apostle. arbitrate. arx , arcis : citadel,
stronghold, fortress, keep,
apparatus : equipment, gear, arbor : tree.
machinery / splendor,
arbustum : a vineyard
magnificence. ascisco : to receive, admit /
planted with trees.
adopt / take up, approve.
appareo : to become visible,
arbustus : planted with trees.
appear, manifest ascit :
arca archa : chest, box,
asper : rough, harsh, severe.
money box, coffin, cell.
asperitas : roughness, auctus : growth, aveho : to carry away,
severity / harshness, enlargement, increase. remove (avexi avectum )
audacia : boldness, dash, averto : to turn away, avert,
aspicio : to look at, behold, daring, audacity. avoid. turn back.
gaze at, see.
audacter, audaciter : boldly, Avesniis : Avesnes.
asporto : to carry off, take proudly, fearlessly.
avoco : to call away, divert.
audax : bold
assentator : flatterer,
audentia : boldness, courage.
sycophant, yes-man. baiulus : porter, pall-bearer,
audeo : (part. ausus ) : to carrier of a burden.
astrum : star, constellation.
balbus : stammering,
Asvesniis : of Avesnes.
audio : to hear, hearken, stuttering, fumbling.
at : (conj.) but. (more listen to.
barba : beard, whiskers.
emphatic and emotional
auditor : hearer, listener.
than sed). bardus : stupid, slow, dull.
aufero : to carry away,
atavus : great-great-great basium : kiss.
remove / steal, carry off,
grandfather, ancestor.
make away with. beatus : blessed, fortunate,
ater atra atrum : dark. sometimes "saint".
aureus : golden.
atqui : (conj.) and yet, still. bellicus : martial, military,
auris : ear.
Atrebatum : Arras.
Aurissiodorenses : Auxerre,
bellum : war.
atrocitas : hashness, cruelty, dept. Yonne, between Paris
frightfulness, barbarity, and Dijon. bellus : beautiful, pretty,
horror. charming, handsome.
aurum : gold.
atrox : terrible, cruel, horror. bene : melior : optime : well,
aut ... aut : either ... or.
better, best
attero : destroy, waste,
autem : moreover, however,
weaken, impair. beneficium : benefit, favor,
but, also.
service, privilege, right.
attero : to weaken, ruin, rub
autus : increase,
against, rub away, erode. benevolentia : benevolence,
enlargement, growth.
kindness, good will.
attollo : to raise, lift up,
Auxatia : Alsace.
elevate / excite, exalt. benigne : kindly, generously.
auxilium : aid, help,
attonbitus : frantic, inspired, Berlinmonte : Berlaimont,
assistance, support.
thunder-struck, stunned. near Le Quesnoy.
avaritia : avarice, greed.
auctor : author, originator. bestia : animal, beast.
avarus : greedy, avaricious.
auctoritas : authority bibo : to drink, quaff.

bis : twice.
blandior : to flatter, caress, (+ callide : skillfully, cleverly / caries : rottenness,
dat.) coax. cunningly, slyly, subtly. corruption, decay.

blanditia : blandishments, callidus : clever, dextrous, cariosus : rotten, decayed.

attractions, allurement, experienced, skilful /
caritas : dearness, affection /
charm. cunning, sly.
Blesense : Blois. Cameracum : Cambrai.
carmen : song, poem.
Boloniense : Bouillon. campana : bell.
Carnotense : Chartres.
bonus melior optimus : good, candidus : bright, shining,
Carnutum Carnotum :
better, best. white.
bos (bovis ) : cow, ox, bull. canis : dog.
carpo : to pluck, seize, grab,
Brabatensium : Brabant. canonicus : canonical, lay hold of, hold on to.
according to the canons,
Brachants : Brabant. carus : dear, beloved / costly,
legal, lawful, right.
high-priced, expensive.
brevis : short, small, brief.
canonus : canon, member of
casso : to bring to naught,
brevitas : shortness, brevity. a cathedral chapter or
destroy, annul, make void.
canonry, Augustinian.
breviter : briefly.
caste : purely, spotlessly,
canto : to sing.
Brocherota : Broqueroi. purely, uprightly, chastely.
capillus : hair.
C Castellandum : Chateaudun.
capio : to seize, take,
cado : to fall, drop, plummet, casus : accident, chance,
choose / attack, injure /
topple. fortune.
caecus : blind, sightless. catena : chain, fetters.
capitulus : chapter, chapter
caelestis : heavenly, meeting, chapter house. caterva : crowd, troop, flock.
celestial / noun, a god, capto : to grab, try to get, catervatim : in troops, in
dweller in heaven. grab at. masses.
caelum : sky, heaven. caput capitis : head / top, Cathalaunenses : Chalons.
calamitas : calamity, summit / chief
cattus : cat.
misfortune, disaster. carbo carbonis : carbon, coal,
charcoal. cauda : the tail of an animal.
calamus : anything made or
reed -- pen, arrow, pipe, etc. carcer : prison, cell, jail, causa : (in the abl.) on
dungeon. account of, for the sake of.
calcar, -is : spur.
careo : (+ abl. of sep.) be causa : cause / reason,
calco : to tread, trample
without, be deprived of, lack, motive, pretext / interest.
want. causa : case at law, case, law-
calculus : pebble, stone.
suit / situation, condition.
caute cautim : cautiously, cerno : to separate, sift, ciminatio : accusation,
with security. distinguish / decide, resolve, calumny, charge.
cautela : caution, precaution, ciminosus : reproachful,
security. cernuus : falling headlong. slanderous.

caveo cavi cautum : beware, certe certo : (adv) certainly, cinis cineris : ashes, embers.
avoid, look out for. assuredly.
circumvenio : to come
cavus : hole, pit. certo : to contend, settle, around, surround, cheat,
dispute, to settle by combat. defraud.
cedo : to go, proceed / turn
out, happen / go away, certus : undoubted, certain, circumvenio : to beset, assail.
withdraw. sure.
cito: quickly, rapidly,
cedo cessi cessum : to grant, certus : settled, resolved, speedily.
yield. decided / definite, certain,
civilis : civil, civic.
cedo : (+ dat.) give ground to,
civis : citizen, townsman,
submit to, be inferior to. cervus : stag, deer
bourgeois, burgess.
celebrer : famous, cetera : for the rest,
civitas : state, citizenship,
renowned. otherwise
celebrus : abounding in, rich ceteri : the remaining, the
clam : secretly, in secret.
in, much frequented, rest, the others
respected. clamo : to call, shout, cry
ceterum : (adv.) otherwise,
aloud, proclaim, declare.
celer : quick, swift, rapid, moreover, but.
speedy, fast. clamor : loud shouting, cry.
ceterus : the other, the rest.
celeritas : speed, swiftness, claro : to make bright or
charisma carisma : gift,
rapidity, quickness. clear, make clear in the
celeriter : rapidly, quickly,
chirographum : autograph,
swiftly, speedily. clarus : clear, bright /
person's own handwriting /
renowned, famous,
celo : to hide, conceal, keep written charter.
cibo : food for animals
claudeo : to limp, halt, be
cena : dinner, meal.
cibus : food for men and lame, to hobble.
cenaculum : garret, attic. animals.
claudo (clausus) : to confine,
ceno : to dine. cicuta : hemlock. shut up, close, blockade,
censura : judgement. cilicium : (? Herimann, p.
311) claudus : lame.
centum : (indecl.) one
hundred, 100. cimentarius : mason? claustrum : bolt, bar, prison,
den, pen, enclosure /
clementia : indulgence, cohortor : to encourage, commemoro : to remind,
forbearance, humanity, incite, exhort. relate, mention.
mercy, gentleness, etc.
colligo : to gather together, commeo : To go up and
clibanus : oven, furnace / collect, assemble. down, back and forth, in and
tray for bread making. out.
colloco : to place, put,
coadunatio : a gathering arrange. commessatio, onis : eating
together, a summing up, a together.
collum : neck.
comminor : to threaten.
colo colui cultum : cultivate,
coaegresco : to become sick
cherish comminuo : to scatter,
at the same time.
weaken, damage.
color : color.
coepi : (pres. incipio ) :
comminus : hand to hand, in
began, started, undertook, coloratus : colored / dark-
close combat.
initiated. complexioned.
commisceo : to intermingle,
coerceo : surround, enclose, coloro : to color.
join, mix.
restrain, confine.
coma : hair of the head,
commissum : undertaking,
cogito : to think, ruminate, leaves, rays of light.
that which is entrusted.
ponder, consider, plan.
combibo : to drink up, suck
commodo : (+ acc.) to
cognatus : (adj.) related by in.
furnish, lend, give.
blood (noun) a relative,
kinsman. comburo : to burn up, to
commodo : to make fit,
ruin, consume.
adapt, please, oblige, serve.
cognomen : surname, family
name, nick-name. comedo comedi comesum :
commodum : suitable time,
to eat up, consume / waste,
opportunity, convenience,
cognosco : to examine, squander.
inquire, learn.
comes comitis : companion,
commodum : convenience,
cogo, coegi, coactum : to friend, comrade / count.
advantage, opportunity,
compel, restrict, confine.
cometes : comet comfort.
cogo, coegi, coactum : to
cometissa comitissa : commoneo : to remind
bring together, drive, draw.
countess. someone forcibly of
cohaero cohero cohesi something.
cohesum : to adhere, stick comis : courteous, kind,
friendly. commoneo : to remember,
cohibeo : confine, restrain, comitatus : train, retinue,
following / war band. commoneo : to impress upon
hold back, repress.
one. to remind.
cohors : a yard, enclosure / comiter : courteously, in a
kindly, friendly manner. commoveo : to move
troop, 1 / 10 of a legion.
violently, disturb, shake /
comitto : to entrust, commit. excite, upset.
communis : common, comprehendo : to seize, conculco : to tread under
general, run of the mill. arrest, take prisoner, catch foot, despise, oppress,
red-handed. suppress.
comparo : to compare.
comprehendo : to grasp, take concupiscentia : avarice,
compater : the godfather of
together, unite / covetousness.
a man's child.
concupisco : to covet, aim at,
compatior : to suffer with
comprehendo : to embrace, desire eagerly.
one, feel pity, have
take firmly, include, seize.
compassion. concutio : to shake, disturb,
comprobo : to approve fully / agitate.
compello : to drive together,
to confirm, prove, establish.
collect, force, compel. concutio : to shake together,
comprovincialis : born in the agitate, alarm, disturb,
comperio : to disclose
same province. shatter.
wholly, lay open / learn, find
out. comptus : a head-dress, a Condato : Cond.
comperio : to disclose fully, condico : to agree, fix, settle,
find out with certainty. conatus : exertion, effort / make arrangements.
undertaking / impulse,
comperte : on good conduco : hire, employ for
authority. wages, among many other
concedo : to concede, yield, meanings.
compes, compedis : fetters,
allow, grant, withdraw, give
shackles, chained. confero : to bring together,
put together, collect /
compes : fetters, shackles,
concepta : measures,
chains. confero : discuss, debate,
confer / betake oneself,
competo : to be appropriate,
concero : connect join, devote.
suitable, fit.
twine, join in conflict.
confestim : immediately,
complectus : embrace, grasp.
concido : to fall down, sink, without delay.
compleo : to finish. perish / (wind) subside.
confido : have confidence in,
compleo : to fill up, man, concido : to be ruined, fail / be confident of, rely upon.
bring up to strength, fulfill. cut up, cut down, destroy.
confiteor confessus : to
compono : to put together, concilium : council confess, own up, admit,
compose. acknowledge.
concipio : to take or lay hold
compositio : composition, of, receive, take in. conforto : to strengthen
agreement, pact / much.
concisus : cut up, broken,
brief, concise. confugo : to flee, have
compositus : orderly, recourse to, take refuge.
concito : to move violently,
matching, made up of pieces.
stir up, excite. congregatio : assembly,
society, union.
congrego : to gather consilium : deliberation, constupator : ravisher,
together, assemble, convene. consultation, assembly, debaucher.
congruus : agreeing, fit, constupro : to ravish,
suitable. consilium : advice, corrupt.
suggestion, wisdom, plan,
conicio : to hurl, throw / put consuasor : advisor,
purpose, judgment.
together, conjecture. counselor.
consisto : (+ in) to depend
coniecto : to throw together, consuefacio : to accustom,
on, rely on.
infer, guess, conclude. acclimate, become used to.
consisto : to take one's
conitor : to press upon, to consuesco : to accustom,
stand, stand still, stop, be
struggle to reach inure, habituate
coniuratio : conspiracy, plot. consueta : customary, usual.
consisto : (+ abl. etc.) to be
coniuratus : conspirator, formed of, consist / stop, consuetudo : custom, usage,
plotter. stay. habit / intimacy, familiar
coniuro : to take an oath consitor : sower, planter.
together, plot, conspire. consulatio : deliberation,
conspergo : to sprinkle,
inquiry, full consideration.
conor : to undertake, try, bestrew.
venture, presume, attempt. consulo : to reflect, consider,
conspicio : to catch sight of,
ponder, reflect.
conqueror : to complain perceive, behold,
loudly. understand. consulo : (+ dat.) look to the
interests of / consult, ask
conscendo : to ascend, constans : steady, firm,
mount, go up. unchanging, constant,
unwavering. consulo : to look to the
conscientia : conscience,
interests of, come to a
consciousness, knowledge constanter : steadily, firmly.
conscindo : to tear in pieces. constituo : to set up, place,
consulto : to ask the advice
establish, post, station.
conscius : conscious of, of, consult.
aware of. constituo : to arrange,
consulto : to consider
decide, appoint, settle,
conservo : to preserve, carefully, weigh, ponder.
found, set up.
conserve, maintain, keep,
consultum : decree.
hold to. consto : to be established,
stand firm, stop, endure. consummatio : completion,
considero : to look at, regard
summing up, adding up.
carefully, constringo constrixi
constrictum : to bind, consummo : to add together,
consido : to set down, settle. confine, restrain. sum up, make perfect,
consilio : intentionally, on complete.
construo construxi
purpose, designedly. constructum : to construct,
build, arrange.
consumo : to spend, employ, contendo : to contend, contrado : to deliver
use up, finish, waste away, strive, struggle, hasten. together, or wholly.
contendo : to assert, contraho : to draw together,
consuo consui consutum : to maintain / shoot (a missile), collect, assemble, carry out.
sew together, stitch. cast.
contristo : to make sad or
consurgo : to stand up, rise contente : eagerly, earnestly. gloomy
up / to arise, break out.
contentus : contented, contristo : to sadden, afflict,
contabesco : to waste slowly satisfied damage (of crops).
away, decline in health.
contentus : strained, conturbo : to confuse,
contactus : touching, stretched / eager, zealous. scatter, throw into confusion,
contact / contagion. distress.
contigo : (with dat.), to
contages : a touch, contact. happen, befall. conventus : coming together,
assembly, union, congress.
contagio contagium : contineo : to touch, reach,
contagion, infection / grasp, affect, infect. conversatio : way, manner of
touching, contact. life / monastic life.
contineo contigi, contectum :
contamino : to pollute, border on / befall (good converto : to turn around,
infect. luck). cause to turn / to adopt the
monastic life.
contego : to cover, shield, contineo : to keep in,
protect, defend. surround, contain, confine, convoco : to call together,
include. convene.
contemno : to think meanly
of, despise, condemn, hate. contineo : hold together, copia : abundance, supply.
keep together, connect, join.
contemplatio : survey, copiae copie : supplies,
contemplation. contineo: to hold back, troops, forces.
contemplor : to mark out, copiose : fully, at length,
regard, consider carefully, contingo : (contactum) to copiously.
survey. touch closely, happen to,
Corbeiam : Corbie.
contemptim :
cornu : horn.
contemptuously. continuo : (adv.)
immediately, at once. corona : crown, diadem.
contemptio : scorn, disdain,
contempt. continuus : connected corpus corporis : body,
together, continuous, corpse.
contemptus : despised,
despicable, contemptible. correptius : more shortly.
contra : (+ acc.) against.
contendo : to compare, corrigo : (correctum) : to
contrast / compete. contradictio : a speaking make correct, make right.
against, contradiction.
corripio : to seize, snatch up, creptio : taking by force, cui : (masc. sing. dat.) TO
steal, (of a disease) attack seizure. WHOM did you give it?

corroboro : to strengthen. crepusculum : dusk, twilight. cui : (fem. sing. dat.) IN

WHICH (province) did you
corrumpo : to break up, cresco : (cretum) : to grow,
destroy, annihilate / spoil, increase, expand.
weaken. cui : (neut. sing. dat.) (the
creta : chalk, fuller's earth.
monster), TO WHOM the
corrumpo : (documents) to
cribro : to sift. cattle belonged.
falsify / (character) to
corrupt. cribrum : sieve. cuius : (neut. sing. gen) (the
building) the size OF WHICH
corruo : to fall to the ground, crinis : hair. was great.
sink down / be ruined,
destroyed. crinitus : long haired. cuius : (masc. sing. gen.) (the
cruciamentum : torture, saint) WHOSE virtues were
Corturiacum : Courtrai.
torment. many.
coruscus : (a) flashing,
crucio : to torture, torment. cuius : (fem. sing. gen.) (the
twinkling, shaking, trembling.
queen), the vices OF WHOM
cotidie : daily, every day. crudelis : cruel. were many.

Courtacum : Courtrai. cruentus : to make bloody, cuiusmodi : of what kind.

stain with blood.
crapula : wine-drinking, culpa : fault, blame, (esp.
intoxication, drunkenness. cruentus : bloody, against chastity).
bloodthirsty, blood-red.
cras : (adv.) tomorrow, on culpo : to blame, censure,
the morrow. crur, cruris : leg, shank, shin, accuse.
also foot.
crastinus : of the morrow, cultellus : a little knife.
the morrow. crustulum : pastry, cookie.
cultura : cultivation
creator : creator, founder. crux crucis : cross.
cum : (prep + abl.) with.
creatura : creature, servant. cubicularis : pertaining to a
bedroom cum : (with indicative) when.
creber : thick, frequent,
cubicularius : bed-chamber cum : (with subjunctive)
servant, chamberlain. when, as, while, since,
crebro : repeatedly, often, although.
one after the other, time cubiculum : bedroom,
sleeping chamber. cunabula : cradle.
after time.
cubitum ire : to go to bed, cunae : nest for young birds.
credo : to believe / trust,
commit / trust in, rely on / retire cunctatio : delay.
think. cubitum : the elbow / a cubit. cunctator : delayer,
creo : to create, make. cubo : to lie down, recline. procrastinator,
cunctor : to delay, impede, curo : (+gerundive) to see to damnatio : condemnation.
hold up. a thing being done / cure,
damno : to condemn, damn.
cunctus : all, all collectively,
dapifer : seneschal.
the whole. curriculum : a running, race,
lap around the track, course. de : (prep. + abl.) down from,
cupiditas : ambition, avarice,
from, concerning, about.
party spirit, eager desire. currus : cart / a plow with
wheels. debeo : to owe, to be morally
cupido : passion, desire,
bound to, to be bound by.
wanting, yearning, longing. cursim : hastily, quickly,
rapidly. debilito : to weaken,
cupio : to desire, wish, long
enervate, sap, exhaust.
for, desire. cursito : to run up and down.
decens, decenter : properly,
cuppedia : delicacies, curso : to run back and forth.
fittingly, suitably.
candies, sweetmeats.
cursor : runner, carrier,
decerno : to decide,
cupressus : cypress, cypress messenger.
determine, settle.
wood, a cypress-wood
cursus : a race, a running,
casket. decerto : to contend, fight to
race course, race track,
the finish.
cur : why, wherefore. course.
decet : it is seemly, comely,
cura : management, curto : to shorten,
suitable, proper.
administration, care, abbreviate.
concern, charge. decimus : tenth.
Curtracus : Courtrai.
curatio : attention / medical decipio : (deceptus) ensnare,
curtus : shortened /
attention, healing, curing. trap, beguile, deceive, cheat.
mutilated, defective /
curator : guardian, overseer gelded. decor : beauty, grace.
curia : court curvo : to bend, arch, curve / decoro : beautify, embellish,
influence. adorn.
curiositas : curiosity,
inquisitiveness, nosiness. curvus : arched, bent, decorus : beautiful, graceful,
bowed, curved, crooked, charming, proper, fit,
curiosus : careful, attentive /
wrong (morally crooked). becoming.
curious, inquisitive / worn
out by cares. custodia : protection, decretum : decree,
custody. judgment, edict, order.
curis quris : a spear.
custodiae custodie : guards, decumbo : to fall, fall into, lie
curo : to care for, trouble
wardens. down.
about, pay attention to.
custos : (custodis) : guardian, dedecor : unseemly,
curo : manage, administer /
keeper, watchman, shameful, disgraceful,
provide money.
attendant, guard / spy. dishonorable.
dedecus : shame, dishonor, degusto : to taste. demonstro : to indicate,
disgrace, crime, dishonorable show, describe, explain.
deinde : next, then,
thereafter, from that place. demoror : to loiter, linger,
dedico : to dedicate. tarry, belay.
delectatio : delight, pleasure,
deduco : to lad out colonists, enjoyment. demulceo : to stroke down,
found a colony. caress by stroking.
delecto : to attract, delight /
defaeco : to cleanse, purify, (pass + abl) take delight in. demum : at length at last,
purge. finally.
delego : to transfer, commit,
defendo : to defend, ward assign, impute, attribute, denego : to refuse, deny,
off, protect, shelter. ascribe. reject.

defero : to hand over, carry deleo : (deletum ) to destroy, denique : at last, finally,
down, communicate, offer, wipe out, erase. again, in short.
delibero : to consider, dens : (dentis ) : tooth.
defessus : weary, tired. deliberate.
denuncio : declare, give
defetiscor (defessus) : to delicate : luxuriously, notice, announce.
grow tired, weary., delicately, slowly.
denuntio : to announce
deficio : (defectum) : to fail, delicate : (adv.) luxuriously. officially, pronounce,
to weaken, to be in want. declare.
deliciae : allurements,
defigo : fasten down, secure, charms, delights, fancies / denuo : anew, again, a
fix firmly / concentrate, fix sweetheart second time, afresh.
delinquo : to fail, be deorsum : downwards.
defleo : to weep for, bewail. wanting / fail in duty, commit
depereo : to perish, be
a crime.
defleo : to bewail, weep for. utterly ruined.
deludo : to mock, cheat.
defluo : to flow down, waste, depono : to put down, lay
disappear. demens : (dementis ) : aside.
insane, mad, out of one's
defluo : to flow away, depopulo depopulor : to lay
mind, foolish.
disappear, be lost. waste, ravage, devastate.
demergo : to sink, plunge
defungo : to discharge one's deporto : to carry off, to take
into, dip under, go into debt.
duties, quit, retire, die, finish away.
demitto : set down, let fall
degenero : to cause to depraedor depredor : to
(to offer payment to the
degenerate, disgrace by plunder, lay waste, pillage,
church), lower.
degeneracy. ravage.
demo : to take away,
degenero : to be unlike one's deprecator : intercessor, one
kind, fall off, degenerate. who pleads on behalf.

degero : to pass time, live.

deprecor : to entreat for, beg desparatus : given up on / devoveo : to consecrate,
for / intercede / curse. desperate sacrifice, devote / curse,
deprecor : to beg by despecto : overlook, despise,
entreaty, to excuse oneself / look down upon. dexter : right, on the right.
despero : to have no hope, dextera : the right hand.
deprehensio : detection. despair, give up.
diabolus : devil, Satan.
deprimo (depressus) : to despero : to be without
dico : (dictum ) to say, tell,
press down, depress, low- hope, despair / despair of,
speak, name, call,
lying. give up.
depromo : to take down, despiciens : contemptuous.
dictata : things dictated,
produce, fetch out.
despicio : to look down, lessons, presents.
depulso : push aside, thrust regard from above, despise.
dictator : dictator.
desposco : to demand.
dictito : to say often,
deputo : to count, estimate /
destinatus : resolute, firm, reiterate.
prune, cut off.
determined, with one's mind
dicto : to say often, dictate,
derelinquo : to forsake, made up.
get written down.
desert, abandon.
destituo : to set down,
didicerat : (?) Herimann, p.
derideo : to laugh at, mock, place / abandon, leave in the
deride. lurch.
didico : to be told (Herimann
deripio : to tear down, detego detectum : to
cap. 39, 44).
snatch away. uncover, lay bare, disclose.
dido dididi didtum : to
desidero : to long for, wish determino : to fix the limits
separate, divide, distribute.
for greatly, to miss. of, set boundaries to, delimit.
dies diei : day
desidiosus : lazy, detineo : hold off, hold back,
unmotivated. detain. diffama -tus : spread around,
made known.
desino (desiit) : to leave off, detrimentum : damage, loss,
give over, cease, stop, desist. detriment. differo : to spread news /
delay, defer, postpone.
desino : cease, stop, end, deus : god.
desist. differo : to spread about,
devenio : to come to, arrive
spread news / harrass,
desipio : to act foolishly, play at, reach.
the fool, make an ass of
devito : to avoid.
one's self. differo : to delay, postpone /
devoco : to call away, call to differ, be different.
desolo : to leave desolate,
down, call aside.
abandoned, to forsake. differtus : stuffed full,
devotio : (Christian) piety, crammed, jammed.
devotion, zeal.
difficilis : difficult, hard, diluo : (of troubles) to dissimilis : unlike, different,
troublesome. remove, resolve. disparate, dissimilar, distinct.

difficultas : difficulty, need, dimidium : half. dissimulo : to ignore, leave

trouble, distress. unnoticed.
dimitto : to break up,
digestor : arranger, dismiss, leave, abandon. dissimulo : to conceal,
composer, one who makes a disguise, keep secret.
directus : plain, simple,
direct, open, straightforward. dissolutus : lax, weak,
dignitas : merit, worth, wanting in energy, dissolute,
diripio : to tear in pieces, lay
prestige, dignity. profligate.
waste, devastate, plunder.
dignosco dignosco : to distinguo : to mark off,
diripio : to separate, tear
distinguish, recognize as distinguish, divide / separate.
apart / pillage, devastate, lay
waste. distribuo : to distribute,
dignus : (+ abl.) worthy, divide.
dirunitas : long duration.
worthy of, meritorious.
districtus (fr. distringo) :
diruo : to demolish, destroy,
digredior digredi digressus : strict, severe / hesitating /
to depart, deviate, digress. busy.
discedo : (discessum ) : to
digressio : separation, distulo :(past) to delay
break up, depart, go away,
departure, digression. [MGHss 25 : 268].
pass away.
digressus : separation, dito : to enrich, make
discidium : separation,
departure, digression. wealthy.
division, disagreement,
dilabor : to break up, scatter, tearing apart. diu : by day, for a long time,
dissolve, slip away, fall apart. a long time ago.
discipulus : disciple, student,
dilato : to spread out, learner, pupil. diu : adv. a long while, long
extend, expand, increase. time, for a long time.
disco : to learn, become
dilgenter : attentively, acquainted with. diutinus : lasting a long time,
earnestly, carefully, enduring, long-lived.
discrepo : to differ, to be
different, vary, disagree. diutius : longer, too long (a
diligens : diligent, careful. period of time).
dispono : to arrange, put in
diligentia : diligence, order, draw up (troops). diuturnus : lasting a long
industry, perseverance, time, of long duration.
disputatio : debate, dispute,
discussion. diversus : different, unlike,
diligo : to choose out, opposed, hostile.
disputo : discuss.
esteem highly, prize, love.
dives : rich, opulent, wealthy.
dissero : to examine, treat of,
diluculo : dawn, daybreak.
divinitus : divine influence, domito : to tame, subdue, dummodo : (conj. + subj.)
admirably, nobly, by break in. provided
domus : house, home, dumtaxat : at least, not less
divinus : divine, sacred. residence. than / at most, not more
divitiae divitie : riches, donec : up to the time when,
wealth. until, as long as, while. duo : two

do dare dedi datum : to give, donum : gift, present, duro: to harden, last, endure.
offer, convey, offer, donate, donation.
durus : hard, harsh, tough,
dormio : to sleep, slumber, strong,enduring, / rough,
doceo docui doctum : to siesta, nap. rude, uncouth.
instruct, teach, tutor.
dubito : to doubt, hesitate. Dusiol petram :
doctor : teacher. Duissenpierre.
dubium : doubt, hesitation,
doctrina : doctrine, teaching, reservation. dux ducis : leader, guide,
instruction, learning. commander, general, duke.
duco : to lead on the march,
doctus : taught, instructed, marry a wife, command. E
learned, tutored.
duco : to lead, draw, esteem, eatenus : so far, thus far, up
dolens : painfully. consider. to then.

doleo : to suffer pain, to be duco : to draw, shape, ebullio : to boil up, bubble
pained, grieve. construct / (time) spend, up, to appear, produce in
delay. abundance.
dolor : pain, grief. misery,
pain, suffering. duco : to charm, influence, ecclesia : church.
mislead, draw in.
dolose : slyly, deceitfully. econtra : the same as contra:
duco : to calculate, count, against, opposite, etc.
dolosus : crafty, cunning, sly,
reckon, esteem, considered.
deceitful. ecquando : at any time?
dudum : for a long while, a ever?
dolus : fraud, deceit, guile,
long while ago, some time
treachery, a trap. edico : to announce, declare.
domesticus : domestic, civil. editio : the publishing of a
dulcedo : sweetness,
book, an announcement.
domina domina : lady, pleasantness, charm.
mistress. edo : put forth, give out.
dulcidine : sweetly,
dominatus : rule, mastery, pleasantly, charmingly. edo edi essum : to eat,
tyranny, domination. consume, devour, waste.
dulcis : sweet, pleasant,
dominus domino : master, agreeable. edoceo : to inform fully,
lord. instruct thoroughly.
dulcitudo dulcitudinis : dum :
while, as long as, until.
educo : to draw out, lead elemosinarius : almoner, emoveo : to move away,
out, march out / bring up, person in charge of providing remove, take away.
rear / sue. charity.
emptio : a buying, a
effectus : doing, execution, eligo : to pick out, select, purchase.
performance, effect, result. choose.
enim : for, in fact, truly (may
effero extuli elatum : to carry eloquens : eloquent, often be omitted)
out, bury, lift up, exalt. persuasive, fluent.
enumero : to count, count
effervo : to boil up. eloquentia : eloquence, up, enumerate.
readiness of speech, fluency,
efficio : to do, produce, eo ire itum : to go, advance,
effect, make / bring about, proceed, travel, move along,
cause / prove. eluo : to wash out, rinse progress.
cleanse / squander, waste.
effringo effrego : break, episcopalis : episcopal
break open. eluvies : a flowing over,
episcopus : bishop
flood, innundation.
effugio : (effugi effugiturus ) :
epistula : letter, epistle,
flee from, escape, elude, run eluvio : inundation.
missive, message.
emanio : to flow out,
epulo : sumptuous food,
effundo : to pour out, pour spread / arise, emanate,
banquet, feast.
forth, shed, utter. originate.
epulor : to feast, feast on.
egenus : in want of, in need emendo : to amend, correct
of, destitute. eques equitis : horseman,
emercor : to buy up.
cavalry man rider (classical).
egeo : to need, lack, want, be
emerio : to obtain by service,
without. equidem : (adv) indeed,
earn completely, deserve
truly, for my part.
ego : I ; I can't live without well.
you, baby. equitatus : cavalry,
emineo : to stand out,
horsemen (classical).
egredior : (egressus ) : to go project, be remarkable,
out, leave, depart, exit. conspicuous. equus : horse, steed, mount.
eicio eiectum : to throw out, eminor : to threaten, erepo : to creep out, creep
eject, drive out. menace. over, creep up.
elatus : puff-up, proud of eminus : at a distance, from a erga : (+ acc.) toward, about.
oneself, arrogant. distance.
ergo : (gen. +) on account of,
electus : chosen, select. emiror : to wonder at because of.
elementum : first principle, ergo : (adv.) accordingly,
element, basic constituent. emo emi emptum : to buy, then, therefore.
elemosina : alms
eripio : (eripui ereptum ) : to evoco : to draw out, draw on, exemplum : pattern, model,
snatch away, take away, produce, recall to the colors. example .
ex : (= e ) : (prep. + abl.) out exerceo : to train, cultivate,
erogo : to pay out. of, from within, from / on keep at work, exercise,
account of. practice.
erogo : to pay out, expend,
disburse. exaequo exequo : to be like, exercitus : army.
equal / make level or even,
erro : to wander, stray, exertus : tested, tried,
rove / be mistaken, err, go approved, experienced.
astray. excedo : (trans.) to exceed,
exesto : extra esto.
leave, pass beyond.
error : error, mistake, going
exheredo : to disinherit.
astray. excellentia : excellence,
merit, worth. exheres : disinherited.
erubesco : to blush, grow
red, be ashamed. excessum : departure, death, exhibeo exibeo : to produce,
digression. show, display, offer, allow,
erubesco : (+ inf.) to blush to,
(+acc.) blush for, respect. excipio : (excepi exceptum ) :
to take out, except / take, exhibeo : to show, present,
erudio : to instruct, teach,
capture. allow, display, present, offer.
excito : call forth, bring exhilaro : to make cheerful.
eruo : to dig up, pull out /
about, wake, raise up.
raze, demolish. exhorresco : to be horrified,
exclamo : to shout, cry aloud, to shake, shudder / dread,
esurio : to be hungry, to
exclaim, call someone by tremble at.
exigo : drive out, force out,
et ... et : both ... and.
excludo : to shut out, exact, demand, sell.
etenim : for indeed. exclude.
exigo : complete, finish,
etiam : (adv.) even, also. excolo : to honor (a deity), determine, decide, settle.
polish, adorn, refine, serve.
etsi : (acsi) even if, although. exilis : thin, slender, meager.
excrucio : to torment,
evenio : to come to pass, torture, cause great pain. eximietate : uncommonness,
happen, befall. excellence.
excusatio : excuse.
eventus : consequence, eximius : extraordinary,
issue, result, occurrence, excuso : to exempt from excellent, fine, superb.
experience. blame, excuse, make
excuses, plead. eximo : to free, release, take
everto : to turn out, eject, out, remove, waste.
dislodge, overturn / destroy, exemplar : model, pattern,
original, prototype, book to exinde : thence, next /
copy. thereupon, after that, then /
evito : to shun, avoid; also, to accordingly.
exitiabilis exitialis exitosus : expleo : to make losses exsilium : exile, banishment.
fatal deadly, destructive, good / fulfil, discharge
exspecto : to look for,
lethal. (duties).
expect, await, wait for.
exitium : destruction, ruin. expleo explevi expletum : to
exstinguo, exstingui,
fill, fill up, complete, finish.
exitus : going out, going exstinctum : to extinguish,
forth, exit, end, finish. expletio : satisfying. put out.

exordium : the beginning expletus : (part.) perfect, exsto : to stand out, be

(especially of a speech). complete. extant, appear, project, show
exorior : to rise, spring up, explicatus: explanation,
issue, appear, come forward. exposition. externus : outer, foreign,
outside, external.
exoro : to prevail upon a explico : to unfold, unroll,
person, entreat successfully. disentangle / explain, extollo : to praise exaggerate
expound. / decorate, adorn.
exorsus : begun.
expono (exposui extollo : to lift up, raise up,
expedio : to release, set free,
expositum ) : to set forth, erect / elevate, exalt.
clear, set straight.
explain, expose.
extorqueo : to twist, wrench,
expedio : to free from a
expositus : open, accessible, dislocate / extort by force.
snare, disentangle, set free,
ready. extra : (prep. + acc.) beyond,
expostulo : to demand outside.
expello (expuli expulsum ) :
earnestly / to make a claim.
to drive out, expel, force out, extremus : outermost, last,
banish. expugno : to capture, extreme.
overcome, subdue, take by
experior (experiri, exturbo : to drive away,
storm, gain.
expertus ) : to try, test, thrust out.
experience, prove. exquisitus : sought after,
exulto : to exult, be joyful.
exquisite, excellent, fine,
expers : wanting, destitute
delicate. exuro, exussum : burn down,
of, not sharing in.
burn, set on fire.
exsequor exequor : to follow
expetens : desirous, eager.
to the grave, follow to the exustio : burning up,
expeto : to fall upon. end. conflagration.

expeto : to demand, exsequor : to maintain, keep F

require / desire, strive after, up, carry out, fulfill,
accomplish. fabula : fable, story, tale,
make for.
expilatio : plundering, taking exsequor : to execute,
avenge, punish / relate, facile : easily.
describe, explain. facilis : easy, agreeable,
expiscor : to fish out, find
exsertus exertus : project, affable, pleasant.
out, discover.
thrust forward.
facillimus : easiest, most fas est :: it is right, it is fitting, fero tuli latum : to carry,
agreeable, pleasantest it is lawful. bring, tell, relate, and much
facina -oris : bad deed, fas : divine law or
crime, villainy / deed, action. command / fate, destiny / ferrum : iron, sword.
lawful, allowed.
facio : to sacrifice, suit, help, ferus : fierce, wild, savage,
be of service. fateor : to confess, admit, untamed.
allow, reveal, make known.
facio : to give permission / to festinatio : speed, haste.
experience, suffer (troubles). fatigo : worry, fatigue, vex,
festino : to hasten, hurry,
harass, tease.
facio : (trans.) to make, do, speed.
act, perform, cause, bring fatum : fate, destiny, doom,
festinus : hastening, hasty.
about. lot, weird.
feteo : to have a bad odor,
factum : deed, fautor : favorer, promoter,
accomplishment, work, act, patron, partisan, supporter.
achievement. ficus : fig tree.
faveo : (+ inf.) To be inclined
facultas : power, means, to do. fidelis : faithful, loyal, true
opportunity, capacity, ability,
faveo : (+ dat.) be favorable fidelitas : fidelity, loyalty,
to, aid, support, help. homage.
facundia : facultas : fawning like that of a dog,
feasibility, opportunity, cringing flattery. fidens : confident, without
resources, abundance. fear, courageous.
feculentia : dregs, lees,
facunditas : fertility, impurities, filth. fides : trust, confidence,
quickness or readiness of reliance, belief, faith.
fefello : to be failed by,
speech. fides : promise, assurance,
disappointed by something.
faenum fenum : hay. Herimann, p. 278. word of honor, engagement.

falsus : false, deceptive. feliciter : happily. fiducia : confidence, trust,

fama : talk, report, rumor, felix felicis : lucky, fortunate,
tradition. happy. filia : daughter

familia : family, household. femina : woman filius : son

familiaris : belonging to a fenestra : window. fimus : dung, dirt, filth,

household / friendly, manure.
fere : almost, nearly, not
intimate. fines finium : boundaries,
quite, generally.
famulatus : servitude, limits, / territory.
feretrum : bier, litter.
slavery, service. finis : end, limit, boundary,
feritas : wildness, purpose.
famulus : servant.

ferme, fere : almost, about.

finitimus finitumus : forte : by chance, by luck, frugalitas : frugality,
neighboring, adjacent, accidentally. economy, pinching pennies.
related to, similar.
fortis : strong, brave. frumentum : grain.
fio, fieri, factus : be made, be
fortiter : strongly, bravely. fruor : to have the benefit of,
done, become.
to enjoy.
fortitudo : physical strength,
firmo : to assert, maintain /
courage, moral bravery. frustra esse : to be deceived,
strengthen, make firm /
to be mistaken.
encourage. fortuna : fortune, luck, fate,
chance. frustra : in vain, mistakenly,
firmus : firm, strong, reliable,
wantonly, without reason.
solid. fortunate : fortunately.
frux, frugi : fruits of the
flamma : flame, fire. fortunatus : fortunate, lucky,
flatus : blowing, blast,
fuga : flight, escape,
breathing, arrogance, forum : market place, town
haughtiness. square. fugio : to flee, escape, run
away / avoid, shun.
flax, falcis : sickle, bill-hook, foveo fovi fotum : to cherish.
pruning hook. fugitivus : fugitive : deserter,
frango (fracta) : to break in
runaway slave.
fleo : to weep, cry, shed pieces, shatter.
tears, sob. fugo : to put to flight, chase
frater : brother.
away, drive into exile,
fluctus : billow, wave.
frendo : to gnash one's teeth, pursue.
flumen : river. bruise, crush, grind.
fulcio : to support,
fluo : to flow, pour, stream. frendo : gnash the teeth, strengthen, uphold / to
crush, bruise, grind. besiege, oppress.
fodio : to prick, sting, jab.
frequentatio : frequency, fulgeo (fulsi ): to flash, shine,
fore, forem : future infinitive
crowding. beam.
of sum.
frequentia : a large fultus : supporter.
forensis, e : legal.
concourse, population,
fundo : to pour, pour out
forma: form, shape, beauty. numerous assembly.
(like molten metal), melt,
formica : ant. frequento : to crowd, collect cast.
in large number, visit.
formo : to shape, form, fundo : (milit.) to rout,
fashion. frigus : cold, coolness, cold of scatter, defeat, put to flight.
winter / dullness, indolence.
fors fortis : chance, luck, fungor, fungi, functus : to
fortune. frons : forehead, brow, front. occupy oneself, perform, do,
forsit forsan forsitan : fructuarius : fruitful, fertile.
perhaps, probably. funis -is : rope, cord, line.
fructus fructus : fruit, profit,
fortasse : perhaps. enjoyment, produce.
furibundus : raging, furious / glacialis : icy, frozen, full of gregatim : adv., In flocks,
inspired. ice. herds, troops, crowds.

furor : madness, rage, frenzy. gladius : sword. gusto : to taste.

furs : thief. gloria : fame, renown, glory. H

furtificus : thievish. glorior : to glory, boast, pride habeo habui habitum : to

oneself. have, hold, possess /
furtim : by stealth, stealthily.
consider, regard.
grando, onis : hailstorm.
furtum : theft, robbery /
habitus : disposed, in a
furta : stolen property / trick, grassor : go about, go ahead,
certain condition.
deceit. proceed, attack.
hac : this side, this way, here.
fusus : (from fundo) : spread gratia agere : (+ dat.) to
out, extended, wide, thank. hac : (fem. sing. abl.) He who
copious. lives BY THIS (the sword), ...
gratia : gratitude, favor.
G hactenus : hitherto, up to
gratia : in order to, for the
this point, so far.
galea : helmet. sake of, to.
hae he : (fem. pl. nom)
Gandavum : Ghent. gratia : (in the abl.) on
THESE (speeches) were very
account of.
gaudium : joy, delight, fine.
happiness. gratulor : to wish a person
haec hec : (fem. sing. nom.)
joy, congratulate (+dat.),give
Gemblacensis : Gembloux. THIS (sword) is more
gemo : to sigh, groan, wail.
gratus : pleasing, agreeable /
haec hec : (neut. pl. nom.)
gens : clan, race, nation, grateful.
THESE (kisses) are sweeter
people, tribe. than wine.
gravatus : sick, oppressed, ill.
genus : kind, sort, class, haec hec : (neut. pl. acc.)
gravis : heavy, weighty,
category. Deborah always won THESE
serious, important / severe,
gero : to carry, bear, wear / grievous. (wars).
bear, give birth to / to carry hanc : (fem. sing. acc.) She
gravitas : weight,
about. wasted THIS (her youth).
seriousness, dignity,
gesto : to carry, bear about. importance.
harum : (fem. pl. gen.) The
gestum (gero) : carrying graviter : heavily, seriously. city wall had four OF THESE
about, conduct (oneself). (gates).
gravo : to oppress, burden,
gestum (gero) : carriage, make suffer. has : (fem. pl. acc.) They gave
bearing / having borne. THESE (their lives) for the
gregatim : in troops, or Faith.
gigno (genuit) : to bring crowds.
forth, bear, beget, father. Hasnonium : Hasnon.
haud : no, not at all, by no hoc : (masc. sing. abl.) He hospes : guest, host,
means. gave plenty FOR THIS (field). stranger.

Helcim : Helchin on the left hoc : (neut. sing. nom.) THIS hostes hostium : the enemy.
bank of the Scheldt. (monastery) is well-built.
hostis : an enemy of the
Helnonensis : Elnon. hoc : (neut. sing. abl.) Do not state.
Herimann, p. 279. hesitate BECAUSE OF THIS!
huic : (neut sing. dat.) I'd give
Heniis Harniis : Hames. my right arm FOR THIS
hoc : (neut. sing. acc.) Break (cooky).
hereditas : inheritance, often
THIS! (fetter)
simply "property." huic : (masc. sing. dat.) He
hodie : today. sent FOR THIS (doctor).
hesito (haesito) : to be
unsure, uncertain, wavering. hodiernus : of today. huic : (fem sing. dat.) There is
a statue IN THIS (abbey).
hi : (masc. pl. nom.) THESE Hoienses : Huy, Belgium,
(men) are loyal to the king. between Liege and Namur. huius : (masc. fem. neut. gen.
sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF
hic : (adv.) here. homo hominis : human
being, man.
hic haec (hec ) hoc : this, the
huius : (neut. sing. gen.) She
latter / he, she, it. honor : honor, esteem,
paid half OF THIS (the cost).
public office.
hic : (masc. nom. sing.) THIS
huius : (fem. sing. gen.) They
(house) is filthy. honorabilis : respectful.
are fond OF THIS (change).
hilaris : cheerful, merry, gay. hora : hour, time.
humanitas : kindness,
hinc : from this place, hence. hordeum, ordeum : barley. culture, refinement.

his : (masc. pl. abl.) They horrendus : horrible, humanus : pertaining to

passed BY THESE (roads). dreadful. man, humane, humane,
cultured, refined.
his : (masc. pl. dat.) Tell it TO hortor : exhort, incite,
THESE (policemen). encourage. humilis : lowly, humble.

his : (fem. pl. dat.) She gave hortus ortus : garden / pl. humo : cover with earth,
her property TO THESE grounds, park. bury,
horum : (masc. pl. gen.) The humus : ground, earth, soil /
his : (fem. pl. abl) A life is horses OF THESE (soldiers) land, country.
enriched BY THESE are spent.
hunc : (masc. sing. acc.) He
horum : (neut. pl. gen) The ate THIS (fruit).
his : (neut. pl. dat.) Listen TO cattle OF THESE (monsters)
Hunnam : Bunna.
THESE (orders). were fat.
hypocrita : hypocrite
his : (neut. pl. abl.) She hos : (masc. pl. acc.) They
earned it BY THESE (her burned THESE (houses) to I
deeds). the ground.
iaceo : to lie, lie prostrate, lie ignis : fire. ille : (masc. nom. sing.) THAT
dead. (house) is filthy.
ignoro : to be ignorant of,
iacio : to throw, cast, hurl, not know / rarely: neglect, illi : (fem sing. dat.) There is a
lay, scatter, diffuse. overlook. statue IN THAT (abbey).

iaculator : : a thrower, javelin ignosco: (+ dat.) to overlook, illi : (masc. sing. dat.) He sent
man, spear thrower. forgive, pardon. FOR THAT (doctor).

iaculum : dart, javelin, short ignotus : unknown, obscure, illi : (masc. pl. nom.) THOSE
spear. ignorant, ignoble. (men) are loyal to the king.

iam : now, by now, already / ilico : on the spot, illi : (neut sing. dat.) i'd give
presently, immediately, immediately. my right arm FOR THOSE
soon. (cookies).
illa : (fem. sing. nom.) THAT
iam : moreover, henceforth, (sword) is more expensive. illiam : (fem. sing. acc.) She
indeed, just, further. wasted THAT (her youth).
illa : (neut. pl. acc.) Deborah
ianua : door. always won THESE (wars). illic : there, at that place,
therein, in that matter.
ibi : there illa : (fem. sing. abl.) He who
lives BY THAT (the sword), ... illis : (masc. pl. dat.) Tell it TO
ictus : blow, bite, stroke,
THOSE (Marines).
bolt, thrust. illa : (neut. pl. nom.) THOSE
(arms) belong to the victor. illis : (fem. pl. dat.) She gave
idcirco : on that account, for
her property TO THOSE
that reason, for that illacrimo : (+ dat.) to weep
purpose. over.
illis : (neut. pl. abl.) She
idem eadem idem : the illae ille : (fem. pl. nom.)
earned it BY THESE (her
same. THOSE (women) must die!
identidem : again and again, illarum : (fem. pl. gen.) The
illis : (fem. pl. abl) A life is
repeatedly. city wall had four OF THOSE
enriched BY THESE
ideo : for that reason, on (friendships).
that account, therefore. illas : (fem. pl. acc.) They
illis : (masc. pl. abl.) They
gave THOSE (their lives) for
idoneus : proper, worthy, passed BY THOSE (roads).
the Faith.
fitting, deserving, capable.
illis : (neut. pl. dat.) Listen TO
illata : from infero : to cause,
igitur : therefore, THESE (orders).
occasion, etc.
consequently, for this
illius : (fem. sing. gen.) They
reason. illaturos : from infero "they
are fond OF THAT (change).
would cause."
ignarus : ignorant, not
illius : (neut. sing. gen.) She
knowing. ille illa illud : that, the
paid half OF THAT (the cost).
former, the famous / he, she,
ignavus : lazy, listless, inert,
sluggish cowardly, a coward.
illius : (masc. fem. neut. gen. imitabilis : that can be impendeo : to hang over,
sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF imitated, threaten, menace, be
THAT. imminent.
imitor : to imitate.
illo : (neut. sing. abl.) Do not impendium : expenditures,
immanitas : savagery,
hesitate BECAUSE OF THAT! outlay, interest on a loan.
impendo : to lay out, expand,
immerito : adv.
illo : (masc. sing. abl.) He weigh out.
undeservingly, without
gave plenty FOR THAT (field).
merit, unjustifiably. impenetrabiilis :
illorum : (masc. pl. gen.) The impenetrable.
immineo : to hang over, be
horses OF THOSE (soldiers)
imminent, threaten. impensa : expense, outlay.
are spent.
immo : by all means, by no imperator : commander in
illorum : (neut. pl. gen) The
means, on the contrary. chief, general, emperor.
cattle OF THESE (monsters)
were fat. immodicus : immoderate, imperceptus : unperceived /
excessive, beyond measure. unknown,
illos : (masc. pl. acc.) They
burned THOSE (houses) to immortalis : immortal. imperiosus : imperious,
the ground. domineering, powerful.
immotus : unmoved.
illuc : thither, to that place, imperium : power to
to that matter, to that immunda : unclean, impure,
command, authority,
person. dirty, foul.
command, rule, control.
illud : (neut. sing. nom.) immundus : foul, impure.
impero : to give orders,
THAT (monastery) is well- impedimentum : hindrance, command / to rule, hold
built. impediment, obstacle, sway.
illud : (neut. sing. acc.) Break difficulty.
impetro : to get, accomplish,
THOSE (fetters)! impedio : entangle, ensnare, effect, obtain (by asking).
illudo illusi illusum : to mock, obstruct, surround, hinder,
impetus : attack, onset, rapid
make fun of, ridicule prevent.
motion / impulse, passion,
impedito : a hinderance. force.
illum : (masc. sing. acc.) He
ate THAT (fruit). impedo : to entangle, impleo : to fill in (or up),
ensnare, hinder, prevent, satisfy, content, fulfil,
imago : image, likeness.
obstruct. perform.
imber ymber : rain shower,
impello : to drive against, importo : to bring in,
rain storm, pelting rain.
strike upon. introduce, import / bring
imbrium : of rain. upon, cause.
impello impuli impulsum : to
imcomposite : adv from set in mortion, impel, urge importunus : unsuitable,
incompositus : on. unfavorable, troublesome /
incompositione in Herimann. inconsiderate.
impraesentiarum : for the incido in mentionem : to incurro : to run into, assail,
present, in present happen to mention. attack, raid into, come upon.
incido : to fall in or on, fall in Inda : Cornelism / Anster.
imprimis : especially, with / happen, occur.
indagatio : investigation.
particularly, specifically.
incipio : to take in hand,
inde : thence, from there, for
improbus : inferior, bad, begin, commence.
that reason, thereafter, then.
wicked, persistent, perverse,
incito : to excite, spur,
bold. indebitus : not owed, not
inspire, increase / hasten,
improvidus : improvident, urge on.
negligent, thoughtless, indico : to proclaim, make
inclino : to bend, incline,
feckless. publicly known, announce,
turn, change / fall back,
improviso : unexpected waver.
indigeo : to require, need,
ex improviso : suddenly. includo : to shut in, enclose,
stand in need of.
establish a siege, surround.
impudens : impudent,
indignatio : indignation.
shameless, insolent, inclutus / inclitus :
presumptuous. celebrated, famous, indignus : unworthy, lacking
renowned. in merit, unfit.
impudenter : impudently,
insolently, presumptuously. incola, ae : resident, indo (past indidi) : to
inhabitant of a place. establish, cause, occasion.
impunitus : unpunished,
unrestrained, safe. incompositus : disorder, lack indomitus : untamed, wild.
of regularity.
imputo : to lay to a charge, induco : cover, put on
enter in an account, impute inconsulte : indiscreetly. clothing, erase writing,
to. revoke, annul.
incontinencia : lack of
in praesentia : for the restrain, incontinence. induco : bring in, introduce,
present. induce, persuade / decide.
incorruptus : uncorrupted,
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, genuine, pure. induco indux inductum : to
against. lead in, introduce, induce,
incredibilis : incredible,
in : (+ abl.) in. unbelievable.
industria : industry, diligence.
inanis : empty, vain, inane. increpare : to rebuke, chide,
scold. industrius : industrious,
incassum : in vain.
diligent, assiduous, hard-
increpo : (of persons) to
inceptor : beginner. working.
chide, rebuke.
inceptum : beginning, indutiae : truce, armistice,
incubo : to hang over, dwell
attempt, enterprise. suspension of hostilities.
in, lie heavily upon.
incertus : uncertain, inedicabilis : unexplainable,
doubtful, unsure, hesitant. inexplicable.
ineptio : to play the fool, to infero : (in logic) to infer, infirme : weakly, faintly.
trifle. conclude.
infirmitas : weakness,
inexpugnabilis : impregnable, infero : (abstract things) : feebleness / instability,
unconquerable, not to be bring on, occasion, cause. fickleness.
taken by force.
inferus : below, under, infirmo : to weaken / shake /
infamo : to put to shame, southern. invalidate, annull
infervesco : to come to a infirmus : not strong, weak,
infantia : infancy, babyhood. boil, become hot. feeble / (sometimes) sick, ill.

infector : dyer. infeste : in a hostile manner, infit : he, she, or it begins,

belligerently. begins to speak.
infectum reddere : to revoke,
render impossible, make infesto : to attack, disquiet. infitialis : negative,
void, annul. containing a no, rejection.
infestus : aggressive, hostile,
infectus : unworked / not dangerous. infitias ire : to deny.
done, unfinished,
inficio infeci infectum : to infitior : to deny / deny a
poison, taint, corrupt. debt, refuse to return
infecunditas : barrenness, something.
inficio infeci infectum : to
tinge, dye, stain, imbue. inflammatio : setting afire /
infecundus : barren, sterile. (people) inflaming / (souls)
infidelis : unfaithful, disloyal,
infelicitas : bad luck, untrue.
misfortune, inflammo : to set on fire,
infidelitas : faithlessness,
inflame, to torch, kindle.
infeliciter : unhappily. disloyalty.
inflatio : inflation, flatulence.
infelix : arbor infelix : the infideliter : faithlessly,
gallows. disloyally. inflatius : too pompous / on a
grander scale.
infelix : unfruitful, barren, infidus : untrue, disloyal.
unproductive, infertile. inflatus : pompous, swollen,
infigo : to fix, fasten / to
puffed up, inflated.
infenso : to attack, avenge. imprint, impress.
inflatus : blowing into, blast,
infensus : hostile, infindo infidi infissum : to cut
aggressive / (arms) aimed, into.
ready / (spirit) dangerous. inflecto : to warp / change,
infinitas infinitio : eternity,
sway, affect.
inferi : those down below, infinity, endlessness.
the dead. inflecto inflexi inflectum : to
infinitus : unlimited, infinite,
bend, bow, curve.
inferne : on the lower side, without bounds, boundless,
below. limitless. infletus : unwept,
unmourned, unlamented.
infero : To carry in, put or infirmatio : weakening /
place on. refusing / invalidating.
inflexio : a bendings, ingero : to go off to, betake inritus irritus : void, invalid,
swaying. oneself to, pour forth, inflict. in vain, useless, ineffectual.

inflexus : bending, curving. ingratus : ungrateful, inruo irruo : to rush in, fling
unpleasant, disagreeable. in.
infligo inflixi inflictum : to
strike, hit, knock / cause ingravesco : to become insania : insanity,
damage. heavy, become a burden. irrationality, madness, folly.

inflo : to blow into / to inicio inieci iniectum : to insciens : unknowing,

inspire, puff up, elate. throw on, put on, don / unaware, ignorant.
influo influi influxum : to flow inscribo : inscribe, entitle,
in / to rush in, steal in. inimicus : personal enemy, enlist.
foe, opponent.
infodio infodi infossum : to insensatus : irrational.
dig in, bury. iniquus : unequal, unjust,
insequor : to follow, pursue,
informatio : concept, idea. assail, reproach, rebuke,
initium : beginning, start, attack.
informis : formless, shapeless
commencement, origin.
/ deformed, hideous. inservio : to be a slave, serve,
iniuria : injury, damage, be devoted to.
infortunatus : unfortunate,
hurt / injustice, wrong.
unhappy, unlucky. insideo : sit upon something,
iniustus : unjust, inequitable, be firmly placed.
infortunium : misfortune,
bad luck / punishment. insidiae : (pl.) treachery,
innotesco, innotui : to ambush, plot, conspiracy.
infra inferius infimus : low
become known.
down. insinuo : to insinuate, work
innotesco : to become know, one's way in, intimate.
infra : (adv.) below,
underneath / to the south, in insisto : to enter upon [a
the underworld. innuo : to give a nod to, give journey] tread; (with d.)
a sign to. follow.
infra : (+ acc.) below, under /
(time) later than inolesco : to grow in or on. insolita : unaccustomed,
infula : insignia of office. inops : poor, helpless, in
need insolitus : unaccustomed /
ingemuo = dat. : to groan,
unusual, strange,
sigh over. inquam : I say.
ingenium : innate character, inquis : you say.
insons insontis : guiltless,
talent, nature.
inquit : he, she, it says. innocent.
ingens : of immoderate size,
inrideo : to laugh at, mock, insperatus : unexpected,
vast, huge, monstrous,
ridicule. unlooked for, unanticipated.
instanter : urgently.
instar : a form, figure, after intentio : effort, exertion, invado : to undertake, go in,
the fashion of, like. attention, intent / attack, enter, get in.
instigo : to goad, incite, invado : to assail, usurp,
stimulate, urge. intentus : thorough, tense, seize, attack, fall upon.
anxious, strict.
instituo : to establish, found, invalesco : to gather
institute. inter : (+ acc.) between, strength, become stronger.
insto : to pursue eagerly, invenio : to come upon, find,
devote oneself to. intercipio intercepi discover.
interceptum : to intercept
instructus (from instruo) : inventor : inventor,
equipped, trained, supplied. interdico : to forbid, prohibit, discoverer.
outlaw, gain an injunction.
instructus : trained, taught. investigo : to track down,
interdico : to forbid, prohibit, investigate.
instruo : to built in, set up,
construct, furnish / train. inveteratus : hardened by
interdum : sometimes, now age, of long-standing.
instruo : prepare, provide /
and then, at times.
draw up an order of battle. invetero : to give duration, to
intereo : to perish, die. render old
Insula : Lille.
interficio interfeci invicem : one after the other,
Insula : island.
interfectum : to kill, murder, by turns, mutually, each
insurgo insurgi insurrectum : slay. other.
to rise up, rebel, revolt.
interrogatio : interrogation, invictus : unconquer,
integer : whole, untouched, inquiry. unconquerable, undefeated.
unhurt, undamaged /
intro : to walk into, enter, invideo : to envy, be jealous
complete, entire.
make one's way into. of, look upon with envy.
intellego intellexi intellectum
introduco : to lead in, invidia : envy, jealousy,
: to understand,
introduce. hatred.
comprehend, see.
intueor : to look at inviso : to go to see, visit,
attentively, gaze at, consider. inspect, look at.
unseasonable, untimely,
immoderate. intumesco : to swell up, invisus : hated, hateful.
increase, swell with anger.
intendo : to stretch, strain, invito : to invite, summon.
try to prove. intumesco : to sell, sell up,
invitus : unwilling, against
sell with anger.
intendo : to extend, aim, one's will.
direct, direct one's course, intus : within.
ioco iocor : to joke, jest,
aim at.
inultus : unavenged, make merry.
iocus : joke, jest, jape, gag.
ipse ipsa ipsum : himself, iucunditas : pleasure, charm. jugis : adj. continual,
herself, itself. ceaseless, perennial,
iucundus : agreeable,
ipsemet : his own very self. pleasant, gratifying.
jugiter : continually,
ira : anger, wrath. iudex : judge, juror.
perpetually, constantly /
irascor iratus : to be angry, to iudicium : judgment, instantly.
be wrathful. decision, opinion, trial
jumentum : draft animal.
iratus : angry, wrathful. iudico : to judge, consider
juvenis : young man, youth.
irrito : to irritate, exasperate, iugis, e : perpetual,
juventus : the age of youth
excite. continuous.
(20-40 years).
irritum : nothingness, iugis iuge : perpetual,
worthlessness, vanity. continuous.
labefacio labefeci labefactum
irritus : vain, useless, iumentum : beast of burden.
: to shake, loosen / impair.
ineffectual, of not effect.
iungo iunxi iunctum : to join
labefacto : to weaken,
irritus : undecided, void,
iuro : to swear, to make an disturb / shake violently.
unfixed, of no effect.
labellum : a little lip / a small
is ea id : this, that / he, she,
ius iurandum iuris iurandi washing vessel.
etc. : oath.
labes labis : stain, blemish,
iste ista istud : that /
ius iuris : justice, law, right. disgrace, infamy /
sometimes pejorative.
iussu : (abl.) at the command
ita ut : (with subj.) in such a
of, by order of. labia labium :lip (labiae :
way that,
iustus : just, right, equitable.
ita : so, thus.
labiosus : having large lips.
iuvo : to help, aid, assist / to
ita : (in narration) and so;
please. labo : to totter, sink, begin to
(with adj. or adv.) so, so very.
iuxta : just short of.
itaque : (adv.) and, so,
labor : hardship, fatigue,
therefore. iuxta : close by, near / in like distress.
manner, equally.
iter itineris : road, route,
labor laboris : labor, work,
journey. iuxta : (+ acc.) close to, near toil
to / (time) just before.
itero : to repeat, say again,
labor lapsus : to slip, glide,
iterate. J slide.
iterum : again, a second jaculum : dart, javelin. labores solis : eclipse of the
time, once more.
judicium : trial, legal sun.
iubeo iussi iussum : to order, investigation, judgement, laboriose : laboriously, with
command. decision. great effort
laboriosus : toilsome, lacrimosus : tearful, laetificus letificus :
laborious / (persons) mournful, shedding tears, gladdening, joyous,
industrious, toiling. spreading happiness.
lactans : giving milk.
laboro : (intrans.) to work, laetitia letitia : fertility /
lactatio : enticement, come-
toil, suffer, be afflicted, be richness, grace / joy, delight.
laeto leto : to cheer, gladden,
lacteus : milky, of milk, milk-
laboro : (trans.) work out, make joyful.
prepare, arrange, form,
laetor letor : to rejoice, be
elaborate. lacteus : of milk, milky, milk-
labrum : lip, edge, rim /
laeve leve : left-handedly,
bathing tub. lacto : to allure, entice,
labrusca : wild grape vine.
laevus levus : foolish, silly /
lactuca : lettuce.
labruscum : the wild grape. unlucky, unpropitious.
lacuna : missing letters,
lac lactis : milk. laevus levus : the left hand,
words, or phrases in a
left side, left-handed.
lacer : torn, mangled, cut to manuscript.
pieces. laganum : a cake.
lacuna : a hole, empty
laceratio : a tearing, space / pond, pool / lama : bog, slough.
mangling. deficiency, loss.
lambo : to lick / (of rivers) to
lacero : to tear to pieces, lacunar : panelled ceiling. wash.
mangle / squander money /
lacus : a hollow / lake, pool, lamenta (neut. pl) : weeping,
slander someone.
pond, trough, tank, tub. wailing.
lacerta : lizard.
laedo ledo : strike, hit, hurt, lamentabilis : lamentable,
lacertosus : muscular, damage, offend, annoy, mournful.
powerful. violate.
lamentatio : weeping,
lacertus : the upper arm / laesio lesio : rhetorical attack wailing, lamenting.
strength. / wounding.
lamentor : to weep, wail,
lacesso : to harass, attack. laetabilis letabilis : joyous, lament / (trans.) to bewail.
lacrima Heliandum : amber. lamia : witch, vampire.
laetans : rejoicing, joyous.
lacrima : tears / exudations lamnia lammina lamna :
from some plants. laetatio letatio : rejoicing, sheet of metal, coin, knife
joy. blade, nutshell.
lacrimabilis : lamentable,
deplorable, woeful. laetifico letifico : to fertilize / lapsus : fall, fault, error,
cheer, gladden, delight. sliding, graduate movement.
lacrimo : to weep, shed
tears / exude, drip. laqueum : noose, halter,
snare, trap.
laqueus : snare, trap, noose. lenimentus : alleviation, lepidus : charming, witty,
improvement, mitigation. pleasant, elegant.
largior : lavish, bestow,
grant, give abundantly. lenio : to mitigate, relieve, lepor lepos : charm, wit,
make better. elegance.
lascivio : to run riot, play, be
wanton. lenis : smooth / gentle, kind, lepus : hare, rabbit.
lasesco : to become tired, Lesciense, monastery of :
grow weary. lenitas lenitudo : Liessies.
smoothness, gentleness,
latus -eris : sides, flank / letalis : mortal, deadly, fatal.
lungs /
letaliter : mortally, fatally.
leno : procurer, go-between.
laudator : praiser.
letanie : litany
lenocinium : enticement,
laudo : to praise, extoll,
allurement. lethargus : drowsiness,
commend / name, mention,
apathy, sleepiness, coma.
cite, quote. lenocinor : to pander, flatter,
make up to / to promote, letifer : deadly, mortal.
Laudunum : Laon.
leto : to kill, slay.
laus : praise, glory, fame.
lens lentis : lentil.
letum : death, ruin,
lebes : copper kettle, basin,
lente : slowly, calmly, cooly, annihilation.
levamen : alleviation,
lectica : litter, bier.
lentesco : to become soft, mitigation, solace,
lector : reader. flexible, sticky / to weaken, refreshment.
lectus : bed. levamentum : comfort,
lentitudo : slowness, apathy, easing, alleviation,
legatarius : legatee. sluggishness. consolation.
legatus : deputy, lento : to bend. levatio : alleviation,
ambassador, envoy,
mitigation, solace.
lentulus : rather slow, a little
legens legentis : a reader. slow. leviculus : empty-headed,
legio : legion vain, silly.
lentus : lethargic, inactive /
lego : to gather, choose, slow, lingering. levidensis : thin, slight, poor.
collect, pass through, read, lentus : tough, resistant, levis : rapid, swift /
lemiscus : a ribbon. tenacious / supple, pliant / unimportant / fickle,
inconstant / unstable.
lemma : theme, title, Leo : lion.
epigram. levis : light, slight, trivial /
Leodie : Liege.
beardless, bald / light-armed.
lemures : (pl. only) ghosts, lepide : charmingly, wittily,
phantoms. elegantly, pleasantly.
levitas : lightness, levity / libero : to set free, deliver, loginquitas : distance,
fickleness, inconstancy / liberate, release / exempt remoteness, isolation.
libertas : freedom, liberty, longe lateque : far and wide.
leviter : lightly, softly, independence / frankness,
longe : far.
slightly. candor.
longus : long
levo : to smooth, polish. libido : whim, caprice, violent
desire, passionate longing. loquax loquacis : talkative,
levo : to raise, lift up /
loquacious, garrulous.
relieve, ease / diminish, licet : granted that,
weaken, impair. although / it is allowed, one loquor locutus : to say,
may or can. speak, tell.
lex legis : law, statute /
covenant, agreement licet : (as conj.) granted that, loricatus : wearing armor,
although. armored.
libatio : libation.
ligo : to bind, tie. lubricus : oily, slippery, slick.
libellus : little book.
lima : file, polishing, revision. lucerna : lamp.
libenter : willingly, with
pleasure. limen, limina : threshold. lucror : to gain, profit, win.
liber : child, offspring. lingua : language, tongue, lucrosus : profitable, gainful.
liber libri : book. lucrum : gain, profit.
lino : to smear, befoul, dirty.
liber libera, liberum : free, luctisonus : sad-sounding,
independent, unrestricted. linteum : linen, napkin. mournful, baleful.
liberalis : courteous, liquidus : fluid, flowing, liquid luctus : lamentation,
generous, gentlemanly. / clear, evident, certain. mourning, grief.
liberalitas : courtesy, litigo : to quarrel, dispute. ludio ludius : actor, player
kindness, generousity / a
littera : letter (of the ludo lusi lusum : to play,
alphabet). sport / imitate, banter /
liberaliter : courteously, delude, deceive.
litterae : (pl.) letter, epistle,
generously, honorably.
missive, note / literature. ludus : game, sport, school.
liberatio : release, liberation,
loci : (pl.) passages in literary lues : plague, pestilence,
acquittal, setting free.
works. calamity.
libere : freely, openly,
loco : to place, put, position. lugeo : to mourn, be in
mourning, grieve / (tans,) to
locupleto : to enrich, make
libero : to liberate, set free. lament, bewail.
libero : to lift (an obstacle), luna : moon.
locus : place, location,
situation, spot. lupus : wolf.

Lutosensis : Leuze.
lux lucis : light. magister : master, canon / manentia : permanency.
master of a school,
luxuria : luxury, maneo : to remain, stay, stay
extravagance, opulence. the night, last, endure, abide
magnopere magnus opere : by.
very, very much.
mansuetus : mild, soft,
macellarius : butcher,
magnus maior maximus : gentle.
large, great, important.
manus manus : hand, band,
macer : thin, lean.
magus : magical. handwriting.
macero : to soften, weaken,
maiestas : majesty, dignity, Marceniense : Marchiennes,
reduce, torment.
Marcieniensis : Marchiennes.
macies : thiness, gauntness /
maiores : (pl.) ancestors.
poverty barrenness mare maris : sea.
Malbodiensis : Maubeuge.
macresco : to become lean, maritus : husband.
skinny, thin. male peius pessime : badly,
mater matris : mother.
ill, wrongly.
mactabilis : deadly, lethal.
matera, mairia : ?vat, for the
malens : preferring.
macto : to magnify, glorify, fermentation of beer.
honor / slay, fight, punish, Malmundarium : Malmedy.
materia : material,
malo mallui malus : to substance, matter.
macula : stain, mark, spot / choose, prefer.
matertera : maternal aunt.
blemish, fault, flaw.
malum : evil, misfortune,
matrimonium : marriage.
maculo : to stain, blemish, misdeed, crime, injury,
defile, pollute. damage. maxime : greatly,
exceedingly, to the highest
maculosus : spotted, malus peior pessimus : bad,
degree, very.
speckled, polluted. wicked, evil.
maxime : especially,
madesco : to get wet. mancipo mancepo : to sell
particularly, principally.
formally, turn over, give into
madide : drunkenly.
charge. me : (acc.) me / that old
madidus : wet, moist, black magic has ME in its
mancipo : to sell formally,
soaked, boiled, soft, drunk, spell.
give up.
dyed, steeped.
me : (abl.) me / you'll do fine
mandatum : order, decree,
mador : wetness, moisture. with ME, baby.
mandate, instruction.
maero : to grieve, sorrow. medicus : doctor, physician.
mando : to commit, entrust,
maeror meror : mourning, order, command. mediocris : ordinary,
grief, sorrow. average, fair, moderate,
mane : morning, early in the
magis : more, to a greater morning, early.
extent, rather, for preference
meditor meditatus : to mereo, mereor : deserve, minor : smaller, less, slighter.
reflect upon, consider, earn, be entitled to, merit.
minuo minui minutum : To
ponder / practice.
mereo : deserve, gain, less, diminish, decrease,
medius : middle, the middle obtain, serve as a soldier. grow smaller.
meretrix meretricis : mire : wonderfully,
mei : my, mine / MY heart prostitute, whore, harlot. marvellously, uncommonly.
belongs to daddy. that old
meridianus : midday, miro : to wonder.
gang of MINE.
afternoon, south.
miror : to marvel at, admire,
mel mellis : honey.
mestitia : misfortune? wonder.
melior : better.
Metim : Metz. mirus : wonderful,
mellitus : honeyed, sweet as astonishing, extraordinary.
metuo : to fear, dread, be
frightened. misceo miscui mixtum : to
membrana : thin skin, film, mix, mingle, blend.
metus : fear, dread, anxiety.
parchment, membrane,
miser : wretched,
prepared skin. meus : my.
unfortunate, miserable.
memini meminisse : to mica : crumb, morsel, grain.
misere : wretchedly,
mihi : (dat.) me / give ME miserably.
memor : mindful, land, lots of land.
misereo, misereor : to pity.
remembering, grateful,
thoughful, prudent. miles militis : soldier, warrior,
misericordia : pity, mercy.
memoratus : mentioned. missa : holy mass
milia : (pl.) thousands.
memoria : memory, mitesco : to grow mild,
remembrance, recall, militaris -e : of a soldier,
recollection. military, martial.
mitigo : to make mild or ripe,
Menapiorum : mille : a thousand.
make smooth, pacify,
millies milies : a thousand appease.
mendosus : faulty, full of
faults. times.
mitis : mild, gentle / ripe,
minime : in the least degree, mature.
mens mentis : mind, thought,
intention, intellect. very little / not at all, by no
mitto misi missum : to send,
mensa : table.
minimus : least, smallest,
modestus : orderly, within
mensis mensis : month. slightest.
bounds, moderate,
merces mercedis : pay, ministro : to serve, wait restrained.
reward, recompense, upon, provide, supply.
modica : moderate, within
ministro : to attend, wait bounds, limited,
upon, assist. undistinguished.
modicus : ordinary, mons montis : mountain, multi : many, numerous / the
undistinguished, within mount. common herd.
monstro : to show, appoint, multo : by much, by far, by a
modio : a grain measure, a point out, ordain. great deal, by a lot.
bushel basket.
monstrum : portent, omen, multum : much, greatly.
modo : now, just now, only. monster.
multus : ne multus : briefly,
modus : measure, bound, Montensem : Mons. in brief.
limit / manner, method,
mora : delay multus : much, great
mode, way.
moratlis : mortal. multus plus plurimum :
Moguntienses : Mainz.
much, a lot.
morbus : sickness, disease,
moleste : take annoyance
illness. mundo : to clean.
moleste fero : I take
mores, morium : ways, mundus : world, universe.
conduct, character, morals.
mundus : clean, neat,
molestia : annoyance,
morior : to die, wither away, elegant.
troublesomeness / stiffness,
affectation. munero / munerior : to give,
mors mortis : death. present.
molestus : troublesome,
disagreeable, annoying. morsus : a biting, bite, also, munimentum : fortification,
sting, pain. protection, defenses.
molior : to build, erect,
construct, contrive, toil, mortifera : deadly things munio : to fortify, defend,
struggle. protect / build a road.
mortuus : dead, deceased,
mollio : to soften, make passed away, gone West, munitio : fortifying, defense
pliant. departed. works, bridging, fortification.
mollis : adj. soft, pliant, mos moris : will, inclination / munus muneris : service,
flexible, easily moved, custom, wont, usage, rule. office, function, duty / gift.
moveo moti motum : to mus muris : mouse.
monachus : monk. move, arouse, affect,
mussito : to grumble, mutter.
Monasteriense : Munster.
mutatio : change, alteration,
mox : soon, presently, then,
monasterium : monastery, transformation.
abbey, convent.
muto : to change, alter /
mucro : a sharp point, edge,
moneo : to warn, admonish, exchange.
dagger point.
remind, advise, instruct.
muto : punish, fine, mulct.
mugio : to groan, bellow,
monitio : admonition,
roar, low. mutuo : borrowed, lend,
mulier : woman.
mutuus : interchanged, nego : to deny. nimium : (adv.) too much,
mutually, reciprocal / overmuch, excessively.
negotium : employment,
business, task, occupation, nisi : if not, unless, except.
mutuus : a loan. dare pains.
niteo : to shine, glitter, be
mutuum : to make a loan. N
nemo : no one, nobody. bright, glow, be sleek,
nam : namque : (conj.) for.
neo : to spin, interweave. (to
Namucense : Namur.
spin thread and yarn). nitesco : to begin to shine,
narro : to make known, say, grow sleek.
nepos nepotis : grandson.
speak, narrate.
nitor : to strive, exert
nequam : worthless, good for
nascor nasci natus : to be oneself, make an effort,
nothing, bad.
born, spring forth. persevere.
nequaquam : by no means,
natalis natalis : birthday. nitor : to rest, lean, support
not at all.
oneself / trust in, depend
natio : nation, people.
neque ... neque : neither ... upon.
natura : nature nor.
nitor : brilliance, brightness,
nauta : sailor. neque nec : and not, nor. glow, elegance, splendor.

navigatio : voyage, nequeo : not to be able, to Nivellensem : Nivelles, city

navigation. be impossible. and monastery.

navigo : to sail, navigate. nequitia nequities : niveus : white, snowy.

worthlessness, badness,
navis navis : ship, vessel, no: (nare, navi) : to swim,
boat. float, fly, sail.
nescio : to be ignorant, be
ne ... quidem : not ... even. nobis : (abl.) us / there'll be
unaware, not know, be
no one as happy as US.
ne : (conj.) that ... not, in unknowing.
order that ... not, in order nobis : (dat.) us / the world
nichilominus : nevertheless.
not to. belongs to US.
nidor : vapor, smell, reek,
necdum (neque dum) : and nocens : bad, wicked,
not yet. injurious, culpable, evil.
niger : black.
necessarius : necessary, noceo : (+ dat.) to do harm
needed, essential. nihil : (undeclinable) nothing to, inflict injury, hurt.

necesse : (adj.) necessary, nihilum : nothing. nolo, nolle, nolui : to be

unavoidable, indispensable. unwilling, wish not to,
nimirum : of course, refuse.
necne : or not. undoubtedly, certainly
(sometimes ironical). nomen : name / nomen
neco : to kill, slay, put to Romanorum: Roman power.
death. nimis : (adv.) too much,
overmuch, excessively
nefas : wrong, sin.
nominatim : by name, novitas : newness, novelty, nutrio : to suckle, nourish,
expressly. strangeness. bring up, rear.

nomine tenus : nominally, in novo : to make anew, nutus : a nodding, nod,

name. refresh, revive, change, alter, command, will.
nomine tenus nominetenus : nutus : a nod, command,
as far as the meaning of the novus : novel, unusual, will / gravitation, movement
word extends. extraordinary / news, down.
novelty, a new thing
non : not. O
novus : new, fresh, young,
nondum : not yet obdormio : to fall asleep.
inexperienced, revived,
nonnisi : not? not unless? refreshed. obduro : to be hard, persist,
Herimann, cap. 34. endure, last, hold out.
nox noctis : night.
nonnullus : some / pl. obicio obieci obiectum : to
nullus : not any, no, none.
several. offer, throw in someone's
numerus : total, category, teeth.
nonnumquam : sometimes.
class, number.
obligatus : bound, under an
nonus : ninth.
numquam : adv. at no time, obligation.
nos : we / WE live and die by never.
obliquo : to turn sideways,
that creed.
nunc quidem : at one time ... turn aside.
nos : us / they tried to tell US then.
oblittero : to cancel, blot out.
we're too young.
nunc : now, at the present
oblivio : forgetfulness,
nosco : to become time.
acquainted with, get to
nunquam : never.
know. obruo : to overwhelm,
nuntio : to announce, report, destroy.
noster nostra nostrum : our,
ours. obsequium : indulgence,
nuntius : messenger, pliancy, submission.
noster nostri : our ours /
OUR hearts beat as one. obstinatus : firm, resolved,
nuper : newly, recently, not staunch.
noster nostri : our ours / that
long ago.
old dream of OURS obtestor : to implore,
nusquam esse : not to exist. entreat, beg, call as a
nota : mark, token, note,
sign. nusquam : nowhere, in no
place, nothing, for nothing, obtineo : to hold, keep,
notarius : stenographer
never. possess, maintain / to
(class.), notary, legal scribe.
nutrimens : food,
novem : nine.

nutrimentus : nourishment.
obviam ire : (+ dat.) to go to olim : at that time, formerly, oppono opposui oppositum :
meet, oppose / help, once, for a long time now. to set against, oppose, be
remedy. opposite.
omitto : to omit, leave out /
obviam : on the way, in the let go. opportune : (adv)
way / (+ dat.) towards, opportunely, conveniently.
omnigenus : of all kinds.
opportunitas : fitness,
omnino : altogether, entirely,
obvius : on the way, in the suitability, convenience,
wholly, certainly, completely.
way / (in dat.) open, advantage.
accessible. omnipotens : all-powerful,
opportunitatus : Herimann,
almighty, omnipotent
occasio : favorable moment, cap. 42.
opportunity. omnis : all, every.
opportunus : opportune, fit,
occido occidi occasum : to onero : to load, burden, convenient, suitable.
fall, fall down, (for the sun) oppress, fill up.
opportunus : fit, suitable /
to set.
onus : load, burden, weight, (time) favorable / (+dat.)
occulto : secretly. trouble / charge, public road liable to.
occupo : to take possession, opprimo oppressi oppressum
grasp, seize, enjoy, get a opera : work, pains, labor. : to suppress, overwhelm,
start on. overpower, check.
operor : to work, labor, toil,
occurro : to fall upon, attack, take pains. opprobrium : reproach,
work against, counteract. disgrace.
opes : (pl.) means, wealth,
occursus : meeting, falling in, abundance, riches, oppugno : to fight against,
running into each other. resources. attack, assault, assail.

ocius : quick. fleet, sooner, opinio : opinion, report, ops : singular: power, power
faster. rumor, conjecture, report. to aid, power to help.

oculus : eye. opisthotonos : A disease optimates : the aristocratic

where the body is curved party.
odio : to hate, despite, hold
in contempt, dislike strongly. optimus: one of the best,
oporotheca : place for aristocrat, noble.
odium : hatred.
keeping fruit.
opto : to desire, wish for,
offensio : striking, knocking,
oportet : it is proper, one want.
hitting against, blow.
should, one ought.
opus operis : work, labor,
offero : to bring forward,
oportunitas : convenience, work done, completed work,
place before, present, offer,
fitness, advantage, building.
oratio : speech, address,
officina : workshop, factor.
officium : duty, service, job.
orator : orator, speaker.
orbis terrarum : the world, pactum : treaty, pact, pareo : (+ dat.) to be
the Earth. contract. obedient to, obey.

orbis : circle, orb. pactum : agreement, paries parietis : wall

contract, covenant, pact.
ordinatio : rule, government, parilis : similar, like, equal.
order, arrangment, pactus : agreed-upon,
pario : to bear, bring forth,
regulation. stipulated, betrothed.
produce / create, make, get.
ordine, ordinem : regularly, paene, pene : nearly, almost.
pariter : equally, in like
appropriately, properly.
paganus : countryman, manner, as well.
ordo : rank, class, order. peasant, pagan.
paro : to prepare, get ready /
orior oriri ortus : rise, pala : spade, peel for putting set, put / furnish, supply /
become visible, appear. bread in the oven. buy.

ornatus : dress, attire, palam : openly, publicly, pars partis : part, share /
equipment, ornament, (+abl.) in the presence of. direction.
palea : chaff. partim : partly / some.
orno : to equip, furnish,
pallium : coverlet, mantle, parum minus minime : (adv.)
supply / decorate, adorn.
cloak. little, too little, not enough.
oro : to speak, argue, plead,
palma : palm. parvus minor minimus :
orate, beg, entreat.
small, little
pando : to stretch out,
os, oris : mouth, face,
spread out, extent. pasco : to graze, forage,
panis panis : bread.
ostendo : show, reveal,
passer : sparrow.
present, make plain, declare. par : equal, like.
passim : adv. far and wide,
ostium : entrance, door. paratus : prepared, ready,
everywhere, scattered about.
provided, equipped.
otium : free time, leisure,
patefacio : to disclose,
ease, peace, repose. paratus : prepared, ready,
expose, open, make open.
equipped; (of persons)
otium : ease, leisure,
skilled. pateo : to be revealed, to
stand open, to be clear,
paratus : preparation, fitting
ovis ovis : sheep. plain.
out, equipment.
P pater patris : father.
parco : (with dative) to spare,
paciscor : to make an refrain from injuring. paternus : of a father,
agreement, covenant, pact. paternal, native.
parco : (+inf.: to forbear to),
paciscor : to make a bargain avoid, spare, keep oneself patiens : patient / (+ gen.)
or agreement, covenant, from. capable of enduring.
parens parentis : parent.
patientia : patience, pello pepulli pulsum : to hit, perculsus : a shock.
suffering, endurance. beat / exile, drive away,
percutio (percussum) : to
patior : to suffer, endure, strike hard, pierce, transfix /
permit. pendeo : to hang, depend, be shock.
suspended / be uncertain,
patria : fatherland, one's perdignus : very worthy.
native country, homeland.
perdo : to destroy, ruin,
pendo : to weigh, value,
patrocinor : to protect, waste, scatter, squander.
consider, judge, esteem.
defend, support, patronize.
perduco : to lead through,
penitus : inward, inner,
patronus : patron, protector. conduct, carry through.
patruus : paternal uncle. peregrinus : wanderer,
penitus : (adv.) inside,
foreigner, stranger / pilgrim,
pauci : few, a few, some. widely, through and through,
paulatim : gradually, little by
pereo : to pass away, be
little. penus, us : provender,
destroyed, perish.
supplies, victuals.
pauper : beggar, person
perfectus : complete,
without means. pepulo : ? Herimann, cap. 3.
finished, done / perfect,
pauper : poor, with few per : (+ acc.) (cause) because without flaw.
means, poverty-stricken. of, on account of.
perfero : to bear, suffer,
paupertas : beggardry, per : (+ acc.) (means / endure.
poverty, humble instrument) through, with,
perficio perfeci perfectum: to
circumstances. by, by means of.
do thoroughly, accomplish,
pax pacis : peace per : (+ acc.) (of time) bring about.
throughout, during, in the
peccatus : sin. perfruor : to execute
course of.
completely, enjoy to the full.
pecco : to do wrong, err, sin, per : (+ acc.) (of space)
go astray. perfusus : steeped, soaked,
through, along, over / in the
pecto : to comb, card, thrash presence of.
(to card wool). pergo : to continue, proceed,
peracto : to carry through,
go on with.
pectus pectoris : heart, complete, accomplish.
breast. periclitatus : put in peril,
peragro : to wander through,
pecunia : money. travel through.
periclitor : to test make a
pecus : a single head of percipio percepi perceptum :
trial, put in peril, endanger.
cattle, especially a sheep. to gain, learn, perceive,
understand. periculosus : hazardous,
peior : worse (see malus). dangerous.
percontor percunctor :
inquire, interrogate, periculum : danger, risk.
perimo peremi peremptum : persolvo : to unloose, perverto perverti
to destroy explain, expound / pay off a perversum : to turn upside
debt, pay. down, overturn, overthrow.
peritus : skilled, expert.
personam gero : to act a pervideo pervidi pervisum :
periurium : perjury, oath-
part. to look over, survey, inspect,
breaking, forswearing an
oath. perspicuus : transparent,
bright, clear, evident. pes pedis : foot.
perlustro : to pass through,
survey, look, examine. persuadeo persuasi pessimus : worst (see malus)
persuasum : (+ dat.) to
permitto permissi permissum pessum do: to destroy, ruin,
: to allow, permit, let. wreck
perterreo : to terrify.
permoveo : to excite, agitate, pessum ire: to sink, be
stir up, move. pertimesco : to become very ruined, destroyed, be put to
much afraid. an end.
perniciosus : pernicious,
destructive. pertinacia : firmness, pessum : to the ground, to
obstinacy, stubbornness. the bottom, downward.
perperam : wrongly, falsely.
pertinaciter : stubbornly, pestifer : pestilential,
perpetro : to complete,
obstinately. injurious, damaging, plaguey,
accomplish, perform.
pertinax : persistent, firm, pestifere : destructively,
perpetuus : perpetual,
mean, stubborn, obstinate injuriously.
lasting, continuous,
uninterrupted. pertineo : to pertain to, pestis pestis : plague,
relate to, concern. epidemic, pestilence /
perscitus : very clever,
destruction, curse.
exceedingly sharp. pertingo : to stretch out,
extend. petitus : inclining toward
perscribo : to write out, write
down, place on record. pertorqueo : to twist, distort. peto : to make for, go to,
seek, strive after.
perseco : to cut through, pertraho : to drag, forcibly
dissect, cut away. conduct, entice, allure. peto : to ask for, beg,
request, demand / to sue for.
persequor persequi perturbo : to disturb,
persecutus : to follow, trouble, perturb, disrupt. Pevela : Pevle, near Cisoing.
pursue, take revenge.
perturpis : very disgraceful. pharetra : a quiver.
perseverantia :
peruro perussi perustum : to phasma phasmatis : ghost,
perseverance, persistence.
burn up, consume / inflame, spirit, specter.
persevero : to persist, gall, chafe.
phitonicum : Herimann p.
persevere, continue.
pervalidus : very strong. 275.
persisto : to persist,
pervenio : (+ acc.) to reach, pia pium : honest, godly,
attain, reach, be passed to. holy, pious, dutiful, patriotic.
pica : jay, magpie. plane : plainly, clearly. plumbeus : leaden, made of
lead / dull, stupid, heavy,
picea : the spruce tree plango planxi plactum : to
oppressive, bad.
strike, beat / bewail, mourn.
pictor : painter
plumbum album : tin.
platea : street, courtyard.
pictoratus : painted / of
plumbum : lead, a bullet,
cloth, embroidered. plaustrum : wagon, cart,
lead pipe.
charles Wain.
piger pigra pigrum : lazy,
pluo : to rain, shower,
slow, dull. plebs plebis : the common
people, the masses, the
pignus : pawn, pledge, token,
crowd. plura : more numerous,
(in pl.) persons in pledges of
several, many.
plecto : to punish.
piper, piperis : pepper.
plures : more numerous,
plector : to be punished.
pipio : to chirp, tweet, pipe. several, many.
plene : (adv.) completely,
pirum : pear. plurimi : at the highest price,
wholly, fully.
of the highest worth.
pirus : pear tree.
plenus : full, complete, full,
plurimus : most, very many.
piscator : fisherman. satisfied, rich, mature,
plump. pluris : (gen.) at a higher
piscis piscis : fish. price, of a great value
plerumque : for the most
pius: dutiful, godly, holy, part, generally, commonly, plus : more.
upright, kind, honest, mostly.
affectionate. plusculus : somewhat more,
plerusque : very many, a rather more.
placeo : (+ dat.) to please, be great number, a large part,
agreeable to pluvia : rain, shower.
the greater part.
placet : it is agreed, it is pluvialis : pertaining to rain,
plico : to fold.
resolved, it seems good. of rain.
plorabilis : deplorable.
placide : quitely, gently. pocius potius : rather,
plorator : a lamenter. preferably.
placidus : quiet, still, gentle.
ploratus : weeping, poema poematis : poem,
placitum : judgment, case / lamenting. verse, rhyme.
plea, litigation / defense.
ploro : to lament, weep, poena : pain, punishment,
placitum : accord, weep over. penalty / poena dare : to pay
agreement, pact / assembly the penalty.
for judgment. pluit pluvit : it is raining, a
shower is falling. poeta : (masc.) poet.
placo : to placate, appease.
pluma : feather / polenta : pearl barley, barley
plaga : district, zone, region. featherbed / pen. groats.
plagiarius : kid-napper,
pollen : (also pollis ): fine posterus, postremo : praebeo prebeo : to offer,
flour, fine meal. subsequent, following, next, hold out, supply, provide,
future. allow.
polleo : to be strong,
powerful, able. posthabeo : [posthabito] : to praebeo prebeo : (+ refl.) to
put after, consider of less show oneself, present
pollex : thumb, big toe.
account. oneself.
polliceor : to promise, offer.
postpono : to put after, praecedo precedo : to
pollicitus : promised, a consider secondary. precede, go before / surpass,
promise. excel.
postquam : (conj.) after.
pomum : fruit, apple. praecelsus precelsus :
postulo : to ask.
exceedingly high.
pono posui positum : to lay,
potens : able, mighty,
place, put, set / (milit.) post, praecepio precepio : precept,
powerful, strong.
station. preconception.
potestas : power, ability,
pons pontis : bridge. praeceptum preceptum :
authority / opportunity.
poposco : see posco :
potior : (+ gen. or dat.) to
Herimann, cap. 28, 69. praecido : to cut short, lop,
possess, hold, get possession
populus : people, the people, of.
nation, crowd, multitude, praecipio, precipio : to
potissimum : (adv.) chiefly,
host. instruct, advise, warn,
most of all.
porro : forward, further,
potissimus : best of all, chief,
next, in turn, (of time) long praecipuus precipuus:
ago. excellent, distinguished,
potius : rather, preferably extraordinary.
porta : gate, entrance.
prae dulcis / pre dulcis : praeclarus preclarus :
posco : to call upon, ask excellent, famous, beautiful,
exceedingly sweet.
earnestly, request. striking.
prae se ferre / pre se ferre :
positus : position, place, praeconor preconor : to be a
to show, exhibit, on account
arrangment. public crier, to herald,
possessio : possession, proclaim.
prae quam / pre quam : in
property. praecox precox : ripe
comparison with.
possum posse potum : to be beforehand, premature.
prae pre : (prep. with abl.)
able, avail, have influence. praeda preda : plunder,
post : (+ acc.) after, behind. booty, spoils of war, loot,
prae pre : (adv.) before, in gain, prey.
postea : afterwards. front.
praedico predico : to warn,
posteri : posterity. admonish, instruct, foretell.
praeeo preeo : to go before, praesentia presentia : praetermissio pretermissio :
precede / to say in advance / presence, presence of mind, neglect, passing over,
to order. effect, power. omission.

praefero prefero : to carry in praesentia presencia : praetorgredior

front, display, prefer. power, effect. pretergredior : to pass
beyond, go beyond.
praefero prefero : anticipate, praesidium presidium :
carry by, ride by. guard, garrison, praevenio, prevenio : to
detachment / protection. come before, anticipate.
praeficio preficio / prefeci
prefectum : to put in charge praestans prestans : praevenio : get the start of.
of excellent, distinguished,
pravitas : crookedness,
praefinio prefinio : to depravity, deformity,
appoint ahead of time praestantia prestantia: perversity.
superiority, excellence.
praefoco prefoco : to choke, preastolatio prestolatio : the
suffocate. praesto : to stand before, be waiting for, expectation.
outstanding, excell, surpass,
praegravo pregravo : to press precipio : to anticipate,
heavily upon, weigh down, instruct, advise, warn.
oppress. praesto presto : to answer
precipue : chiefly, especially,
for, be responsible for.
praemitto : to send forward, particularly.
dispatch, send in advance. praesto presto : to do,
precor : to pray, beg, entreat,
perform, display, fulfill, offer,
praemium premium : invoke.
reward, prize.
prehendo : to seize, snatch,
praesul presul : dancer /
praemo premo : to press grasp, detain, arrest.
presider, protector, director.
down, strike down.
premo pressi pressum : to
praesum presum : to be at
praenuntio, prenuntio : to squeeze, press down, strike
the head of, be in charge of.
foretell, announce before down.
hand. praesumo presumo : to
prenda : booty, loot, stolen
anticipate, take for granted.
praenuntius prenuncius : goods.
foretelling, harbinger, omen, praeter : adj., except; prep. +
pretereo : to go by, pass by,
token. acc., besides, beyond, more
praepono prepono : to set
pretium : price, value,
over, prefer. praeterea preterea : besides,
further, hereafter.
praepositus prepositus :
prevenire : to come to, go
(monastic) prior. praetereo pretereo : to pass
before hand, attend.
over, pass by, omit.
praeproperus, preproperus:
prex precis : request,
over-hasty, precipitate. praeteritus preteritus : past.
entreaty, prayer.
primitus : first, for the first pro : (+ abl.) in front of, proficio : advance, assist,
time. before / on behalf of, for. help, aid, be of use.

primo : first, at first, at the probitas : probity, proficiscor : to depart, set

beginning, at the start. uprightness, honesty. out, to start forward, to
primoris : first, foremost / probo : to show, prove,
most distinguished, first. demonstrate, approve, find proficuus : proficiscor : to
good, judge. start forward, set out,
primum : quam primum : as
depart, arise.
soon as possible. procedo : to go out, come
out / result, prosper / turn profiteor: to make a public
primum : at first, for the first
out well. statement / to declare
time, in the first place.
procedo : to go ahead,
princeps : chief, prince.
proceed, advance, continue. profiteor: to acknowledge,
principatus : rule, dominion, confess / offer, promise.
procella : storm, tempest,
pre-eminence, first place.
gale; (milit) charge, onset, profor profari profatus : to
principium : beginning. wave. speak out.

prior prius : former, prior. procella : storm, tempest, profugus : fleeing, fugitive,
gale. banished, migratory.
priores, um : forefathers,
ancestors. procer : chief noble, prince. profundo frofui profusum :
to pour forth, gush, stream.
priscus : ancient, antique, procinctu : prepared or ready
former, old days, venerable. for battle. profundum : a depth, abyss,
chasm / the sea.
pristinus : former, venerable, procul : far, at, to, from a
ancient. distance. profundus : deep, profound,
high, thick, dense, boundless.
prius : before, formerly. procurator : manager, bailiff,
agent. progener : husband of a
priusquam : (conj.) before. grand-daughter.
prodigiosus : unnatural,
privatus : private, unofficial, wonderful, miraculous, progenero : to produce,
a private person. amazing. engender.
privigna : step-daughter. proditor : traitor, betrayer. progenies : descent, lineage,
privo : to deprive progeny, offspring,
proelium : battle.
privus : (with gen.) deprived profecto : truly, really,
of. progenitor : founder of a
family, ancestor.
pro eo : because of the fact, profero : to carry out, bring
because, for this reason.. progigno progenui
progenitum : to engender,
pro : (+ abl.) in return for, proficio : to make progress, bring forth.
instead of / for, as. advance.
prognatus : born, sprung proles : offspring, promitto : to let go, send
from / son. descendants, posterity, forth, undertake, promise.
(plants : fruit).
progredior : to go forth, promitto : to let go forward,
advance, proceed, go out. proletarius : a citizen of the send forth, promise,
lowest rank. undertake.
progressio : advance,
progress, increase. prolicio prolixi : to lure forth, promo prompsi promptum :
entice. to produce, disclose, bring
progressus : advance, going
forward, increase, a royal prolix : long, stretching.
circuit. promontorium : peak,
prolixus : wide, broad, long /
mountain crest, ridge,
prohibeo : to prevent, willing, obliging, favorable.
hinder, restrain, prohibit,
proloquor : to speak out,
forbid. promoveo promovi
declare openly.
promotum : push forward,
prohibitio : prohibition,
proluo prolu prolutum : to move ahead, advance.
restrain, forbidding.
wash away, wash clean.
prompte : promptly,
proicio : to throw forth, fling,
prolusio : preliminary resolutely, readily.
exercise, prelude.
promptu : in promptu habere
proinde ut: proinde quam:
proluvier : inundation / : to have read, display, have
just as.
scouring / discharge. on show.
proinde quasi proinde ac si :
promereo promereor : to promptu : in promptu
just as if.
deserve, merit ponere : to make clear,
proinde : consequently, reveal, disclose.
promeritum : desserts, merit,
therefore, as a result.
credit.promissio : a promise. promptu : in promptu esse :
prolabor : to slide forward, to be ready, to be easy, to be
prominens : jutting out, clear.
slip forward, fall forward, fall
standing out / a projection.
promptus : (persons)
promineo : to stand out, jut, prepared, resolute, prompt.
prolapsio : a slipping or
promptus : ready at hand,
promisce promiscue : visible, apparent.
prolatio : a bringing forward,
mentioning / extension /
promulgatio : publication,
deferring. promiscus promiscuus : promulgation (of a law).
mixed, indiscriminate /
prolato : to enlarge,
commonplace, usual. promus : steward, butler.
lengthen, extend / put off,
defer. promissio : a promise promutuus : (cash)
advanced, prepaid, arraigned
prolecto : to entice, allure. promissor : a promiser, beforehand.
suretor, guarantor.
pronepos proneptos : great-
pronuntio : to proclaim, prorsus : forward, straight provolvere se : to throw
announce, declaim. ahead, to sum up, utterly, oneself down, abase oneself.
prope : near, nearly, not far proximus : nearest, closest,
from, just now, closely. prosequor (prosecutus) : to next.
attack, go with, pursue,
prope : near, near to, not far, prudens : prudent, wise.
not long from now.
prudenter : wisely,
prosper : favorable,
propello : to drive before discreetly.
fortunate, lucky, prosperous.
one, drive away.
prudentia : foresight,
prosperitas : prosperity,
propero : to hasten, speed, wisdom, discretion.
good fortune.
move rapidly, come quickly.
Pruma : Prums.
prosum (profuturus) : to be
propero : to hasten /
useful, of benefit, do good. publicus : of the people,
accelerate, speed up.
public, open to all.
prosum : to be useful, do
propinquo : (intrans) to come
good, benefit (+ dative). puchre : beautifully, finely,
near, draw near, approach.
prosum : (with dat.) to be
propinquus : near, close,
useful, do good, benefit. pudendus : shameful,
similar, nearly related.
protestor, protesto : to
propono : display, publish,
declare in public, affirm, bear pudeo : to be ashamed,
relate, tell, propose,
promise. pudicus : modest. chaste.
protinus : forward, further
propositum : a design, pudor : modesty,
on, continuously,
purpose, scheme, theme of bashfulness.
protraho (protractus): to puella : girl.
proprie : exclusively,
draw out, protract, defer, puer : boy.
particularly, peculiarly.
make known.
properly. puerilis : childish, boyish,
prout : just as, according to. foolish.
proprius : one's own, special,
characteristic, particular. provectus : advanced, pueriliter : boyishly,
advanced in age. childishly, foolishly.
proprius : one's own,
permanent, special, peculiar. proveho : to carry on, carry puga pyga : buttocks.
forward, advance, promote,
propter : (+ acc.) near, close, pugna : fight, battle, conflict,
on account of, because of. proventus : a growing up, set-to.
increase, crop, yield, or issue.
propugnaculum : pugnacitas : the desire to
fortification, rampart, provideo : to foresee, fight, pugnacity.
defense. provide, make provision for.
pugnaculum : fortress.
provisor : one who provides
for, or against.
pugnax : fond of fighting, pungo pupugi punctum : to puter : rotten, decayed,
combative, stubborn, penetrate / sting, annoy, putrid / loose, crumbling /
contentious. harass. flabby.

pugno : to fight. pungo pupugi punctum : to putesco : to putrefy, day, rot.

prick, puncture, stab / touch,
pugnus : the fist. puteus : well, pit.
pulchellus : pretty. puto : to clear, settle up,
puniceus : purple, red.
consider, think, believe,
pulcher pulchra pulchrum :
punio : to punish, avenge, suppose, judge.
beautiful, handsome, fine.
gave vengeance.
putus : pure, unmixed,
pulchritudo pulchritudinis :
punitor : punisher, avenger. unadulterated.
beauty, fineness.
pupa : doll / little girl. pyropus : bronze.
pulex : the flea.
pupillus pupilla : orphan, pyus pyxidis : a little box,
pullulo : shoot up, sprout,
ward. casket.
puppis : stern of a ship, the Q
pullus : dark-colored,
blackish / sad, gloomy / a qua : (adv.) by which route,
dark garment. pupula : pupil of the eye. where.

pullus : young animal / purgamentum : rubbish, qua : (fem. sing. abl.) (the
chicken, chick. trash, filth, sweepings. abbess) BY WHOM she was
pulmentum : anything eaten purgatio: cleaning out,
with bread, sauce or relish. cleansing / excsuing, quadraginta : forty (indecl.)
pulmo : the lung. quadratus : square, a square.
purgo : to clean, cleanse,
pulpa : flesh. quadrigae : four-horse team.
purify / clear away, wash
pulpitum : platform, stage. off / justify. quadrivium : second stage of
the medieval curriculum
pulso : to strike (the hours) purpura : purple dye, purple
cloth / high rank, quadrivium : crossroads,
pulsus : beating, blow, push, emperorship. place where four roads
purus : pure, free from.
pulsus : beating, blow, push,
quadrum : a square
impulse, influence. pusillus : tiny, puny / petty,
mean. quadruplator : an
pulvis : dust, powder / arena,
exaggerator, informer
scene of action. putator : pruner.
quadruplor : to be an
pumilius pumilio : a dwarf. puteo : to stink, be redolent,
smell bad.
punctum : a prick, little hole,
puncture / a point, spot,
quae : (neut. pl. nom.) WHAT qualiter : as, just as. quantum : how much?, how
cannot be avoided must be much!, as much as.
quam plures : as many as
possible. quantus ... quantus : as great
quae que : (fem. sing. nom.) as, as much as.
quam : (adv. and conj.) how,
(the milkmaid), WHO loved a
than, as ... as possible. quantus : how great?, how
great!, how much, as great
quam : (fem. sing. acc.) (the
quae : (neut. pl. acc.) those as.
church), WHICH the Lord
things WHICH we must have
loved. quantuscumque
quae : (fem. pl. nom.) Let quantacumque
quamdiu : such a long time.
THOSE (women) WHO have quantumcumque : however
ears to hear .. quamobrem, quam ob rem : great
wherefore? why? for which
quaero quero : to seek, quantuslibet : as much as
search for / ask, enquire, you will, as great as you will.
search for quamquam : nevertheless,
quantuvis : as great as you
and yet (beginning a
quaero quero : to miss, please, however great.
sentence) / though.
want / seek to know / obtain,
quapropter : wherefore.
get. quamtotius : ? completely.
quare : wherefore, why,
quaesitio quesitio : quamvis : (conj) however
because of which thing.
investigation, interrogation. much, although / as much as
you like. quartus : fourth.
quaeso queso : to seek for,
ask for. quando : (interr.) when si quarum : (fem. pl. gen.) their
quando : if ever. envy and jealousy, OF WHICH
quaestio questio : seeking,
we know.
searching / inquiry, quandoquidem : since,
investigation. because. quas : (fem. pl. acc.) the
fates, against whom he
quaestuosus questuosus : quanti : for how much, at
profitable, fond of gain, rich. what price.
quasi : as if, just as, just as if,
quaestus questus : profit, a quanto : by how much (+
as it were / a sort of
source of profit, gaining, comp. adj. or adv.)
getting. quassatio : a shaking.
quantocius quantotius : the
qualis : of what kind? of the soon the better. quasso : to shake violently,
kind that. shake to pieces, break,
quantocius quantotius : as
qualiscumque : of any kind quickly as possible.
whatever, any whatever. quatenus / quatinus : since,
quantum in me est : as much
as, in order that, that.
qualislibet : of what sort you as in me lies.
will. quatenus / quatinus : how
quantum : (+ gen.) as much
far, to what extent, where,
qualitas : quality, property. of ... as.
seeing that.
quater : four times / again quibus : (neut. pl. abl.) the quingenti : five hundred.
and again. arms WITH WHICH he won
quinquennis : five years old.
quattuor : four (indecl.)
quippe : certainly, to be sure,
quibus : (fem. pl. dat.) the
quem : (masc. sing. acc.) (the indeed, of course.
good fortune, TO WHICH he
man), WHOM the king
owed his crown. quisnam, quidnam : who,
quibus : (neut. pl. dat.) the
quemadmodum : how, in
crimes FOR WHICH he was quisquam : anyone, anything.
what manner.
quisque : each one, each
queo : to be able.
quibus : (masc. pl. dat.) the person.
quercetum : an oak grove, monastery IN WHICH he was
interred. quisquis : whoever,
and oak forest.
whatever, whatsoever,
quercus : oak tree. quibus : (masc. pl. abl.) his anything at all.
sons, BY WHOM he was
quereia querella : complaint, attacked when old quo : to which place, to what
complaining. place, whither, where.
quibus : (fem. pl. abl.) the
queribundus : complaining, beards, BY WHICH the quo : (masc. sing. abl.) (the
plaintive, whining. pirates were known. money) BY means of WHICH
he lived.
querimonia : complaint, a quicquid : whoever,
charge in court. whatever, whatsoever, quo : (neut. sing. abl.) (the
anything at all. eagerness) THROUGH WHICH
queritor : to complain
he died.
excessively, whine, gripe. quid : (neut. of quis ) : what
quod : because, whereas, the
quernus : oaken. quidam quaedam quedam point that, the fact that.
queror : to complain, lament, quidam : a certain person or
thing, / kind of. quod : (with time) since, as
bewail (dogs) whine,
far as, to the extent that.
whimper. quidem : indeed, certainly, at
least / ne ... quidem : not ... quod : (beginning sentence)
querulus : complaining,
even. and, but, now.
whining, lamenting.
quies quietis : quiet, rest, quod : (neut. sing. acc.) (the
qui quae que quod : which,
peace. sea), WHICH you cannot
what, that.
drink dry.
qui : (masc. pl. nom.) Let quilibet : anyone, anything.
quod : (neut. sing. nom.) (the
THOSE (men) WHO have quin etiam : why even, in war), WHICH killed so many.
eyes to see ... fact, moreover.
quodammodo : in a certain
qui : (masc. neut. nom.) (the quin : but come now, rather, way, in a certain measure.
prince) WHO loved a indeed,
quinam quaenam quenam
quia : because. quodnam : which? what?
quomodo : in what manner, recedo : to go back, retreat, recuso : to refuse.
how / in whatever way, retire, disappear.
redarguo : refute, disprove,
recipio recepi receptum : to contradict.
quondam : formerly, once, at go back, retire, recede,
redarguo : disprove, refute.
one time, erstwhile. retreat.
With gen. prove guilty,
quoniam : since, whereas, recito : to read aloud, recite. convict.
recognosco : to recognize, reddo : to repeat, recite,
quoque : also, too. recollect, recall. represent, imitate, pay up,
quorum : (neut. pl. gen.) recolo : to recall, reflect
dangers, OF WHICH there upon, rework, resume, reddo : to give back, restore,
were not a few. rehabilitate. return, answer, translate,
quorum : (masc. pl. gen.) the recolo : to cultivate, work
army, half OF WHICH was ill. again, resume, rehabilitate redemptio : ransoming,
redemption, buying back,
quos : (masc. pl. acc.) those recolo : reflect upon,
farming taxes.
WHOM he accused of consider, recall.
treachery. redemptor : redeemer
reconcilio : to restore,
quot : how many, as many repair / (of persons) unite,
(indecl.). reconcile. redeo : to go back, come
back, return / (revenue) to
quotiens : often. recondo : lay up, store,
come in.
quotienscumque : however
redeo : to fall back upon, be
often. recordatio : recollection,
reduced to, be brought to.
memory, recall.
quovis : to whatever place
redigo (redactum) : to bring
you will. recordor : to remember,
or reduce to a condition,
think of, recollect, ponder
R lessen.
radicitus : by the roots, redono : to give back, give
recro : to recreate, restore,
utterly. up.
rapio rapui ratum : to seize, reduco : to lead back, bring
rectum : virtue, right
snatch, carry away. back, return.
rectus : right, correct,
rarus : rare, uncommon. redundantia : overflowing,
proper, upright, natural,
ratio : system, manner, plain.
method, procedure, manner. redundo : to overflow,
recuperatio : recovery,
stream over, overflow,
ratio : reckoning, account / recuperation.
excess, flood.
reason, judgment,
recupero : to regain, recoup,
consideration. refectorium : refectory,
monastic mess hall.
re vera : in truth.
refero : to bring back a rememdium : cure, remedy, reprehendo : to blame,
message, refer. nostrum, medicine. reprove, refute, hold back,
check, catch.
reformo : to form again, removeo : to draw back, set
mould anew. aside, take away. repugno : to fight against,
oppose, resist / be
regina : queen. remuneror : to repay,
incompatible with.
regius : royal, regal.
requiesco requievi
renuntio : to declare,
regnum : rule, authority, requietum : to rest.
announce, report, give
kingdom, realm.
notice. requiro : to ask for, look for,
rego rexi rectum : to guide, demand, desire, miss.
renuo : to deny, refuse,
direct, to rule.
reject. res rei : thing, matter,
regula : rule / monastic rule. business, affair.
rependo : to ransom, pay
relaxo : to loosen, enlarge, back, requite. res publica : commonwealth,
relax, ease, lighten. state, republic, public
repens : sudden,
relego relegi relectum : to unexpected, fresh, recent.
read again, re-read. resisto : to resist, make a
repente : suddenly,
stand, oppose.
relevo : to lift again, lighten, unexpectedly.
alleviate, relieve. respicio : to look back,
repere : to crawl.
provide for, respect, have
relictus : (fr. relinquo) having regard for.
reperio : to get again, find,
inherited, been bequeathed.
ascertain, discover, invent.
respondeo respondi
relinquo : to leave behind, responsum : to answer,
repetitio : repetition.
bequeath / abandon, reply, respond.
forsake. repeto : to seek again, ask
back. restituo : restore, put back,
reliquum : remainder, what replace, reinstate, repair.
is left, leavings. repeto : to return to, begin
again, deduce, recall, resumo (resumpsi,
relucesco : to become bright resumptum) : to renew,
again. repeat, resume.
repleo : to replenish, fill up,
reluctor : to struggle against, retineo : to hold back,
fill up again, fill, satisfy.
resist. restrain, detain, keep,
repletus : filled, full. maintain.
remando : to send back
word. repo repsi reptum : to creep, retraho retraxi retractum : to
crawl. draw back, pull back.
remaneo : to stay behind,
remain, continue. repono : to deposit, lay up, retribuo : to give again, give
store / requite. as due.
remaneo : to remain behind,
stay, continue. reus : defendant, accused,
answerable, bound.
revenio : to come back, ruo rui rutum : to rush, fall, saluto : to wish well, greet,
return. be ruined. visit, reverence, pay respect
reverto : to go back, return, rursus : on the other hand, in
revert. return, back, again. salutor : visitor, caller.

revertor reverti reversus : to rus ruris : the country, salveo : to be well, be in

return, come back. countryside, rural area. good health.

revoco : to call back, recover, rusticus : rustic, rural / salvus : safe, sound.
refer, revoke. peasant.
sanctifico : to sanctify, make
revolvo : to unroll a book, go S holy.
over again, repeat.
sabbatum : sabbath. sanctimonia : purity, charity,
rex rgis : king. virtue, sanctity, sacredness.
sacculus : purse, little bag,
rhetor : rhetorician, teacher little sack. sanctimonialis : nun.
of rhetoric.
sacrificum : sacrifice. Sanctus Eleutherius : St.
rhetoricus : rhetorical. Eligius.
sacrilegus : sacrilegious,
rideo risi risum : to laugh at, impious. Sanctus Egidius : St. Gilles.
saepe sepe : hedge, fence, sanctus : holy, sacred, / saint.
rigor : stiffness, hardness, enclosure, haye.
Sanctus Rodoenus : St. Ouen.
saepe sepe : often,
sane : rationally, sensibly,
ritus : usage, ceremony, rite. frequently, repeatedly.
really, indeed, to be sure.
rogo eum ut +subjunctive : to saepenumero : repeated,
sanitas : health, soundness of
ask someone to do again and again.
mend, sanity.
saepius sepius : often,
sano : to heal.
rogo : to ask, ask for. frequently, repeatedly.
Santiago : St. James.
rostrum : bill of a bird, beak. saeta : hair.
sanus : sound, healthy, sane.
rota : wheel. saeta equina : horse-hair.
sapiens : (subs.) a wise man,
Rotomagense : Rouen. saevio : to rage, be furious,
take violent action.
rotundus : wheel-shaped,
sapiens : wise, judicious.
round. sal salis : salt, wit.
sapienter : wisely,
rubor : redness, blush, salsus : salty, witty.
modesty, shame, disgrace.
saltem : at least, at all
sapientia : wisdom.
rudimentum : trial, attempt, events.
essay. sarcina : bundle, pack,
salus : health, safety, well-
burden, load.
rumor : rumor, gossip. being, salvation / salutation.
satago : to pay a creditor, scindo : to cut, rend, split, secus : otherwise, not so.
satisfy a creditor. divide, separate.
secus + atque or quam :
satago : have one's hands scio scivi scitum : to know. differently from, otherwise
full, have enough to do. than.
scio : to know, understand.
satio : to satisfy, sate. secus : wrongly, badly, not as
scio : to know, understand.
one would wish.
satis : enough, sufficient /
scisco : investigate, ask,
sufficiently. secuutus : follower, pursuer.
inquire / vote, ordain,
sato : to sow, plant. resolve. sed : but / and indeed, what
is more.
satura : satire. scribo, scripsi scriptum : to
write, compose. sedeo sedi sessum : to sit.
saturo : to fill, satisfy.
scrinium : bookcase, case for seditio : dissension, quarrel,
scaber : scabby, rough.
papers. insurrection, mutiny, rising.
scabies : the itch, mange, a
scriptor : writer, author, sedo : to settle, smooth,
scribe. calm, allay.
Scaldus : Scheldt.
se habere : to keep oneself. seductor : seducer.
scamnum : bench, stool.
se gero : to conduct oneself, semel : a single time, for the
scaphium (sciphus : conduct, carry on. first time, even once, once,
Herimann, cap. 24) pot, ever.
se astringo : to commit
bowl, drinking vessel
oneself to. semper : always, ever.
sceleratus : wicked,
secedo : to go apart, senectus : old age, dotage.
accursed, infamous, criminal.
senex senis : old, aged, old
scelero : to pollute with guilt,
secerno secrevi secretum : to man.
with blood, etc.
sensus : feeling, sense.
scelestus : wicked, accursed,
secundum : (adv.) after,
infamous, criminal. sententia : opinion, thought,
way of thinking, meaning,
scelus sceleris : crime, sin,
secundum : (+ inf.), purpose.
evil deed, wickedness.
following, after, during,
sentio : to judge, suppose,
schola : school / elite troop according to.
of soldiers.
secundus : second.
sentio : feel, perceive,
scientia : knowledge, science,
securus : safe, secure, free experience, hold an opinion,
from care, unworried,
seorsum : apart, separately.
scilicet : evidently, certainly, unconcerned.
of course, no doubt, sepelio : to ruin, destroy,
secus : non secus, haud
assuredly. bury.
secus: just so.
septem : seven.
sepulchrum : grave, tomb, siccus : dry, thirsty / sober, singularis : alone, unique,
sepulcher. temperate. extraordinary, individual,
seputus : buried, sunk, Siclinium : Seclin.
immersed. singuli : one each, one
Siclinium : Seclin in
apiece, single, separate.
sequax : following, attending, Melanchois.
pursuing. singultim : stammeringly.
sicut : as, just as, as it were,
sequor sequi secutus : to (+verb in subj.) just as if. singultus : sobbing, gasping.
follow, trail.
sidus : constellation, star. singultus : sobbing, death
serio : seriously. rattle.
signum : sign, seal,
serius : serious, grave, indication, sign. singulus : single, separate,
solemn. one at a time, one each.
silens : silent, still
sermo : talk, common talk, sino : allow, suffer, permit,
silenti etc : the dead.
rumor, report, discussion. let.
silentium : silence, stillness,
sermo : discussion, talk, siquidem : since, indeed
quiet, repose, obscurity.
common talk, conversation,
sitio : to be thirsty.
rumor. silentium : (religion)
faultlessness, perfection. sitis : thirst, dryness,
sero : to sow, plant. also,
drought, eager desire.
late, at a late hour. sileo : to be still, silent / (+
acc.) be silent about / rest. sive seu : or if.
servio : (+ dat.) to be a slave
to, serve. siligo -inis : wheat, wheat socer : father in law.
servitus : servitude, slavery. socius : sharing, associated,
silva : woods, forest. allied.
servo : to watch over, keep,
protect, observe, save, similis : similar, like, socius : partner, comrade,
reserve. resembling. associate, ally, fellow.
servus : slave, serf. similitudo : likeness, sodalitas : fellowship,
resemblance / uniformity. companionship, secret
sese : =se : himself, herself,
itself. simplex : simple, unaffected.
sol solis : sun.
severitas : severity, rigor, simul atque : as soon as.
sternness, strictness. soleo : to be accustomed, be
simul : at once, at the same
used to.
si : if. time, together.
solio : ? Herimann, cap. 28.
sibimet : to them simulatio : pretense,
themselves. solitudo solitudinis :
sine : (+ abl.) without.
loneliness, solitude.
sic : so, thus / yes, that is so,
that is right. solium : chair of state, throne
/ bath-tub.
sollers : clever, skillful. sonitus : noise, sound. spoliatio : plundering,
looting, stripping, robbing.
sollicito : to stir up, incite, sono : to make a noise /
arouse. sing / celebrate / (of words) spolio : to strip, plunder,
to mean. despoil, rob, loot
sollicitudo : uneasiness,
anxiety, disquiet, sophismata : false spolium : spoils, plunder,
apprehension. conclusions, logical fallacies. booty.

sollicitudo : concern, anxiety, sopor : deep sleep. sponte : willingly, of one's

solicitude, worry. own accord, unaided.
sordeo : to be dirty, appear
sollicitus : uneasy, worried, vile. St. Richarius : St. Riquier.
anxious, restless, agitated.
sordes : filth, meanness, stabilis : firm, stable,
sollicitus : troubled, anxious, stinginess. steadfast.
concerned, worried.
sordesco : to become dirty. stabilitas : firmness, stability,
solum : land, country, soil, durability.
sortitus : casting lots,
ground / bottom, floor,
deciding by lot. Stabulaus : Stavelot.
spargo sparsi sparsum : statim : firmly, steadfastly,
solum : non solum ... sed
scatter, strew, spread. on the spot, at once,
etiam : not only ... but also.
speciosus : beautiful,
solum : (adv) alone, only.
handsome, imposing / statua : statue.
solus : alone, only, the only. specious plausible.
statuo : to give a ruling,
solutio : loosening / payment spectaculum : spectacle, make an arrangement,
/ solution / explanation. show. decide.

solvo : to loosen, untie, specto : to look at, watch, statuo : to cause to stand,
release, free, dissolve, break see. establish, place, set up.
speculum : mirror. stella : star.
somniculosus : sleepy,
specus : cave, cavern, grotto, stillicidium : dripping
den. moisture, rainwater from the
somniculouse : sleepily, eaves.
sperno sprevi spretum : to
scorn, despise, spurn. stipes, itis : log, tree-trunk,
somnio : to dream / (+ acc.) branch, post, club,
spero : to hope for, hope.
to dream of, imagine blockhead.
foolishly. spes : hope.
stipes : log, stump, tree
somnium : dream, fancy, spiculum : sharp point, sting, trunk, branch, post, club.
day-dream / foolishness, spear, dart.
stips, stipis : small coin, gift.
spiritus : breath, breathing /
sto, steti, statum : to stand,
somnus : sleep. life / spirit.
stand still, stand firm.
strenuus : brisk, active, subvenio : to come to the
vigorous / turbulent, restive. aid, succor, relieve, help,
strues : piles, heaps, masses.
succedo : to approach,
studio : (+ dat.) to study,
submit, etc. etc.
pursue eagerly, be eager for.
succendo : to kindle, set afire
studiose : eagerly.
from below.
studium : eagerness, zeal.
successio : succeeding,
stultus : foolish / a fool. succession, descent,
suadeo : to recommend,
advise (a person) succurro : to run up under /
aid, assist, help.
suasoria : persuasive
discourse. sufficio : to be sufficient,
suffice, be enough.
sub : (+ acc. or dat.) under,
up under, close to, beneath, suffoco : to strangle, choke,
below. suffocate.

subito : adv. suddenly, suffragium : vote, franchise /

unexpectedly. approval support, aid,
subitus : sudden,
unexpected. suggero : to bring up, supply,
provide, add, attach. place
subiungo : to yoke beneath, next.
join, attach, subdue,
subjugate. sui : himself, herself, itself.

sublime : on high, aloft. sulum : each, every.

subnecto : to bind on sum fui futurus : to be, exist.

beneath, to tie.
summa : the highest part /
subseco : to cut away, pare whole, sum.

subsequor : to follow after summisse : humbly, softly,

calmly, modestly.
substantia : substance,
essence, means of summissus (from summitt
subsistence, property.

subvenio : to come up to aid,


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