Tugas 1-TAP-Muhamad Panji-042029866

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Tugas 1-TAP-Muhamad Panji-042029866

1. a. Read closely the teaching and learning process conducted by Mr. Evan from:
opening; delivering the main activities; to closing the classes. Then write down at
least three (3) of the strengths and weaknesses of those processes. Propose your
solutions/improvement for the weaknesses that you identify.

1. Mr. Evan provides stimulation for students to start lessons

2. Mr. Evan discussed the previous day's material about the Present Continuous Tense

3. Mr Evan uses the daily journal to write down certain topics, then provides feedback on the
students' journals

1. Mr. Evan did not pray together before starting the lesson

2. Mr Evan doesn't have small talk like how are you today or how is the weather today

3. Mr. Evan’s lesson focused on Grammar/Simple Present Tense only

b. What interaction do you find in the teaching-learning process done by Mr. Evan? Please
support your answer by referring at least three (3) to the case of teaching and learning
process and cite the activities. What solution do you propose to improve the situation?
Answer the question by completing the table.
Tugas 1-TAP-Muhamad Panji-042029866

1.b. Type of interaction: Verbal Interaction

Evidence from the case Points of Improvement
 Are the sentences in your journal  Mr. Evan should ask his students
similar to the ones of the questions in a simple way
sentences in my example?” The
students answer in chorus: “Yes”
Mr. Evan
 actually Mr. Evan is good enough
 Mr. Evan asks the class which at asking students, but we can
sentences are correct and which make improvements by
sentences are wrong. Sinta, one simplifying the questions
of the students, raises her hand
and says: “Sentence number one
and four are correct.”

 Actually Mr Evan is already good

 “How about the rest of the at making verbal communication
sentences,” the teacher asks the with the students, and has
class. Anton says: “Sentence provided a stimulus in his
number 2, 3, and 5 are wrong.” questions. But what we need to
“Can you correct the sentences, underline is that Mr. Evan must
Anton? Come forward,” the ask not the whole sentence, but
teacher asks. the entire text

2. In the EVALUATION slot on his RPP, there are only one set of grammar test which consists
of ten (10) sentences in which students are asked to fill in the blanks with the right form of
‘Simple Present tense’. Mention what component(s) of EVALUATION are missing from his
RPP. Then, write down the instructions and the test items for three types of test (multiple
choice test, completion, and transformation test) to evaluate ‘Simple Present Tense.’ Answer
the question as the following example.
a. Components that are missing in the EVALUATION slot:
(1) No feedback for the student’s work
(2) There is no ‘self-esteem’ or ‘self-evaluation’
(3) There is no ‘peer-evaluation’
(4) There is no instruction for the test items
b. Test Items for ‘Simple Present Tense’ and the Instructions:
Tugas 1-TAP-Muhamad Panji-042029866

(1) Multiple choice test

We are going to have ‘Simple Present Tense’ multiple choice test, so pay attention to some of the
instructions below:
-Read the directions carefully
-Do the multiple choice items first
-Read all of the stem and every alternative
-Consider "all of the above" and "none of the above"/Except
-Plan your time
-Choose the correct answer

Test Items:
1.The ships…… tonight c. Went
a.arrive d. Gone
c.arrived 3. She does not ___ violin well, that’s why she
d.arriving keep practice every day.
a. Playing
2. My mother and I ___ to market to buy b. Played
vegetables every morning. c. Plays
a. Go d. Play
b. Goes

(2) Completion
We are going to have ‘Simple Present Tense’ completion test, so pay attention to some of the
instructions below:
- Read the question with the intent to give an answer and make the sentence grammatically
correct. In this process it is important to focus on how the sentence is written. For example, if
the blank is preceded by the article “an,” you know the word that goes in the blank must start
with a vowel.
- Concentrate on the number of blanks in the sentence and the length of the space. The test
maker is giving you clues to the answer by adding spaces and making them longer.
- Provide a descriptive answer when you cannot think of the exact word or words. The instructor
will often give you credit or partial credit when you demonstrate that you have studied the
material and can give a credible answer, even when you have not given the exact words.

Test Items:
I and my friends … in library. We read some books
She … not work because she has flu.
Dolph: Please call me if you need.
Jack: No. I … need your help.
Tugas 1-TAP-Muhamad Panji-042029866

(3) Transformation
We are going to have ‘Simple Present Tense’ transformation test, so pay attention to some of the
instructions below:
-Read the instructions carefully.
-Are you given a word to include in sentence two? If so, don’t change this word.
-How many words are you allowed to write to complete sentence two? Sometimes the instructions
will tell you that there is a maximum word limit.
-Read sentences one and two slowly and carefully.
-Which part of sentence one is tested in sentence two?
-What grammar do you need to use?
-If you don’t know an answer, guess. You may be right!
-Check your spelling carefully.
-Check your answers carefully when you finish.
-Sentence transformations often test direct and indirect speech, comparative and superlative
forms, active and passive forms, quantifiers, conditionals and verb patterns.

Test Items:
Steven Spielberg directed Jurassic Park.
Jurassic Park _________ Steven Spielberg.

I met him in the afternoon.

I _____ him in the afternoon.

3. When you do the correction of their homework, you notice that about 30% of your
students did not show their expected competence of the previous topic which was about
‘simple present tense’. What is your plan to solve this problem?

Well, in order to solve the problem, I prefer to change the lesson plan, it would be like this:

1. Introduce an action
Pick up radio and pretend to listen it. Ask your students what you're doing. They’ll say, “You’re
reading a newspaper.”
T: “What thing am I listening?”
S: “You’re listening to radio.”

2. Introduce Present Simple - First person singular

Tell your students, “I listen to radio every day.” Make a list of the things you do every day as a

I have breakfast at 7.
I watch TV before dinner.
Tugas 1-TAP-Muhamad Panji-042029866

3. Introduce Present Simple – Second person singular

Say: “I listen to radio. Willy, you listen USA Today”. Go around the class giving examples like,
“I go to work at 9. You go to school.” Face each of your students and state a general truth:
T: “John, you live in Queens.”
John (to teacher): “You live in Queens, too.”
T: “Sally, you have a dog.”
Sally (to teacher): “You have a cat”.

4. Introduce Present Simple – Third person singular

Say: “I listen to radio. Sarah listens to USA Today.” Make sure students notice that you’ve added
the s for the third person singular. Give more examples with other students, and introduce the
irregular verbs: John goes to work at 8. Sally has lunch at 1. Students provide more examples
from the information previously shared by their classmates.

5. Do the same for the plural persons

Ask who lives in Queens and ask them to stand up. Then point to yourself and those standing and
say: “We live in Queens.” Ask who lives in the Bronx and ask them to stand up. Address those
who are standing and say: “You live in the Bronx.” Point to your group and say, “We live in
Queens.” Ask who lives in Manhattan and point to that group and say: “They live in Manhattan.”

6. Expand and practice: Present Simple Exercises

Practice all persons and forms. Ask open-ended questions. Introduce more verbs.
Where do you live?
Where does she work?
How many languages do you speak?
Now’s also a great time consolidate everything that they’ve learned about the Present Simple;
this is a great worksheet that will help them focus on form.

4. Look at test item no 1.b. After completing the test item number 1.b, develop an essay
consisting of four paragraphs. The first paragraph is the introduction, with the thesis:
“The teacher implements merely one type of interaction to manage the class, teacher-
student interaction; the second paragraph describes the interaction applied by the teacher
and your comment; the third paragraph describes your proposed solution; and the fourth
paragraph is the conclusion.

In learning with Mr. Evan in the simple present tense material, the teacher tries to teach all
students about the formulas of the material to be discussed on that day. However, what becomes
a red line in this paper is that there are deficiencies in the teaching of Mr. Evan to his students,
namely that the teacher only implements one type of interaction that the teacher should provide a
variety of interactions to the students. Because the interactions that are formed can be an
indicator of the success of a lesson.

The interaction that was carried out by Mr Evan was in the form of verbal interaction and there
were also several weaknesses that we must pay close attention to. Because basically a learning
interaction involves a relationship between teacher and student. In this case Mr Evan made the
Tugas 1-TAP-Muhamad Panji-042029866

instructions too complicated. We know that students in lower classes will have difficulty
digesting the orders or instructions given by the teachers. Mr. Evan also did not provide a
stimulus for his students.

This is because students are not only given various kinds of understanding, but we must provide
some kind of stimulus or example for the students. In addition, by giving simple statements, we
can help Mr. Evan to make learning more valuable. Another suggestion or the best solution for
Mr Evan is that we are able to work together to provide a question with a stimulus that can help
students achieve the expected competencies.

In the end, the conclusion of this paper is that Mr. Evan needs to provide variations in his
teaching, lest there be only one kind of interaction in a teaching. Providing variety in the learning
process helps students to more easily achieve the expected competencies

5. The National Education Department (2003) defines the language curriculum based on the
Competency-based Curriculum as the following:

Kurikulum bahasa yang berbasis kompetensi adalah sebuah kerangka sistematik dan strategis
yang membangun kompetensi komunikatif dan kompetensi wacana. Ini berarti membangun
semua kompetensi pendukungnya seperti kompetensi linguistik, tindak tutur, sosiokultural
dan strategis serta piranti pembentuk wacana.
Artinya, mengajar bahasa tidak berangkat dari pertanyaan “Materi apa yang harus saya
ajarkan hari ini?” melainkan “Kompetensi apa yang harus diperoleh hari ini?” Jika sudah
ditetapkan, misalnya, “Siswa harus dapat meminta bantuan dengan sopan di sejumlah konteks
secara lisan” maka guru mulai mencari materi yang mendukung pencapaian kompetensi
tersebut dari berbagai sumber. (61)

(1). Mr. Evan’s lesson focused on Grammar/Simple Present Tense only. Based on the
quotation above, what components and/or what language skills should be included in
his lesson?

Well, in learning English, we cannot just focused only to the grammar itself, but we have
to broaden student’s vision by adding linguistic competence, speech acts,
sociocultural and strategic as well as discourse shaping tools.

(2). Based on the quotation above, analyze Mr. Evan’s lesson in terms of:
a. the principle of communicative competence;
Basically language learning is how to make students able to communicate. In relation to Mr.
Evan's learning, he tries to bring his students to find that the present tense can be used for daily
Tugas 1-TAP-Muhamad Panji-042029866

b. using language contextually;

In relation to learning with Mr. Evan, he tries to explain students about the context of the use of
the simple present tense, as explained from the following quote, 'is used to explain habitual or
everyday activities'. From here, Mr. Evan pointed out that the use of the simple present tense has
various contexts that can be used in everyday life. Even so, the simple present tense has many
purposes depending on the context used

c. learning language meaningfully;

In meaningful learning, Mr. Evan tries to invite students to see the impact or use of the simple
present tense for their respective lives. It is intended that students not only know the formulas
and characteristics of the simple present tense, but students are able to know that the simple
present tense has uses that can be used to communicate with the social community.

d. language function and language form; and

In this case Mr. Evan tries to explain the function and form of the language of the simple present
tense. Through the simple present tense formula, Mr. Evan explained that a structure of the
simple present tense has a verb subject as well as its object

e. using language for communication purpose.

The last one is to use English for communication purposes. We know that the purpose of language is a human means of
communication. The speech issued can be interpreted as a string of meaning which is then captured by the interlocutor. In this
case Mr.evan explained that the present tense has various contexts in positive, negative or interrogative sentences

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