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Module 2:

Toward the Understanding of Subject and Content of Art

Are subject and content in art the same? Some people use these terms
interchangeably. Hence, to clarify the issue on the reference of these terms, this module will
provide you with the necessary tools to distinguish subject from content of art. The activities
prepared are designed to help you get acquainted with various art subjects, classifications
as well as the methods in representing them. You will also be guided in exploring the
messages intertwined with the different levels of meaning found in art. Your journey to art
subject and meaning begins. Have fun!

Unit 1
Subject of Art

Learning Outcomes
• Classify artworks based on the
kinds/sources of subject and the
methods by which they are
• Create an artwork about a
subject by employing the methods
of subject representation

ENGAGE Activity 1: Study the painting by the National Artist Vicente

Manansala then answer the given questions.

1. What does each painting depicts?



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