LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri: No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

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LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

Judul Modul English For Practical Use

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Procedure text: Manual
2. Procedure text : Recipe
3. Itinerary
4. News item
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah 1. Procedure text: Manual
dan definisi) di modul ini  Definition :
- Procedure text is the text which gives
the steps or procedures on how to do
- A manual isa book or phamplet that
contains information about a program
or piece of hardware.
 Social function of procedures text:
- It is used to describe how something
is done in sequenced steps.
- It is provides a series of steps in
sequence that explain the reader how
to do somethingwhile allowing them to
reach the outcome successfully.
- The communicative purpose of the
text is to tell the stepsofmaking or
doing something.
 Generic stucture of manual:
- Goal/aim : This part of the text
describes the purpose of doing or
operating something.
- Material/equipment : This part
describes the materials or equipment
needed in the process of doing or
operating something (same of
procedure texts donot provide
materials section)
- Steps/methods: This part
describesthe set of instructions in
order to achieve the goal.
 Significant lexico-grammatical
- Generally using simple present tense
- Using adverbial of sequences or using
temporal adjective (Firs, second, the
last, etc.)
- Using imperative setences or
- Using action verbs :
Action verbs is a verb that expresses
physical or mental action. Example:
Turn, put, cut, etc.
- Using conjunction to link a process to
another process. Example: Such as
then, after that, etc.
- Using adverb of time to express details
of time. (In this part means the
duration or the length it can be
started in second, minute, or hour)
2. Procedure text : Recipes
 Definition :
- Recipe is a list of ingredients and a set
of instructions that tell you how to
cook something.
 Soial/language function of recipe:
- Recipe is used to describe how food is
completely made or cooked through a
sequence of series.
- Communicative purpose of recipe is to
describe how food is completely made
througha sequence of actions or steps.
 Generic structure:
- Goal/aim
- Ingredients/materials
- Steps/methods
 Language features of recipe :
- Noun/Noun groups
A noun is a word that functions as the
name of some spesific thing or set of
things. Example: Bowl, rice.
- Conjuction
Conjuction is word to connect clauses
or setences or to coordinate words in
the same clause. Example: Before,
- Action verbs
Action verbs is a verb that expresses
an action. Example: Cut, mix, put,
- Imperative setences
An imperative setences gives a
command it usually ends with period
but it may also end with an
exclamation point. Example: Add
some sugar,mix, etc.
- Adverbial
Adverbial is word or phrase
functioning like an adverb.
- Adverbial of sequence (First,
second, etc)
- Adverbial is used to express
detail of time, manner, or place
(For fiveminutes)
- Vocabulary
Emphasis is often given to important
information by underlining it or
writing it in bold.
- Language
Suppose to be clear and precise
however, detailed language is needed
especially in method section.
- Tenses
Present tense is generally used in

3. Itinerary
 Definition:
Itinerary is defined as a schedule of
events relating to a plannedtravel
which is generally including
destinations to be visited at a specified
time and the means of transportation
to move between those destinations.
 Social/language function:
- To make a well prepared program or
- To makean effective journey or travel.
- To be a guideline in spending time
during travelling.
 Language features:
- Use simple present tense.
- Use action verb.
- Use simple sentences or phrase.
4. News Item:
 Definition:
- News item is a text which inform the
readers, listeners, viewers about event
of the daysin chronological order.
 Generic structure
- Main events/newsworthy event
(it recount the event in summary
- Elaboration/background event
(they elaborate what happened, to
whom, in what circumstance).
- Resource of information (sources)
(It contains comments by participants
in withnessesto and authorities expert
on the event).
 Language featuresofnews item
- Using action verb
- Using saying verb
Saying verb are verbs such us say or
ask which we typically use to report
what someone said. Example: “Why
cant’t I sleep?” he asked.
- Usingpassive voice
A verb is said to be in the passive
voice, adjectives and other adverbs.
- Tense (Using pasttense in explaining
news event,but, if, it, is, a fact that
until now, still happen or still in the
form of fact, then can use simple
present tense.
- Language
The language in newsitem is supposed
to be clear and preicise. However,
detailed language is needed especially
in background section.
 Sosial Function
To inform the readers, listeners, or
viewers about newly recivied or
noteworthy information, especially
about recent or important events.
5. Dst.
2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. ….
dipahami di modul ini 2. …

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. ….

mengalami miskonsepsi 2. …

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