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Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Correct the capitalization of nouns if needed.


Answer: He Arrived AT HeAthrow Airport on time.

1. The overturned truck blocked both lanes.

2. He appears to be deep in thought.
3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a New York city landmark.
4. She will fly part of the way and then drive fifty kilometers to get there.
5. Honesty is the best policy.
6. Get over here quickly!
7. From the bottom of the cave, the stalagmites rose ten feet high.
8. Through the mist, the Bridge appeared.
9. I will just be watching the boston marathon, but my wife will be running in it.
10. Behind the door is a coat rack.
11. Joe has been helping out with the chores.
12. He should have been more gracious.

Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. If the subjects and verbs do not agree, change
the verbs to match the subjects. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct.

EXAMPLE: The box of books were opened yesterDAY.

Correction: The box of books WAS opened yesterDAY.

1. Al and Eli go to the beach to surf with their friends.

2. There’s three strawberries left.
3. The group of children from that school has never seen the ocean.
4. If our staff members keep picking at each other, we will not meet our goals.
5. A lot of things she said was the truth.
6. My problem, which is minor in comparison with others, exist because I dropped out of
high school.
7. Most of my savings is invested in real estate.
8. She’s one of those professionals who really pays attention.
9. Some of my goals has yet to be met.
10. All of my goals are being met and surpassed.
11. None of this is your business.
12. Nervousness, not to mention lack of sleep, contribute to poor performance.
13. One-third of the city are experiencing a blackout tonight.


Decide whether the sentences are written correctly. If not, change them. Place a check mark in
front of the sentences that are correct.

1. Come quick or we will miss our bus.

2. He swings the bat as good as anyone in major-league baseball.
3. Ella was the best of the two sisters at gymnastics.
4. You did that somersault so good.
5. Rochelle felt badly about forgetting Devlin’s birthday.
6. This is the worst oil spill I have ever seen.
7. The jasmine has bloomed and smells very sweet.
8. She looked suspiciously to the man wearing the trench coat.
9. She looked suspiciously at the man wearing the trench coat.
10. To find her, we need to follow those set of tracks.
11. Who is the faster runner: Usain, Johan, or Justin?
12. Do you feel happily about your performance on the math quiz?

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