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Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering

Aim:- To study about the open access software LT Spice and
Circuit lab.

a) To study the procedure of electronic circuit
simulation in LT Spice.
b) To study the procedure of electronic circuit
simulation in Circuit Lab.


SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is a

general-purpose, open-source analog electronic circuit simulator. It is
a program used in integrated circuit and board-level design to check
the integrity of circuit designs and to predict circuit behavior. LT spice
is a SPICE-based analog electronic circuit simulator computer
software, produced by semiconductor manufacturer Analog Devices
(originally by Linear Technology). It is the most widely distributed
and used SPICE software in the industry.

Uses of LT spice
LTspice® is Analog Devices’ high performance circuit simulation
program, which allows you to draft, probe, and analyze the
performance of your circuit design. The software also allows sub-
circuits and Hierarchical circuits of any size, even from third- party
sources to add components that are not currently available in the
library. Circuit simulation analysis based on transient, noise, AC, DC,
DC transfer function, DC operating point can be performed and
plotted as well as fourier analysis. It is used by many users in fields
including radio frequency electronics, power electronics, audio
electronics, digital electronics, and other disciplines.

Benefits of LT spice
• Stable SPICE circuit simulation with
➢ Unlimited number of nodes
➢ Schematic/symbol editor
➢ Waveform viewer
➢ Library of passive devices
• Fast simulation of switching mode power supplies (SMPS)
➢ Steady state detection Steady state detection
➢ Turn on transient
➢ Step response
➢ Efficiency / power computations
• Outperforms pay-for options
• LT spice is also a great schematic capture

Limitation of LTspice
Although SPICE is a useful tool, there are many limitations. Real
electronic components can be a complex creature with many
behaviors. Simulation of a circuit is only as accurate as the behaviors
modeled in the SPICE devices created for it. Many simulations are
based on simplified models. For more complex circuits or subtle
behaviors, the simulation can be misleading or plain incorrect. This
can spell disaster if we're relying entirely on SPICE when developing
circuits for manufacture.
Procedure of simulation:
(1) Firstly, we will install LT spice program from google.

(2)After installing LT spice XVII program, we will get started.

(3) Start a new schematic by clicking the icon as Figure illustrated.

Fig 3

After executing Figure 3, the appearance of the window changes as below

Fig 4
(4) Placing components to the new schematic page
There are several ways to do this, first you can navigate to Edit then click
resistor and capacitor symbols. The second method is to click the icon labeled
“Component” in the header as Figure 5.

Fig 5
Another method is by directly get it from the header section as shown in Figure

Fig 6

The last method is through the short cut keys. You can type “R” for resistor,
“C” for capacitors and “G” for ground.
We will use the second method to get components since it will display the entire
components category. After following the direction of Figure 5, Figure 7 will

Fig 7
We will click “res” then click “OK” to get resistor and click anywhere in the
schematic to place the component. Click “cap” to get a capacitor and follow the
process. Double click the components will work as well. We are going to use 4
resistors so you can repeat the process four times (though there is a copy and
past option also).
Now we will get a voltage source and a ground. Double click on voltage and
click anywhere in the schematic to land it. For the ground, just type “G” on the
schematic and click anywhere to have it.
The new schematic looks like in Figure 8 after the placing the needed parts. We
will start rearranging the circuit to build the target circuit.

Fig 8

(5) Rearranging and wiring the components

To rearrange components, click on the small hand icon in the toolbar section in
the header of the schematic page or just follow Figure 9. After doing so, the
mouse cursor will change from a cross shape to a small hand. When you left
click on any components, you can move it to any part of the schematic. When
you are in the desired location to drop the part just left click again to land the

Fig 9
To rotate part, left click on the device with the mouse cursor is hand type then
click CTRL+R then left click.
To mirror a device, press CTRL+E then left click.
To connect the components, click on the pencil icon in the toolbar section of the
header of the schematic as Figure 10 shown. Right after, the mouse cursor will
change to a big cross. Start the connection by left clicking into the box of the
component terminals.

Fig 10

After wiring the components, the circuit is now looking like Figure 11. Now we
are going to rename devices according to our target circuit.
(6) Renaming parts, changing values and adding a net name
To rename a component circuit code, just hover the mouse on the part that you
want to rename and right click until a window like in Figure 12 appears. Type
the name you want on the area provided. Just remember, space is not accepted.

Fig 11 fig 12
To change device value, just hover the mouse on the existing device value and
right click until a new window will appear as Figure 13.
Fig 13

For “kilo” notation, you can use k. You can use “m” for milli, “u” for micro,
“n” for nano and “p” for pico. To add a net name, just follow Figure 14.
Remember space is not accepted here.

Fig 14

After all the modifications, the circuit will now look the same with the target
circuit as Figure 15. We are now ready for the simulation.

Fig 15

Step 6: Setup the simulation command

The target simulation is transient with a 10msec stop time and all DC sources
must start from 0V. Now, click on the “Simulate” tab and then “Edit Simulation
Command” as shown in Figure 16.
Fig 16

Right after, a new window will show up as Figure 17. Click on “Transient” tab.
Put 10m under “Stop Time” for 10msec target stop time. Then click “Start
external DC supply voltages at 0V:”. Then click OK and left click on the
schematic to drop the simulation command.

Fig 17

After doing so, the final circuit is look like below figure.

Fig 18

Step 7: Running the simulation

Click on the run icon as described in Figure 19 to start the simulation.
Fig 19

Right after, another window will appear as Figure 20 . This is the waveform
window. To display a waveform, let’s say we want to see the output, just hover
the mouse in the Vout net until a probe like object appear then left click.
Figure 21 displays the final outcome of the simulation. To save the schematic,
navigate to “File” then “Save As” to the location you want.

Fig 20
Fig 21

Circuit Lab provides online, in-browser tools for schematic capture

and circuit simulation. These tools allow students, hobbyists, and
professional engineers to design and analyze analog and digital
systems before ever building a prototype. Online schematic capture
lets hobbyists easily share and discuss their designs, while online
circuit simulation allows for quick design iteration and accelerated
learning about electronics.
Uses of circuit lab
• Easy-to-use Power Tools
1) Easy-wire mode lets you connect elements with
fewer clicks and less frustration.
2) Cross-window copy/paste lets you easily explore
and re-mix parts of public circuits from the Circuit
3) Mixed-mode circuit simulation lets you simulate
analog and digital components side-by-side.
4) Human-friendly formats let you enter and display
values concisely, just like you would on a paper
5) Quick-access build box lets you draw basic circuit
primitives quickly, while allowing access to a wide
assortment of non-linear elements, feedback
elements, digital / mixed-mode components, and
custom drawing tools.

• somewhat slight on documentation.
• Limited help for merchant. model characterized models.
• No help for subcircuit/progressive square circuit
• No help for spice/PCB netlist import/trade from/to different
• No PCB upholds.
• Very restricted client schematic image creation upholds.
• Expensive for what it gives many better free options available.
1)Build Mode: - Switch to Simulate Mode by clicking the "Simulate”
button along the bottom toolbar.
2)Click on any wire or Node Name to plot the voltage at that node.
3)Click and drag within a plot to zoom in to a plot region. Double-
click on the plot to restore original zoom.
4)Plot Cursors and Math Functions: -
A. Click and drag a cursor line to position it on the plot.
B. Re-position a cursor line by clicking on the rectangular handle
along the middle of the line.
C. To remove a cursor line, simply drag it off the grid area, and it will

Simulation is needed before execution since it gives students, before
actual implementation, the capacity to make virtual models of a whole
framework and to approve the entire framework conduct as right on
time as conceivable in the advancement cycle and at various
reflection levels. These are two of the few circuit simulators. I have
briefly looked upon both the simulators. The Circuit Lab on the
surface, it is slicker and prettier than LT Spice and also it is done
online and nothing has to be downloaded or installed, but I think LT
spice is more user friendly and easier to use also it is free to use which
gives it an edge.


ROLL NO: - LIT2020068

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