Downloading To PanelView PLUS Via Compactflash

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Downloading firmware and panel program

to PanelView PLUS using compact flash card.
Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel


1 USING COMPACT FLASH CARD ON PANELVIEW PLUS............................................................................ 3

1.1 DETERMINE / EDITING IP-ADDRESS OF PANELVIEW PLUS OPERATOR PANEL ..................................................... 3
1.2 UPGRADING FIRMWARE ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 LOADING PANEL PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................. 7
2 CREATING A COMPACT FLASH CARD......................................................................................................... 11
2.1 FIRMWARE UPDATE ........................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 PANEL PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................... 13

30-03-2005 2
Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

1 Using compact flash card on PanelView PLUS

You can install a new panel program on the PanelView PLUS operator panel using a compact flash card. The compact
flash card is inserted on the backside of the panel.

1.1 Determining / editing IP-address of PanelView PLUS operator panel

Before upgrading or when you want to download to an operator panel it might be helpful to write the IP-address down.
In other cases you may have to change the IP-address of the operator panel.
To do that you have to follow the steps described below.

1. Go to the configuration mode of the panel. If an application is currently running push the login button.

Then insert the username “2537” and afterwards push the upper left corner of the panel. The configuration
mode menu should now appear.

2. On the configuration menu you have several options.

To determine or edit the IP address you have to press the button “Terminal Settings”.

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Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

3. The following screen appears.

Choose the “Network and communication” option. Next you have the option to choose between:

KEPServer Serial Port ID’s

Network Connections
RSLinx Enterprise Communications

Choose “Network Connections”. Now you get additional options.

Device Name
Network Adaptors
Network Identification

Choose “Network Adaptors”.

4. In the Network adaptor menu you have to push the “IP Address” button.

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Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

5. In this menu you can read and change the IP address and subnet mask of the operator panel.

Change IP address
The DHCP must always
be turned OFF (Switched
Change Subnet mask to “No”)

6. If changes have been made press “OK”. The changes will not be active before the operator panel has been
rebooted. If no changes have been made go back by pressing “Cancel”.

1.2 Upgrading firmware

To upgrade the firmware for the panel you have to insert a compact flash card as described above and then restart the
panel. Next you have to follow the description below.

1. Once the operator panel recognizes that the inserted compact flash card is containing an upgrade (or
downgrade) of firmware the firmware upgrade wizard is started.

Choose to “Upgrade” if the Terminal firmware version is not the same as the firmware version on the upgrade

Before upgrading firmware write down

the IP-address and subnet mask of the
! operator panel. The IP address can be
read as described in the previous chapter.

Do not remove the compact flash card

! while the upgrade is in process.

If the firmware version of the terminal is the same as the firmware version on the upgrade card you should
press “Exit” and skip the following steps.

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Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

2. The firmware is now downloaded from the compact flash card to the operator panel. If other PanelView PLUS
operator panels are present on the same Ethernet network, the following error may be displayed:

“Error registering name on network (may be duplicate). Change in system Control Panel and try again”

Ignore this error by pressing the OK button. Wait for the operator panel to reset.

3. When the operator panel is restarted first time after having downloaded the firmware the touch screen has to be
calibrated. This is done by pushing crosses in each corner of the screen when asked.

4. When the touch screen is calibrated another error may be displayed:

“Machine edition may be corrupted. Do you want to download firmware?”

Also ignore this error. Just leave the error message unacknowledged.

5. When the upgrade is complete it is indicated with the screen shown below

Press “Exit”.

6. Now the panel is restarted and showing the configuration menu.

All settings in the panel are now reset to factory settings. Therefore some settings have to be re-entered.

7. First we want to deactivate the cursor on the panel. To do that first press the “Terminal Settings” button.

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Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

8. The following screen appears.

Choose the “Display” option. Next you have the option to choose between:
Display Intensity
Display Temperature
Screen Saver
Choose the “Cursor” option.

9. The configuration screen now appears.

Mark “No” for “Enable Cursor”. Afterwards press “OK”.

10. Next step is to re-enter the IP address and subnet mask. This is done as described in chapter 1.1.

11. After rebooting the operator panel it starts up in the configuration mode. The panel is now ready to load the
new panel program as described in the next chapter.

1.3 Loading panel program

To load a new panel program into the panel you have to insert a compact flash card containing the new application as
described in chapter 1. Next you have to follow the description below.

1. Go to the configuration mode of the panel. If an application is currently running push the login button.

Then insert the username “2537” and afterwards push the upper left corner of the panel. The configuration
mode menu should now appear.

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Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

2. On the configuration menu you have several options. On top of the screen you can see what application is
currently used on the panel.

First you have to copy the new application from the compact flash card to the operator panel. To do that first
press the button “Terminal Settings”.

3. The “Terminal Settings” menu now appears.

Choose the “File management” option. Next you will be asked if you want to “Copy Files” or “Delete Files”.
Choose to “Copy Files”.

4. Next step is to define from where you want to copy the files.

Choose the “External Storage 1” and select the application you want to install (usually the one with the highest
revision number). Then push the “Destination” button.

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Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

5. You now have to specify to where you want to copy the file.

Choose the “Internal Storage” and push the “Copy” button. The copying of the file may take some time.

6. Now the new application is copied to the internal storage of the operator panel and the compact flash card can
be removed if necessary.

7. The next step is to load the new application and to ensure that the correct application is started up after next
power up. First go back to the configuration menu described in step 1. Select “Load Application”.

8. The following screen now appears.

Choose the “Internal Storage” as source and select the new application from the list below. Press the “Load”
button. The application is now chosen as the active application for the panel and the configuration menu as
shown again.

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Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

9. The final step is to ensure that the right application is started up after next power up. Again you have to go to
select “Terminal Settings” from the configuration menu.

In the “Terminal Settings” you have to select “Startup Options”.

10. You will now be asked if you want to enter “RSView ME Station Startup” or “Startup Test”. Choose “RSView
ME Station Startup” and the following screen will appear.

The “Run Current Application” setting should be selected by pushing the “On Startup” button.

11. Now press OK to select the new application to be the application that is started after power up. (The
application that is referred to in this startup menu is always the one that is shown in the “Current application:”
field on the configuration menu.)

12. The operator panel is now ready to be restarted. The new application should appear automatically.

If you want to make an application active

that is already stored in the internal
! storage of the operator panel you should
follow the steps 7 to 12.

30-03-2005 10
Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

2 Creating a compact flash card

In order for the operator panel to be able to read the contents of the compact flash card it has to have a specific
structure. The compact flash card is a standard memory card (often used in digital cameras).

2.1 Firmware update

The newest firmware revisions can be downloaded from Rockwell Automations homepage in the same way as the
firmware for the PLC’s.

Before being able to select what firmware revision to download you have to enter:

Username : el_kon
Password : el2537

When a firmware revision has been selected you will be asked for:

First name : Jens

Last name : Hansen
Serial number : The serial number for your software package can be read from
You have to open the file “Software keys” under the menu “INFO”.

Ones the firmware update file is stored and extracted on your computer you can follow the description below to create a
firmware upgrade card.

1. Open the Firmware Upgrade Wizard either under the fan menu “Tools” in RSView Studio ME or directly from
the windows start icon:

Start>Rockwell Software>RSView Enterprise>Firmware Upgrade Wizard.

2. The firmware upgrade wizard now opens with the following screen.

In this menu you have to specify

- To store the firmware upgrade on an upgrade card to store the firmware upgrade.
- The drive letter of the compact flash card.
- What type of operator panel the firmware update is going to be used on.

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Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

3. Next you have to choose what firmware upgrade you want to store on the upgrade card.

You may have to select the correct path to the location where you stored the firmware update files downloaded
from the Internet. The Firmware update files are always stored in a folder called “FUPs”.
When the correct path is selected you can choose the firmware revision you want to be stored on the upgrade

4. Now you have the option to install KEP drivers along with the firmware upgrade. KEP drivers are only used
when the operator panel has to communicate with other units than standard Allen Bradley units.

Usually it is not necessary to install any KEP drivers.

5. All necessary information for the firmware upgrade is gathered and the required information is now ready to be
stored on the compact flash card.

Press “Finish” to start storing the firmware upgrade.

6. When the process is done the card is ready to be used on an operator panel as described in chapter 1.2.

30-03-2005 12
Introduction to Allen Bradley systems

Using the operator panel

2.2 Panel program

In order to transfer a panel program to the operator panel via the compact flash card there has to be a specific folder
structure on the compact flash card as shown below.

You can either create the folder structure by yourself. Another way to create the folder structure is to insert the compact
flash card into an operator panel and then follow the description.

1. Open the configuration menu.

2. Choose to “Load Application”.

3. Select “External Storage 1” as “Source”.

4. When the operator panel reads the compact flash card, the folder structure is created automatically.

To save the panel program file on the compact flash card follow the description below.

1. Open the panel program you want to store on the compact flash card in RSView Studio ME.

2. Under the fan menu “Application” choose “Create Runtime Application…” and create a .MER file.

3. Copy the created .MER file usually stored in the folder:

C: \Documents and Settings\All Users\dokumenter\RSView Enterprise\ME\Runtime

To the folder on the compact flash card specified below:

E:\Rockwell Software\RSViewME\Runtime
(It is assumed that compact flash card reader is called E:\ on your computer.)

4. When the copying is completed the panel program can be transferred to the operator panel as described in
chapter 1.3.

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