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Indoor Air Pollution (Contd.

Experimental analysis of gaseous pollutants and

Lecture 33
Dr. Divya Gupta
27th April 2021
Poor IAQ Results
Indoor Air Pollutants and Their Health Effects
Pollutant Effects Limits
NO2 Type: Immediate 0.05 ppm (avg. over one year for 8
hours exposure daily)- EPA
Causes: irritation to the skin, eyes and throat, cough etc.
CO Type: Immediate 9.0 ppm (avg. over 8 hours
Causes: headache, shortness of breath, higher conc. May cause sudden period)- EPA
RSPM Type: Cumulative 150 µg/ m3 (24 hr. average)
Causes: Lung cancer

SO2 Type: Immediate 0.05 ppm (avg. over one year for 8
Causes: lung disorders and shortness of breath hours exposure daily)- EPA

Radon Type: Cumulative >/ 4 pCi/ Litre of indoor air

Causes: Lung cancer
Formaldehyde Type: Immediate 120 µ g/ cu.m. (continuous
exposure)- ASHRAE
Causes: irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, fatigue, headache, skin
allergies, vomiting etc.

Asbestos Type: Cumulative >/ 2 fibers/ Of the indoor

Causes: Lung cancer air (8 hrs. exposure period)- OSHA

Pesticides Type: Immediate -

Causes: Skin diseases
VOCs Type: Immediate Not for all VOCs.
Causes: Liver, kidney disorders, irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, skin For chlordane:
rashes and respiratory problems. 5µ g/cu.m.(continuous exposure))
CO2 Surrogate index of ventilation 1000 ppm

O3 Type: Immediate 100 µ g/cu.m (continuous

exposure)- OSHA
Causes: eyes itch, burn, respiratory disorders, lowers our resistance to colds
and pneumonia.
WHO Standards
Pollutants Concentration Concentrations Concentration Remarks
reported of limited or no of concern
Respirable 0.05 – 0.7 <0.1 >0.015 Japanese standard 0.15
particulates mg/m3
CO 1-1.5 <2 >5 Indicator for eye
irritation(only from passive
NO2 0.05 – 1 <0.19 >0.32 ----

---- 2% COHb 3%COHb 99.9%

1-100 <11 >30 Continuous exposure

Formaldehyde 0.05 – 2 <0.06 >0.12 Long- and Short- term

SO2 0.02 – 1 <0.5 >1.35 SO2 alone, short-term

CO2 500 – 5000 ppm <1000 ppm >1000 ppm Occupancy indicator

O3 600-9000 <1800 >12000 Japanese standard 1800

Asbestos <10 fibres/m3 ≈0 105 fibre/m For long Exposure

* typical ranges of concentration is given in mg/m3, unless otherwise indicated

What is Ventilation??
A process, whereby air is supplied and removed from an indoor space by natural or
mechanical means.

Why ventilation is needed indoors?

To remove heat or moisture OR to reduce the concentration of one OR more indoor

Types of Ventilation
Natural Ventilation Involves
Infiltration: random/ intentional flow of outdoor air through windows, cracks
and a variety of openings in the buildings.

Exfiltration: movement of air from indoor spaces to outdoor.

Limitation of Natural Ventilation

Fairly inefficient as it is NOT UNIFORMLY distributed. Air doesn’t circulate evenly and
stale air gets collected in some dead end spaces.

It brings POLLENS & OTHER POLLUTANTS from outside air.

Mechanical ventilation
It involves use of fans and heating / air conditioning equipments.

Principle of mechanical ventilation

Pulling fresh air from outside to indoor spaces.
Exhaust stale air.
Control temperature and humidity inside.
Air Flow Inside the Buildings
Air out

Air flow pattern, when natural

ventilation occurs

Air in

Stagnation zone

Air flow, when uniform mixing

inside (mechanical ventilation)
Experimental analysis:
Gaseous & particulates; standards & limits
Principles of Sampling and Analysis
• The components of an air pollution monitoring system include the
– collection or sampling of pollutants both from the ambient air and from specific sources,
– the analysis or measurement of the pollutant concentrations, and
– the reporting and use of the information collected.

• Emissions data collected from point sources are used to determine compliance with air pollution
regulations, determine the effectiveness of air pollution control technology, evaluate production
efficiencies, and support scientific research.

• The EPA has established ambient air monitoring methods for the criteria pollutants, as well as for
toxic organic (TO) compounds and inorganic (IO) compounds.

• The methods specify precise procedures that must be followed for any monitoring activity related
to the compliance provisions of the Clean Air Act.

• These procedures regulate sampling, analysis, calibration of instruments, and calculation of


• The concentration is expressed in terms of mass per unit volume, usually micrograms per cubic
meter (µg/m3).
Particulate Monitoring
• Particulate monitoring is usually accomplished with manual measurements and
subsequent laboratory analysis.

• A particulate matter measurement uses gravimetric principles. Gravimetric

analysis refers to the quantitative chemical analysis of weighing a sample, usually
of a separated and dried precipitate.

• In this method, a filter-based high-volume sampler (a vacuum- type device that

draws air through a filter or absorbing substrate) retains atmospheric pollutants
for further laboratory weighing and chemical analysis. Particles are trapped or
collected on filters, and the filters are weighed to determine the volume of the
pollutant. The weight of the filter with collected pollutants minus the weight of a
clean filter gives the amount of particulate matter in a given volume of air.

• Chemical analysis can be done by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), atomic

fluorescence spectrometry (AFS), inductively couple plasma (ICP) spectroscopy,
and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy.
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)
• AAS is a sensitive means for the quantitative
determination of more than 60 metals or metalloid

• Principle: This technique operates by measuring energy

changes in the atomic state of the analyte. For example,
AAS is used to measure lead in particulate monitoring.

Figure: Atomic absorption spectrometry

AAS (Contd.).
• Particles are collected by gravimetric methods in a Teflon (PTFE) filter,
lead is acid-extracted from the filter.
• The aqueous sample is vaporized and dissociates into its elements in
the gaseous state. The element being measured, in this case lead, is
aspirated into a flame or injected into a graphite furnace and atomized.
• A hollow cathode lamp (HCL) or electrodeless discharge lamp (EDL) for
the element being determined provides a source of that metal's
particular absorption wavelength.
• The atoms in the unionized or "ground" state absorb energy, become
excited, and advance to a higher energy level.
• A detector measures the amount of light absorbed by the element,
hence the number of atoms in the ground state in the flame or
• The data output from the spectrometer can be recorded on a strip
chart recorder or processed by computer.
• Determination of metal concentrations is performed from prepared
calibration curves or read directly from the instrument.
Gaseous pollutant monitoring
• Gaseous pollutant monitoring can be accomplished using various
measurement principles.

• Some of the most common techniques to analyze gaseous pollutants

– Spectrophotometry,
– Chemiluminescence,
– Gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID),
– Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and
– Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
Table 1. Methods of Measuring and Analyzing Air Pollutants
Method Principle
Particles are trapped or collected on filters, and
Gravimetric PM10, PM2.5 the filters are weighed to determine the volume of
the pollutant.
more than 60 This technique operates by measuring energy
Atomic absorption metals or metalloid changes in the atomic state of the
spectrometry (AAS) elements (e.g. Pb, analyte. Emitted radiation is a function of atoms
Hg, Zn) present in the sample.
Measure the amount of light that a sample
Spectrophotometry SO2, O3 absorbs. The amount of light absorbed indicates
the amount of analyte present in the sample.
Based upon the emission spectrum of an excited
Chemiluminescence NO2, O3 species that is formed in the course of a chemical
Gas chromatography
Responds in proportion to number of carbon
(GC) - flame ionization VOC
atoms in gas sample.
detector (FID)
Gas chromatography- Mass spectrometers use the difference in mass-to-
mass spectrometry VOC charge ratio (m/z) of ionized atoms or molecules to
(GC-MS) separate them from each other.
Fourier Transform
Sample absorbs infrared radiation and difference
Infrared Spectroscopy CO, VOC, CH4
in absorption is measured.
• A spectrophotometer measures the amount of light that a
sample absorbs.
• The instrument operates by passing a beam of light through
a sample and measuring the intensity of light reaching a
• Spectrophotometry commonly used to measure sulfur
dioxide (SO2) concentrations.
• The amount of light absorbed indicates the amount of
sulfur dioxide present in the sample.

Figure: Schematic of a UV-VIS spectrophotometer

• An ambient air sample is mixed with excess ozone in a special sample cell. A
portion of the NO present is converted to an activated NO2 which returns to a
lower energy state and in the process emits light. This phenomenon is called

• Chemiluminescence methods for determining atmospheric pollutants such as

ozone, oxides of nitrogen, and sulfur compounds.

• The intensity of this light can be measured with a photomultiplier tube and is
proportional to the amount of NO in the sample. Measures the total oxides of
nitrogen in the air sample and in turn, the concentration of NO2 can be

Chemical reactions to determine oxides of nitrogen by chemiluminescence

Gas Chromatography (GC)
• Gas chromatography (GC) coupled with a flame ionization detector (FID) is
employed for qualitative identification and quantitative determination of
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air pollution monitoring.

• The GC, consists of a column, oven and detector. In the gas

chromatograph, a sample goes to the column, separates into individual
compounds and proceeds through the hydrogen flame ionization detector.

Figure: Schematic gas chromatography

GC (Contd.)
• The flame in a flame ionization detector is produced by the
combustion of hydrogen and air.

• When a sample is introduced, hydrocarbons are combusted and

ionized, releasing electrons.

• A collector with a polarizing voltage located near the flame attracts

the free electrons, producing a current that is proportional to the
amount of hydrocarbons in the sample.

• The signal from the flame ionization detector is then amplified and
output to a display or external device.

• Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) instruments have

also been used for identification of volatile organic compounds. Mass
spectrometers use the difference in mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of
ionized atoms or molecules to separate them from each other. Mass
spectrometry is useful for quantification of atoms or molecules and
also for determining chemical and structural information about
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

• FTIR can detect and measure both

criteria pollutants and toxic
pollutants in ambient air
• FTIR can directly measure more
than 120 gaseous pollutants in the
ambient air, such as carbon
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and
• The technology is based on the
fact that every gas has its own FTIR can directly measure both
"fingerprint," or absorption criteria pollutants and toxic pollutants
spectrum. in the ambient air.

• The FTIR sensor monitors the entire infrared spectrum and

reads the different fingerprints of the gases present in the
ambient air.
FTIR (Contd.)
• Carbon monoxide is monitored continuously by analyzers that
operate on the infrared absorption principle.
• Ambient air is drawn into a sample chamber and a beam of
infrared light is passed through it.
• CO absorbs infrared radiation, and any decrease in the
intensity of the beam is due to the presence of CO molecules.
• This decrease is directly related to the concentration of CO in
the air.
• A special detector measures the difference in the radiation
between this beam and a duplicate beam passing through a
reference chamber with no CO present.
• This difference in intensity is electronically translated into a
reading of the CO present in the ambient air, measured in
parts per million.
Ambient Air Quality standards & Limits
Central Pollution Control Board 2006
National Ambient Air Quality Standards


Sulphur dioxide (SO2) Annual average 60 µg/m 3

24 hour 80 µg/m 3

Oxides of Nitrogen
A.A 60 µg /m 3
24H 80 µg /m 3

Suspended Particulate
A.A 140 µg/m 3
Matter ( SPM)
24H 200 µg/m 3

Lead A.A 0.75 µg/m3

24H 1.0 µg/m 3

Carbon Monoxide A.A 2.0 µg/m 3

24H 4.0 µg/m 3

Respirable Particulate
A.A 60 µg/m 3
Matter (RPM)
24H 100 µg/m 3
WHO Air Quality Guideline Values
Pollutant Averaging time AQG value

Particulate matter
PM2.5 1 year 10 µg/m3
24 hour(99th percentile) 25 µg/m3

PM10 1 year 20 µg/m3

24 hour(99th percentile) 50 µg/m3

Ozone, O3 Ozone, O3 100 μg/m3

8 hour, daily maximum
Nitrogen dioxide, NO2
1 year 40 μg/m3
1 hour 200 μg/m3

Sulfur dioxide, SO2 24 hour 20 μg/m3

10 minute 500 μg/m3

Source: WHO, 2005. WHO air quality guidelines global update 2005, WHOLIS number E87950.

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