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Controlled antibiotic-releasing
Antheraea assama silk fibroin suture
for infection prevention and fast
wound healing
Arup Jyoti Choudhury, PhD,a Dolly Gogoi, PhD,b Joyanti Chutia, PhD,b Raghuram Kandimalla,
MPharm,c Sanjeeb Kalita, MSc,c Jibon Kotoky, PhD,c Yogesh B. Chaudhari, MSc,d Mojibur R. Khan,
PhD,d and Kasturi Kalita, DCP,e Assam, India

Background. The quest for developing silk fibroin as a biomaterial for drug release systems continues to
draw research interest owing to its impressive mechanical properties as well as biocompatibility and
biodegradability. The aim of this study is to develop low-temperature O2 plasma-treated muga (Antheraea
assama) silk fibroin (AASF) yarn impregnated with amoxicillin trihydrate as controlled antibiotic-releasing
suture (AASF/O2/AMOX) for preventing postoperative site bacterial infection and fast wound healing.
Methods. In this experimental study, AASF and AASF/O2/AMOX sutures are used to close the surgical
wounds of adult male Wistar rats of 4 months old and weighing 200–230 g.
Results. Surface hydrophilicity induced by O2 plasma results in an increase in drug-impregnation ef-
ficiency of AASF/O2 yarn by 16.7%. In vitro drug release profiles show continuous and prolonged
release of AMOX from AASF/O2/AMOX yarn up to 336 hours. In vitro hemolysis assay reveals that O2
plasma treatment and subsequent impregnation of AMOX do not affect the heertetmocompatibility of
AASF yarn. The AASF/O2/AMOX yarn proves to be effective for in vitro growth inhibition of Staph-
ylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, whereas AASF offers no antibacterial activity against both
types of bacteria. In vivo histopathology studies and colony-forming unit count data revealed accelerated
wound healing activity of AASF/O2/AMOX over AASF yarn through rapid synthesis and proliferation
of collagen, hair follicle, and connective tissues.
Conclusion. Outcomes of this work clearly demonstrate the potential use of AASF/O2/AMOX yarn as a
controlled antibiotic-releasing suture biomaterial for superficial surgical applications. (Surgery

From the Department of Physics,a Tezpur University; the Physical Sciences Division,b Drug Discovery Labo-
ratoryc, Molecular Biology and Microbial Biotechnology Laboratory,d Institute of Advanced Study in Science
and Technology; and the Department of Pathology,e Hayat Hospital, Assam, India

BACTERIAL INFECTION at the site of surgical incisions either natural or synthetic origin are considered
continues to be a challenging problem in the major cause, because they are susceptible to
providing high-quality health care.1,2 For promot- bacterial attachment and colonization and can
ing postoperative bacterial infection, sutures of provoke excessive inflammatory response in the
host tissues.3,4 As a result, the surrounding tissues
Sources of financial support: No internal or external financial at the wound site are vulnerable to infection, delay-
support was used for this report.
ing wound healing activities. To prevent postoper-
Disclosures: The authors have no conflicts of interest or finan- ative bacterial infection, sutures can be either
cial ties to disclose.
coated with an antibacterial agent or used as mate-
Accepted for publication July 10, 2015.
rial for control release of antibiotic drugs. Develop-
Reprint requests: Arup Jyoti Choudhury, PhD, Department of
ment of antibacterial sutures for preventing
Physics, Tezpur University, Napaam, Sonitpur-784028, Assam,
India. E-mail: arupjchoudhury@gmail.com. postoperative wound infections has been reported
0039-6060/$ - see front matter and investigated in detail.3,4 However, less progress
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. has been made in developing antibiotic-releasing
sutures that can sustain controlled release of

540 Choudhury et al Surgery
February 2016

drug locally to the incised wound, thus removing with an accuracy of ±0.018. The contact angles on
the need for repeated systemic doses and acceler- the samples are determined using Wilhelmy tech-
ating the wound healing process. nique and the surface-free energies are evaluated
Mulberry silk, Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF) has by the Owens-Wendt-Rabel and Kaeble (OWRK)
been widely characterized and used as suture for cen- method.10,11 Field emission scanning electron mi-
turies.5 Compared with BMSF, non–mulberry silk, croscope (Carl Zeiss, SIGMAVP, Japan) is used to
Antherarea assama silk fibroin (AASF) exhibits better observe the surface morphologies of the samples.
biocompatibility and mechanical strength, yet less UV-visible spectra are recorded with a spectropho-
research has been initiated for its utilization in tometer (Shimadzu, UV 1800, Japan) having wave-
different biomedical applications.6,7 It has been re- length accuracy of ±0.1 nm.
ported that AASF scaffold can be used as microarch- Antibiotic drug impregnation. The procedure
itecture for tissue engineering, whereas plasma- describing impregnation of AMOX on AASF/O2
induced polypropylene-grafted AASF may find yarn is shown in Fig 1. Briefly, 1 mg of AMOX is dis-
promising application as a suture material.6,7 To solved in 20 mL of deionized water. Equal lengths
achieve faster healing of postoperative wound, each of AASF and AASF/O2 yarn are immersed
AASF can be further developed as a controlled separately in AMOX solutions for 24 hours and
antibiotic-releasing suture. However, the hydropho- dried in vacuum. The percentage of drug impregna-
bic nature of AASF prevents its development as a su- tion is calculated using the following formula12:
ture for a controlled drug release system.  
W1  W2
The present work aims at imparting surface Drug impregnation ð%Þ ¼ 3 100 ð1Þ
hydrophilicity to AASF yarn using low-temperature
O2 plasma (AASF/O2) for developing it as an
antibiotic-releasing suture to prevent postoperative where W1 the total weight of AMOX dissolved in
bacterial infections and fast wound healing. deionized water, W2 is the total weight of remain-
In vitro drug release behavior, antibacterial activity, ing AMOX in deionized water after removal of
and hemocompatibility of antibiotic-releasing AASF/O2 yarn, and W3 is the total weight of
AASF/O2 suture are further investigated in detail. AASF/O2/AMOX yarn. W2 is calculated from con-
In this work, amoxicillin trihydrate (AMOX) is centration values obtained from the calibration
chosen as antibiotic drug owing to its broad spec- curve on UV spectrophotometric analysis of the
trum antibacterial activities.8 samples. The percentage of drug impregnation
calculated from equation (1) is found to be
16.7% for AASF/O2/AMOX yarn, whereas no
impregnation of AMOX on AASF yarn is observed.
Multifilament AASF yarn is extracted from Antibiotic drug release. The release profile of
muga silk cocoons (Central Silk Board, India) AMOX from AASF/O2/AMOX is assessed in a
using degumming process as described.9 O2 gas buffer of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS;
(purity, 99.995%) is used for plasma generation 150 mmol/L; pH 7.4). At specific incubation
and surface modification of AASF yarn. AMOX time intervals, an aliquot (3 mL) of drug release
(potency $900 mg/mg) was purchased from medium is removed and replaced with same
Sigma-Aldrich and used as received. amount of fresh PBS. The amount of AMOX
Surface modification of AASF yarn by O2 plasma is released to PBS is determined by measuring the
carried out in a stainless steel horizontal cylindrical absorbance at specific wavelength (226 nm) with
chamber of 30 cm diameter and 100 cm length. an UV-visible spectrophotometer and comparing
The pressure inside the vacuum chamber is main- to the predetermined calibration curve. The cu-
tained at 1 3 103 mbar and measured by a capaci- mulative release (%) profile of AMOX is evaluated
tance manometer, and the flow rate of O2 is using Peppas-Korsmeyer’s equation13:
monitored by mass flow controller. The AASF yarn
is placed on the surface of the RF electrode and O2 ft ¼ k  t n ð2Þ
is introduced into the chamber through a gas shower
plate. In the present wok, surface treatment of AASF where ft is the fractional amount of drug
yarn is carried out for 30 seconds at RF power value of released to the PBS medium, k is the release con-
5 W and working pressure of 2 3 101 mbar. stant, n is the release exponent, and t is the time
The dynamic contact angles on AASF and of drug release.
AASF/O2 yarns are measured by tensiometer Antibacterial test. Antibacterial activities of
(Data physics, DCAT-11, Filderstadt, Germany) AASF and AASF/O2/AMOX yarns are evaluated
Surgery Choudhury et al 541
Volume 159, Number 2

Fig 1. Impregnation of amoxicillin trihydrate (AMOX) onto the surface of low temperature O2 plasma treated muga
(Antheraea assama) silk fibroin (AASF/O2) yarn.

against S aureus (ATCC-12600) and E coli (ATCC- schedule for each group of animals is presented
25922) using standard agar diffusion test. The in Fig 2. In addition, a group of 6 noninoculated
bacteria are first inoculated into lysogeny broth animals is taken as controls for comparison. The
medium and kept in an incubator at 378C. Nutrient experimental protocol is approved by the Institu-
agar plates are prepared and a layer of bacteria is tional Animal Ethics Committee, Institute of
placed on the plate with sterile cotton swab. The Advanced Study in Science and Technology, Guwa-
samples are carefully placed on the agar plate us- hati, India (CPCSEA/44/2014).
ing a sterilized forceps. The plates are then incu- On postoperative day 14, the animals are hu-
bated at 378C for 24 hours and the antagonistic manely killed by inhalation of chloroform. After
activities of the samples are qualitatively evaluated careful dissection, tissue specimens are collected
using the zone of inhibition method. from the incised wound. The specimens are fixed
Hemolysis assay. Sodium citrate (3.8%) stabi- in 10% neutral buffered formaldehyde, embedded
lized blood (10 mL) is obtained from a healthy in paraffin wax, cut into 5 mm thickness, and
human volunteer. The blood is collected in sili- stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Stained spec-
conized vials and the test is performed within imen slides are examined under light microscope
3 hours after collection. AASF, AASF/O2, and for histopathological changes. The incised wounds
AASF/O2/AMOX yarns are separately incubated of all animals in each group are inoculated with S
for 1 hour at 378C in siliconized tubes each con- aureus 24 hours postoperatively. On postoperative
taining 10 mL of blood (diluted with PBS in 1:9 days 3, 7, and 14, tissue samples from the wounds
ratio). The absorbance of the supernatant is are excised, pulverized, and homogenized in
measured at 545 nm in a UV-visible spectropho- sterile PBS. Samples are diluted and plated on
tometer. The percentage of hemolysis is calculated Saubourgaurd dextrose agar to tally the colony-
as follows14: forming unit (CFU) count of S aureus grown after
 24 hours of incubation at 28 ± 28C. All results are
Abssample  Absve control
Hemolysisð%Þ ¼ 3 100 normalized based on excised tissue weight.15
ðAbsþve control  Absve control Þ
Surface properties. The water contact angle and
Surgical protocol. Eighteen adult male Wistar corresponding surface energy of AASF are evalu-
rats of 4 months old and weighing 200–230 g are ated to be 98.8 ± 1.88 and 12.6 ± 1.1 mN/m2,
randomly divided into 3 groups of 6 animals each. whereas for AASF/O2 the observed values are
The animal are housed in polypropylene cages and found to be 25.1 ± 0.78 and 22.8 ± 1.7 mN/m2,
kept at 248C, with a 12:12-hour dark:light cycle. respectively. The results show that O2 plasma treat-
The animals are provided free access to standard ment of AASF yarn results in lowering in water con-
pellet diet and water throughout the experimental tact angle by ;75% and subsequent increase in
protocol. The animals are anesthetized by keta- surface energy by ;81%. In addition, O2 plasma
mine hydrochloride (80 mg/kg) and xylaxin treatment leads to an increment in surface energy
(10 mg/kg) injection intramuscularly. Before the of polar components in AASF yarn from 8.2 ± 0.6
operation, the dorsal region of the animals is to 17.2 ± 1.5 mN/m2.
shaved and cleaned properly as a full-thickness Field emission scanning electron microscope
longitudinal incision wound of ; 25 mm long is (FESEM) micrographs of AASF and AASF/O2/
made with a sterilized scalpel. The treatment AMOX yarns are shown in Fig 3, A, B, and those
542 Choudhury et al Surgery
February 2016

Fig 2. Animals inoculated with Streptococcus aureus into different groups depending on postoperative treatment pro-
cesses. The noninoculated group of animals is taken as control. AASF, muga (Antheraea assama) silk fibroin; AMOX,
amoxicillin trihydrate.

Fig 3. Field emission scanning electron microscope images of (A) muga (Antheraea assama) silk fibroin (AASF) and (B)
AASF/O2/amoxicillin trihydrate (AMOX) yarns. Scale bar = 200 nm (original magnification, 350,000). Insets represent
an original magnification of 35000 with a 2-mm scale bar.

with lower magnification are shown in insets. The release of AMOX is found to be 64 ± 1.8%. With
surface of AASF yarn is observed to be smooth increases in incubation time beyond 24 hours,
and uniform. However, after O2 plasma treatment, the release of AMOX becomes slow and steady. Af-
surface roughness in the form of nanopits and ter time of 300 hours, the slope of the curve rea-
voids can be seen on AASF/O2/AMOX yarn. As ches a plateau at 100%.
observed from insets, the presence of AMOX in Antibacterial and blood compatibility studies.
the gaps between fibers comprising AASF/O2 The typical images showing antibacterial activities
yarn possibly indicates the penetration of AMOX of AASF and AASF/O2/AMOX yarns against S
to the core of the yarn. aureus and E coli and the corresponding sizes of
In vitro drug release. The absorption versus the zone of inhibition (Lz) are shown in Fig 5,
concentration curve corresponding to AMOX and A–D. The surface morphologies of the samples
the cumulative percentage of AMOX released are are investigated using FESEM and typical images
shown in Fig 4, A, B. Burst release of AMOX from are shown in Fig 5, E–H. The AASF yarn is
AASF/O2 yarn (55 ± 1.1%) is observed within observed to exhibit no antibacterial activity against
12 hours. Over the first 24 hours, the percentage both bacteria. However, AASF/O2/AMOX yarn
Surgery Choudhury et al 543
Volume 159, Number 2

Fig 4. (A) Calibration curve of amoxicillin trihydrate (AMOX) concentration in phosphate-buffered saline versus absor-
bance (Abs) and (B) plot of the cumulative release (%) of AMOX in PBS as a function of time. Values represent
mean ± standard deviation of 3 batches. (Some error bars are too small to be shown).

Fig 5. Antibacterial activities of muga (Antheraea assama) silk fibroin (AASF) and AASF/O2/amoxicillin trihydrate
(AMOX) yarns against Streptococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Representative sample agar plates show no zone of inhi-
bition (LZ) of (A), (C) AASF yarn against S aureus and E coli. In contrast, clear zone of inhibition can be observed for
(B), (D) AASF/O2/AMOX yarn against S aureus and E coli. Values represent mean ± standard deviation of 2 batches.
Typical field emission scanning electron microscope images show surface morphologies of (E), (G) AASF and (F),
(H) AASF/O2/AMOX yarns. (Scale bar = 1 mm; original magnification, 310,000).

exhibits strong antibacterial activity against both S activities of groups A, B, and C animals at different
aureus and E coli. postoperative periods are presented in the Table.
Fig 6, A, B, shows hemolytic activities of AASF No difference in the behavior of all animals in
and AASF/O2/AMOX yarns against human eryth- each group was seen during the observation
rocytes. The hemolysis (%) for AASF (0.48%) period. In addition, careful observation revealed
and AASF/O2/AMOX (0.12%) yarns are well that the incised wounds of all animals in each
below the permissible limit (5%) for hemocompat- group have similar physical appearance (Table).
ible biomaterials.16 Postinfection CFU count data obtained from
Postoperative observations. Fig 7 shows the in vivo surgical experiment indicates comparatively
wound healing activities of the control group, more reduction of S aureus in the incised wounds
and treatment groups A, B, group C animals on sutured by AASF/O2 and AASF/O2/AMOX than
postoperative days 3, 5, 7, and 14. In the control AASF suture (Fig 8, A). The greatest decrease in
group, the incised wounds show no signs of inflam- CFU count can be observed in the incised wound
mation and bacterial infection up to 7 days of post- sutured by AASF/O2/AMOX yarn. The histopath-
operative period. On day 14, minor inflammation ologic examination of skin tissue collected from
and presence of purulent discharge are observed the incised wounds of group A animals on day 14
in and around the incised wounds, indicating bac- shows fragments of degenerated tissue with foci
terial infection (Fig 7, E). The details of healing of adipose tissue, widespread areas of necrosis
544 Choudhury et al Surgery
February 2016

Fig 6. Hemocompatibility studies of muga (Antheraea assama) silk fibroin (AASF) and AASF/O2/amoxicillin trihydrate
(AMOX) yarns against human erythrocytes. Blood diluted with phosphate-buffered saline (1:9 ratio), without sample, is
taken as negative control, whereas blood diluted with distilled water (1:9 ratio), without sample, is taken as positive con-
trol. (A) Hemolytic test on AASF and AASF/O2/AMOX yarns and (B) hemolysis (%) of red blood cells after incubation
of blood with AASF and AASF/O2/AMOX yarns. Values represent mean ± standard deviation of 3 batches. ve, nega-
tive; +ve, positive.

and dead cells and no signs of tissue regeneration which is attributed to loosely associated AMOX
(Fig 8, B). The skin tissue collected from the with the surface of AASF/O2 yarn that may have
wounds of group B animals shows fragments of been desorbed upon contact with the dissolution
skin tissue lined by atrophic epidermis with flat- (PBS) medium. With further increases in incuba-
tened rete ridges (Fig 8, C). As observed in Fig 8, tion time, slow and steady release of AMOX is
D, the incised wound sutured with AASF/O2/ observed owing to the diffusion of antibiotic
AMOX shows presence of fibro collagenase subepi- drug from the core fibers of AASF/O2 yarn to
dermal tissue with normal skin adnexal structures the PBS medium. This is may be possible because
like hair follicles and sweat glands, indicating com- in this work, the fibers from muga silk cocoons
plete tissue regeneration. are reeled and twisted together to make the
AASF yarn, which results in formation of a tight
DISCUSSION and interconnected network structure. Owing to
The hydrophilic nature of AASF yarn is insolubility of AASF in PBS, the core fibers main-
observed to be significantly improved after O2 tain this network structure in PBS that retards
plasma treatment, which subsequently facilitates fast diffusion of AMOX from AASF/O2 yarn.
the successful impregnation of AMOX onto its sur- AASF yarn is readily susceptible to bacterial
face. The increase in hydrophilicity of AASF/O2 growth, which reveals its poor antibacterial activity
yarn is most likely owing to generation of oxygen against S aureus and E coli (Fig 5, A, C). Therefore,
containing functional groups onto the surface dur- strong antibacterial activity of AASF/O2/AMOX
ing O2 plasma treatment.17 This observation is against S aureus and E coli can be attributed solely
corroborated by FESEM analysis of AASF/O2 to the presence of AMOX. As observed from
yarn (Fig 3, B). The formation of nanopits and Fig 5, B, D, S aureus is comparatively more sensitive
voids on the surface of AASF/O2 yarn can be to AASF/O2/AMOX than E coli. In addition,
attributed to the etching effect caused by AASF/O2/AMOX effectively retains the same
impinging reactive ions.18 This also results in zone of inhibition against both bacteria for up to
incorporation of functional groups onto the sur- 60 hours observation.
face of AASF/O2 yarn, enhancing the surface For safety of blood-contacting biomaterials, 5%
free energy and improving the hydrophilicity of hemolysis is reported as permissible limit for bio-
AASF/O2 yarn. materials.16 In this work, percentages of hemolysis
The in vitro drug release profile of AMOX for AASF and AASF/O2/AMOX yarns are observed
reveals high cumulative release for first 24 hours, to be <1%, which implies that O2 plasma
Surgery Choudhury et al 545
Volume 159, Number 2

Fig 7. (A) Skin closure of the control group. Observation of postoperative period of wound healing of control group at
days (B) 3, (C) 5, (D) 7, and (E) 14. (F) Skin closure of group A animals with no systemic treatment. Observation of
postoperative period of wound healing of group A animals at days (G) 3, (H) 5, (I) 7, and (J) 14. (K) Skin closure
of group B animals subjected to systemic treatment and observation period of the wound healing at days (L) 3, (M)
5, (N) 7, and (O) 14. (P) Skin closure of group C animals using muga (Antheraea assama) silk fibroin (AASF)/O2/amox-
icillin trihydrate (AMOX) suture. Observation of postoperative period of wound healing of group C animals at days (Q)
3, (R) 5, (S) 7, and (T) 14.

treatment followed by impregnation of AMOX the swelling and skin rashes gradually decrease in
does not compromise the hemocompatibility of and around the incised wounds (Fig 7, M). This
AASF yarn. is accredited to the effect of AMOX, which is orally
Postoperative observations reveal severe deteri- administered (systemic treatment) to the animals
oration of the incised wounds of group A animals during the postoperative period. The inflamma-
compared with control group after inoculating the tion in and around the wound can still be seen
incised wounds with S aureus. Good signs of heal- without any hair growth. The healing process in
ing activity were observed in group B animals; group B animals is complete in 21 days,
546 Choudhury et al Surgery
February 2016

Table. Clinical observations of groups A, B, and C animals at different postoperative periods

day Group A Group B Group C
3 Severe swelling and acute Swelling and acute Mild inflammation
inflammation inflammation
Presence of purulent discharge Skin rashes No noticeable skin infection
Minor bleeding No bleeding and skin rashes
5 Persistence of severe swelling Decrease in swelling and skin Fast decrease of inflammatory
and acute inflammation. rashes sign
More purulent discharge No bleeding Growth of hair
Absence of hair growth Presence of inflammation No swelling
No visible hair growth
7 More swelling and acute Decrease in swelling and Perfect wound edge
inflammation inflammatory signs approximation
More purulent discharge Partial epithelization Disappearance of inflammatory
Presence of skin rashes Complete covering of the
incised wound with fur
14 Spreading of infection to the Rapid decrease in Normal appearance of skin
surrounding tissues of the inflammation covered with fur
incised wound
Excessive purulent discharge Visible hair growth
Presence of skin rashes in and
around the wound

Fig 8. (A) Colony-forming unit (CFU) count data from the incised wounds of groups A, B, and C animals collected on
postoperative days 3, 7, and 14 (*P < .05). Histopathologic studies of wound sutured with (B) muga (Antheraea assama)
silk fibroin (AASF), (C) AASF/O2, and (D) AASF/O2/amoxicillin trihydrate (AMOX) yarns on postoperative day 14.
CT, Connecting tissue; DC, dead cells; E, epidermis; FC, fibrocollagenase tissue; HF, hair follicle. Stain: hematoxylin
and eosin; original magnification: 310.

characterized by disappearance of inflammatory and the healing process is completed in 7 days

signs and skin rashes and visible growth of hair (Fig 7, S). This is well-supported by CFU count
in and around the incised wounds. The fastest data, which show the greatest decrease of S aureus
healing activities are observed in group C animals in the incised wounds sutured by AASF/O2/
Surgery Choudhury et al 547
Volume 159, Number 2

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