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Independent University, Bangladesh

Department of Public Health

School of Pharmacy and Public Health
Course Outline
Course Title: Health & Society
Course Code: HEA-101,
Spring 2021

Course Instructor: Dr. Shabareen Tisha

Senior Lecturer
Office Room: 10008
Tutorial Time: by appointment

Course rationale and objectives:

Health is very important to attain individual potential. Prevention of diseases, promotion and protection
of health hazard requires a comprehensive understanding of socio-economic, cultural, political as well
as biological and physical aspects of health and illness.
This course will facilitate to widen students' view and understanding on human health issues from a
holistic and comprehensive perspective and internalize the complex relationship amongst various social
aspects of health, and illness.

The course will look into an understanding of health and its various components and how different
elements of the society affect people’s health and well-being. At the end of the course the students
will be able to conceptualize how health of people is shaped over time with changes in a society like
sanitation, food consumption, education, access to diverse kind of health facilities etc. Students learn
to engage in critical reflection of health-related issues in populations and take look into it with a
diversified perspective.

Course objectives:
At the end of the course students will have comprehensive understanding on the following issues:
1. Introduction to (a) health & disease (b) levels of prevention of diseases (c) promotion and protection
of health
2. Socio-economic and cultural factors that directly and indirectly influence risk of diseases.
3. Socio-economic and cultural factors that influence directly and indirectly positive health of people.
4. Governments and non-government organizations, private sectors, communities, local organizations’
contribution for prevention of diseases, promotion and protection of health.

Course Policy:
1. Please be punctual. While waiting for you, your classmate/s might lose valuable internet data (if
they are using a limited mobile data plan).

2. On joining a class and during class, switch off your microphone. It will allow better sound quality
of the lecture for everyone.
3. If you have any query/comment, feel free to switch on your microphone anytime and talk and turn
it off afterwards OR type your query in the chat box and the instructor will answer.
4. PPT slides and relevant reading materials for each class will be given prior to that class so
that student may have a cursory look into them.
5. Class participation is vital for better understanding of the subject matter. Students are highly
encouraged to ask questions.
6. Students can take tutorials with the instructor during the given office hours. Prior
appointment is required through email to meet online.
7. It is the student’s responsibility to gather information about the assessment dates,
assignment submission, and lectures done and every issue related to the course.
8. The timeline and syllabus of quiz, midterm and final exam is already given in the course outline.
There is NO provision for make-up quizzes.
9. Before appearing in the exam, make sure you have logged in to your browser(s) and associated
app(s) using the institutional email address.
10. During exams and classroom assessments, all student’s video should be kept open. To avoid
issues of power failure, it is the student’s responsibility of the student to have back up plans
with device and connectivity.
11. At all time during class, be respectful to others in the class.

Attendance Policy:
Attendance will be auto generated by CITS while monitoring your online activities throughout the
class. Attendance will be given in the first 10 minutes of class.
Additional Policy:
Please check for IUB directives for additional policies.
Grade Conversion Scheme:
The following chart will be followed for grading. This has been customized from the guideline
provided by the School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F
90-100 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 0-44

A detailed description of assessment policy and format is given below

Sl. Assessment Format Marks

no Type
1. Pre-Mid(Q1) MCQ/fill in the blanks 20
2. Mid-Term(Q2) MCQ/fill in the blanks 30
3. Q3 MCQ/fill in the blanks 20
3. Final(Q3) MCQ/fill in the blanks 30
Total = 100

In all the quizzes:

Students will be assessed individually through multiple choice questions.
a. All assessment tests will include all lectures and discussions as reflected in the class
b. Final exam will include all lectures from midterm onwards.
c. There will be no retake of any test or assessment.
d. Students missing an assessment should make an application stating reasons for
missing the test with supporting documents.
e. For all university related announcements, students should look up IUBs web page.
f. Reading materials and web site links will be provided where required.
g. Students are advised to explore the internet to enhance personal concepts about any
lecture topic.
Reading materials:
The course will be based mostly on the following books:
1. Park's Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, 23rd Edition by K. Park
2. Global Health - Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies by: Michael H. Merson, Robert E.
Black, Anne J. Mills, 3rd Edition.
3. Reading materials and web site links will be provided where required.
Students who are willing to audit the course are welcome during the first two classes and are advised to
contact the instructor after that.
Plagiarism – that is, the presentation of another person’s thoughts or words as though they were the
student’s own – must be strictly avoided. Cheating and plagiarism on exam and assignments are
University Regulation and Code of Conduct:
Please see the Green Book for further information about academic regulation and policies, including
withdrawal and grading, appeals and penalties for plagiarism and academic misconduct.
Students with Disabilities:
Students with disabilities are required to inform the Department of Law of any specific requirement
for classes or examination as soon as possible.
Incomplete (‘I’) Grade:
Awarding of Incomplete or ‘I’ grades should be strongly discouraged. ‘I’ will only be allowed for
students who have a valid reason (ascertained by the senior management). In situations where the
student is unable to complete the course due to unanticipated illness or family emergency and has not
attended at least 75% of the classes held, he / she will be asked to withdraw from that course and
repeat it. In unavoidable circumstances where students have completed 75% of the classes but are
unable to continue (due to illness or family emergency), incomplete grade of ‘I’ may be granted.
Incomplete course has to be completed by the end of the next semester, otherwise grade ‘I’
automatically becomes grade ‘F’. The student is not required to register for the course in the next
Withdrawal (‘W’):
A ‘W’ grade means withdrawal. A student may decide to withdraw from a course by the deadline.
Students must apply to the Program Office for withdrawal from a course with the permission of the
concerned course instructor, Academic Advisor, and the Dean. Withdrawal from only one course in a
semester is allowed but the students should provide valid reason along with documents while applying
for the withdrawal.
Changes of grade:
Change of grade is strongly discouraged. However, an instructor may request a change of grade when
a computational or procedural error occurred in the original assignment of a grade.
Instructor must submit the ‘Grade Change Form’ to the respective program office within one month of
submitting the final grade rolls. A Grade change has to be requested within 1 month of the day of
publishing the grades.
Sessions Learning Outcomes Topics Teaching Assessment Strategy Readings
Session 1 At the end of this session students will be able to: Topic-1: Orientation and Q/A Discussion Pre-Mid assessment Suggested Books, Online
1. Know each other overview of the course Resources and Handout
2.Summarize the course policy (available on Virtual
3.Plan for the exams Learning System)
Session 2 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-2: PPT Pre-Mid assessment
1.Define health the different components of health. Introduction to Health and Q/A Discussion
2.Define society and its concept. Society

Session 3 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-3: PPT Pre-Mid assessment
1. Describe the determinants of health. Social Determinants of Q/A Discussion
2. Discuss how the determinants of health are Health
embedded in the society in positive and negative ways.
Session 4 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic 4: PPT Pre-Mid assessment
1.Explain how to do preliminary management and or Q/A Discussion
referral for common health emergencies that can Physical Emergency
happen to anyone anywhere. Management

Session 5 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic 5: PPT Pre-Mid assessment
1.Define the basic two types of health problems Introduction to the types Q/A Discussion
human beings can have. of Diseases
2.Describe the cycle of diseases.

Session 6 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: 1. Topic-6: Levels of PPT Pre-Mid assessment
Describe occurrence of disease in human body. Disease control Discussion
2.Discuss the significance of different level of MMP
Session 7 QUIZ-1

Session 8 At the end of this lesson student will be able to: Topic-8: Health Midterm
1. Understand the definition of indicators’ Indicators-classroom
2. Understand the concept of health indicators. discussion

Session 9 At the end of this lesson student will be able to: Topic-9: Health PPT Midterm
1. Interpret health indicators and its use. Indicators-lecture Q/A Discussion
2. Describe common health indicators and health
development goals.

Session 10 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-10: Introduction to PPT Midterm
1.Describe why women’s health is important. Maternal Health Q/A Discussion
2.Describe some of the main determinants of women’s
3.Discuss about some of the main health issues of
4.Discuss about way forward.
Session 11 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-11: Maternal PPT Midterm
1.Explain the progress and programs in maternal Health Programs and Q/A Discussion
health in Bangladesh. Progress
2.Understand how maternal health services are
3.Understand the role of international goals to improve
maternal health.

Session 12 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-12: PPT Midterm
1.Clarify questions from any previous lectures. Review class and Q/A Discussion
2.Undestand how health survey can be conducted discussion on survey

Session 13 Mid-Term Exam

Session 14 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-14: PPT Quiz 3 and Final exam
1.Describe why child health is important Child Health Q/A Discussion
2.Describe some of the main determinants of child
health in developing and developed countries.
3.Discuss about some of the main health problems of
4.Discuss about way forward.
Session 15 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-15: PPT Quiz 3 and Final exam
1.Factors associated with early childhood development Early Childhood Q/A Discussion
2.Learn how to use some common scales to asses Development
childhood development progress.

Session 16 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-16: PPT Quiz 3 and Final exam
1.Explain the definition of adolescent period Adolescent Health Q/A Discussion
2.Learn how social factors can influence adolescent

Session 17 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-17: PPT Quiz 3 and Final exam
1.Describe mental health and its barriers. Mental health Q/A Discussion
2.Learn how social factors can influence mental
3.Describe the prevalence of mental health disorders

Session 18 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-18: PPT Quiz 3 and Final exam
1.Share and discuss individual experiences with Mental health classroom Q/A Discussion
mental health. discussion

Session 19 QUIZ 3

Session 20 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-20:
1. Write about different aspects and dimensions of Introduction to public
public health and global health health & Global health.
2. Differentiate public health from individual health.
3.State the importance of public health.

Session 21 At this session student will be able to: Topic-21:

1.Understand the role of SDG’s Sustainable Development

Session 22 At this session student will be able to: Topic-22:

1.Understand the role of SDG’s in improving public Sustainable Development
health. Goal-classroom

Session 23 At this session student will be able to: Topic-23:

1.Describe in brief the health system of Bangladesh. Health Care System

Session 24 At this session student will be able to: Topic-24:

1.Share individual opinion regarding the health Health Care System
system of Bangladesh. classroom discussion

Session 25 At the end of this lesson students will be able to: Topic-25:
1.Clarify questions from any previous lectures. Review Class

Session 26 FINAL EXAM


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