Lesson 3. I Might Be Part of My Community

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Pineda Calzado Brian Alejandro 18/06/2021


A) Complete the sentences below by using ‘may (not)’ and ‘might (not)’ to describe
1. There are some dark clouds in the sky. [may]
It may rain
2. It’s nine-thirty and Jack feels tired. [might]
He might take a nap
3. My class starts soon, but I’m not sure where the classroom is. [may not]
I may not find classroom
4. Sarah has some money and she is at a clothing store. [might]
She migth buy clothes
5. Kelly and Jenny are friends, but they live in different cities. They are both traveling to
Washington this summer. [may]
We may meet each other
6. It’s cold outside, but James isn’t wearing a jacket. [might]
He migth get sick.
7. My brother is at a restaurant and he feels a little hungry. [may]
He may eat everything
8. I should go to work today, but I feel a little sick. [might not]
I might not go to work

B) Listen to Tara and decide whether the sentences are true or false. (TRACK 6)
True False
1. Community is Tara’s world of the year. □ □
2. Tara is living in the same city. □ □
3. Tara might be a volunteer in a library. □ □
4. She could play some games at night with her neighbors. □ □
5. She might play poker with her neighbors. □ □
6. She may start a writing club. □ □
7. She might have time enough to do all these things. □ □
8. She doesn’t need to get a new doctor. □ □
9. Jen, Tara’s friend, might know a doctor and a hairdresser
too. □ □
10. Tara is expecting to become a member of her community
this year.
□ □


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