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SAS Event Stream Processing for Edge Computing


Create new analytics-driven and AI-empowered intelligence

at the smarter and more autonomous edge

Key Benefits
Some data naturally occurs as an ongoing stream of events – a continuous feed of
data from remote sensors and devices in the fast-growing Internet of Things (IoT).
With SAS® Event Stream Processing for Edge Computing, you can:
• Make faster, more intelligent decisions on the edge to understand events while
they’re happening.
• Analyze data continually as it is received, without having to send it to a traditional
data center.
• Update situational intelligence and respond with agility as new events emerge.
• Capture the business value of information immediately, rather than losing it to
information lag.
Analyze high-velocity big data at the edge while it’s still in motion − before it is stored −
so you can take immediate action on what's relevant and ignore what isn’t.

Business leaders depend on IT to deliver integrated analytics that provide fast access to trusted
insights. However, many organizations have complex, siloed data and analytics environments
that make this difficult to achieve. IT can struggle with integrating and administering multiple
tools from different vendors − often without a standardized approach to analytics and gover-
Does your organization need nance. In addition, most analytics environments don’t enable business people to collaborate
to quickly get more value − in part because there’s no agreement on which data is “accurate” and can be trusted to
from its IoT data? understand and address issues.
Analyze data close to where it origi- SAS Unified Insights Model Manager (MM) addresses these challenges by providing a
nates. SAS Event Stream Processing single, comprehensive analytics platform that empowers your insights-driven organization
for Edge Computing is an in-memory, to maximize the value of analytics and reporting. Implemented in weeks, SAS Unified Insights
streaming analytics engine designed to MM gives everyone − from programmers to consumers of analytic outcomes − the ideal
be deployed at the edge, close to where environment for centralizing and managing data and using sophisticated data mining, AI
data originates. It delivers advanced and machine learning, data wrangling, and more to get answers and solve problems.
analytics for faster decisions to help
you understand events while they’re
in motion − in event streams.

Understand what’s relevant up front.

SAS Event Stream Processing for Edge
Computing uses a new way of analyzing
event streams − a “stream, score, then
store” process instead of the traditional
“stream, store, then score” approach.

Extend intelligence where you need it.

SAS Event Stream Processing for Edge
Computing moves intelligence to the
edge − to smart devices or processor-
equipped sensors − and analyzes Figure 1: Move analytics, decisions and action out to the edge, close to where the
streaming data with an array of advanced data originates.
analytics, including artificial intelligence
(AI) and machine learning.
The Solution hardware footprints. Deploy SAS Event
Stream Processing for Edge Computing
Image and video analytics
Streaming data from operations, transac- Combine streaming analytics, video and
in environments with smaller CPUs,
tions, sensors and IoT devices is valuable image ingestion with powerful neural
smaller disks and reduced RAM − or
− when it's well understood. SAS Event networks to process video and still image
scale to support larger, more compute-
Stream Processing for Edge Computing data, including image preprocessing and
intensive GPU environments when
extends SAS Event Stream Processing object detection and classification at the
needed for computer vision.
capabilities to the edge. It is engineered edge (with available GPU support).
for low-latency processing of millions of
events per second, running on smaller, Capabilities In-stream learning model windows
edge-specific commodity hardware. Use different SAS Event Stream Processing
Proven edge capabilities built window types − Train, Score, Calculate,
With SAS, you can seize opportunities for speed Model Supervisor, Model Reader − for
and spot red flags hidden in torrents of fast- SAS Event Stream Processing for Edge different tasks, such as specifying data
moving data flowing through your business. Computing analyzes huge volumes of data stream input sources, continuous in-stream
in motion (millions of events per second) model updates, model comparison,
• Bring advanced analytics and AI to data with extremely low latency (in milliseconds). detecting patterns of interest and defining
in motion at the edge. SAS Event Data is analyzed continually as it is received, derived output actions. Define patterns and
Stream Processing for Edge Computing updating situational intelligence as new address scenarios from all aspects of your
supports streaming data quality and events take place. business, so you have the power to stay
analytics − and a vast array of SAS and
agile and tackle issues as they arise.
open source machine learning and
Ready for real-time action
high-frequency analytics for connecting,
deciphering, cleansing and under- Customizable alerts, notifications and Flexible deployment options for
standing streaming data − in one updates provide situational awareness compute and memory needs
solution. so you can react appropriately to what's Deploy SAS Event Stream Processing for
happening or predicted to happen at the Edge Computing with the server capacity
• Establish a smarter and more autono- edge. Capture the business value of infor- that meets your needs, whether for core
mous edge. SAS Event Stream mation immediately rather than losing it streaming analytics or GPU-enabled
Processing for Edge Computing applies to information lag. computer vision.
continuous queries to the event stream
at the edge. Advanced analytics can
Flexible, open modeling Automated edge deployment
be executed right at the edge without
requiring constant connectivity to a
environment and monitoring
central processing engine. Easily define, test and refine event stream Simplify and automate the deployment
processing projects − even those that and monitoring of multiple event stream
• Use machine learning to gain insights
integrate machine learning and AI − using processing projects and servers with SAS
for taking the right action. No matter
the intuitive SAS Event Stream Processing Event Stream Manager (available with a
how fast your data moves, how much
studio visual designer interface (available license for SAS Event Stream Processing
data you have, or how many data
with a license for SAS Event Stream server on SAS Viya). Streamline analytical
sources you’re pulling from, it’s all under
Processing server on SAS® Viya®). There’s model updates on the edge and ensure
your control via a single, intuitive inter-
no need for specialized programmers. rapid deployment of the latest models as
face. Available GPU support means you
If preferred, Python developer interfaces needed, in a secure and managed manner.
can analyze structured and unstructured
also support your developers’ choice of
data sources − including video, text, and
interfaces, such as Jupyter Lab notebook
image classification and identification
environments using ESPpy. Learn More
− to create richer context for better, High-performance IoT devices and environ-
faster decisions. ments with thousands of connection points
Complete multiphase analytics
• Make decisions on sound, trusted data. are turning the “Internet of Things” into the
SAS Event Stream Processing for Edge
Filter, normalize, categorize, aggregate, de facto state of things. Advances in
Computing moves advanced analytics
standardize and cleanse sensor data computing, light-speed communications
to the edge, including neural nets, regres-
on the edge before it is transmitted − and analytics make it possible to create
sion, classification, text analytics, audio
saving significant transmission and analytics-driven intelligence wherever it is
processing, and other powerful machine
storage resources. Apply prebuilt data needed, even at the fringes of the network.
learning and AI techniques.
quality routines and text processing
execution to data in motion, so See how you can gain the business value
You can embed SAS Analytics at the edge,
edge data is filtered and ready for of rapid intelligence at the edge of the IoT.
in the fog and in data at rest, cleansing and
consumption. Take a free trial or request a demo of
analyzing data at each streaming event
SAS Event Stream Processing for Edge
• Scale economically for growing data phase. In-depth SAS and open source
Computing at
volumes. Take advantage of low-latency, analytical models are portable to the
high-volume throughput on smaller stream and the edge.

SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA
registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2020, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved. 110904_G124037.0220*

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