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1 The No 1. VHF NAV s ag l ty tun ng.

The DME-1 nd cat ons on each RDMI

A W ll d splay 4 dashes.
B W ll d splay a warn ng flag.
C W ll d splay the DME d stance to each tuned DME.

2 Before select ng the ILS test fac l ty

A Select an ILS or VOR frequency on the assoc ated VHF NAV control panel.
B Select an ILS frequency on the assoc ated VHF NAV control panel.
C Select an ILS frequency on the both VHF NAV control panels.

3 If the No. 1 ADF mode selector s selected to TEST, the No. 1 ADF needle on both RDMIs should

A All ser es: Rotate clockw se cont nuously.

B All ser es: Ind cate 90 degrees r ght of the lubber l ne.
C Class cs: Ind cate 45 degrees left of the lubber l ne.
NG's: Po nter slews to 135 degrees relat ve bear ng.

4 A marker beacon sens t v ty selector s located

A On the F rst Off cer's nstrument panel.

B On both the Capta n's and F rst Off cer's control panel.
C On the Capta ns nstrument panel.

5 The Weather radar WX/TURB mode d splays detected turbulence w th n

A 80 Nm.
B 160 Nm.
C 40 Nm.

6 A WXR DSPY warn ng on an EHSI nd cates

A Loss of d splay un t cool ng or an overheat cond t on of the EHSI.

B Weather radar cal brat on fault.
C Weather radar has fa led.

7 Select ng an IRS mode selector from OFF to ALIGN w ll n t ate

A The 7 m nute al gnment cycle.

B The 10 m nute al gnment cycle.
C The 30 second fast al gnment cycle.

8 A flash ng IRS ALIGN l ght nd cates

A Al gnment cannot be completed due to IRS detect on of a rplane movement.

B Normal al gnment cycle.
C Al gnment cannot be completed due to IRS detect on of a rplane movement (on
some 3/4/500's only), s gn f cant d fference between prev ous and entered pos t ons
or no present pos t on entry.
9 W th all AC busses powered, the IRSs are selected from OFF to ALIGN. The ON DC l ght
momentar ly llum nates nd cat ng

A A fast al gn s n progress.
B Impend ng DC power problems, check w th the ma ntenance eng neers.
C A short DC power test w th no act on requ red.

10 Fast al gnment of an IRS s poss ble

A On the ground or n fl ght prov ded one IRS s fully al gned for cross-reference
B Any t me the a r/ground sensor s n ground mode.
C On the ground and stat onary only.

11 Dur ng auto tun ng the No. 1 VHF NAV rad o s prov d ng unrel able data for pos t on updat ng to the
FMC. The VHF NAV control panel automat c frequency w ndow w ll

A D splay ---- (Update 4 FMC or above.)

B D splay the frequency of the unrel able DME stat on.
C D splay 108.00 (Update 4 FMC or above.)

12 The Altenate Nav System ( f nstalled) uses

A IRS and VOR/DME nformat on only.

B IRS, VOR/DME and ADF nformat on.
C IRS nformat on only.

13 The AN/CDU s l m ted to

A 25 waypo nts.
B 20 waypo nts.
C Unl m ted waypo nts.

14 Dur ng Alternate Nav System operat on an IRS fa ls. The IRS Transfer sw tch
A Can transfer nav gat on nputs from the No. 2 IRS to the Capta ns AN/CDU only.
B Cannot transfer nav gat on nputs from the other IRS.
C Can transfer nav gat on nputs from the other IRS.

15 To def ne the or g n a rport on the FMC Route page

A Use the a rf eld 4 character ICAO dent f er.
B Use the a rf eld 3 character dent f er.
C No nput s necessary as the FMC always knows where t s.

16 You observe an alt tude restr ct on on ACT RTE LEGS page of 6000B. Th s nd cates that the a rcraft

A Be at FL060 or below at th s po nt.

B Be at 6000 feet (QNH) or below at th s po nt.
C Be at or between +/- 500 of th s alt tude (6000 feet QNH) at th s po nt.

17 The SUPP NAV DATA pages are access ble

A At any t me.
B On the ground only.
C In fl ght only.

18 The REF NAV DATA pages allow the crew to nh b t

A Up to 5 VORs or DMEs from be ng used for FMC pos t on updat ng.

B One VOR or DME from be ng used for FMC pos t on updat ng.
C Up to 2 VORs or DMEs from be ng used for FMC pos t on updat ng.

19 All waypo nts n the AN/CDU fl ght plan

A May be def ned n terms of lat tude and long tude or rad al/d stance from nav gat on
B Must be def ned n terms of lat tude and long tude.
C Must be def ned as nav gat on beacons or rad al/d stance from nav gat on beacons.

20 The AC busses have fa led n fl ght. The IRSs w ll

A Cont nue to operate on DC power but the R ght IRS s l m ted to 5 m nutes only.
B Cont nue to operate on DC power but the LEFT IRS s l m ted to 5 m nutes only.
C Cont nue to operate on DC power for 5 m nutes only.

21 Wh le n fl ght the r ght IRS DC FAIL amber l ght (only) llum nates nd cat ng that

A The IRS has totally fa led.

B The IRS w ll fa l after 5 m nutes.
C The IRS s operat ng normally on AC power.

22 You have just entered the a rcraft's present pos t on

nto the IRS D splay un t ( a rcraft stat onary ) and
the ntegral cue l ghts n the CLR key have llum nated nd cat ng

A The IRS self test determ nes the data to be of an unreasonable value but the entry
s accepted by the IRS.
B The Centre, Left and R ght (CLR) funct on of the IRS s fully operat onal.
C The IRS self test determ nes the data to be of an unreasonable value and the entry
s not accepted by the

23 The IRS store magnet c var at on data between the

A 73 degrees North and 60 degrees South lat tudes.
B 73 degrees North and 73 degrees South lat tudes.
C 60 degrees North and 73 degrees South lat tudes.

24 The left IRS requ res a full al gnment so t s selected OFF. All electr cal power s

A Removed mmed ately.

B Removed from the system after a 10 seconds shutdown cycle.

C Removed from the system after a 30 seconds shutdown cycle.

25 Dur ng IRS al gnment the r ght hand w ndow of the IRS D splay un t can d splay the m nutes
rema n ng unt l the al gnment s completed, prov ded the D splay Selector s n the

A PPOS pos t on.

B HDG/STS pos t on.
C TK/GS pos t on.

26 The IRS prov des.

A Att tude, head ng and groundspeed nformat on wh le n ATT mode.
B Att tude and head ng nformat on wh le n ATT mode.
C Att tude, head ng and w nd nformat on wh le n ATT mode.

27 Dur ng FMC CDU pre-fl ght sett ng up, a VERIFY POSITION message s observed. Th s could be
caused by

A The d fference between the entered IRS Present Pos t on and the or g n a rport s
greater than 10 NM.
B The d fference between the entered IRS Present Pos t on and the or g n a rport s
greater than 4 NM.
C The CDU sett ng up must be performed from the Left (Capta n's) pos t on and not
the R ght (F/O's) pos t on.

28 The FMC CRZ page d splays a TURB N1 value wh ch s a reference d splay of the N1% for
turbulance penetrat on and t

A Cannot be commanded by the autothrottle.

B Can be commanded by the autothrottle.
C Can be mod f ed by manual nput on the CDU to dr ve the autothrottle.

29 The IRS NAV ONLY message s d splayed n fl ght on the FMC CDU nd cat ng

A AN/CDU operat on s requ red mmed ately.

B No rad o updat ng has occurred w th n the last 4 m nutes.
C No rad o updat ng has occurred w th n the last 12 m nutes.

30 The IRS MOTION message s d splayed on the FMC CDU dur ng al gnment nd cat ng

A The IRS has automat cally frozen the al gnment due to detect on of excess ve
mot on.
B The IRS has automat cally restarted the al gnment due to detect on of excess ve
mot on.
C A IRS Laser gyro platform has fa led to move dur ng al gnment and ma ntenance
act on s requ red mmed ately.

31 The DRAG REQUIRED message on the FMC CDU nd cates

A The a rspeed s 10 knots or more above FMC target speed or w th n 5 Knots of

B The a rspeed s 15 knots or more above FMC target speed or w th n 15 Knots of
C The a rspeed s 20 knots or more above FMC target speed or w th n 5 Knots of

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