Activity 5

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Activity 1

Instructions: Write the word “TRUE” on the space provided onGroup of wireless
the right side ifdevices that
the definition is

definition. LAN connect to access points within

correct. If it is false, encircle and connect the type of network with its corresponding correct
a specified area. Access points
are typically connected to the
network using copper cabling.

A group of interconnected
computers under one

WAN administrative control group

that governs the security and
access control policies that are
in force on the network.

WLAN A networks that connects LANs

in geographically separated

Activity 2

As a Nurse Informaticist designing a type of network of a group of 6 computers in the

emergency department, choose among the type of network that you would prefer and type on
the text box the reason why you choose this type. Visit this link for reference:asdasdasdasf f
As a nurse informaticist, the most
efficient network of a group of 6
computers that should be designed in
an emergency department is a
Client/Server Network. This kind of
network avoids any complexity or
difficulty when there is an increase in
the number of computers in a
network. Also, in this type of network
there exists a network administrator
that ensures backups and security
measures. This is very beneficial in a
hospital setting as important medical
records and data are actually being
used and communicated. Also, there is
a need of permission before a user can
get specific data. Only those records
requested are being delivered to the
user. With this, private and sensitive
medical records will not be easily
accessed by any user.

Activity 1

Instructions: Write the word “TRUE” on the space provided on the right side if the definition is
correct. If it is false, encircle and connect the type of network with its corresponding correct
Group of wireless devices that

LAN connect to access points within

a specified area. Access points
are typically connected to the
network using copper cabling.

A group of interconnected
computers under one

WAN administrative control group

that governs the security and
access control policies that are
in force on the network.

WLAN A networks that connects LANs

in geographically separated

Activity 2

As a Nurse Informaticist designing a type of network of a group of 6 computers in the

emergency department, choose among the type of network that you would prefer and type on
the text box the reason why you choose this type. Visit this link for reference:asdasdasdasf f
As a nurse informaticist, the most
efficient network of a group of 6
computers that should be designed in
an emergency department is a
Client/Server Network. This kind of
network avoids any complexity or
difficulty when there is an increase in
the number of computers in a
network. Also, in this type of network
there exists a network administrator
that ensures backups and security
measures. This is very beneficial in a
hospital setting as important medical
records and data are actually being
used and communicated. Also, there is
a need of permission before a user can
get specific data. Only those records
requested are being delivered to the
user. With this, private and sensitive
medical records will not be easily
accessed by any user.

Read these articles before answering the questions below:


What are some examples that may

affect your hospital network?
Question 1
How does each mode of data
Question 2 transfer affect communication?

Question 1

Base in the article these are the examples or factors that may affect a hospital network. The
examples are the following:

 Limitations of the available hardware recourses

- It should be taken into consideration that there should be an infrastructure
that would provide systems for the hospital network. This also includes
having the sufficient hardware resources such as computer that will be used
in building a network in a hospital.
 Software Modularity:
- The existing platform should also be able to handle the kind of network that
would be used in a hospital setting. It is essential to have an up to date
software that can assist the organization of the hospital network.
 Internet Network
- To have an efficient connectivity there should also be a stable internet
connection. Internet Network can allow different healthcare sectors to
communicate from one another hence, can lead to better work results.
 Training Availability:
- The users of the technology should be trained so that they will acquire the
knowledge in how to make use of the available technology at its full
potential. When the users are trained and knowledgeable, they will see the
relevance of the technology or the use of these networks in effective and
efficient accomplishment of tasks.

Question 2
Simple Duplex- In a simple duplex there is only a unilateral direction of the transmission of data.
This limits the communication of both parties because there is no return of communication or
response. It is either a read-only or receive-only type of transmission. However, this mode is
still important as this can be observed in our alarm systems, escalator, door bells, and even in a
speaker system where the announcer speaks and the message is then amplified to the audience.

Half Duplex- In Half Duplex, there can now be a response transmission. However, the data only
flows in one direction at a time. An example of this is the two-way radios or the police
emergency mobile radios. With this, two parties can now communicate however, they have to
wait a certain time interval for the data to be received before a response can be transmitted.

Full-Duplex- Full duplex is the most efficient type of mode of transmission. In this mode, the
data can now flow in both directions simultaneously. An example of this is in a telephone
conversation where both people can talk at the same time and can also hear each other. Digital
Subscriber Line also uses this type of mode. The users can download data and talk at the
telephone simultaneously.

Explore: In your own

https://www.di words, explain
Enhance analog and
ence/Analog_vs digital data
_Digital transfer.

Both analog and digital signals are being transmitted through electrical signals. In an analog
data, one can just think of it as a physical kind of data or organic data. An example of which is a
sound that is heard from a microphone. There is no longer a need for the use of any system for
the conversion of the data to be observed. This is contrary to what digital data is. Digital data
uses a binary system to render a data.
Activity 1

Instructions: Write the word “TRUE” on the space provided on the right side if the definition is
correct. If it is false, encircle and connect the type of network with its corresponding correct
Group of wireless devices that

LAN connect to access points within

a specified area. Access points
are typically connected to the
network using copper cabling.

A group of interconnected
computers under one

WAN administrative control group

that governs the security and
access control policies that are
in force on the network.

WLAN A networks that connects LANs

in geographically separated

Activity 2

As a Nurse Informaticist designing a type of network of a group of 6 computers in the

emergency department, choose among the type of network that you would prefer and type on
the text box the reason why you choose this type. Visit this link for reference:asdasdasdasf f
As a nurse informaticist, the most
efficient network of a group of 6
computers that should be designed in
an emergency department is a
Client/Server Network. This kind of
network avoids any complexity or
difficulty when there is an increase in
the number of computers in a
network. Also, in this type of network
there exists a network administrator
that ensures backups and security
measures. This is very beneficial in a
hospital setting as important medical
records and data are actually being
used and communicated. Also, there is
a need of permission before a user can
get specific data. Only those records
requested are being delivered to the
user. With this, private and sensitive
medical records will not be easily
accessed by any user.

Activity 1

Instructions: Write the word “TRUE” on the space provided on the right side if the definition is
correct. If it is false, encircle and connect the type of network with its corresponding correct
Group of wireless devices that

LAN connect to access points within

a specified area. Access points
are typically connected to the
network using copper cabling.

A group of interconnected
computers under one

WAN administrative control group

that governs the security and
access control policies that are
in force on the network.

WLAN A networks that connects LANs

in geographically separated

Activity 2

As a Nurse Informaticist designing a type of network of a group of 6 computers in the

emergency department, choose among the type of network that you would prefer and type on
the text box the reason why you choose this type. Visit this link for reference:asdasdasdasf f
As a nurse informaticist, the most
efficient network of a group of 6
computers that should be designed in
an emergency department is a
Client/Server Network. This kind of
network avoids any complexity or
difficulty when there is an increase in
the number of computers in a
network. Also, in this type of network
there exists a network administrator
that ensures backups and security
measures. This is very beneficial in a
hospital setting as important medical
records and data are actually being
used and communicated. Also, there is
a need of permission before a user can
get specific data. Only those records
requested are being delivered to the
user. With this, private and sensitive
medical records will not be easily
accessed by any user.

Read these articles before answering the questions below:


What are some examples that may

affect your hospital network?
Question 1
How does each mode of data
Question 2 transfer affect communication?

Question 1

Base in the article these are the examples or factors that may affect a hospital network. The
examples are the following:

 Limitations of the available hardware recourses

- It should be taken into consideration that there should be an infrastructure
that would provide systems for the hospital network. This also includes
having the sufficient hardware resources such as computer that will be used
in building a network in a hospital.
 Software Modularity:
- The existing platform should also be able to handle the kind of network that
would be used in a hospital setting. It is essential to have an up to date
software that can assist the organization of the hospital network.
 Internet Network
- To have an efficient connectivity there should also be a stable internet
connection. Internet Network can allow different healthcare sectors to
communicate from one another hence, can lead to better work results.
 Training Availability:
- The users of the technology should be trained so that they will acquire the
knowledge in how to make use of the available technology at its full
potential. When the users are trained and knowledgeable, they will see the
relevance of the technology or the use of these networks in effective and
efficient accomplishment of tasks.

Question 2
Simple Duplex- In a simple duplex there is only a unilateral direction of the transmission of data.
This limits the communication of both parties because there is no return of communication or
response. It is either a read-only or receive-only type of transmission. However, this mode is
still important as this can be observed in our alarm systems, escalator, door bells, and even in a
speaker system where the announcer speaks and the message is then amplified to the audience.

Half Duplex- In Half Duplex, there can now be a response transmission. However, the data only
flows in one direction at a time. An example of this is the two-way radios or the police
emergency mobile radios. With this, two parties can now communicate however, they have to
wait a certain time interval for the data to be received before a response can be transmitted.

Full-Duplex- Full duplex is the most efficient type of mode of transmission. In this mode, the
data can now flow in both directions simultaneously. An example of this is in a telephone
conversation where both people can talk at the same time and can also hear each other. Digital
Subscriber Line also uses this type of mode. The users can download data and talk at the
telephone simultaneously.

Explore: In your own

https://www.di words, explain
Enhance analog and
ence/Analog_vs digital data
_Digital transfer.

Both analog and digital signals are being transmitted through electrical signals. In an
analog data, one can just think of it as a physical kind of data or organic data. An example of
which is a sound that is heard from a microphone. There is no longer a need for the use of any
system for the conversion of the data to be observed. This is contrary to what digital data is.
Digital data uses a binary system to render a data. We can simply observe this in the data we
have inside a CD.

Read these articles before answering the questions below:


What are some examples that may

affect your hospital network?
Question 1
How does each mode of data
Question 2 transfer affect communication?

Question 1

Base in the article these are the examples or factors that may affect a hospital network. The
examples are the following:

 Limitations of the available hardware recourses

- It should be taken into consideration that there should be an infrastructure
that would provide systems for the hospital network. This also includes
having the sufficient hardware resources such as computer that will be used
in building a network in a hospital.
 Software Modularity:
- The existing platform should also be able to handle the kind of network that
would be used in a hospital setting. It is essential to have an up to date
software that can assist the organization of the hospital network.
 Internet Network
- To have an efficient connectivity there should also be a stable internet
connection. Internet Network can allow different healthcare sectors to
communicate from one another hence, can lead to better work results.
 Training Availability:
- The users of the technology should be trained so that they will acquire the
knowledge in how to make use of the available technology at its full
potential. When the users are trained and knowledgeable, they will see the
relevance of the technology or the use of these networks in effective and
efficient accomplishment of tasks.
Question 2

Simple Duplex- In a simple duplex there is only a unilateral direction of the transmission of data.
This limits the communication of both parties because there is no return of communication or
response. It is either a read-only or receive-only type of transmission. However, this mode is
still important as this can be observed in our alarm systems, escalator, door bells, and even in a
speaker system where the announcer speaks and the message is then amplified to the audience.

Half Duplex- In Half Duplex, there can now be a response transmission. However, the data only
flows in one direction at a time. An example of this is the two-way radios or the police
emergency mobile radios. With this, two parties can now communicate however, they have to
wait a certain time interval for the data to be received before a response can be transmitted.

Full-Duplex- Full duplex is the most efficient type of mode of transmission. In this mode, the
data can now flow in both directions simultaneously. An example of this is in a telephone
conversation where both people can talk at the same time and can also hear each other. Digital
Subscriber Line also uses this type of mode. The users can download data and talk at the
telephone simultaneously.

Explore: In your own

https://www.di words, explain
Enhance analog and
ence/Analog_vs digital data
_Digital transfer.

Both analog and digital signals are being transmitted through electrical signals. In an analog
data, one can just think of it as a physical kind of data or organic data. An example of which is a
sound that is heard from a microphone. There is no longer a need for the use of any system for
the conversion of the data to be observed. This is contrary to what digital data is. Digital data
uses a binary system to render a d
Activity 1

Instructions: Write the word “TRUE” on the space provided on the right side if the definition is
correct. If it is false, encircle and connect the type of network with its corresponding correct
Group of wireless devices that

LAN connect to access points within

a specified area. Access points
are typically connected to the
network using copper cabling.

A group of interconnected
computers under one

WAN administrative control group

that governs the security and
access control policies that are
in force on the network.

WLAN A networks that connects LANs

in geographically separated

Activity 2

As a Nurse Informaticist designing a type of network of a group of 6 computers in the

emergency department, choose among the type of network that you would prefer and type on
the text box the reason why you choose this type. Visit this link for reference:asdasdasdasf f
As a nurse informaticist, the most
efficient network of a group of 6
computers that should be designed in
an emergency department is a
Client/Server Network. This kind of
network avoids any complexity or
difficulty when there is an increase in
the number of computers in a
network. Also, in this type of network
there exists a network administrator
that ensures backups and security
measures. This is very beneficial in a
hospital setting as important medical
records and data are actually being
used and communicated. Also, there is
a need of permission before a user can
get specific data. Only those records
requested are being delivered to the
user. With this, private and sensitive
medical records will not be easily
accessed by any user.

Activity 1

Instructions: Write the word “TRUE” on the space provided on the right side if the definition is
correct. If it is false, encircle and connect the type of network with its corresponding correct
Group of wireless devices that

LAN connect to access points within

a specified area. Access points
are typically connected to the
network using copper cabling.

A group of interconnected
computers under one

WAN administrative control group

that governs the security and
access control policies that are
in force on the network.

WLAN A networks that connects LANs

in geographically separated

Activity 2

As a Nurse Informaticist designing a type of network of a group of 6 computers in the

emergency department, choose among the type of network that you would prefer and type on
the text box the reason why you choose this type. Visit this link for reference:asdasdasdasf f
As a nurse informaticist, the most
efficient network of a group of 6
computers that should be designed in
an emergency department is a
Client/Server Network. This kind of
network avoids any complexity or
difficulty when there is an increase in
the number of computers in a
network. Also, in this type of network
there exists a network administrator
that ensures backups and security
measures. This is very beneficial in a
hospital setting as important medical
records and data are actually being
used and communicated. Also, there is
a need of permission before a user can
get specific data. Only those records
requested are being delivered to the
user. With this, private and sensitive
medical records will not be easily
accessed by any user.

Read these articles before answering the questions below:


What are some examples that may

affect your hospital network?
Question 1
How does each mode of data
Question 2 transfer affect communication?

Question 1

Base in the article these are the examples or factors that may affect a hospital network. The
examples are the following:

 Limitations of the available hardware recourses

- It should be taken into consideration that there should be an infrastructure
that would provide systems for the hospital network. This also includes
having the sufficient hardware resources such as computer that will be used
in building a network in a hospital.
 Software Modularity:
- The existing platform should also be able to handle the kind of network that
would be used in a hospital setting. It is essential to have an up to date
software that can assist the organization of the hospital network.
 Internet Network
- To have an efficient connectivity there should also be a stable internet
connection. Internet Network can allow different healthcare sectors to
communicate from one another hence, can lead to better work results.
 Training Availability:
- The users of the technology should be trained so that they will acquire the
knowledge in how to make use of the available technology at its full
potential. When the users are trained and knowledgeable, they will see the
relevance of the technology or the use of these networks in effective and
efficient accomplishment of tasks.

Question 2
Simple Duplex- In a simple duplex there is only a unilateral direction of the transmission of data.
This limits the communication of both parties because there is no return of communication or
response. It is either a read-only or receive-only type of transmission. However, this mode is
still important as this can be observed in our alarm systems, escalator, door bells, and even in a
speaker system where the announcer speaks and the message is then amplified to the audience.

Half Duplex- In Half Duplex, there can now be a response transmission. However, the data only
flows in one direction at a time. An example of this is the two-way radios or the police
emergency mobile radios. With this, two parties can now communicate however, they have to
wait a certain time interval for the data to be received before a response can be transmitted.

Full-Duplex- Full duplex is the most efficient type of mode of transmission. In this mode, the
data can now flow in both directions simultaneously. An example of this is in a telephone
conversation where both people can talk at the same time and can also hear each other. Digital
Subscriber Line also uses this type of mode. The users can download data and talk at the
telephone simultaneously.

Explore: In your own

https://www.di words, explain
Enhance analog and
ence/Analog_vs digital data
_Digital transfer.

Both analog and digital signals are being transmitted through electrical signals. In an analog
data, one can just think of it as a physical kind of data or organic data. An example of which is a
sound that is heard from a microphone. There is no longer a need for the use of any system for
the conversion of the data to be observed. This is contrary to what digital data is. Digital data
uses a binary system to render a data.
Activity 1

Instructions: Write the word “TRUE” on the space provided on the right side if the definition is
correct. If it is false, encircle and connect the type of network with its corresponding correct
Group of wireless devices that

LAN connect to access points within

a specified area. Access points
are typically connected to the
network using copper cabling.

A group of interconnected
computers under one

WAN administrative control group

that governs the security and
access control policies that are
in force on the network.

WLAN A networks that connects LANs

in geographically separated

Activity 2

As a Nurse Informaticist designing a type of network of a group of 6 computers in the

emergency department, choose among the type of network that you would prefer and type on
the text box the reason why you choose this type. Visit this link for reference:asdasdasdasf f
As a nurse informaticist, the most
efficient network of a group of 6
computers that should be designed in
an emergency department is a
Client/Server Network. This kind of
network avoids any complexity or
difficulty when there is an increase in
the number of computers in a
network. Also, in this type of network
there exists a network administrator
that ensures backups and security
measures. This is very beneficial in a
hospital setting as important medical
records and data are actually being
used and communicated. Also, there is
a need of permission before a user can
get specific data. Only those records
requested are being delivered to the
user. With this, private and sensitive
medical records will not be easily
accessed by any user.

Activity 1

Instructions: Write the word “TRUE” on the space provided on the right side if the definition is
correct. If it is false, encircle and connect the type of network with its corresponding correct
Group of wireless devices that

LAN connect to access points within

a specified area. Access points
are typically connected to the
network using copper cabling.

A group of interconnected
computers under one

WAN administrative control group

that governs the security and
access control policies that are
in force on the network.

WLAN A networks that connects LANs

in geographically separated

Activity 2

As a Nurse Informaticist designing a type of network of a group of 6 computers in the

emergency department, choose among the type of network that you would prefer and type on
the text box the reason why you choose this type. Visit this link for reference:asdasdasdasf f
As a nurse informaticist, the most
efficient network of a group of 6
computers that should be designed in
an emergency department is a
Client/Server Network. This kind of
network avoids any complexity or
difficulty when there is an increase in
the number of computers in a
network. Also, in this type of network
there exists a network administrator
that ensures backups and security
measures. This is very beneficial in a
hospital setting as important medical
records and data are actually being
used and communicated. Also, there is
a need of permission before a user can
get specific data. Only those records
requested are being delivered to the
user. With this, private and sensitive
medical records will not be easily
accessed by any user.

Read these articles before answering the questions below:


What are some examples that may

affect your hospital network?
Question 1
How does each mode of data
Question 2 transfer affect communication?

Question 1

Base in the article these are the examples or factors that may affect a hospital network. The
examples are the following:

 Limitations of the available hardware recourses

- It should be taken into consideration that there should be an infrastructure
that would provide systems for the hospital network. This also includes
having the sufficient hardware resources such as computer that will be used
in building a network in a hospital.
 Software Modularity:
- The existing platform should also be able to handle the kind of network that
would be used in a hospital setting. It is essential to have an up to date
software that can assist the organization of the hospital network.
 Internet Network
- To have an efficient connectivity there should also be a stable internet
connection. Internet Network can allow different healthcare sectors to
communicate from one another hence, can lead to better work results.
 Training Availability:
- The users of the technology should be trained so that they will acquire the
knowledge in how to make use of the available technology at its full
potential. When the users are trained and knowledgeable, they will see the
relevance of the technology or the use of these networks in effective and
efficient accomplishment of tasks.

Question 2
Simple Duplex- In a simple duplex there is only a unilateral direction of the transmission of data.
This limits the communication of both parties because there is no return of communication or
response. It is either a read-only or receive-only type of transmission. However, this mode is
still important as this can be observed in our alarm systems, escalator, door bells, and even in a
speaker system where the announcer speaks and the message is then amplified to the audience.

Half Duplex- In Half Duplex, there can now be a response transmission. However, the data only
flows in one direction at a time. An example of this is the two-way radios or the police
emergency mobile radios. With this, two parties can now communicate however, they have to
wait a certain time interval for the data to be received before a response can be transmitted.

Full-Duplex- Full duplex is the most efficient type of mode of transmission. In this mode, the
data can now flow in both directions simultaneously. An example of this is in a telephone
conversation where both people can talk at the same time and can also hear each other. Digital
Subscriber Line also uses this type of mode. The users can download data and talk at the
telephone simultaneously.

Explore: In your own

https://www.di words, explain
Enhance analog and
ence/Analog_vs digital data
_Digital transfer.

Both analog and digital signals are being transmitted through electrical signals. In an
analog data, one can just think of it as a physical kind of data or organic data. An example of
which is a sound that is heard from a microphone. There is no longer a need for the use of any
system for the conversion of the data to be observed. This is contrary to what digital data is.
Digital data uses a binary system to render a data. We can simply observe this in the data we
have inside a CD.

Read these articles before answering the questions below:


What are some examples that may

affect your hospital network?
Question 1
How does each mode of data
Question 2 transfer affect communication?

Question 1

Base in the article these are the examples or factors that may affect a hospital network. The
examples are the following:

 Limitations of the available hardware recourses

- It should be taken into consideration that there should be an infrastructure
that would provide systems for the hospital network. This also includes
having the sufficient hardware resources such as computer that will be used
in building a network in a hospital.
 Software Modularity:
- The existing platform should also be able to handle the kind of network that
would be used in a hospital setting. It is essential to have an up to date
software that can assist the organization of the hospital network.
 Internet Network
- To have an efficient connectivity there should also be a stable internet
connection. Internet Network can allow different healthcare sectors to
communicate from one another hence, can lead to better work results.
 Training Availability:
- The users of the technology should be trained so that they will acquire the
knowledge in how to make use of the available technology at its full
potential. When the users are trained and knowledgeable, they will see the
relevance of the technology or the use of these networks in effective and
efficient accomplishment of tasks.
Question 2

Simple Duplex- In a simple duplex there is only a unilateral direction of the transmission of data.
This limits the communication of both parties because there is no return of communication or
response. It is either a read-only or receive-only type of transmission. However, this mode is
still important as this can be observed in our alarm systems, escalator, door bells, and even in a
speaker system where the announcer speaks and the message is then amplified to the audience.

Half Duplex- In Half Duplex, there can now be a response transmission. However, the data only
flows in one direction at a time. An example of this is the two-way radios or the police
emergency mobile radios. With this, two parties can now communicate however, they have to
wait a certain time interval for the data to be received before a response can be transmitted.

Full-Duplex- Full duplex is the most efficient type of mode of transmission. In this mode, the
data can now flow in both directions simultaneously. An example of this is in a telephone
conversation where both people can talk at the same time and can also hear each other. Digital
Subscriber Line also uses this type of mode. The users can download data and talk at the
telephone simultaneously.

Explore: In your own

https://www.di words, explain
Enhance analog and
ence/Analog_vs digital data
_Digital transfer.

Both analog and digital signals are being transmitted through electrical signals. In an
analog data, one can just think of it as a physical kind of data or organic data. An example of
which is a sound that is heard from a microphone. There is no longer a need for the use of any
system for the conversion of the data to be observed. This is contrary to what digital data is.
Digital data uses a binary system to render a data. We can simply observe this in the data we
have inside a CD.

We can simply observe this in the data we have inside a CD.

Read these articles before answering the questions below:


What are some examples that may

affect your hospital network?
Question 1
How does each mode of data
Question 2 transfer affect communication?

Question 1

Base in the article these are the examples or factors that may affect a hospital network. The
examples are the following:

 Limitations of the available hardware recourses

- It should be taken into consideration that there should be an infrastructure
that would provide systems for the hospital network. This also includes
having the sufficient hardware resources such as computer that will be used
in building a network in a hospital.
 Software Modularity:
- The existing platform should also be able to handle the kind of network that
would be used in a hospital setting. It is essential to have an up to date
software that can assist the organization of the hospital network.
 Internet Network
- To have an efficient connectivity there should also be a stable internet
connection. Internet Network can allow different healthcare sectors to
communicate from one another hence, can lead to better work results.
 Training Availability:
- The users of the technology should be trained so that they will acquire the
knowledge in how to make use of the available technology at its full
potential. When the users are trained and knowledgeable, they will see the
relevance of the technology or the use of these networks in effective and
efficient accomplishment of tasks.

Question 2

Simple Duplex- In a simple duplex there is only a unilateral direction of the transmission of data.
This limits the communication of both parties because there is no return of communication or
response. It is either a read-only or receive-only type of transmission. However, this mode is
still important as this can be observed in our alarm systems, escalator, door bells, and even in a
speaker system where the announcer speaks and the message is then amplified to the audience.

Half Duplex- In Half Duplex, there can now be a response transmission. However, the data only
flows in one direction at a time. An example of this is the two-way radios or the police
emergency mobile radios. With this, two parties can now communicate however, they have to
wait a certain time interval for the data to be received before a response can be transmitted.

Full-Duplex- Full duplex is the most efficient type of mode of transmission. In this mode, the
data can now flow in both directions simultaneously. An example of this is in a telephone
conversation where both people can talk at the same time and can also hear each other. Digital
Subscriber Line also uses this type of mode. The users can download data and talk at the
telephone simultaneously.

Explore: In your own

https://www.di words, explain
Enhance analog and
ence/Analog_vs digital data
_Digital transfer.

Both analog and digital signals are being transmitted through electrical signals. In an
analog data, one can just think of it as a physical kind of data or organic data. An example of
which is a sound that is heard from a microphone. There is no longer a need for the use of any
system for the conversion of the data to be observed. This is contrary to what digital data is.
Digital data uses a binary system to render a data. We can simply observe this in the data we
have inside a CD.

ata. We can simply observe this in the data we have inside a CD.
We can simply observe this in the data we have inside a CD.

Read these articles before answering the questions below:


What are some examples that may

affect your hospital network?
Question 1
How does each mode of data
Question 2 transfer affect communication?

Question 1

Base in the article these are the examples or factors that may affect a hospital network. The
examples are the following:

 Limitations of the available hardware recourses

- It should be taken into consideration that there should be an infrastructure
that would provide systems for the hospital network. This also includes
having the sufficient hardware resources such as computer that will be used
in building a network in a hospital.
 Software Modularity:
- The existing platform should also be able to handle the kind of network that
would be used in a hospital setting. It is essential to have an up to date
software that can assist the organization of the hospital network.
 Internet Network
- To have an efficient connectivity there should also be a stable internet
connection. Internet Network can allow different healthcare sectors to
communicate from one another hence, can lead to better work results.
 Training Availability:
- The users of the technology should be trained so that they will acquire the
knowledge in how to make use of the available technology at its full
potential. When the users are trained and knowledgeable, they will see the
relevance of the technology or the use of these networks in effective and
efficient accomplishment of tasks.

Question 2

Simple Duplex- In a simple duplex there is only a unilateral direction of the transmission of data.
This limits the communication of both parties because there is no return of communication or
response. It is either a read-only or receive-only type of transmission. However, this mode is
still important as this can be observed in our alarm systems, escalator, door bells, and even in a
speaker system where the announcer speaks and the message is then amplified to the audience.

Half Duplex- In Half Duplex, there can now be a response transmission. However, the data only
flows in one direction at a time. An example of this is the two-way radios or the police
emergency mobile radios. With this, two parties can now communicate however, they have to
wait a certain time interval for the data to be received before a response can be transmitted.

Full-Duplex- Full duplex is the most efficient type of mode of transmission. In this mode, the
data can now flow in both directions simultaneously. An example of this is in a telephone
conversation where both people can talk at the same time and can also hear each other. Digital
Subscriber Line also uses this type of mode. The users can download data and talk at the
telephone simultaneously.

Explore: In your own

https://www.di words, explain
Enhance analog and
ence/Analog_vs digital data
_Digital transfer.

Both analog and digital signals are being transmitted through electrical signals. In an
analog data, one can just think of it as a physical kind of data or organic data. An example of
which is a sound that is heard from a microphone. There is no longer a need for the use of any
system for the conversion of the data to be observed. This is contrary to what digital data is.
Digital data uses a binary system to render a data. We can simply observe this in the data we
have inside a CD.

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