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Q1) what relevant leadership qualities are to be used for analysis and discuss leadership
style influences employees' behavior and workplace productivity? How will the
transformational leadership work during the work from Home scenario? Give your own
review how you can apply this concept.

Following are several leadership qualities used for analysis and how they influence employee
behavior and workplace productivity.

1. Integrity:
This is one of the most sought after quality in a leadership i.e. integrity. Many world leaders
have emphasized upon this very single quality as the most important one. If a leader doesn’t
have integrity, he should not even be considered a leader at all. Because this trait not only
enables the leader to do his share of work with full honesty, but also inspires others to
become honest and sincere in putting in their efforts by following the leader as an example.
That way, employee behavior turns positive and their workplace productivity increases.

2. Ability to delegate:
One person cannot lead a cause alone hence a leader is supposed to delegate the task as well.
How effectively a leader is able to delegate directly influences employee behavior and
workplace productivity. For example, if a leader delegates each and every task to the
followers, they would be perceived as dictatorial and uninspiring, thereby negatively
influencing employee behavior and organizational culture and vice versa.

3. Communication:
It is often said that a good leader is able to understand and be understood. This is possible
only when they are good in their communication. The more open and frank a leader is in their
communication, more motivated and genuine are the followers in following the suit. That
way, any problem or hiccup occurring in the cause are diagnosed rapidly because due to
effective communication, immediate problem solving takes place. All of this positively
impacts the employees.

4. Self-awareness:
Leading a cause is no less than a laborious task. Hence, a person goes through a lot of ups
and downs especially when it comes to leading in an organization with specific set of goals
and objectives. In that scenario, self-awareness plays a key role in determining whether a
person is a good leader of not. Harnessing self-awareness, leaders develop emotional
intelligence and always present their best side to the employees, who similarly try their very
best which can be gauged from their behavior and productivity.

5. Gratitude:
Although critical thinking plays a key role in solving problems for a leader, nonetheless a
leader needs to be grateful for anything positive that happens anytime. Because till the time
the objectives and goals are realized, a general frustration may happen. That is when exactly
a leader practices gratitude for the progress made and it subsequently encourages
subordinates to remain positive and putting in more efforts.

6. Learning agility:
A person can only master a bunch of skills as it is simply not possible to know-it-all.
However, a good leader requires a strong learning agility so that they keep learning new
things which are required for the realization of the common goal, as the absence of which
would create a lot of learning gaps resulting in miscalculated decisions and half-hearted
planning. Also, this quality is emulated by the subordinates as they would realize the extent
to which a leader is willing to learn for a bigger cause and so will they whenever required.

7. Influence:
It is also one of the key traits a leader is supposed to have as we can simply infer that a
person can’t be a leader if they can’t influence others in demonstrating a certain behavior and
accomplish the required tasks. Hence, this factor becomes one of the most important trait to
have in a leader. Higher the degree of influence a leader has, the better a leader executes the
plans in which the followers are positively influenced and become more productive by giving
their best.

8. Empathy:
This one trait differentiates a leader from a manager. A good manager doesn’t always place
humanity of the subordinates above everything else since the idea is always to do the job
efficiently. However, a good leader is empathetic and relates well with the followers. In
result, followers become more motivated and become strong believers in the leadership,
which leads to affirmative conduct and increased workplace productivity.
A transformational leadership ensures that a leader leads by example at the front and enables
the followers to not only perform the tasks given to them, but also go the extra mile beyond
their abilities. Eventually a transformation takes places in them initiated by the leader.

In a work from home scenario, initially employees are reluctant evident from their laziness
and drowsiness. However, a transformational leader, through their charisma, inspires the rest
of the people to divert their mind from the challenges and difficulties in a work from home
setting and instead helps others concentrate on the importance of continuity to do the work.
Further, they don’t only talk the talk, but also walk the walk. Over a period of time,
employees realize that, however challenging it might be to continuity relentlessly working
from him, the leader would always be present on time and through attentiveness and
concentration encourages others to become more effective and efficient in performing their

Q2) what causes of conflict can you identify in an organization in the current scenario of
work from home? What steps need to first identify them and make the required
corrections? How to increase productivity? Explain the Negotiations mistake that the
organizations face in work from the home scenario in real-time events?

Common causes of conflict and negotiations mistakes in a work-from-home scenario are

discussed below:

1. Limited Resources:
Since different employees have different set of resources and their limit is the most common
factor among all. For example, not all employees can have same type of high-performing
laptops and others devices to perform the company tasks due to difference in job titles and
hierarchy. This may cause conflicts among employees as the employee with a slow laptop or
a internet connection may cause rest of the participants in prolonging the meeting, resulting
to a conflict.

2. Task Interdependence:
In a typical organization, due to presence of a well-set hierarchy, the tasks are mostly
interdependent i.e. person A could only complete once person B sends their share of work for
the further update. For example, one employee prepares the accounts and thereafter the other
employee uses those accounts for analysis. In a work-from-home setting, there might be
delays in sending the work on time therefore those people who depend on others in
accomplishing a tasks would always come in a conflict.

3. Communication Problems:
This is the most common and critical source of conflict in a remote-work setting. Especially,
it is commonly observed that the people are not always online. They might be distracted form
their day-day and routine tasks at home. Some become more distracted while some less. In
result, the flow of communication doesn’t remain constant, therefore the person who is not
sufficiently online will always create the conflict with others who are trying to seek after.

4. Personality Differences:
This may also result in a conflict during work-from-home setting. For example, the boss has
the personality of a go-getter while the employee has the tendency to procrastinate. This
conflict becomes even deeper in the virtual setting because the boss would always keep
intimating the employee to send in their work while the procrastinator would come up with
many excuses for delaying the work, thereby causing a strong conflict.

To address these conflicts, effective conflict management needs to be implemented in full

spirit. For example, in a task inter-dependence, a compromise might take place between two
parties. In the personality differences conflict, composition of the team can be changed so
that people with converging personalities may interact without much conflict. In the
communication problem, majority rule can be employed by binding the employee to commit
a minimum working hours at the same time.

One common negotiation mistake organizations make in a work-from-home setting is having

unrealistic expectations from the employees. I have seen many people complain to their social
circle about spending more time on work in this scenario as compared to the previous physical
one in the office Thus, it is true that organization set unrealistic expectation of ensuring the
employee presence for meetings and tasks beyond their standard working hours. Also, another
negotiation mistake an employee could make is getting overly emotional. Although current
work-from-home is a forced one through pandemic but an employee doesn’t need to be
emotional in their approach to fulfilling the obligations they are supposed to. Ultimately, the
accomplishment of organizational goals would help the employees in return in the form of
monetary as well as non-monetary benefits

Q3) what concept of effective communications are you seeing in the current scenario? What
hindrances are faced in current work and study online? How will you improve the situation
in a team to get the best communication between team members? What best techniques
will you use to assist the team in their verbal and nonverbal communication?

Effective communication has never been more important than in such current scenario where
physical distancing is being practiced and people are advised to maintain social distancing.
Earlier physical proximity was a key component in creating effective communication because
people did not have the technology to communication other than physical conversations.
However, nowadays specially to due radical change in technology and state-of-the-art internet
and network facilities, communication has become possible in a virtual and remote setting.
Similarly, its effectiveness is also a significantly key concern.

One obvious hindrance these days is the supply of uninterrupted internet, which has become one
of the most common hindrances in virtual meets. Specially in a country like Pakistan, where
digital and telecom penetration remains a lot to be desired, internet is not available 24/7 and is
subject to speed fluctuations. Furthermore, the use of texts messages on various apps like
WhatsApp, Emails, Teams etc. sometimes leads to confusion in comprehending the message
properly as there is no substitute of live uninterrupted conversations. Non-verbal communication
also remains a major challenge in a virtual setting because mostly one can’t clearly see the facial
expressions amidst low connection problems and frequent disruptions.

Considering the above challenges, a team should first be disseminated these few major
hindrances because the first step to solve any problem is to diagnose and acknowledge it. As
many people accept the possibility of communication becoming ineffective due to such
roadblocks, they subsequently become prepared to face them and can overlook the minor
mistakes. In addition, people need to be encouraged to adopt effective communication techniques
by placing more emphasis on live conversations rather than written ones. I would personally
involve all my team members to attend sessions on tips and techniques to enhance
communication as a group. In a leadership capacity, I would also arrange some seminars and
training modules so that the team not only understands the importance of effective
communication but also adopt simple and easy-to-do techniques and tricks to ensure the smooth
flow of communication.

Q4) during organizational change planned or unplanned how will this affect the staff? What
step will you suggest that should be taken to resolve the tension as a leader? What
leadership quality will be applied? How manage the stress in one’s life to be able to
perform at the best?

It mentions the alteration in the overall work environment of the organization. It can affect
the whole organization. Change is required to survive in a fast-changing business
environment and maintaining the pace of competition.

But inappropriately management of changes can affect the productivity and performance of
employees in the organization by creating fear among them. They may have fear of
enhancement of workload.
Organizational culture plays an important for employees to manage and adjust to
organizational change. A good culture can motivate the employees to adopt the changes
and improve productivity.

The leader used problem-solving ability from defining the problem to measuring it. The
leader identifies why employees are not able to adopt the changes and solved them by
developing proper communication strategies and training. The leader tried to influence the
employee's behaviour towards organizational change. The leader also motivated and
guided the employees to adopt the organizational change.

Supportive leaders delegate and assign tasks to employees, but also provide employees
with the talents needed to finish the task. They run through problems and issues with
employees and offer a high degree of attention and training on an as-needed basis. the
worker maintains autonomy, but the supportive leader will step in and run through issues
and problems with the worker as they arise.

Eating a daily, well-balanced diet will assist you feel better generally . it's going to also help
control your moods. Your meals should be filled with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and
lean protein for energy. And don’t skip any. It’s not good for you and may put you during
a bad mood, which may actually increase your stress.

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