Reviewer PPE Part 2

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ALCORCON ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER ‘Cebu Main: 4" floor Coast Paifie Downtown Center, Sanciangko St, Cebu City Te #(032) 254-33-84 Manila: 3" floor IPD Bldg 1985, CM Recto camer N, Reyes St, Sampaloc, Manila Tel # (02) 736-4438 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING - DAY 7 Indleated Power Diesel Power Plant 4. Heat generated by fuel, Qg = my Gy where: my= mass flow of fuel 2, Hoating value of fu y= 41,190 139,6%APL, Kul 2. AeFunl eta, P+ 22, gai " eu + om = m, wares yt mei 4. Volune displacement Vo = Z0%LNe, soe where: D= bore N= speed, rps (for2 stroke) N2=spood, rps (ford stoke) _©= numberof eyinders For Double Acting Engine: A. Piston Rod Neglected: Vo = 2(m/4)I B. Piston Rod Considered: Vp = {OLN qo ~d?)LNm? sec where: d= diameter of piston rod 5. Piston Speed = 2LN, m/sec 5, Indicated power, IP where: indicated mean effective pressure Using indicator diagram: The diagram is usod to measure the indicated power ofthe ~ EE engine. Poi Vo ‘A= average area of the diagram ALi Ag 2 Where: A = average area of diagram for both sides of the piston, ry” rin? {L = length of the diagram, m or in K = spring scale constant, Kpa/m or psifin Pw = indicaled mean effective pressure, kpa or psi 6. Brake power, BP = Pai x Vp, KW BP = 2nTN, KW rake mean effective pressure, Kpa T= torque, KN.m N= spood, rps where: T= torque, felbs speod, rpm. Using Prony brake to measure the brake power of the engine. Torque = Tare weight x Moment arm =F x distance 8, Friction power, FP = indicated Power - Brake Power Brake Power Th 2. 1 8. Mechanical efficiency, m= ia power Ue = 40. Generator efficiency, no = 11. Thermal Ecionoy A Indicated Thermal Efficiency = —~ B, Brake Thermal Efficiency m0, ama, or Output . Combined Thema Effiency = S2nerster Output m4/Q, __Aual volume of ir entering _ Vy 12. Volumetic Eloy, (Aronyy = Asus volume of SE ene» eh voor Woe BEE gettee[] 13. Specific fuel consumption: ‘A. Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption = ™ B. Brake Specific Fust Consumption = 174(3800)_ pana GeneratorOutput ' Lead ©. Combined Specific Fuel Consumption = 14, Heat rate: ‘A Indicated Heat Rate = 4200000» eywane ip . 114, (4600}Qn B. Engine Heat Rate = Kurkwenr (9600), GeneratorOutpit ©. Engine-Generator Heat Rate = kaye 18. Generator speed, N (N E Heat Added where: N'= speed, xpm_ = Tequancy = 60 He (not given) "200: Lede P= no. of poles{ must be even nos.) “| ba) 16. Typical heat balance ofthe engine: DIESEL | > asefut output Description - - ul Outpul (Brake Power Riper Tau eal | coottng toss (20%) 26% a ‘Mass balance in the engine: tha + my = ty Heat balance in the engine: Qy = Cooling loss + Friction loss + Exhaust foss + BP 17. Cooling Loss of the engine. Cooling 1088 = My Gp (ta~ 4) Where: my =mass of water = 4.187 Kk e operating at higher elevation: ‘A. Engine Constants 4. Fricion Power at elevated points constant. | 2: Mass of fuel consumption is constant. | 3. Volume of air required is constant 4. Indicated Power is directly proportional to density of air. MD, (RIG ( | B, Temperature and Pressure Relations a higher elevation, 1. Consider the temperature effet alone: “The temperature decreases 3.6°F for every 1000 feet elevation. T 3h Pe=Pylt where: P=520-2.00, 520 ‘1000 P,= Power at sea level evation, ft Py Power at elevation 2. Consider the pressure effect alone: The pressure decreases 1 inch of Hg per 1000 feet B elevation. Py=Py at "2 = Palsega) wher: B= pressure a higher elevation = 20.62". 2. Consider the pressure and temperature effect. Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Recovers/ utlzes heat from exhaust loss o-Ps) li ’ exhaust loss mn Tem }— pp etwoter Listy HYDROELECTRIC POWER mgCoCts ~ tz) = ms(Hs — hry) PLANT Reservoir = “Turbine type selection base on head, wo Net Head a Upto 70 feot " ee poy stradh Rack | Ponto 4. Reservoir - stores the water coming from the upper river or waterfalls 2. Headwater ~ the water in the reservoir 2. Spilway - a weir in the reservoir which discharges excess water so that the head ofthe plant will be maintain. rapt cube | 4. Dam « the concrete structure that encioses the reservoir. 5. Silt Sluice - a chamber which collects the mud and through which —"™*s#igi turbine the mud is discharged. 6, Trash Rack - a screen which prevents the leaves, branches and ‘other water contaminants to enter into the penstock. 7. Valve - opens or closes the entrance of the water into the penstock 8. Surge Chamber - a standpipe connected to the atmosphere and attached to the penstock so that the water will be at atmospheric pressure, ‘9. Penstock ~ the channel that leads the water from the reservoir to the turbine, 10, Turbine - converts the energy of the water into mechanical eneray. 41. Generator - converts the mechanical energy ofthe turbine into electrical energy output, 42. Draft Tube ~ connects the turbine outlet to the talwater so that the turbine can be set above the taihwater level 43. Tailrace - a channel which leads the water from the turbine tothe tailwater 14. Tallwater - the water is discharge from the turbine, ‘TYPES OF HYDRAULIC TURBINE. 4, Impulse turbine (Use for high head) ‘A. Pelton wheel 8B, Jonval turbine C. Turgo turbine D. Girard turbine E. Bank turbine 2. Reaction turbine ‘A. Francis Turbine (Use for medium head) BB. Propeller Turbine (Use for short head ) 1. Fixed Blade 2. Adjustable Blade (Kaplan) ©. Deriaz Turbine Formulas: 1. Gross head, hy hy = Head Waler Elevation - Tail Water Elevation = H.W, Elev. -T. W. Elev. 2, Friction head loss, hy ‘a. Using Darcy’s Equation: hy = flv*/2gD b. Using Morse Equation: hy = 2fLv"/ gD. where: T= coefficient of friction L= length of penstock, V= valocity, misec (9 = 9.81 misec 'D= Inside diameter, m hip be 4, Penstock efficiency = hy 3. Not head, h 5. Volume fow of water, Q=Axv where: A= area v= velocity 6. Water Power, Py = wah where: w= weight donsiy of water = 9.81 KNim® = 62.4 thi? Brake Power 7, Turbine ofcioney: my = Grate: Loe Generator Output Brake Power 9, Turbine Outpu: Wr=Qwh nr where: nr-turbine efficiency 8, Generator efficiency: 6 = 40, Generator output: = Qwh mms where: ny= Generator Efficiency - 11. Generator speed, N where: N=speed f= frequency P= no. of poles (must be even no.) 12. Utiized head, hy = b (rm) where: ny = hydraulic efficiency 49, Head of Peltor (Impulse) turbine: == 14. Head of Reaction (Francis and Kaplan) tubine: =P w 418, Peripheral coefficient, @ Peripheral Velocity __xDN Velociy of Jet” 29h wheres D oe ameter of rnner,m, N= speed of ramet, rs pc oot meee’ = 32215 4s 18. Specie speed of hyeaute turin: ‘SI Unit: 47. Total efficiency, my = nm Thy where: tim = mechanical efficioney y= volumetric efficiency ‘w= hydraulic efficiency DIESEL POWER PLANT 4. An engine-generator rated 9000 KVA at 80% power factor, 3 phase, 4160 V has an ficiency of SO. ovral plant ofcioncy is 28%, what is the heat generated by the A. 18,800 KW B. 28,800 KW C. 7500 KW () 25,714 KW 2. The indicated thermal efficiency of a two stroke diesel engine is 60%. If friction power is 15% of heat generated, determine the brake thermal efficiency of the engine, A 43% (B) 45% C. 36% D. 37% 3. A305 mm x 457 mm four stroke single acting diesel engine is rated at 150 KW at 260 ‘pm. Fuel consumption-at rated load is 0:56 kg/KW-hr with a heating value of 43,912 KJikg. Calculate brake thermal effci ‘A 1053% B. 2745% (C) 14.64% —D. 18.23% 4. Calculate the volumetric flow rate of jacket water to be cooled off in the cooling tower in Limin for a 4500 HP diesel engine running at 300 rpm with a mechanical efficiency ‘of 83%. Indicated thermal efficiency of 34% and jacket loss of 23%. The water temperature rise is 18°C. 178 B, 2800 c. 3200 D. 3130 §, Adiesal engine has a 0.6 mx 1.2 m bore and stroke and operates wih 5% clearance Fora power output of 5000 hp and cut-off ratio of 2.6, calculate the rato of heat input inkw. c 5090 «BB. 6200» G) 5900. 7500 6. Awana heat recovery boiler produces 4.8 Mpa(dry saturated) steam from 104°C feadwater. Tho boiler receives energy from 7 kg/sec of 954°C dy air. After passing through a weste heat boiler, the temperature ofthe aris has been reduce to 343°C. How gruch steam in kg is produced per second? Note: At 4.80 Mpa dry saturated, n= 2796. A 1.30 Bog (€)181 D. 343 Hydro-electric problems 4, The specific speed of turbine is 85 rpm and running at 450 rpm. Ifthe head is 20m and generator efficiency is 90%, what is the maximum power delivered by the generator. "A 450.51 KW B, 354.52 KW C, 650.53 KW (©) 835.57 KW 2, in Francis turbine, the pressure gage leading to the turbine casing reads 380 Kpa. The Volocty of water entering the turbine is 8 m/sec, ifnet head ofthe turbine is 45 m, find the distance from center of spiral casing to the talrace. 3.0m BL 35m c 40m D. 4.5m 3, How many identical turbines, operating at 139.0 rpm and 91% efficiency (gpecitic speed = 5.4), are needed to exploit a head of 1200 ft and a flow of 1660 fs, ‘A. 2turbines (B) Sturbines C, 4turbines —D. 5 turbines 4, How many poles should a 60-Hz generator have, if itis connected to a turbine operating under a design head of 3000 ft with a flow of 82 cis’? Assume turbine specific speed and efficiency 3 and 84 percent respectively. ‘A. 10-pole B 12pole C. 14-pole (0)16pole 5. Ahydro-electric plant having 30 sq. km reservoir area and 100 m head is used 10 ‘generate power. ‘The energy utilized by the consumers whose load is connected to the ‘power plant during a five-hour period is 43.5 x 10° kwh. The overall generation efficiency is 75%. Find the fallin the height of water in the reservoir after the S-hour period. A 513m B.1a2m —C. 321m (0)220m "ALCORCON ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER ‘Cein Main: 4 foot Coos Pate Downtown Centr), Sancangko St, Cebu City Tel #032) 254-13-84 Moni ranch: 3 floor IPD Rl 1955, CM Resto comer, Reyer Se, Sempalo, Manila Tet ¥ (2) 36-4438 PPE - PROBLEM SET #7 INSTRUCTION: Encircl the letter that corresponds to the correct answer of your choice, MULTIPLE CHOICE: 41 During the dynamometer test ofan engine for 1 hy steady load, the engine consumes 40 kg fuel having 43,300 Kirkg heating value, the torque developed is 2.5 KN-m during the tst at 600 "pm, wha isthe effeieny ofthe engine? A. 31.22% (B)3265%C. 55.77% —0.25.00% 2 2. Ad-siroke Gasoline engine has a bore and stroke of 400 mm x 460 mm runing at 750 rpm. If ‘the degen ‘volume is 0.0527 m’/s, calculate the engine efficiency. 35.82% B, 058% C. 3562% D. 45.02% 3. A8 MW diesel engine consumes 240 i of 2°API fel and generates 900 KW. Deter tale of ue! consumed bythe engine (ozkgs B.O4Kls _C. OBkys—_—O. OB kas 4. 820 cm x35 om diesel engine with 4 eylnders and operating on a four stroke, has a rated ewer 10 andi sunng a 250, evra spacoen pe bake power avelope " ‘A. 0.9 mmi-kwB, 0.4 mfmin-kwC. 0.08 mminkw —_(B.)0.0944 hin 5. An engine has & power output of 8.5 hp with 70% efficiency. What vl bathe kuhp? Registered tothe meter? mo b.2 c.a1a8% os 6. 2500 KW diesel engine unit uses 1 bb ol per 850 KWWH produced, Oilis 25°API. Efficiency of {enerator 90%, mechanical efcioney of engine 63%. What i the thermal eficency of engine based on indicated power(%)? A. 31.68 4133 C3960. 85.60 7. A single-acting, four-cylinder, 4 stroke cyele diesel engine with a bore x stoke of 22 x28 em, perating al 375 rpm, consumes © kgih of fel whose heating valuo Is 49,900 Kika. The indicated mean effecve pressure is 800 Kpa, The load on the brake a, which Is 100 om is 115 Xg, Whats the brake mean affective pressure in Kpa? TR aI820 Bsa 00 3100S. 64533 8.)in a double acting, 2 stoke compression ignition engine, 12-cinder, the diameter of the cylinder is 750 mm, stroke is 1450 mm and the piston rod diameter is 240 mm. When running at 120 rpm, the indicated mean effective pressure above and below the pistons ere 6 bar and 5 bar respectively. Calculate the brake power ofthe engine with a mectianalefcieney of 80% in kitowatts ‘A. 6050 B, 6030 @7)12,900—_D. 8375 9. Determine the output powar (KW) of a dite! power pint the engine and generator efficiency is 80% and 96%, respectively. The engine uses 25°API fuel and has a fuel consumption of 0.08 ois the 2741.45 8.2815 c. 1096.6 D.9758.6 10. A foti-cylinder four-stroke Diese! engine with 20 om bore and 25 om stroke running at 1000 pm has a reading of 350 kpa mean effective pressure in the indicator diagram, Calculate the indicated power generated in KW. A, 183.26 B, 114.54 C, 229.4 B 91.63 ‘11. prony brake for measuring the power generated of a six-cylinder, two-stroke Diesel engine rranning at 2000 rpm indicates a reading of 180 N. The length of the arm of the prony brake is @ 1.25. In an hour operation it consumes 14 kg of fuel with a heating value of 53,000 Kuk. Determine the brake thermal efficiency. ~ ‘02301 8, 02857. 0.2503 —_(B’)0.2206 (A YThe following data are the results on a test af an Otto cycte-engine torque = 1200 Nem: 100 kPa, fuel consumption = 0,004 kg/sec; fuel heating ‘om x 82cm; speed = 300 rpm. Calculate the brake volong indicated mean effective pressure ‘value = 43,816 Kilkg; bore x stroke mean effective pressu ‘A. 253 (8) 333 ©. 309°D. 287 418. A Diesel engine consumed 400 liters of fuel having a density of 860 gmsiter and a heating Value of 42500 Kikg. If the thermal eficency is 35%, how many hp-hrs will be generated? ‘A. 1678B. 21820. 181201905 14, Determine the brake power of ait éngine having a brake thermal efficiency of 35% and uses 25°API fuel with fuel consumption of 40 kg ‘A. 16504KW (3173.52 KW C. 193.54KW 0.60.67 KW 15. Adisel engine develops a torque of 5 KN-m at 1800 rpm. Ifthe brake thermal eiciency is 31%, find the heat generated by fue. ‘A. 3050 KW, B3040.25 KW ©, 3000.25 KW D. 5000 KW 46. A500 KW diesel engine operates at 101.3 Kpa and 27°C in Manila, If the engine will operates in Baguio having 83 Kpa and 23°C, what new brake power developed if mechanical efficiency is 5%? ATeookn | 8. sak (Eso 0, art aw 17. ASdBhp blast furnace engine uses fuel vith 10 f/Bhp-hr. The heating value ofthe gasis £3,700 Kelm Determine the brake thermal efficiency. CA\28.15% 5.58% 26.34%, 25.24% 18, During the dynamometer tes of an engine for tf steady load, the engine consumes 40kg ful having 44,000 Kk hating vakie Ifthe fore devel is 2.8 KNem ding the test at 600 ‘pm, what's the brake yonaleffiiency? A. 30.11% 32.19% C.34.556% 0. 23.45% ((8,) Find the power which? BMW natural gas engine can developed alan ait of 1981.2 m taking info consideration the pressure change alone. 1.975 MW 189MW CA TOOMW —D.1.997MW 20. Awasto heat recavery baler produces 4.8 Mpa (dry saturated ) steam fom 104°C feedwater. ‘The boiler receives enery from 6 kas of 954°C dry air. Aer passing through a waste heat boil, the temperature of airs has been reduced to 343°C. How much stam in kgs produced? Note: At 4.80 Mpa dry saturated, n= 2786. 21.88 B13 (owe 0.2.85 21. water brake coupled to an engine on test absorbs 90 kw of power. Find the mass lw of fresh waler through the brake, in Kalin if the temperature increases ofthe waters 12°C, ‘Assume all the hest generated is catied away bythe cooing Water. CX 107.50 kgimin 8. 11D kgimin C00 kgimin _D. 128 kalmin 2A 3500 diesel engine has a cooing water hat enters at 100°F and leaves at 180°F wih 7 oy = 4.19 KAkg-K Find he gallons per minute of water required. SI" 0 R102 (BO. 1456 0. 165 23, A310 mm x-460 mm four stroke single ating dose engine i rated a 170 KW at 280 rpm. Fuel consumption at rated load is 0.26 Kgl witha heating vai of 43,912 Kio. Caleulate brake thermal ofciency. A 31.53% 8 27.45% — EV0.28% —_O, 54.29% 24. A six onder, four stoke diese engine with 76 mm bore x 89 mm soko was run in the Taboratory at ‘1800 rp, when i was found thatthe engine torquo was 168.5 N-m wth a cylinders fring but 135 Nem when one oylnder was out. The engine consumed 12.5 kg of fuel per hour witha heating value of 82120 Kikg and 262 kg of air at 15.6°C per hour. Determine the indicated power. A.321lw 8. 384kw — (@)345kw —_D. 48 3k 25, Acar engine produces an average of 25 KW of power ina period of 10-min during which 1.25 kg of gasoline is consumed. I the heating value of gasoline is 43000 Kikg, the efficiency of this engine dunn this period is A 24% (B) 28% ©. 32% D. 36% 8%-26. A 4 her (2-er per revoiution at standard pressure and temperature) spark ignition engine hhas a compression rato of 8 and 2000 Kkg heat adeltion by the fluid combustion. Considering a cold air-standard Otto cyele model, how much power wil the engine produce when operating at 2500 rpm? A 50.2hp 8. 731th ©. 974hp 6. 151.39hp. 27. Appure Diesel cycle operates with a compression ratio of 15, and a cut-off ratio of 2.6. what is {he vale of heat input in KJsec required for this cyte to produce 300 hp? A. 227 3.) 306 C. 436 D. 558 28, 15.24 cm x 22.86 om single acting, 8 cylinder, 4 stroke diesel engine operates at 1200 rpm ‘The load on te brake arm is 101,6.6m length Is 120 kg What isthe brake mean effective pressure in KPa? CA HSI KPa B, 800 ©. 625 D, 964 29. A gatotine engine generates 250 kw while consuming 0.018 kg/sec of fuel. The fiction power is 25 kw. The higher heating value of fuel is 44,000 kulkg. Caleulato the indicated thermal efficiency. A. 0.372 B, 0.333 0.347 1, 0.316 40, Calculate the volumetric efficiency ofa tour syokS coyinder car engine of 5 em bore and $8 em soko vurning at 2000 rpm win 2.0 min of entering ai eS A071 B.0.75. C.0.55. 0.62 Wo} 31, In a hydroelectric power plant the talwator level fixes at 460m. The net head is 27 m and head loos is 5% of the gross head. What isthe head water elevation? 60807 mo 8. 436.7 m anazt 0, 908.9 32. Fora proposed hydroelectic plant, the taikyater and the head water elevation is 160m and 195 1m, respectively, ithe available flow is 10m and head loss of 4% of available head. Wht is the water power? eser E25 KW @, 36702 KW (G)e206.16 KW _D.2426.70 KW 33, In a ydroslectic plant the brake power if 7,850 KW running at 450rpm and net head of 30m Determine the specific speed ofthe turbine, "5.90.17 rpm. 8, 65.5%pm. (2572.41 mpm 0.76.87 rpm 34, Ina Francis turbine, the pressure gage leading {0 the turbine casing reads 400 kPa and center ‘of spiral casing fs a above the tal race f the velocity of water entering the turbine is Srv, what isthe net head ofthe turbine? 7 A45m B.65m c.54m | (arm (28) From a height of 65m, water flows at the rate of 0.86 ms Bnd driving a water turbine connected to an electric generator revolving at 170 rpm. Calculate the power developed by the turbine in KW ifthe total resisting torque due to ficlion is 640 Nem and the velocty ofthe water \Veaving the turbine blades is 4.76 mis. ‘4623.24 B.66669 — (C. $22.8 D. 541.98 36. A pelion type turbine was installed 31m Bofow the head gate of the penstock. The head loss ‘ue to tition fs 15% ofthe given slevatin. The lengih ofthe penstock is 80 m and the Coefficient of fiction is 0.00083 (Morse). Determine the diameter in meter ofthe penstock and the power output in KW. 0.422, 820.50 1D) 1.005; 13,128.05 237. Ata Proposed hydroslecrc plant site, the average elevation of headwator is 600 rm, the {allwater elevation Is 480m. The average annual water flow is determined to be equal to that volume flowing through a rectangular chanel 4m wide and 0.5 m deep and average velocity of 5:5mis. Assuming the plan will operate 360 days/year, find the energy Kwh thatthe plant site B. 2.457; 12,346.7 . 1.899; 2,948.20 a 43, 4. 41. 48. 49, 50. 6 can developed the hydraulic turbine that wil be used hasan efficiency of 78% and generator efficiency of 90%. Consider a headwork loss of 4% of the available head. A Te,676,052, 8. 79,900°353. 70,087,557 | (D.79,004.460 ‘running at 400 rpm has especie speed of 60 rpm and Read avaiable is 41 m. Mf the rating Gt cach tarbne stalled ig 100 hr, how many turbines must be used? A 2 on cs D7 “The available flow of waler is 25 m°vs at 39 m elevation. if a hydroelectric plant is to be insole wih turbine eflctency of 0.26 and generator efiency of €25, what maximum power that lant could gonerate? AY 67 83 hw 8. 85203 kw C. 6520.30kw D. 6545.90 kw “The aiference between he heed! ce and the tall aca ofa hysro-electi plants 190.. The friction loss through the pensteck is equivalent to 8 m. Water flow at the rate of 2. 5 m'tsec. Power loss duo to fechenin the turbine is 6 kw andthe leakoge loss is 0.02 msec. Determine the elocical power generated in kw the generator offeiencyis 96%. ‘x 5052 Bree c.4631 1, 3042 ‘Asd-mwide and 51m dep iverlows atthe rate of 15 mises. A hyroplant installed nearby develops a gage pressure of 320 ka at tho turbine entrance Caleuate the maximum power avalablein MW. A 08 B.e4 fer .90 “Tne specie speod of turbine s 76 rpm and running at ASO rpm. 1 the head is 28 m anc Jeneratoretcency is 86% what isthe maximum power delivered by the generator A.) 1610 kw B. 650.5 kw c. 750 kw D. 853 kw For generator running at 5 rps and 60 hz, find the number of generator poles. tgpoles 'B Bpoles (C)24 poles. 20 poles In Fancl turbine, the pressire gage leg tothe turbine casing reads 885 kpa and centr of Spiral easing fe 3.5 m above ine talrace. Ifthe veloly of water ontering the turbine is 9 ms, Ralisinegethoed tthotubine? ALAS mn Baim (aayaTm. Dam Paton ype turbine has 30 m head fon loss of 50 m, Tho cdeficer of fiction head loss {rom Moree) s 0.00063 and penstock lngih of @6 m. What is the penstock damier? A. 1.52m B. 169m EC) 1.58m D. 189m ‘n= From a height of 70 m water flows at the fate of 0.85 m*/s and is driving a turbine connected to 460 rpm generator fiona forque is 548 Nm, calculate the turbine eke power. TA 58285 hw | (B)STASOS HW C. S6D.74Kw D. 570.40 kw [Alyato-elecic powerplant consumes 52,660,000 KW-s per annum. Expected flow is 1865, trimin and overall eficlency i 65%, What she net head ip meters? 82 338 c. 14 3 Atydtoelectrc power has the folowing data: catchment 276 ~ 120 sa km, average annual fain fal 138 cm un of - 85% , avaliable head ~ 380 m, overall station aiciency ~ 85%. Caloulat the power hat can de 270 BOS C1436 ——_0.15,502 A stbart generator with economizer and airheater has an overal daft oes of 22.17 cm of ‘water, Ifthe stack gases are at 177°C and if the atmosphere is at 101.3 kpa and 26°C, what theoretical height of stack in meters is needed when no drat fan are used? Assume thal te gas canstant forthe fue gases isthe same as tha fra ‘85560 m B. 550m ©, 589m D.540m ‘A power plant situated at an altitude having an ambient air of 96 kpa and 24°C. . Flue gases at arate of 6.0 kg/soc enter the stack at 200°C and leaves at 160°C. The flue gases Fate eee ‘A boilér uses 2500 kg of coal per hour. The amount of air needed for the combustion of one kg Ce ee ee oe are / A 42250 B. 50300 €.35600 ‘D. 48950 ALCORCON ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER Cebu Main: 4 floor Coast Pacific Downtown Center, Sanciangko St, Cebu City Tel #(032) 254-33-84 ‘Manila: 3 floor IPD Bidg 1955, C M Recto comer N. Reyes St, Sampaloe, Manila Tel # (02) 736-4438 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING ~ DAY 8 Machine Foundation Definitions: Grouting - is the process of filing a small clearance betwaen machine and foundation, after the ‘machine is aligned and leveled, by using a special hardening mixture, X= bedplate length Y= Bedplace width Design Procedure in Machine Foundations: 4. Knowing the bedplate dimensions of the machine, determine the upper dimensions of the foundation “a” and *L" Allow a clearance from the edge of about one foot or about 10% of the length of the bedplate. baxt2e asyeze He = 10% x, then Lex + 20%x = 1.20 amy + 20% x 2. Knowing the woight ofthe machine, Wy, determine the required weight of the foundation, Wp, by ‘any of the following methods: a 3to 6 times Wir> b. @xWex VN) where: We =-weight of foundation, Kg W. = weight of engine, kg N= engi ‘an empherical coeffciont [Table] PSME Code ‘8. Volume of foundation can be computed based on Hp of the engine, Table 2.42.3(6) PSME Code 4d. Weight of foundation can be computed based on the Hp of the engine, Morse 4-5, p108 3. Knowing the bearing capacity of the sol, solve for the base width “b*. For machine foundation use only 12 of the given safe soll bearing capacity. The safe bearing capacity is computed using a Wy + We factor of eyo. By were” & ste sotboangcapeay be Note: If" will come out less that “a, then make b = a, that is, the foundation has a rectangular cross-section. 4. Using a density of 2406 kg/m? for concrete, determine the volume of the foundation, wy mn \ = 2408 5. Compute the depth of the foundation Vp eon 6. Finalize the design; make adjustments in the dimensions if necessary provided the required Volume is maintained and without reducing the required base area. LZ. Use Class A (1:2:4) mixture, that is, 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and 4 parts stone. 8) Determine the quantity of coment, sand and stone using the folowing data: ‘To produce 1 cu yd of concrete using 1:2:4 mixture, the following are needed: 6 sacks coment, 0.44 cu, yd sand and 0.88 cu yd stone, bs 8. Weight of stee! barreinforcements needed should be about 2% to 1% af the weight cf the foundation, (224 Teil) (ADIN) eee 10. Anchor bolts shouldbe thibedded in the concrete atleast 20 times the bolt diameter. 11. Hardening time of foundation after pouring of conerete is at least 7 days or 1 wask. HEAT TRANSFER Cold Formulas: _ 1. Conduction Through Plane Walls: KA Cty ~ ty} pr? where: — Q = heat transmitted, W_ * Ld al A= heat transfer area, m* (.=eutace omperiureonhotsiéo ——ssutaco El tomperaturé on ool oe x= thickness of wall k= thermal conductivity, Wim-°C rae [Jes] ea | cota 2. Conduction Through Composite Plane Wall side! side an HAG=h) atzA -te) ‘ a Ally te) wT ky +21) ermal conductivity of 1st layor face tomp, mal conductivity of 2nd layer ‘A= heat transfer area common to both wall 3, Conduction from Fluid to Fluid ‘wand {. = are interface temporatures = overall conductance or overall coefficient of heat ‘transfer, Win?-°C Ay = area, at = temperature diference, °C 4, Conduction Through Pipe a 2ARL yt), 2k L(y ty) 8) where: _L= pipe length 5. Conduction through composite pipe, eye 2mki ele t) -2eka(ly td) 2e Lty—t) in wn Bilal), Ine Fa) 4 2 ky ke 6, Conduction Fluid to Fluid Through Pipe = Ny An (le- thy = surface conductance on outside surface A= inside surface area =2 rryL ‘Ag outside surface area = 2x yl. Qn hota) CC Riv? 2ekih * Onkgl Addy a 1A Alnean Q loo Alen 7. Mean Temperature Difference A. PARALLEL FLOW A= totale yb B, COUNTER FLOW Ak = bt ale 8. Moan Tomperature Dittrenco *} Ise Spay Atala Logarithmic(true) Mean Temp. Different = B. Log: true) Mean Temp. ee LogMeanat = A 9. Radiation Qe= Heat Transmitted by Radiation (Qn = 20,4084 10° Fe (Ti*- Te"), m-th Qn = 20,408.4 x 10° Fe A (Ti*- Ta, J he ibsolute temperature of surface radiating the heat, K. solute temperature of surface receiving the heat, K A = area, m” sissivity factor = 1.0 for black body or if not given 410 Convection Heat Transfer Fluid to Fluid: Qc =m ep (a=) 11, Surface Convection: MACHINE FOUNDATIONS 4. Afoundation measures 12 tx 14 fx 16 ft Find the number of sack 1:2:4 mixture. A. 302 B. 404 C. 358 ¢ 2. A rectangular foundation cross-section has a bed plate dimension of (fx 10 The uniform clearance on each side is 1 ft. The height of foundation is 4.5 ft. If the weight ofthe steel bar reinforcements needed is 1/2% of weight of foundation, find the weight of stee! bars. Use concrete density of 24 A. 173.47 kg HEAT TRANSFER A. composite wall is made up of an external thickness of brickwork 410 mm thick inside which is a layer of fiberglass 75 mm thick, The fiberglass is faced internally by an insulating board 25 mm thick. The coefficient of thermal conductivity for the three are as follows: Brickwork, 1.5 Win-K Fiberglass, 0.04 Wim-K Insulating board, 0.06 Wine “The surface transfer coefficients ofthe inside wal is 3.1 Wim#-K wihile that ofthe outside wall is 2.5 Wim'-K. Take the internal ambient temperature as 10°C and the external temperature is 27°C. Determine the heat loss through such wall 6 m high and 10 m long. CA)33010W -B. 230.10W 6. 430.10. 530.10 _-2 The surface temperature ofthe hot side ofthe furnace walls 1200°C. itis desired to maintain the outside of the wall at 36°C, A 152 mm of refractory silica is used adjacent to the combustion ‘chamber and 10 mm of steel covers the outside, What thickness of insulating bricks is necessary between refractory and steel, if the heat loss should be kept at 788 Wim? ? use k= 13.84 Win I for reftactory silica; 0.15 for insulating brick, and 45 for steel. A220mm |B. 240mm —C.' 260mm, 280mm 3, An nigulated steam pipe located where the ambient temperature is 32°C, has an inside diameter 7 of 50 mm with 10 mm thick wall. The outside diameter of the corrugated asbestos insulation is 425 mm and the surface coefficient of sil air, hy = 42 Wien"-K. Inside the pipe is steam having a temperature of 150°C with flm coefficient hy= 6000 Wim'-K. Thermal conductivity of pipe and asbestos insulation are 45 and 0.12 Wim-K respectively. Determine the heat loss per unit length of pipe, A. OW B)Z0W C.130W, O40 W 4. The surface transfer coefficients of the inside wal is 3.1 Wrin’-K wile that ofthe outside wal is 2.5 Wim-K. Take the internal ambient temperature as 10°C and the extemal temperature is 27°G.-Qetermine the heat loss through such wall 6 m high and 10 m long. A) 33010W 8. 23010W —C.430.10W _—D. 530.10 W 6. Acoiintertlow heat exchanger is designed to heat fuel ol rom 45°C to 100°C wail the heating fluid enters at 150°C and leaves at 115°C. Calculate the arithmetic mean temperature difference. A. 40°C B. 50°C. c. 80°C D. 70°C 7. Water is flowing in a pipe with radius of 25.4 cm at'e velocity of 5 m/sec at the temperature in the pipe. The density and viscosity of the water are as follows: densily = 997.9 kg/m’ and viscosity of 1.131 Pa-s, What is the Reynolds Number for this situation? CA) 2241 8, 96.2 ©, 3100 1140 QnA (ty ‘coment needed for oe. B) 183.47kg 6, 163.47kg —D. 153.47 kg ALCORCON ‘Goin Min: 4 Not Const Mani Bron 9 oor 7D Bi 1935, PPE - PROBLEM SET #8 INSTRUCTION: Encircle the letter that corres MULTIPLE CHOICE: 4. What is the requite 4200 rpm, and weight ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER ase Downtown Center, Sanciangke St, Cebu Cis Tel a Reyes St Sangalo, Masia Te (02) REMBS ponds tothe correct answer af your choice 16 base area ({’) of the foundation to support an ‘bearing capacity of sail ‘engine with specific speed of j'as 48 kpa. Use e= 0.12 Determine the required speed of an engine avg ‘weight and foundation are ibs and 1501, respectively, Assume & “The heat transfor across a 5° wall of {thermal conductivity. rebrick is 500 Win! ‘of brick is 0.7 Btulhe-fF, find 1 surface temper the temperature on hot rage plant composed fick and concrete ( ‘of insulating material “40°C. the area is 8 m sq ‘material is on oo 2" ware, find the temperature between walls. Note: Insulating Ck test panel, 25 em thick wih ‘of test pariod, the heat Determine the thermal cor a temperature dtferenco transmitted is 500 KJ. A. c. nduectivity of @ mal ‘of 20°F batween surf fal thatis used a 4 Joes. During the 4 hrs steam initially is satu 200m. The steam lin is insu “The ambient tomperat at the discharge ends ‘A, 0.124 Wim=°C ‘At an average temperature ‘80 mm and pipe thickness is iTheat transfer is 650 W, find th tor a total distance of ‘and thickness of 6 om, ated ine te surface fm conductance of ar ifthe moisture "10% and steam rate is 1. 0.452 Wim?-°C ‘with outside diameter of ature of the tube along its ent ficient, Wirn™*C 4 Of 110°C, hot air flows through 2 5 m Pipe: ‘10m, The temper ire length is 24°C. 4.18, The hot combustible 8 Bz ‘Atank contains quid nitrogen at 180°C 6 rods 0.80 em in diamete ‘ambient air outside flow in watts along the su “The volume of coner concrete mixture is considering the dens ro) ellis 25°C, calculate the mag ‘A 0.443 B. 0.0587 the foundation of an engi the conductive heat rete needed fort “13:5 by volume, Calculat ine is 12 cubic me ite the number of 40 kg-bags of ceme' ty of coment a 1500, kit perature is 1900°C while the ‘ricks are available wit 3 10. A composite fur outside wall temperature is 1ace is tobe constructed The in 40%. Three types of Maximum allowable ‘Conductivity (Winn?) temperature CC) . 00 re Kat oss mst not exceed 800i”. Calmaate the inirwin wal thickness in meters. D. 0. 11. The surface of a furnace well is ot atomperatuce of 195080. The ouside wal emperor Thy ura goa wal s made of 25cm of erate mee Raving a thermal conductiiy Of 420 rte Me ots wali steel * cr thc wh Norns ‘conductivity of 47 Win. tee tne tricks in meters of brick 10 be msi ft ‘eaten tne otractory materia and Catt cy 6028 WIT an he Nes SS rot to exceed 750 Wht (0.438 B, 0.402 ©. 0481 0, 0513 «12. neerteon heat exchange is desioned 1000, OCF ajseeof ll wit speaicheat Co = 3.4 fear from 150° to 70°C, Water for co waresncgrk is avaiable at 20°C an flow aha er aoc, Gaal the lena of 3.5m nage Samelet Hubing in meters. THe overcoat het ‘ransfers 90 Wi'*K, °°7 357 B, 452 D. 543 ta, acou seamintiay at 2° gains 18 Ks of eatin. oer) Barc during a 15-minute period {hag tne average rate of heat ranser dug Pe process? ‘K)20W B, 18W 2W 44, Thbveil contained in a roorn loses heat tothe 2 ndings ata rate of 60 Kulmin vite work Tre ed tote room by commute. TV, and is 1 ata KW. Whats the net ernourt Sr ekergy change in KS ofa inthe room ga 30-minute period? B, 70 he) 680 D. 1100 48, Satted stam a 00% flows in 2 020 m inside Garner, ‘021 m outside diametor pipe eat ovrod wih 008 mot aslaton wi a here) ‘onductvty of0.10 Wim-K. The Tre ee ucty 52 Wir.K. The ambien erp JOO". The unit convective Soetfciets are hs = 18,000 Wir?-K and he = 12 Win datermine the heat oss from 4m of pi Oe pwalis B, 82580 waits C. G80.80walls 35,60 watts 10 insisted stoam pipe cated vrs the ambien ere i 32°C, has an inside ane SO ra wh 10 mm hick wall The outs Tometer ofthe cpugated asbestos diameter of apm and suraco coeient of sl 9 he "22 Win Inside the pipes ‘Ream having a ternparaturs of 150°C with fl "oeffcient y= 6000 Winv-K. Thermal ste sly of pipe and asbestos insulation 2,2, ie Oy wink respectively. Determine the conduct engin pipe, A. TOW, (OO ata “gow. 140W Fae ester for cooing enters a condenser at 25. Uieaves at 40°C. The condenser Son atures 45°C, whats the Jog mean tomoersne ‘ference? pees (myiomzT AANS. 12.346 10.02 pace ere separated rom he ambient A on The hot comen are 26°, bya brick wal 120 mm Tyne brik has a thermal surrounis 23 Wire anda surface emis of "et steady state gonsitions the conduct parte Te 120°. A surface fn condcance “eWWinK. Wat is tne outer Su eraneied fr 2 square moter 38 RaZisKn 8 mete GSAS KW. 52.45 KW s19, Acourtorton heat exchangers designed ihe 07%, 26°C to 100°C while the heating Aces al 138° and eaves at 105°C. The fuel J 7 APL and has a specific heat of 2.2 tid eo aad enters the Heat exchanger al he ale 80 ations per, Determine the a arfac area overall cogent of heal ragserS 420 Kealiean™"K. wer) Bostzm | C. 204m 524 20. Aplatedype solar oneray cllctor wih ap absouee surface coverod by a glass plato is 0 A pate ybe ont raciton of 800 Win The glass Hse He Tefleciily of 0.12 end @ Toca a ei, Th absorbing surface has an beer ‘o10.00, The area ofthe crenata is Bm How sac solar energy io wanes absorbed by the collector? 2500, (4) 2080 Cc, 3510 D. 3168, 21. whats ine og moan trmporaure deren nC Fae countertlow heat wats tne og efi cers a OFC: andes at SOT: ws he Gnner pipe another ld enters at 20°C and nas. 60°C. 8 a0 }30 ©. 75 D. 35 ALCORCON ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER ‘Cebu Main: 4" floor Coast Pacific Downtown Center, Sanciangko St, Cebu City Tel #(032) 254-33-84 Manila: 3 floor JPD Bldg 955, C M Recto comer N. Reyes Si, Sampaloc, Manila Tel # (02) 736-4438 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING — DAY 9 7 PUMPS Ge 24s Basic Classification of Pumps: - EE od Wg 1. Reciprocaing pump: A Low dscharge 8, High nese "" "Low speed. sof ping F Reepet ae A Hah acherge.B. Low eC. High speed” B. Not sol-pining 3B Seta iaine Low dseharges. Cow head. C. Used er pug vscous ta ko ot) Flare aurp: A "For png ter wih ig suion it 6. For paping condensate FORMULAS: 1. Volume Flow Rate of Wator, @ Q=Aaxy veo 2, Pressure Headly) where: P = pressure 3. Velocity Head, (hy) where: v= velocity of water g= 9.81 msec’ = 32.2 fsec? 4. Total Head of Purp(h) ‘n= (Mpa = Ma) + (P= Boe) + Ca 22) + (Ps + Pe) where: 2, is negative if source is below pump center lit Pyis negative ifitis a vacuum 5. Water Power, Py = Pw = Qwh, KW : Water Power 6. Pum w) vp 2 ea Eee wp Efficiency(ne) Me = “Bake Power 7. Head as determined from two pressure PunPa , Ye wet 2g where: = is nogative f vacuum 81 Friction Head (n), a Morse equation readings b. Darcy's Equation CHARACTERISTICS OF CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 9. Specific Speed (Ns) single sueton: y= 4Y2 pau sun: NT? ner: N= spood, pm = discharge, pm H= head, ta iar Pwpe: Qa Pen M1, = 82, Neve Noe Peeps 11. For the same pump: si oval ‘A. Constant Impeller Diameter, Variable Speed 1. Variable speed, variable impeller Gemeter ae LM A (ty NOP (Bay “3 Q, Ne Ph Ne. neofwy — me LOEB 1D, We '. Constant Speed Variable Impeller Diameter 2 cy n(B) A QD, = hp (De. Pa . Constant Speed Variable fuid density aw BM A, a We he We Pa 42, Characteristics of Reciprocating Pumps: 1. Piston Displacement 2 Piston Rod Neglected: Vo™ a[zorun] » Piston Rd Considered Vow ZORLN ) 7 (0% —e?)LN 5. tw 418. Boller Feed Pump P Pye v(P2~Pa) ‘BD = drawdown) 2 otal dynamic head ot ume zsh Py = Qwik ie conic Air Compressor Single-Stage Reciprocating Compressor 1. Compression Process:(t to 2) Pivy? = Pvz" a (wy We fl #-(3)" % AP 2. Piston Displacement, Vo P a. For single acting compressor: Vp = Wd D?LN, m/sec b. For double acting compressor: Piston Rod Neglected: Vp = 2( mia D2 LN), m/s Vo = wid 3. Capacity of compressor, Vy Vi = MRT;/ Ps Piston Rod Considered suction 4. Volumetric Eficioncy(ny) 5. Compressor Power, W 6. Compressor Efficiency ne = © 7. Piston Speed = 2LN 8. Compression: A. Isentro APSA a) Kt |(P, LN + m4 (O-A)LN, ms where: Vj = Volume flow rw ME Using conventional formula: ny <1 6 Yo ot w (2) 4] where: y= suction Pa discharge Power Brake Power pie B. Polytropic ©. Isothermal r APsM|(P,) 0 yy a we DBEMR)” a] wermingt ‘Two-Stage Reciprocating Compressor 1. Compressor Work: W 2. Intercooler Prassure, (Px) 2n Fy nt Pea YPr Pe 3. Heat Rejected in the Intercooler Q= heat rejected i ar J (= me he T) where: Gp = 1 KAIkgeK Tx = intercooler temperature a By mmemnssctar mA 5,07(B) sent Work 4. Aciabatic Compressor Efcloncy: ne= 5 ard vio 5. Ideal indicated Power: 1P = Pat Vo Three-Stage Air Compressor . Pe Py 1, Intrealer pressure rao relation: FE = Be x = intercooler bet 1% and 2% stage Py = intercooler bet 2” and 3” stage. 2. Intercooler Pressure: Py = (P? Pa)" OP anAw 3, Compressor Power, W=2" PM: (Px nat |(R 4, Heat Rejected inthe intercooler: Q = 2mey(Ta-Ti) where: c= 1 KUKI et = mass PM Beye m= mass of air m= 1M m) te intercooler temperature between 1 and 2 stage. Fans and Blowers ‘Motor 4, Static Head (ha) hy = we dy = densiy of water= 981 KNin? ‘he = manometer reading, meters of water. da = density of air, KNim* ifeoth static head at suction and discharge oh, hy atte 2, Notocity Head (ha: hi vo'/29 ‘where: v9 = outlet velocity, vs g = 9.61 mised” {both velocity at suction and discharge are given: 3. Total Head (hy h = ha + by 4. Air Power, Py Py = dy Qh, KW. where: Q’= fan capacity, msec dy = density of air, KNim® = (otal head, m Air Power 5. snoy: A Rowse 5. Fan fficioney: one = BA 6. Static Power: Py = dy Q hy |, Stale Power 7. Static Efctoncy, ns ny = Sale Pewee 8, Fan Laws A, Variable Speed(constant fan size) B. Variable density (constant fan size) " ; QM th () 2-(i4) roe eee bed Q2 Ne he \Ne Po (Ne he da where: 4 = density of cir P=power h=head (N= speed 8 holes = hie where: e, = staticfan efficiency 0 = fan efficiency PUMPS 1. The suction pressure ofa pum reads 3in, of mercury vacuum and lscharge pressure reads 140 psi is use to detiver 120 gpm of water with specific volume of 0.0163 fi"ib. Determine the pump work Iban (nf BSTKW ©74KW 1. BAKW Gris ALT 2. A.cumersibo pump davrs 360 gpm ofwaler oa height of ram the ground. The pump ‘were installa 790'A below the ground fovel anda draw down of ft during the operation f water levelis 25 1 above the pump, determine the pump power ATBRW BABKW Co re4KW — @)927KW 3. A double suction centrifugal pumps delivers 20 ft*/sec of water at a head of 12 m and running at {650 rpm, What is the specific speed of the pump? ‘A. 8014.12 rpm B.: 6458.12 rpm (C) 2770.73 rpm D. 9968.73 rpm A 46K 4. Determine the number of stages needed for a centrifugal pump it is used to deliver 400,

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