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COMMUNICATION & PARTICIPATION .......................................................................................................................... 4
1. INTRODUCTION & PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. TERMS & DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. APPLICATION & SCOPE................................................................................................................................................... 4
5. REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
6. PROCESS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 Internal Communication .................................................................................................................................. 4
6.2 External Communication.................................................................................................................................. 5
6.3 Customer Communication ............................................................................................................................... 6
6.4 Verifying Effectiveness ..................................................................................................................................... 6
6.5 Suggestions & Feedback .................................................................................................................................. 6
6.6 Review .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
6.7 Forms & Records .............................................................................................................................................. 6 © 2013 P a g e | 3 of 6

Communication & Participation

1. Introduction & Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines and instructions for communicating the effectiveness of the
integrated management system, including quality, environmental and health and safety requirements, objectives,
policies and achievements as well as product and process performance information.

2. References
Standard Title & Description Clause
ISO 9001:2008 Quality management components 5.5.3
ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management components 4.4.3
OHSAS 18001:2007 Health and safety management components 4.4.3

3. Terms & Definitions

Term Definition
The process of transmitting ideas, thoughts, information, etc. between and among people within
an organization and external parties.

4. Application & Scope

Communications received from employees and all components of the public, including customers, media,
environmental groups, local agencies and internal communications generated to external parties concerning Your
Company’s integrated management system and the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS
18001:2007 standards.

5. Requirements
Top Management is required to:
 Maintain a record of formal environmental communications and the responses
 Authorize and maintain a record of official correspondence relating to policy and related issues
 Provide advice on content of communications to official correspondence relating to the QEH&S matters
The Management Representative is required to:
 Communicate progress towards QEH&S objectives and targets
 Report relevant site-based QEH&S performance information
Employees are required to:
 Communicate issues affecting the company’s QEH&S policies
 Communicate the performance of the QEH&S integrated management system to their Line Manager

6. Process
6.1 Internal Communication
Where information for dissemination becomes available to the Line Manager, it is communicated to employees at the
next available team briefing or meeting. Where employees have a particular requirement for improving their
environmental awareness due to the nature of their activities, suitable workshops are organized. Internal
communication occurs on an on-going basis and is achieved through various mechanisms that include, but are not
limited to: © 2013 P a g e | 4 of 6

 Team meetings and briefings

 Training sessions
 Display boards
 Computer network/intranet/e-mail
 Corrective and preventive actions
 Internal memorandums/letters
 Minutes of meetings
 The corporate policies and objectives are documented in the integrated system manual
 The corporate policies are internally communicated via display boards and training sessions
 Integrated system procedures are controlled documents
 Current versions of procedures are communicated to personnel via the controlled document distribution list
 The integrated system procedures are communicated through internal training sessions
The Management Representative has the overall responsibility for ensuring that information and data about
performance and the effectiveness of the integrated management system are reported to management. This includes
the distribution of all applicable documents, reports and records to appropriate functions.
 Performance of integrated management system is reported via audit reports
 Audit reports are presented at management review meetings

6.2 External Communication

All formal QEH&S communications are authorized prior to release. Appropriate advice is sought on the content and
dissemination of all formal external communications. Consideration is given to the attributes of the communication
media. The use of paper for internal and external communications is minimized in favor of the use of electronic media
and the worldwide web.
All external communications regarding Your Company’s significant QEH&S aspects, policies, objectives and targets are
forwarded to the Management Representative. External communications are categorized as the following from
external stakeholders:
 Emails
 Telephone calls
 Letters
 Written requests for information
 Questionnaires on environmental performance
 Requests for responses to government documents/policies
In each case the following information is recorded and stored as a record:
 Date of communication
 Name of the person
 Address (if relevant)
 Contact details e.g. telephone number and email
 Type of enquiry e.g. complaint
 How the communication was received e.g. letter, email or phone call
 And brief details of the response © 2013 P a g e | 5 of 6

Responses to external communications are recorded if they are transmitted by email or letter. In each case the
response is stored as a record. All external communication records are stored in accordance with the document and
record control procedures.

6.3 Customer Communication

Your Company has determines and implements effective arrangements for communicating with customers in relation
to product information, enquiries, contracts or order handling, including amendments, and customer feedback,
including customer complaints. This process ensures adequate understanding of the needs and expectations of
interested parties, and for translation into organizational requirements. This process includes the identification and
review of relevant information to actively involve customers and other interested parties. Examples of relevant process
information include but are not limited to:
 Requirements of the customer or other interested parties
 Market research, including sector and end-user data
 Contract requirements

6.4 Verifying Effectiveness

The effectiveness of communication is evaluated on an on-going basis; through management reviews, employee
surveys, audits and informal discussions [amend as necessary]. The effectiveness of the communication process is
determined by:
 Interviewing employees to determine awareness of policies, objectives and management system performance
 Evaluating non-conformities to determine whether they are linked to poor internal communication
 Evaluating the relevance and dates of displayed information
 Examining the feedback mechanisms within the organization
 Evaluating training and induction programmes within the organization
 Viewing minutes of meetings containing items of internal communication

6.5 Suggestions & Feedback

Personnel at all levels are encouraged to report problems related to the integrated management system and to offer
suggestions on how to improve performance. Employees may communicate these problems or suggestions to their
supervisor through suggestion forms or corrective/preventative action requests

6.6 Review
The effectiveness of our communication process is assessed during review meetings. New communication strategies
and processes are implemented where appropriate.

6.7 Forms & Records

All documentation and records that are generated by this process are managed in accordance with the document and
data control and the control of records procedure.
Ref. Title & Description © 2013 P a g e | 6 of 6

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