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Branches of Linguistics:

Linguists are engaged in a multiplicity of studies, some of which bear little

direct relationship to each other .

This is an incomplete list of the branches of Linguistics, new ones continue to


The Branches of LInguistics is diveded into two parts.

Internal Branches

External Branches

Internal Branches Linguistics;







External Branches of Linguistics;



Anthropologhical Linguistics


Computional Linguistics

Applied Linguistics

Philosophical Linguistics
Definition of all Branches;

1) Phonetics:

The study of speech sound; how they are produced in the vocal tract (articulatory
phonetics), how they are transmitted through the air (acoustic phonetics), and how
they are perceived by the listener (auditory phonetics).


f, b, i , t, etc.

2) Phonology:

The study of the sound system of language ; how the particular sounds used in each
language from an integrated system for encoding information and how such systems
differ from one language to another .


Top, Stop, Pot.

3) Morphology:

The study of the way in which words are constructed out of smaller units which have
a meaning or grammatical function ,for example the word friendly is constructed from
friend and the adjective- forming - ly .

4) Lexicography:

The compiling of dictionaries .Lexicography could be as a branch of applied


5) Synatax:

The study of how words combine to from sentences and the rules which govern the
formation of sentences.

6) Semantics:

The study of meaning ; how words and sentences are related to the real or imaginary
objects they refer to and the situations they describe.

7) Pragmatics:

The study of the use of language in communication, particularly the relationships

between sentence and the contexts and situation in which they are used such as
time, place and hearer , and speaker's assumptions about the hearer 's belief.

8) Sociolinguistics:
(Language + Society)

The study of Language in relation to social factors such as social class , educational
level ,age,sex,and ethnic origin. such areas as the study of language choice in
bilingual or multilingual communities , language planning or language attitudes can
also be included .

9 ) Stylistics:

The study of that variation in language which is dependent on the situation in which
the language is used and also on the effect the writer/ hearer.Stylistics tries to
establish principles capable of explaining the particular choices made by individuals
and social groups in their use of language .

10 ) Literary stylistics:

The analysis of literary texts applying linguistics methods and theories (phonetics
,morphology, syntax, discourse analysis ,pragmatics, etc)with the aim of providing
retrievable interpretations which allow comparisons of different texts , genres (fiction
,drama,and poetry)etc.

11 ) Psycholinguistics:

The study of the mental processes underlying the planing , production , perception
and comprehension of speech , for example how memory limitation affect speech
production and comprehension . The best development branch of Psycholinguistics is
the study of language acquisition .

12 ) Applied linguistics:

The application of the methods and results of linguistics to such areas as language
teaching; national language policis; translation; language in politics, advertising ,
classrooms and courts (forensic linguistics).

13) Anthropological Linguistics:

( Language +Culture)

The study of language in cross - culture setting is called anthropological linguistics.

14) Philosophical linguistics :

(Language + logical thoughts)

The study of language in which we observe the link between language and logical
thoughts .

15) Computational linguistics :

(Language + computer)
The using of computer to simulate language and it's working .

16) Discourse Analysis :

The study of how sentences in spoken and written language form larger meaningful
units such as paragraphs , conversations, interviews ets .
The importance of English

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